Nov. 11, 2019

E61: Finding Truth Through The Chaos Of The Past - Colton Lindsay

E61: Finding Truth Through The Chaos Of The Past - Colton Lindsay

What do you believe about yourself? Have you taken a step back from your life and looked in as a third-party observer? Have you fallen prey to an addiction - like so many others in our world - that is holding you back from achieving your true potential? Today’s episode is a “must-hear” - join Steven and Colton as they break into the truth behind beliefs and addictions, and how you can intentionally redirect your beliefs to achieve a space of true bliss, regardless of your situation.

Colton Lindsay is an incredible real estate agent & broker. He became ranked in the Top 1% of the sales agents in his real estate market by the age of 28, averaging 75 houses per year. His rapid growth was built upon his personal drive to always keep getting better.

Colton is internationally recognized as a prospecting expert, financial freedom teacher, and he’s known for his Podcast & YouTube channel with the WGR Academy. 

His purpose is to keep exercising the power of choice that he has over his own life - and that is to keep improving, making an impact, and helping other people reach their potential.


  1. Your past is going to influence everything you do - you have the option to choose if it’s in a positive way or a negative way
  2. When you are caught in an addiction it is holding you back immensely from your true potential
  3. There are ALWAYS challenges, but we can look at them as opportunities to learn
  4. What you believe and visualize you will manifest 


  1. The Untethered Soul - Michael Singer (
  2. A Man’s Search For Meaning - Viktor Frankl (

Keystone Habits: 

  1. Drinks 30oz of water first thing in the morning
  2. Writes down 3 things from the previous day that were positive
  3. Sits in 47 degree water for 4 minutes and listens to affirmations
  4. Moves through Tai Chi, prayer, and breathwork
  5. Does a “smart day” (RPM’s) 
  6. Exercises in the middle of the day + meditation at the end
