Aug. 23, 2022

Success Comes In Sequence

Success Comes In Sequence

If you try to replicate success without understanding the sequence behind success, you will burn out. Join Kinsey, Jenny, and Ayelet as they bring their collective genius to the table and walk you through the 3 stages of growth, how to go from zero to a 7-figure business, and what mistakes to avoid in the process. 

To get more info on how to work with us inside Female Founders Board where you learn how to grow from 6 to 7-figures, email

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Past Episode:

Episode 48: How Hard Work Will Not Make You Successful

Episode 22: How To Become A Proficient Coach: Private vs. Group Coaching

Do not miss these highlights: 

08:06 The belief has to be in alignment with what you want to create, otherwise, the strategy doesn't matter.

09:14 Everything comes in sequence. You cannot replicate success if you don't understand the sequence to success.

09:58 The First Phase within the sequence is what we call, The Expert Coach.

10:01 Again, you're just focusing on mastering the foundations we say all the time, “one message, one offer, one platform.”

10:36 The fastest path to claim is, that you should only be focused on serving clients so that you can build your proficiency as a coach. This goes with really learning how to market and sell.

11:45 At the end of the day, it's all about connection, and building that trust and safety with people that are ultimately going to hire you.

13:23 False attribution such as automation, instapot theory of success, tail chasing, and spaghetti throwing strategies.

14:46 Skills that you have to build to be successful online or be a business owner.

15:33 If you're not coaching, you're not learning about your clients, your marketing is not going to work, and your selling is not going to work.

16:03 You have to build that identity as an expert coach and coach people.

16:07 Phase One, is focusing on creating clients. You cannot grow beyond this phase without mastering the foundations of marketing and selling.

16:27 It's not about being the loudest person in the room anymore. A old way of doing business way.

17:01 It is being transparent and honest. Having incredibly good content that converts. It comes down to that simplicity.

17:52 Being a woman expert coach should take an understanding that it is a natural thing.

18:10 Not having testimonials as an excuse not to step into their greatness.

18:30 How you're translating your transformations, for other people you're already an expert.

19:46 When your beliefs are that strong, that's when you move forward.

20:50 What are some indicators that people are ready to start progressing or preparing for Phase Two?

21:01 Mindset shift, there's a difference between saying you're ready and being ready.

21:14 When you have concrete evidence that you could put a money mark on it.

22:18 How am I going to expand my reach and impact more people? That's going to be the biggest step into Phase Two. It is what we call the Thought Leader or CEO.

22:54 Next level and start to impact, you have to look at your entrepreneurial gig as a company.

23:39 There's a lot of testing in this transition in your identity. This is where Female Founders Board comes in.

23:57 Then follows, what does the secondary offer look like? You're kind of reaching a capacity with time.

24:22 Develop a Thought Leadership about yourself, which then translates into your marketing and your messaging.

24:44 Vulnerable season. This is where we'll see a lot of people stall out because they are getting clients there.

25:10 But if you're not growing, you're dying. It is important to make sure that you're continuing to up level what your thoughts are, who you're surrounding yourself with.

26:49 It's challenging when we get big results because we're also challenging ourselves to grow.  

27:23 Now that I've mastered one thing, it's time for the next step. Never want to stay comfortable.

27:46 Tension is good in a business, you always want to see some tension of growth.

29:11 The theme of Phase Two, is just adding a couple of new variables on top of the foundation that you've already mastered,

30:12 One key thing that we see is women learning to ask better questions, and have smarter conversations.

31:04 You have to learn that what got you to this point, there will be some things that to grow,you have to shift them.

32:24 if you want to scale a business that is streamlined, you have to get you to unlearn a lot of that by working harder.

33:33 The reason you're not achieving your dreams it’s, because of all the unnecessary things that you've put on over your life.

34:10 That takes a community, that takes support, that takes mentorship, that takes coaching, and that takes a relentless quest, to have that kind of growth in all areas of your life.

34:52 You learn how to ask other people better questions, ask yourself better questions, and coach yourself through.

35:31 When you start showing up and expecting people to provide you something to be successful, that's when the wheels start to fall off. Understanding that, is stepping into that Phase Two.

36:36 You're testing your proven method. You're seeing what's working. You're seeing the themes. So this is the step where we get to design that scalable offer.

37:21 Number one thing that creates success in the scalable offer is your competence in the results it gives. If you're not confident in the results it's going to deliver, it's not going to sell.

38:11 This is when we start to look at where can we either automate, or start to delegate.

38:32 What is in this sort of phase? What do women need to be considering within their sales? What does it look like to scale it?

38:52 When starting to scale, we need to make sure that the offer includes exactly what the women or whoever it is you're serving are truly needing and wanting.

39:22 What are their future challenges, and making sure that the offer encompasses all of them?

40:04 That's where they are right now, then at the end, that's where they want to be and everything in the middle, that's your solution.

40:26 Now our job is to convey and sell that entire process. That's what it looks like.

40:35 This is why the scalable offer is so key to this phase.

41:13 This is where that thought leader piece comes in.

41:50 Phase Three, which is category queen.

41:54 All you're doing now is you're doubling down, it's like you turn up the volume on the things that are already working.

42:29 You might consider additional marketing channels like a book. The market is going to tell you what they want from you.

