June 16, 2023

Pursuing Your Passion vs. Growing Your Business

Pursuing Your Passion vs. Growing Your Business

Pursuing your passion and growing a profitable business can co-exist, but oftentimes, there are competing priorities within the context of these two concepts. This creates a lot of confusion due to the misconception about what it really means to do both. Discover the connection between feeling good and aligning with your desires while also achieving things you’ve never achieved before.

If you want to make money doing what you love, tune into this episode to learn how to strike a balance between following your heart and becoming a responsible high-earning business owner.


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Do not miss these highlights: 

01:00 At the time of this recording, we will have fully wrapped up our Poolside Profit Plan, which a lot of what I'm talking about is how to design your schedule through the summer. 

01:56 I think this topic may activate some feelings within you. Maybe not even positive feelings, and thus negative feelings. 

02:13 This is coming from a heart of pure service and really knowing that this message will serve you if you're open to hearing it. 

03:24 It's around this idea of what it means to pursue your passion versus grow a business.

04:17 There's a lot of lying in our industry and we have to really break that cycle. 

05:43 People have this subconscious belief around money that it is bad, and that we shouldn't be in business to make money because it's bad. 

06:05 We're all humans, we're all egotistical. Walking humans are doing things to fulfill something within ourselves. 

06:40 This glorious idea of what it means and looks like to pursue your passion, and how that's actually different than growing a profitable, sustainable business. 

06:54 But oftentimes, when we misconstrue one for the other, this is when we get into problems. 

07:29 If something doesn't feel good, it means that it's not for us, and that is such a huge lie. 

07:58 Success is fulfilling something you haven't completed yet or you haven't achieved yet. 

08:10 But there's a lot of emotional pain and there's a lot of growth within that that happens.

09:47 What happens is anytime it gets hard or you're feeling not so good about it, you trick yourselves into believing that it's not for you and need to pivot and change directions. 

10:05 When you think about pursuing your passion versus growing your business, these things can coexist. 

10:20 I am doing things that I feel passionate about and still pursuing a profitable business because it is going to allow me to do things that I've never done before. 

11:18 I am 100% anti-hustle. It comes from giving up my own time and freedom for my rporate career.  

12:01 When you understand how these things play together, it allows you to make better strategic decisions and start to step into the seat of an actual business owner. 

12:26 If you don't develop the skills of a business owner, it will not matter how good or how passionate you are about the thing that you do.  

13:24 We should operate in our highest zone of genius and level of value, while also responsibly growing as a business owner. 

13:50 You will have moments that it feels so hard, you will doubt it, and you will feel insecure.  

14:40 I really think that I need to shift my messaging a little bit because I do say things like this is simple, or easy, or faster, or working less. 

15:21 Through the lens of what I see, what I feel, and what I experienced, yeah it's easier.  

15:44 It's going to be a journey of high work ethic, and really putting in the effort you need to in order to get where you want to be. 

16:15 When we think of this idea of being a business owner versus just pursuing your passion, this is where I think that contrast comes in. 

17:03 The majority of you don't quite believe it yet, this message is for you!  

17:52 When I hear successful businesswomen talk about their portfolio and how they run their machines, they're still really toggling and wanting to understand what's going on in the weeds of the business.  

18:16 I just don't think this is for everybody, I really don't. I think this is for a special breed. 

18:47 If you don't want to settle for where you are now and you want to reach for more, the important thing for you to consider is, “Where am I?”

19:33 There are things you have to learn how to do if you want to learn and grow a savvy business. 

20:08 Some of the messages that are being put out into the industry create a huge misconception about what requires to build profitable businesses. 

20:36 If it feels hard right now, you're on the right track. 

22:02 Not fulfilling the desires that are in your heart that you may sometimes ignore because they're so big, but they're there. Don’t just ignore them. 

22:13 This topic is coming from a place of true service and love because I've had over a decade's worth of business training. 

