On this episode of The Karen Kenney Show, I put a fun new personal spin on the concept of the “Know, Like, Trust Factor.”
The KLT Factor is a common marketing strategy that’s focused on building relationships with clients/customers - so that people will be more likely to “buy” from or do business with you.
I take this concept and flip the script – proposing that we shift our focus from an external “know, like, trust” with others - to an internal KLT experience with ourselves.
This is an invitation to explore your own KLT Factor – by building a deeper relationship with your Self, Source, and Spirit – using the traditional “know, like, trust" tips!
Check it out and see if you feel inspired to start your own KLT Factor leading into 2025!
• Building Self-Trust
• Developing a DSP
• Inspiring + Motivating Yourself
• Providing Your Own Testimonials
• Aligning Actions with Values
• Being Generous + Accountable
• The Nest - Group Mentoring Program
Karen Kenney is a certified Spiritual Mentor, Writer, Integrative Change Worker, Coach and Hypnotist. She’s known for her dynamic storytelling, her sense of humor, her Boston accent, and her no-BS, down-to-earth approach to Spirituality and transformational work.
KK is a wicked curious human being, a life-long learner, and has been an entrepreneur for over 20 years! She’s also a yoga teacher of 24+ years, a Certified Gateless Writing Instructor, and an author, speaker, retreat leader, and the host of The Karen Kenney Show podcast.
She coaches both the conscious + unconscious mind using practical Neuroscience, Subconscious Reprogramming, Integrative Hypnosis/Change Work, and Spiritual Mentorship. These tools help clients to regulate their nervous systems, remove blocks, rewrite stories, rewire beliefs, and reimagine what’s possible in their lives and business!
Karen encourages people to deepen their connection to Self, Source and Spirit in down-to-earth and actionable ways and wants them to have their own lived experience with spirituality and to not just “take her word for it”.
She helps people to shift their minds from fear to Love - using compassion, storytelling and humor. Her work is effective, efficient, memorable, and fun!
KK’s been a student of A Course in Miracles for close to 30 years, has been vegan for over 20 years, and believes that a little kindness can make a big difference.
Hey you guys. Welcome to the Karen Kenney show. He just kind of caught me in the middle of being a little weird. Oh my god, I'm a little extra punchy. I think it's
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because it's close to the holidays and 2024 is starting to wind down, which is wicked exciting. This has been a strange year. Is it just me? Is it just me? While I'm talking
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to you, Katie, like my best friend is like, sending me box of messages. So my wrist was just lit up there, okay, and I'm back. Focus, focus. Okay, so look at this idea
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just kind of randomly popped into my head. And this is how things happen. You know, everybody kind of talks about, like, the different kinds of quote, unquote gods,
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right? They'll be like, Oh, the shower Gods spoke to me this morning, or when I was driving, the driving gods or when I was walking, right? So people call them
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downloads or inspirations, or ideas, or whatever. A lot of times for me it's first thing in the morning as I'm waking up, especially, or sometimes I get woken up in
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the middle of the night. Also, I get really good ideas and inspiration when I'm driving and I don't I'm not saying it never happens in the show, but that's not really my place.
