March 14, 2023

The 5 Stages of High-Converting Launches

The 5 Stages of High-Converting Launches

Do you feel excited to work toward your first (or next) 5 or 6-figure launch? Live launches are the best way to grow your business as an online expert because you can create predictable cash infusions, grow your audience, and elevate your credibility in the industry. Tune in as Kinsey walks you through the five most important stages of launches and how you can prepare to have your highest converting launch. 

Past Episode:

Episode 66: Leverage Marketing

Do not miss these highlights: 

01:22 This year, the focus is heading from a brand messaging perspective. 

01:58 Bringing more content, curriculum, and coaching, around launching. 

02:13 It is the core method for producing those high cash injections. 

02:30 Live launches create an elevated layer for the business. 

02:47 Captivate and Close podcast link about Leverage Marketing. 

03:03 “Live launching” can exert the same amount of input, but bigger output. 

03:15 It is obviously important to understand what it is because launching can mean so many different iterations of stuff. 

03:28 But in this context, “live launching” is the method for opening doors to a program, or bringing large awareness to a program through a vehicle of a launch event. 

05:33 There's a very specific process that you are going to walk through that is operating in a high-converting machine.

06:45 You need to blend the art and the science of live launching. Science is the process, the fundamentals are the stages. 

07:06 Both the art and science of live launching are skills that you develop and fine-tune over time. 

07:42 It's a journey and not to compartmentalize around.  

08:02 It’s the first experience and the first impression that somebody's going to have of you.  

08:31 Let's talk about the five stages of launching. 

08:35 The first stage is the groundwork. 

08:44 The groundwork is assessing not just the launch process that you're going through but also your offer.  

09:43 You should be constantly asking and evolving in alignment with the people that you want to serve.

10:26 You need to dial in the one program product or service that you want to launch. Making sure that it is something that people want to buy. 

11:25 But live launching an offer that hasn't been proven or tested is really challenging. 

12:16 Groundwork is making sure you have a proven offer that you've sold a couple of times. You have clients who have gotten results. This you can bring as social proof into your launch.

14:22 Give yourself the space to really see those things through. 

14:30 Stage two is the post-launch runway. Just like a plane cannot get into the sky or off the ground without that momentum.   

15:15 When we think of the runway, what we're doing is actually creating the momentum and the buzz for the upcoming launch event. 

16:28 You want to be talking about it every day. You're finding creative ways to really bring your audience's attention to why they need to be at this launch event and why it's so important for them.

18:39 Now, the third stage is the actual launch event. This is the peak. 

18:56 The launch event is the most important in regards to really aligning your expertise, your niche, your brilliance, with your audiences.

19:19 Everything that you've curated for this launch event is basically going to tell people. 

19:45 You want to treat this launch event like it is a paid experience that your people are coming into.

20:34 If you are just new to the live launching, start with something that is simple but also gives you enough time to create that experience with your people.  

21:29 Consider what is your particular client most likely going to show up for. But also, where are you going to shine the most?

22:18 How can you elevate that experience so they can go deeper with you? 

23:12 We package and position our launch events like we package and position an offer. 

23:43 Less is better, you do not need to push the whole enchilada in your launch event. 

25:00 How can you make sure that you keep that energy high and the belief also high? 

25:23 You need to be around their objections and their limitations. If you don't help them overcome their limitations, no matter what you give them in your launch event, they will not be ready for your offer. 

27:14 Start to understand the psychology of selling, and what you're really trained to do in these launch events. 

28:06 Now stage four is the offer invitation. Now a lot of people would call this a pitch. 

28:53 It takes time to build that confidence in pitching and to be able to share powerfully about your offer in that bold directive way.

30:12 When you talk about your offer, you need to go all in every time and give it the time and space it deserves. 

32:20 Stage four is the offer invitation. 

32:32 This is when you get to unpack your offer and show people how you can help them. 

32:40 Last stage, the post-launch. 

33:07 The post-launch is the time period between when you've offered them the invitation and how long they have to make a decision.

33:20 It's in a condensed period of time. It's saying that doors are closing, or you may not have to close doors. 

35:00 Make sure you are fully addressing questions, concerns, and emails, that you are going to have. 

