Feb. 1, 2022

The Millionaire Mindset Code

The Millionaire Mindset Code

Recently on FaceBook, Kinsey, and co-host Jenny Beecher brought the Wealthy Coach Five Day Challenge to a myriad of followers. It was so good that Kinsey wanted to give you a taste of what they talked about and hopefully inspire you to adopt the Millionaire Mindset. 

Wealth comes from a state of feeling first. It has to come from inside you first. You have to believe it for yourself. Wealthy is a state of being and feeling into it. 

Do not miss these highlights:

10:49 - Common mind blocks when it comes to Entrepreneurship 

13:38 - The fundamental strategy to building a thriving business is your Mindset

16:23 - “I need to work harder in order to earn more money” - The overachieving sort of state of mind, is a lie that people have been adopted

20:04 - Completely Unaware & Overly Aware - The two extremes when we think about mindset in the traditional sense 

21:55 - Remove the judgment on your thoughts

22:14 - “Thought Error” - Our brains are not wired for success, it is wired to keep us where we are at

26:24 - Entrepreneurship is an Inner Growth Journey. The more you get into it, the more personal growth you can find, the more business growth you're going to have

30:24 - What would be preventing someone from saying “Yes, I am willing”

32:04 - Your brain isn't who you are, it's a powerful tool inside of you. It can work against you or it can work for you

38:40 - The Fear of Not Achieving & The Fear of Failure prevents people from setting goals that really lights their heart on fire 

39:12 - How to overcome the limiting belief of always having a Safety Net

41:22 - Crowdsourcing opinions could stop you from growing that authentic, organic business that you are meant to create

45:47 - The Ultimate Code that you should be living your life

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen and heard online. 

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women -- because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that. 

As a wife and a mom of three, family takes priority. And having a business that’s ran AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers. 


Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos

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Kinsey Machos:

We're bringing this podcast episode from a special event that we put on for our audience. We actually called it wealthy coach and in wealthy coaching, we trained hard for five straight days and really on locked the secrets to not just building a profitable coaching business, but what it required in order to get there what, what wealth really meant, what, what it was like to really create big things in your life and in your business. And it was we got such incredible feedback on this experience that I wanted to bring you day one of the wealthy coach experience. And in this day, we talked about the millionaire mindset code. And again, we got such incredible feedback on the content and the training and all the breakthroughs that happened as a result of this experience. And so I wanted to share a little snippet of you for you. And because I think it will be very, very just encouraging and give you a little bit of that power motivation that you might be looking for her waiting for, in order to go create massive results. So I hope you enjoy this

Kinsey Machos:

welcome to captivate and close. I'm Kinsey Makis, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high paying clients using my break through online marketing strategies. All without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait, or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in. Welcome to day one. Wealthy coach, five day challenge. Oh my gosh, happy Monday.

Jenny Beecher:

Happy Monday. I know I feel like it's Monday. It's like the beginning of the year. And I don't know about everybody else. But I feel like it's never like the beginning of the year is here. Everything just is opening up and happening. It's I feel like I'm like Google like this morning with the technology. I'm like, why is my microphone not working? There's nothing plugged in.

Kinsey Machos:

I check all the fame. I know, we're like shoving kids out the door. You guys. Okay, let's dive in. Like, without further ado, let's rock and roll. We want to honor your time we know how busy you are. I mean, hello, both of us are moms, three kids, like very demanding husbands. And we're busy. And we know you're busy too. So we really want to be clear and concise this week, we want to make this very worth your time. And so we'll dive in. But we'll start off by saying welcome. And really the purpose of this challenge, it's really not gonna be like you're hustling to like, do the work, like we have all this homework for you. And it really was birthed out of a conversation that Jenny and I were having. A couple months ago, we were sort of starting to like vision storm, this idea of well, we know as coaches that everybody wants the goal setting process for the new year. So of course, like how do we give our people what they want, but it's sort of transpired from there, based on conversations that we've been having with our clients, what we've been seeing in the industry, where people are getting hung up, and we really just started to visions from this experience, for you to create, to create a container where you can get the tangible things like we're gonna be doing a lot of, you know, goal designing, and really thinking about what is your offer for 2022? And how are you going to hit your revenue goals? What is the marketing and selling looks like or look like? Like, we love talking about that. We also want to back up a little bit. And what we feel like the market is missing. And we're we're seeing a lot of people stall out is obviously the inner game. Now, I don't want to call this mindset because I think it's so overdone. But we're going to dive deeper into what that looks like. And we call this the millionaire mindset code. Because there's a certain there's certain elements of this and what this looks like, right? When you're being when you're aside from like being much funner, right, like just going on the journey of life. There is a lot that surfaces, right that you may or may not be aware of. That's going to hinder you from getting what you want out of business and in life. And so this week, this is really this experience to pour into you guys help you uncover a lot of the junk that you've got in there but also built the roadmap. So you can 2x 5x 10x your revenue for this year. We're so excited. Jenny, what do you want to add to that?

Jenny Beecher:

I don't think I have allowed to really add other than I'm really excited and just kind of like backup everything that you're saying because I, as an entrepreneur and a coach, it can be really hard to be in that place of like, this is the year and then you're kind of like, I feel like it's like Ricky, Bobby with your hands like, okay, there's a lot to do. And it can get frustrating, because it's like, how do you even set a goal and I feel like there's all these people out there throwing, like, all the numbers, and like, maybe I should just be running for those bowls. So really having a place where we can help people to really set goals that matter that you can actually hit is so important. And it's so much more fun to and that's why I'm excited, because I think a lot of people are just gonna enjoy this more than it having to be that sort of like, hustle and grind to just do hard things all the time mentality.