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But also, a lot of times when I'm out on walks, and a lot of famous writers have talked about this, that when they were trying to come up with solutions or ideas or
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whatever, you change your state. When you change your physical state by moving and breathing and walking and being in nature, a lot of times it like kind of opens up the
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creative life force. That's how I think of it. But a lot of times in those early morning hours, when you're first just starting to wake up, when you're coming out
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of right Delta, when you're coming out of that deep sleep, and you're kind of moving up to the different brainwave states, a lot of ideas come to me, okay, so maybe that's
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true for you, too, and if it is, I'd love to know and hear about it. So for those of you, I have a pretty good I have a pretty good suspicion that everybody has probably heard
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this phrase before, the No, like trust factor. But in case you haven't, let me just tell you a little bit about it and what context it's usually used, and then kind of
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the flip, the script, the flip. See, that seems he's different that my spiritual team, you know, my little my little helpers, I always talk about, like, up in my brain, up
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in my subconscious, I have, like, these little guys. I call them little guys, little librarians. And they're like, they're just like, flipping through their Dewey Decimal
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system of how they they put everything together. And every once in a while, every once in a while, more often than not, they dropped me some, some good ideas. Okay, so
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this was what I was thinking about. Okay, so know like, trust factor, if you haven't heard this before, it's it's usually used in relation to quote, unquote marketing
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strategy. And know like, trust is kind of built on this premise of building relationships with customers, getting them to know like and trust you, so that they'll
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buy from you, or you build your know like trust factor out in the world, and then people will start to recognize your brand and trust your brand and like you and like
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your personality and your values and all these things, and it's more likely to get them to do business with you. Okay, so the goal is, I look this up, and this up, and
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this is what it officially says. The goal is to create a connection with the audience so they are more likely to do business with the brand. So if you just look at some of your
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favorite brands, whether that's Apple, whether that's Nike, whether that's whatever Phillip Tom's shoes, you know, Hoke is for running Stanley, you know, Stanley Cups. I
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have no attachment to Stanley I just, like, like, I liked the little bear with wings and the colors, but, like, whatever, right? People tend to have, like, brand loyalty
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because they have a no like trust factor with that brand. I definitely have one with Toyotas, right? Like, that's all I've ever driven. I've had four Toyotas. Like, I have
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a wicked big no like, trust factor with Toyotas. Okay, so you get the gist of it. So when you think about, know, like and trusting when it comes to a business or a
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brand, and please stick around if you're like, Okay, I don't have a business. I'm just using this as an entry point to the deeper conversation that I want to have with
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you. But I want you to kind of understand where I'm coming from. So here are some of the tips that they give you for building your KLT factor, right? Your no like, trust
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factor, they're like, be personal, create aspirational content, provide social proof. So think of social proof as being like, transparent or sharing testimonials or
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results from your clients. Okay, be consistent, like with your content. Post regularly so that they see you and you can interact with people, etc. Be relevant,
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right? Listen to your audience, ask questions, understand their needs, be personal. I'll just back up here that's about talking about sharing your company's
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values and the approach to how you do your work. Uh, aspirational content is about inspiring people and making them feel good, okay, being relevant. Listen to your
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audience, ask questions to understand their needs. Be visible. This is when they're like, being like, forward facing. So make sure you put videos interview podcasts so
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like people get to know you, so that they can you know, see you in multiple places in multiple ways. Be generous, share your content and promote other people, and then
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be accountable, accountable, own up to mistakes and apologize. Okay, so when I'm thinking about all of these, I'm like, holy shit. Like, so the other morning, this,
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like, popped into my head, and I was like, we seem to is human beings. Because, like, in a way, I often will joke and say, remember when people were just people and
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not brands, right? So with the invention of the internet and social media, it's almost like now everybody's got a platform and a brand, and everybody's got a thing where
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they're out in the public, and they've become something, right? And I'm like, so people seem to spend a lot of time and energy and worry and fearing and positive
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all this bullshit that goes with kind of being seen out in the world. And a lot of people worry about their no like, trust factor with other people, right? It's very
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outward focus. I'm trying to appear and present a particular way so that other people, right, will know, like and trust me, or my brand or my business or my company or
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whatever. And I thought to myself, why is it, and this is the spiritual part of the story, right? Like, like, I'm laying in bed and I'm like, Wouldn't it be, Wouldn't our
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time be better served? Wouldn't it behoove us to spend a little more time worrying about the know, like and trust factor of ourselves, like us to us like, wouldn't that
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be like a wicked good use of our time that we had a strategy that focused on building a relationship, not just like with people out there, but building a know, like and trust
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factor with ourselves. And the goal was to create a connection with our self, source and spirit, so that we are more likely to know, like and trust ourselves. We are more
