Dec. 13, 2022

Overcoming Your Fear of Group Coaching & Scaling Your High-Ticket Offer with Callan Faulkner

Overcoming Your Fear of Group Coaching & Scaling Your High-Ticket Offer with Callan Faulkner

If you’re wondering what it looks like to grow a high-demand, high-income business with your clients' results at the forefront, this interview with a special guest Callan Faulkner, is a must listen.

Callan shares her journey from exiting corporate to making 6-figures fast and then learning how to scale her offer so she could earn back more time while still providing a high-quality service to her clients. 

Listen in as Callan and Kinsey share similar experiences and the values they hold as experts in their industries. 

Do not miss these highlights:

00:50 Special guest this episode Callan Faulkner. 

02:03 Her background was a technology consultant in sales. She was doing sales selling CRM implementations. 

03:17 In a lightbulb moment if she can teach land investors how to automate their business, and build systems with a little bit of the background on the rational side.

04:00 This fear around security and stability against going into entrepreneurship full time. 

04:25 But we have to recognize that no job is secure or stable.  

04:33 What you have created for yourself, or the skills that you've learned, creates more stability and security because nobody can take that away.  

04:51 The ups and downs of the emotional rollercoaster of owning your own business. 

05:05 She was able to fully exit and not go back to her old job. She now starting a business with really good affiliate relationships.

06:09 You can believe in yourself and believe that there are so many ways to make money. 

06:31 Our biggest challenge in climbing that ladder of entrepreneurship is, the focus and the discipline not to take the opportunity.

06:45 Once you get to a certain level, you know you have a skill set, so you need to have your blinders on to focus. 

07:45 Callan’s life was when she was still working in the firm versus what her life is like now? 

08:40 The nagging stress and anxiety of making less than six figures, and grinding her butt to the ground. 

09:21 But now for the most part, she’s been able to shift her life around, put herself and her family first.

09:59 First iteration of her program, the Eight Week Course. How has it evolved and some insight of where it is now. 

11:21 She created a course. She doesn't have a curriculum. 

11:32 She didn't have it built. She didn't know what she was demoing. She was just creating new things every week.  

11:47 She learned she wanted to give everything. So after that, she learned that it was too dense, and it was too much in eight weeks. 

12:15 So she tried to flip it on how she can teach something that is not as dense. A little bit easier to roll with.

12:31 One of the things she learned in our Mastermind Group is to really focus on one offer. 

13:01 Through this evolution, she just got more niched and more narrow by taking clients to take it on. 

13:27 The clarity comes from working with those clients. So just get clients.  

14:08 This is a common trait of every successful entrepreneur. The willingness, just trying it, just doing it.  

15:11 It doesn't need to be so dense. They just need to know we're all in this together. I'm setting goals for you, I have expectations for you. It's a completely different energy shift.

15:42 Now she has evolved, She is now offering her core offer and it was really a high touch. 

16:00 As she gets more clients, and gotten really good at what he do, people are chasing her down.

16:45 How did she even take in more clients when she’s doing all this one to one work?

19:31 She was grinding. She would spend Friday afternoons do about four, three or four back to back one to one sessions. 

19:58 As she was executing, she realized that there is no chance that she’s going to be able to do that without sacrificing her mind, her body, and her spirit.

20:37 She is tired, but the learning is growing. There's a proficiency there as she grew as a consultant, as a coach.  

23:08 She then started to think about what is this next iteration look like if she wants to help more people?

25:06 One of her fears was, not only her team not believing it, but just having fears around it. 

25:50 How can they deliver a quality or even a more qualitative service?

27:35 Alex Hormozi in his book, he says make offers that are so good, people will feel stupid saying no to it. 

27:53 Her team did a 15 minute intro call just to touch base, hey this is what to expect,because it’s all about expectations.

28:09 Having some setup to make sure clients understand the flow. 

28:44 So now clients come back together, and then we do one more follow-up session. 

29:43 One of the biggest misconceptions is, group coaching is less quality than one-to-one coaching, and also one of the biggest gifts that we can give to our clients in these scalable offers. Whether it's a Mastermind Group Coaching or whatever is that community of people. 

30:35 A whole amazing ecosystem of learning that you've created now and you're even maximizing your time. 

32:06 Now the team gets to be a part of that mission with you. It's not just like completing tasks or checking things off.

32:44 All these things, and what is also important to both Callan and Kinsey is the health component. Actually taking care of each body, and calling one's soul. 

33:42 How did Callan see health, and what's most important to her in that regard?

36:04 There'll be some days where we're just not 100%. But as much as she possibly can, to feel amazing so she can live life to the fullest.

36:53 What we are doing enough in our perspective, but never really considered the longevity piece. 

37:17 If you can just do the things that allow your muscles, and your bones, and all the things you need to do what they need to do, and stay healthy. 

39:04 Something happens when your brain goes into a rest period. It's called the default neural network.

39:31 The scientists also call it the imagination network. Our brain goes into a different type of function where we're just in a creative space.

40:05 You can't have inputs if you’re trying to get into that creative imagination. 

