June 14, 2022

Offer Deep Dive Q&A

Offer Deep Dive Q&A

The Content Lab is a challenge series that Kinsey and Jenny Beecher have been running monthly. These labs help you discover the three secrets to high converting content. On the fifth day everyone joins live in a zoom meeting for a laser-focused coaching question and answer forum.

Do not miss these highlights:

08:16 How to work with partners or other coaches with different skill sets but offer one solution.

17:45 Getting your clients from point A to point B - Intellectual Property is the thing that scales your business. 

27:40 Kinsey’s experience in working with coaches in wellness space.

31:12 How to overcome your fear that’s holding you back.

40:23 How to market different offers yet still able to give that unstoppable offer a micro message.

45:37 Overcoming the fear of “Nobody's gonna buy it”.

58:40 How do you overcome the voice in the back of your mind that reminds you that you don't have to succeed or make money.

1:10:08 Big responsibilities come with resistance - Its limiting beliefs that are holding you to move forward. 

1:20:23 Your messaging will also depend on how long you have been doing your service.

1:28:48 If you have a non-profit business, how can you slide high in ticket coaching somewhere where you can make money?

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen and heard online. 

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women -- because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that. 

As a wife and a mom of three, family takes priority. And having a business that’s ran AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers. 


Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos

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Kinsey Machos:

Welcome to captivate and close. I'm Kinsey Machos, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high paying claims, using my break through online marketing strategies, all without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait, or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in.

Kinsey Machos:

Hey, you welcome back to another episode of captivate and close. I have a really fun episode for you today. So what I've done is I actually pulled a recording of day five of our content lab. So content Lab is a challenge series that we have been running about monthly. That helps you discover the three secrets to high converting content. So you can have leads literally flooding to your DMS. But we have had so much fun with this series, I think we're actually going to retire it because I think we've definitely, once we find our rhythm and we have a rinse and repeat method, which we'll be talking about more as as the summer unfolds, but we love to just change it up, pivot a little bit, come at it with a different angle, see what type of quality claims we get, etc. But anyway, that is besides the point, what I want to share with you is actually again, it's day five of content lab. And on day five, what we do is we bring everybody up on zoom with us. So throughout the week, we are just zooming into, we're just streaming into a Facebook group, and everybody's just joining us live in a Facebook group. But on day five, day five, we bring everybody on live zoom with us. And it is so fun. It's one of our favorite parts of our challenges. And in fact, we love it so much, we're actually going to recreate an experience where we're always on zoom with our audience. But on day five, what we do is we call it offer deep dive and laser coaching q&a. And people can basically just bring all their questions, anything that's come up through what they've learned throughout the week, anything that's happening in their business, but we find that this is also an opportunity where people can ask questions about their offer, because this is where people have a lot of their specific challenges, right? What type of coaching offers Should I have? How should I be selling my offer? Is this the right niche for my offer? You know, etc, etc. And we talk so we just have such great conversation in this one especially it was just really good. We loved just the community that was created through these women that had never met each other before. And the coaching conversations we had between Jenny and I were just so powerful so I grabbed that recording I told the team like we need to like share this with the world because a lot of what people are talking about I know things your your you might be struggling with as well. And you're just gonna love this little snippet. So I hope you enjoy anything. Like

Jenny Beecher:

See All right. He we are.

Kinsey Machos:

Everybody in good good everybody. Hey, everybody.

Jenny Beecher:

Oh my goodness. All right, if you guys are watching this on the Facebook elite. If you guys are watching this on the live on the Facebook ball, feel free to join us in the Zoom Room. Hey to everybody that's here with us. How are you guys this morning?

Kinsey Machos:

I think so. Yeah, we're we're in that room. Okay. We're guys, we just don't know. This is so good. Okay, let me get pulled up here. Good morning. So good to see your faces. Hi, Karissa. Ah, nice. Good to see you. Oh, I love your bed. Jenny, how do you say your name? Is it Jenna? Jenna Sue? No,


it's Jenny Sue like to flash together. It's nothing fancy.