Kinsey Machos:

Oh my gosh, yes. And I like how fun like we had so much fun last year. And it feels weird to say last year because obviously, we're still in the freshers of 2022. But we had so much fun. And obviously there's within the entrepreneurial journey, you cannot avoid the really hard shit. Like you just can't, you have to go through it if you want to. If you want to build something that's worth something, but you should look back and say, oh my gosh, I had so much fun, like so much fun. So if you guys want 2022 to be your best year ever, while also having the most fun ever. Like can you comment fun below, like we're gonna have a party this week, because we want you to kick off 2022 strong. And we want you to have fun. Like, if you're not having fun, then what is it all for? Right? So comment fun below. And we'll start to dive in. Like this is so fun. Speaking of fun, this is like our Word of the Year. So comment fun below if you're ready to kick off. Now a couple of housekeeping items, if you will. First of all, while this is a very different way that we do are doing this experience. So usually, you know, we'll give you a companion guide. And we have very set expectations, we really wanted this to flow and just be like lean into our feminine energy. And so we don't have official combat companion guides for you. But here's the thing, we will give you information that you will take. And there's elements of that that you will implement. Now, information alone will not get you results, right. Information alone will not get you results repeat after me in the comments section. Information alone will not get you results. And so at the end of each training, which we will be going live with you Monday through Friday, right here right now 10am Mountain Time, and same time in this group every day, Monday through Friday, but at the end of the training, we will give you some an exercise to really anchor in so that you can take what you've learned and implement it because we know that action creates results. Okay? So it would be not worth your time or our time to pour into you guys for you to hold it to yourself and do nothing with it. So we ask that you take some sort of action, right from what you've learned this week. And each day, again, we're going to give you what that looks like after each training. Also, we're sending new daily emails and daily tax. So you have the reminder of what our topics are and how to come prepared. And again, if you're not having fun, then let us know we want to make sure you're having fun, but that's really the key element. Okay, so we're taught today we're talking about the millionaire mindset coach. Tomorrow, we're gonna go deeper into the wealthy coach, goal setting process, okay. This is really what we've been studying in our own business, and also peers in the industry, like the the secrets that wealthy coaches know to setting and achieving goals. Okay, we're going to talk about that tomorrow, which is Tuesday, think, Wednesday, we're going to chunk that down even further and talk about your 90 day plan. We're going to show you that accelerated revenue formula to take something write a plan and know how to implement it, that you can achieve your your goals for the year. And then we get even more taxable with you on Thursday talking about your signature offer because let's be honest, if you are not bringing in revenue, you're not a business. But how do we bring in revenue right we sell and so this is an important element of your strategy for 2022 is your signature offer. And then Friday, we talk about marketing and selling that offer so we're literally giving you the plug and play blueprint for your 2022 to make it your best year ever. So good. All right. So give me some like fire emojis in the chat section below. To let me know you're ready. Like let's crush it. Let's crush it. You guys. Just want to see who's here with us. So good.

Jenny Beecher:

Yes, I know we've got Laura's on Jen's on Beck's here. I think so Lovejoy is on Megan Cole. Oh, and a lot of people, a lot of you guys live somewhere warm.

Kinsey Machos:

So Dell is like 20 degrees here today. And my daughter tried to leave without a coat as if you're crazy girl. Crazy. Okay. Let's say that, Jenny, I would love that. I think first of all, like, I think what I would love for you to share, like kind of putting you on the spot here. And when we think about internal write in the millionaire mindset coach will uncover that for you. Kate says 79 degrees. That's ridiculous. I don't even know what that would feel like right now. Um, let's talk about so when we think about the millionaire mindset code, but we're gonna uncover that for you here in a minute. But when I think conceptually today, right, when we think about the blocks, like most people aren't even aware that they're the reason right? They're not achieving their things, achieving their goals. I would love like, is there a moment that you had that you realize? Like, it's not about the strategy, it's like the inner game? And like, could you even contextualize that even further, like, what comes up for you when you think about your own personal blocks when it comes to entrepreneurship?

Jenny Beecher:

Yeah, I think this is something it was a really great question to ask. Because I think a lot of times, we see people out there and we're like, must be nice, that girl, just post something on social media, and people click by and like, I should have that expectation on myself. And so we get to work thinking that we need to set up that sort of like, looking attractive, attracting people that just, you know, whatever we think it is, but really what's happening in that is not a problem with our businesses. It's a problem with who we think we are, what we think we deserve, what we think we're allowed to do, and what we have the capacity to do. And so in my life, I really when I became a coach, a professional coach, four years ago, I was first certified as a health coach. And I really, like a lot of coaches thought that I would just tell people, I'm a health coach, and they're like, crazy Tim's amazing. I want to work with her, here's some money. And, you know, I got some clients that I didn't understand at all, that there was a way I could make that so much easier for myself. And so instead of really, dot I don't first into like, Oh, everybody else has like a really flashy website. And I have to have like, all these really amazing things. I need more followers. That's the problem, you know, where we kind of think that that's the answer. But really, what was happening inside me is I was feeling imposter syndrome, I was already looking for more certifications to get. I was, I was capping myself. And I know we're going to talk about money a lot this week. So we'll go into that. But I had a real limit to how much I was allowing myself to make. And I didn't realize that a lot of you might be hearing that thinking like, Oh, not me, like give me a lot of funds. But in reality, when it comes to feeling worthy and valuable enough, that you are able to take receive and appreciate money when it comes through in that form of abundance and clients. There's a lot of work there to do. And so for me, it was like, once I really learned that I am in my own way much more than the algorithm. people not liking my reels or whatever. It's amazing how things just start to happen. So

