Sacred Geometry in Haircuts: How Holistic Hairdressing Nurtures Body, Mind, and Spirit

Today we're diving deep into the world of holistic haircare with a special guest, Laura Sullivan. Laura, a pioneer in holistic hairdressing with over 40 years of experience, joins us to unravel the mysteries of how our hair is a living, breathing part of us. We'll explore the concept of hair as a cosmic antenna, the role of sacred geometry in haircuts, and why nourishing your hair goes far beyond external treatments. Get ready to transform the way you think about your hair and learn how it can be a powerful reflection of your inner health and well-being.
Discover how:
- Holistic hair care involves considering not only the health and well-being of the client's hair but also the practitioner and the environment.
- Hair is a vital part of our nervous system and has functions beyond what is commonly understood, such as sensing environmental changes and mood signals.
- Hair acts as a cosmic antenna, transmitting and receiving information.
- Positive communication with hair can lead to better hair health.
- Hair has always been an integral part of human culture and personal identity.
Connect with Laura:
Laura’s Book: Awakening Hair, Caring for Your Cosmic Antenna
Connect with Mona:
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Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening, wherever you are. Thank you so much for joining us today. Today I have a beautiful friend named Laura Sullivan. And let me tell you, I was having this hair cut in the middle of her lab rinse. And when I finished for the whole 24 hours, I felt my hair was sticking straight up. And we're going to be asking Laura, what is sacred geometry haircuts? What is holistic hairdressing? And why is hair your antenna? Welcome, Laura.
Laura Sullivan:
Hi, Mona. I'm very happy to be here today.
Mona Lueng:
I'm so excited to have you on because I just feel holistic. haircare is not really talking that spoken about a lot. And I just really want to share it with our world
Laura Sullivan:
here. Well, that's wonderful. And I'm so glad that you are. It's it's been my work and my passion for 40 years. And it's because I know that hair is such a vital part of ourselves. And it reflects so many things about our health and well being that it has to be taken care of holistically. And in general, people think of holistic is like it's about the body, it's about our mind and our spirit. And that's all very true. But when it comes to haircare, I think that we really need to expand that to not just the person in their hair, but also it should be considering the health and well being of the practitioner who's doing the work. And then one step further to the environment. So you think about what is the impact of these products in these practices on this person and their precious hair, and on the practitioner and on the environment. So it's very holistic in that sense. And you also are helping your client understand how they can make their hair more radiant, and beautiful and healthy by how they nourish themselves from the inside out. Because it's not just an external thing, like, Oh, I'll put on this hairspray or this hair color or whatever. A lot of the beauty of hair comes from how we treat ourselves inside, and how we nourish ourselves properly. And, and the hair is the reflection of that.
Mona Lueng:
Wow, that's awesome information. And so going to talking about the radiance, you know, we're talking about hair, you're talking about hair is alive here. Can't tell which one do you want to share first?
Laura Sullivan:
Well, a very basic thing is that our hair is alive. And unfortunately most of us have been mis educated to think that it's dead. I think that oh, these are what I
Mona Lueng:
said in my textbook when I was becoming a hairdresser.
Laura Sullivan:
Well, yes, so then most of us come by that misinformation that you know, from professionals who have unfortunately been misinformed as well, because the hair is proven by science to be just a vital part of us, when you look into how is hair formed with every single hair follicle and we're talking not just these ones in your head, but your entire body. Every hair follicle is formed in the first trimester, in utero. That's before we're even born. before we're even out here. That time that precious time when our brains and our heart are being formed. That is when every single hair follicle is formed. And we don't get more after we're born. I mean, this is it. And they are our precious part of our nervous system. Because these little hairs, they protrude, and they sense things in our environment. And not just if it's cold or, but you know, over temperature changes or something. But they really can sense things like danger, or you know, something we have to be on guard about or some people can actually feel when they're little hair stand on. And it's a signal like a verification. But the hairs have a lot of functions that we don't even think about because they're part of our living being and they have important roles just in how we navigate the world. Ooh, they
Mona Lueng:
do. They do. Wow. I love I love all this information because people don't talk about, you know, like, I talk to my hair. And I tell my hair, how much I love my hair. And because it's live, it's actually I feel like it's always listening. It's always receiving.
