Dec. 28, 2021

S2S: Crafting A Marketing Strategy That Attracts Premium Clients Consistently - Part 2

S2S: Crafting A Marketing Strategy That Attracts Premium Clients Consistently - Part 2

We are excited to bring you part 2 of Kinsey’s Signature to Seven Mastermind that was recently held.  If you have not listened to the first one, go back to Episode 13 - Designing A High-End Coaching Program That Can Scale. 

In this episode, Kinsey will be focusing on messaging, marketing, and lead generation. This is really the meat of everything that we do as coaches.  She will share the fundamental principles of marketing and selling to build a thriving coaching business, but also give you some tactical level strategies that you can start implementing today. 

Do not miss these highlights:

05:22  - Your offer is the core of your messaging and marketing and the strategies you use to communicate the value of that offer.

11:12 - A look at the different Levels of Value - Implementation, Unification and Communication 

22:17 - Marketing is all about how you reach people with your messaging, but it is also about reaching the right people as well.

29:29 - Discovering the different types of investors and their potential

43:49 - The 3 phases of your marketing journey - Captivate Phase, Connection Phase, and Close Phase

49:45  - Creating simple lead generation in Facebook and Instagram 

53:22 - How the Facebook Group strategy is working like gangbusters

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen and heard online. 

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women -- because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that. 

As a wife and a mom of three, family takes priority. And having a business that’s ran AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers.

Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos

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Kinsey Machos:

Welcome to captivate and close. I'm Kinsey MCIS, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high paying clients using my break through online marketing strategies, all without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait, or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in.

Kinsey Machos:

What's up guys? Like this happy, happy Thursday? How are we doing today? Okay, are you guys ready for today, we're talking about messaging, marketing and lead generation, okay. And this is really the meat of everything that we do, when you think about attracting high quality leads, selling high quality, like selling getting clients, right selling like, this is really the meat of everything. Because if you don't have leads, right, you don't have clients. And if you don't have a marketing or messaging strategy, you won't get leads. And so this really is a really, really important fundamental of everything we do. So, um, I want, I'm going to give you some high level concepts to really anchor in, because what I want you to be able to do is take away fundamental principles of marketing and selling, right without relying on how to strategies, if you understand fundamentals, then you you are, you're going to be ahead like lightyears ahead of anybody else. But if you're always relying on on strategy, right, without really understanding what the foundations are, then it's going to feel like an uphill battle. And so what you'll notice in these trainings is that I'm blending, right fundamental principles of marketing and selling, right to building a thriving coaching business, but also giving you some tactical level strategies, because I want you to walk away with what's working right now. So that you can apply. So you could do it right now. But again, if you don't understand how, like the fundamentals of online marketing, he buys online selling like, it's going to feel so hard came and so I really want to do both for you over the next few days. Okay, so say, hey, bloats of the day, how you heard we're gonna, we're gonna dive right in.

Kinsey Machos:

Like I said, you guys, I have so many amazing things for you today. And so it's like, super, super packed. So stay with me, again, we're talking about messaging, marketing, and lead gen, and at the end, I'm going to talk to you about our Facebook group strategy that is working like gangbusters. In fact, it's what cap is what enabled me to scale to those six figures in my first year of coaching, and it's still his primary strategy for attracting leads every day, okay. And I'm going to talk to you about what that looks like and give you many give you some next steps and what that looks like for your particular business. Okay, um, um, so we're talking about crafting a marketing plan that attracts premium clients consistently, okay. And what you'll notice about our strategy is that, I don't want you to just attract leads, I don't want you to just think about an ideal client, that's fluff. And that's, that's, um, that's it an old school strategy, we really teach you how to dial in your premium version of your ideal client. Because there's two types, right of your person, there's the there's the person that will never write, if you think about your ideal client, there's the person that will never invest in herself and or you. And there's the person that would, I'm going to show you a little bit more comprehensively what that looks like. So you can really anchor in this idea of like, premium clients. Okay. Premium clients, literally, they're amazing. They're, they're low maintenance. How many of you have ever signed a claim? And they're like, in your worst nightmares, like, they're just like, hitting you up in the middle of the night? Maybe they're not even doing the work, right. So you're like, I'm not going to be able to get a testimonial, like, premium clients will be the types of people that help your business grow because they're, they're going to invest, right? They are also going to do the work and they're going to be able to help you show right how your unique methods work, right, which did some really great work yesterday really solidifying those core pillars in your intellectual property, which is the one thing that sets you apart from anybody else, even if someone is selling exactly the same thing, right health coaching, life coaching and Healing, like whatever that looks like, your IP is unique to you, your unique method, nobody else, right? Nobody else is teaching it. And this is why it's so important to get clarity there and start thinking about what are my core pillars? Okay?