40:20 The journey of elimination, you can call it self care. It’s alignment to taking care of your body for longevity.

About the Guest

Callan Faulkner is the founder of REI Optimize, a consulting company for real estate investors. REI Optimize helps real estate investors scale their businesses by automating & optimizing their mind, bodies and systems. She started her career in technology sales but after starting her land investing business, she realized that other investors were having a hard time setting up their systems and generating leads. This led her to founding REI Optimize. Callan is also passionate about optimizing her mind and body to feel her best and operate at peak performance levels. She is married to her wife Hannah and has the best dogs in the whole world, Sunny & Lyla.      

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen and heard online.

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women — because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that.

As a wife and a mom of three, family takes priority. And having a business that’s run AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers.

Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos 

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Kinsey Machos:

Welcome to captivate and close. I'm Kinsey Machos, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high paying clients using my break through online marketing strategies, all without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in. Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of Captivate & Close. It's so good to be here with you today. I have a super super special guest with me here today. Callan Faulkner

Callan. Oh my gosh, I'm so happy to have you here.

Callan Faulkner:

Thanks for having me Kinsey

Kinsey Machos:

I'm so fun. So we have like so much to talk about. We'll we'll try to keep it concise. But really, where you want to focus the time on Callan's recent, some of the shifts that she's made in her business, Callan and I are in a mastermind together and just over the last month or so, we've really come to know each other and I'm obsessed. I'm obsessed with you. So much wise, um, and just have just have a lot of similarities. But also, there's some things that she's done in her business that I think a lot of you will resonate with. And just in your life, I think killing yourself, you have such a beautiful energy about you and just your perspective on life and longevity. And I just really honored that about you. And I want to like really bring that layer in as well. So we have a lot to talk about, but first Callan, why don't you give the listeners just a little brief summary of who you are and what you do.

Callan Faulkner:

Awesome. Thank you for the intro. First of all, that was very sweet. Little overview. My background really has been I was a technology consultant, I was in sales, I was doing sales selling CRM implementations, I worked for us. And for those who that don't know CRM, I think most of you probably do, but customer relationship management. So think like HubSpot, Salesforce, these kind of bigger enterprise tools, kind of worked my way up into being the VP of Sales for a large consulting firm. When COVID hit I, they told me they couldn't pay me. So I had to figure out what I was going to do. At the same time, I had been starting a real estate investing business, I do land investing specifically. So we buy and sell land. And I had been doing some just Friday afternoon Hey, guys, come on, on zoom on other land investors. And I would show people my systems and you know, I was building my own CRM, right, because that's what all I knew in my in my job. And I had been doing some free stuff. When I officially lost my job or lost my income, I you know, back against the wall that was in the beginning of COVID said, Okay, I should probably create some sort, of course, or some sort of way to monetize this. So I started a course, I just did a eight week course I had 20 guys sign up for three or four thousand dollars. And that was my first little lightbulb moment of this could be something where I'm teaching land investors how to automate their business and, and build systems a little bit of the background on the rational side.

Kinsey Machos:

In a nutshell, right and so much more a 10 pack, I want to go back to like this idea of because we have similar, you know, corporate background, but I obviously walked away, but you were like, oh, and I know a lot or let go or like they just decided

Callan Faulkner:

can't anymore projects basically just ended and they're like yet we don't have barrel this month, like cool. Yeah.

Kinsey Machos:

And I think that's important, because I think there's a lot of I know, a lot of our listeners are still feel kind of, I don't know, handcuffed to the security, quote unquote, security and stability of a full time job and have a lot of fear around going into entrepreneurship full time because of that consistency in the paycheck like, well, if I walk away from that, that means I'm walking away from security and stability. But I think the truth is, and this happened to a girlfriend of mine to like, you know, a super high up on the corporate ladder, very prestigious leadership role that she literally walked in one day, and they were like, We're done with you. And so and I think we have to recognize that like, no job is secure or stable. And in fact, what you did, what you're doing now is creating more of that stability and security because like nobody can take away what you have created for yourself or the skills that you've learned

Callan Faulkner:

one hundred percent It's, it's a really empowering and I've never felt more empowered than I do now. I mean, obviously there's times where I'm like, Oh my god. Ash, you know, the ups and downs of the emotional rollercoaster of owning your own business, our own other side of the story, but with that is more income than I've ever had in my life. So, yes, both and, and a lot of the way that I was able actually to fully exit and not go back to the job was starting the business with really good affiliate relationships. So every client that came in, got signed up with the software's that I recommended the programs that I recommended. And every client right now on average, I'm making $90 a month recurring revenue just through affiliate relationships. So that in itself me right now, just affiliates, I have about ten thousan dollars a month coming in of consistent affiliate revenue, plus, you know, the, the ongoing of mastermind. So I don't want to miss that piece. Because that was a huge part of that feeling. And we've talked about this Kinsey that, that stress that literally overtakes your body, like I'll never forget that, you know, those couple of weeks after leaving the job, and you have zero income coming in, it is gut wrenching. And you don't want to tell your partner because you don't want to freak them out. You don't want to tell your parents because they're gonna be like, What the hell are you doing? Oh, Pac, go get a job. You have to get it out. And it is really, really brutal. But if you can believe in yourself and believe that there is a way and there are so many ways to make money, it's unbelievable. It's worth it.

