Nov. 12, 2023

Ep 511 - The Stuff You Put Up With

Ep 511 - The Stuff You Put Up With

Episode Summary

In this episode, Ian outlines how enduring bad behaviours is a persistent issue. 

  • Discover why individuals put up with chronic problems. 
  • Discover one place you've tolerated too long and alter it. 
  • Understand that you must stand up for yourself and be resolute to go forwards, even if the answer is imperfect.

Heal your unresolved and unknown grief:

About the Host:

Ian Hawkins is the Founder and Host of The Grief Code. Dealing with grief firsthand with the passing of his father back in 2005 planted the seed in Ian to discover what personal freedom and legacy truly are. This experience was the start of his journey to healing the unresolved and unknown grief that was negatively impacting every area of his life. Leaning into his own intuition led him to leave corporate and follow his purpose of creating connections for himself and others. 

The Grief Code is a divinely guided process that enables every living person to uncover their unresolved and unknown grief and dramatically change their lives and the lives of those they love. Thousands of people have now moved from loss to light following this exact process. 

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I hope you enjoyed this episode of The Grief Coach podcast, thank you so much for listening. 

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Ian Hawkins 0:02

Are you ready, ready to release internal pain to find confidence, clarity and direction for your future, to live a life of meaning, fulfillment and contribution to trust your intuition again, but something's been holding you back, you've come to the right place. Welcome. I'm a Ian Hawkins, the host and founder of The Grief Code podcast. Together, let's heal your unresolved or unknown grief by unlocking your grief code. As you tune into each episode, you will receive insight into your own grief, how to eliminate it and what to do next. Before we start by one request, if any new insights or awareness land with you during this episode, please send me an email at info at the Ian Hawkins And let me know what you found. I know the power of this work, I love to hear the impact these conversations have. Okay, let's get into it. In life, we tend to put up with things for way longer than we should. Whether it's a persistent injury, chronic pain, chronic meaning ongoing, repeated certain relationships. How certain people talk to us how certain people treat us the lack of respect in certain areas. Some of the mental states that we repeat habits, poor sleep, stress, food that upsets us and we know is going to give us a negative reaction. We just put up with it for so long. You might be able to think of some of those yourself, just as I say this out loud. There might be others that you haven't quite reached that point of self awareness to yet. And if we don't, then it becomes more persistent. And you may have experiences in certain areas where it gets to a certain point, and you just have to act. And then you take action. And you get an improvement there. And then you wonder why you waited so long. That was me for my back. I put up with it for years. Until my back said, You're not putting up with this anymore. And I was laid flat, my back couldn't move. And I had to take action. Because the alternative was like I was literally prone on the ground was meant to be dropped on both my children to preschool and school. I couldn't move. So I was late to drop off. I was late to work. And I was in a lot of discomfort. It eventually got to the point where the spasming stopped. But the realization is that you can't ignore this anymore. I've been getting up in the middle of night because it was in pain having to stretch it out. Not being able to be as active as I wanted to be so many implications and impacts but I just wasn't, it wasn't strong enough. To be able to have that self awareness to acknowledge there's something going on, to be able to have that strength of mind and character to acknowledge that you need to take action. And then to have that courage to take action is what is going to separate you from not just the previous version of you, but separate you from that whole way of living that you've lived in the past. And it will always be worth it. And you'll always be thankful. No one ever looks back at making changes and regrets it when it's about improving themselves. So the question for you is what are you tolerating? Who are you tolerating, what environments? What circumstances are you tolerating, and what needs to change? What action do you need to take? What steps do you need to take? What do you need to address because if you don't take action, what you are putting up with will continue to persist might come and go a bit, but it will continue to annoy you frustrate you and stop you from being your best and ultimate At least stop you from reaching your full potential. It'll increase your frustration, and will keep you feeling stuck, keep you on the same loops that I try and change them all at once identify one area that you know, you've been putting up with for too long, and take a stand. And if this involves someone else, the stand first and foremost is a stand you have to make for you. So this is not about causing friction, or a fight with anyone. It's about taking responsibility for what you need to change the steps you need to change to be able to show up in that situation differently. I was watching a short video the other day about dealing with people who are confrontational. And he, like I say often to all of you is, here's what you can do to change. Here's how you can address that conversation differently. To we get a different response from the person that you're talking to, and always comes back to self. So choose one area to decide on a course of action, and then take that action. being decisive and acting is what's going to get you moving forward. Even if the solution is not the right solution, you'll be one step closer to the right solution. Or hey, hope you enjoyed this episode of The Grief Code podcast. Thank you so much for listening. Please share it with a friend or family member that you know would benefit from hearing it too. If you are truly ready to heal your unresolved or unknown grief, let's chat. Email me at info at Ian Hawkins You can also stay connected with me by joining the Grief Code community at Ian Hawkins forward slash The Grief Code and remember, so that I can help even more people to heal. Please subscribe and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform

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