Kinsey Machos:

Alright, so let's talk about messaging and marketing. Now, what you guys did yesterday about really solidifying your offer we talked about right your offer becoming your core you like you're at the center of your messaging and marketing. Why? Because right, if you think about coming into the market, and building demand and desire for your offers, we have to speak to the ideal client, the premium client that your offer is designed for, right. And so oftentimes people will like create their offer over here, they'll have their ideal client over here, and then their marketing server over here, and this is why you will feel right, if you're if it's not streamline, and, and you're it's sort of like all disconnected and disjointed. We're gonna have a hard time creating that consistency and leads and clients. Okay, now, Does anybody understand the difference between messaging and marketing? What is messaging, you know, these terms are on, like, I think buzz words, especially in my industry, as a marketing coach, they're definitely kind of intertwined with one another. But it's important to understand the difference, because when you understand the difference, you'll understand how to leverage one or the other, to your benefit, okay. And so if it like, I would just love to know, what is your version of messaging versus marketing, do you understand the difference of what each the purpose of each of these elements are, and again, this is getting you fundamental, so you understand, because most people think that these two are the same. And you're leaving a lot of money on the table by not understanding the time in place, and the strategy behind these two elements. Okay? I'll give you again, this idea of messaging versus marketing. So messaging is how you communicate the value of your offer, the value of your brand, even if you want to think brand, right brand level, which you guys are all personal brands, what is the value of your brand value of your offer? It's the communication. So this is really important to understand. Because it has nothing to do with platform, right? How many times you're posting, where you're posting email like nothing, this is the value, this is how you demonstrate value, okay. And when we think of again, this idea of value, I want to give you a really good and a visual here, because when we go back to this idea of communication, like how many of you consider yourselves to be good communicators? Okay? And communicators could be like, simply are like, are you engaging? Do people like are people captured by your message? Do you find that people are coming to you with questions? Do you when you speak? Do people resonate? Are people resonated with it? Do they? Are you impacting change? Are you clear in your communication, right? On a scale of one to 1010? Being Awesome communicator, one being maybe needing a little bit of improvement? What would you rate yourself as a communicator?

Kinsey Machos:

Now, I'll give you some context here. I used to. I used to so I used to feed scale initiatives in my old corporates and soup nine. That's amazing seven, Jen. Awesome. So when I was in this, oh, Bethany Nijhuis are amazing. So back in my state, I would rate myself probably two or three, I public speaking, anxiety and any type communicated. I felt like I was shaky, not clear, and really, really unsure of my message, I'm sure of myself. And so it created this belief that I had public speaking anxiety, how many of you ever had had that thought, but I would have to stand in front of like board level leadership, I would give presentations at in front of large scale teams. And often, like I was literally guys, this was me, I was putting out I would black out like, I was a nervous freaking Mac. And for so long. I made that about and I made that about me and my, my worth my value. But at the surface level, it was like I'm just not a good communicator. I'm not a good public speaker. Right. And so I really started to learn that it's less about me and when ability to speak or not and more about the power that I stand in when I deliver a message. So imagine me spearheading, or speaking in front of a group of, you know, stuffy C suite leaders about, you know, projects, and how we're tracking on our budget, and, you know, our analytics and how we're trending, like, talk about boring a F, okay, I was not passionate about that. And I was also very unsure about the purpose, and like, what the f I was even doing. And so as I kind of shed, and let go of that identity of, you know, this corporate level person, public speaking anxiety, not really sure, and I'm starting to really step into my power, as a human, as a woman, as a coach, right now, things flow out, and like you put me on stages, and I'll crush it right, I love to deliver, I don't sweat, I don't back out anymore, right? I freaking love to speak, I love to communicate. And it's one of the skills that I have continued to home now. But I want to really put this into context for you. Because I want you to understand how important communication is. Okay, now, I'm going to demonstrate this four levels of value. And this is in conjunction to the levels of value that society places on these different skill sets, if you will, okay, now, the lowest level of value. So again, this is sort of from a monetary perspective, okay. And this is not driven by me, this is sort of general society norms, if you will, okay, now, the lowest level of value is implementation, common implementation in the chat below. Okay, just want to make sure you're with me here, implementation. Now. implementers? Are the people that work with their hands, they're literally getting paid, right to work with their hands. This is your landscape workers, it's your roof builders, or we're maintenance, I don't know, um, it's your your plumbers, right. It's your, like your housekeepers, whatever that looks like. So it's, it's the implementers are literally getting paid to work with their hands. Now, the general norm from a salary perspective is anywhere from minimum wage to like, 80k a year, okay. And this is just like, general statistics. Now, what what we want to know though, the biggest lie, or belief that is ingrained in implementation mode, or the implementers, is that you have to work harder to make more money. How many of you guys have had that belief or find that you do still sit in that belief, I need to work harder to be more successful, or I need to work harder to make more money. How many of you guys know somebody in this way? Right. And so what happens is, we're either we're trading time for money. So it's, um, you know, this was me in if you think about it, when I first started, it was like, I'm gonna, like, put in all my time, I'm gonna work 40 plus hours, right? Because that will make me successful. Okay. But what we know about that, is that is that it's not true. I mean, how many of you guys know, hard workers that will consider themselves wealthy?