Kinsey Machos:

that's so good. We talk about this a lot, you know, people do come to us, right? Because we, inside of our higher ticket programs, we have three core pillars, right? It's the mindset, the marketing and the selling. Most people come to us because of the marketing, right? People avoid sales. So we won't even talk about that. But, um, what we know is the fundamentals to building a thriving business. In this case, a thriving coaching business is your mindset, right? Being able to market and then being able to sell, but most people and this was me, this was be all of 2021 They'll say things like, oh, I don't need the mindset, okay. And I think like my personal story, even from So, when I hit my first 100k I was like, oh, boom, it's on. Like, all just now I'm gonna hit a million, right? Easy peasy. Like, I had so much fun, it felt easy. And like, you know, nothing's getting in my way. But that was actually where I hit my biggest, my biggest inner demons, if you will. And there was a lot of things that surfaced for me that I didn't even realize were there. And it manifested into the thinking that I didn't have the right strategy, right. I didn't have the right mentor, or I didn't to play. I didn't have enough followers or whatever. But it's never about that. And so what we want to help you guys uncover today is what are the elements that are going to create success for you and what are the elements that are actually most likely that you're unaware of that are that are getting in your way? So um, I want you guys if you guys have a second Those of you joining us. And if you're catching the replay comment replay below, but I'm playing along with this security if you're catching the replay, but if you guys are already aware of something that you know, is, has, like as so a perfect example of imposter syndrome, we hear this all the time with our clients is like, I'm not good enough to teach that who am I to be a coach on that? I don't have enough experience, right? Have you? I'm curious to know how many of you ever has struggled and this is like in a very safe space. This is this is a group full of women, like by like minded coaches, leverage this community to your advantage and the amazing, brilliant women we have here. Um, but let us know like, is there anything that you already are aware of that you know, is getting in your way from launching your offer or making more offers? Or, you know, I don't know, I'm posting on social, right? What is it that stopping you from taking that next step in your business, I would love to know if you guys already have this awareness Share below. If you don't, we want we want to start going a little bit deeper here. Now. And I would love for you guys here if

Jenny Beecher:

I share, but jump in and share one thing that I continually struggle with, like if anybody else is like, needing something while you guys are thinking, one thing that I think I'll probably have to struggle with my entire work with my entire life is this notion that I need to work harder in order to earn more money. And so I think, you know, Midwest, like you gotta work harder if they're 24 hours in the day, and you could work for all of them, you're more valuable. So really, when it comes to an entrepreneur, though, that's like the kiss of death, because you will never be able to do more in your mind.

Kinsey Machos:

But yeah, so it's so Kate just said still operating like a corporate drone, providing a ton of support without asking for a cell. And I think this is where this dovetails to working harder, especially if you have a corporate background. That's where I came from. And although I had already worked hard enough for a whole decade, and I sort of took a vow to myself that I would never, I would I walked into entrepreneurship with already having the belief that I knew I could work less and make more money and have a bigger impact. But a lot of people, but I still catch myself in the overachieving sort of state of mind, like I need to be doing more, right, I'm not getting the results, we need to try harder. How many of you guys have ever? How many of you guys have ever experienced that? And also, right? If you guys have ever heard us train on the four levels of value, I feel like we should bring that out tomorrow but also value, right? So the the lies that we have adopted similar to in order to make more money, you have to work harder. How many of you guys have been living that living parts about know somebody that is living in that space? Like this is ultimate burnout, ultimate burnout? And I think a lot of people can relate to that. Yeah, Khalifa says, Yes, Sterling can relate, I think I spent all the 2021 trained to do more. Yes. And this is how we see it play out. Usually when I see when we see our clients, and Jenny works really deep with the mindset with our clients. And so she spots this much more efficiently than I do. But what we see is like, when somebody is trying to do more, or try harder, there's a deep seated belief there that we need to uncover. What are some other things Jenny, that you have seen in the work that you do with our clients?

Jenny Beecher:

Yeah, I think just even taking it farther, that hole working harder and identifying where that's from, and looking at sort of what can also be paired with that is people's perception. If I make too much money and and I'm like going on vacation, you know, my parents are gonna think that there's something up, you know, the people I grew up with, and so there's this other thing that's like, I need people to see me working hard. This kind of attachment. I think especially as a mama, I know some of you out there are moms too. I have three little kids like it's it's sort of like uncool to be rested and like who to Shula must be nice, privileged. And so really allowing your mindset to say like, Am I willing to make more money and get sleep at night and feel good about myself? Like really asking yourself right there because a lot of times what I run into with people to answer your question is it's like, I don't know if that's okay, like I need I need to work hard. I need to be busy all the time. That's something you know, I'm speaking my truth here because it's so easy to feel like I'm super tired and doing all these things. This must mean that the money tree is just gonna start growing behind me now. So really, just observing yourself I think is really huge and exciting when you can do it without that judgment on yourself to you know what I mean?

