July 5, 2022

The Self-Coaching Protocol

The Self-Coaching Protocol

In this episode featuring Jenny Beecher, they discuss how important it is to take a step back re-evaluate where you are at as an entrepreneur. Self-coaching is essential to our business as it stops the continuous drive forward. When we learn how to coach ourselves we become better problem-solvers and in better control of our business!

Check 10k Content Collective for more info: www.kinseymachos.com/10k

Do not miss these highlights:

01:02 What is self coaching? What does this idea of self coaching mean? And how should people be using it in their businesses or even in their lives? As a tool for success?

02:16 Self coaching is something that we use to really hit the pause button on this drive forward. As entrepreneurs, as coaches, it's like you really you want to just keep going and fixing and problem solving.

03:46 Separating from that old mindset, self coaching and getting coaching, right, go in the vein of being able to go inward and be like, hang on, how am I creating this drama for myself?

05:58 Self trust, that's such a big important concept there and slacking in so many people.

07:12 10k content collective, and it combines coaching curriculum and community. And through those three elements, we help you attract high end clients consistently using our unique method for content creation.

08:10 What the process is, is we dive in, and we start with looking at what is going on just this simple, what's going on. And I think that this is where a lot of people will traditionally journal, step into that like meditative piece and just kind of be aware and observe.

10:07 Jenny is really good at dropping into you, as a listener, right, dropping into our claims, dropping into people and really recognizing like, yes, we give you a simple path, but like, I know, you're gonna come up with self barriers there.

13:12 The problems that we see people wanting to focus on are ones that are so far out in the periphery and so irrelevant. They don't matter.

16:20 We have self coaching, and we also have coaching calls that you come to when the self coaching isn't doing it for you, or in addition to right because it you are still hard wired a certain way.

18:07 I think I think there's always these scenarios where we have clients and 10k that are presenting these perceived problems, and were able to walk them through it.

21:40 So it's understanding how to unlock this part of the journey for yourself.

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen and heard online. 

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women -- because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that. 

As a wife and a mom of three, family takes priority. And having a business that’s ran AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers. 


Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos

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Kinsey Machos 0:07

Welcome to captivate and close. I'm Kinsey Machos, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high paying claims, using my break through online marketing strategies, all without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in.

Kinsey Machos 0:43

Hey, guys, welcome back to another episode of captivate and closse. Oh, it's so good to be here with you this morning. Or whatever time you are tuning in. I have a special guest. You guys are very familiar with her. She's practically my co host, Jenny Beecher. Welcome back.

Jenny Beecher 1:00

Hi, everybody. So excited to do that.

Kinsey Machos 1:02

We are it's coming in hot this morning, you guys, we've got you know, it's summertime at the time of this recording. And I just had to like, hop out of my office real fast. And deal with some kiddos. We love it mom life in the summertime, like so good. So we're gonna try to make it through this this episode without any kid bombers. But let's rock and roll. We want to talk to you guys about something really fun. This concept of self coaching, but specifically this idea of self coaching protocol. So in our signature coaching program 10k content Collective, we take our claims through a process using the self coaching protocol. Now, this is obviously this is very effective. For those of you that are familiar with Phil coaching, right, you can understand that this is an effective tool to use. But Jamie, I would love for you to kick us off and let us know first of all, like, generally, what does it mean to self coach? What is self coaching? What does this idea of self coaching mean? And how should people be using it in their businesses or even in their lives? As a tool for success?

Jenny Beecher 2:16

Oh, this is such a good question. Because I think self coaching, whether or not you're familiar with it, it can feel a little foreign to you. And so self coaching is something that we use to really hit the pause button on this drive forward. As entrepreneurs, as coaches, it's like you really you want to just keep going and fixing and problem solving. But what the self coaching does is it it stops you from that constantly doing and it allows you to look at what's going on in you, where you're sabotaging yourself, where you're holding yourself back where you're making it harder for yourself, and really allow you to kind of pivot on those things. So that next steps are easier. So coaching is really vital in any type of entrepreneurship, coaching itself is but being able to have the tools to do it for yourself when you need to is is like lightning in a bottle.