36:16 You want to manage your mind, thoughts, and your feelings, during the whole process so that you can keep your energy high, but also have things done ahead of time.

37:36 We have some resources in the show notes for you to come in. Experienced this yourself if you want help in designing, mapping out, and executing an incredible launch experience for your audience.

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, a Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen, and heard online.

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women — because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that.

As a wife and a mom of three, the family takes priority. And having a business that’s run AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers.

Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos 

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Kinsey Machos:

Welcome to Captivate and Close. I'm Kinsey Machos, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high paying clients using my break through online marketing strategies, all without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait, or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in. Hey, and welcome back to another episode is so good to be here with you this morning. Or whatever time it is that you are tuning in. I'm coming in hot with a really fun and I think overdue episode around live launching and the stages and all the things I have been doing a lot of brand discovery work for my company, which has been so fun, I have really not paused or stopped or just taken the time and space to evaluate the brand. And where we're headed from a brand messaging perspective and haven't invested or haven't been ready to invest the time and money to really think about what the next iteration of my company looks like. And that's what the focus is this year. And we're starting that process. And it has, I've been investing in mentors and having a lot of behind the scenes discussions with the team. And it's been really, really incredible and eye opening. And one of the things for sure, that we noticed that you'll see right away from us is bringing more content and curriculum and coaching around launching, I don't know why. Or I don't know what has caused me to not talk about it as much as I do. But it really is the core method for which we produce those high high cash injections. And although we will continue to create clients just throw organic content, organic content is the fundamental, it's a foundational piece to the business. Those live launches really add create a new layer, they create an elevated layer. And we want to teach more people how to do it. And so this is that and I did have an episode, a couple months back, I'll link it up here in the show notes that talked about Leverage Marketing. And this is really what it is. That's more of sort of the concept of what live launching is, it's a leveraged piece of marketing. Really, if you think about it, you're getting more out of the work that you put into your marketing. It's like same input, but bigger output. And this is how I see live launching really work. And so when we think about and unpack live launching, it's important obviously to understand like what it is, I know launching can mean so many different iterations of stuff, and people use it differently. But in this context, live launching is really the method for opening doors to a program or bringing large awareness to a program through a vehicle of a launch event, whether that's masterclass Challenge workshop, there's all sorts of different launch events, which we'll talk about here in a minute. But it's this process you go through in order to bring volumes of leads to you give value but then offer your program as a next steps, at which case, we sort of closed doors right in this context. This can apply to open enclosed type of programs, right? So meaning you are only opening the doors to your program during certain times of the year. But it can also work for evergreen, meaning you're always taking in claims into your program. Now what I'm not really going to talk about here is how important it is to have this scalable offer on the back end or some sort of offer. This can work through. This can work for any type of offer. It can work for your private coaching offer, it can work for a course it can work for a group coaching program, it can work for a mastermind. But if we think about bringing volumes and people in you do have to have the infrastructure to be able to do that. And so having a system within your program your service in order not to

Kinsey Machos:

put the clients results at risk is going to be really important. So that is not going to be discussed here, we have a full full agenda here just with the five stages of live launching. But just to give context around what live launching is, and what we're talking about now, to quote unquote launch something can mean just you're bringing something to the market that's new, or bringing more awareness. And so that is, again, is considered launching. And you can bring a new offer to the market through this process. But when I think about live launching, again, it's a start and a finish. And there's a very specific process that I'm going to walk you through that has this operating like a high converting machine. So I hope I cleared that up for you. What I want to really unpack here is the five stages to help you understand what this holistic journey looks like when I teach my clients how to live launch, it's really important to know that I want it to really mirror your personality, your unique brilliance and be specific to your niche. Sometimes when I see people really create their launch method, whether that's a webinar or a challenge, they do it in sort of like this isolated fashion. And or using a formulaic process, which I have the formulas for you, I have the process. And there's elements of that that can be used to ensure you see those high conversions in your launch. But oftentimes, people take it way too far to the extreme, which ultimately strips them of their unique brilliance within the launch event itself. And that is the force of magnetism is actually going to get people to buy. So we want to blend the art and the science of live launching. The science is the process, the fundamentals, the stages, which I'm going to address here. But the art is like how you're going to meet your people where you're at the art is creating an experience, an art is really leaning into your people. And this is just a skill that you develop. And both the art and science of live launching are skills that you develop you fine tune over time, we have generated at this time over $600,000 in our live launches, through the development of both art and science. With too much of one over the other, you're going to have sort of this ecosystem that is out of balance. And so it's really just leaning in. But when I map out the launch processes for myself or with our clients, we're really thinking about a journey. And that's what I really want you to look at this. It's a journey, not sort of like compartmentalize around, these are the slides I'm creating, this is the sequence, this is how I get conversions, etc, etc, I want you to like really zoom out and think about this as your potential clients journey. Line launching may likely be the first entry point to your programs or services is the first experience that somebody is going to have with you. It's the first impression that somebody's going to have of you. And so it's really important to really consider how people are perceiving you and how they're perceiving this experience. Because it really is your launch method is an extension of your brand. It's an extension of your message. It's an extension of your expertise. And so we want there to be alignment. So let's talk about the five stages of launching, are you ready? The first stage is the groundwork. And I know even the word itself sounds so boring. But this is so important. The groundwork is really just assessing not just the launch process that you're going to use or that you're gonna go through or how you're going to launch but also your offer, because you cannot have a winning launch without a winning offer. Now, whether you are reintroducing an offer, say you're opening doors again to an offer you already have, or you're introducing a new offer, it's really important to make sure that you have an offer that people will buy. Some of you may not know yet, and this is just an iteration of something that you're bringing to the market. But always, always, always go back to the data. Even with her offers now that we've had on the market for years, we are still fine tuning. We're still looking at the data. We're looking at survey, we're looking at our audience, what are they wanting? What do they think they need? What is it that they believe is a solution for them? And we're constantly asking and evolving in alignment to the people that we want to serve. And that's another thing too if we find that we're attracting the wrong clients, right, we have to figure out what part of the messaging is creating the disconnect to root really hone in on the perfect clients that we want to bring into our programs and services. And so before you start even mapping out your launch strategy, first of all, you have to know what is the offer that I want to launch one offer at a time, okay, we're not going to be giving people options at the end of the event, if you want this or that we're not trying to give people a menu of services, what we want to really dial in is what is the one program product or service that I want to launch. And really making sure that this is something that people want to buy. If you've never done a survey before, or you've never done market research. This is obviously one of the first things you should do. And really, when I think about live launching, I really want you to be at a position where you have already sold your offer. Or you've gotten validation, or you've tested it, there's proof. I didn't start live launching until I had really developed the skill to market and sell organically through my social media content. This is what we teach you in 10k. This is how our clients are grown to 10k months just through their organic content, you don't need live launches to have really amazing revenue generating months, right? Live launches are going to actually just elevate all that it's just going to amplify that for those high cash injections. But live launching an offer that hasn't been proven or tested is really challenging. Because live lunches do require more of you more time, more energy, more brainpower, and sometimes more money, right? If you're running ads, or you're having to hire for help, just things like that. And so really making sure that there's an offer here that you have tested in some way people have said they're going to buy or people have paid for it. And ideally, they've gotten results. So a lot of times I see people trying to use a launch process, again on an offer that hasn't been proven. And instead of focusing on just getting clients and getting results and building that social proof, they're spending way too much time tweaking their launch process, which keeps them broke. This is not what I want for you. And so that groundwork is really making sure you have a proven offer, you've sold it a couple times, maybe a handful of times, at least your clients have gotten results. And so you can bring that social proof into your launch. Now, can this work for an offer you've never tested before? Again, it could absolutely and I love launching and I think it creates such an incredible experience for your audience. And so you can have fun with it if you desire to be creative. And this is totally up your alley. But again, just really keeping your expectations at bay when you don't have a proven offer for a live launch strategy. Part of the groundwork is also planning ahead. So really looking at when is the launch event? When am I opening doors, reverse engineering all these deadlines and really flushing out what that timeline looks like? A lot of times what I see people do is like, Oh, I'll run a masterclass next week. Awesome. Okay, got a lot of work to do and a lot of momentum to build. But really having that groundwork and taking the time to efficiently look at your deadlines. How much time do you actually need to prepare, so you're not hustling through your launch, which, if you're like me, I always weigh underestimate how much time is the mean takes me and really giving yourself the space to create at your highest level. So the groundwork is, again, really making sure you have a converting offer. If you don't going back to the data, testing it, getting claims through it, and then mapping out what your launch deadlines are and making sure that if you do have a team, everybody's on the same page, we have a template that really looks at these are the deliverables of the launch guys, you have no idea sometimes how much goes into a really high effective, high efficient launch. It's all the you know the creatives that design, the workbook that whatever that looks like but all these things really enhance this experience. And so making sure again, you give yourself the space to really see those things through.

