June 7, 2024

The 5 Core Mechanics of Scalable Offers: Real-Life Examples & Creative Strategies

The 5 Core Mechanics of Scalable Offers: Real-Life Examples & Creative Strategies

Unlock your earning potential, maximize your impact, and get into alignment with your highest zone of genius with scalable offers that attract and enroll clients consistently. 

I've learned that the key to a freedom-based business lies in mastering the core elements of one-to-many offers that allow you to help more people without sacrificing the quality of your client’s results or burning you out in the process. 

Join me as I explore the five core mechanics of scalable offers, providing real-life examples and demonstrating how you can creatively design offers that align with your unique brilliance, lifestyle, and revenue goals. 

I invite you to think differently about one-to-many offers outside the traditional group coaching model or course structure that you’re used to seeing. 

Key Takeaways

  • Engage your unique brilliance when designing scalable offers to ensure congruence with your goals and lifestyle, inviting deeper exploration of what truly aligns with you.
  • Open your mind to the nuances and logistics of scalable offers beyond traditional modalities, hinting at the broader implications of customizing your business model.
  • Connect each mechanic of your scalable offer to your overarching brand narrative and three-year vision, maintaining a strong, coherent thread that enhances the relevance and impact of your offers.
  •  Provocatively challenge the notion that access equals results, recognizing that premium clients value transformative experiences and faster outcomes over mere accessibility.

Resources Mentioned

Apple Podcast | Spotify 

Connect With Kinsey Machos: 

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About the Host

Kinsey Machos is the host and founder of The Category Queen, a podcast and community for coaches, consultants, practitioners, and professionals who desire to help more people with their unique expertise. 

Kinsey's mission is to help women transform their unique brilliance into a profitable coaching business where they can experience true time and financial freedom while changing the world one human at a time.


Kinsey Machos:

I'm Kinsey Machos, your host and founder of the category Queen. Welcome to the podcast for coaches, consultants, and course creators who don't just want to dominate their niche, but they desire to play in their own league. My mission is to help you unlock the power of your unique brilliance and use it as a vehicle to gain recognition, reach more people, and make more money. Not too long ago, I took a bold leap, leaving behind a six figure corporate salary with nothing more than a used MacBook and a burning desire for more freedom. Today, our brand has become globally recognized, helping thousands of female founders to become industry leading experts. Join us each week as we go on a journey together to discuss mindset, marketing and money, and more importantly, the real life discussions about balancing success with motherhood and marriage.

Kinsey Machos:

Because we're a community of women who build and scale impact driven businesses, but do it without sacrificing the things that matter most to us. Welcome to the category queen show. Hello my fellow category queens. It's so good to be here with you today. I'm excited. I'm so excited because I have a meaty episode for you today. If you are driving, totally cool. Continue to listen. If you are not driving, grab out your notebook. And if you do not have the ability to take notes right now, that's totally fine. Listen, no matter what, it's likely that you are going to reference this episode many times over as it has lots of logistical details and also important concepts for you to understand as you grow and scale your business.

Kinsey Machos:

So this episode is for you if you already have a scalable offer, or you're about to transition to a scalable offer. So in this context, what is a scalable offer? Well, a scalable offer is a program, product or service where you are serving one to many. So this could be a course, a mastermind, a group coaching program, a streamlined service provider. Again, it's the case where you are unlocking your impact and your earning potential by removing the barrier of that one to one component. So if you are wanting to amplify your impact and also amplify your income, a scalable offer is truly the key to all of this is learning how to deliver an amazing scalable offer that still gets your clients results, but also really removes you from the weeds of all of it, right?

Kinsey Machos:

So if you are constantly at the beck and call of lots of one to one coaching calls on your calendar, or you are providing a service and you really are at a cap of how many clients you can provide that service to at any given time, or you have an expertise that you can really help more people in getting what they want in their life and you just don't have the ability to help people at the capacity that you're in. Right? A scalable offer is going to unlock that. Once you master scalable offers, it's like the sky is the limit. And this is why I love scalable offers so much. It really, truly is the epicenter of a freedom based business, a business that allows you to work less and also help more people. So let's dive in.

Kinsey Machos:

You have an understanding of what a scalable offer is and really at any given point it is important to evaluate whether or not you are ready to introduce a scalable offer in your offer suite. If you haven't already. I will link up to an episode where I go line by line as far as what components you want to consider because I am a huge proponent of doing this the right way. So most people will tell you to add a scalable offer in your suite like now, but I'm more strategic and sequential and also reasonable in that scalable offers are nuanced and they're harder to sell in the sense that you cannot apply one to one marketing methods to fill your saleable offers because it's going to feel like you're trying to fill a pool with a teaspoon.