22:44 NowI feel I've done a really good job balancing a growing million-dollar business and a thriving happy family. 

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, a Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen, and heard online.

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women — because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that.

As a wife and a mom of three, the family takes priority. And having a business that’s run AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers.


Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos 

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Kinsey Machos:

Welcome to Captivate and Close. I'm Kinsey Machos, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high-paying clients using my break through online marketing strategies, all without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait, or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in. Hey, welcome back to another episode, it's so good to be here with you this afternoon. I'm coming to you at the time of this recording, very summery day got kids coming in and out and about to head to the pool here in a little bit. At the time of this recording, we will have fully wrapped up our poolside profit plan, which a lot of what I'm talking about is how to design your schedule for through the summer, how to set up your marketing and you're selling with less effort, right? So it's like how do we design something that allows us to have some more playtime. So I am really looking forward to that. And I am just loving this season. I love summer so much. I'm loving the kids ages. And while it's crazy and full and busy, and we're learning so much about teens and tweens and our growing toddler, I am just feeling so grateful. So I want to talk to you today about a little bit more on a little bit of a shift. Right. So this topic I think may sort of I don't know, activate some feelings within you maybe not positive feelings, maybe negative feelings. And I just want to preface this message with a note around the fact that this is coming from my heart, this is coming from pure service and really knowing that this message will serve you if you're open to hearing it. And it really truly is a I think a problem, a large-scale problem in the industry. And I think that it needs to be brought to the surface. And when I really talk through these sort of misconceptions and these beliefs about green and business, I just want people to understand truly what's at play here, if you desire what I think you desire, and we'll talk about that. And so I feel like perhaps this may be you know, a sensitive topic, or it could again, sort of trigger some more not so great feelings if you are somebody that you know, disagrees, which is great. And I think that this, which means I'm also doing my job and really standing in my own truth, and not really saying what people want to hear. But really speaking to the truth and speaking to what people need to hear. And it's really around this idea of what it means to pursue your passion versus grow a business. And I think that this is why we continue to have accelerated success starting from ground zero. And when I start to study leaders and people that have built, you know, built enormous wealth, and people that are true legacies. In the world, this is really a common theme that is coming out more a little at a larger scale. Obviously they're not. It's not necessarily in this context. But I think that this, there's a lot of things that have been also sitting with me differently. And there's going to be some shifts within my own messaging and marketing that I want to make to align with this idea. Because again, I think there's a lot of a lot of liars. There's a lot of lying in our industry. And it's like we have to really break that cycle. And so when we think about this idea of pursuing your passion, most of you are coaches most of you that are listening come in. You are a coach or a service-based entrepreneur who wants to make a difference. We hear this a lot. I want to help more people I really want to help people change their lives. I really want to help people experience this transformation. And also there's a desire to help yourself write it whether you're like me, you left corporate right to and you pursued entrepreneurship to leave your job. Or you wanted to just have your own an income stream or grow your income stream, right? There's no denying that you are truly doing this for yourself. And I think that's the first thing is not denying yourself that permission. A lot of times when I have conversations with women, and I asked them why they do what they do, they lead with I want to help people. And when I ask them, Well, what's in it for you? I often hear things like, it's not about the money for me. But I think this is actually and I'm not going to place judgment or even, you know, label people, but oftentimes after from personal experience and having these deeper conversations, when we unpack that, actually, what's there, and what's kind of underneath that layer, is people having like subconscious beliefs around money and it being bad, and that we shouldn't be in business to make money because it's bad, right? Wealthy people are greedy, money is not a good thing. And so depending on the childhood you had, and the money, beliefs you grew up with, that is going to impact even what you're telling yourself about why you're doing what you're doing. We're all humans, we're all egotistical, walking humans, that are doing things to fulfill something within ourselves. And so that's a really huge piece is when we just acknowledge the fact that yeah, I'm doing this because I want to make more money and retire my husband, I want to experience wealth, I want to do this, right? Yes, we want to help people. But there is a deeper reason why you're doing it. And I think this plays into this idea of pursuing your passion and this glorious sort of idea of what it means and looks like to pursue your passion, and how that's actually different than growing a profitable, sustainable business. And why these things could be the same. But oftentimes, when we misconstrue one for the other, this is when we get into problems. And so when I see people talking about pursuing their passion, or going after their dream business, or building their dream business, what happens is there's this connection between pursuing your passion and things always feeling good. And this is really, really, really important. This has been coming up so much in our clientele, it's been coming up for me I've been hearing a lot in the industry is that we should always be quote, unquote, in alignment. And if something doesn't feel good, it means that it's not for us. And that is such a huge lie. When you think about pursuing your passion, growing a profitable business, doing things you've never done before, it requires you to be someone you you haven't been yet it requires you to do things you've never done before, all of which are so uncomfortable. When you think of success, right? Success is fulfilling on something you haven't completed yet or you haven't achieved yet. That is not a easy, fun, feel good journey. There's a lot of discomfort. There's a lot of emotional pain, there's a lot of growth within that that happens. There's a lot of grieving of what used to be, right? There's a lot of navigating things that you've never navigated before, which is frustrating. It's overwhelming, it's going to have you doubting things. And I think what happens is this idea of like, it should always feel good, I hear people say, Well, this niche doesn't feel good for me anymore. Or I'm feeling out of alignment. Now. There are times for alignment, when I think of alignment, I'm really thinking about are you actually delivering at your highest level of value, and also meeting the needs of you and your desires. Sometimes that does not mean that you're just doing things that feel good.

