June 13, 2023

Why Email Marketing Should Be Your Top Priority over Social Media

Why Email Marketing Should Be Your Top Priority over Social Media

While social media can be a valuable part of your marketing strategy, relying solely on it for business growth can be risky. Prioritizing email marketing allows you to build direct relationships with your audience, maintain control over your messaging, and achieve higher conversion rates, making it a critical component of a highly impactful marketing strategy. 

In this episode, you’ll learn how to easily integrate email marketing into your overall content plan, how to consistently grow your email list (even if you’re starting from zero), and what to do to reignite your list if you let it go cold. 

Need an easy-to-use email marketing software? We use ConvertKit! You can use our special affiliate link here: https://convertkit.com/?lmref=THEuxw


Ways we can support you: 

>> [FREE] Download: The Revolutionary Content Kit: A 7-pillar method to creating unique content that sells + connects at the same time: https://kinseymachos.com/contentkit

>> If you’re ready to get fully booked with a message that aligns with premium clients and organic content that attracts and enrolls clients consistently, enroll in 10K Content Collective and get instant access to the live coaching, curriculum, and community.

>> If you’re ready to pivot to group coaching and want to consistently fill your group programs with a marketing machine that creates rhythm and cadence in your business (so you can experience true freedom in your life), get on the waitlist for  Launch Like A Queen

Do not miss these highlights: 

00:51 Email marketing has been top of mind for all of us, and definitely just becoming so much more apparent as the industry is shifting.

01:57 This is not to tell you to move off of social media. In fact, social media is still one of our primary tools for business and this is what we teach our clients. 

02:20 But there's no doubt that the power of change at any moment is in the hands of these social media owners. 

03:20 At the end of the day, they own the platform and whatever followers you have, you do not own.  

03:40 So we are going to be rolling out some new curriculum around email marketing.  

04:12 The power of email marketing. First, you own the list. 

04:30 The other thing is it's just a different level of communication.

04:55 It gives you those layers to draw from when we're talking about our overall strategy for each quarter and our revenue goals.  

05:15 You have these levers to pull in order to make sure that people see you. 

05:30 You have to have an email list, it's a non-negotiable. 

05:44 Allow yourself to spend forty to fifty dollars a month on an email marketing platform. 

06:05 A lot of people assume that because it's coaching, they don't have to put money into it. 

06:32 I think the other thing that people make mistakes with is believing that their email list is too small to do anything with it.

06:48 Learning how to nurture a list now is going to serve you tenfold later. The benefit of a smaller list is you get to get more intimate with them.  

07:09 So the first step is if you don't have an email list get one. We recommend ConvertKit in which we have an affiliate link that I can drop here.  

07:33 Now how do we grow a list? 

07:45 We have to create containers where they provide us with their email list and we give them something in exchange. 

08:16 Something tangible that you can give somebody that does still align with your higher caliber client.  

08:38 But before you create it, ask your audience first. 

08:47 If you're not getting hits on it, then ask again and come up with new titles. 

09:34 But this is where people might stop as they create a free resource but never share it. 

10:10 Once they get into your email list, you have to nurture them. Don't wait until your email list gets bigger.  

10:47 Repurpose some of your content to your email or shift it a little bit. 

11:01 When you think about that high-converting compelling content that draws people in, it's about telling stories. 

11:29 Email marketing is where you have the most freedom to add a call to action by watching what people are paying attention to.

12:24 Next thing to do is you can start doing email campaigns. 

12:40 We just run a series that has a start and stop through our email list. It's always fun to see how much cash we can generate from that simple email series. 

13:25 We've done five days to 10 days where there's a start and stop, but we're just pushing content every day.  

13:42 Urgency comes from demonstrating value and telling people why they need it and why now is the best time. 

14:15 So one of our core methods for reach and revenue is live launch. The live launch model which we teach you in “Launch Like a Queen.”

14:45 So even for the people that didn't join, what happens now is they're in our email list. 

15:12 Staying consistent, rinsing, and repeating those messages. Letting people know how you help them and what the next steps are is so crucial. 

15:46 Don't stop even if you're not seeing your subscribers grow at the moment.  