Kinsey Machos:

And so what we want to do is we want to make sure you're ready for it before you introduce a scalable offer. Because what I see so many times is people have been sold this idea that like oh yeah, you can help more people in 1 hour a week and roll out this amazing group coaching program or course. And then what happens is they spend all their time not just creating that program or course, but then trying to market and sell it. And so they go months and months without even making money. And so really what makes a scalable offer work is that you have a proven pathway and you're able to get your clients results.

Kinsey Machos:

And again, I go deeper on some other elements to consider and so we'll link up into the show notes so that you can really make a great decision as far as whether or not it's time. But in this episode you're going to learn all the different modalities of scalable offers because what you've likely heard is the traditional modalities of scalable offers, which are a course, a group coaching program, or a mastermind, or even membership, right? So this is traditionally what people are taught. And all the time I hear people come to me and ask me the questions like should I do a course or a membership, should I do a group coaching program or a mastermind? And it's through this lens of a really narrow thinking path. And what I want to do is expand you beyond that.

Kinsey Machos:

And it's like let's remove sort of the traditional nomenclature and open you up to more of the nuances and logistics that feed into a scalable offer and then you can decide later on what to call it. But when we enter the design, the launching, the growing of a scalable offer with a narrow lens, even just like what's possible, what's going to happen is you're going to grow a business that's out of alignment with you. In most cases you're either going to introduce a type of scalable offer that is not a perfect fit for your unique goals, your unique niche and your unique lifestyle and or you're going to be working with the wrong clients. Or even worse, you're going to work really hard for very little return.

Kinsey Machos:

And so it's important that we kind of break the mold of like what you might have been taught about scalable offers and what they're called and like should it be low ticket, high ticket and really start to learn what the components and the mechanics are of those scalable offers. Make your decisions around that and then you can call it whatever you want from there. So, so let's dive in. There's really four core mechanics of a scalable offer when it comes to the delivering of the thing, right? And also really deciding how you want to serve your clients. And before we do anything, a lot of what we consider here with our clients is the congruency. A lot of people are not talking about this because it's not as sexy, but I hope that this is sexy to you.

Kinsey Machos:

I know that we have a lot of aligned values if you're listening to this, but congruency is important because when you're, it goes back to, you know, building a business that's out of alignment with you. If your offers are the epicenter of everything, right, what you're marketing, what you're selling, what you're delivering on, and it's not directly incongruent to you and your unique brilliance and your lifestyle burnout is literally a, it's guaranteed. I've been there and I've also seen it time and time again from the clients that come to us. They're completely burnt out. They've had really great success with their scalable offers, but they don't like the business they've built. And again, it's under this framework of having to do it this one particular way.

Kinsey Machos:

But when we can learn more details about it, then we can start to like really truly truly build an offer, a scalable offer that is in direct alignment with how we're biologically built, how our brain and our brilliance is really fully leveraged and then how we want that to fit into our overall lifestyle. So let's dive into the five mechanics and as we are going over each of these are the micro decisions you will make that will then lead you to a fully flushed out scalable offer. The first mechanic, a scalable offer is the engagement model. What does this mean? Now? The engagement model within a scalable offer is how much direct involvement and support you have with your clients, customers or students.

Kinsey Machos:

So this, in this context, this is when we talk about high touch versus low touch and what type of service you're providing to the people in your offer. Now some things that you want to consider when you're really thinking about the engagement of between you and your purchasers, right? Your clients, customers or students is obviously like what result are you providing, what results are you helping your person get? And do we need to have more interaction there? But there's also more of that like big picture vision of how this offer, scalable offer fits into your overall offer suite, your brand and your three year vision. When it comes to kind of the mechanics even of engagement model. This might even be is this more of a high touch service based type of, you know, program slash mastermind?

Kinsey Machos:

Or is this more like a low touch passive income experience? Now a lot of people are going to think that the lower they price their offers, the easier it is to sell. And so we, I see a lot of people jump into this like low touch passive income type of scalable offer, but there's some nuances here. And this is why you have to get back into congruence not just with your unique brilliance, but your unique revenue goals, because creating, quote unquote passive income is actually not even real. And also you're going to have a long road ahead of you if you are trying to scale a low ticket offer with a small or tiny audience and with, you know, very little marketing or selling skills.