Kinsey Machos:

It's almost overwhelming. I think once you're exposed to this side of the face, like the lighter side of you know, it's like the dark side of corporate the light side of the it's almost overwhelming how much opportunity is which I think is one of our biggest challenges as you kind of like, climb that ladder of entrepreneurship is like the focus and discipline to like, not take the opportunity.

Callan Faulkner:

Like that's the hardest thing so hard so hard. You have blinders on. Because once you get to a certain level, you now have a skill set. You're I mean, imagine like Alex Hormoz see how many opportunities are thrown in his face right now? Hundreds a day probably, oh, we're doing this business? Can you invest in this? Can you do this, you have to have such strict blinders on. And I'm sure he has like a criteria of like, 10 different thing. Like if it doesn't meet these 10 things for me, I have to look at a business and really clearly be able to see how fast you could make a million dollars to be like, Okay, we will have a conversation together, you know, if I'm ever gonna invest in something, but even now, I'm like, I can't even be having those conversations. I need to be focused.

Kinsey Machos:

And I think that's another huge that's another huge I think downfall of entrepreneurs even just getting started is like, feeling like you have to do more or this like the noise right? Cater to everybody. Yep. Yeah. And really, really putting those blinders on, like you said, so real quick, can you describe are not real quick. But I would love for it to go back to what your life was like when you were working in the firm versus what your life is like now? How have you noticed a shift in your life? And like what have been kind of the bigger transformations that you've experienced?

Callan Faulkner:

Yeah. Well, I think out of the gate I knew from a very young age that I did not like to be managed. I did not like to have micromanaging what's going on pipeline reviews like that. If anyone's been a salesperson, I'm sure a lot of people that are listening have been in sales, that quota and that number every month, it just keeps resetting to zero is really overwhelming. Talking about overwhelming it's already overwhelming, you know, having this wanting this income but in sales. Oh my god, that was the worst. So I would be up, you know, almost once a week thinking about the number am I going to hit it? Okay, I did okay, relief, and then it just resets. So kind of that like nagging stress and anxiety, for what for making less than six figures and grinding my butt to the ground. So that was really frustrating. And I think the just you know, every I had no ownership over anything, it was the times when they wanted to meet, I was not able to work out when I want and sleep when I want. I mean, I have not set an alarm unless I do some sort of early morning workout. But even then I'm like, if I don't wake up for it, I'm not going. So just really prioritizing my self like myself. Now obviously there are times when I have to sacrifice myself for the business when it's really busy. But for the most part, I've been able to shift my life around and and put myself and my family first, which is the whole you know, we're not on this earth for very long. I think we all sit around, we're like, oh, we're never gonna get old. We're not here for very long. So that was a huge, huge reason for doing this too.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah, so good. I'm so glad that you said that. It's just like, it's like the Yeah, the days the days are long, but the years are so short and that's real short. It's so real. And I noticed that even as my kids get older Okay, let's go to So this first iteration of your program, which was this eight week course, yeah, how has your program evolved and give us a little bit of insight or give the listeners a little bit of insight of like where it is now, because it's so amazing and beautiful. And I think it's important to, to talk about the evolution because I think a lot of people get stuck on like, this has to be my offer. And this is what it's like, but the truth is, like, your business is not gonna look any, any like it did. And it changes so fast, especially in those first few years. So let's take a take us on that journey.

Callan Faulkner:

Okay, so here was the first client, it was a guy that was land investor, and he's like, I want to learn from you. And I'm like, Cool, great. I would love to teach you. Let me look put some pricing together. How about we do two thousand dollars For 10 sessions. And at that time, I still had my w two kind of it was like, ish, kind of rolling out. But we'll do it on Sunday mornings, we'll do it nine to 10. Every Sunday morning. That was the biggest mistake I've probably ever made in my life. Wake up on Sunday, your partner is making pancakes and you're like, I'm gonna go work for not very much. But you have to get clients to understand what the market is saying like, what are the pain points? What was he struggling with? What did he get really easily? And what is he like not getting at all. So I was collecting data, I kind of figured out that his systems were kind of broken. And he was using this serum called pebble. That's kind of what a lot of land investors use. So I said, Okay, that was kind of this theme I was seeing. So I created a course I did not have a curriculum. You guys, when I started the first set of that course, curriculum was maybe some bullet points. I just every week, built a new script for it. I didn't have it built. I didn't know what I was demoing, I just every week created a new thing for me, I didn't know that at a time. That was that was a very, very hard, it was hard. It was a lot of different things I was showing it was really, really, really dense. And I learned I wanted to give them everything. So after that, I learned that it was too dense, it was too much too much in eight weeks, they they weren't doing the homework, they would just start kind of not coming. And they the guys that got all the way through it were amazing. But they had to put in like 50 or 60 hours of their own time, way too much. So after that, I was like, hey, that that went well. I made I made some good money. But what everyone really cares about is generating more leads. So I tried to flip it on its head of how can I how can I teach something that is not as dense, a little bit easier to roll with. And I'm doing more instead of doing like nitty gritty, like build this workflow. It's it's high level. So then I flipped over to now I'm well, before I was in our mastermind, I was teaching a lot of different things. And one of the things I learned is to really focus on one offer. So my one offer right now is I teach real estate investors, how to fill their pipeline by texting property owners. So I have become the texting girl. If you want to know anything about texting, call me. And I do I have now have a course. So we want to go into that we can kind of go into it. But first it was all one to one. And now we have a course work.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah. So And what's so cool is that like through this evolution, you just got more niche and more narrow by taking clients like take it on. And what you said was so freakin good is like I like you have to get clients to understand what the market is saying. And I think this is I really want to park here for a minute. Because I think a lot of people want to just like sit like keep thinking about their niche, or it's like, I have to get more clear first, before I go create content, I have to get more clear before I put my offer out there. It's like, no, the clarity comes from like working with those clients. So just get clients, like, just get quiet. I like it. Like you said that. And this was exactly my experience, too. I didn't start where I am now started as a life coach. And I just like got clients and it was janky and weird. And I was just like you I had outlines of things. But it was like coaching marriage. Everyone ended like coaching about and I was like, Well, this is weird and fun and all things right. Let it be messy. And I think that's and like if it means on a Sunday morning. Well, I'll never do that again. But also I did it and this is what I learned. And I just love that Callan about you like we're just willing to get messy. And I noticed that this is this is a common trait of very successful entrepreneurs is like just the willingness. Just try it. Just doing it and like getting getting your hands dirty and just walking. Like just allowing. It's like, it's like that leaning into fear of like, yeah, I don't really know what's happening right now, but I'm just

Callan Faulkner:

gonna keep doing Yeah, yes. And you know what the thing I've realized too, is a lot of people. If they're going through something, let's just say you're teaching women how to build their speaking businesses that was on your last podcast. A lot of these women that are learning how to build their speaking businesses, they know what to do. Like they pretty much know what they need to do they know you know, kind of the high level concepts. Yep. It would help to get some, you know, okay, simplify it a little bit. But a lot of it is just accountability. Like you're in this group, we're all doing this together. Like, that's what my clients need could almost every single one of my clients could get this texting tool, spend 100 hours and figure it out, have someone on their team build some scripts, but they just want to be fast tracked, and it doesn't need to be so dense. It just needs to be we're all in this together. I'm setting goals for you, I have expectations for you. And it's a completely different energy shift. When you have a coach a person, just they're telling you what they're expecting. Now, it's like I have this pressure and as an entrepreneur as a solo entrepreneur, we don't have that. There's nobody telling you that this has to be done by next week. Yeah, that's really that's what I my clients are hiring me for. Yeah,

Kinsey Machos:

that's so good. That's so good. Oh my gosh, there's so much there. Okay, so let's talk about so your it evolved, I know that you're offering now your core offer it's it was really high touch or is still very high touch it's one to one ish, but talk about before you added this element of group coaching because what we want to take you guys on here is Callan like, really, what happened is like, you will as you get more clients, and you get really good at what you do, and like how and like people are just like, like chasing her down. You're not even running ads. You're you're doing like organic or

Callan Faulkner:

do not like social. I don't have a social Nope. You can follow me but it's pictures of me and my wife and dog.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah, and I'm gonna, I'm just gonna come in and write content for you. That's what I'm going to do. But you don't need a right now. But that's because you found your niche. And because it's so nice, like people just keep referring you and it's just like you said, I am this. I'm the texting leads for real estate investors like, yeah, it's so good. So so but as you but you, you are at a point where you're at capacity, right? Like, how do I even take on more clients when I'm doing all this one to one work? So walk us through what what that that shift has happened for you and fears around? How do I make this more scalable?

Callan Faulkner:

Yep. Okay, so my prior offer was, you know, these, these real estate investors and specifically land investors, so I cannot, again, staying on that niche for a second, if you are like, hey, I want to teach women how to do speak, be better speakers, whatever, like, niche, the EFF down, like choose vets choose horse vets, I wanted to take horse that said, I want to put them on platforms around the world. And like that type of niche. It doesn't even matter if your content is different. They're just hearing you say equipment, things more like equestrian vets, I don't know, they're hearing those words. And so right away, like she gets me like she gets it even though it's like, no, I'm not teaching you anything different than I would teach the plumber who wants to generate more leads, but it's just marketing in the way that it feels. Yeah. So to start with, I just want to say on the niche thing, Facebook groups, get into the Facebook groups where the I was in every single land investing Facebook group I was in I was commenting, liking, helping giving links giving ideas. You know, if anyone needs help, let me know. Let me see your CRM, I can give you ideas for free. There was no questions asked. I just started building my brand in there. So not, that wasn't driving them anywhere. It's just me. So pros and cons.