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likely. And when I say doing business, what I mean is we are more likely to know ourselves, to know who we really are, to know our values, to know what matters, and
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when we stay in alignment with those things, we are way more likely right to like ourselves, to start to realize, Oh, we're not full of shit, and we can start to trust
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ourselves. So building a know like and trust factor, building like a strategy, which to me would include a DSP, a daily spiritual practice, right? So that we can build a
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relationship more deeply with our true self, with source. Whether you call that God, the divine universe, Mother Nature, I don't care what you call it, right? And then starting
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to trust that, starting to trust yourself, starting to trust your inner teacher or Holy Spirit or intuition or instinct, right, starting to trust the divine yourself and
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your spiritual team, your your helpers, your ancestors, your you know the Call it whatever you want to call it, okay? I often I call it spiritual team. So when we go back
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and we look at these quote, unquote tips for building KLT with others, I'm like, Oh, my God, this totally also applies to ourselves. So listen to this. Be personal, be personal,
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right. So get wicked clear on your values, on what matters to you, on who matters to you, right. Get personal with your yourself and approach yourself as like, how would I
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say this the time and energy that you would invest in getting to know somebody else. Why don't we slow down? Take a moment to just slow the
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Take some deep breaths, get a little quiet. Learn how to be in our own skin, how to be in our own company. Get personal with ourselves. Spend a little time with
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ourselves, and then the next one is like, create aspirational content, inspire people and make them feel good. I'm like, you know who I want to inspire these days? I want to
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inspire myself, right? Like, I want to inspire myself with my own acts of whatever, with my own decisions, with my own creativity. I want to draw inspiration from
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myself and the divine intelligence that comes through me. Like all of us, I think, are creative in some way. You might not be specifically creative, like how my sweetie
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is a musician, or how I'm a writer and a storyteller, or some people are dancers or whatever, but we are all creative. And how about in. Inspiring ourselves. How about
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like, taking some time to really put some energy into whether it's like your craft or your hobbies, or the things where you make things and inspire yourself, maybe part of
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it is like, you're you're on a quest to like, you know, I don't know, go back to the gym and build some muscles in your body and to get more healthy and to improve your
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mental well being, or whatever it is, right? Do the things that are going to inspire you and make you feel good, right, in a positive, healthy, balanced, happy way,
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right? Create some aspirational content for yourself, right? I want to like I said. I want to be able to look at who I am being and how I am being and how I am spending my
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time, and how I am showing up in the world, and be inspired by that, okay? And then it says, provide social proof, okay? And the way they were talking about it for a
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business was, share testimonials and be transparent. Number one, be transparent with yourself. This is what I talk about, like own both your brilliance and your bullshit.
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And as far as like the sharing testimonials piece, right? This is like providing social proof for yourself, especially when things get tough, because we're really quick to
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replay those old tapes, those old recordings that are in our subconscious, that are telling us that we're not good enough, we're not worthy enough, we're not lovable, we're
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not safe, we're not fill in the blank whatever your thing is, right? You're too much or too little, you're too whatever. Like the stuff that people said to us when
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we were younger, and it got recorded, and now it's like on a loop and on repeat, and we say those unkind things to ourselves sometimes, sometimes, right? We take those
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random comments, or those repeated comments that were made to us as children, and we kind of took them as gospel truth. And now we have to share a new testimony. We have to
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share some new testimonials about how that shit is not true, and we can give ourselves testimonies and proof of how far we've come, of how much we've changed, of how much
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we've, like, you know, done the work to be better than where we came from. And I don't mean better than like, Oh, I'm superior, meaning we've just chosen better patterns,
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better habits, better ways of talking to ourselves, better than maybe where we came from, so that, like generational trauma is not rolling downhill and continuing to roll
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past us. It's like it's stopping with us, because we are going to stop and we're going to do the work, and we're going to be transparent about what's going on, and we're
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not going to just sweep under the rug, right? We're going to provide social proof to ourselves about who we really are, to whom we really belong, and what we're
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capable of double Amen hands to that. We're going to be consistent. And this is not about posting on social media. This is about being consistent with yourself, right? The
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five ds of DSP, daily, dedication, determination, discipline and devotion, taking time each day to be consistent with the things that you say really matter,
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right? The assignment is alignment. The assignment is alignment. Are we aligning with these things that we say matter, and if we say they matter, are we backing it up
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with consistent action to ourselves? That's how we're going to provide the social proof is us being consistent with ourselves and bearing witness to the fact that we keep our
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word, that we have that self integrity? Okay, be relevant. It says, listen to your audience and ask questions to understand their needs. Ha, be relevant to yourself.