Kinsey Machos:

And there's this huge trend in our industry that's just like this idea of like, I'm going to manifest my way through business. So I'm going to sit back and my desires will come to me. And I'm going to only do the things that feel good at the times that work for me. And while that could work for you, while you can continue to build that rhythm, I guarantee that will not create the success that you're actually looking for. Because just like we talked about success means you're fulfilling on something you've never fulfilled on before. And that requires growth that requires navigating things you've never done before all of which are not exactly fun, comfortable, feel good types of things. And so what happens is anytime it gets sort of hard, or you're feeling not so good about it, we trick ourselves into believing that it's not for us and we need to pivot change directions, throw in the towel, whatever that looks like. And so this is a huge dichotomy when you think about pursuing your passion versus growing your business. Now, again, these things can coexist, I don't necessarily think that I am quote, unquote, pursuing my passion, I am living within my highest level of zone of genius, I am doing things that I feel passionate about, but I am pursuing a profitable business, because it is also going to allow me to do things that I've never done before, it's going to allow me to build wealth, it's going to allow me to expand my impact, it's gonna allow me to really like spread wealth to others. And those are right, that's the byproduct of me doing the things I need to do, as the vehicle for those things, what happens is we get that flipped is like, I'm just gonna pursue things that feel good. And if it doesn't feel good, right, then I need to change or I need to give up. And that is, again, I see that so many times, time and time again, when women believe that if it's not in, quote, unquote, alignment, then we should stop. And this is sort of this when we think of like the anti hustle culture, right? I am 100% Anti hustle. And where that comes from, is really giving up my own time freedom for my corporate career, and working my ass off for something that I didn't even enjoy. It wasn't, it had no impact in my own life, although, you know, other than, of course, paying bills. But ultimately, when I looked down the road, I realized, at any moment, this company could fire me and everything would be gone. And I wanted something that I owned, right that I had agency over. And so when you start to flip that a little bit, and you understand sort of how these things play together, it allows you to make better strategic decisions and start to step into the seat of an actual business owner. Yes, pursuing your passion is a part of that journey. But there's also going to be things that you have to do that don't feel good, there's also going to be things that you have to do that are not going to come easy. And if you don't develop the skills of a business owner, it will not matter how good you are at the thing that you do, or how passionate you are at the thing that you do. Because if you do not know how to read a profit and loss statement, if you don't even know how to generate revenue, if you're not prioritizing revenue, if you're not prioritizing, you know, your resources and know how to create a machine that can run and produce revenue, and produce sales and market and do all the things that a responsible business owner should be doing. If you don't know how to do those things. Again, pursuing your passion will sort of be a just hobby, or project. And so I want there to be this recognition that these things need to coexist, how do we really pursue the things that we love, operating in our highest zone of genius operating at our highest level of value, while also responsibly growing as a business owner. And when you look at it in through that lens, it helps you also start to navigate the emotions that you have, because 100% No matter how good you are at business or not, or how passionate you are with what you do, you will have the days you will have the moments that it feels so hard, you will doubt it, you will feel insecure, you will question yourself, you