Kinsey Machos 3:04

That's so good. And I think about even my own journey. Like, there's a lot of I think that you know, as even women who who have, like we hire mentors and coaches and, you know, immerse ourselves in masterminds. But I learned over the years, and I'm sure you but you've had this similar experiences, like there's a filter, it's like being able to self coach your your set, like being able to self coach, and then being able to go get coaching from somebody else. And you can tell the difference in people that have that tool and are able to leverage that tool before they go out and like spew all their drugs, with their coaches and

Jenny Beecher 3:46

mentors. Can you talk a little bit about my gosh, yes, I think to this goes back to what people used to think coaching therapy, all of that was about was like, let me just tell you what my life is so hard and what's going wrong and why other people are doing things to me, you know, and, and so separating from that old mindset, self coaching and getting coaching, right, go in the vein of being able to go inward and be like, hang on, how am I creating this drama for myself? You know, yeah, there might be other things involved. Yeah, there might be roadblocks in my business and I'm struggling to get clients or this or that or the other. The hell am I creating this and what it takes is that ability to be introspective and, and sit down and really look in, you know, we can always tell when we're talking to somebody who's not quite there yet when you when you coach somebody or you're talking about coaching somebody and they're saying, Yeah, but I already know that like, but then why are you still making the same choices and so when you practice self coaching, you know, because we don't always have ability to get on the phone with our coach. I hope you guys are all working with coaches and mentors all the time. You should be we don't always have like, you know, it's just pick up the phone. When you're ready to get things done and get over things. You can always just do that. And so this self coaching not only tees you up for better conversation just with your coaches and mentors later, but it also alleviates a lot of things that might feel really big on the inside, to help you kind of streamline that, so that you can move out of your own way.

Kinsey Machos 5:09

That's so good. And I think too, it allows us to become better solver, problem solvers. And so that we can, like efficiently really, like navigate life and business in in such a bigger way. If we're not having to always rely on outside sources to tell us the right answer. It's almost even like, when you think about those people that are like always crowdsourcing their, their, their answers, right, what should I price my program at? Or my husband did this, what would you do and like, really being able to go like, go, like, come back home to solve and like, walk through what that problem, quote unquote, problem looks like in your life, how you would solve it, and like, walk yourself down that journey, and really build build that self trust,

Jenny Beecher 5:58

self trust, that's such a big important concept there and slacking in so many people. Because not because they set out and say, I don't trust myself, but because they just don't know that there's that piece that should be there. And when you come from a place, I think a lot of women especially come from a place of like, we our parents, you know, raise us and they let us know what's good and bad. And, and a lot of that is based on not upsetting to any people not being too far out there not being too bold, don't be too greedy, don't be too pretty, don't be too sexy, don't have too much desire, like all of these things. And so when you're kind of used to measuring with that outside gauge, it makes sense that when you look in, you're like, oh, I don't even know how I feel about it. That's how I've created myself to be, I don't think is how I want to be. And that's self coaching. When you're building a business, you guys, when you're building that, you have to put yourself into it. And we say all the time it is one of the paradigms of our company is you your your business growth is a direct reflection of your personal growth and your personal growth happens when you pause and go in and really take responsibility and get inquisitive about what's going on in you that's causing the perceived problems on the outside.

Kinsey Machos 7:12

Yeah, this is so good. Can you talk a little bit about because when we were putting together their curriculum for 10k, content collected, and really thinking about this experience, so for those of you that haven't heard about our coaching program, right, this is our signature experience. 10k content collective, and it combines coaching curriculum and community. And through those three elements, we help you attract high end clients consistently using our unique method for content creation. But just like Jenny said, it goes beyond just being able to create content, to be able to sell to be able to coach, right, it's really about building longevity in yourself and in your business. And so when we're designing this experience, Jenny, you put in some really key milestones in each of the sections called self coaching protocols. Can you talk a little bit about about this process? And what the intention behind it is?