Kinsey Machos:

Right. So what we know is that's a that's a limiting belief that exists within this level. Yeah, Melissa, and it's totally normal. And it's ingrained in us just based on how society just the society norms, and so it's okay, it's normal for those thoughts to creep in. But we have to, we have to choose to believe something different, okay. And I want you to know that building wealth is simple and easy and fun. And you can have that truth as well. If and having that truth is simply choosing to believe it. Okay. So good. So implementation, okay, now the second level of value is unification. These are unifiers. These are people that are essentially managing our implementers. Right. And so these are your, you know, your managers, and these are your C suite levels, you know, at the highest level, they're responsible for overseeing the implementers. Now, minimum wage here or sorry, the average salary in this level of value would be anywhere from it from a traditional standard perspective, 80k to 250k a year and 80k is you know, your, your McDonald's manager maybe or you know, 250k would be maybe your, your, your, you know, your CEO suite in a corporate company. Okay, whatever that looks like, but they're responsible for overseeing the implementers now, the biggest lie here comment unification below unification. This is super important. You guys unification. I spent a lot of money time in this level of value. Okay. And the biggest lie within the unification level, or that the unifiers believe is that I need to have or I need more education to be successful. What? Yeah, been there done that? Do you want to know how much money I have spent on traditional traditional education? Right? I got, you know, as you know, my story yesterday, it was like I, you know, I went back and got my undergrad, I went back to hear my masters, I paid more money to get more credentials, because I was taught that in order to progress in my career, that's what I needed. Right? How many of you have had this belief before we see it all the time to with coaches is that they believe they need to go get a certification in order to be successful. Now, there's nothing wrong with certifications, as long as you're doing it for the right reasons. And also, you're making money. Wow, right learning. It is so important, guys, there is no reason there is no reason you should not be earning while you learn. Right? So the moment I decided to become a coach, I started making money, right? And it wasn't this getting ready to get ready. It was like I'm going to earn well, I learned and of course, I progressed right through the learning and started to be able to provide a higher level service as they evolved. But I was always one step ahead of at least somebody earn why you learn the unification lie, is a lie. Right? I need more education. To be more successful, how many of you guys have had this belief? Right, that I need to learn more and now there is something to be said right, about gaining knowledge from people that have been before you Right? Like coaches and mentors, I have, I will always have several coaches. I have a mindset coach, I learned from a consultant, right who's like on track for 100 million year $100 million year because he's already been where I've been. Right? And so I'm always gonna lean on the people that have built what I built, but none of it right is up from a place of I need more credentials. Right, I need to get ready to get ready. Yeah. I made low pay with my masters in education. Yeah, my masters didn't give me Jack. Nice. That's just a visit administration. When I completed my Masters, I didn't even get a promotion. Like What is even happening? It's just crazy, right? Okay. Don't even get me started. Okay, so unification.

Kinsey Machos:

Okay, now the third level value, now we're moving into the higher levels of value. And this is where I want you to really, really see what's possible for you when you master these skills. Okay? Communication, okay. Now, your communicators are your actors, your authors, your coaches, your speakers, right? These are people that are getting paidto speak, they're getting paid to speak, okay? And it's when you speak, right? Whether it's verbal written transference of knowledge. When you get paid to speak, you are changing the emotional states of your audience, your audience, your reader, your client, right? You're whoever's in, you know, below the stage with you like communication, this is a level of value that you guys all need to be operating in. Okay, the standard, you know, again, a big range here, 100k a year, 200 million a year. Okay? Of course, these are like your actors and stuff. But imagine, when you leave a movie, right? You have a state of change in your emotions, right? It made you feel something, right. When when our clients work with us, right, we're changing the trajectory of their business and their life, or changing the state of their thinking they're feeling they're doing right because of our content because of how we coach right? You guys are coaches, you should be at this level of communicating where you're really mastering that level of value in regards to being able to communicate, right, the value you bring. Is this making sense? Comment communication below? This is where I really want you guys to start placing yourselves because most of you with the thoughts and the behaviors, right are acting as if right your implementers your universe, it's just not you guys are coaches, your change agents, and you have to operate at that level with right with the mastery of this skill. And this is why communication is such a high level piece for you to understand, while also going back to tactically, right becoming a better be coming a better steward of your message becoming a better communicator. Right? So good. Like is this so good. So the highest level of value, though, and again, this is just for you to really start to anchoring is the imagination. Okay? And these are beginning people that get paid to literally have a thought, right to have an idea. This is like your Steve Jobs. Elon Musk, right. And that's where we're sitting in like 1 million to a billion. But if you think about, right, even from a manifestation perspective, it starts at the top, you have a thought, right? You speak the thought into the reality, you do the work, right. But most people going back to this idea of be do have most people are trying to, you know, do the things. Until, right? They're trying to do the things from current state without having right the right thoughts, and truth aligned with where they're going, Is this making sense? Is this resonating with you, this is so so important. So not only do we have for those of value and really seeing where you need to be operating, but now you also have right? This is very, very articulate to right representative of how things become a reality. You have the thought, right, you speak the truth, right? You speak it out into reality, you have you communicate the value, right, whatever that looks like, and then you write do the work it is. It's really awkward. Most people operate so good, right?