Kinsey Machos:

So there's again, this is why we use the congruence code when we work with our clients, to really understand where you're at, where you're going and what type of scalable offer is perfect for you. And a lot of this is around this particular pillar, the engagement and here's what's really cool, is a lot of people assume that when you're scaling your offer, it means that it waters down the quality of your services. And that's just like so opposite from the truth. When you do this well, you can still have a high touch offer that provides exceptional results without you having to do a ton of one to one coaching calls. But the way that we design that is going to be unique to you and your business model.

Kinsey Machos:

But that's the first section or the first mechanic for which you need to really make some decisions. How do I envision supporting my clients or students in this particular offer? Now, after I go through all five of these, I will go over some examples of businesses, online businesses and each core pillar. So you can see how this all comes together. Now, the second mechanic, or model, if you will, is the content structure. So this is the depth, scope and format of the educational content that you provide, right? This is the curriculum. So whether this is kind of like foundational, so introductory into like where your client or student is at on their journey, or comprehensive, so it kind of goes super deep, or it could even be super advanced or specialized. But what is that content structure?

Kinsey Machos:

And at what level of depth or complexity is included in that? And so if we think about that, right, an offer to show someone how to hula hoop, which is literally a real offer, versus how, you know, showing someone or helping someone make seven figures, completely different results, which is going to require completely different content structure. But what you teach, how you're teaching it, and really how you're moving people through that curriculum is obviously going to define, right, the level of engagement, the engagement piece, which we discussed earlier, and also the type of scalable offer that you have some also micro nuances to this will include, you know, are we dripping content over time? Do they get everything all at once? Are we continuing on their journey as they, you know, solve one problem but it unlocks a new problem?

Kinsey Machos:

There's so many elements just within the content piece. But first you really have to decide, like how is this scalable offer fitting into my overall offer suite? And again, I will, this is probably a conversation for another episode, but I'm always going to be a huge proponent of making this scalable offer your signature offer. And so if were to really think about that and think about how this can become what you're known for, because that is how you will get known 100%, then it's going to help drive a lot of these decisions. More simply, we don't have to really get into complexities like upsells, downsells or anything like that.

Kinsey Machos:

It's really about what are some back end, you know, ascension experiences that might come after this scalable offer, but that will help you kind of clear some of that noise and really double down on how do we get like what's the best way to get my client results in this signature scalable offer. Now the third component or the third mechanic of a scalable offer is the community support and accountability. So this is going to come into play when you're thinking about how people, or how your students, clients or customers are going to not just experience this scalable offer from you, from the content, but is there a community or support system around them. So this could include peer collaboration or interaction. It could also include accountability, coaches or support.

Kinsey Machos:

But really in the most simple way is the access to other people that are doing exactly what they are really along the journey of doing what they are. This is why in a scalable offer you have to be so specific, and I will cover this in another podcast episode. But scalable offers, there is very little room for broad type of results because, and this is why when you are really trying to move people through a scalable offer and you're supporting them in a one to many way, those pathways, how you move people through that offer, regardless of the mechanics of it, they have to be really dialed in. Because if you're bringing in all the different types of people and they have to follow the same pathway, you're going to have a lot of dissatisfied people.

Kinsey Machos:

And so that's where community comes into play is because you have a really synced pathway, you have a really narrow niche, you have a really narrow result. Imagine supporting those people with other people doing what they're doing. It really, truly does overall increase that experience of your client. And so I'm a huge proponent of community and adding that as an item or you know, as part of your overall scalable offer. But it's not for everybody. And this is why you have to go back to what's incongruent to me and my values and how I want to operate my business. Because what most people do is they think they have to have a community and so they call it a community. They might like slap up a Facebook group and they don't understand that there has to be growth and intentionality within that.

Kinsey Machos:

Managing a community within your scalable offer is its own beast, right? This is why you have your large scale leaders that have community managers just to oversee the community aspect of their scalable offers. So if you don't intend to curate that community as part of that scalable offer, then I would really ask that you reconsider that piece and know that it could make or break. Right. If people are expecting a thriving community as part of that offer because you're selling it, then know that it could create a sense of dissatisfaction if they come into that. And that's not what it is. So an element here that you'll just want to consider is it important for my clients, my students, my customers to have that peer support and connection as they go through this experience? And it's likely a yes.