Kinsey Machos:

Now stage two is the post launch runway, the runway, just like a plane cannot get into the sky or off the ground. Without that momentum. Your launch will not have legs without generating the buzz. So again, going back to this example, which I see so many of you do is like I'm gonna run a challenge in two weeks or I'm going to just have fun and do a masterclass again, if you want to have fun and be creative and do these experiences for your audience. Great. But if it's sort of just off the cuff or ad hoc, you're not going to see the results. Those high results, those high cash converting results that you would like to, if you were to actually plan for it and create buzz for it. So when we think of the runway, what we're doing is actually creating the momentum and the buzz for the upcoming launch event, which is stage three. So we'll circle back to that. But stage two is the runway promoting and really generating the buzz for this upcoming launch event. I like to give at least two weeks for the runway, I don't think you need much more than that. Although there are fun, really creative strategies that we've used, that our clients are using for waitlist. So if you already have an offer, that you're actually launching, and you have had closed doors, but there's people can get on the waitlist, you can have that as part of your overall launch strategy prior to the runway, right. So you already have a pocket of leads that are sort of just like hanging out waiting for the doors to open. But for this runway, which is two weeks, at least two weeks out from the launch event, you are just going all in and getting people excited and aware of this upcoming launch event. A lot of times people think that if I just talk about it once or twice, it'll be good. But no, I want you talking about it every day, and you're finding creative ways to really bring your audience's attention to why they need to be at this launch event and why it's so important for them. It's just like selling an offer, just because it's free. And maybe you have a paid launch event or a free launch event, whichever, you still have to go all in and sell it as if it were a high end paid program. And the more buzz, the better. So you're sharing it with your email list every day you're talking about in your content, you're really bringing the awareness to this launch event and creating that urgency. Generally any more than two weeks out, you don't need to talk about it, we find that most of our signups to our launch events comm Of course, like at least right at that first launch announcement, and then right before the launch event itself, and then we have a trickle in in between that, but we're never stopping to talk about it. And what happens is even for the people that signed up at the first announcement, or even at the beginning, right, they're seeing all this content come through, and they're seeing all the hype getting built. And so they're getting more excited. And so this is also creating that dual effect of just building the overall momentum in your audience for this incredible event. And sort of like if you were to think about it as this big conference or this big summit, maybe it is. But if it's a masterclass or challenge or whatever, I want you to imagine that it's a very curated experience that you want your audience to know, they're going to have major FOMO if they're not there. So that's the runway, and really giving yourself momentum, and you're talking about all the time once or twice, three times, or even four times is not enough. And it's going to sound redundant, it's going to sound repetitive to you. But this is actually when you learn a really, really fun skill around talking about the same thing. But differently, you're bringing different angles, you're telling different stories, you're really pushing yourself to bring life, about this launch event through your content. Have fun with this process. Now, the third stage is the actual launch event. This is sort of the peak, if you think about like going up a mountain, right? We're really setting the groundwork, we're starting to really build momentum. And now we're at the peak with the launch event. The launch event is the most important in regards to really aligning your expertise, your needs your brilliance with your audiences. Again, this is not about just throwing up some slides, or running a random challenge. I want you to imagine that this is the only opportunity your potential clients will have to really get a taste of your coaching your curriculum and your community. Everything that you've curated for this launch event is basically going to tell people Oh, this is what it must be like in her paid programs, right? There has to be that connection, that alignment. If there's a disconnect between the experiences that you create in your launch event with the actual experiences you have in your paid programs, that is a problem. So I want you to treat this launch event like it is a paid experience that your people are coming into. We like to think of ours as white glove. Whatever that looks like for you. You need to decide and Every launch event is going to be different. Now the launch event itself, again can be anything from a masterclass a workshop, whether that's a one day workshop, two days, three days or a challenge style boot camp, launch event. in person events, a lot of people use in person events as conversion events, as a way to bring people in, write and give value and serve them at the end, or offer that invitation at the end. Whatever you decide, that's you and what's in alignment to your brand. If this is you just getting going with live launching, start with something that is simple, simple, but also something that you gives you enough time to create that experience. For my clients that are a little bit more experienced, they know their clients really well, they have a proven offer, they have testimonials. If they have a niche that's very busy, then generally they're more inclined to put something out that's a little bit more condensed, whether that's a masterclass or a quick workshop. But if you want to create more of a longevity in your launch event, more of like a five day challenge event, workshop ish, is really, really great if you can hold the attention that entire time. Now, there's so many nuances within the different types of launch events that you decide. And I'm always like, experiment, but obviously you want to consider what is your particular client most likely going to show up for? But also, where are you going to shine the most? And when we really give ourselves those answers to those questions, we can find some really great golden nuggets, and start to develop an actual experience. Again, you'll notice that I'm calling this an experience. Because I really want you to look at as soon as somebody opts into your challenge your workshop, your masterclass. What is that experience look like? What is the first thing they see? And what is that journey going to be that you take them on all throughout the launch event? So even if it is a 60 Minute or 90 minute masterclass, how can you elevate that experience so they can go deeper with you, you do have an advantage when you are spending more time with them over the course of say a five day event. But you do have to make sure that you are able to hold the attention otherwise, right we lose them after the first day anyway. So I'm not going to go into the pros and cons of every single event in which one you should choose. But you should by this point, at least starting to get a feel for at least you know where you're at, what do you have capacity for and also what is your potential client looking for. But the launch event is the peak right? This is when people are going to be introduced to you in some cases, they're just coming to know like and trust you and you are serving them value. This is the experience where you are going to teach them something. When we package and position our launch events. It's like we package and position an offer, what is the promise what is the tangible thing they're going to receive as a result of attending this launch event. And we start to really frame the experience from there. Now here's what I'll say about the launch event is most people want to over over over deliver in the form of over teaching. Remember, less is better, you do not need to push the whole enchilada in your in your launch event. And in fact, the more information you push, the more overwhelmed they'll be. And the less likely they are going to be ready for your offer. Consider the launch event the time where they are receiving value from you. But also you're teeing them up for your offer. This is where the art and science really comes in. What I see happen is people are just like, I'm gonna give them a bunch of information and they're gonna love me so much that it'll be a just an a natural next step that couldn't be further from the truth.