Jenny Beecher 8:10

If you know if it goes beyond sort of a traditional model of this idea of self coaching? And how our clients are using it to create better results for themselves? Yeah, that's such a great question. And it goes back to a lot of why we created this program is because what we realized was missing out there was this piece of the mindset of a business or the mindset of a woman who's terrified, but doing it anyway, you can't solve that we just how and so when we realized that this piece could really enhance, and we put this in here, I think what, what we're finding is that the ability for the women that are following this to really dive in and help themselves is is, is really what is making the difference. So what the process is, is we dive in, and we start with looking at what is going on just this simple, what's going on. And I think that this is where a lot of people will traditionally journal, step into that like meditative piece and just kind of be aware and observe. And that's great. But then we take a deeper really look at what's going on. And a lot of the meaning that you are creating you being self are creating behind what's going on. And you'll find what a lot of people find by the end of the self coaching protocol is like, actually, the things that are happening are happening, but they don't have to have the meaning that I'm putting there. For example, if you are constantly putting out content, and you feel like, you know, you get to the end of a module, which is where we have these self coaching protocols, get to the end of the module, and you're doing all the things but you're still feeling like you're not getting the results that you want. And so when you go through the self coaching protocol, but we've had a lot of people realizes, Oh, I'm actually still holding back, or I'm not saying exactly what I want to say or I'm still worried about what my Grandma's gonna I don't think your grandma's on Facebook, but maybe your sister's on Facebook, and maybe grandma's cool, but you know, somebody's gonna see that and so this health coaching protocol is there because it Willie goes deeper and allows you to look at what's going on in your heart, but also in your head, which is really what's going to be stumbling you up.

Kinsey Machos:

So good. And I think this is why I think this is important to even each module is because we know that with each of these core milestones that you guys create in your businesses, right, when it comes to establishing that core signature offer, when it comes to developing your marketing and your lead generation strategy, when it comes to write content that converts all of these things bring up new drama for you. And Jenny is really good at dropping into you, as a listener, right, dropping into our claims, dropping into people and really recognizing like, yes, we give you a simple path, but like, I know, you're gonna come up with self barriers there. Because we all do, right, so my drummer, and I think it's so cool that we've been able to design it and really pinpoint like, it like for each hurdle that you overcome, right? Just addressing what might be coming up for them. I would love for you to talk about you mentioned meditation, what would it like, in your mind? What would the difference be doing something like meditation and, and self coaching? Or are they are they the same?

Jenny Beecher:

So I think meditation is more. It's such an empowering, present focus focusing part of your day, it's very important. And it helps you to be aware of regret, and you gain that clarity, you know, in the moment, but the difference between that and a self coaching protocol is a self coaching protocol, you're kind of going to work a little bit more. And I think a lot of women listening to this really resonate that right with that, right? Like we like to get in there and get to work, I don't think you you definitely want to do both. Same with journaling, I think it's something else that people will be like, Well, I do that to get over these things. But what the self coaching protocol does is it actually walks you in steps in an order that sequential that helps you to walk deeper into yourself than you would be able to by just kind of ambiently journaling about how you're feeling what's going on and trying to find it on your own. These questions are very, very succinct. And at the end, we also end with pieces where you are able to insert your own form of accountability as well as action steps that are very specific to your own need in that situation that's bringing you to the self coaching protocol. So it is very much something that you do so for those of you that are like yes, I love personal growth. And I love to get any work on things like that's what that's what our self coaching protocol is and why it's so different that and meditate before you do, like get even more out of it. But they're definitely not things that you would like exclude the other

Kinsey Machos:

four. Yeah. Okay, I love that. And I think like you had said earlier is really important is that when we give ourselves time to really reflect on the problems that are coming up, or the results that we might not be getting, and allows us to remove the meaning that's there. But then also, like, eliminate this, the traditional, like, rabbit hole that we find a lot of claims in is like chasing problems that are not actually problems, which most of business quote unquote problems are never really problems. Where, like, when you see some examples of that, Jimmy, oh, my goodness.

Jenny Beecher:

You know, I think that a lot of the problems that we see people chasing, especially at this level, when you're really building the foundations of your business, the problems that we see people wanting to focus on are ones that are so far out in the periphery and so irrelevant. They don't matter. For example, I don't have a website and I would just feel better if I had a website or I talked to four people but only two of them signed, like even making up problems which I know we're laughing because we're like past success like what you know, they want to focus on things that they think are going wrong, we want to focus on negative and I will say this about negativity is that we are wired to look for negativity as humans, it's how we survive by looking at negativity. I mean, if we don't look for things that could potentially hurt us, we're gonna get eaten by lions you know, when you look at that it doesn't make you a negative person to constantly kind of be focusing on negative things but what self coaching protocol does is it helps you to see the truth of that, you know, what are the boogeyman that you're making up? What are the you know, I'm so busy My life is so much harder than everybody else is I can't possibly be successful what this does is really gives you an experience to sit down and look at that. Is that true? Or are you making your circumstances mean you can't be successful as a way to escape having to do the work to get there. Oh, so