Laura Sullivan:
Yes, it's like the plant in that way. They tell us to talk to your plants if you want to have healthier plants. And that's because all living things do respond to that kind of attention. And so when you give that tender loving care to your hair, it's going to respond. I always tell my clients, your hair, it's like a little puppy dog that just wants to please you. It really wants to be the hair you love, but it doesn't know what you want. If you keep just going like Oh, bad hair, stupid hair. Why isn't my hair responding? My hair's too straight. It's too curly. It's too fuzzy. It's too this. We usually describe our hair by the qualities that we least like about it. We keep saying it's all these things we don't like. And when our hair is being wonderful, and it's the hair we love, we rarely raise and praise it, which is the way to get more of that. If we go, Oh, I love how much you're curling Oh, I love on this body. I love you know how silky and smooth whatever qualities you love about your hair, it's so important to tell your hair so that it knows because it hairs it. This sounds really weird. I know. But hair has a consciousness. I mean, you're the conscious hairdresser. But hair itself has a consciousness, it is aware, like just like plants, when you pay attention to it or a puppy dog or something. When you pay attention. It's like, oh, okay, what do you want? What do you want, and it's, it's very happy to please you. In fact, one of the times when I lost my hair dramatically, and I was having it come back, I was encouraging it and showing it pictures of how long I wanted it to be. And all this, then the haircut is long and as thick as the pictures. It stopped growing. And I was like, what is happening now, you know? And then my husband said, What did you ask your hair? You know, and I have totally forgotten to ask the hair. And once I did it said, but isn't this what you want it you this is the length you wanted. And then I realized the hair had been following the picture and the directions I was asking for. And there was now a limitation. I took down the picture, my hair started growing again. Amazingly, I mean, hair really isn't tuned in to what we want. It's true. Because if we were always insulting our hair and saying it's bad, and it's terrible, and all that, and he was like, Well, I don't know what to do, you know. And so we don't get there. We want a
Mona Lueng:
little test then. So my friend Gary whiner said, please brush your hair and say I love you. And when there's not, the more you say you love your hair, the faster the knots get a knotted. And I tried that Celsius told me that even when I'm calling my clients hair, I'm combing it from the bottom up. And you know, it's like stuck, whatever. I'm like, I love you. And I'm just doing, like with really good energy really gentle. And try it.
Laura Sullivan:
I'm sure it makes a difference. I don't doubt it at all.
Mona Lueng:
Because I think we're crazy. But it's true. It is
Laura Sullivan:
true. We wouldn't say these things and risk being seen as crazy if these weren't absolutely true experiences. And I know you asked me also did I want to talk about the Harrison Tana? And I think, well, it's an important aspect of our hair. It's when I was saying, Oh, the hair, just so many different things. But its function as the antenna is really vital for us. And most people aren't aware of it. And you're right, the book that I wrote is awakening hair, caring for your cosmic antenna. And that's because our hair does actually, as part of our nervous system, it transmits information about who we are like before you get close enough left to make eye contact to shake hands, your hair has already downloaded all this info and these impressions about you that people have formed. And your hair also picks up information. And without you even being aware of it sends it to your brain. Just like those tiny little hairs inside of our ears, the little ones that vibrate the information, the sounds that they pick up by their vibration, they transmit and transmit that to our brain like so quick. And that's why we hear things. I mean, that's the function of those hairs. And then there's the hairs we have on our eyebrows and our eyelashes that protect us and protect that eyes and keep them safe. And then the hairs on our head have so many functions, as I said as antenna, but also it transmits a lot in terms of our availability, there's actually cultures that when their hair is down, it says like, Hey, I'm available to be married. And as soon as their marriage plan here is covered up and never shown to the public again, it's actually a calling card. So in some cultures here is a very, very direct way to communicate with people as to your marriage ability. That's so crazy. But it's but it's such a part of us it's a way we communicate is through our hair. You know people come in, they wear their hair to fit in and be part of a community. Certain things like in the military, everybody gets the same cut. So they all will feel the same and act the same and not be compared a lot of religious communities to they don't want to compare one to another. So cut the hair or shave it Balder. That's what they like to do. And in, you know people want in those kinds of communities, they like to use their hair to express themselves and that's what most of us do. We want our hair to be the outer expression of our inner essence. So we can some people want to do it with a rainbow colored Mohawk. That's their way and that's fine. That's a medical you can we live in the time of greatest freedom of hair expression right now better than any other time to have been alive. We can have our hair any color, any style any lane and we can change all of this at will No, it's really an amazing a marvelous time to have hair.