Kinsey Machos:

So let's go back to this is really important. Um, and again, when you think about how you're operating in your business, how you're showing up as the expert, you really want Am I Am I operating at the highest level of value right now? Okay. But then tangibly, right? Going back to this, this idea of messaging, right? Becoming a better communicator, period, you will get paid, right? The more value you bring, the more money you make, period does, like boom, okay. Okay. So let's go to Marketing. Okay. So messaging is how you communicate the value. And marketing is how you reach people with your messaging. Okay, this is the eyeballs This is the people came. Now, where most people get hung up on is focusing all their efforts on marketing. It's like I need how many of you in the comment, I will have eyeballs below this is so but I love it, because it's like, when we talk about getting more eyeballs on our things, right, coming eyeballs below. Now, eyeballs are an important part of the equation. But most people think it's the only part right? And how many of you have been in the cycle of I need more followers? I need more email subscribers, I need more clients, right? I mean, we like all these number driven things, okay. But the thing is, if you're putting crap right in front of people, it doesn't matter how many eyeballs you have. And this is where it's so important to really tell in the messaging, the communication, right? Because then it's more about quality over quantity, you guys, when I hit my first six figures, I had less than, I don't know, 500 people on my email list. Same on my, in my Facebook group, probably about 500 people in my Facebook group. And I definitely I have less than 1000 followers on Instagram, because I wasn't, you know, really doing anything over there. And it was because right, I brought more value in my messaging, I focused very little on growth, but with quality comes natural growth. Okay, and now that we've hit 50k months plus, our numbers haven't changed a ton. I mean, I've got about less than 2000 people on our email list, less than 1500 in our Facebook group, and still less than 3000 followers in on Instagram, okay, so it's not about the numbers. It's not about the numbers. What's more important is the quality. Now, of course, it's a part of the equation because if you have no eyeballs, right then then the messaging is for nothing, but it's really important to see how they work together. Okay. So when we think of a marketing message, okay, this is the value, this is the communication. There's really, really fundamentals here. Okay, so we've got the who, the what, and the how, okay, how many of you feel like you could articulately say, who you help and how you help them?

Kinsey Machos:

I think this gets people hung up a lot. And as you guys have started to really flush out your offers and your pillars, right? You have a mess. But now we really need to think about who is the perfect person for this offer and write the perfect person for the premium person. Okay, so let's talk a little bit about the who, when we can start to niche down. This is super important. So when have you guys heard the red ocean blue ocean content? This is a phrase that I learned from Russell Brunson. And it's taking so the red ocean, right? If you imagine all the sharks feeding in the ocean on the same food, right, it creates this bloody mess of a water of water, right? That's so morbid, but hang with me. Okay. So red ocean is where all the sharks are feeding on the same food. Blue Ocean, right is sort of is this new sort of clear space where there are no competitors, no sharks came in. What we want to do is take a red ocean and carve out your blue ocean inside of that came. Now the three biggest moneymakers in this space are health, wealth relationships. And I'm willing to bet that all of you have are sitting in one of those three industries, the biggest moneymakers health, wealth relationships came, if you don't if you don't think you're in one of those comment below. And I'll I'll I'll let you know. But, uh, Matt, but those three alone, right? red oceans, right? If you think about all the people in the health coaching space, red ocean, all the people in the wealth space helping people make money, red ocean, all the people in the relationship space, red ocean, okay. But what we want to do is carve out your blue ocean in that big red ocean, okay, and how we do this is becoming right more niche in who we serve and how we serve them. Okay, how many business coaches do you know, right? There's tons of business coaches, but we have been able to carve out a blue ocean, right by not just our IP, the unique methods, right? But we're like in the marketing, the messaging, right? The scalability phase, like the way that we teach it, and what we teach is really carving out our red ocean, or sorry, our blue ocean, and also in who we speak it to, right, we're really speaking to coaches and consultants, right? It started from, you know, entrepreneurs, to coaches.

Kinsey Machos:

And so when you guys think about, you know, the niching down, feels so heavy sometimes and overwhelming because of this idea of I'm going to lead people out. But what happens is when you get so specific, and who you're speaking to, and can specifically speak to their pain points, their challenges their desires, right, and they see yours themselves in your content. It's so potent that you get layers of that. Even outside of your initial, your your niche. Okay, is this making sense? So for instance, like we don't like all of our content, all of our offers are designed for coaches, right, but it female coaches, we only work with females, but we can't men and like, we always have to let go, we don't work, you know, and we get network marketers, and we get service based entrepreneurs. So we get these layers of people, because we're here and magnetic, that it just pulls people in out of those layers. Okay? So what I want you to do, if you're afraid to niche down, I just want to give you encouragement that it's is the idea that I'm leaving people out. It's the opposite effect. Okay. So what this looks like is just getting when you think of your who, getting more specific, okay, instead of women, maybe it's busy moms instead of people. Maybe it's what they struggle with, right? Instead of entrepreneurs, coaches. Instead of moms. Maybe it's a working mom, right? Instead of couples, it's couples looking for something specific. Okay? This is really important because, again, a busy mom versus or sorry, a working mom versus a stay at home mom, different pain, different challenges, different desires, okay? A coach versus maybe a service based entrepreneur, different mistakes, different challenges, different desires, okay? Now, I want to go over this premium buyer Mike matrix, because what I described earlier is this idea of you're going to have two different types of your ideal client. This is why it's not enough just to know who your ideal client is came, we want to attract the people that are ready to invest in themselves, and they're ready to make the change. Okay. So, on the lower left hand quadrant, we have low investors, low potential came, these are the people that will that I shouldn't say never that will not will most likely not invest, right even from a time perspective, time money, and they're not willing to make a change low potential. Okay, how many of you guys have worked with someone low potential and I don't mean potential, like we all have potential, right. But there a willingness to move on that potential is very, very Low, right? How many of you guys have worked with someone in this regard? It can be so frustrating, right? Because as a coach, you want them, it's like you want it more than they do. Right? So the right hand, sorry, the right lower quadrant, we have low investors, high potential. Now, these are the people that will most likely not invest time or money. But right, they are ready to make a change. Okay. Now, if you think about what that means, I'll circle back to that thought. But again, this is really helping you sort of differentiate the types of buyers that are out there right now.