Kinsey Machos:

The more information, right it's telling them Oh, this is complicated. This is hard. This isn't for me. And also, when you think about informative content, it actually decreases the energy of the audience. When you're talking about transformational content, it's going to elevate the energy of the audience. We see this even in our mastermind experiences we do in person when we're assertive, ebbing and flowing from more strategic workshopping to more about lifting empowering, the energy goes up and it goes down. Of course there's a time and a place for both, but how can you marry them to make sure that you keep that energy high and the belief high, not just the belief in your offer, but they need to believe in themselves. They need to believe that whatever you help them do, they can actually achieve. And so most of the launch content for this event, whether it's a workshop challenge or masterclass needs to be around their objections, their limitations, if you don't help them overcome their limitations, no matter what you give them in your launch event, they will not be ready for your offer. Now, again, I could do a whole other episode or its own episode on launch event, the stage three and perhaps I will, but really leaving you enough here. That's going to give you something to chew on as you start to design and implement your next launch strategy. When I did my very first launch, I generated a whopping $1,000 I did a masterclass which I learned is actually my least favorite way of launching, but is also very, very effective. I have been able eventually been able to take, you know, a very, very, very cold leads to very hot buyers in less than 90 minutes when I finally learned those principles of a high converting lunge. And so masterclasses are great will do these once in a while as a way to just like a quick, really quick power training to bring people in. But I prefer a little bit more time with my clients. But anyway, going back to my very first launch, it was a masterclass, I generated $1,000. But what I didn't know at the time is that just walking through this process of developing slides, I was like, first you did that, you know, the three secrets to this and that, and then you do this. And what it was lacking was consistency in the message of where I wanted to take them. And also really helping them overcome their deepest, deepest fears and beliefs. But when I really started to understand these principles, and bring my own art to the launches, whether they were masterclasses, or challenges and started to understand the psychology of cells, and what you're really trained to do in these post launch, or sorry, these launch events, that was when things started to really click. And so it's okay, if your first time out of the gate isn't, you know, a home run. In fact, it took me a little bit of time to get up and rolling. But I don't think you can really understand how to put on a really great launch event until you've done it several times and see it done. Right. This is why we're always like, come to our launch events, experience them and see what they're like. But you really leaning into your audience and you really, really bringing your full power. So when we think about a launch event, again, it's a container where you give value, but then tee people up for your offer, which leads us into stage four, which is the offer invitation. Now a lot of people would call this a pitch, right? It's the pitch, you could call it that it's the clothes, whatever it is, but it's the transition from giving value to you sharing about your offer, which should be at this point, a no brainer. Next step, if you really aligned your launch event with your offer. Now, what I find when people are quote, unquote, pitching or talking about their offer is they tried to do it really, really fast. Or they just mentioned it and be done. Right or worse, they don't do it at all. But this is so important, my friends, and I know it takes time to build that confidence in pitching and really, really sharing powerfully about your offer in that bold directive way. But you will not build that confidence that confidence will not come unless you just do it and you keep doing it. And I heard Alex Hermoza say this on a podcast, probably a couple months ago, he shared about obviously his skill set really started in sales. And that's one of his like core