43:05 But again, that transition means you're dialing in those processes, those systems You're becoming very business savvy. Another huge, huge identity shift.

43:58 You have to allow yourself to make that choice probably a hundred times a day.

44:49 How do you step forward and have that bold audacity to move forward, and still be able to deal with some of the things you're going to do?  

45:57 Phase Three, it's much bigger than that, because now your team has to trust you. Now you are no longer an entrepreneur solopreneur, you now have a team. You are now the leader.

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen and heard online. 

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women — because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that. 

As a wife and a mom of three, family takes priority. And having a business that’s ran AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers.

Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos

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Kinsey Machos:

Welcome to captivate and close. I'm Kinsey Machos, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high-paying clients using my breakthrough online marketing strategies, all without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait, or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in. Hey, guys, welcome back to another episode of captivate close. It's so good to be here with you. I have my most favorite humans with me today, on this episode and really really, really packed conversation for you today as we dive into the sequence to success, gals, say, Hey,

Ayelet Shipley:


Kinsey Machos:

I've got Ayelet Shipley with me and Jenny Beecher. And as you guys know, the three of us have been behind the scenes, just building like crazy and really serving our clients. And we don't do this often enough, and bringing all three of us together. But if you're in any of our programs, you know that the three of us really collectively bring a pretty broad, but very unique and specialized expertise. So it's gonna be so fun. I feel it real quickly, if you just want to give people a quick intro of who you are and what you do. Yeah,

Ayelet Shipley:

so I'm Ayelet it pronounced like ice cream it, Ayelet it usually helps along that line. And I am the magic behind the sales here. So what I do is I not only help us sell, but then I teach our women how to also sell. But really from a psychology standpoint, understanding people's behaviors, their motivators. Now I use as you can hear in the background, I'm in downtown Austin, sorry about that. What I use is a specific framework that's adapted into any model, or company or organization, or offer. But it's from a really particular standpoint, really understanding the human being worth speaking to the psychology behind it, their motivators, what's going to end them up as the most successful business owner possible, and how can we help reach their people?

Kinsey Machos:

So good, I love that. And I love. And I think this is something that our women really appreciate to when they use your framework is that it's very, very genuine. And the idea here we call it value based selling is that you're not doing harm to people. And it's really about creating that transformative experience, even if somebody says no, and I think it's so fun to see, our clients really dive into this method of selling, because it's so so powerful. And really moves I think a lot of us are used to seeing or even our women are used to being taught sort of this, like unethical. An ethical sort of model for, you know, like, selling people things that they don't want,

Ayelet Shipley:

or false pretenses or any of those I think, you know, one of my most message towards to Kinsey is that's unethical. Right? Because the first thing I'm going to take into perspective is the human being how can we get them their their desired results? And then how can we communicate to them, that to them in the best way possible, while giving this experience in selling, because what that is, is, is just providing them a solution to the challenges that they're really in right now.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah, so Good, I'm really excited, we'll unpack this a little bit more in relation to the different, you know, phases of growth that we're going to unpack here in relation to the sequence. And also, I think what I love about you Ayala is that you consult with so many different industries, or sorry, companies in the industry. And so you have a really good pulse on trends, what's working, and also what's working at larger scale. And when we think about building a business, right, that's bigger than sort of ourselves, right? That legacy size business, we have to be able to scale those portions of the business, right, including sales. So super excited, Jenny, how about you give us a little scoop on who you are and what you do?

Jenny Beecher:

I have to say, first, I am like a huge island fan. And I tell people all the time, like I'm just gonna round it out. But I tell people all the time I'm like, if I could plug anybody's brain and like The Matrix, everybody's seen The Matrix when he like plugs that thing in the back of his head and he's like, I know kung fu like I want ILS like because She does. And she delivers that in our programs, because it's so effective. And it's not actually as difficult as Kung Fu, the way that she delivers it. So I just have to throw that out there because it is so much more. I think people think sales is like, you just tell somebody to buy something. And hopefully they buy it. They we I see all the people, and we'll unpack this later, I know where they're like crossing their fingers hoping that people buy something. And What words did I say wrong, and it's so much simpler, but also more deep and meaningful than that. So that kind of is where I come in to. So I am I a mindset ninja. I'm a master certified life coach. And I work with the women on our team and our clients to really overcome the roadblocks. The things that we see standing in our way. And the things we don't see standing in our way, which is usually our scope, our view, our limiting beliefs, the things that we think we're so sure about, you know, I'm err, quoting right now, but our reality, and how that actually gets in our way and holds us back. And so a big piece of business business success is really your personal growth. And we firmly believe that your business growth is a direct reflection of your ability to grow as a human. And that's where that mindset work comes in, which I think is becoming a taboo phrase where people like, yeah, I've done mindset work like a journal. And I think women that are higher up, right, the more successful we get, the more we think we're over it. I've evolved, I just need to know the perfect system, but you'll get in your own way time after time. And so it's really cool to see what happens when we come in there to really work with people on like, the level of them, and their life and their scope and their dreams and their goals. And then you translate the business out of that.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah, so good. And I love Jenny, you're such a ninja, because I think and this is where you guys really balance me out too. And I have to say, I think it's what Jenny you said, you know, I yell it we just want to plug her brain in ours I love I yell at like providing you give us like this balance, like Jenny and I are always just like, we're just like, we're just like these like, Tasmanian Devils almost for just like and then I like comes in with this, like calm collectiveness of like we hold on just. So I love it just all around. I think the three of us, again, really create a very dynamic experience, not just for our team, but for our clients. But Jenny, what I love about you, is you and we're I'm always going to be more driven to teach on strategy, right? You're always kind of pausing to be like, here's what I think you're thinking, or here's what you're probably believing about yourself, you know, when we're training our women, and you're so good at dropping into our claims hearts, and like seeing the things that they don't see for themselves. And essentially, we have to have the people, those types of people that can see our blind spots. Because ultimately, it really is never about the strategy itself. And we're learning even in ourselves as we have taken quantum leaps in the company is that it's it's like the belief has to be in alignment to what you want to create. Otherwise, the truly the strategy doesn't matter. And so you truly are just such, like your genius is so incredible in supporting these women in each phase. And it's really cool. So, so grateful to have you guys in my life. And on this call today. So let's dive in a little bit. And let's talk about phase one. So in this sequence of success, which has been referenced, if you guys aren't already on our email list, definitely send us a note. So you can get on the email list. But right now we're our top we've been talking about female founders board, which is our top tier consultancy program for women that are preparing for that legacy size business could be two hundred k year or five hundred k. But definitely preparing you for longevity in that seven figure business model. And what we do here is we've been talking about what does that mean? What does that look like? And how do we particularly help women do that. And part of that is understanding the sequence to success, which has been referenced several times over the last couple of weeks. Because I'm a firm believer that everything comes in sequence. You cannot replicate success if you don't understand the sequence to success. And I think we see this a lot in our industry, where people want to just grab on to these random strategies without understanding what comes first. What comes next what comes you know, after that, and it starts with really mastering foundational principles of business, no matter what niche, what industry, you're in what your offer is in. There's there's the five core principles which we can talk about on another episode, but it starts by really understanding Okay, first I do this, then I do that and the sequence to success really simplifies everything. And so the first phase within the sequence is what we call the expert coach. This is the identity that you step into to really believe that you're an expert coach. And within this phase, again, you're just focusing on mastering the foundations. This is what I'm a content collectivist for, in just like the the first of all the mastery of marketing and selling. But really simplifying, right, we say all the time one message, one offer one platform. The common belief here, right is that you need to be on all platforms, you need to be doing more, you need to be spending 40 plus hours a week, you need to be doing webinars and challenges and building out courses. But all of those things are really just a distraction. And so we really boil it down into the fastest path to claims, you should only be focused on serving clients so that you can build your proficiency as a coach, and also really learn how to market and sell. Can you guys talk a little bit about this phase and what you guys are seeing in our clients and the people that come to us? Before we move on to phase two, which I know is really geared towards, you know, that woman that's starting to scale past hundred k?

Jenny Beecher:

Yeah, I think you nailed it, when you said, you know, a lot of people just want like, just show me how. And so I think what we see a lot of people coming in with, it's like, they're just kind of grasping and looking for something that looks good, you know, and like, Oh, I must need hashtags, I must need, you know, a sales script, I must need like these things. And then that will happen. And so what we really see there is people who are talented, amazing heart centered coaches that are really struggling to get their business off the ground, because they haven't figured out how to communicate yet to their ideal client. And that's really what we focus on. Because at the end of the day, it's all about connection, and building that trust and safety with people that are ultimately going to hire you. And so when when we see people stepping into that, and really being able to the light bulbs that go on at this level are so amazing to be a part of, it's just you can see the waitlist lifted off a woman's shoulders.

Ayelet Shipley:

So good. Yeah, and especially when I'm on the phone, you know, with some of our women before they even enroll, then when I'm teaching them how to sell when when we're actually going through the process to everyone's saying to me on the phone like, Okay, well, what about my social media audit? And the first thing I'm saying is, we're not really producing content right now. So how are we going to do an audit on what's going on, we're often told some of the most important things and this is what I see industry why it's, you know, what, what many coaches are teaching women or individuals how to grow their business, it's like, you need this thing, this thing, this thing, and this thing, that's not the most important thing, at the end of the day, we need the quickest path to get clients in practice coaching, that's it, we need to get a client and we need to coach at the very beginning, that's the core one is that cash flow into business and two, it's becoming proficient in being a coach, right? And the more you can coach and the more you can do that, then the better you're able to talk to those potential clients, and to attract them into it. So it's a balancing act. And that's why we teach it the way we do without saying you need this funnel. And this added this thing here, because at the end of the day, that's a bunch of BS that people are using to gain their business, right, because that's what they want. But that's not what's gonna get you your results the fastest.