Kinsey Machos:

Okay, up in the left, higher quadrant here, upper quadrant, we have high investors, low potential, these are people that are willing to spend money, it's not an issue, but they're just still not really to make change, we actually get a lot and we get some of those as well. It's like, there's just people that they, they, they don't mind spending the money, but their their readiness for change isn't quite there yet, okay. And maybe it will come later, but it's not quite there yet. Now, the problem, when you the issue or challenge in working with people that are not ready to move on their potential is what we know about scaling, you can get to six figures without super potent testimonials. But in order to scale from six to seven figures, you need those testimonials. And so people aren't doing the work and getting breakthroughs and you know, doing the thing are getting the result that you that you offer. It's like oh, for nothing, you're just like pissing away your brilliance, right? We need those people to make for to create results for themselves, right, so that they can help us really show right, our methods work, right? Is this making sense? Say yes, blow. Let me know you're with me. Okay. Now in the high in the top right hand quadrant, high investors high potential. And you guys, this is where we want to really build out your premium offer, it's for people that are ready to invest and people that are ready to make a change. Now, you'll notice as you start to and we do more work, I wish I could spend all day on this, because this is really, this is really where we help you the most and really think about messaging, you'll be so surprised, like you'll initially look at it and your it may not feel like you're pulling in one or the other. But immediately, you'll start to spot like, Oh, this is really angled to the people that are not ready language pattern patterns that you can use to pull in high investors high potential or things like you've tried all the things, right. And being very explicit, what if they've been trying, that's not working? We know because what we know about the people that have already tried something is right there. They've tried to invest time, and you know, their thing, their their their eagerness, their willingness, but it's just not quite working for them, right. And we get to offer your solution, which is going to be the solution. Right? So things like you've tried all the things. Also, when you think of a more advanced level person, right? Somebody that is already primed for that change, what types of things are they doing? Right? So one of the things, um, Angela, Asia, who you'll you'll probably hear more about her tomorrow, but she is a life coach. And she came in and worked with us at the beginning of the year, this spring, and within the first 30 days, she hit 22k months. And it was just from the shift in our messaging, she realized she was attracting all the broke people that were not ready to make a change. And what we did was take same offer, right, same positioning, but we just shifted to who she was talking to. And it was people that yes, they had traumatic experiences, but they were overcome in it, they were to the sense that they were over it enough or through it enough that they had the awareness that they were ready for something new, they were ready to really overcome it and create something of it instead of like speaking to the person that's still in victim, okay. So even just thinking about what is your person, like the type of things, feelings, thoughts that your person is doing that is already positioned for readiness, right, is this good? So there is of course offers right that can be for these other people but that is not where your focus should be. When you think of taking one signature offer to seven figures, right? We really want to capitalize on your high investors high potential because you guys and you're everywhere. They are everywhere. We just have to pull them in right without potent messaging. Again, this has nothing to do with your marketing. Okay.

Kinsey Machos:

The marketing is right, the strategy of where you're showing Right, and, and, you know, the consistency and things like that the messaging is going to be the thing that pulls these people in. Okay? So we have so clarity on who is really, really important, are you speaking to the right person, right, and always setting the benchmark one, not like one knob higher. Right. So it's like, if you're trying to, for instance, like we, when we speak to people that want to hit their first six figures, we pull in some, you know, people that are just starting on their journey, when we speak to, you know, bringing in their first seven figures, right, we get people just like, hitting, they're on their way to hit six figures or beyond. So it's interesting, you got to set that benchmark high and speed to their desired state. Okay. If you have questions on that, let me know. Okay, so now we move on to the wet this is where again, a lot of people get stuck. And this is where, though you have the most opportunity to create a blue ocean came. So for example, it's gonna grow your business, okay? How, how vague is that when you think about solving a problem? That's a very big problem, right? If you think about a red ocean, like how many people are helping you grow your business, but right where we come in and specific to our niche, we help right, we help you get high ticket clients using organic social media market. Right? Super, super niche specific to our brilliance. Right, and our front end offer. Of course, we have backend strategy for our high level higher level clients. But this is the bulk of where people are coming. Okay. I'm an example lose weight, right? very big and very red ocean. Okay, we work with a lot of health coaches. And we've allowed we've been able to really think about what is the exact problem, the exact result that allows you to set yourself outside of all the other health coaches, right. And so an example here up the last step, 10 pounds, lots of people looking to drop those last 10 pounds, right, if that's your specialty, the other thing we see a lot is confidence. You guys, nobody, okay, yes, people see, they want confidence, but they're not gonna pay for it. So an example here, this could be somebody that's working with coaches, right, or online providers, right, and helping them increase video viewers so they can get more people to buy, right? very specific, very niche. This is another thing we see a lot overcome limiting beliefs. Okay, especially for you life coaches, we have, we work with a ton of life coaches as well. And it really is about taking something kind of fluffy and making it more tangible. Okay, an example here we pull from somebody that helps you eliminate anxiety without meds, right? So we really want to think about what is the symptoms, okay, common symptoms below symptoms, this is so important, when we going back to this theory of communication, in order to become a better communicator, to attract that high paying lead.