strings. And he talked about pitching and closing. And he said that he got really, really good at it. But then he went to an event that he got invited to that they said he could pitch his offer at the end. But he knew all the people in the audience. And so what he said was he felt really comfortable. And so he got comfortable or quote unquote Leesy in his pitch at this particular event because of all the people in the audience that he already knew and had a relationship with. And he said it tanked he said no, but he bought and it was really this realization to him that when you pitch you always pitch hard and I know that sounds like Superman scaling. But it was something that really resonated with me because we had been consistently launching, but I realized I was starting to get lazy in the pitch. But when you talk about your offer, I want you to go all in every time and you give it the time it deserves. You give it the space it deserves. That means that people are asking questions you wait, I know, it's sort of this really uncomfortable silence, or this uncomfortable period of time, where it's like, I don't want to be spammy. Oh, people are waiting for this. Yeah, people are waiting for it. And also, you just serve them immense value in your launch event. If you did it, right, right, I don't want you to not serve any value there. That is a very, very high value, experience. That's what we see it as. And it's a perfect time to segue if people want bigger better results, then it's a no brainer. Next steps, and you get to share that with them. So whether you call it an invitation, a pitch or close, the next steps, whatever, I want you to really hone this skill when you know how to close people on the phone. On an event on stage, oh, my gosh, you will feel unstoppable. I will never forget the first time that I did a pitch in person. At my very first in person event locally here, I was a clamoring mess. I actually asked my husband if he would come for the latter part of the day because I was so nervous the night before. I couldn't even fathom this concept of pitching in front of a roomful of people, like within a couple of months of really starting my coaching business. But of course, you know me, I'm always taking those big risks and going all in. And I was, I don't even know, I don't even remember what I said. And guess what? Nobody bought, nobody bought. But that was okay. I learned so much from that experience. And it was sort of this proof of like, I can freakin do hard things. And so I went around, I turned around, I did our next live launch. And I crushed it because it was sort of like if I can pitch in person with a roomful of people that don't really know me, and still feel funny and excited and awkward about it and survive, I can do anything. And I want you to consider that too. So this stage four is the offer invitation. And it's something that again, I don't want you to pull away from I don't want you to soften. It's a bold directive, ask this is next steps, right. And this is when you get to unpack your offer and show people how you can help them. Now, last stage, the post launch, this is really, really fun and exciting. Because if you do this, well, this is when you start to see things really trickle in. Now what we see is probably I don't know, 20 to 30%, we have all sorts of different statistics, and generally around that number 20 30%. By on the first day. So this is going to vary depending on what type of launch event you have. But the post launch is the time period between when you've offered them the invitation and how long they have to make a decision. This is where live launching works so well. Because it's a condensed period of time, it's saying that doors are closing, or you may not have to close doors if you don't want to, but it's sort of like something is going away. I think doors close work the best. But we've experimented with some sort of bonus that's extending and an end. You know, the fourth day, we have found four days seems to be the sweet spot for us. I've done OpenCart for seven days, I think up to 10 days, which felt so long. Oh my gosh, we've done as short as 24 hours. I really find the sweet spot is four days. So basically you have you know, your pitch your offer invitation. And then you give people a certain amount of time to make a final decision. In this instance, let's say it's doors close.