Jenny Beecher:

Yeah, but it's like that false attribution, which we just talked about one of our marketing kits that we put out monthly for clients that are so amazing that it's this false attribution that's like, oh, well, that person has really great photos of themselves have pretty Instagram and like 3000 followers, so I must need that in order to be successful. And then we see people diving into that, or, you know, whatever the thing is, the funnels, right, we hear a lot of this, like automation, and this set it and forget it, we joke and call it the Insta pot theory of success, like I'm just gonna set it and forget it. And I'll be back at eight o'clock tonight and check my millions. But that doesn't happen that way. And be like I let's say you're sold this, you know, we see it time and time again, because maybe one person, they figured something out, but that's their business model that they're selling you and it doesn't actually results in you being able to create results for yourself, you kind of end up tail chasing and getting really pretty Instagram or sweet funnel or, but that's not where clients come from.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah, so good. And I think that we can all agree that most coaches, most of us, don't, you know, sign up to be a coach to say like, I love selling or I love marketing. And so but what what you have to do well is market and sell no matter again, whether you're a coach or not, if you want to be successful online or be a business owner, right? These are the skills that you have to build and so because that first phase though, is so critical and getting it not just even accepting the identity of the fact that you are not spark coach, right getting that belief caught up with your vision. But just mastering these, these, these core foundations of marketing and selling, you have very little capacity for anything else. And so anytime we enter in sort of a layer, it just becomes another distraction, right? It's like fumbling around in tech, a funnel, right? It's just going to keep you from mastering the proficiency of marketing and selling and like Ayelet said, coaching, that is going to accelerate you, right. Because if you're not coaching, you're not actually learning about your plans. And if you're not learning about your clients, your marketing is not going to work, your selling is not going to work. And so it's just like really narrowing in and it's so simple to us. I think it's so simple to us, and our clients understand it now. But everybody outside of us, I think, because the noise is louder than ever before. And you have like all these spaghetti throwing strategies coming at us or coming at them, it's hard to clear the clutter. But at the end of the day, you have to build that identity as an expert coach and coach people. And so it's like just focusing on creating clients. And that really, truly is phase one, you cannot, you cannot grow beyond this phase without mastering those foundations, marketing and selling. So good. Anything else on that? Before we move into phase two?

Ayelet Shipley:

One quick notice to you know, what we touched on is like, it's not about the loudest person in the room anymore. Now, that's a very old way of business in like, coffee is for closers. You know, if you've seen Wolf of Wallstreet, that type of hard selling and marketing the high DS right high drivers. That's not the way that business is done anymore. And so a lot of people are still stuck in that way of doing business. Right? Be the labs promised the most, you know, over promised under deliver, right, even though like, over delivering is a key word right now know, most people don't mean it. Right? It's really about being transparent. But being honest, having incredibly good content that converts, being able to acquire your clients and deliver them incredible results, it comes down to that simplicity. And it's not about being the loudest in the room, or being the most vocal, it's about being the most sincere, the most talented, and the best at what you do. And that's it. That's so

Kinsey Machos:

good. And Jenny, would you speak to that? Because I know a lot of women I'm sure thinking like, Well, I'm not that talented, or I'm not good enough yet. I, I think the belief that right I will I need to get more experience first before I consider myself an expert coach or somebody that's quote unquote, talented.

Jenny Beecher:

Yeah, that's such a this is a belief that we see so much of this expert level or the aspiring expert level, which is how a lot of women will even say it like I'm going to be an expert coach. But really what it takes is understanding that you're, it's very natural, every single person has those questions of like, Emma, it's, we call it impostor syndrome, right? But having those thoughts does not make those thoughts true. And truly, it's not about having 9 million testimonials. I think one of our favorite objections as to why people can't step into their greatness yet is because they don't have testimonials. And they'll use that as an excuse to like, give away free coaching. And it just, you see these thought processes, but really what that's a result of is just not being able to see clearly, and not having the ability yet to step into the fact that you are an expert coach right now, what makes you an expert is not like 57 certifications, it's every single day that you have enjoyed survived, experienced up until this point in your life, and how you're translating that into transformation. For other people, you're already an expert. And so it's what we love to work with people with is really embracing that.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah. And the decision, I think, you know, I give the example all the time when I built my first hundred k in that, you know, less than a year it was like I had contrast in my life where it was like it was a non negotiable to build quickly, because I wanted to walk away from corporate and so anytime I felt, you know, uncomfortable or afraid or, you know, feelings of impostor syndrome, I had to do it anyway. And it was deciding I would, even if it felt uncomfortable, or even if I didn't feel like an expert, just deciding that I was an expert, and like, helped, like that kept me moving. Because the alternative was, you know, staying in corporate, which was not an option for me. And so sometimes you have to give yourself that contrast, right? And well, what do I want to you know, what do I want to believe about myself? And instead, right, in order to achieve the things that I want to achieve, it really just comes down to a decision.

Ayelet Shipley:

And when your belief is that strong, where it outweighs the fears that you have, that's where you decide that's where you're successful, that's where you move forward. So if everyone like he was listening You can ask themselves, what is the biggest thing that's driving me right right now? What is that outcome that I must have? That the other things, the little things won't get in our way? Right? We can find the path we can find the person that who to help us along the way. Right. But our mind, and all of that is going to get in the way, if we don't have that strong, firm belief in decision, and that outcome is so much stronger.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah. So good. So as we, as we wrap up phase one, and move into what phase two looks like? What how do people know that they're ready to start preparing for phase two? What are some indicators? And I know, like, we could definitely put some revenue markers on their time markers, but it's going to look and feel different for everybody. And so ultimately, what are some components that you guys feel like as we start to unpack these two of the sequence to success? What are some indicators that people are ready to start progressing or preparing for phase two?

