Oct. 11, 2022

Two Ways You’re Out of Alignment With Your Offer

Two Ways You’re Out of Alignment With Your Offer

If you’re not getting as many clients as you would like, it’s possible that you are not in alignment with what you sell. In this episode, Kinsey introduces two ways you might be resisting your offer and how to fix it. 

Do not miss these highlights:

01:53 A lot of the mental, emotional, even physical, and potentially even financial shifts that we now experiencing in our life as a seasonal transition. 

02:42 I think it's important for me to share the darker seasons and or the the moments that we go through because it is not all unicorns and rainbows. 

03:04 Bigger dreams, bigger responsibilities, require that bigger growth and growth is not always fun. 

03:24 Talking about your offer or the thing that you sell, and you might have several things that you sell, hopefully you don't have too many. 

03:50 If you're in a product based business, your offer is the thing that people buy from you in exchange for money for value. 

04:13 When you think about the ecosystem of your marketing, everything revolves around your offer, because your offer is a combination of your brilliance with who you serve.

04:36 But if you aren't feeling so freaking excited and energized by your offer, by your brilliance, and the people that you serve, this is where you're going to fall flat. Not just in revenue, but energetically, it's not going to be fun for you.

05:01 There's two huge indicators that you can see the most when it comes to being out of alignment with your offer.

05:21 When we think of alignment with an offer, it is that excitement of it.

05:32 Ultimately, at the end of the day, if you don't feel so excited about your offer, it's usually due to these two scenarios.

05:43 One of those is the fact that you are selling something because you were told to sell it.

06:11 You cram yourself in a box and feel like you have to talk about an offer because that's the only thing that will work in that particular coaching space.

06:36 You want to sell people what they want, not necessarily what they need, but sort of that pain point. 

07:20 But when we think about selling something because it's sellable, but you're not excited about it, you're gonna lose the fire

07:47 So at the end of the day, when you think about that core result, we do have to balance this.   

08:09 So we just have to dive in to think about what is that core problem. 

08:45 What problem is it that you solve? What do you feel fired up about talking about? If the fire isn't there, the flame will die.

09:33 The second piece of being out of alignment with your offer is selling something that you're not an expert in. 

10:13 You have this transformation, but then you stray away and start over promising things that you have not accomplished yourself.

10:36 Don't sell something you've never done yourself, or have helped somebody else do. 

11:48 When you stray away from your zone of genius and your expertise, what you have right now is the experience you've already accumulated, it will again flop. 

12:19 In relation to people feeling or people selling you, on this idea that you need to make it sound bigger and better, you just need to tell the truth, own it, and claim it.

12:47 Don't go beyond where you're at now. If you're selling something you're not an expert, people will see right through it. 

13:02 You will lose momentum and you will not have people to refer you. You will not get known for the expert that you already are.

13:40 When you have certainty in what you can deliver, that can be felt in your content, in your videos, in your emails, in your coaching calls

13:54 Whether selling something you're not an expert in, or selling something you don't want to sell, it all comes back to your fire, your alignment, your certainty around it. 

14:17 Think about where the gaps are? Where do I need to double down? Where do I need to pull back as far as what I'm selling? Where do I need to adjust the tweak pivot so I can feel so confident in my message so confident in my offer? 

14:43 If you need help with these things, of course we can help you. We have links all over the web in the show notes. You can find us on Instagram and you can DM me there. We can dial this in for you and help you feel more confident in your offer.

14:57 Make that decision first. Where do I feel out of alignment and where can I get more clarity? 

15:19 If we are not friends on Instagram, head over there now I'm at Kinsey Macos, and connect with me there

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen and heard online.

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women — because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that.

As a wife and a mom of three, family takes priority. And having a business that’s run AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers.


Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos 

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Kinsey Machos 0:07

Welcome to captivate and close. I'm Kinsey Machos, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high-paying clients using my breakthrough online marketing strategies, all without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait, or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in. Hey, you, welcome back to another episode of captivate and close, it is so good to be here with you this morning, or whatever time you're coming in hot. I'm feeling the fire right now. I don't know if you can tell. You know, it's so funny. As a woman. You know, I think a lot of you can relate to this, if you haven't heard me talk about this, I talked about this alignment to go off on a tangent here for a second, but your hormonal cycle plays into you as a content creator, you as a coach you as everything, you as a human right, that feels emotions. And this is something that you should really pay attention to when you're creating content is what part of your cycle you're in, and how that's impacting your energy and your thoughts and all the things. I'm definitely like high-octane right now. And I just had it even take off my sweater because I'm feeling so hot. And it's amazing. And I'll also we're in this seasonal transition, like literally right, we're moving from summer to fall. And this also plays into a lot of