Kinsey Machos:

Oh, that's so good. I love that. Jimmy. That was gold. You guys. Those cool. I want to unpack How's that for a minute? Because I think when you so there's two extremes here, when you think about mindset in the traditional sense, and like gain aware of your thoughts and the patterns that they create, I think there's two extremes. It's the completely unaware, which sometimes I wish I were completely unaware of. Right, it's like, much more easier to go through life sometimes. And then there's the 100% overly aware. Now, what happens is, I'm aware is that you will continue being in the strategy of and thinking that your circumstances create your results. That's where I think where the unawareness comes from, I also I think, stop somebody from living a very complete and full present life, right? When you think circumstances are the thing that creates your reality for life. Now, the the aware, they're like, so in it, they're so in it. And I think what happens is, if you go to the, the extreme over here, what happens is there's judgment that occurs. So when you become aware of your thoughts, and how that plays out, then the judging comes in, and then it creates an additional spiraling of those thought patterns, you judge yourself for having those thoughts. But here's the thing, like, you literally cannot avoid having these thoughts. And when I say thoughts, it's things like, I'm not worthy, I'm not good enough. Like all of us as humans, our brains will have low thoughts, you cannot avoid it. At any level of business, if you think it will go away, it just becomes bigger, right? Because bigger businesses, bigger problems, bigger thought errors. And so if you think it's going to go away, think again. Right? And so you cannot avoid it. What happens is you become a better observer of it. And you can remove the judgment, because I think judgment on your thoughts, creates a whole nother wave of guilt and shame and spirally, right,

Jenny Beecher:

we put that meaning there, it's like, oh, well, this must mean I'm lazy, or I'm just not ever going to be successful or must mean that everybody's got it easier. And then we start like you will call it live or the term thought error, because our brains are not wired for success. Our brains are wired to keep us where we are. Because where we are is safe. Whether or not you feel miserable right now and you're at your last wit's end about something. It's still survivable for you and there is a piece of your amazingly powerful but often wrong brain. That's like we can't get better because we've never survived better we've never survived wealthier, we've never survived. So we got to keep it here, it's like can see saying, like, really learning to feel into that, instead of think into that is really powerful.

Kinsey Machos:

So good. That was gold. You guys, are you loving this, this is so good. So this is so like, just give us some emojis in the chat below. Like, this is so good. These are the conversations that we need to be having more of to bring more fullness to our coaching space, like to the coaching industry, right? I am so tired of like these, like half the algorithm and like, bro, you're like, like, all the things. And now here's the thing, like, we really want you to anchor and we're gonna over the next couple days, really, I want you to anchor in this idea of money and impact. We're going to talk more about that, because that's all those are some trigger words. But I really it this is so important. You guys, what we're talking about today is the ultimate game. You know, I went to, um, I went to a mastermind event in October of last year. And it was fascinating. So this was where you guys might have I did a podcast episode on this. If you haven't already heard it, you should go check it out. But I talked about I think it's like key takeaways from my 40k mastermind. And what was it it was literally fascinating. So it talks about imposter syndrome, right? I am like amongst a roomful of like the top cleaning industry or top leading business owners in my in our industry. And I'm probably like the low like bottom of the totem pole in my mind, right? And so we I go there and it creates all these feelings of imposter syndrome and unworthiness, right? Which I have to work through and I like have the literal manifestation of like physical uncomfortability like sweating, and like instant like anxiety. I'm like crying to my husband on the phone. I'm like, I can't go in a room. Like all these insane ridiculous things, right? And what happened was, um, when we we we got a little bit of training and we did some like strategy level, just a little bit of strategy level things. But when it came time to just like John roll, question and answer session where we could really pick the brains of our mentors You know, I'm like thinking like, Okay, I need to like, really nail in my, my ad campaign, right? And so I'm like thinking of like, what I'm going to ask him is for it for my app for my ad campaigns. But thankfully, I wasn't the first person asked question, because what I noticed is nobody asked questions around strategy, great service, and get these are eight 910 figure business owners. Nobody's talking about strategy. It's all about energy and in your brain and level of fulfillment? And how do you ebb and flow with the ebb and flow of entrepreneurship? How do you stay fully present as a parent, as a business owner, like, these are the conversations we're having. And it's unfortunate that that isn't inserted more into the industry and that people are being sold these like, again, Band Aid solutions to entrepreneurship, because I think we just create so much spinning, so much spinning. I think it's really important that you guys understand that these while every a lot of people will say, and I get it like I was there to like, I don't need the mindset. Most likely if you're saying that you're needed the moment there to buy, um, but what I want you to really take away is that it really like entrepreneurship really is just a freakin inner growth journey. And if you're not here for it, if you're not there for it, right, like, you will experience like, it's the burnout. It's the train harder, it's more feelings of unworthiness, like you will dig yourself a deeper hole, if you don't really start not just paying attention to it, but doing the work like and there's no start and finish to this. Jimmy, like in your a really good reminder of this. Like, this isn't like a destination? We're not? We don't once it's done, it's done. Like it's an of an evolution.