Kinsey Machos:

good. I love this and I think I mean a no judgment on our on our end. I run into this a lot for myself and because I've been able to you know, obviously partner with you Jenny in the brilliance of like your mind and also like helping me equip myself in that capacity like I can I find myself when I'm in those holes, most often now, better late than never right. But we all find ourselves there. And I think recently, like we had a launch that we thought was, like totally going out down the tank hole. And I remember even, you know, I think the the doors closed about Monday night, and I think Monday morning, I had convinced myself that the whole launch was a fail, and that we needed to completely change strategies, right. So I was already problem solving, before the launch had even ended. And I'm sure you guys, those of you that are listening can resonate with this with this experience. But it's so funny because I remember getting coaching that day from a mentor. And she's like, Wait, when the launch isn't over, you're talking about it, like as it's already over. And turns out, we have like a flood of people come in that night, of course, right. And so what happened is I expended all this energy, solving a problem, that was never a problem. And I think whether it's directly related to a launch, getting claims, creating content or whatever, if you are spending more time solving problems that are not problems, right, you're you're taking away from the true solution of you just continue to do what you do best. And like showing up in like your fullest power, which is what that sort of that felt coaching protocol really helps you stay focused on

Jenny Beecher:

oh my gosh, that's so that is such a good point to make. Because yeah, we are, I feel the same way to about a lot of things. The point when the more that you self coach yourself, get coaching experience, what it's like to really work through things and find your own solutions for your life. Like you said, you can catch it quicker. And I think that that's a really important point to make, too is because self coaching is is very powerful. However, it's still not a substitute for having high power coaching and mentorship in your life. Which is why is this in our programs, we have self coaching, and we also have coaching calls that you come to when the self coaching isn't doing it for you, or in addition to right because it you are still hard wired a certain way. And we'll always run up against different things. And so there's just those needs to have that outside perspective, the outside like, you know, is it true that that's really is it true that the whole thing was the whole launch was a bunk? Or is it is it not. And so to be able to have that is super, super powerful, too. But the self coaching, like you said in that example, Kinsey was so beautiful is because what the self coaching does is you knew even though that was going on, it doesn't change the intensity of those emotions and feelings, but you were able to understand that the real truth of it, and then seek that help to get the process for it, which I think is what a lot of a lot of people are missing, where we see a lot of people, you know, who will start a business and they work really hard and do one thing, and then they just kind of trickle off or they're paying attention or like they go back, right, they go back to how things were because it's too hard. And what they're really missing is that ability to make those shifts and changes that are needed in their mindset to be able to handle the success that they want, which is what the self coaching and having coaching and mentorship does for you.

Kinsey Machos:

So that yeah, because you can't have one without the other. It's like the merriment of both. And I think I think of there's always these scenarios where we have clients and 10k that are presenting these perceived problems, and were able to walk them through it. And it completely eliminated a whole fire that was going to be that of an explosion, right. I think of even recently somebody had posted in the group. And I think they were concerned that a client that had said yes, was now saying no, and they email them to you. Do you remember that? And oh, my gosh, yes. No. And I think they had, yeah, tucked up. Yeah,

Jenny Beecher:

