April 17, 2024

The Journey With Freeze | 005

The Journey With Freeze | 005

In this episode I am joined by some of my clients and program participants to discuss our journey with freeze. We share what it was like to begin to recognize that we were living in freeze and how our explorations and relationship to ourselves and our survival patterns continue to evolve over time. You’ll notice that the common theme is that we’re all still navigating aspects of freeze! The key lies in noticing how we’re feeling towards these ways we’re showing up because this is where we often get caught thinking there’s something wrong with us, we spiral into trying to find the ways to fix and change what’s happening when all that’s doing is creating conflict for our reasons for freezing! The importance lies in learning how to create space and witness ourselves in these experiences while being curious about what’s at the core of it all and what else may become possible.

My hope in this episode is that you gain more of an awareness of your own experience of freeze and the kinds of survival patterns you find yourself in due to having to disconnect, numb, dissociate and shut down.. 

I’d love to know what pieces in this you can relate to and what’s helpful! Feel free to share with me on social media.  

Mentioned Resources:


About My Guests: 

Alex Nicholls 

Offers Conscious Connected Breathwork



Amanda Richards

Offers in person Somatic Experiencing and Touch Sessions or online counselling.








Connect with the Host:

Learn more about Nicole - www.nicolelohse.com/about 

Download The Experiential Guide - www.nicolelohse.com/experiential-guide 

Join me on the podcast - www.nicolelohse.com/experiential-podcast 

Instagram - www.instagram.com/nlohse

TikTok - www.tiktok.com/@nicole.lohse