Kinsey Machos:

So then you just have to determine what does this look like? What does this feel like? And do I have the capacity or resources to really manage that community? Now, this can be just you for a while. Know that it does require your time, but over time, as you grow, you can continue to bring in people to help support and manage that community. Now then, we're moving into the fourth mechanic, which is the delivery format. So this is the method and structure of how the content and support are delivered to your clients, customers or students. So this could be self paced, which is like entirely asynchronous.

Kinsey Machos:

So meaning a true traditional course, if you will, if we're going to use kind of the traditional modalities or names here so that people, again, people purchase a course and they're entirely on their own to go through that curriculum and get those results. Another element of a delivery format could also be cohort based. So this is like a group of people going through the experience together, maybe going through the trainings, maybe there is recorded curriculum as part of that, because in that content structure, you decided that's what that's going to be. But through the group trainings or the group experience, right. You're, they're all kind of moving at the same pace. Or this could be hybrid. There's a lot of other elements.

Kinsey Machos:

Even when it comes to delivery format, I'm always prone to go more evergreen enrollment, meaning people come in and they have a customized roadmap that's for them. And they can go at their own pace when it comes to the curriculum, but they have access to that live coaching experience with their peers. And that way people can come in at any given time and they're not sort of like quote unquote behind another person or behind another group. But there are instances where cohort based models work way better than evergreen. So this is in through the lens. Let's say you do want to provide a medium to high touch experience as part of your engagement model. And so for the delivery format, it's just trying to figure out what does that actually look like. And so if you want to test both, you can.

Kinsey Machos:

But again, it just goes back to understanding the pros and cons behind that and what's going to work best for your unique, literal, like, biology and your goals. So if it. If you kind of like that consistency and rhythm in, you know, clients coming in every month and not having to launch cohorts every quarter or every, you know, six months or every year, then I strongly urge you to lean into that. If you want to have just certain parts of the year where you're serving clients and certain parts of the year where you're not, like, that's an option. And that's where cohort would come into the cohort based style or the launch style would come into play. You really have to lean into yourself and know that you get to make the rules. There is no right or wrong way in doing this.

Kinsey Machos:

It's understanding the pros and cons to all of it, the disadvantages and the advantages and understanding that whichever you choose, there's going to be a hard attached to it. I think that I've really, you know, my biggest, I guess, toxic trait is understanding and seeing all the different pathways and also seeing that and knowing that because I have tried so many different pathways, knowing that there's going to be something hard about that pathway. And sometimes we want like that. Like, ugh, I've already been through so much pain. I don't want more hard. But what's harder, right? It's like. Like either I do this or I settle for average, and that's not me, and I know that's not you.

Kinsey Machos:

And so really just knowing that whichever you decide as you're making your decisions within each of these core mechanics of your scalable offer, there's going to be disadvantages to all of them. But when you know them and you know how to work through them, then you're just that more, that much more equipped to continue to grow and scale even against the adversity that you're going to experience. So that is the delivery format. Like how you're actually the structure of how that content, that support and how people are moving through your scalable offer. I gave you some examples like true self paced versus cohort versus kind of hybrid if you're going low touch versus medium versus high. But then we move into that last mechanic, which is pricing and accessibility.

Kinsey Machos:

So this is going to get really into the economics of your scalable offer and also figuring out how does this play into the overall client journey for your offer suite. This is important to know because if you are trying to roll out a scalable offer that's low touch, low ticket, you have to understand that if that is your signature thing and that is your primary source of revenue, then it's going to be a while before you're actually hitting your high earning revenue goals. But if it's a way to just offset ad costs and bring people into a higher level scalable offer, that is completely different. Now, I might have lost you there and that's okay, but what I want you to know is that I want you to really prioritize your scalability offers around your revenue goals.

Kinsey Machos:

Move away from this idea that you have to align to people's budgets. I think that's ultimately what it comes down to and what I see people do way too often. It's what I've done in the past also that I've found myself actually sacrificing my own needs and desires for other people's budgets. And it's gotten me into business models that do not align with me and they definitely don't align with my revenue goals. And then you just become bitter and resentful and tired and fatigued and burnt out. And so when it comes to how to price your scalable offer and where it falls as far as accessibility, always optimize for your core revenue goals.

Kinsey Machos:

And also thinking about that three year vision, when we work with our clients, one of the things that we do, aside from really, you know, designing, launching and growing their scalable offers, is really understanding your three year vision. Most of you are only looking maybe like a couple months out, maybe a year out. But when we zoom out, even three years, it allows us to have a bigger picture of what you actually want. Do you see yourself running a team of 20 people and launching courses all the time? Or do you see yourself with a team of a few and launching or running more in person or more immersive experiences? Every body is like literally bodies. Everybody is different. Every body is different. What you desire, what feels good in your body, all those are going to be different based on you.

