
Jan. 4, 2022

BEST OF 2021 | She Makes More Money than a Lot of Men | IE151

In today's episode, we are joined by a special guest, Blair Kaplan, President of Blair Kaplan Communications and expert in social media marketing. Blair shares how thankful she was to be surrounded by powerful, intelligent, and successful women like...
Dec. 28, 2021

BEST OF 2021|Purpose Driven Prospecting | IE150

In today's episode, we are joined by a special guest, Chris Baden, CEO/Co-Founder of Flowchat. He and his team helped discover sales prospecting to increase productivity, increase profits, and get more clients. He has learned to listen, practice...
Dec. 21, 2021

BEST OF 2021 | Should I have a Money Mindset? | IE149

In today’s episode, we are joined by a special guest, Deborah Fryer, Owner of Deborah Fryer LLC and Founder of Lila Films. Deborah shares with us how the conscious mind reflexes back to past thoughts and events and is always chained together. ...
Dec. 14, 2021

BEST OF 2021| Make Money While You Battle in Outer Space| IE148

In today's episode, we are joined by a special guest, Michael Wagner, Co-Founder/CEO of Star Atlas. We dive right into how Michael has done 24 Years of Gaming experience and developed into a passion formed initially for creating genesis for Star...
Dec. 7, 2021

Sweet Success | IE147

In today’s episode, we are joined by a special guest, Steve Marques, Executive Chef, and owner of Craft Creamery. He is a California Native that is classically trained in Europe. He has worked four decades with the Titans of the Culinary World. But...
Nov. 30, 2021

Having a Child at 50 is the Key to Her Fortune | IE146

In today’s episode, we are joined by a special guest, Kimberly Baca, CEO of Legacy Holistic Health. She and her team create a personalized approach to their client’s health and find ways to target goals in their lifestyle. She finds easy ways to...
Nov. 23, 2021

The Power of Gratitude | IE145

In today’s episode, Damian discusses how to have gratitude. We have discussed previously how important it is to reset your vibration and raise your frequency. Finding alignment within yourself will help to know who you are and give you more power of...
Nov. 16, 2021

How To Make Taking Action Easier | IE144

In today’s episode, Damian discusses how to make taking action easier.  There are so many ideas and opinions out there about how these steps need to be taken, and what you need to do to effectively achieve your goal and run your business. As...
Nov. 9, 2021

The Power of the Inner Athlete | IE143

In today’s episode, we are joined by a special guest, David Karasek, a Performance Specialist and was in the 2012 Olympics Swimming Competition. He empowers Olympic athletes all over the world to help make a positive impact and transform their...
Nov. 2, 2021

Take Your Leadership to the Next Level | IE142

In today’s episode, we are joined by special guest Kylie Rowe, Ceo of Kylie Rowe Co., and a special corporate leadership. She talks to us about how she can help take leadership to the next level! We dive into personal leadership, leadership...
Oct. 26, 2021

Laughter Brings Clients and Money | IE141

In today’s episode, Damian discusses how laughter can have a significant impact on your clients, and your money. Bringing laughter and humor into your life is one of the quickest ways to change your vibrations and ultimately change your mindset. He...
Oct. 19, 2021

Relationships are Big Business | IE140

In today’s episode, we are joined by special guest Connell Barrett, founder and executive coach of Dating Transformation. He helps men connect with wonderful women, dating with total integrity. Connell discusses how his journey started from getting...
Oct. 12, 2021

60K Thoughts | IE139

In today’s episode of You Are The Superhero, we are talking about all of the thoughts we have throughout the day. Research shows 80% of those thoughts tend to be negative about ourselves. What does that do to us and how we feel about ourselves? Our...
Oct. 5, 2021

Intuitive Entrepreneurship is Real!| IE138

In today’s episode of Invincible Entrepreneur Podcast, we are joined by Kim Kaase, principal of LEAP Business Coaching, helping individuals and entrepreneurs grow wealth.  Kim discusses her transition into sales and then becoming a sales guru....
Sept. 28, 2021

Manifesting Desires You Have Forgotten About | YATS137

In today’s episode of You Are The Superhero, we are discussing how to manifest the desire you have forgotten about. Damian talks about thinking about times in your life when you have had a desire and it is not just quite happening, then after...
Sept. 21, 2021

How to Securely Scale your Business | YATS136

In today’s episode of You Are The Superhero, Damian is joined by Jay Razzouk a business attorney from California. He is a founder of ProSCALE Legal Coaching and the SecureSCALE method to help small businesses owners employ legal strategies to...
Sept. 14, 2021

Imagine Your Way to Millions | YATS135

In today’s episode of You Are The Superhero, we are imagining your way to millions. We are using our imagination to create wealth, grow relationships and grow in abundance. We talk about how the average person’s daily thoughts are usually negative...
Sept. 7, 2021

Sales Just Got So Easy...and Fun! | YATS134

In today’s episode of You Are The Superhero, we are joined by Sean Malone, a successful business owner and entrepreneur. Sean discusses how he got his start in sales and learning to be successful at it. Sean talks about the steps he took to build...
Aug. 31, 2021

Your Sense of Value | YATS133

In today’s episode of You Are The Superhero, we are discussing your sense of value and how it affects your business. We are looking at our ability to perceive and receive value. This is important because we cannot undervalue ourselves in business...
Aug. 24, 2021

She Makes Eating Plant-Based a Breeze | YATS132

In today’s episode of You Are The Superhero, we are joined by Kathy Davis, the co-founder of VegInspired, discussing how to live a plant-based lifestyle. Kathy shares with us how she and her husband made the switch to a vegan lifestyle. She shares...
Aug. 17, 2021

Reinforce Power Habits for Wealth Mastery | YATS131

In today’s episode of You Are The Superhero, we are discussing how to reinforce power habits for wealth mastery. Let’s learn how to take the steps to be able to 1% shifts every single day.  Damian talks about creating goals to further...
Aug. 10, 2021

Scale Your Eco Impact Business | YATS130

In today’s episode of You Are The Superhero, we are joined by Vanessa Landry, the founder of Conscious Footprint, whose mission is to help people lessen their carbon footprint. Vanessa shares with us how she helps people make big differences in...
Aug. 3, 2021

Reactivate Yourself for Ultimate Success| YATS129

In today’s episode of You Are The Superhero, we discuss how to reactivate for ultimate success. You need to have a reset and rid yourself of anything negative and start putting in new positive practices. We talk about what specific needs people need...
July 27, 2021

Transform Stress Into Abundance | YATS128

In today’s episode of You Are The Superhero, we are joined by Shimrit Nativ, the CEO and founder of Master Your Path Community. Her goal is to help people overcome their inner obstacles of negative self-talk, lack of inner peace, stress and anxiety....