Discover Your Uncommon Vibes | ISS69

Michelle Shutter is her own special kind of superhero. He is a mother of 4 very athletic sons. She worked part-time as a teacher for 20 years and identified strongly as a mother during this time until one day he realized she had Maxed Out Mom...
Michelle Shutter is her own special kind of superhero. He is a mother of 4 very athletic sons. She worked part-time as a teacher for 20 years and identified strongly as a mother during this time until one day he realized she had Maxed Out Mom Syndrome! Ever since then, she has dedicated her life to helping women rediscover themselves and achieve their full potential.
What You Will Learn On This Episode:
What Maxed Out Mom Syndrome (M.O.M.S.) is.
How to tap into your Uncommon Vibes.
Why it’s important to learn how to receive.
Dr. Damian Nordmann is a mindset coach, speaker, and creator of the Laws of Success course of study. He has studied, practiced, and taught the Laws of Success and techniques for living a fulfilling life for over two decades.
to schedule a 30 minute free coaching session with Damian
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