Kinsey Machos:

But and so what is fast, it's like you're just again, it goes back to just like getting your hands dirty. And just like getting in with the people. Sure. Talking to people service. Yeah, and networking and, and like, oh, being a human and having conversations with other humans.

Callan Faulkner:

You need help? I see you have a question. I can help you. I can answer that question for you. Um, you don't need to pay me. I'm just, I'm just going to help you with no questions asked. And I just started getting those getting those zoom calls will 20 minute zoom call. And those started rolling into Hey, like, I actually want to pay you to help me get this texting tool set up. Right, my templates train my team. So my prior offer was yeah, I can for sure do that. I would do it just myself. And I would zoom call with them. It was typically for one hour sessions. And then I would do two hour long sessions with my team. So they would do more of the technical stuff, set those apps up and the imports and whatnot. I actually started by charging $3,500 for that. And then I upped it to $7,500. This summer, I took probably 25 clients at the $7,500 mark. But at three clients a month, I was spending about 12 hours doing one to one coaching and you know how one to one session goes it's supposed to be an hour and it goes 90. And you have a call right after and so I was grinding I would honestly spend usually Friday afternoons I would do about four, three or four back to back one to one sessions. I was not alive like after that day. If I had any plans on Friday night. It was a no. Yeah. So on average about three new clients a month it 7500 I was making about 22,000 a month month, you know, in, you know, when you look at those numbers, you're like $22,000, for 12 hours, it looks good. But then when you're executing you realize, if I want to bump that to 100,000 a month, there is no chance that I'm going to be able to do that without sacrificing my mind, body and spirit.

Kinsey Machos:

Okay, wait. So before you go on, there's a couple of things here. This is really important. So because I'm a huge promoter, or like a huge believer, and especially this is one of our core philosophies and 10k content collective or front end offer. For Beginner coaches getting clients is really starting with that one to one. And this is what you have, because yeah, it is tight, like the it is tired. Like, I remember that season to where and when I got fully booked. I was like, this is cool. And also I'm tired, a soldier, but if the learnings of everything or per se, like priceless, it's priceless and growing, there's a proficiency there that you grew as a consultant, as a coach, right? And really learning those people. It's about the learning and also learning you and your style. And like learning how to coach like forget, like, what you're teaching them, like, can you like really be a proficient consultant? Coach? For sure. For sure. And so we're Yeah,

Callan Faulkner:

what did work? What questions do they have? Okay, they this question is asked every single time, okay, I should probably just address that in a video before we even start this right. Like that should just be those patterns. And then the other thing, too, I mean, I've probably gone through in the past year, I really, we've had about 45, like clients that I have personally, like dug into, I went to a land conference in Dallas in October, and probably about 38 of my 3840 my clients were there, I hosted a dinner for all the clients, you know, the guy that was running it, and I shared the cost, and it was just to celebrate our clients, to have a room of 30 to 40 people that you have, personally like dug into their lives and their businesses. I mean, the biggest cheerleaders I could ever ask for like I having that community now, I could go into any niche anywhere, it doesn't matter, the money that I made, like, those are the people that are going to stand up for me all day long and be like you would be have to hire her like you have to she changed my she changed my business. So I wasn't doing it for that at the time. But now that I'm looking back, building those solid, it could be it could be five people, it could be building your first five that are just going to champion you. Because if you have a client, you're charging 30 grand, they're gonna be like, Hey, have you done this? Like, yeah, yeah. Talk to Kyle. T close a million dollars in six months. I think it's gonna be okay.

Kinsey Machos:

Dude, I just I got goosebumps when you're talking because like, it's just so it's so important, though, that, that entrepreneurs here, this is like you got to put the work in, you got to put the time in. And you know, getting to a scalable offer, like we're going to talk about here in a minute is fun, and it's great. And it's leverage in your business. But like it will be so hard. If you don't put in the front end work. Yes, yes. Okay, so, so you're at capacity, you're tired. You're like riding with these one one clients? At what point? Do you decide like? Or like, what's the shift that occurs for you, when you're starting to think about what is this next iteration look like if I want to help?

Callan Faulkner:

Well, you're on the call when all this went down. So I've been talking about doing this group training, and my team was not on board. I have two women working for me. They're actually sisters. And one of them's been working with me for three years. She's like, they they hire you, in my opinion, because they get you they get you one to one. They don't have to deal with anyone else. It's also a little weird, like, you know, your tech, if we did a group texting, it's like, okay, you know, Hamid, you share your screen, and let's see where you're texting. And so there was this idea of like, do we want, are they going to want everyone to see the locations they're texting in? And I was like, Look, I don't really care. I mean, if they don't want to do it, we'll sign NDAs like, I don't really care because I I am not going to keep doing this making $20,000 a month, I'll just go I just gotta get a sales job. I want to make $100,000 a month. So the only way to do that is to group these guys into cohorts to take 10 clients on a month, I'll still do a 30 minute kickoff with them to set the stage and do a little bit of individual strategy and make sure their setup, but I gotta get him into a group. Yeah, so we went on to our mastermind call, it's why you're listening. You have to be in a mastermind. I highly recommend Kinsey to talk this stuff out, right? Like, who am I going to go to like, hey, wife, Hannah, what do you think I've How should I structure that? She's like, I don't know. I mean, do the group. So getting into that I brought it up in the meeting. I brought my team to the mastermind to listen