Kinsey Machos:

In four days, right? And so those four days, you are running emails, right? You're having conversations with people, you're really moving them from the fence to a yes or no, right? We love people to say no. But this post launch experience is going to vary for everybody. We've gotten to the point where we don't need to do a ton other than some amazing emails and what we see buyers trickle in so we have 23% of buyers come in right that first day. So right after the pitch, but then we see over 50% of buyers come in at the last day. So that day for right before doors close. This is why it's so important. It is not over. It is not over until the fat lady sings okay. Just because you just pitched right people aren't just gonna flood in. They still have questions, they're still second guessing themselves or you are the offer So making sure you are fully addressing questions, concerns you have, you know, emails going you have, maybe your team isn't in the DMS with people, maybe you are, this has evolved for me in my company, but you need to make sure that you meet yourself where you are, and you meet yourself where your potential clients are. And you go all in, during this last part of the process, what I find now that we're kind of like peeking down, right, we had the launch event, which is the pink and now things are starting to wind down. But this is the potency. And unfortunately, people see that sort of downward trend or the downward sort of K, I'm coming down the hill a little bit. And so they just kind of like, lacks, it's just kind of like I'm just gonna wait, I'm done, I'm tired, right? If it were meant to be it would have happened. And then the whole thing flops. And so it's really, really important that you go strong here. And this is why it's really, really helpful to have these things built before you launch. Because we want to protect your energy and your feelings during that launch. So if you're feeling discouraged during launch event, or you're seeing those numbers not really come in, and you still have to create a post launch email sequence or have conversations with people, that's going to be a problem. So a of course, I want you managing your mind and your thoughts and your feelings during the whole process so that you can keep your energy high, but also have things done ahead of time. So you don't even have to worry about it and you can really produce and create at your highest level. Okay, five stages of launching. Just to recap, we have the groundwork really setting the foundation, making sure you have an offer that people will buy in planning. Stage two, we have the runway, this is when you're building momentum, and buzz and awareness around your upcoming launch event, which is stage three. Stage three is your launch event whether you choose a workshop, a masterclass and sometimes even an email so you can speed up and get into that that's a super basic way of quote unquote launching, take people through an experience via email. But could be workshop event, whatever that is, you are this is when you're demonstrating your expertise, you're giving value and team people up for your offer, which is stage four, your offer invitation, you're going all in, all in on your invitation to, for people to come have bigger, deeper transformations with you. And then lastly, stage five is that post launch wrap up where you are coming in strong, and you are really really seeing those conversions come through. So I hope this was helpful for you. We have some resources in the show notes for you to come in. And really experienced this yourself if you want help, designing mopping out and really executing an incredible launch experience for your audience. Because again, your launch method is an extension of your brand. And it says so much about you as a coach and an expert. And this is what we help you do. So I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. I will see you next time. Hey, you, thank you so much for listening. It's an honor to be able to pour into the hearts and minds of like minded entrepreneurs all over the world. But my most favorite part is being able to connect with you in real life. If you love what you heard here, head over to the community where thousands of female CEOs, just like you are changing the world one human at a time. We go deeper into the topics we discuss here and give away tangible roadmaps to help you crush your revenue goals to join this high caliber free community head over to I'll see you there