Kinsey Machos:

You have to be able to write use their language, okay? Sometimes we get so into our expertise, and so in our heads, and we just speak out, right, which is better than nothing. But what happens is we're generally speaking right over the heads of our clients or our ideal clients, okay. But what you want to understand is when we are able to place ourselves in their shoes, what are their symptoms? What are they experiencing? They may not know, right, that they have a headache, because they are eating dairy. All they know is they have a headache. So if you are trying to tell them, right, hey, I'm going to help you hate dairy so bad for you, and you should eliminate dairy. Right? You're gonna speak right over them. But if you're like, hey, I, there's reasons why you're having headaches, right? And did you know 50% of the population is actually glare dairy intolerant. And one of the leading causes of that is constant headaches, and I just totally made that up. But here's how we go with this. Right? You all your person knows right now is their symptoms when it comes to their problems, right? They have their eye on desires, they want to feel better, they want to grow their business, they have their eye on there, but you pull them in with their symptoms, right in what they're feeling, what they're experiencing. Okay. So, when you think about that, when you think about the problem they solve, think about the symptoms they're experiencing, right? We know the symptom of our clients is they're not getting enough clients, but they're also attracting all the low quality buyers. Okay, that's a symptom. That's what they're feeling. Okay. And so if, if we're always speaking over the head of their symptoms, then we're not going to allow them to connect the dots. Okay. So good, right? So this is the What now, when we think about so I want to hop I want to skip, skip over here. Okay? And hang with me for a minute. Do you guys have any questions in regards to the who and the what? Okay, now the how right? When we go back to the who, what, how the how is your unique method, which you guys already did yesterday, you can write me on that you can solidify what you know, it's like, again, going back to how do you condense a big thing into just a very articulate statement. But that's your how, and that's really what sets you apart, right? But then we get to decide who is that for? Right? Because you already you designed the how, based on the who, and so if you need to revisit, right, you're who I want you to do that, and part of your homework will be that but getting really clear on this, because especially when you guys think about this is super important. Okay?

Kinsey Machos:

So when you scale from some one to one coaching, to group coaching, what happens is, you're right, we're taking groups of people through this method through this framework, right through your pillars. And, um, and it becomes this roadmap, right? This is how we scale because it doesn't matter how many times you coach them, right, it doesn't matter how many coaching calls they have, because now you have a proven method that they they go through and can get results, okay. But if you try to put that method out for more types of people, it gets a little hairy, okay, making sense. So for instance, it would be really hard for an agency owner to go through our method that's designed for coaches, because it's going to be slightly different in what they need. And want, although same principles apply. Right? And there's a lot of concept and training that could apply to them. But the framework is slightly different. And this is why when you when you when you pivot to group coaching, getting more clear on your niche, it's going to require a little bit of a discipline and make sure, right, this is designed for a very specific type of people. Okay, give me some emojis. If you're with me, okay. Just want to make certain again, these are advanced level concepts. But I really want you guys to start to, like, incur in your unique methods and having an eye for truly the types of people right, that are designed for your perfect, your perfect pathway to success. Yeah, so good. Okay, so let's move on to lead gen, because this is another big thing where people get hung up, okay, so we've got the marketing and the messaging. But when we think of lead generation, right, it's the complete journey of them becoming just coming to know you to becoming a client. And we have to fill in the holes, because if you're only focused on marketing, if you're only focused on eyeballs, right, and articulating the value, then there's a mile, there's a marker missing in your business, that's actually getting people to become clients. And so I want to walk you through what lead gen looks like, right? Comment lead generation below, because this is a super, fluffy, Buzzy word, again, in our industry. And so I want you to walk away with clarity on what lead generation is and how you can right away, implement something in your business that's going to elevate right, your conversions all around more leads, more clients, okay, again, principle based and then we're going to talk about Facebook groups here in a second. And so you can see how this works in real life. Okay, real life, because I'm all about real life. Okay, so, let's talk about the client journey. Okay.

Kinsey Machos:

Now client journey, right is this We call this the three phases to the client journey. Okay, we have the first phase, which is the Captivate phase and in Captivate, this is where we are really capturing someone's attention. So they go from not even knowing about you to a lurker, okay? This is when they come to know who you are, right? This is when somebody like presses the Follow button on Instagram, or they find your Facebook group and they opt into your Facebook group, okay, you did something that captured their attention. Now in the capture. Like most people think that in order to captivate people like you need more numbers like going back to this like the the number principle, like you need more numbers or you need like fancier images or right you need something you don't have but truly the capture the capturing phase, like captivating somebody's attention is your messaging. how potent is your messaging and how potent is your energy? And this comes from you believing right that you're the expert and showing up in the energy of service giving value and also your conviction in your expertise, okay? Has nothing to do with numbers, nothing to do with colorful photos. It's really your communication and the energy behind it. Okay, so the first phase becoming unknown to Lurker him. Now the second phase is the connection phase. Okay, this is when they go from Lurker to lead. This is where they're actually coming to like you, okay? To go back to this know, like, and trust this is we're just dissecting this. And in the connection phase, right, they are starting to really learn more about your style, right? There's something in there in your content in in your conversion event, or whatever, that is starting to really speak to their heart and their mind. Okay, they're starting to like you based on what you're putting down. Okay, and then we have the close comment close below close. This so important guys, close came this is the final phase when people go from lead to client. But this is often what most people leave out of their lead gen. Process came because we avoid sales like the plague. Okay, now, I want to shift your mindset there.