Kinsey Machos:

Oh, I didn't know they were on there. Yeah, awesome. They're both on Yeah, did yeah. Okay. Yep. Ashley and

Callan Faulkner:

Maddie and they listened to like Kinsey, you. You met you talked about your shift. Another one of the women talked to Got her shift. So finally after that, they were like, Okay, let's try it for November. So in November, we took on three new clients. So I pivoted my pricing a little bit, because

Kinsey Machos:

so real quick before you go there, I want to just because when I remember, one of the fears you had said is like, not only the team, I remember you talking about them, like not not believing in this, or not, not believing it, but just having fears around it. But there was also a fear of like, wool, like, I can't remember how it was worded, but I know, like, I remember resonating with it. And I know a lot of other people can resonate with it, but it's like, but will they want to come? Like, what is that feeling of them being in a group? Like, are they expecting one to one? Right? What will happen if they show up? And there's like these group of people, or these groups of people like what is so there was a lot of just sort of like, and I know this is very, very common, which is why it's so powerful that you're talking us through it, because it's like this, well, how can they how do I deliver a quality as quality or even more qualitative service? With? Without it being right, this like one to one only? I think there was this fear of like, will it lose its quality? For sure.

Callan Faulkner:

Yeah. Are they going to get what they need for their own business? Because all these land investors are different? Yes, they are. But it's, as we all know, it's 8020. Yes, they all have little nuances with which systems they use and, and whatnot. But what we can talk about what I realized later, but yes, that was a huge hesitation.

Kinsey Machos:

Okay. Quality of delivery. Hey, keep going with I think there was price and as like you decided to offer this group experience. Okay, keep going? Yes.

Callan Faulkner:

So one of the things we learned about in my mastermind is the offer and the price and Alex Hormoz. He talks about this all the time, it's not the price, it's the value that you're delivering. So in my case, it's very easy to take my service and easily look at the dollars that's coming. They're coming into the business, and I'm looking at my clients, and I'm seeing them bring in $100,000 $200,000, in six to eight months, like that's a significant amount of money. So talked about, like taking a percentage of it, but just minor. Yeah, yep, just a little bit. So I changed the pricing to $10,000 upfront to start the process and get into the program. And then it's another $10,000, after they close their first deal, I put kind of a $20,000 mark on the deal value just to kind of be like, hey, look, I want you to make the 20k before you give me the full 20,000. So

Kinsey Machos:

good, which fell brilliant, too. And I just love that I just love that much. It's

Callan Faulkner:

such a great model, I put a little guarantee on there, like, Look, if you don't make 20k in the first 12 months, and I'll just give you all your money back. And Alex Hormoz. His book, he says make offers to that are so good. People feel stupid saying no to it. So that's what we have created. Now. It's like you're still like, you have nothing to lose everything to gain by coming and being a part of this program. So we flipped it a little bit we did, they pay the $10,000. And then we do a 15 minute intro call with Ashley just to touch base, hey, this is what to expect all about expectations. I have a expectations, Google doc of hey, for this guaranteed work, you know, these are the expectations I have you have to do this, you have to have this. So having some of that setup, make sure they understand the flow. Then we book a 30 minute kickoff with me. So that's with me, actually, the team is all there. And that's where they are getting that little bit of digging in and making sure we're set up to really work with their business specifically. And then we have a two hour cohort session. So we had three clients go through in November, we all got together. I did a little bit of teaching a little bit of video homework before. And then we got into it. They started, they started working. We were sharing our screens, they were asking questions, it was amazing. And then now every other week, I have office hours for them. So now they all they come back together. And then we do one more follow up session. So total in November, I did five and a half hours of one to one well, not one to one total coaching time. And three clients that came in with $30,000 revenue and then 30,000 to collect once they do their first deal.

Kinsey Machos:

Dude, what is even happening? I don't know. And I What's so fun is I actually got to talk to you. We connected the day. I think that right after you had your first group coaching call, so I got to like see you in that energy. And I remember asking you how it went and you were like, lit

Callan Faulkner:

on cloud nine. Yep. I'm like, this is the best thing in my life because they loved it. They loved it. I mean, they're asked someone else the question like, Oh, it's a great question, Brady. Well, I never thought of that.

Kinsey Machos:

No, I and this is so good. Because this is like, again, this is you know, this is for listeners that are ready to get into that scalable offer. But as if you're not there yet just paying attention here but I know that one of the biggest consent misconceptions is like group coaching is less quality than one to one coaching and also one of the biggest gifts I think that we can give to our clients in these scalable offers, whether it's a mastermind group coaching or whatever is that community of people? Yeah, like like my and you, and they want to help they want to serve, especially if you're working with those high caliber people like, and so and it removes this pressure even offer you to feel like you have to be the only one totally answering their questions and things like that.