Jenny Beecher:

I think the biggest thing for me that I noticed is just the mindset shift, there's a difference between saying you're ready and actually being ready. And so what that looks like, is somebody who is consistently enrolling clients, and there's no longer that question of like, is this going to work? It is working, we have concrete evidence, and you know, like you said, you could put a money mark on it. But it's so different based on your industry, your service and what you're doing, it's more your capacity to show up and really generate that bottom line for your business that you need to and also the results for your client. It's actually not a really far step from the expert coach to the thought leader, the CEO type of status, it's more of a decision, like we talked about to be able to be ready for that when your mind shifts from like, is this going to work to Okay, what's next? I think that's the biggest marker that I see from my end.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah, yeah.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah, go ahead Ayelet

Ayelet Shipley:

I was gonna say in the thoughts around that, right, because it really is a thought difference in being a thought leader and the CEO. And it's now how I expand, right? I'm mastering this, I've got this down, I'm acquiring clients. How do I expand my reach now? Yeah, I get to the next person. And the more people after that, how do I expand from this one to one to one to many, right. It's that thought process around? How am I going to expand my reach and impact more people? That's going to be the biggest step into phase two.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah, yeah. So phase two is really we call it the thought leader, CEO. And there's a couple of things that happen here. And I think, ultimately, like, if I were to look back on our journey together, especially I think this is the biggest most, the biggest, hardest transition, because you are moving from sort of this, this model of just being a solopreneur, right, an expert coach, you're just really good at what you do, serving clients. But if you want to take it to the next level, and start to impact, right, there's going to be people supporting you, you have to look at your entrepreneurial gig as sort of a company. And you have to step into the the sea as a CEO, which is a very different way of operating than sort of a solopreneur. And I think that this requires you to completely elevate how you see business, how you're showing up for yourself, how you're showing up for your team, how you're showing up for your plans. And I think this is going there's gonna there's a lot of there's a lot of testing in this transition in your identity. And I think this is hard. This is a hard transition. This is where we meet our FFP clients, right? This is where female founders board comes in. So as you're getting the rhythm in clients, but you're like I'm, I'm almost fully booked. They're asking for that next step, what is the secondary offer look like? You know, you're getting rid of them on one platform, you want to add in another channel, you're really starting to see bigger picture vision, and you have an eye for those bigger revenues, right? Two hundred k five hundred k one million and beyond. But you know, that you're kind of reaching a capacity with time. And so we start to build in some time leverage in this thought leader, CEO, but it's not just you stepping into a CEO, right, you start to develop a thought leadership about yourself, which then translates into your marketing and your messaging. And you start to go deeper with right your methods, your intellectual property, which you have been, you know, testing in that phase one, but I think this is really a vulnerable of a really vulnerable season. Just in my personal experience. I don't know Jenny, what do you think?

Jenny Beecher:

Yeah, as you were talking, you know, I My mind goes to what this is where we'll see a lot of people stall out because they are getting clients there. Making, you know, ten, fifteen thousand a month or even some people like grand making five thousand, whatever you're like just this great level. And there's this notion that will, I'll just keep doing what I'm doing. But if you're not growing, you're dying, right, that's as a human that's as a plant like you're growing until you're not. And so it's really important to make sure that you're continuing to uplevel what your thoughts are, who you're surrounding yourself with. And really challenging the notion, you know, that what you're doing now is just always going to work forever, and you're just going to float along, and this will stay good. And I think that that's where we see people tend to be like, No, this is really great. Like, I'm great where I am, and it's not about needing to like have to be after millions. It's about wanting to develop those sustainable steps. So that number one, you can get to the point where you're able to have clients where they're learning things without you being one on one with them, right? This is where we see people being like, well, maybe I'm ready for a group program or something larger. That's not just something that you just sort of do. You need to be in the room with people that can help you do that the right way. And so that's like us like Kinsey, where people will kind of tend to sell out and be like, well just think about it for a little bit, maybe, but you can't, as a business owner, consider growth optional. Because that's it, that's how attrition happens. And then you answered that frustration. And what happens is you sort of backslide a little bit. And that's really, really demotivating for a coach. And it's also very difficult for your clients when they start to feel that energy coming from you.

Ayelet Shipley:

Yeah, it's when we start to get comfortable, right? It's that feeling of like, Oh, I feel great. Right now, I feel really comfortable. What's going on right now, right? Because there's, you know, as a business owner, like it's challenging, right, that you didn't, it's not easy, right? That that notion of like, oh, well, you know, I'm going to be starting my own business, because it's easy, right? That's not actually how it works. It's challenging, we get big results, because we're also challenging ourselves to grow. So that moment of I start to feel comfortable can't really happen. Because one industry changes really fast, right? Like, that's one thing that we are not experts in but we're consistently aware of is that the industry is consistently changing. Because we need to consistently change, we need to consistently Elevate, right. And so this phase of growth happens, as your said, as you start to accept that too, right? It's like, I can't just learn one thing and master that, now that I've mastered that now it's time for the next step. And if you're, if you're in the lifestyle of like, I just want to stay comfortable, I just want to stay where I am, the business is actually gonna backslide, just like what you guys said, it's totally going to backside. You have to get, you have to be around other people that continue to challenge you and surround yourself and put yourself in that room. Because that creates a level of discomfort and discomfort is good, right? Tension is good in a business, you always want to see some tension of growth.