Kinsey Machos:

Just Denise you. I look at me trying to overcomplicate things. Oh, that is so beautiful. I love that. So good to have you so good. Hey, Sharon. Good to see you. Oh my gosh. Hi, Mary. I I like your picture. Love to see your face. Lame. Pam, Jack hiddenness beautiful women we have here.

Jenny Beecher:

So you guys fire up the chat too in the Zoom Room or feel free to unmute yourself and say hi. It's always so fun to be able to. Okay, hang on. I just want to open my comments on here so I can see if anybody's if you guys are on Facebook. That's where you can comment in that chat. Of course we'd love to have your face in here with us. So, welcome, welcome. Okay,

Kinsey Machos:

Monday, if you guys are joining us live comment below in the Facebook group but like get up on here. Alicia, do you want to drop the chat or sorry, the Zoom link in the chat of Gina? Okay, she's on. Oh my gosh, fine. Okay, like my whole system today, guys. And so getting booted up here, okay, it's Monday, first official day of summer for us. I don't know about you guys. Like kids are already like, oh my gosh, what can I do? I'm like, do your chores. Do you fold your laundry? Read your book. Okay. And then we'll talk. But anyway, so I feel a little out of my routine, which is so fun. Um, so it's a total Monday. Yeah, so good. I'm good. Okay, so let's dive right in you guys. Happy Monday, happy day five, a content lab. This is super fun. Because what's interesting, because Jenny and I are used to doing these Monday through Friday. But because Memorial Memorial, we pushed it out and went over the weekend. So it's again, like, we're changing up all the things here, this is super fun. But the purpose of today is to really create the space for you all to hold the space for you. All right, we talked about holding the space last week, and just coaching you. And we also love to get a little bit more intimate with you all. Because we, we come to know many of you just through like the names and the comment sections and stuff. But like that just feels so cold to us. And so this is just another opportunity for us to know you better. And for you to really experience our energy too and decide like, are we the right mentors for you. So it's multifaceted today, but we just want to get we just want to get our hands dirty with you. So Jenny, do you think we should just kick off with? If there's one I'd like to start dropping? Below? Um, we know. Yeah, hold on some. Some of the same things here, when it comes to offers is like, what's the right offer for you? Are you ready for group coaching? Are you ready for something like a course like, where are you at in your revenue, so we generally pull some of those things, but like anything that's coming up for you, we just want to be able to personally coach you and get you moving so that after today, obviously, we want you to come inside 10k. But after day, we just want you to be massive clarity on what next steps are for you. How does that sound?

Jenny Beecher:

Yes, yes, so good. So like Kinzie said, this is your time to dive in, ask questions. Sometimes it's about something that came up for you over the week, it could be a program about tanky content collective, which we share with you on Thursday. If you're unfamiliar with that, let us know we'll reshare a little bit here. We're going to keep touching on that today. Because that is how we can keep working with you guys moving forward, making sure that everything is in order happening for you in a way that's really fun. We love the concept of play your way to wealth. And that's why we are in here in the Zoom Room today. Because we really want to have fun with you guys. Right like, and thank you guys so much for those guys that were cameras on. It's so fun. I know sometimes we're driving and we're doing things that we can't have fun, but it's so fun. So grateful that you guys are here checked in really bringing us your energy because we get so much out of being here with you. So what questions came up for you guys about your businesses? The program? Go ahead and HERSA Yes, thank you. Thank


Let me go. I just wanted to say your time schedule, it totally is in conflict with mine. So I'm always playing catch up, catch up. So I'm never on live like I'm always binge watching it because like that's what I have to do. But I love Love, Love Love you guys like you. I mean even Alicia you are you're amazing. Like you're just you put fire in my soul. So I love it. My question was, I think I was talking a little bit about it as far as like my message and really that micro offer and I really am like fighting in my head right now because there's three coaches within my program that I work with. So kind of like you guys we all have her own superpower own specialty. And I fight with whether I show a bold with like what I'm really good at or do I show up bold with what the the program in its entire entirety has to offer. So I'm always like, do I share both do I share just one because there are three of us right so do different things, but we offer one solution. Oh, okay.

