Welcoming The Wisdom Of Gene Keys With Jess Bubbico | 023

In this episode, I’m joined by Jess Bubbico, who introduced me to the transformative insights of Gene Keys. Together, we explore how this profound system can serve as a tool to unlock the wisdom that resides within each of us. If you’re curious about using external frameworks like Gene Keys and Human Design to deepen your self-awareness and reconnect with your inner truth, this conversation is for you. We discuss how these tools can guide you back to a more authentic understanding of who you are. I encourage you to listen in, explore your own Gene Keys and Human Design charts, and see where this journey of self-discovery leads you. Enjoy the episode!
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About the Guest:
Jess Bubbico is an author, speaker, and guide who supports entrepreneurs in the healing, wellness, and creative spaces to wake up to who they are by discovering their unique energy blueprint. She uses tools such as Human Design and the Gene Keys to offer a deeper understanding into who you are and how you're designed to impact the world so you can create the business that's in your heart vs the one you've been trying to create from your head. She also wrote a children's book called "Jessi Lou & The Magic of You!" that supports parents and children in working through big emotions together through learning to love their emotions from a young age.
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Learn more about Nicole - www.nicolelohse.com/about
Download The Experiential Guide - www.nicolelohse.com/experiential-guide
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