Dec. 30, 2024

Break Free from Stuck Patterns and Rewrite Your Reality | 003

Sometimes the biggest obstacle to transforming your life is believing you can. Discover how to shift limiting beliefs, reconnect with your inner power, and create breakthroughs in any area of your life. Through inspiring stories like Lisa’s healing journey and Maria’s relationship shift, you’ll learn how mindset, vibration control, and divine guidance work together to rewrite your reality. It’s time to reclaim your power, activate your potential, and step into the life you’ve always wanted.

About the Host:

Carla Salteris, the High Vibe Life Mentor™, is a healer, self-love and energetic alignment coach for Midlife women. She empowers women to ditch their baggage and revamp their reality in midlife, by focusing on their connection with their inner guidance system. She has an extensive and diverse background as a transformational coach, energy healer (including as an Acupuncturist, Shiatsu Therapist and practitioner of other indigenous medical systems). With over 23 years of experience, Carla mentors women on how to become their own healer, the lover of themselves first…body, mind and soul. Standing in deep self-love, her clients connect and embody the Higher Self version of themselves that effortlessly attracts all their desires. A brand new reality is created, one full of possibility where intuition awakens and a new soul fulfilling midlife story can then become manifest. 

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Carla Salteris:

Hey, Midlife Rewrite family. So I want to go over like, what stops us from doing the inner work that we know will take us to the next level where we can actually manifest our dream life? I know something that stopped me is I had done some transformational work before. I'd been a healer for many, many years. I've done sweat lodges, I've done Heart to Heart talks. I've had healings of all kinds, all kinds of journeying. And one thing that you know, got in the way is, you know, not really owning my own power to heal myself. It was like I was putting myself in the hands of a healer or somebody else. And this is a big misconception, because the way that you let go, and, you know, expand heal, for sure, you it's great to have a healer, but what I would call is a facilitator. Whenever I would do in any kind of healing treatment, acupuncture she had, so I'd be like, I'd love to help you, but I am only the facilitator. You do all the work, and it is truly that is how it is. A healer will hold space for you, but for sure, you can learn how to heal and move through life and have breakthroughs and transformations yourself. For instance, one of the things that was really getting in the way of my own owning my own power to do this myself, was I was taking a lot of seminars, and I would be in a space of other people that really held the space, but then I would leave that space, or I get tired of, you know, traveling and going places to, you know, hear the same kind of seminar, but I didn't really own my own transformation, where I put it in my own Heart, you know, I really transcended it myself, kept doing the work. It's not something is one and done, right? This is life. So it's like transformational work. It doesn't fix you. You can have insights and then not practice it. You can, you know, stay comfortable and stay in the same space and not change and grow.

Carla Salteris:

So with that in mind, you know you, you are the one that does all the work, and so that's a really great thing to understand, and really empowering, because that's the good and the bad news, right? It's, it's all you. One of the other things that can get in the way is certain areas of life for individuals can be harder than the other. You know, one could be going swimmingly, and then the other one could be like, you know, hitting a brick wall, because you have these stubborn attachments to limiting beliefs. So breaking through those and having someone facilitate or help you do that is just will Quantum Leap you into the next, the next and the next expansion and where you were just becoming a master manifester. Because once you learn that like all is well and that you are always being divinely led, when you tap into that inner guidance, it's like things just start surfacing as the next best step, and it feels good in your heart, you're not so much in your head anymore. For instance, this got in my way, like when I was doing, you know, affirmations, you can't just say the words. The law of attraction doesn't respond to that. It responds to the energy. So if you're not feeling it, or you're putting your power outside of yourself, like hoping that like a doctor or like a healer or somebody else is going to, you know, do that for you. It's not going to happen. It's something you really are on your own to feel into and then transcend so But fear not that this is just how it is. So you know, you can't continue to wish and hope. You know, that's what I was always like, Okay, I'm going to be positive. I'm going to wish. It's like wishing and hoping. But if you're not taking the you're not taking the divine download and taking the next inspired step, then it's all for naught, right? You're just going to stay in the same place nice. Some common mistakes that also just got in the way are like not having a mentor, just trying to do it and figure it out all on your own is really frustrating and takes a really long time. I mean, I did a lot of work on my on my own, but when I got a mentor that could actually give me feedback, like, oh, okay, and and challenge the my beliefs and actually help me expand how I was viewing my life and what I expected exponentially, broke through the barriers of the transformation that I wanted to achieve. So you have to have somebody else if you want to save years off your life. And when you're in midlife, you come to realize that time is your greatest commodity. If you're not focused on getting to the next step quickly with vigor, you know you're not, I know you're not committed to the same old, same old. And if you are, don't do anything, because that's exactly what you'll get right. But if you really want to rewrite your own reality, and it's in your own power, and it's with the with the energy and everything that encompasses your dream, you can actually feel into it and create it, but you gotta do it right?