Kinsey Machos:

the mental, emotional, even physical, potentially even financial shifts that I know we experienced, that you're experiencing, in, you know, in your life as seasons transition, right. So I can feel it, it's so good. A lot of it is is a lot of just like breakthroughs and transformations. And like I think I said on the last podcast episode, I went through a very like fascinating experience over the summer, and I'm not quite ready to share it, I'm coming out on the other side of it. But you know, I need more of that reflection and need to be a little bit further away from it before I can make, you know the most sense of it. And then you know, share it with you all, which is what I love to do, I think it's important for me to share the darker seasons and or the the moments rate that we go through to get here because I don't want you to think that where we're at is all unicorns and rainbows. And it's simple. And it's it's fun and an easy and yeah, that's that's the majority of what I experienced. But you know, bigger dreams, bigger responsibilities require that bigger growth and growth is not always fun. So anyway, so I want to talk about a really fun subject today, which is regarding your offer, and two ways that you're likely out of alignment with what you sell. So when I'm talking about your offer, I'm talking about the thing that you sell, and you might have several things that you sell, hopefully you don't have too many. If you're under hundred k, we like to usually keep you focused on one offer maybe two. And really not many more than that when you're starting to grow from six to seven figures. But this is your your program, your service, right your product, if you're in a product based business, your offer is the thing that people buy from you, right in exchange for money for value, right. So if you're experiencing either a revenue plateau, or you're not selling enough of your offer, or you're having a hard time even talking about it in your content, we see this a lot in our client community, there's sort of a disconnect. But the thing is, when you think about the ecosystem of your marketing, everything revolves around your offer, because your offer is a combination of your brilliance with who you serve. And so if you think about that is the epicenter, right? All your content, all your marketing, all your selling points there. But if you aren't feeling so freaking excited and energized by your offer by your brilliance and the people that you serve, this is where we're going to fall flat, not just in revenue, but energetically, it's not going to be fun for you. And you're just going to have a hard time selling it because if you don't like what you sell, how are other people supposed to like it, let alone buy it. And so there's two huge indicators that we see the most when it comes to being out of alignment with your offer. Now when I think of alignment, this is not like woowoo, do everything that makes you feel good and don't do anything that makes you feel bad because I really stand firm in, in the idea of what alignment really is. But in this sense, when we think of alignment with offer, it is that excitement of it. Yes, selling it is going to feel uncomfortable and selling more of it might even feel uncomfortable or marketing or talking about it. But ultimately, at the end of the day, do you feel so excited about your offer. And if you don't, it's usually due to these two scenarios.

Kinsey Machos:

One of those is the fact that you are selling something, because you were told to sell it. So we see this a lot, when especially for some reason, this is coming up a lot in the health coaching space. We have clients that come to us from previous programs or coaches. And they'll say that their you know, previous mentor or whatever, told them that they need to sell weight loss as a health coach, because that's the thing that sells. And so they've kind of cram themselves in a box and feel like they have to talk about weight loss, or talk about their offer in relation to weight loss, because that's the only thing that will work in the health coaching space. No, first of all, there's so many things wrong with that. But what happens is they lose the fire about their offer, because it's like I don't even really like want to talk about weight loss. Right? You probably have heard this a lot. And there is a balance around. We want to sell people what they want, not necessarily what they need, but sort of that pain point, right? Like what's the top of mind for your ideal clients. And there's a misconception, especially related to this health hygiene space that people only want weight loss, and health. And that is so far from the truth, I think about myself, right? I'm a big health advocate, I hire experts and buy products related to my health that have nothing to do with losing weight, it's feeling optimal in my health, sleeping, better brain fog, right? Like from A to Z, I can think about all these other things related to the solutions that I buy that have nothing to do with weight loss. But when we think about selling something, because it's sellable, but you're not excited about it, you're gonna lose the fire. And when you go to write content, when you get on a sales call, when you're talking about what you do and that fire isn't there, what do you think is going to happen? So if you're just selling something, because you are told that that's the thing that's going to sell, but you're not there, and you're like dead about it, we need to get you out of that. So at the end of the day, when you think about that core result, again, we do have to balance this Well, it's, you know, if we think about like optimal health, that's very big. And if you're selling optimal health, that's great. But that's not necessarily going to fall on, you know, for your for the core problem that your person is experiencing, there might be a disconnect there. So we just have to dive in to think about, well, what is that core problem if it's not weight loss, there was a bazillion different avenues to take with this. But you have to check in with yourself and feel excited about it. If you don't want to talk about weight loss, don't talk about weight loss. And it could be that weight loss is just one element of the problem you solve I think about if we were to even come in with, you know, in the life coaching space. And people have told you well, people don't buy life coaching, right? People know people don't buy life coaching, but they definitely hire life coaches to solve a problem that they have. And so what problem is it that you solve? And what do you feel fired up about talking about? If the fire isn't there, the flame will die. And that flame is you write and I want you to feel so energized because that energy will it's palpable, even in your written content. Okay, so that's the first. That's one of the biggest reasons we see. When it comes to being out of alignment with your offer, you're trying to sell something that you don't even really feel excited about, because you were told it was the thing that would sell. Now secondly, and this might be a little harsh and hard to hear, but we do have to say it and we need to talk about it more because you have probably even been a victim of what's occurring here. But the second piece of being out of alignment with your offer is selling something that you're not an expert in. We see this all the time in our industry, it's sort of like I just need to puff out my chest more I need to elaborate a little bit more and I need to sound better or I need to lie. Nobody I know none of you are intentionally lying. Right but we see this happen a lot. You come into the especially the coaching space. You have this trends animation for yourself. So you want to help others, but you kind of stray away from that. Because again, you're told like, well, we need to sell bigger, right? In order to make this work, we have to like, sell it bigger. So you have this like transformation. But then you you stray away from that and start over promising things that you have not accomplished yourself.