Jenny Beecher:

Yeah. of work. Yeah, I think the I think the most important thing, when you step out to do anything, is to really make sure that you're encompassing all that really matters. Because when we just kind of want to put our heads in the sand about relationships that are really hard, or, you know, are terrible finances or anything like that. And we just want to work on business, because the business is the answer to the question, or the answer to the problem. And when I just make 5000 more dollars a month when I just make 10k I don't want that much money. You know, like, we start saying that and ignore ignore, ignore what's going on inside. I'm not here for mindset, I'm not here for that, I want you to tell me what to do so that I can make pay that's that's on Google, like you don't need to me to coach for that, like, get on Google, you can find out exactly how Mark Zuckerberg built Facebook. The reason you're not building Facebook isn't because you don't have the steps there. The reason you're not building your version of Facebook is because you're terrified. You don't have the right support. You don't want to make that much money, you know, all whatever it is, and you guys, it goes back. It's it sucks. But it's also really awesome, because everybody is constantly going through it. It's a lifelong journey. And that is why like Kinsey said, like, the more you get into it, the more personal growth you can find, the more business growth you're going to have. In fact, I tell my, my clients, our clients, when we have one of the paradigms is your business growth is a reflection of your personal growth period.

Kinsey Machos:

So good. Yeah. And it's like, how willing are you? And you asked that question earlier. And it's true, you guys I want to know like, for, for those of you with us, it's this is where I think people will acquit is they're not willing, and it's too uncomfortable. And they again, they think it I think again, it plays out as it's being too hard. Or my launch isn't converting or my ad isn't converting or my following isn't growing. Like that's how it's going. That's the reasons that your brain is going to tell you that it's not working. But at the end of the day, it's because you're not willing to go deeper with yourself. And so I want to know, like, are you guys willing to do the work? And like, comment, willing, I want to know like, are you here for it? And and there's something to be said about like a hobbyist versus like this is your life's mission. And I would love for you like coming yes below like I'll pause right there just comment yes below are willing, like are you willing to go the long haul? Are you willing to do the inner work? Are you willing to get uncomfortable? Are you willing to make this your life's work and again, we don't have to be if you're not like totally spun up about your coaching program or coaching offer right now, that's fine. Like we don't have we don't have to be like, Oh my gosh, this is my mission that's not required, per se to build a successful business, but there has to be some sort of connection to what you're doing to write the heart of you. And it's okay if we don't know what that Looks like Exactly, yeah, but there has to be some some fire there, right? Willing, oh Khalifa says I think so. Okay, tell me I would love to unpack that because I love that you were a friend about it. And I think there's a lot of people that might be blushing like, I don't know, am I? What? Um, tell us more about? I think so. And while you're letting us know, Jenny, what do you think? What would be preventing somebody from saying yes, I am willing?

Jenny Beecher:

Yeah, well, first of all, I know, I'm looking at that to click. I think that's amazing that you're be really feeling into that. And I think actually, what I would follow that with this, the question is, you know, what, what wouldn't you need to have in place for it to be safe for you to go forward? And thinking about what that looks like, in your life? And you guys, there's no right or wrong answer. But when you're like, I'm willing, like, there may be a belief that like, maybe I really can't do this, maybe my dreams are too big. I don't know about you guys. But that's one that I run into a lot. In almost every single person I talk to starting like myself, because it's like, Am I allowed to want this and my, in the circumstances of my life, we're all adults. And so, you know, we've all got a lot of complexity to what's going on every single day, am I allowed to dream this big? So really asking what would need to be safe? What would need to be true for you, in order for that success for it to be like, I am so willing, I'm there yesterday.

Kinsey Machos:

And I love that. It's so powerful? Yes. I hope that that helped Khalipa. And if you're willing to share, feel free to pop more thoughts in the chat. But I think it's really important. And it's like, if you just if you just do it, because you think you should, or you do it because everybody else told you you should. Right. Like, that's where we're gonna have lot. It's like, you know, they're the Why isn't there and so it will again cause more burnout. Now, one of the things that Jen says is willing, yes, because honestly, I love what I do. And I'm in the dark about why I'm not more successful. So open inner work. And I want to talk about this a little bit, you guys, one of the biggest, biggest assets you have is being able to question your brain, I want you guys to look at your brain as a powerful tool, and it can work against you or it can work for you. But you have to train it to work for you. If left undone, it will work against you. It's sort of like your you guys have probably heard this analogy of like, a garden, right your your flowers take work and nurturing to grow. But weed spam, little freakin grow no matter what. And the more powerfully right if you don't, if you leave unattended, this is your brain also. And so one of the things one of the easiest way to continue to train it and be in partner with your brain. Because again, it your brain isn't who you are, it's a tool with inside of you. And so one of the things you can constantly be doing is questioning your brain. Okay, so one of the things that I did a lot of 2021 2021 was a big integral fear for me. And was asking, instead of asking what isn't working or looking at things outside of me and trying to like put the pieces together, I'm like, big into numbers, love data, my backgrounds data. And so I'm really good at looking at the math object and looking at things objectively, objectively, right to say, Oh, this, you know, and you can get, and those are important. We'll look, we'll look at some of the numbers in a couple of days. Those are definitely important because again, they do tell a story. But the bigger piece is acid pointing the finger back at yourself, and asking yourself, Why am I not more successful? Right? I think one of the things that I when I first started business, I would look at other big enough, like influencers are leaders in our space. And I like placed them on a pedestal and I kept looking at them as something different, or like something more or something bigger, better than me. And would constantly be like, well, what are they doing that I'm not doing? Or how are they? Why? How do they create success? You cannot be comparing yourself to others. It's really about what are you against? What are you willing to do questioning? Why are you not successful? Like most people know why. If you ask them, you you can at you all know why? Like, um, sometimes. Maybe it's in? I don't know, Jenny, give me give me your feedback here. But I think it's a lot of people are aware too, okay, that this is probably why I'm not successful. I'm not consistent. Like, I'm not being you know, I'm not I don't know. But sometimes there might be a gray area. And I think when there's the grayness there and you can't answer that question, I think there's a level of force That's how that's trained to occur within you that it's like, oh, I need it to happen faster, or I need in this specific way, and you're sort of like white knuckling your success, which creates, again, the spin out of like, trying harder, working harder, etc. But I would love to know, like, what, like, what is a way that people could sort of quickly identify? Well, why am I not successful? What question they ask themselves?