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Take that quiet time and check in and ask the different parts of yourself, the younger parts of yourself. If you listen to my last episode on the younger you, this is
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specifically about that taking some time to slow down and listen to your audience, the audience of pots that lives within you, that is bearing witness to you in your daily life
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and asking those pots inside of you, right? What are your needs? This is about you understanding the needs of the pots that live within you, right? So this is about you
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being relevant for you. So so if you keep hearing the message that I need rest I am so tired, and I'm still tired, like I need time to just be and to breathe and to slow down,
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like to catch up with myself, you know what I mean, and you just keep barreling on through and pushing that into the background, you are not being relevant to
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yourself. So this is a really important factor, okay, taking that time. So asking, going in, getting quiet and asking those different parts of yourself, right?
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Understand their needs. Okay, be visible. So this, to me, is about being visible with yourself is allowing. Yourself to know it's not so much about doing video interviews and
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podcasts and Hangouts and all that stuff, but be visible in the in your own life, right? But also be visible in the lives of the people that you say matter to you,
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whether that's your family or your friends or your besties or your children or your your, your, you know your clients, whoever it is that you serve and help and want to
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have a deeper, genuine, true, intimate. And by intimate, I don't just, I don't mean sex. I mean like being able to share your feelings back and forth, to be understood,
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to be heard and all that stuff, be visible in your own life, right? Be visible in your own life. Speak up, vote your conscience, use your voice, raise your hand. Right, be
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visible to yourself, but also be visible to the people who you have relationships with, because that's how they're going to know, like and trust you, personally. On a
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personal level, I'm not talking about business right. On a personal level, is you gotta get face to face once in a while. Get off the devices, get off the screens, and
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when possible, see each other in person. I know it's not always possible. Sometimes people you love live far away. Hop on a zoom, hop on a FaceTime, whatever it is, get
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it so that you can see each other's eyes, see each other's body language, read each other's energy right, be visible in your life, in the places that matter to you, in
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the relationships that matter to you. Be generous.
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Look, a lot of times when we think about being generous, we often almost automatically, the ego slides it into like money. This isn't about being generous with
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your money. There's lots of ways to be generous. You can be generous with your time, you can be generous with your energy. You can be generous with your resources. You
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can be generous with your attention, alright? So, yeah, definitely, you can still be generous by like they're calling it, promote other people, right? But this is
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like referrals. These are things you can do in your day to day life. If you go and have an amazing experience at somebody's yoga class, shout it out if you're in the nest or
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something like that, a group, right? A group program where you really love the teacher or you really love the community, shout it out. Let people know, if you go to a you know,
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you have an experience somewhere, you listen to a podcast, you go to an event, a restaurant, whatever it is, and the people there go above and beyond, and you really
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feel like you got something from it, like, yeah, shout it out. Be generous with your words. Be generous with your referral, if you truly can stand by that referral, but
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also be generous with yourself. Be more kind and compassionate, right? Be more kind and compassionate and tender and gentle and merciful. Be more generous with yourself.
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Give yourself more time, give yourself more time to grieve, give yourself more time to heal, give yourself more time to simply be to slow down, so you can check in with
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yourself and notice what you notice when you slow down. Because when you slow down, you might discover that you don't like slowing down, because then you might feel some
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feelings. There's a reason why some people stay wicked busy all the time. There's a reason why people stay in the role of caretaker all the time and doing for others
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all the time. Because if you constantly got a project or somebody else, you got to take care of, right? You don't have to look at your own stuff, and you get to do it and get
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pat on the head for being such a good girl or a good boy or a good person, or whatever it is, because you're just such a giver. Well, sometimes you have to give back to
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yourself, because if you've got nothing in the tank, if you've got nothing within you, and you know it really not only will affect your quality of life and your quality of
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attention and intention, your ability to do the things that you're here to do, to show up the way that you would like to show up, to be who you were created to be, you gotta
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be generous towards yourself as well. Okay, and the last one that they said was be accountable, right? Be accountable. Own up to mistakes and apologize. I think across
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the board, that applies also for your personal life, be accountable, but also be self accountable. If you say you're going to be somewhere, be there. If you make a if you