Kinsey Machos:

And so this is why there's no cookie cutter method to this. And this is why we're moving away from like describing things as a course or a mastermind or a group coaching program. Because I've seen courses that are priced at 25k with very little support and people buy it I've also seen people call things like masterminds that are really low ticket. So when we kind of remove the names and we go through the mechanics and we decide how does this actually look and feel in alignment to my goals, then we start to really, truly make, create some momentum. So pricing and accessibility is what is the cost, what's the perceived value and how is the, what's the accessibility of the offer to the target audience?

Kinsey Machos:

So this is again where we get into low ticket to high ticket, and also how are we pricing the offer to align with the value and the audience's willingness to pay. Now I will be so stubborn on this, but too many times people are aligning their scalable offers with people that do not have disposable income. And so this is when we get into trouble, because then we're running scale, low ticket scalable offers that are going to run you to the ground, because the economics don't make sense with your audience size or your resource structure. And so really make sure that your scalable offer is aligned with people that are willing and able to pay. Now what that actual price point is going to vary. This is something we really help people dial in. But you cannot undersell yourself, you just can't.

Kinsey Machos:

You can't afford it, especially in today's economy, because it costs like $7 just to buy a carton of milk. I joke, sort of. But truly, why would you become an entrepreneur just to make less than you did in your corporate nine to five? No thank you. So when it comes to pricing accessibility, does this mean you have to be accessible to everybody out? Absolutely not. Yes, your scalable offer is meant to help more people, but it's not meant to lower the bar for more people to access you. It's really meant to scale to more of your perfect people. So when you are creating your scalable offer, we're thinking about what's the highest value problem you can solve and who is the perfect person for that. And that is when, that's when we have truly the golden ticket.

Kinsey Machos:

It this is really hard for you to see because you're so close to your own brilliance. And that's where that congruence piece comes in. Because when you can transform your unique brilliance to that category of one niche, that's really what makes a scalable offer work, besides obviously the scalable marketing systems around that. But that's what we want to do, because it's likely you're watering down your brilliance, which in turn you're decreasing the value of your offers, you're pricing them way too low and you're not making the money desire. And that's just not okay. It's not okay. So those are the five mechanics of a scalable offer that we move through, make decisions around that, then we decide, what does this look like? Right?

Kinsey Machos:

So you have the engagement model, which is the interaction or the level of engagement that you have with your clients, customers or students. The content structure, so that's the depth, scope and format of the educational curriculum that you're providing. The community support. So the opportunities of peer interaction, collaboration and support within the offer itself, the delivery format, so the method and structure of how the content and support are delivered to your clients, customers or students, and then the pricing and accessibility, the cost, perceived value and accessibility of the offer to your target audience. Now let's talk about bringing all these together and how this should shakes out.

Kinsey Machos:

So what I'm going to do is give you examples of specific offers that I've helped develop and really show you how you can truly be so creative in designing your scalable offers to meet exactly not just your clients needs and desires, but also your lifestyle. That's always a thing that I'm going to go back to because so many different business models that are or are not going to fit with you. So my first example is for a coach who is a relationship expert for women, and what she helps women do is help them find their soulmate in the next 90 days with confidence and clarity. So how she's really developed these five mechanics, if you will, of her scalable offer is this. The engagement model is a high touch, weekly one to one coaching sessions with some tech support in between that.

Kinsey Machos:

So she really thought about how she wanted to support her clients in between her coaching sessions and notice how she is still doing those one to one coaching sessions. But the content structure is included in the this offer so that they are also learning the fundamentals of what it takes to find your soulmate in the next 90 days with confidence and clarity. And so they're coming to these coaching calls with more of those questions and where they're getting stuck and how they're, you know, what's blocking them from implementation. And so they're going through that curriculum. And again, it's a little bit more comprehensive in, you know, self love and dating strategies and communication skills and boundary settings.

Kinsey Machos:

And so this particular coach, she already knew she had a really, she had already worked with enough one to one clients that she knew what they needed to know and what they needed to do in order to find their soulmate in 90 days. So her coaching sessions weren't about teaching them, her coaching sessions were more about supporting them. And she felt like the weekly sessions were necessary for her to be able to really get them or help them get what they needed in those 90 days. Now, she does have community support as part of this offer. So she still is allowing other people in her coaching service to connect with other women who are also working with her.