Callan Faulkner:

And then, like now I can see like they are connecting with each other outside of this meeting. So all of the energy that I'm pouring into them is being multiplied because I probably had an off conversation with Brady during his kickoff that he's now explaining to John, that John didn't hear from me. So it's like, it's this whole amazing ecosystem of learning that you've created now. And you're maximizing your time. It's just, it's the best thing ever.

Kinsey Machos:

So good Callan, I just love this conversation so much. And it's such a good validation for other women as well to like, Oh, can I you know, can I still create that qualitative experience? Will people still get results? And like this, if done? Well, again, I think that you have you are so successful in it because of front loading your business what that like that the grid and like, yeah, getting dirty like, man. And that's why I think it's been so successful for you and me, because you're like the coolest person ever.

Callan Faulkner:

Thank you. I agree. I think that the knowledge and the confidence now that I have, after going through the 30 implementations and seeing success and messing up and then tweaking and changing and digging into other parts of the business, it's like, there's probably there's not really a question that I can't handle at this point. And so biggest thing now is teaching this to my team. Now, that's, that's been amazing. I've really feel like we're there. I mean, Ashley is taking meetings completely without me doing the nitty gritty tech stuff, and really giving her the autonomy to make decisions. If she thinks that you go this way, do it, I am not the expert in some, like, in all this stuff, you know, you can make decisions, too. So that's been a huge, huge weight off my shoulders, it

Kinsey Machos:

was fun. And now they get to like be a part of that mission with you. It's not just like just completing tasks, or checking things off. They're like creature or they're, they're a part of that overall experience of the class. Okay, I just love it. So let's shift a little bit, one of the things that I was really drawn to you. Also, we had this most amazing conversation in Delta sky Club, which by the way, Callan got me all I'm like, I am like, all in on Sky club. That's for another conversation. But the other side of this piece is like this, the grind, and the dark side of being an overachiever, like an obsessed learner. And like, all these things, and what is really important to both Callan and I is like the health component, and like actually taking care of your body, and calling your soul. Just your approach to longevity and health, I think is really beautiful. And a we just had a really amazing conversation. But I think it's important, because anytime I can, yes, we want to talk about business, and how you can make more money and work less like that's so cool. But the most important piece to these conversations, I think is like how does this look in your life? Because and like how are you also taking care of yourself? So that you are happy, and that you're restful? And can you talk a little bit about like, your perspective on that? And why like, what, how do you what is the lens that you have? How do you see health and like what's most important to you in that regard?

Callan Faulkner:

Yeah, I could talk for a long time about this. So we are you're gonna have to cut me off. Yes. So here's the evolution of where it happened. For me, I mentioned I was in sales. My first job out of college was commission only sales. So I only made money when I sold products. That was that first click of okay, if I don't feel well, and I don't feel energized and optimized and I'm not going to make cold calls. So there was a direct and I'm Enneagram three for anyone knows, I think Kinsey is to just high achievement I want to achieve I am motivated by money. So that was a that was a big motivation. For me. It's like okay, now my sleep is dictating how much money I make. So starting to create this why that was originally my wife. So you know, you're 21 you're like I want to make I want to make some money. So we started getting into just learning in my wife and I just learning kind of the foundations of health for feeling the best we can feel. I started to follow a man named Peter A TIA a TTI. A, and he is a doctor. He he's he focuses on applying the science of longevity to everything and he has a concept called the centenarian decathlon. And this is this decathlon that he wants to be able to complete when he's 90 years old. So a couple of the items that he wants to be able to do when he's 90 is walk up the stairs, with to 10 pound grocery bags, so that if he lives in an apartment or a place with stairs, there is no problem. He's 90, he can handle he doesn't even elevator. Another movement is taking a 30 pound suitcase, pushing it over his head into the plane of luggage compartment so that he can go visit his grandkids and there's no hesitation to him traveling. Learning about some of these things, I'm like, yeah, like I saw my grandparents just whittle away their bodies with all the way they weren't able to walk. They were in wheelchairs, they never did strength today in their life. And part of that generation, they just didn't learn it didn't have access to this type of information. And we're now in this place where I'm making a commitment to, I don't need to be the fittest, I don't need to run a sub six mile, like I used to be able to, I just want to be a feel amazing. Every day, obviously, there'll be some days where we're just not 100%. But as much as I possibly can feel amazing. So I can live life to the fullest. And then even more importantly, when I'm at 90, I want to be able to do anything that I want to do golf, tennis, pickleball run with the grandkids. And I want to worry about falling and breaking a hip, I want to have balance and stability and mobility. And so that's, that's kind of the foundation to health right now in my life. So

Kinsey Machos:

good. And this was something that we connected over. Because same thing for me as overachiever. It's like I have to go balls to the wall in all areas of my life, including exercise. So if I'm not learning to half marathon, I must be failing. If I'm not in the gym for an hour, I must not be fit enough. And this really resonated with me. Because for me, like all I've been doing is walking, and it feels good. And I love it. But there's also that nagging thought around like, what am I doing enough and your perspective, I never really considered the longevity piece. It's like you think about living longer, and like you think about health. But when you think about it in text to that, like, Oh, I just want to be able to walk up the stairs and not hurt when I'm 60 like, that puts everything into a really beautiful frame. And if you can just do the things that allow your muscles and your bones and all the things to do what they need to do and stay healthy. I can cat like, simplifies, but what I think is important in tying back to as taking care of ourselves, as women, as moms, as wives, as friends, as business owners, as coaches is like it all is, is interwoven. And if you feel like you're at that capacity in a moment, like emotionally, mentally and physically, it's time to take a look at like, what parts of your life are out of balance, and where are you trying to do too much. Because like you said, it's all relate, if you're not getting big enough results, or you're not making enough money is like you can just keep working harder, or like sleeping less, or not taking care of your body.