I remember that. We saw we had a client that had gotten an email that was like, Hey, I'm not interested in your program. I don't think it's gonna work out this client had already signed. And what happened was, you know, the coach, our client was like, Oh, she wanted to email back and be like, Okay, I'm sorry, I'll give you a refund. And we were like, No, and we walked through that we did the coaching, we walked through the mindset around it. And once she was able to relax her own nervous system, she dropped into conversation with that person found out that the whole reason they were quitting was because they didn't think that they were good enough to be in the program. And they ended up staying in the program and ended up investing even more later down the line. And so can you imagine had she not taken that time what that would have done to her whole business this person has gone on to be incredibly successful. It despite that little instance, and because of that instance, and so it's it's understanding that the challenges you guys that you face as entrepreneurs are not challenges to stop you they are challenges to grow you but it takes the proper framework to be able to work through those challenges to level yourself up, right they call it growing pains for a reason. It to level yourself up instead of shrinking back, freaking out quitting hiding, putting your head in the sand type of thing, and then starting over again. later. And I think that that's a really big difference there. We even had somebody recently, who on a more personal level was really struggling with her ability like to even handle clients. She was thinking, Am I too busy? Do I have too much going on. And we coached through that on a coaching call. And she'd been doing the self coaching protocol, and we coach through it. And she just showed the other day that she got her first high paying client. And so it's like, it's all about the permission of yourself. And that starts with a permission that self trust, do you trust yourself? And honestly, for me, you guys a lot? Sometimes the answer is no. Which is a really good answer to have, because that's my work right there. Okay, what do I need to do to be able to trust myself that to convince myself I can press myself but really to trust myself? Where am I missing the boat there, and I get to work on it. So somebody else is like, no, by me, like, Brandon, because I think that was like a lot. But it's really, it's really important to understand that, like, you have the reins of your life.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah, that's so good. So good. And this is why I think what we've created in 10k is so unique and so beautiful is because you get to lean on us as mentors, you get the access to the expert coaching, you also get access to the proven framework, but we're also teaching you how to trust yourself how to build that, build those tools within yourself so that you can grow faster and, and accelerate those results. And really, anything because when you learn how to trust yourself and like love yourself more like there's you're just like unstoppable it, it's just, it's just so cool. It I can't

Jenny Beecher:

even Yeah, it is, it brings to mind, another phrase that we say all the time, is play your way to wealth. And you can play your way to wealth, if you're beating yourself up, you're miserable, you're just hoping you make money so you can stop being miserable. Like your, your your success is, is a direct result of your experience in something. So if you're miserable in something, if you're terrified in something, if it's incredibly uncomfortable, your success will be too. So it's understanding how to unlock this part of the journey for yourself. So that it's not always sunshine and roses, do not get me wrong. But being able to experience things and be present in this journey of your business and work on yourself in little ways right along the way. That's the secret of it. All you guys, everything you need is already in you. Everything you need is already period, point blank, you don't need to become anything else. You don't need to do anything else. You don't need to be anybody else. The problem is all the crap you've piled on whole life and who you're worried about pissing off at the end of the day, that's the those are the biggest things that we see people coming up with and the self coaching protocol is, is such a key to alleviating that it's a powerful tool. So good.

Kinsey Machos:

I love it. I felt like we like we could talk about this all day long. But I just feel like that's a really good note to end on. And I think just reiterating whether you come in to 10k and experience our our self coaching Protocol, or you learn how to do that on your own, which is going to be harder. But either way, I think the point is, right, being able to have those tools at your disposal, so you can enjoy business so you can have fun, grow faster and get what you want out of it. And it's just so incredible. So incredible. I know, we couldn't talk about this forever, but I don't look at us being all being all short and concise.

Jenny Beecher:

I know. It's very hard for me. I'm like hey, rein it back in.

Kinsey Machos:

I know. I have so much to say. Um, Jenny, any last words on on self coaching protocol?

Jenny Beecher:

No, you know, I think just that the CliffsNotes version is know yourself, trust yourself and use the frickin tools that you have in front of you and available to you to move further faster. get more out of your time.

Kinsey Machos:

Boom, boom sauce, girl. Thanks for being here with me today. So if you guys want more info on coming into 10k content collective, we'll include a link in the show notes below. But the question is, why are you not in there already. But we have quite our clients are crushing it. This is truly the the the only program you'll need to grow to 100k and beyond. It's the only thing that you'll need to be able to learn how to get clients simply how to build a business, that's fine, how to work less, and how to collaborate with other high caliber women that are also doing what you're doing, which is what you need. So we want you in there if you're not already in there. So good. Just just come in. I hope we hope you have a wonderful week and we will chat with you next time.

Jenny Beecher:

Bye. Bye

Kinsey Machos:

Hey, you and thank you so much for listening It's an honor to be able to pour into the hearts and minds of like minded entrepreneurs all over the world. But my most favorite part is being able to connect with you in real life. If you love what you heard here, head over to the community where thousands of female CEOs, just like you are changing the world one human at a time. We go deeper into the topics you discuss here and giveaway tangible roadmaps to help you crush your revenue goals to join this high caliber free community head over to Kinseymachos.com/community. I'll see you there