Kinsey Machos:

First of all, selling is serving. Because if you imagine so going back to if you guys remember yesterday, right? I was freaking burnt out in my career, I wanted nothing more than to be home with my kids and my baby. And I wanted out so bad, right? And at the time, my mentor was like, I can help you do that. Right. And her program cost me it was like $12,000 At the time I hadn't, I was generating no revenue in my business. Okay, no revenue. And so logically, right, the 12, like spending $12,000 on something that wasn't even making money was would make no sense. And I remember being like going to my husband and, um, and there was a part of me again, he's, he has his master's in finance, very masculine, like, very masculine driven, right, like, logic brain, like, where's the budget, where's the numbers came? And so I knew it would be a tough sell to be like, can I have, you know, $12,000 to invest in this program to grow a business that is hasn't even started yet. Right. And, but, you know, quick hack, if you ever want something from your husband, it's all selling principles, I learned how to sell right, I sold him on this concept. But going back, like circling back to this idea of if she if this mentor of mine, that helped me do that would have never offered this thing to me, and had the drama around, oh my gosh, right. $12,000, that's too much, nobody would pay that I could potentially still be sitting in a very depressive state. I'm wasting away in corporate. If she had that mindset around $12,000. Okay, selling is serving you guys, you have a gift, you have a transformation, I don't care what you're selling, you're selling a transformation, even if it's a product, you have a transformation, and you keeping that to yourself and not sharing it more is doing your perfect people a huge disservice. Okay. So I know I went off on a tangent, but when we go back to this lead gen, where people get caught up is producing all the content, right, and sharing all the things and growing all the audience without the selling the closing. And that's why when we when clients come to us, right, they're generous, they're not generating enough profit. And this is applicable to you, too. If you're beyond six figures, what I learned is winning when it comes to turning up the volume just about making more offers more so like in a streamlined way, right? We'll talk tomorrow about our launch strategy, but you just becoming more confident in your closing skills, and it's so good. Okay, so again, holistically client journey, Captivate, connect close right there going from unknown Lurker lead client, okay, this is the journey that I want you to make sure that you have the awareness around because then you get to place right touch points in your business that allows you to effectively move somebody from unknown to client. Okay, so let me give you some examples of what this looks like. Because again, lead generation gets so thrown around and like I think people think of like ads and funnels and complicated strategies, but it's so simple.

Kinsey Machos:

Okay, so let's walk you through one example. Let's say the friend on Facebook how many of you guys get tons of friend request on Facebook? Okay, this is happening every day came in this instance, they friend John Facebook came. They go to your Facebook profile, where we urge you to have a Facebook group link or next steps. And also right you maybe you talk about it once a week. So we have our clients really make sure they are building in their Facebook group promotional strategies in their content strategy. If you're not talking about your Facebook group, at least every day or every other day and your story's 10 Why, right? And I'll talk about Facebook groups here in a minute. But you, um, you this is why it works so well. Right? So they friend you on Facebook, they are, they're one of your ideal clients, okay, they see that you have a Facebook group that's perfectly designed for them, right. And in their opt in, they give you their email address, right, so we have it structured so that you give the email address. So we're building our email list, you guys, if you don't have an email list, it's okay. But you should build one, usually, it's a huge asset, email marketing will never die. And you should be building it in tandem to your audience building. Okay. So they join your Facebook group. Now they're inside your Facebook group. And this is when they're starting to connect with you. Right? They love your content, you're posting questions, they're starting to engage with you, they're kind of moving right from just like sitting in the lurker phase to like really starting to feel warm to you cave. And then you have we do these powerful promotional posts where at least once a week, you have a really high value post with a call to action, like send me a DM, or, you know, comment below, if you're this person looking for this thing, right, and you move into the DM and close on the call. This is a very simple lead gen pathway. Okay, when you work with us, we have you map out your lead gen pathway. So it becomes really, really clear where those pathways are in your business. Okay? This is can't like, is this doable for you? Okay, let me give you another example. Now that you can see the screen.

Kinsey Machos:

Let's see here, I find you on Instagram. So how many of you aren't aren't, are on Instagram. They they check you on Instagram came and they start paying attention to your search strategic content. So know that content is an important part of your lead gen. Because it allows people to see your expertise, how you help people. And when they see that consistently, right? They start to pay more attention. Okay, we call this Strategic content, then right? Maybe you're doing a conversion event, you're running a challenge. So you promote it on Instagram. So they go to the Lincoln bio and opt in. Okay, they get nurtured during your challenge. And then you close them right in the DMS or sales call. Okay? A very simple lead. Gen, one of our favorite lead gen strategies is obviously conversion events, we actually run them in, right, we leverage the Facebook group strategy. But this is again, making sure most people are like, I'm just going to push content out to Instagram. And you know how people book a call. But what's missing is if you think about level of commitment and somebody booking a call with you to hire you versus just joining a conversion event, like a masterclass or challenge are your Facebook group. We want to remove those barriers, right? It's like low commitment. Your people don't want to go all in with you yet. Some people will. Some people won't, depending on where they're at in their journey. Okay, so we just want to make sure do you have these?

