Dec. 30, 2024

Discover the Secret to Creating Your Dream Life | 001

Ever feel like you’re stuck in survival mode, clinging to what doesn’t serve you? This premiere episode of Midlife Rewrite dives into the transformational power of owning your energy and rewriting your midlife story. You’ll hear how shifting from fear to love can help you break free from old patterns, attract abundance, and create the life you truly deserve. Discover why self-love is the foundation of manifesting your dreams, how your thoughts shape your reality, and the practical steps to tune into your intuition and align with joy. This is your invitation to step into creative mode and embrace your divine worthiness.

About the Host:

Carla Salteris, the High Vibe Life Mentor™, is a healer, self-love and energetic alignment coach for Midlife women. She empowers women to ditch their baggage and revamp their reality in midlife, by focusing on their connection with their inner guidance system. She has an extensive and diverse background as a transformational coach, energy healer (including as an Acupuncturist, Shiatsu Therapist and practitioner of other indigenous medical systems). With over 23 years of experience, Carla mentors women on how to become their own healer, the lover of themselves first…body, mind and soul. Standing in deep self-love, her clients connect and embody the Higher Self version of themselves that effortlessly attracts all their desires. A brand new reality is created, one full of possibility where intuition awakens and a new soul fulfilling midlife story can then become manifest. 

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Carla Salteis:

Hey, there Midlife Rewrite Family. So what does it take to have a successful midlife rewrite? You know, once upon a time, I was operating in default mode, and the story that I'd like to tell you about myself and my own transformation is I was going through a breakup of in an eight year relationship, and what I realized is that who I was being in that relationship was exactly what I was getting. So the vibration that I was putting off was one of scarcity, survival, blaming the other in the relationship of not feeling worthy of what I really wanted. I was so focused on, like hanging on to something that wasn't working, like we had clearly grown apart. I still wanted to hang on, though I was like, No no, no, no, and we don't realize that we're operating out of either fear or love. And it was like scarcity, like, this is it? If this doesn't work, like I'm done, like there's this is nothing else that's going to happen for me, and thinking of the worst case scenario was aligned with my beliefs at the time, and that's exactly what came about. Was my was the worst case scenario because I was projecting the fear of what would happen and not owning my vibration, not really engaging in any kind of loving vibration, even though, on the surface, I was kind of giving a little bit of that, but at the root, it was not fixable because I was nowhere near that high flying vibration that would, in turn attract love from him at the time.

Carla Salteis:

And when you get the power of who you're being in the moment, every moment, like over and over and over, that's where the power lies. And as women, so often, we are searching for that love outside of ourselves. It's like he's going to make me happy, or she's going to make me happy. It's going to come from the outside condition. Well, I'm here to tell you that that never happens, right? We can't control what's happening outside of ourselves, but you can absolutely control what you think, what you feel, what you believe and what you expect to happen. So if you're expecting, oh, my God, you know I'm gonna get this illness. Guess what? You're attracting? Okay, I don't care if it's a thought belief system. I don't care it's about your body. I don't know. I don't care if it's your mindset. I don't care if it's a past soul trauma. But if you're regurgitating these worrisome thoughts, you're regurgitating this fearful thoughts, that's what you're manifesting. It's really simple and that respect, but it's hard to undo 50 years of training, okay? It requires some inner work and a commitment to start noticing. And little by little, you build that muscle of being present to the energy that you are giving out to the world. Is it a loving one, or is it a fearful one?

Carla Salteis:

So in that scenario, I put that played out in my life. And of course, the worst, I thought was the worst, came to pass, but there's always sun on the other side of a cloudy day, right? It was like I got the universe delivered exactly what I needed so that I could get what I felt worthy of, so I could have my dream relationship. It took me eight years. Yes, because I was in that default pattern, and I was attracting all the wrong ones because I didn't feel worthy of having it. You see, it's like what you are putting out in the world. It's like this invisible energy force, but it's really cut and dry. You're either admitting you know love or you're emitting fear. And there's a whole scale you know, from despair to Bliss. You know, from the bottom to the top. And the goal of this transformational work to own your vibration and become an energetic match to your desires, whether it's love or a healthy, strong body or prosperity and freedom lifestyle like whatever you want to create, it really comes down to the inner work and you getting to know yourself and what you're putting out and breaking up those beliefs that have not served you after this, you know midlife awakening when you figure out that you know you can either Be in survival victim mode and complaining and feeling bad and not worthy. Or you can be in a creative mode and have unconditional love and not be attached to the conditions, just feel your divine worthiness.

Carla Salteis:

It takes work to get to that level and practice to scale upward energetically, and it's such a joyful journey, though it's the fun, it's a fun journey. It's like you don't know what you don't know because you haven't experienced it, and being in the moment is your greatest power, and that's where the shift happens. And now that I'm in midlife, I can see that time is my greatest commodity. I wasted eight years, and I don't want that for you. Okay, eight years I did. He's like, I look back and I said, Yes, I declared it like I was like, I'm this is, I'm not doing this again. But at night, late, awake, thinking of how our coulda, shoulda would have been waste of your life, waste of energy. You know you can, you can do better. You can have the life you create on purpose by getting to know and remembering who you really are, which is connected to the the universal source energy, God, whatever you want to call it that is, always got your back, always delivering it right to right up underneath your feet. You just have to tune in to your intuition and get to know your gut feelings, recognize the inspired thoughts and the you know, go with the flow of that. And so I'm here to mentor you on how to do that. And when you you get in touch with that power, life is easy. You're just floating down a river having fun, spreading joy, spreading love, and appreciating the life that you have and like that when you are unattached, it shows up for me. My husband came through my parents house burning down, and he was the contractor, and years later, I stumbled upon him and started to get to know him, and was like, wow, there it is manifested. So anything is possible, but you have to line up with it. I delved into my deep self love work. I was just enjoying myself, my time getting to know me, and I just let go of it, and I said, universe. Said, Okay, here you go.

Carla Salteis:

I lined up with it. So it was, it was pretty amazing. And you can have that too. Another thing that is crucial is in that energetic inquiry is distinguishing not beating yourself up. That's kind of like the bridge, you know, when you're just more gentle with yourself. Start caring more about how you feel and letting go of the past. We're kind of trained to keep the past around and live in that scarcity. Worst case scenario, the worrier, the anxiety of not ever having it. Instead of focusing on not having it, you'll be trained to focus on how it feels, having it, but having it now, so that that becomes your point of attraction, and that becomes who you are, having an awesome relationship, having a physically strong, healthy body, healing yourself of emotional pain, physical pain. Your body is an amazing organism. It's all powerful if you tune into your own innate ability to do. So animals do it. We just have all this stuff going on in our head. So if you allow yourself, watch the magic happen. So that's what I have to share with you, and what's a potential, you know, brilliant future for you. So continue to listen, show up and get the gold. I will see you in the next episode. Ciao for now.