Jenny Beecher:

Yeah, and I, actually, so Khalifa actually has a great answer for that on here. I think the hesitation to say I'm all in is the fear of failure. If I don't commit 100%, then I don't have to accept failure. If I hold back just a little in my mind from committing, then I can subconsciously blame failure. And the fact that I just wasn't trying that hard, Khalifa, thank you so much for sharing that, by the way, because that is really resonates with, I think, probably just about every person in here to some level. And so what do you do? Like, cuz he's asking when you recognize that, and how you can say, okay, in my mind, like, in my conscious mind, I'm choosing to be sucks, I'm choosing to be done with that. But there's still these blocks that are like, Ooh, okay, but like, I still find myself rolling into those habits. And that's where it takes sort of like a little bit of an adjustment out and saying, Okay, I'm going to look at all of this, and what do I want to be experiencing instead? Because it's really easy to look at what we don't want, what we're doing wrong, what we feel like where, you know, all our shortcomings. I mean, I bet if I asked you guys 10 ways you could improve just as a general human, you would give me 20. But if I asked you 10 ways, you're doing really great, you would probably say, I'm a good mom. And then I start to roll, right? Because it's like I Oh, no, because that's where we're so focused on what we don't want. So kind of changing the game for yourself and kind of making you know, the critter brain part of your of your cortex brain, giving it a little rest and saying, Okay, I get that, that's scary to be scared of that. And it is very convenient. And it's working out really well to not be successful, because so far you haven't died from feeling. So it's working, right. So looking at what you would rather experience instead, and not necessarily going out and creating it. But sitting into that vision, and letting yourself do that mental rehearsal of, okay, I'm showing up every week, this month, and I'm planning my content, whatever it is for you that you know, you need to do, because I think you know, the answers much more than we can tell you what to do. But really sitting into that, and living through that in your mind visualizing that and then experiencing that might actually be fun. And then you get more clients out of it or sell more products or whatever your business is based on. And then that's where that comes from. That's when we can he's talking about like, it was really fun. It's because it's not that like, we just hope and pray like posting and praying strategy or anything like that. So really just asking yourself, what do I want to experience instead? And then allowing yourself to sort of sit into that? Is that safe? Is that okay? And, and, and, and same example, a lot of times personal relationships can really come into play there. So if you're in an area where maybe people that are successful entrepreneurs are really threatening to your friend group, or your parents don't think what you do is serious, or you have a spouse that's not supportive. That's where those things can really come into play where we're feeling like we're wanting something so bad. And it's not happening. And that's where that kind of, you know, you can go down a lot of different avenues there with that inner work. Yeah. Oh, good.

Kinsey Machos:

Oh, that was fire. Jenny, thank you for sharing that clicca, too. And I think this is 100% comment, we're going to talk about this tomorrow, because we find that one of the biggest things that prevents people from either setting goals or setting goals that really lights your heart on fire is the fear of not achieving them. And so and I think Rianne, and you speak to this as well, so we're definitely talking about that. And it's this idea of fear of failure if and it's like, well, if I set goals that I can achieve, then I don't have to say I failed, right? And we're going to talk about more about that. And like what is the purpose of actually setting goals because it's not to achieve them. Um, but I want to talk about Laura, she says, my most limiting but my most limiting belief is to always have a safety net, this is good. I think this is a lot for a lot of scenarios. And you know, if you're still full time working or trying to get out of a job, and I don't know, Laura, if you could give us some more context to that may be helpful. This was a very prevalent for me as well. When I started my business, I was still in my corporate career. And it felt really scary to remove that safety net, if you will. But here's the thing, and this is goes along the lines of everything that we're talking about here. It really is. And Jenny, you alluded to this a little bit too is like, who Where are you putting the like, what value and where is the value being placed outside of yourself. So it's like if you're looking for the support of your husband to grow your business, like you may not find that there if you're looking at your business to be your safety net, probably not going to find that there either. And it really comes back to we're just like full circle, are you? Do you have your own back? Can you find that worthiness and value inside of you? Right? Regardless of how the circumstances are playing out, right? Because this is something this is really big for me, is I had an identity crisis, right? Because for full 10 years, I built all this time spent all this money, time and energy building this corporate career identity, that I literally just walked away from. And so I had this huge identity crisis. But and I thought I had released that. But from that came more identity problems, like who am I like, and placing my identity and other things. And this goes for your business, like your business revenue cannot be, cannot give you the validation that you're worthy or not, are successful or not, that has to come from inside of you. And that's the constant practice of having your own back, doing the reflection, building your certainty with yourself, building your belief in yourself, then you can stop chasing Ray, all the validation from other people like how this plays out simply like people crowdsourcing opinions, like, Oh, if I, and this is top of mind, but like when people will ask like, Would you pay this amount of money for this thing? Like, that's the worst thing you could do, right? Or just crowdsourcing opinions? Like I? It drives me crazy, like, I'll crowdsourcing yourself and build the trust for you. Right to believe in yourself to make the right decision, you know, right decisions. To have your back no matter what that is. That's gonna create longevity for you. Yeah. And