Carla Salteris:

So I want to tell you a little bit about one of my clients, Lisa. Lisa, like many women you know, had gotten pregnant and did not want to be pregnant, and because she had an abortion, it really stunted her self development. It stunted her ability to forgive herself, to love herself, and you know, it really shuts down. It puts like a wet towel on your self development when you can't move past and see yourself as a divine being. You know, we think I'm a bad person. I could never you know, but that the source energy does not view it that way. You are loved unconditionally, and when you get that, you're loved unconditionally and you can love others unconditionally, that's where you have true power. And what happened with Lisa is that she wanted to be she had all these dreams and aspirations, but she had developed some health issues, and she didn't get that. She actually was creating some of these health issues because of the rooted unworthiness of feeling that she couldn't she didn't deserve to have good things in life. You know, it's like this constant Gremlin in the back of her head, you know, the inner critic. And when you work with silencing that and getting that under control and realizing these are just lies that you're telling yourself, okay, it's the the body and the mind. They don't know any different than if you feel it, whatever that is, you actually embody that, and are being that, and you are radiating that into the universe. Give me more of that. So if you're listening to the I'm calling it the bad wolf. You've heard of the Good Wolf and the bad wolf. Which one do you want to feed? Well, if you start to stop feeding the Bad Wolf, like Lisa did, and she started listening and and embodying the the woman she wanted to be, the woman she knew that she she knew, but she couldn't actually get the beliefs out of her way so that she could really feel her worthiness, to own her worthiness, so that she stepped into the world. She treated others with unconditional love. She started not only treating others, but treating herself. It's like really, when you start treating yourself with grace and you're able to like, nurture yourself, allow yourself to dream, allow yourself to create a vision of an expanded life, everything come becomes more loving and gentle and flows and just like your path comes up in front of you, right under your feet, because Lisa started doing her meditation, she started connecting to source and really owning her own connection.

Carla Salteris:

We've so gotten away from having our own connection, and it is vital if you want to raise your vibration, be happy, appreciate what you have, so that that is what you're sending out. And guess what? You're going to attract back an awesome love relationship, wealth, prosperity. We call it luck, but it's not luck. It's just you're a magnet to positive, high flying energy, and it it changes your life. It just does and so happy to say, it's not like you forget things and you know soul traumas, things that happen to you that you you know, it's just, are you going to focus on that? Are you going to kind of let it fade into the background? And so she was able to actually love herself, look herself in the mirror and said, I love you, and feel it genuinely. Feel it like be authentic. You can't pretend to love yourself. It doesn't work. You have to do the work and you start exactly where you are. It's all good. So anyway, health issues can be created by having worrisome thoughts. I mean, there's all kinds of knotted energy that happens in a health condition, whether you want to focus on the condition or you want to focus on the wholeness of you, which is all healers know, and this is what I want you to know, is that you are a whole being when you focus on the right things, what's going right, what you appreciate about that? Like I have a great life. I have, you know, awesome food, great friends, a roof over my head. I'm warm tonight, like, when you just start appreciating and focusing on the good, you're going to draw more good. So anyway, Lisa recovered from her health issues. Needless to say, because she got control of her vibration. And I wanted to give you a couple of tips you know, around how you can actually let go of being afraid to start. But I want to tell you about one more one more person. So Maria was in a relationship with her husband seven years, and they just started having these fights, you know, and communication started breaking down, and we when we did her mind's eye Mind Map, she realized that she just really wasn't happy in a lot of areas, like, if you looked around, she was not really owning her happiness in the different areas of her life. Some things were going good, you know, I think her career was one of the things that was, you know, just great. She loved what she did. But when it came to the love relationships, she was not present. She was not being loving. It was like when the communication breaks down. And if you know about relationships, if your communication breaks down, you know something has to give, because you cannot just pile on resentments and not have communication, the energy just will not sustain the relationship. It's just you have to have commute, good communication and loving communication.

Carla Salteris:

So they were arguing about laundry being on the floor and really like superficial things, but when you can go, oh, wait a minute, it's me, and you shift the people around you shift as well. She started, instead of getting triggered, she would just step away try to, you know, Jesus had a good saying, turn the other cheek. It's like, Who are you going to be? Are you going to be loving? Are you going to be like, right and resistant and and fight? As soon as she shifted that for herself, and she just gave herself a little more grace and a little bit more like love, like, I'm going to be really conscious here about my energetic vibration. What am I putting out when she got just made that little shift. She shifted her marriage. And instead of everything snowballing, and, you know. Blowing apart. Instead of getting a divorce, okay, she was able to nurture that relationship, of that of who she was being, attracting the love from her husband, and that was it. You know, that was the one thing that she needed. And so it's all about you and what you, who you're, what you're committed to having in your life. You can rewrite any area of your life. It's just who are you going to be about it and what are you going to do to get over the fear of getting started? And what I say is, as far as that goes, is number one, you just have to choose powerfully. It's like you just have to kind of say, enough is enough. You know, I'm not satisfied with my life. I'm in midlife, and I've got so many years, and I want them to be awesome years. So what am I going to do about it? Like put a stake in the ground. It's time. It's your time, and you get to create it fresh and new. You don't have to drag everything from your past, but you have to know how to practice and reshape your reality, retrain your brain, your body, your mind and your soul, like together, use yourself. You're use all three of those, your one unit. It's not separated out, okay? And when you get when you get control over that, it's like the world is your oyster. And sometimes that means, like just throwing your hat over the wall and saying, You know what, I'm just going to jump in. I'm just going to dive in, because I know what I'm doing is not working. And so, like, something has to give, like, the definition of insanity by doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, like something has to give. Just throw your hat over the wall and just trust the universe will lift you up and you will recreate it, like it's gonna happen. You're committed trust in the universe, trust in getting what you want. You know, it's like we're trained to focus on scarcity and lack, and when you start shifting your awareness to like, the world is abundant. There's plenty. There's so much to be grateful for. Like to appreciate. When you shift your mindset, your mind's eye. Mind Map is the layout. When you lay that out and you identify the different areas and the limiting beliefs, and then activate, create and activate new, empowering beliefs. It's like now you're running

Carla Salteris:

Okay, so with that said, I got you, if you're ready to take a look at that, I would love to invite you to a complimentary clarity call to see if we are a good fit. No pressure. But if you go to my website, you can book a strategy session with me. There will be a form to fill out, and I would love to see you on the other side. So with that, my friends, until the next episode I will see then. Ciao for now.