Kinsey Machos:

So good. I think that when I look back at when I hit that first Hundred k, I was like, on fire, I was like, oh, sky's the limit, I'm unstoppable. And then I started to layer on these super complicated strategies. And I started like, freaking out and doing everything that was like, everything other than what I already knew to be working. And it was sort of this mindset of like, Oh, now that I'm here, I've got to make it super hard. And I have to be, I have to be showing up in this way. And I think there's we see this often, I think we see a couple iterations of this. It's either like, Oh, I'm gonna go balls to the wall and like, just start throwing spaghetti, right and make it super complicated. Or I think we see that in tandem to starting a little bit of the regression. Because of, well, I it should be easy now. And so why isn't this easy? Why isn't this simple? Like it should be easy now, but I'm feeling this tension. I'm feeling this resistance. This is bad, right? And so this isn't working, I need to stop. And so I think we see a lot of that. And I think even from personal experience, right? That's what I what I had. And so the the theme here though, is that phase two, is just adding a couple new variables on top of the foundation's that you've already mastered, right? But with that, just like you guys said, it's you're still learning new things you're having to grow and now you have you maybe you're hiring a VA and executive assistant or you're you have contractors supporting you to help you build that mission. So you're having to lead a team now, not just clients and sort of there's there's these layers that start to come out. And if you don't have that experience in your past, I mean, I even had it in corporate but it's nobody prepares you fully in the way that you'll experience really stepping into a leader of a company. It's very painful and beautiful all at the same Time. There's a lot that goes with that.

Jenny Beecher:

Yeah, it's it's, I think at this phase two, one key thing that we see is women learning to ask better questions, and have those smarter conversations, which, again, is why, you know, it's not about investing with somebody to help you start up your business, and then you're good and you fly solo. Nobody ever is even you in the ten figure earners are still linking themselves with other people that can help them in, you know, amass more success and impact. And so understanding that that next level, yeah, it's going to be uncomfortable, but also, how can you ask yourself better questions instead of like, Ooh, you know, getting in there and, and hovering on pain points, and what's uncomfortable and feelings. But what is that trying to tell me what will serve me to get here, that's not going to work anymore, right, because that's the other big thing that we see at this level is, you have to learn that what got you to this point, there will be some things that in order to grow, you have to shift them. And they might feel like things that are really, really working or that you're really comfortable with, like I said, like that you don't want to change, but when you can look at it very pragmatically and remove the emotion from it, which again, takes a lot of mindset work as a woman and a mother and you know, all the busy things that we have in our lives, when you can really look at that, that is when that shift happens. And there's a huge amount of growth that happens for people both financially personally, in your relationships, this is where everything really started, you start to see the buds, not just the plant growing. That's so good.

Kinsey Machos:

I think what you said Jenny was important is like there is and we talked about this on last week's episode, this working harder. And this is you're very vulnerable to this and all of it, I'm super guilty of this as well as like, as you grow you. So getting to hundred k or so you just get really good at marketing selling, which means you may be have different, I mean, we would not encourage you to do this if your site Ten k. But you're just sort of selling whatever feels right. It's like, oh, my price point today was five k. But you know, maybe tomorrow will be 3k. And so you have these different iterations of what you've been selling, you're just getting really good at marketing and selling. And it's sort of this jank Enos. And a lot of that if you want to scale a business that is streamlined, you have to get you have to unlearn a lot of that working harder, or what we call kinkiness. And commit to the plan. And any time and you decide that the plan works. We talk about this all the time and female vendors board, there's this resistance to saying no, right, or just committing to the plan and believing that it's working, even though the evidence may not prove that to you today, because you're building for longevity, it's not convenience in the day to day, which I think is what you get used to in growing up to hundred k. But it's a lot of unlearning that, which is very painful. Yeah, I

Jenny Beecher:

think the unlearning is something that's really not talked about a lot. If you know, we just want to go out and fire horse ourselves with the internet and then know all the things and then be totally, you know, insulated from failure from feeling bad or you know, confidence dings or whatever. But it's really that unlearning. And also allowing your becoming is a very popular word, I'm becoming who I'm going to be. But that isn't because you're adding on it's because you're taking off. And so you have to be able, you know, your whole and complete and absolutely capable of more than you're able to dream of, in this moment, right now, the reason you're not achieving that is because of all the shit that you've put on over your life, expectations, trauma, how you view things, limiting beliefs, all of that, right. And so unlearning that is not the natural symptom of that is business success and growth because it's about learning to be different without having to try to be different, you just wake up and what you do is be successful. And I know that sounds cheesy, but it's truly what needs to happen within you in order to have that sustainable success. And that takes community that takes support that takes mentorship that takes coaching and that takes relentless quest to have that kind of growth in all areas of your life.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah, yeah, lots of self coaching, which we talk a little bit about, right? We teach you how to self coach yourself through Ten k. And like Jenny, you said, like, at the at the level as you start to prepare and step into phase two, you have you can you can't be showing up into a mastermind or group program or whatever, you know, asking things that you can google or asking things that are basically you know, basic, I know that sounds so awful, but truly you learn how to ask other people better questions, ask yourself better questions and coach herself through the drama because there's so much mind drama, and if you constantly this is something that I still have to learn right because I can't vomit that to you guys, I can't recommend that to clients or my, you know, husband all the time, you have to learn how to coach yourself through those scenarios. And that's, that's something that that's a skill.