Kinsey Machos:

And what this does is it allows these women to really go on this journey together because they're all on this pathway of trying to find their soulmate in the next 90 days. But included in that, what she's doing is these community calls. So she is doing a blend of one to one sessions and a blend of group sessions. And she structured it so that they are, again, they are accountable to their own results and they know exactly how to come to those calls prepared in order to make the most time of that, whether they are one to one or group. And then as far as that accessibility in the pricing, it is higher ticket, it's $6,000.

Kinsey Machos:

But again, she has a guarantee on her offer and it's so good that she felt confident really building that higher ticket, especially because it has that one to one. Now you might be thinking like, how is that even scalable? Because she's still doing one to one. Well, what's the next iteration of this is to train and certify her own coaches that will then provide those one to one sessions. This is why this is like a perfect example of why it's so important to lean into what you truly desire for your clients and what the service, what the program, what the experience is that you want for them. If you want some one to one support in there, then absolutely keep it in there. But know that too can be scalable down the road.

Kinsey Machos:

And in fact, it's a really lucrative option to, you know, train and or certify coaches underneath you that are also going to be an extension of your brand. But I think that's the core issue in our industry right now, is the lack of creative thinking and problem solving when it comes to delivering high quality results in your programs and services. Because everybody goes straight to, well, one to one isn't scalable, or it has to be group coaching or it has to be a Facebook group for community or whatever. And this is just again, another example of actually, if you want, if you believe that there needs to be some one to one components in there, then yeah, keep them in there. And know that piece is going to be scalable by then, bringing coaches underneath you.

Kinsey Machos:

Now if she were to remove that piece and keep it more of a group program or without the one to one, you know, maybe she would come down in price but maybe not. Again, sometimes when we think that access equals results, we get ourselves into trouble. But if the curriculum is really good and they still have a spot for them to come and ask questions and they're getting coaching and they're not getting overlooked, they're getting heard and they're getting seen and they feel like they're getting their hand held throughout their process, then it doesn't necessarily matter if it's one to one or group, you know, again, what matters is that you are offering the promise that they came for. So that was again going through the five mechanics, if you will, of her scalable offer.

Kinsey Machos:

Also sort of what that looks like now and what the bridge plan is when even she is not able to handle the one to one coaching sessions. Also, just another note on that offer for this relationship coach is that this is her signature offer and she decided to do cohort based enrollment. So every three months she takes a new cohort, but this is her signature offer. So when it comes to pricing and accessibility, that's how she priced that. And also it's really the epicenter of everything she does. So she does have a higher ticket offer and an ascension for the women that complete that program. But all of her marketing and her selling efforts are going into the one signature scalable offer. Okay, let's go over a completely different example and something that we're really leaning into as well.

Kinsey Machos:

But this is somebody who offers in person retreats for writing your book. So the promise here is that you're going to write your best selling book in four days with personalized guidance from renowned authors. So good, right? So this is really thinking about what is the best, most like highest value I can offer my person and also the fastest way I can offer it. I think that sometimes we get back into the thinking of like well a twelve month experience or six month, but if you can get somebody a result faster then you are going to attract such a higher caliber person because your premium clients, they value time over money. And anymore, this is why people pay way more money for something that has a faster result than less money for something that doesn't. So I hear this example all the time.

Kinsey Machos:

But if you think about somebody getting liposuction, you know, between 30 and $50,000, I've heard that's the price. I don't have any personal experience, but liposuction is literally like, you wake up weighing less. Like, talk about a fast, instant gratification type of result. Now, is it the best method? I don't necessarily get into the ethics of that, but people are paying a lot of money for that quick result versus paying, you know, $100 a month for a gym membership because they know it takes a lot of time and a lot of effort. Now, again, is the microwave method always the best method? Not necessarily, but it just goes to show that people will pay more money for a quicker result. So this is what. And also this woman really loved being in the room with her people. That's where she thrived.

Kinsey Machos:

And she knew that her experiences could be so much more transformational when people were in the room with her. So her core, one of her core scalable offers is her four day writing retreat. And she has designed it so that they learn what they need to learn before they even get there. So she has core curriculum. So let's go through the five mechanics. The engagement model is obviously like high touch. So you're in the room and she's obviously not filling the room with like, hundreds of people. She does max it out, I think, between 20 and 40, but she has people there to support her just in case she needs more, like, just in case more people need more of that feedback and stuff as they're working throughout the workshops. But obviously it's super high touch. You're in the room with them.