will question yourself as a leader as a coach as a mentor. And during those moments, when you're able to really put on your business owner how your CEO hat, it really shifts you out of that it's not a you thing, right? It's a CEO thing. And so when we go back to this idea of like anti hustle, right? Yes, this hustling type of corporate II grind, not necessarily my thing, right? I walked away from corporate from that it was some building something that I didn't even want to build that I had no control of, and I was kept. But what happens is I think people misconstrue that for not working at all or less. And this is where I'm like, I really think that I need to shift my messaging a little bit because I do say things like this is simple. This is easy or faster or working less right? Because in comparison when I think of like bigger picture, it will always be easier than the old Turning it when I think about going back to work or getting, you know, going back to corporate, I'm like, hell yeah, being an entrepreneur, being a business owner, way easier what we do in this business, it's so freakin fun. And even when it's hard, that's so much easier than what I remember in corporate and even imagining having to go back to that life. And so through the lens of what I see and what I feel, and what I experienced how Yeah, it's easier. Yeah, I grew really fast. But of course, everybody has their own timeline. And most importantly, you do have to work hard. You have to work hard for anything that you want, and anything really worth pursuing. Right? It's going to be a journey, it's going to be a journey of high work ethic, and really putting in the effort you need to in order to get where you want to be. If you don't want to work as hard, you'll just grow slower. That's just how it is. And so I think it's really important not to misconstrue this idea of like, why don't want to hustle, right. But I do need to put in the time, I need to put in the hours if I want to grow a six, seven figure business eight, nine figure business, right, that will require some blood, sweat and tears period. And so when we think of this idea of being a business owner versus just pursuing your passion, this is where I think that contrast comes in. Again, I want them to coexist for you in your brain. And if you're already starting to sort of reject this idea of well, like, I can pursue my passion and just be happy, and I don't need to think about a business fine. And also, you may not even be, you may have no desire to experience the wealth that some of you actually do. Right? I think this message is really for you, if you desire to really achieve the unachievable if you want to reach the the desires that are on your heart, but you almost reject them because they're too big, but you're there in there. And there's a small sliver of you that believes that can happen. But the majority of you doesn't quite believe it yet, this message is for you, right? If you want to build an empire, if you want to build a legacy, if you want to really sit on incredible wealth, and impact people globally, with your message with your voice with your frameworks with your experiences, right, this is for you, you will have to put in the time, right, you will have to build the business savviness, you don't get to just play in your expertise. Again, there could be a time for that, right maybe further down the road when you have a full team, and you're only able to operate at your zone of genius, a couple hours a day. Great, right? There will be maybe a time that that comes for you. But everybody I know 789, even 10 figures, when I talk to them, when I hear them talk about their portfolio and how they run their machine. They're still really toggling, you know, wanting to understand what's going on in the weeds of the business, and also operating at the highest level within the portfolio of all of their investments all of their businesses. And so this is where I think the message around anybody can do this. I just don't think it is for everybody. I really don't. I think it's for a special breed. And it does require that tenacity, that grit and the willingness to work hard in the sense of pursuing it relentlessly.