Jenny Beecher:

Yeah, yeah, that self coaching is really, really huge. And being able to allow yourself right, that that work, because it's so easy to step inside our boxes and be like, this is just who I am. Yeah, you know, yeah, when you start showing up and expecting people to provide you something to be successful, that's when the wheels start to fall off. And so I think, you know, understanding that, that really stepping into that phase two, it's scary, and it's Rocky, right, because you don't get to, like, wave around with cute insecurities anymore, you've got to pull your big girl pants up and really understand like, this is about and it's in a very fun and empowering way. And this is where community, and support really comes into play, because it's fun when you're in the right room. But if you imagine doing these things alone, and I'm saying alone, because you still probably have a spouse, you still have family, you still have people in your, you know, physical world, they're not going to understand. And they're going to kind of freak out because they're gonna see you changing. So doing this in a container of your business, in a in a place where you can really have that support, it is huge,

Kinsey Machos:

so good. Um, Ayelet. So I think with a tactically in phase two, we're really helping our clients design their scalable offer, because as you start to have that, you know, you you're testing your proven method, you're you're seeing what's working, you're seeing the themes. And so this is the step where we get to really design that scalable offer, meaning one to many. And oftentimes, we've done several episodes on, you know why we would like our philosophy on really private coaching, first before group coaching, and I'll link up to those episodes in the show notes. But I would love for you to talk about what Chris, like, what do you think, because I know you've had exposure to so many different, you know, scalable offers, if you will, what do you feel like is, in this regard, what creates success around a scalable offer?

Ayelet Shipley:

Number one thing that creates success, and the scalable offer offers your competence in the results it gives it, like I've seen it time and time and time again. And this isn't to say, you know, I can't sell anything out of thin air because I genuinely could if I actually wanted to. But we shouldn't have to right. And so if you're not confident in the offer you're selling especially if the offer is you the offers your coaching offers all of this. And it's so personally connected, especially in the women that we're speaking to, you know, even before you bring in sales team before you hire closer all of this, if you're not confident in the results it's going to deliver. It's not gonna sell. Yeah, right.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah. And this is also when we want to look at the business model. Again, everybody's different. But this is when we start to look at where where can we either automate, or start to delegate. So obviously, you came in as a closer early on for me, because that was something that I didn't want to, I didn't want to do myself. And I want to spend more time right marketing and serving my clients. So I started to get delegate sales so that I could scale that piece. What, in this in this sort of phase? What do women need to be considering within their sales? And what does that look like to scale it?

Ayelet Shipley:

Yeah. So you know, the one thing that were some of the main things we need to be considering when we're starting to scale this is, we need to make sure that the offer includes exactly what the women or whoever it is you're serving are truly needing and wanting in this case, right? So the offer has to convey both the need and the want, right, we can't go deep into the lot without giving them what they need, and we can't sell them what they need. Because it's not always what they want. So it's a really big balance of both. Also looking to, you know, their future problems, right. What are their future challenges and making sure that the offer encompasses all of it? But the biggest thing when we're doing all of this, and we're actually in the sales process? Is the communication around it? All right, how are we communicating this to our human beings to our people, right? What does it look like from the start of the marketing to the end of the delivery, right? That communication has to be totally consistent in the languaging. And the words and the emotions tied along to it? Because at the end of the day, that's what sales is, right? I always talk about the gap, right? A person is where they are if you can see my hands around or listen to a podcast, but right at the beginning, there's somewhere That's where they are right now. Then at the end, that's where they want to be in everything in the middle, that's your solution. Your solution is that gap. At the end of the day, our job is to fill that gap, right? You know, if we think about the our lives, right, we started one place. And right now we're here, right? All the things in the middle are what's gotten us to that place. Now our job is to convey and sell that entire process. That's what it looks like.

Kinsey Machos:

So good. And this is why the scalable offer is so key to this phase. Because once you start to put volumes of people through your offer, through your program, product or service, this is when we start to see bigger themes and patterns. And this is what again, will really help that thought leadership process because you'll learn like people will tell you, what you're good at, people are gonna be like, be shouting off the rooftop, like, this is what I learned. This is how I learned this really resonated with me and your start you like your client base is actually going to help you formulate how you want to be known in the market. And this is where that thought leader piece comes in. Right. But all the while, right, you being able to step into a CEO, to be able to lead the operations that can support a scalable offer, because like Jenny, you said, you don't just flip a switch and decide that you can serve volumes of people, overnight without the capacity to do it. And so there's all these different layers, which is why the sequence is so important. And we're really creating, right, we're just adding one variable at a time, and building for longevity. So good. So then that brings us to phase three, which is category queen. And I think this is really when all you're doing now is you're doubling down, it's like you turn up the volume on the things that are already working. And now you can you have more recent resources to leverage, right you have team, you have financial leverage, and now you have market leverage. And so it's sort of like this explosion in a very good way. But you're starting to step into more of the empire. And everything becomes very fluid, from what you know, to be true about your clients, your messaging, this is when you start to speak on stages, right, you might consider additional marketing channels like a book, you starting to, you know, I think phase two, we really recommend you know, a podcast, but from there, you'll start to like the markets going to tell you what they want from you. And now you're going to double down. And this is when you start to build more of the machine around your business. So you can step up into that leader. And I think this phase is when you start to spend a little bit more time setting the vision for the company. And you have to you know, you have team running the operations. But again, that transition means you're really dialing in those processes, those systems, you're becoming very business savvy. And another huge, huge identity shift. And I don't know if any of you want to speak to that a little bit,