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make a plan with yourself to go to the gym, go to the gym. If you make a plan with yourself to do your DSP, or to do your your morning ritual, or whatever it is, or to do
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your gratitude list at night. Or you you decide that you're going to get up each day and you're going to spend 20 minutes to an hour, finally working on that book, or
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writing the book, or learning something, or whatever it is, be accountable to yourself, keep your own word to yourself. Building a personal know like trust factor is so key,
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and I can't believe I've never heard anybody talk about. This, this way before so and if maybe they have, I don't know, I'm not aware of it, but that's like 2025 that's, that's a
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pretty good that's a pretty good goal. That's a pretty good idea to kind of keep in mind that you want to build the KLT factor you with you. Because when you start to do
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this, and you start right, to really pay attention to your needs, and you start to really show up and living in your values. And you're living in alignment, right? The
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assignment is alignment. And you're doing your daily DSP, and you're starting to get your mind right, and you're starting to shift your mind from fear to love. You start
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to do this. You start to know like and trust yourself more. It will naturally ripple out into the rest of the world, and this, this, this will start to create, you know, those
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8c of the true self. Remember when I talked about those like that calm and that clarity and that compassion and that creativity, that confidence, that courage, like all
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those things, right, being able to come into the true self, when you spend some time knowing who you truly are, that you're one of God's kids, that you're an extension of
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the Divine, that you are the light of the world, whatever you want to call it, when you start to know this about yourself, when you get personal, when you start to create
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aspiration and inspire yourself, when you start to give yourself testimony. You start to give yourself proof that you are trustworthy, when you start to show up and
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be consistent for yourself, and you're relevant, and you're listening to your own needs and you're understanding them, and you're being visible in your life, and
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you're keeping your word, and you're showing up, and you're being generous, and you're holding yourself accountable. You do all this stuff I'm telling you, you're going to
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have a way better 2025 you're going to have a way better year. But you don't have to wait until January to start this. You can start doing this right now. So I highly
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encourage you to think about this and see how it lands for you. And you know, I always say, like, you know, take what is helpful and leave the rest. Take what is helpful and
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leave the rest. My whole thing with this show is I'm just trying to spread a little more love in the world. I'm just trying to help people, right? I'm gonna do little
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hots. I'm just trying to spread a little more love in the world and and to share some tools, or some ideas, some spiritual principles, some stories that I have found
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helpful for myself. And this is something that I've been thinking about for, like, the last week, and I was like, Oh yeah, I'm gonna share this. I'm going to talk about
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this, so I hope it landed for you in some way. I hope maybe some of these feel applicable, and if it did, I would always love to hear it. I also want to give a shout
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out of thank you to you know some of you, some of you have been using the tip jar, and it's so kind of you, and I do not take your generosity and your intention, your kindness
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for granted. So thank you so much. You know who you are. I don't want to do like shout outs and stuff of people names, because they might want to be anonymous, but just know
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that I see you and I appreciate you, and I love that you are sending that some of that energy, that love, energy, back to me. I appreciate it so much if you spend some time
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with me, if you get to the end of this episode, thank you so much for listening. Whether you're a loyal listener or new to this show. Welcome. I'm so happy to have you
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here. And you might be listening to this on Thanksgiving 2024 and if you are, I hope you're having a compassionate Thanksgiving. I call it thanks living. Thanks living. I
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try to let all the beings and all the creatures live as a vegan. I don't kill anything 45 like 45 million turkeys are killed just for this. And I just think, like
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what we have, we have a holiday that's built on giving thanks and being grateful, and we do it by slaughtering 45 million innocent birds. I just don't get it. And turkeys are
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so gentle. Turkeys are so smart, and they're so kind, and they love hugs, and they remember faces, and they have personalities, and they have relationships, and they want
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to live. They want to live, and they're just innocent little beings, and so happy. Thanks living, and I hope you also do give thanks for any any abundance, any goodness, any
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joy, any love that you have in your life. I'm grateful for each of you, for everybody who listens to the show, for anybody who shares this show, for anybody who leaves a
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comment or lets me know or tips or whatever, I appreciate you so much. So episode 290 we're on our way to 300 That's wicked exciting. So just thank you so much for
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being a part of the Karen Kenney show, family and community, I appreciate you so much. Okay, wherever you go out there, right? Leave yourself and the animals and
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the turkeys and the people in the place and the environment better than how you found it wherever you go. May you and your love be a blessing. Bye. You.