Jenny Beecher:

I think the the crowdsourcing, I know, I see those things, too. And it's just so hard, because what I see is somebody who just wants permission to be successful, like, if everybody could just comment on this, post that absolutely, and I will buy it, send me the link, we're all on board, we totally get what you do. Never get that you always get people that are like, please, I hired a coach like that once, and everybody's doing it. So yeah. And what happens is, it completely stops you from growing, that authentic, organic business that you are meant to create. Because I think ever, like is so important to know, just because you're coach doesn't mean you are like any other coach out there. What you're bringing to the table is the entirety of your life and your life's experiences, not just your training or the work background that you have. And so understanding that it's very important that you're not going with the flow and that you're doing your own thing and not looking for you know, now it's one thing if you're going to ask people, what makes me different? Why are you following me what stands out to me about you? That's different? Because that's asking individual questions. But when it's just kind of looking for permission, that's when we start to create a business like somebody else's business. And you know how hard you know, this video doesn't go viral the second time, you've got to be your own version of viral so you have to go viral. But what I'm saying is like, they need to know

Kinsey Machos:

you for you. Ah, fire that was so good. And I think that oh, this is Oh, no. Okay, hold on a minute. Sorry, they squirrel. So Renan says, Knowing yourself that you are good and worthy and successful and that it doesn't come from the validation of others. I know it's often said, but this is a really hard one to truly put in place. Yeah. So and this is a journey. I think this again, it's not that those feelings won't go away, or the like you catching yourself wanting the validation of others. I don't think that ever goes away. But I think you you equip yourself with the awareness and the tools to see it right and then move away from it, move through it, whatever that looks like. And so I think where you could get hung up is believing again, it goes back to judging, right like if this is coming up judging yourself that it's coming up, but it's very natural. So I love that you said that Rihanna and I

Jenny Beecher:

think as coaches to coaches are natural empaths we feel very deeply we kind of chameleon to the people around us and their needs are so it's what makes you a really good poetry and like, if you're a coach, I'm sure that's why you're here but like really diving into like, Okay, this is a strength but what I call it is also the dark side of that strength, the dark side of being a really big Empath and somebody who's really great at being a coaches, you're going to pick it up, the second somebody disapproves of you, you're going to pick it up the second that somebody's like, Oh, you're not meeting my expectation like Oh, that's interesting and maybe not a good way you are going to be so hyper alert to that and so that's that training of really just allowing you know, experiencing those feelings and practicing not letting those be the death of your activity for the day or your you know, it let it prick your confidence for a second but plot yourself for noticing that and then move on. Anyway, because I struggle with that to my whole life. I'm like, Oh, do you want to be angry? I'll be angry with you do you want me happy, I'll be happy with you. Like, I don't need anything like, I'll just be what you need. And and that is wonderful in the coaching space, but it's not in the entrepreneur space. So kind of understanding that those two can kind of take a little work is complicated relationship. So good.

Kinsey Machos:

Oh, so good, Jimmy. Okay, so we're, oh my gosh, we're already 47 minutes in. Okay. So I want to give you the code you guys and like, you probably have heard me go to before, but if you haven't, I'm about to blow your mind. It's super simple. It's super easy. And I want to address and Jennifer talks about charging, this is huge. Okay. And I want to circle back to that. But what what I want you to understand is the code, okay, and this is the ultimate code that you should be living your life five. Okay. Anyways, this is so funny. I usually have a whiteboard or even slides, but this is like, so informal. So I have my, like, my spiral bound notebook. Okay. So most people operate this way. It's have to be, okay have to be comment having below having okay have to be. So this is how most people are living their life. It's saying things like, once I have 500 followers, then I'll launch my coaching offer, then I'll be successful. Okay. Another example could be, once I have the confidence, then I'll go live, then people will, you know, people will see me as successful. Right. So it's very circumstance driven, right, having, okay, this technically is living. And I learned this from one of my mentors, James Wedmore. Some of you might be familiar with him. One in one of this is technically living your life from the outside in, you're constantly allowing your circumstances to drive your behavior. This is what we see 99% of the industry dealing 99% of the clients that come to us, this is where we catch them. Okay? Now differently, we're going to flip that on its head. And we're talking about living from the inside out, you guys, this is so low and so fluffy. But this is again, this is the game, okay, we're living from the state of B do have, okay. Now what this looks like is you're getting into the beam, and the feeling of who you want to become, right now. Okay, so how this might look like and I know a lot of you probably have your eyes, we see a lot of you wanting 10k a month, 100k a year, whatever that looks like, place yourself in the future, as yourself making that much K and we're going to talk about what wealthy means here in a second. I want to make sure to keep on time here to an hour, but place yourself in the future as the coach who is already making 100k. Okay, what is she doing? How is she feeling? Right? What does she have around her, I want you to what we want you to do is start being in the state of that feeling all the time really start adopting that identity, this really is identity transformation came all of entrepreneurship, it's identity transformation, you're constantly on. You're constantly letting go of old identity stepping into new, it's an evolution, right? I'm experiencing this now in a much different way as well. So what we need to do is stop letting circumstances right, just like we're talking about, like, do you know, are you letting circumstances hinder the big things that you want to do? Right, and you have to get in the state have been heard today? Right? Because what you're doing today is going to be very different than what you're doing as 100k earner comment 100k Coach below 100k Coach K. Now again, we're using revenue or we're using the money as an indicator of you know, that milestone we'll talk about that a little bit tomorrow, but really start getting into that feeling. Okay, and from that feeling, that's where we operate. Okay, what would what would 100k Kinsey do? How would she be feeling today? Right? And that's how we drive our decisions as we drive our behavior. Is this resonating with you guys? Give me some fire emojis below. Okay, Jenny, what do you have to add there?