Kinsey Machos:

Now, we're big proponents on the fact that you are an expert, you do not need credentials, you don't need certifications, you don't need tons of testimonials to identify as an expert. But on the other side of that don't sell something you've never done yourself, or have helped somebody else do. So, for example, we have a client actually, that she left her teaching job, and has just started her own business. And she is a human design expert. And she actually used elements of human design to help her get clear on what she wanted to do next, which is what enabled her to leave her teaching job. And so when we were working on her messaging, right, I could see how she was like moving away from that core transformation and saying things like, you know, help out entrepreneurs grow your business using human design, right. And while some of that is true, what we have to acknowledge is, you're you're just getting started as an entrepreneur. So where can you be an expert right now. And that is right, gaining clarity and making decisions using human design or getting that clear path forward. If you're in a job you hate, and you want to get a clear path forward, I will help you do that using human design, right? Like, it's so simple, but what people think is it's not good enough. So I have to sell them the moon, I have to sell something that I've never done before to sound like an expert. But when you stray away from your zone of genius and your expertise, what you have right now, right, the experience you've already accumulated, it will again flop. And most importantly, we don't want to over promise and under deliver, if you've never done the thing, right, and you don't feel comfortable or in rhythm to that message, let's just stay where you're at and allow it to be good enough. I think we tend to, I think this is also in relation to people feeling or people selling you on this idea that you need to make it sound bigger and better, when in fact, you just need to tell the truth. and own it and claim it. And of course, as you grow as your experience grows, as your entrepreneurial journey evolves, more, you'll gain more of that, right, the potency will get bigger, the experience will get bigger, and you can start to elaborate. But don't go beyond where you're at. Now. If you're selling something, you're not an expert, and people will see right through it, or right, people will come in not get a good experience because you sold them something that you didn't know how to deliver on. And so you will lose momentum you will not have people referring you. Right, you will not get known for the expert that you already are. And that's when we see another plateau. So I know this is sometimes it's so hard to hear, right? It's like oh, but But I love you and I don't want you have to do yourself a disservice by feeling like you're not enough to sell where you're at now. In fact, you would be doing yourself so much more service to just double down in claim that and bring your full brilliance now bring that energy and that confidence in that certainty. When you have certainty and what you can deliver that can be felt, in your content, in your videos in your emails in your coaching calls, right? And so that's what we want for you. And in both of these scenarios, right selling something, you're not an expert in or selling something you don't want to sell, it all comes back to your fire your alignment, your certainty around it. Because when you don't have that certainty, we lose confidence. And when we lose confidence, we're not coming in with our full power and showing our audience that we're the leader and we can help them. And so really check yourself here and think about okay, where are the gaps? Where do I need to double down? Where do I need to kind of pull back as far as what I'm selling? Where do I need to adjust tweak pivot so I can feel so confident in my message so confident in my offer? And you will seriously see you will see things explode. You are good enough now. Right? What you're an expert in now is good is great. Bring it and if you need help with these things, of course we can help you right we have links all over the web. In the show notes. You know, you can find us on Instagram, there's you can DM me there, and we can dial this in for you and help you feel more certain confident in your offer. But I want you to make that decision first. Where do I feel out of alignment?

Kinsey Machos:

And where can I get more clarity. So I hope this message was really empowering in the way right that you feel lifted from it. And that you can go out and take action now, to increase your revenue, increase your reach and feel so, so, so, so good about it. If we are not friends on Instagram, head over there now I'm @kinseymachos. And connect with me there. And I just love pouring into you today. Thank you again for letting me serve you. I will see you next week.

Kinsey Machos:

Hey, you, thank you so much for listening. It's an honor to be able to pour into the hearts and minds of like minded entrepreneurs all over the world. But my most favorite part is being able to connect with you in real life. If you love what you heard here, head over to the community where hundreds of female CEOs, just like you are changing the world one human at a time. We go deeper into the topics you discuss here and give away tangible roadmaps to help you crush your revenue goals to join this high caliber free community head over to https://kinseymachos.com/community . See you there