Kinsey Machos:

The content structure, obviously, when you think about, like, is it broad? Is it comprehensive? But this, in this case, it's very advanced and very niche. So when you think about writing about best selling book, right? There's a certain pathway for that. And it's somebody that is absolutely a little bit more mature in their personal development. They're very aware that they have a story to tell, and so we're going to go a little bit deeper. But she structured it so that the core curriculum is something that they get before they even come. So they are learning the core components of a best selling book before they even get there. What? So cool, right? But then the community support. So the third mechanic of a scalable offer is that high engagement.

Kinsey Machos:

So if you think about workshopping with other people and really getting feedback and creating that intimacy with a group of other writers, like, oh, my gosh, it's just a one of a kind of experience, right? And then the delivery format obviously is technically, you could say cohort based because she's you know, bringing groups of people in at the same time and they're kind of like graduating, if you will, at the same time. And they're developing these relationships, but also, so she's delivering the curriculum through their members portal and then working with them in person and then pricing and accessibility.

Kinsey Machos:

So she's pricing this around, you know, three to, she's played with three to four to five k, again finding that sweet spot because it's not necessarily volume per se, but we do have to make sure that we are not watering down the experience too much. And she does desire to keep those groups intimate. And so if she wants to keep them smaller, then we're absolutely going to have to start increasing that price because limited spots are available. So. And the other component of this is like, this is one of her scalable offers. It's not necessarily her signature, but it absolutely is. Kind of one goes along with her other signature offer, but she only offers as it offers it a certain times of the year.

Kinsey Machos:

So it creates that urgency and exclusivity when she does have that really nice Runway for it and around that like, you know, doubling down on her marketing efforts and selling efforts. So that's the only instance really that I would recommend having more than one offer is you have a really good dialed in cycle or rhythm for when you're introducing your offers throughout the year. What I find is when people have more than one offer, more than one scalable offer, they're always kind of like there's no really strategy and so there's a really either vague opportunity for people to understand like what you do and how they can connect with you and people just get confused and so they just turn the other way.

Kinsey Machos:

But in this instance, she has really, we've built really good rhythm and cadence around that and so it sells really well. And I hope this retreat example gave you another way to see that a scalable offer can be more than just a group coaching call, a Facebook group and curriculum. Right. It's so cool what we can really expand our thinking around in order to align the way that we want to serve our clients and how we can best serve them. All right, let's go over one more example that will again show you even a different way of thinking and how you can start to bring in different elements into your scalable offer. But this particular offer is around podcast launching and it's designed to help people launch their podcasts in 60 days or less. Very, very specific, very niche.

Kinsey Machos:

Notice that it's not launch grow and monetize. They really wanted to go deep on launch. Now they have a back end offer that's reoccurring, that's going to support them through the ongoing maintenance and management of the growth of their podcast. But their signature offer is, let's get your podcast launched. And the promise here is we're going to do it in 60 days or less. Now, the engagement model here is mid touch. So it's not super high touch, but how they've designed it is that they get the clients coming in, they get their one to one podcast launch strategy session. So prior to that, they're collecting information through, you know, automated sequences that go out, you know, as soon as somebody purchases a kickstart, a sequence, to really get the information that we need from them.

Kinsey Machos:

So that one to one session, which is 90 minutes, they can do a really good deep dive of like, okay, here's what this overview, the outline of your podcast launch strategy is going to be. But within that, there's also content, okay, there's also curriculum. So their curriculum is pretty, again, niche because it's just going over the launching of the podcast and also all the components that they need to check off their list, if you will, to get it launched successfully. So they're already becoming aware of like, okay, these are the things that I'm going to do. But their podcast launch strategist is going to help them really customize that strategy to them and be their sort of liaison throughout the process. But then they move into weekly Q and a sessions after that one to one podcast on strategy.

Kinsey Machos:

So the weekly Q and A is to ensure that they are getting the support they need throughout their 60 days. So it's like, as they're implementing, they're going to get stuck, they're going to have questions, right? And so they want to get on the call with somebody and be able to ask that question. So the team has different podcast strategists to be able to really help their clients answer those questions and they ensure that everybody does get their questions answered on those calls. So the engagement model is mid touch. The content structure is pretty niche, and it's obviously curriculum based, self paced, but it's self paced in the way that, like, because it's such a shorter duration, you know, 60 days, they have structured it so that they know exactly, okay, on week one, this is what I need to be doing.