15:57 You have to focus on the long game knowing that people just need a little bit more time, but you have to keep touching them. 

16:13 You're not letting it get hung up in your mind of who's paying attention or who is not, but you're still showing up consistently for them. 

16:45 We still have to make email marketing a priority, and social media is just a part of that pathway. 

17:13 Email marketing is your priority, which means just doing what you're doing likely, but to an email list. Making sure that that is a part of your overall content strategy. 

17:26 I hope this episode was helpful.to you and I would love it if you leave a review. 

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, a Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen, and heard online.

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women — because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that.

As a wife and a mom of three, the family takes priority. And having a business that’s run AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers.


Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos 

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Kinsey Machos:

Welcome to Captivate and Close. I'm Kinsey Machos, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high-paying clients using my break through online marketing strategies, all without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait, or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in. Hey, you welcome back to another episode, I want to kick off strong with email marketing. So this has been top of mind for all of us, and definitely just becoming so much more apparent as the industry is shifting. And while I have always had an email list, and I've been so consistent in nurturing my email list, I feel so much more clear and energized around email marketing, due to the fact of the ever evolving algorithm shifts. So if you're like me, probably been sensing low engagement on social and or frustrations around the changes that come out pretty frequently, right? For example, Instagram was like all in on reels and prioritised reels. And now it's like, not right, and it's just standard pics. And this is going to be the rhythm that we're going to see, as social media continues to evolve. And there's just really no way getting around it. Now, this episode is not to tell you to move off of social media. In fact, social media is still one of our primary tools for business, this is what we teach our clients. And I will never, I can't say never, but it's very unlikely that I'll ever move away from social media, we are an online business, and we can expand our reach and our revenue using this incredible tool. But there's no doubt that the changes really put the power in the hands of these social media owners, right at any moment. In fact, I know of several people as of late that have gotten their accounts completely shut down, because they were doing something that not necessarily bad, but they said something that Instagram didn't agree with. So all of their you know, hundreds of thousands of followers are gone in an instant. And in fact, I got a notification the other day that there was somebody that had reported me, and so now I'm flagged and so Instagram is starting to watch me and maybe I mean, I don't say much on there that's, you know, politically driven, I don't think, or anything, I even tried to like watch my swearing. So it's really hard to know, like what to do to quote unquote appease Instagram, or Facebook or LinkedIn or wherever you're at. And so at the end of the day, though, they own the platform, whatever followers you have, you do not own. And so this is just going to be a much more bigger importance to your overall content marketing strategy, when it comes to your email list. And we're going to be rolling out some new curriculum around email marketing, because even though again, most of our people come from social media, and that's how we're building our visibility. And that's how we're promoting our our events and our offers and things like that, really, the conversions are starting to happen more and more through email, there are people are more hesitant to send DMS people are being very distracted on social media. And so we want to move them to your email list. And so really, the power of email marketing is, first you own the list, you have a direct connection to your users, and don't have to worry about, you know, an outside source coming in and taking that away from you. And so if anything, you get your power back. The other thing is it's just a different level of communication. You talking directly to your users in their inbox is going to create a different type of environment or different feeling, then putting social content out there and having various people see it or not. It's a different type of communication channel. Okay. And the other thing too is that it gives you those layers to draw from When we're talking about

Kinsey Machos:

our overall strategy for each quarter and our revenue goals, right, we're talking about all the different channels and pathways that we have and how to maximize all of them. And email is obviously one of them. And you have these levers to pull in order to make sure that people see you, they're getting to know you, right, and they're coming closer to you and your offer. And so, first of all, if you don't have an email list, you have to have one, it's a non negotiable, I rarely say have to, but you have to, and I hear a lot from beginners around like the investment piece, but I'm telling you, you have to treat your business like a business. And really allow yourself to spend, you know, forty to fifty dollars a month on an email marketing platform, which is nothing if you think about the cost of starting a brick-and-mortar business or something with, you know, products having to have stock and things like that. So really seeing your business as something that you still need to invest in. I think a lot of people assume that because it's coaching. And it's very lucrative, they don't have to put money into it. But that is how I have grown so fast is because I do put money back into the business, I invest in things and people and resources and mentorships. And that has definitely accelerated my growth. And so I've always had an email list. And what's cool is, you get to get a lot out of your email list. Regardless of the size, I think the other thing that people make the mistake in is believing that their email list is too small to do anything with it. But you have to know that everybody starts with zero. And the way that you treat those handful of subscribers will be the way you treat those thousands of subscribers. And learning how to nurture a list now is going to serve you tenfold later. And the benefits of a smaller list is you get to get more intimate with them, you can respond to them a little bit differently, and your open rates are going to be likely much higher. And there's just so much there that you can do. So first step is if you don't have an email list, get one we have, we recommend ConvertKit we have an affiliate link that I can even drop here, I think you get a discount on that. And it's very user friendly. So somebody that's not super techie, I did it myself forever until I had a VA that could do it for me. So this is something that you can definitely manage on your own and also should learn how to do it anyway. Okay. Now how do we grow a list? Well, we have to have things that people can actually opt into. Okay, so if we think about growing our list and getting people on our email list, we have to create containers, where they provide us their email list, and we give them something in exchange. The most common way to do this is some sort of free resource, downloadable, lead, magnet, etc, we walk you through this inside of Ten k, and how to do that. But this can be really simple at first, a lot of people spend so much time designing these really pretty ebooks, and really big design, heavy sort of, you know, lists. But ultimately, people just want that quick hit, what is something really tangible that you can give somebody that does still align with your higher caliber client, but it also really highlights your brilliance. And so this is really the best way to grow your email list, aside from doing launch events, but I'll circle back to that. But creating a free resource that you know your people will want. And before you create it, ask your audience come up with three different things that you know you could create or just some ideas that you have and ask your audience which one would you want, if you're not really getting hits on it, then ask again and come up with new titles. This is why I feel like our content and our events and our topics hit so well. Because I asked my audience, I create things they actually want. Because they told me they wanted it don't guess don't create these things in a silo. Really have that conversation with your audience. So having something that that we can exchange with them, right, so we have an opt in page, right? It's like download this three, this, you know, three steps to losing those first 10 Stubborn pounds, and they have to put their email address in and now they get their, their free downloadable and now they're on your email list. Okay, but this is where people might stop is, well, a they create a free resource but never share it. They just put it you know, on their link tree and don't share it, assuming people will see it and want it or they get on their email list and they don't nurture it. So just a reminder that when you create these free resources, share them at least once or twice a week. Right? We're constantly building awareness and reminding people that you have this thing why they need it, treat it like a paid resource, right and sell it, we always have to sell it, whether it's free or not. Now, once they get on your email list, you have to nurture them. This means actually sending out emails if least once a week, don't wait until your email list gets bigger. Don't look at those numbers and think that you don't have enough every subscriber counts.

Kinsey Machos:

So build this into your rhythm. And one of the things that I hear a lot, even from clients that come into our programs, is I just have a block when it comes to reading an email, guess what I do, too. And so I don't really think of it as an email, I just think of it as a piece of content. And so if you're really fluid on writing, Instagram, copy, write it right, but then repurpose it to your email, you might have to shift it a little bit, you put in some subscriber content, right name here, and then maybe it's a different call to action at the end. But to me, and some people may disagree, but to me, it's all the same. When you think about that high converting compelling content that draws people in, you're telling stories, you're highlighting your brilliance, you're teaching something you're giving value, it's all the same, whether it's on an Instagram post, or in an email, it doesn't matter. And so anytime you are getting stuck, just go there, just write a piece of content, and then make it quote unquote, email friendly, you know, put a really great subject line in there. And watch what people are paying attention to. Email marketing is where you have the most freedom to add a call to action that people will actually take more than potentially a social media post. And so really leverage every email for those really strong call to action. And then make it a point that you're emailing your list at least once a week, non negotiable. And at bare minimum, all you need to do is repurpose your social content, or write write a really great piece of content that's a little bit longer, maybe that's more of the email, and then you can repurpose parts of that into social, there's just so many things you can do, you just have to decide to make it work, a lot of people get overwhelmed by the idea. And so they just stall out, make it make sense for you and find a rhythm. So now that you're nurturing your email list, one of the things that you can do is start doing email campaigns, right. So this is one of my favorite things to do when you are outside of a launch will run campaign series here and there for extra cash flow or extra awareness or, you know, run a special that we don't even have to put on a launch event, we just run a series that has a start and stop through our email list. And it's always fun to see how much cash we can generate from that simple email series, and how much more we can just reengage our email list. And so what's really fun is thinking about what's something if you're feeling a little flat or a plateau or something that like just to reignite you and your list and your audience is running. Maybe a series a little you know start and stop promotional campaign, maybe it's a bonus, you're going to offer for a certain period of time, maybe it's a price incentive, maybe it's you know, an additional piece of value that they can get if they purchase by this time or booking a call. But you can run this series, right? We've done anything from five days to 10 days, where there's a start and stop, but we're just pushing content every day, right reminding them of this thing that they get before this particular deadline is up. Not that I want you to rely on deadlines for urgency. Urgency comes from demonstrating value and telling people why they need it and why now is the best time. But having a deadline on something does help with conversions, right gets people to wake up, pay attention and really start to make a decision. And so if you're feeling flat, or you just want to really like reignite your subscribers or like get some cash flow running email campaigns are so powerful. Now one of the things I wanted to circle back in is my favorite way to grow. My list is definitely launch events. So one of our core methods for reach and revenue is live launch the live launch model which we teach you and launch like a queen. And really my email has grown by thousands Just through our launch events. So it's been a long time since I've ever even had a lead magnet or a free resource. Because people you know, opt into these free events where we serve value. And we obviously invite them to our program at the end of that launch event and then run that series. And so even for the people that don't join, what happens is now they're on our email list and we have seen people come in through these launch events, right. They're new to us, but they opt into this launch event. And, and they stick around for a little bit. And it's, you know, around 60 days that we really see them convert. So if you know that if you know that they're going to eventually convert, right, maybe it's not that first time or that second time, but you have that in the back of your mind that staying consistent and really rinsing and repeating those messages and letting people know how you help them and what next steps are, it is so, so crucial. Again, I don't want you to make the mistake of sort of, you know, getting people on your email list or building awareness, having something flop and then feeling discouraged. And moving away from that momentum. Everything really leads into the next thing. And so know that it all works together, don't stop after something has flopped, right? Don't stop, if you're not seeing your subscribers grow like don't stop, this is such an important reminder. And when you have the focus on the long game, and really knowing that people just need a little bit more time, but you have to keep touching them. Right, it really helps you have more of a focused specific content marketing strategy, where every week you know exactly what you're doing. And you're not really paying attention to the metrics, right? You're not letting it get kind of hung up in your mind of who's paying attention or who's not, but you're showing up consistently for them, eventually, they will convert. But overall, at the end of the day, this is where the industry is going right. And email marketing has always been the best way to convert. But I think so many people because of the social media experts that have been coming to the space and all even us right, one of our primary methods that we teach is getting clients from your content, right, we still have to make email marketing a priority. Social media is a part of that pathway. Ultimately, we want to really create that container, where we're moving them off social and engaging them that way. Because that's where there's less noise, more connection, and more conversion. So let this be your reminder that this is your priority. Email marketing is your priority, which means just doing what you're doing likely, but to an email list, and really making sure that that is a part of your overall content strategy. All right, my friend, I hope this was helpful. If you really love this episode, I would love it if you left a review. One of the things that I don't ask for enough is reviews. And this is something that is crucial to really helping us get in front of more people and help more people and really increase right our mission. And so if you wouldn't mind just leaving a review that would be so good. And I will see you next time. Hey, you, thank you so much for listening. It's an honor to be able to pour into the hearts and minds of like minded entrepreneurs all over the world. But my most favorite part is being able to connect with you in real life. If you love what you heard here, head over to the community where thousands of female CEOs, just like you are changing the world one human at a time. We go deeper into the topics you discuss here and give away tangible roadmaps to help you crush your revenue goals to join this high-caliber free community head over to kinseymachos.com/community. I’ll see you there