Kinsey Machos:

And I think I see this a lot. It's sort of like I think a lot of people again, there's no judgment, no judgement at all, a lot of people are just already comfortable. And that's good enough, right. But if you don't want to settle for where you are, and you want to reach for more, this is a really important thing for you to consider is where am I? Having, you know, where am I sort of, what am I missing as far as really stepping into that CEO seat, right? Seeing myself as a true business owner, that also has a passion versus right, pursuing a passion and ignoring the business side, we have to bring these things together. And most of you, obviously, right, you don't go in to be a coach or you know, a creator or a visionary to be like, I want to learn the nuances of a profit and loss statement. I want to learn how to, you know, calculate the customer lifetime value. Like we don't necessarily say those things, but those are the things you have to learn how to do and are you willing to learn business? Are you willing to be savvy as a business owner, even if it feels uncomfortable right now? Are you willing to put in the hours right and really achieve things you've never achieved before? And on that journey, really stay the course. I feel like I'm even a little bit inarticulate jockeyed about this because I can feel the fire in my belly a little bit. And I think it's definitely something that's stealing within me and around me, because of some of the messages that are being put out into the industry, which creates a huge misconception about what it requires to build profitable businesses. It's not just sit back and chill and wait for things to feel good. It's not just to pick things that quote-unquote, feel in alignment. It's not just to do things that are easy. It's none of those things. And so I'm just here to say that you're on the right track. If it feels hard, right now, you're on the right track, if you feel like you're working extra hours, you're on the right track, if you have the eye for a bigger vision, and you're dedicated, you're committed to seeing yourself as a business owner who has a responsibility to generate revenue, and understand the depth of what's required of you to be a responsible CEO. So yes, these two things can coexist, right? You can pursue your passion and grow profitable business, but one without the other. Right? If we're trying to just pursue a passion, without having the business safety net around it, and really having that business lens. That's what happens when we have burnout, or we're really actually ignoring or suppressing the true desires within us. But right when we think about just growing a business, and it's really just like, go go go. And we're not really leaning into like, well, what is a what actually lights me up? Or not asking the questions like, Well, where is my highest level of value? What are my gaps? Where can I lean in? How can I serve my audience, etc, etc. Those are the questions I think that come from passion, and that can really, really allow you to serve at your highest level. But if we're always looking for the passion, we're always looking for the feel goods. That's the problem. That's where we were the bottom balls out, and we will have an uphill battle of struggle and challenge. And again, not fulfilling on the desires that are in your heart that you may sometimes will ignore, because they're so big, but they're there. So don't ignore them. So I hope this was helpful. And again, it's coming from a place of true service and love. And because I've had over a decade's worth of business training, right, I have a master's in business administration. I'm now four years into entrepreneurship. And so my carryover from corporate comes from really understanding what's required to build a billion-dollar business. And what goes into that, and now we're looking at what goes into a million-dollar business, right. And now that I have that experience, doing it myself, I know what it's required of you. And I feel like I still I've done a really good job balancing that with still, like really allowing space for my marriage to thrive, allowing space for me to show up as the mother that I want to be and not sacrificing those priorities in my life because they are a priority. But I also prioritize me fulfilling my deepest potential and my deepest desires. And I think we can have it all. You just have to be willing to work for it. Okay, I hope this was meaningful for you and to you. If you have any feedback, I would love to hear you can shoot us an email, send me a DM on Instagram, or just take a snapshot, share this on your stories and tag me that would be so great. And I'll see you next time. Hey, you, thank you so much for listening. It's an honor to be able to pour into the hearts and minds of like-minded entrepreneurs all over the world. But my most favorite part is being able to connect with you in real life. If you love what you heard here, head over to the community where thousands of female CEOs, just like you are changing the world one human at a time. We go deeper into the topics we discuss here and giveaway tangible roadmaps to help you crush your revenue goals to join this high-caliber free community head over to kinseymachos.com/community. I'll see you there