Jenny Beecher:

Kinsey Yeah,

Kinsey Machos:

I would love to speak to that. I would love to know like, so you partner with other coaches. Do you have two other coaches then?


It within the program? Yes. We created it together. Oh,

Kinsey Machos:

so you guys are like partners? Yes. Oh, cool. Okay, so there's a difference because a lot of programs you guys as you know, their their support coaches, which is a really great option as you guys are scaling. You can bring coaches in to support your clients. But in this case, correct Chris, it sounds like you have three of you that are partners so you bring different skill sets. And this is something even if we're being honest, something we struggle with because between Jenny and I and I yell at you guys haven't even met yet. She's like our secret weapon. She's our sales master. So she brings the sales piece. We also because there's a Such a full spectrum of what we offer. We also feel challenged like still microscope, but I would say, right, the more we microscope, the bigger our conversions are and stuff like that. So just continuing to encourage you there. However, if you were to think about sort of when you guys came together and decided to create this offer, what was the one thing that was sort of like, that was sort of driving you guys to even to create this in the first place? Like what was sort of that compelling? Draw that was like, Oh, we want to help somebody do this thing. What was that?


Well, we figure it out, it goes back to our message, the messaging of our audience, they're all They're all saying the same things are loading. They're, they're all just being inspirational, right? They're doing what everyone wants, thinks that they're supposed to be doing. And what we noticed is when we changed our messaging, and really stepped into who we are, then all of a sudden, we started getting leads in our DMS and we're like, wait a second, you're being taught all this. But it's not actually getting the results, you need to really get clear on your messaging and step into your, I always say, build that SLA, because that's like what I did. And there was momentum happening. We're like, Okay, I'm not chasing anymore. People are coming to me. So that was like, our main thing of how do we create your message that makes you stand out that you're not just doing the same thing that everybody else is doing? And you're impacting impact is huge with us. Like, we want you to have more than just, I'm a product or service, like, what else are you doing? Right?

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah, well, that's super clear to me. And it sounds like what are the other expertise that you are like, what is the compilation of the expertise that the three of you offer?


So one of us is she's really good with strategy, she brought her business to six figures and beyond within six months, like she knows the strategy and the sales. Okay. Another one is really, really good with systems organization she is she's overcoming a perfectionist. So she really speaks to those people who everything has to be they can't take that messy action. And then I like the branding bold, let's step into who you are. The branding side of it, so

Kinsey Machos:

yeah, and it's all a all goes back to that microscope problem of like, really clear messaging that's going to increase conversion. So I think you're on the right track. But here's what are you by selling your offer out right now?


I know you're not gonna like this. 2000 Oh, gosh, yes. So.

Kinsey Machos:

So the because Okay, I have so much to say about this. But as you guys, so here's this is going to be relatively irrelevant for all of you is, when you guys think about you guys have probably seen the value ladder or ascension model. Have you guys seen this before? Right? It's like, down? Well, if you add a fourth, it's like your free content, right? And then from there, have you guys seen this before? From there, you have your you know, DIY course. And in this in this instance, of course, is like a traditional, you purchase something and you're responsible to get results on your own. It's not where you get coaching, right? It's a done or it's a do it yourself, like you how many of you guys have bought a course before, right? You're not you don't get access to a coach or a mentor, you just like buy it and you consume the content and you get the results on your own or not. Right. So this is a traditional done Do It Yourself course, right? And they say like oh about, you know, 497 to 997. And then from there and this is just traditionally this is what I was taught when I first started and this is what I know a lot of people are being taught right now basically what we see is like group coaching is the next and then here's your one to one or like High Level Mastermind. So traditionally people are being taught this and what this is misconstrued as is like working up the value ladder first, how many of you guys came to the market and were like I'm going to create a course first, right? Or I'm going to or what this is also alluding to, is as you go up the value ladder, price increase, increases in access to you increases right these are all misconceptions though. Okay. And this is what's causing people to a burnout charge lower than they should be. And not getting those premium points. So we want you to actually work down the ladder if you will. And from there and I'll go over this in a minute. You can determine what your scalable offers look alike but for you guys Chris, Chris, because you have three of you that are literally like it's a really a done for you type of model. We're done with you type of model. Have you guys heard of this done with you? So it's like you alongside them are creating these systems creating the branding, creating the the strategy, the sales, and so it should be at least five to 10k and M and they get access to all through the It's a very comprehensive, robust offer. So I would really work with the people that are going to that are going to be ready for that level of offer, right? You're not really speaking to beginner coaches or consultants, it's like, what is it? What are they? Where are they at in their revenue? Right? And what is the gap that they're missing, maybe they're getting ready to go from like, 50k to 100k, maybe it's 100k to seven figures, but you have to show them that this is the, this is the gap they have, insert your solution. And that's the gap you fill for them. And because they get access to right, it's not access to you guys. But it's like this comprehensive suite of we with you, we will define your messaging with you, we will implement your systems with you, we will do these things. And with you means right you're just you're coaching them alongside you're not doing it for them. But you guys could consider also a done for you offer, you know, up, you know, 1520 40k Even with all three of you actually doing those four, like high high premium again, that's just something to throw out there. But with all three of your geniuses, like you should have a back pocket offer like that more fire in me, okay.