Jenny Beecher:

Yeah, I love this because I think what it's really going to challenge you guys to just sit into as you're envisioning be do have for yourself is really thinking about what you organically want. One of the questions that I'll start out a lot of sessions with that people get so pissed out is what do you want? Now what do you want not What do you want that you know, would be the best for your family? What do you want that would look the best socially What do you want that would make you accept it in a certain circle, but what do you really want to create? Who do you want to be? That's what this comes down to? And not just thinking like, well, I don't know everybody's house is kind of decorated and white and like I guess that's what I want like the kind of like Pinterest version of like outsourcing crowdsourcing, who your be is, but really stepping into who am I, you might suppose to be somebody super eccentric that wears like, I don't know, like, maybe you're the moon lady and like, also this identity comes forward. And it's, it could be that it could be but it's also from understanding what you want out of relationships in your life what you want out of your situation. You know, to me, when I think of wealth, I think of freedom what freedom do I not have now that when I met this next goal for myself, I will be able to be be able to have a do from that point. But really being honest with yourself in that capping it, and just kind of making it up because you hope it's the carrot that's gonna get you down the line, like, so. For carrots.

Kinsey Machos:

I love it. So and sometimes, you know, some people can see themselves five years from now. So you know, you can always anchor in that, but some people are like, I don't know, like, that seems so far away. I have no idea. So one start with one year from now, what is that look like? A back says, This is so funny, because I imagine once I hit or I did just finally verbalize that goal to my husband. Oh, wait, no, sorry, up here. And I have the idea of getting a certain tattoo when I reach 100k in revenue. And it makes me wonder if I should schedule that appointment now. I'm like, yeah, why not? Do it now? I love that back. That's so awesome. Oh, that's so cool. And she also says I did just finally verbalize that goal to my husband, which is huge. For me. It can I think sometimes we hold these things to ourselves. And we're so and this doesn't in you could or couldn't share with people, but it's more of the claiming of it. And 100% going all in, right. And again, it's not about achieving it. It's really claiming that for yourself and giving yourself the permission to go after it. This is so good. Any said gross or net? This is something my husband would say so analytical brained. Oh my gosh, so ridiculous. Okay, so we want to wrap up for you guys, because this is super, we want to keep you to an hour and you guys have been so fired today. This is so fun. I could jam out literally all day long. But I think what I really want to wrap up on is really thinking about I want you guys to give yourself this space and time today, to think about yourself one year from now. And really think about who is she? How much is she making? What is she doing? How is she feeling? And when I do this exercise, I'm able I also get in the feeling state. And how many of you guys have kids? And have kids have a husband? Like, give me some yeses below this is a comprehensive lI right? Because when you're in entrepreneurship, like it all sort of blends together. And of course, that's another boundaries or another conversation. But it really does blend in so when this is the journey to becoming. And so this isn't just about what you're making, or how you're impacting it's also what are you how are you showing up in your life? Right? I'm always thinking about how do I want to show up as a mom, how and this isn't again, based on you know, going back to what Jenny said, this isn't who I think I should be? Like, I can't like Pinterest parties hail. No, like, I'm not the birthday party. Mom, I'm not the treat mom, I will go take my daughter do nails and oh, I'll send her you know, storebought treats. But this isn't who you think you need to be or who others think you need to be. This is who does who does back want to be one year from now? How is she showing up for herself? For others, right and for for her business? What does that look and feel like? And we're just going to give you that that homework for today sit in it, anchoring it whenever you do your journaling, if it's I've been doing I used to do mine at night, I've been doing my or sorry, I've been doing mine. I used to do mine in the morning. I've been doing it at night, but literally just letting it flow. Now one of the hacks that I learned is like you have to give yourself more time than like 15 minutes because once you kind of unlock I think there's like a I think it's like a brain like your brain is gonna overthink it at first. So just let it overthink. And then a certain point where you like, it's almost like you give yourself that permission to go deeper. And stop overthinking it because it's not this is not math. This is not again, thinking of shooting. So allow yourself a good chunk of time to just journal about this and look at your year from now and really think about who are you being? I think that's what I really want you guys to anchor in. And Jenny, do you have anything to add to that?

Jenny Beecher:

No, I'm loving. I've been keeping up with the comments, you guys and there's so much good stuff here, wherever you are at with those comments to like incorporate that into your journaling and what's been coming up for you and what you're excited about because like Kinsey said, you know, it doesn't matter the length of time but really being able to look out and say this is what I want for myself. This is what I was created the life I was created to live. Really being open and honest with yourself and being excited about it. I think that's the biggest thing because sometimes there's you know, not always the container for that So this is it.