Kinsey Machos:

Week two, this is what I need to be doing. And this is what I always build out with my clients when they're designing or redesigning their scalable offer is their clients roadmap. What do they need to be doing now, tomorrow, next week, when we just shove everything at them and expect them to get results over the next 90 days by just kind of like floundering in all that's given to them, they will not succeed. So we really have to allow them that roadmap of like first this, then that, and helping them get quicker wins. So before they even get to the result, the ultimate offer result, you know, the soulmate in 90 days or the podcast launch in 60 days, we want them to have little wins like developing their podcast cover art and getting, you know, generating buzz in their audience.

Kinsey Machos:

Or as far as the woman that's trying to find her soulmate, she is like, her confidence levels have just completely shot through the roof because they have a unique framework to help women really uncover their unique confidence. So we're getting them those shorter wins so that they're more likely to achieve the ultimate win. And that is how you increase client retention and satisfaction. So going back to this podcast launch, the content structure curriculum is set up so that it is going deeper into that one topic. But they have that roadmap app to ensure that they're not getting too overwhelmed with all the things they need to do to get their podcast launched over the next 60 days. Now, the community support they have in actually slack, so that's where the community lives.

Kinsey Machos:

They are able to connect and really collaborate with other podcast show hosts, which is really lucrative opportunity for all podcasters. And also that's where they're asking questions in between their Q and a session with the delivery format. Again, it's hybrid, so they're doing a little bit of one to one, you know, group Q and A, live q and A sessions, and self paced video modules. So see how we're kind of pulling it all together and how we ensure that's a streamless or a seamless streamlined experience for the client is with that roadmap and then pricing and accessibility. This is a little bit on the like lower end in my opinion. You know, it's about that 2500 mark, but right now this works for them. And again, it's kind of the entry level point for their offer suite.

Kinsey Machos:

So they have a service after this that really supports them growing and starting to really monetize their podcast. And so it's really for them like getting them in the door and making sure that those profit margins are still staying in that healthy range for this offer. But it's likely it may have to increase a little bit, but again, because it's going deep one little topic and we're just getting them launched, so it ensures that we don't want to again, taint the experience or the quality of that experience if it's priced too low. But if it's too high, right, we would prevent people from getting in the door, getting them launched, which is in reality actually a really simple thing to do. And so it's really humming along and the cadence around it is really, really slick.

Kinsey Machos:

And so it doesn't require a ton of like work on the team's end, because it's just this seamless process and what they're doing to scale, that is just ensuring they have the right podcast experts on their team to support these one to one sessions, and also the Q and a sessions, and supporting the community in between those sessions to ensure that they are collaborating and connecting and their questions are getting answered, and that it's really a thriving culture. So those are three examples of actual offers that I've helped design and implement and hopefully showing you the five different mechanics of a scalable offer and how different they can be. And that's what I love the most.

Kinsey Machos:

And I think that's why I love designing scalable offers so much, is because it allows us to really like, just think outside of the box and really creatively think through, not what you think you have to do or what you've heard before or what you should do, but what makes the most sense. And the options are infinite. And sometimes that can actually overwhelm people when people start to understand that. And so that's what I'm here for. That's what truly I'm here for, to help you design your scalable offer in a way that makes sense for both you and your clients. I think that we have too many just vanilla, boring, just low quality offers out there because everybody's just doing the same and not allowing themselves to really customize their business models that makes sense to them and to their clients.

Kinsey Machos:

So I love this conversation so much. I told you it'd be a good one. If you need to go back again, get your notebook re listen to this, because I think it's going to hit you differently in different seasons as you're growing, but also as you're just starting to kind of grasp all the little concepts within this, I think that it's going to start to sink in a little bit more deeply and start to resonate more deeply. So if you love this episode, I would love it if you shared it on Instagram. Tag menzymacus and just shoot us a note. If you want me to personally help you design your scalable offer, I would love to do that. All you have to do is send me a note.

Kinsey Machos:

There's links to either apply to work with us or book a call, but I would love to be able to help you do that. All right, my friend, this was a really fun episode. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did and I will see you next time. Hey, if you're ready to stand out online and get pain clients consistently without having to fumble your way through tech run ads or create complicated funnels, I want to invite you to join us in the category queen school, where you're going to learn my simple, proven formula for getting clients online. It's risk free. You either make your money back or we'll give you a refund. Just head over to kinseymachos.com/theCQschool, and join today to get instant access. We'll see you inside.