Mona Lueng:
That isn't why you called your book The cosmic antenna, because it's so cosmic?
Laura Sullivan:
Well, it it is cosmic in that it's just if people aren't even aware that their hair is like reaching out and picking up information and transmitting information, it's happening on such an unconscious unconscious level within us that I see it as almost like a sixth sense, you know, that we're very operating and picking up information that way. But we don't even know we sometimes call it intuition, the way we know things, but say, the Native Americans who have been trained and tracking and never cut their hair, because they are very aware of its sensitivity, that, you know, they will have a relationship, a very personal relationship where it's like, this is sacred, and they don't want to cut it all. Or like the Sikhs, which is the fifth largest religion in the world, it's huge. The number of people that will not cut any hair on their head, or any hair on their body. That's never, they won't shave their legs, they won't do their underarms, because every hair is a gift from God. And they consider precious and sacred. Yeah,
Mona Lueng:
and I was in Honolulu, just last month, and I've met a lot of the ladies, they all have long hair, and most of them have not even cut their hair once. And so where do they come from? And certain tribes in in Hawaii as well. They, they they really feel that hair is sacred. And they call it Mahna Mahna means and energy and energy in here. And of course, because if a scientist was take a piece of hair, and they can tell you your age, and ethnicity, hormone level, cortisol levels, like there's so much even medicine, what medicine you have in there. So it's always like recording in some way.
Laura Sullivan:
Absolutely. And our hair has our DNA. I mean, they this is how they can tell people committed certain crimes. It's like, Oh, we found some hairs there. They can test and they can find who that person was. Because the hair holds that precious information of who each individual person is. I mean, it's really magnificent and marvelous air is, is anything but dead cells. It's really full of so much, lifeforce and vitality and, and even more, so if we take care of it as the living precious part it is, you know, if we, if we cover it with all kinds of toxic chemicals and do some harmful practices, the hair is not going to be able to function as well as it can it should be as as the great gift than it is to us. And so when we learn how to care for it with the gifts that nature has given us, because we have plenty of gifts from nature, just for washing our hair, or conditioning our hair or, you know, helping it style the way we'd like to have it. All of this is given to us with very life enhancing natural ingredients. And when we use those things, and we also enhance ourselves from the inside out with a healthy diet full of lots of minerals and vitamins that feed the hair. We're in have just marvelous, amazing, vital hair full of life force that can perform all these functions at the highest and best stability.
Mona Lueng:
Well, well, I can't wait to ask you more about even here, harmonics and hair balancing, which is what we're talking about with sacred geometry here. We're gonna have a few episodes with Laura, because she's got so much information. And she's really the pioneer of holistic Herodotus. I feel she's definitely one of them. And she's been doing Have you said for over 40 years?
Laura Sullivan:
Yes, yeah, yes, in this very precise, holistic way. It's just I feel very blessed. This is what I was introduced to. And so this is what I've always done. And, and I've just learned through all of that, that we don't have to do the harmful things so we can get amazing results with that enhance our life force and our, our well being in the world. It's not just going to make beautiful gorgeous hair, but it's going to affect our whole being as well. So and that's one of the gifts of holistic and conscious hairdressing is when you can impart this information to your clients and you uplift their whole life, not just give them beautiful hair, but they their entire consciousness and being is enhanced through these kinds of sessions where they learn how to treat their hair the best of all possible ways. The rest of them will benefit as well. Wow.
Mona Lueng:
Well, if you want to find her, she's at hair And I just want to thank you, Laura, if there's is there one last thing that you want to share before we end our podcast today?
Laura Sullivan:
Well, I like to tell people to love their hair, because so many people just find fault with it and criticize and they always want to find the negative. But if you love your hair, literally over time it will become the hair you love. Beautiful
Mona Lueng:
and love is power. Your hair is powerful. So Thank you so much you all for listening May your day be better than you imagined it to be and thank you Laura
Laura Sullivan:
My pleasure