Jenny Beecher:

yeah, you nailed it with the identity shift, I think that it's again, we don't just get to be comfortable and stay like this is great, I'll stay where I am. There is a there's a huge amount of permission that you have to give yourself in order to shift your identity. The reality of it, it's very simple. It's like, how do you dodge a train, you literally just step off the tracks, right? It's just this like, same thing with your identity shift. But you have to allow yourself to make that choice probably hundred times a day, am I making this choice from like, the trains coming at me? And this is where I don't want to be anymore? Or am I over here making these choices. And so that identity shift is, is very powerful. And what we see there is still a need to like cling on and have every single decision, right? You've worked so hard to get to where you are, there's been blood sweat and tears not really right and a fill. It's an emotional, it's a life journey to create a business to this scale. But what we see is women coming in and it's like, I that work harder mentality. Even if you have done all the mindset coaching in the world around it and you feel solidly been able to let that go. This is where it will still creep up. Because you want to protect yourself from losing things. You don't want to lose control. And even if you're giving things over to other people, there's still a tendency to like, nobody's ever going to do it as well as you so how do you step forward and carry that confidence for your team? How do you step forward and really have that bold audacity to move forward and still be able to deal with some of the things you're going to have going on inside you like, you know, the identity of moving forward and really becoming that next level queen of your category, right? And that's not even to say what happens when you're making these changes in your business and you're making this kind of income in your life. Some things are shifting there too. And that can come into play and either sabotage or inhibit or just kind of slow down your progress and business because everything is shifting. And that's it's it's a lot bigger vortex, as Abraham Hicks would say, right. But you get to control it. And this is it's a really exciting time. But there's a lot more

Kinsey Machos:

at play. Yeah. Ayelet what do you Oh, go ahead.

Ayelet Shipley:

Yeah. So it's interesting, right? So this is like, the biggest piece in this in this space right here. So, you know, up until this point, you have to trust yourself, you have to trust yourself so hard, right? And especially in phase two, right? You're just, you're putting the trust in, this is what I meant to do. This is why I'm here. You also have clients that trust you. Now this phase three, it's much bigger than that, because now your team has to trust you. Now you are no longer entrepreneur solopreneur have a few contractors in Indonesia, you have a team, right? So culture is the most important thing here too, right? You are the leader, you are the leader, you are the category queen. So you have to have that buy in from your team, because they're doing the operations of the day to day. So it is that trust on such a deeper level here. And that requires a lot of work. Right? internally, externally, all of it. And that's the biggest difference here in phase three. It's not just the trust in yourself, the trust with your clients, now the trust of the team, because they're running the day to day.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah. And that's why we have a leadership consultant come in right to start having those conversations about culture with female founders where because you can't just hire on the whim, you can't just ask a random Facebook group about Hey, who do you know, like they're hot, you have to be again, it goes back to thought leader CEO? Are you making decisions? Right? In line with because as we're preparing you, you know, for female founders, where do we meet you? You know, in the meat of phase one, preparing you for phases two, and three in tandem, the decisions you make in phase two are preparing you for phase three. And so are you making those decisions in alignment to that empire based category clean level, meaning you're capturing a large market space in your industry, you're getting know, you're the go to choice for your expertise, and like that rhythm, but it starts with really starting to make those types of decisions and operate in that way. In phase two, it doesn't happen sort of like, okay, I'm category clean now. And I'm ready. It's sort of the evolving and the building of that identity and learning how to run a business in that way. So big. I love that you said that. So good. So ultimately, I think we'll wrap up this, we've already gotten, I don't know, 45 minutes or so. But this is so powerful. And I hope that for those of you listening, you got a good context in these three phases where you're at what you should be preparing for in, you know, phase one, as an expert coach, phase two as that thought leader, CEO, and phase three as that category clean, where you're at, obviously ten k content collected that is for you, if you're just getting started, or you feel like you're sort of throwing spaghetti at the wall right now, get into ten k and master those foundations. If you are generating consistent revenue, you have a Jenner, you have a consistent clientele, you want to start thinking about what that next step looks like in scaling your offers and starting to build a machine around your business and stepping into a thought leader in your industry. That's when female founders board is for you. So we'll we'll link up some information here in the show notes. But ladies, thank you so much for being here. I know we could jam out all day on this. But I just love you and appreciate you guys so much in your brilliance is just so amazing. It's so

Jenny Beecher:

fun being here. This is so fun. The three of us, just love him on it.

Kinsey Machos:

So good. All right, girls. Have a great day. Thank you guys for listening. And we'll see you next week.

Jenny Beecher:

Bye, everybody.

Ayelet Shipley:


Kinsey Machos:

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