From The Prison Yard To Harvard Yard with Andre Norman

By the age of 9, my guest had learned three lessons:
1) It’s okay to hit someone (after seeing his dad beat his mom)
2) I better protect myself (after kids threw rocks at him on his way to school and called him the “n” word )
3) I can quit (after seeing his Dad walk out on him and his five siblings).
Nine years old and this was his philosophy for life.
Fast forward to 6th grade where the “cool kids” didn’t let him forget his status of being poor and their constant reminders drove him to a life of hustling just to keep up.
With no goals and no destination, Andre spent the next few years drifting, robbing and stealing and eventually landed himself in prison facing a 100 year sentence. Not wanting to be the underdog, he ran all the gang activity within the facility.
One day, after a long stint in solitary confinement Andre had an epiphany and realized that, yes he was the king, but he had become the king of nowhere.
Today on The Karen Kenney Show, we’re talking to motivational speaker, Andre Norman - author of “Ambassador of Hope” and founder of The Academy of Hope and transformational program “180x” about his journey from growing up in a poor family in Boston, to serving 14 years in prison, to getting his GED and finally being released.
Since then, Andre’s mission has been to teach individuals and corporations how to turn any situation around. His solution-based recovery efforts have impacted regions, including Honduras, Bahamas, Sweden, Guatemala, Liberia and Trinidad. He has lectured on multiple TEDx stages, as well as Harvard University and London Business School.
His innovative strategies against gang activity and inmate manipulation has improved correctional systems across the U.S.
KK's Key Takeaways
• 3 Life Lesson By The Age Of 9 (3:38)
• King Of Nowhere (10:48)
• Talking To Juveniles (13:47)
• I Wanted To Help People (19:05
• Challenge Them To Be Greater (27:33)
• I Wouldn’t Be Here (37:10)
• You Can Change the Environment (50:48)
• I Remember The People (55:40)
• How Do You Help Them? (01:00:28)
• You’re Not Late, Just Show Up (1:08:24)
• If You Call - I’ll Show Up (1:16:01)
• We’re Gonna Do This! (1:23:15)
• We Win By Storytelling (1:24:58)
• How To Stay In The Room (1:26:39)
Andre Norman is the reason to believe in second chances. His tenacity and passion for people led him to start his transformational program, 180x, which works to redevelop underserved communities, repair families in crisis and reduce prison re-entry.
Connect with Andre:
Karen Kenney is a certified Spiritual Mentor, author, speaker, and the host of The Karen Kenney Show Podcast. She’s also the founder of THE NEST - an online spiritual membership & community.
She’s been a student & guide of A Course in Miracles for close to three decades, a yoga teacher for 20+ years and is a longtime practitioner of Passage Meditation. She’s also a Gateless Writing Instructor & workshop facilitator and is currently working on a memoir.
KK grew up in Lawrence & Boston, MA, and graduated from BU with a degree in Communications. She’s known for her storytelling, her sense of humor, her love of the Divine and her “down-to-earth” practical approach to Spirituality. Her signature process: Your Story to Your Glory™ - helps people transform their old stories of victimization & suffering, so they can choose Love over fear, improve their most important relationships, deepen their connection to Self, Source & Spirit, and live from a place of forgiveness, flow, freedom & fun!
A sought-after speaker, spiritual teacher, and thought leader for podcasts, shows, live events, and mastermind programs, Karen's been invited to speak & teach on various platforms, stages & retreat centers across the country, including the renowned Omega Institute for Holistic Studies.
You can learn more & connect with KK at: