Nov. 14, 2023

Ep 513 - The Positive Impact Of A Change Of Environment

Ep 513 - The Positive Impact Of A Change Of Environment

Episode Summary

In this episode, Ian emphasises the importance of change in life and the development of a plant

  • Realise the importance of change by studying the resiliency of plants.
  • Realise the importance of adapting one's surroundings and one's way of life in order to achieve success. 
  • Determine environmental change opportunities, such as a bowling villa.

Heal your unresolved and unknown grief:

About the Host:

Ian Hawkins is the Founder and Host of The Grief Code. Dealing with grief firsthand with the passing of his father back in 2005 planted the seed in Ian to discover what personal freedom and legacy truly are. This experience was the start of his journey to healing the unresolved and unknown grief that was negatively impacting every area of his life. Leaning into his own intuition led him to leave corporate and follow his purpose of creating connections for himself and others. 

The Grief Code is a divinely guided process that enables every living person to uncover their unresolved and unknown grief and dramatically change their lives and the lives of those they love. Thousands of people have now moved from loss to light following this exact process. 

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Ian Hawkins 0:02

Are you ready, ready to release internal pain to find confidence, clarity and direction for your future, to live a life of meaning, fulfillment and contribution to trust your intuition again, but something's been holding you back, you've come to the right place. Welcome. I'm a Ian Hawkins, the host and founder of The Grief Code podcast. Together, let's heal your unresolved or unknown grief by unlocking your grief code. As you tune into each episode, you will receive insight into your own grief, how to eliminate it, and what to do next. Before we start by one request, if any new insights or awareness land with you during this episode, please send me an email at info at the Ian Hawkins And let me know what you found. I know the power of this word, I love to hear the impact these conversations have. Okay, let's get into it. When you say you're an amateur gardener, or like the pot around the garden, I like to make things look nice. I'd like to change things up a bit. I used to do gardening jobs when I was getting myself through uni to support my habits and entertainment and so on. And I still want to do it now in my own home my own house. And just recently had a Borgund video, which is a if you don't know, I don't know where it's native to. But it's like a plant that likes it dry. It's got some thorns on it. But it's also got some amazing, beautiful flowers. And it's been in an area of the garden, which I thought was working for it and it was going reasonably well. So I tried to mix things up a little bit and put it in a different location, much more open, see more sun where it could be even drier. And it just notice all of a sudden, it's thriving, new growth, that it's more growth and it's had for a long time. And it's just come into flower. And it looks spectacular. And it made me think I've been holding that plant back for a long time, it's been in that other area for about four years. It's a really resilient plant, because we had to transport it from its original home. And I thought I'd killed it but bit of love and care and a bit of sea soul and it came back from the dead. And now he's absolutely thriving. And it made me think of how often in life, we need a change of environment to thrive. And we've been stuck in the same place that's been keeping us stagnant. That's been restricting our growth that's been holding us back.

When you are able to identify that environment, that's not beneficial to you, and then have the courage to change. So much will change. Now not it's not about just moving for the sake of moving. When I was in corporate and I was working with my staff that I managed. Often, they'd be like, I need another opportunity. And this is not working out here. And I would say the same thing, as I said to them is like I agree a new environment might be right for you. But you can't expect to change environment that similar without changing the habits that you need to change first and be able to go in with momentum. So for them, I'd recommend like hey, let's let's get you getting that performance up where you are now. So you can really go into that next environment really on fire and being able to shine. Because that plant that I moved, if I moved into an environment that was similar to the one previous it's not going to necessarily get a better result. So part of it's been really clear on what the best environment to change into is because otherwise we'll just repeat the same pattern. A good example is I often work with younger athletes. And I'm really clear when I when I speak to their parents that I need to work with the parents as well. Because I can do some tremendous work with the child. But if they're going back into an environment where they're going to be exposed to similar behaviors and situations, then they'll regress. It needs to be a collective change for the best results, particularly around performance. And that means that we need to actually create a new environment for that person to thrive. I'm not talking about huge changes, but just so we're everyone's on the same page, so that that young athlete can come back into that environment and absolutely do their best work. So as usual, I love to get you to have a think about one area for you, where you know, you need to change. Is there an environment of certain types of people you need to change from? Is it as simple as you need to take a holiday? And you need a temporary change of location? A new environment to recharge the batteries? Or is it more drastic than that? Do you need to look at changing careers? Do you need to look at living in a different location? Are there certain people that you hang out with that are particularly good for you will be an area where you're not being appreciated an area where you're doing all the giving. And the people you hang around with are just taking

identify the area. Get clear on what a better environment is. Because you have to have that clarity. Like I said, can't just go into any new environment. Then take action. And then you'll be well on our way to thriving and blooming just like my bowling villa. I hope you enjoyed this episode of The Grief Code podcast. Thank you so much for listening. Please share it with a friend or family member that you know would benefit from hearing it too. If you are truly ready to heal your unresolved or unknown grief, let's chat email me at info at in Hawkins You can also stay connected with me by joining the Grief Code community at Ian Hawkins forward slash The Grief Code and remember, so that I can help even more people to heal. Please subscribe and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform

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