Kinsey Machos:

These markers in your business came? Now let's talk about Facebook groups. I'll kind of speed through this because I want to really honor your time. This is one of our favorite strategies. Kay? Truly, this is all I did. My first year of coaching was build my Facebook group, right and that strategic content, and we did our conversion events in our Facebook groups. But why Facebook groups? I think so many of you probably already have one. And you I think instantly there there's tons of groups came. But the truth is if you don't have a group, and in the next year or two, it's like you're you're doing your brand your business a huge disservice because a Facebook is actually prioritizing groups came in this looks like they they recently spent $10 million on a 62nd commercial that promoted Facebook groups came. So Facebook's Facebook is putting money behind groups. Okay, so what that means for the user experience, right? When they think about how to design an experience for a user, they want their users to go to groups, so they're going to promote them, right? They're going to show your group to other people. And it's a part of the overall strategy. This is where they're heading. Okay? Also, it allows you to really, really show up as the expert and carefully curate your audience, right of your ideal clients of your premium clients. Okay, if done well, I'm going to show you a naming strategy that works really well. But Facebook will help you grow your group, okay, I'm going to show you how. But if you think about your general audience on Facebook or Instagram, you don't know really who those people are. They're not necessarily all your ideal clients. But when you strategically build your Facebook group basically all those people in your group are your ideal clients. So it's a very direct channel to your people. Okay? So really thinking about okay, can is can again, can this be a part of my core strategy? Okay? So this is why I want to really anchor in the why this is just a picture of Billboard, like find your Facebook group Facebook is like, again promoting people like getting people in Facebook groups, do you want them in your group or somebody else's? No, you want them in your group came just to give you some context here, it really becomes the hub of your marketing strategy. Okay, if you think about lead gen and marketing, we really try to create a streamline strategy that it's like this is so it's all weaving to the Facebook group came our Instagrams pushing, there are emails pushing there, right personal profile, and it becomes our hub for our lead gen, okay. And then we have right dams and sales calls where we're doing all the closing, okay, it becomes a very simplified method for your marketing. So give you I want to give you some examples, because what I want you to really, really know and understand is the search, the strategy behind Facebook groups came. So Facebook will just like there's an algorithm for personal profile, there's an algorithm for Facebook groups. And if you do it well, Facebook will help you fill your Facebook, your group with leads free leads came just so you know, paid ads, I'm going to talk about paid advertising tomorrow, I didn't use paid ads until after I was six into my six figures. And Facebook because I was able to get free leads with my Facebook group. Okay. So if you name it strategically, not only are you positioning it for the perfect person, but if you have keywords, right, you'll come up as a search, you'll come up in the search bar. So when people go to look for health coaches, or health tips, right, Facebook groups come up. And so if you don't use keywords that are directly for your who your what, then you're you're getting overlooked by the people that are literally looking for you is making sense. Not only that, but what happens is if you use key words that are specific to your niche, if Facebook will pair you with bigger like groups, so anybody that's in those groups, like they'll start to recommend your group to who they think they want. They'll recommend your group to who they believe right is your ideal client. This is why we get free leads in our Facebook group every day. So important. Okay, so it's the naming of the group. And then in the description, really making sure you're putting those keywords in there. There's a strategy behind this. Okay, so some examples of some of our clients just to give you an idea. So, Michelle, right. She's a life coach for working moms. So she specifically in her name, it was working moms wanting more, she's calling out that person, right. So when they go to search for things like this, or right she like she uses keywords like business leaving or anything like that she's going to Facebook is going to pair her with those other type of keywords and those people and help her grow her group, okay. And she added soul circle in there because she is more in the spiritual space and she wants to attract that type of person. Okay, this is Millie. So working moms healing anxiety and emotional overwhelm exactly like the problem, right? She's like putting the problem in there. Okay, we have another client here who's in a relationship space. So she helps you manifest your dream husband in 90 days or less. She's literally putting that in the title. Okay. And then ladies, it ladies a health coach. And she has started with Lady and instead of changing her group name, what we did is just optimize her banner. So it has like her core lead magnet, and also added things in the keywords that would make sure we're pulling in the people that are looking for her solution.

Kinsey Machos:

So there's lots of things you could do here, but this is why you guys it's so important to strategically name it instead of you know, you want to go cute and creative, which is okay. Like there's a time and place for that. But when if you want Facebook to help you or your group, like How amazing would that be? And you want people to find you. It's sort of like a search function, then you want to think about really the who and the what, okay, and so that's really your homework today, I want you to get more clear on your person. I want you to really get clear on the problem you're solving and then you can leverage that to decide on a group. So if you already have a name, let's consider renaming it if if you feel like it would be more in line with the who and the what. And also positioning yourself more powerfully and again, it also is another option. She opportunity to highlight your brilliance. Hey, if you've got the who in the wedding there because you're really really going all in on that. That's super important. Okay? So that's what I want you guys to focus on. Alright girls all I can't wait to see your work and I'll see you tomorrow, final day. Alright guys, see you later.