Callan Faulkner:

Totally, it's so true. I went through that period towards the end of the summer. And we we do go through these and we should we should go through these seasons of Cush and and rest. And I think what we miss is we miss rest. If you look at it at a an athlete or a marathon or training for the marathon, they're not running marathons the entire time they're training, they're going there. If you guys know heart rate zones, they're in zone two, which is just conversational pace, breathing through their nose, very calm, collected, you know, pushing themselves a little, that's 80% of their training 20% of the time, they are doing high intensity interval training, track workouts, explosive power movements 20% of the time. Now, obviously, as entrepreneurs, we're going to be a little bit more than 50% of the time we're pushing. But so important that we're recognizing and building our rest periods. Even in our days, there's something that happens when your brain goes into this rest period. And it's called the default neural default neural network, I think it's called whatever it's called the resting resting part of your brain. And what happens is when we go into this, with resting is just when you're petting your dog, you're in the shower, you have no inputs, there's nothing that's coming in, you are just literally staring at the whatever. When that happens. The scientists also call it the imagination network. Our brain goes into a different type of function, where we're just in a creative space. That's why we always get these ideas in the shower because you're not looking at your phone. You're not talking anybody. You're not listening to a podcast, you're not listening to a book. And I've been trying to focus on this. I know you have to Kinsey as entrepreneurs focusing on I don't need to be listening to a book when I go on my jog. Like what a concept and that is scary for someone like me I'm always listening to a podcast or listening to a book or learning something. But that's inputs. I can't have inputs, if I'm trying to get into that creative imagination

Kinsey Machos:

is huge. And I think I think, again, it goes back to like that overachiever, it's like, well, we should always be learning. It's inefficient not to be doing more than one thing at a time. But I think we're both on this journey of like, elimination. And like that, that true, you know, you can call it self care, whatever. But like, is it alignment to taking care of your body for longevity. And if you're sacrificing your body, at the expense of your business, like, we got to turn that around and figure out what and it doesn't have to be. It doesn't have to be, you know, have like, have a better, like, have 12 things. 12 steps in your morning routine, and you know, the gym for two hours and split it to your job. Like they're very simple, right? It's so simple, simple shifts. So

Callan Faulkner:

I think something that everyone on this, that's listening to this right now could do is in this is really hard, is a digital sunset. It just just during the day. So today, I don't know what time you're listening to this, maybe tomorrow, around five, it's very difficult for us to stop to just turn the brain off of working. We've been working all day long. Your brains in that period, you bring your phone from your home office into the kitchen, it's following you like it's not over, you have not created a boundary. I wish I had it, we recently got something called a you can just go on Amazon and search for phone lock box, I think it's called. And it is a time lock container. And you just put your phone right in there. And you set the timer. And that baby locks in me unless you got like a sledgehammer something. It locks. And there is an actual physiological change that happens in my body when my phone is in there, which is really scary. But it's like, I find myself I look for it. I'm like, oh, where is it? I should check that for the time. No, there's a time there's a clock on the wall. You don't need it for anything funny. Oh my gosh, yeah. It's crazy. So I would highly recommend even pulling that away, creates more of like this. Like, okay, like, it's just me and my family and whatever we're doing. And even that is that rest period that we all need way. It's so

Kinsey Machos:

good. Yeah, rest of these days looks different than what it used to. Right. Yep. Oh, my goodness. Oh, I felt like we could talk about this forever. I know, we might have gotten a part two. I think Callan, you're such a beautiful human, and also a beautiful representation of what's possible, right? Like you're caring for yourself, you you nurture your relationships. You I love what you do you love your business. And also, right, you're, you're crushing it like you can have it all right, of course, it doesn't happen overnight. And there's still darker seasons, there's still those really push seasons. But you are just such a beautiful representation of what's possible when you really intentionally have awareness to these all these aspects to your life. And just like frickin like are willing to claim it as your own. And so I just really thank you for like pouring into the listeners today and taking time out of your day to be here with me today was so so essential

Callan Faulkner:

time. Thank you for having me. I love it. We could keep going. As always,

Kinsey Machos:

I know I appreciate you. This is great. So I'll drop your info in the show notes so people can go look at you and go stock you because you're stackable, you're stackable worthy. But again, thank you for being here.

Unknown Speaker:

Thanks for having me. Awesome. bye guys

Kinsey Machos:

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