Kinsey Machos:

I mean, you guys should too. What you guys are seeing right, you see our 3k offer, which is it's a compilation of all the years right that we did the done with you done for you and we've learned the framework. And now we get to pull like, like we it's like systemized, right? It's repeatable. And so yes, I want you guys to get to the point where you can speak to maybe the lower end of your avatar, lower end, meaning maybe it is a beginner, and it just requires less of what you teach, right? And that now you have a fully fleshed out product suite, right, where you have an avatar that's just getting into the business or getting into business, right, then you have one that's a little bit more seasoned, and then you have one that's super seasoned, that just wants somebody do it for them. But I'd rather have you start from the top down,

Jenny Beecher:

I think that's a really good point for everybody to hear. Because a lot of times we step into this mentality that I need to work up to being able to have a 25 cap, or when we broke that down, we talked about that I think a lot of us are like, Oh, maybe someday that would be nice, but you are capable of that right now. And it's actually less simpler and a lot less work for you to have one really high quality client client a quarter, right or a couple of them than it is and you're gonna get so much more out of it, they're gonna get so much more out of it. And you're not going to have to work as hard to have people that you don't even really want. It does. It's it's a lot. It's feels backwards, but really take that to heart when you're thinking about offers that you guys are creating.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah, yeah. So what happens here, and this is why it's so hard, we didn't even really get a touch on intellectual property or like your unique process. But if you guys think about right, so cute, I mean, for this marker out, if you guys think about the journey, right? So your, your client is here, right in this undesired state with this problem that they have. Okay, this is now and then this is future state point B. And that's where you're taking them, right? This is the result. This is the transformation, right? This is where you're taking them. But along the way, there are certain steps, obviously, that they have to hit or milestones, or things they have to learn, right in order to get from point A to point B. Now this might be and we help you design your program inside of 10k design, not meaning go record modules, or like record, like build out a bunch of worksheets, just kind of designing in your head of like, how are you getting your client from point A to point B? Now in that journey, right, when you start working with more clients, you're gonna start seeing themes, you're going to start seeing patterns, you're going to start seeing repeatable things, right that everybody's going to need or know or do in order to get from point A to point B. And this becomes your unique process. This is your intellectual property, comment IP below. This super important. Intellectual property is the thing that scales your business. It's not by giving out more access to you. It's not by you know, launching more courses or figuring out more offers, your intellectual property makes you right, you'll be unique, the the, the category cleaning in your industry, because nobody else does it this way. And so but you have to put people, enough people through this process to figure out what that is, then we can take that process that intellectual property, package it up into a scalable offer. But again, it's sequence, right? We talked about sequences a lot like a lot of people are trying to jump to that without doing the coaching without working with people and figuring out what those things are. And so a lot of people either have to go back to One to One just like I had to when I first started going back to private coaching, right or they're the revenue is gonna stall out and they're just constantly selling a broken product that doesn't actually deliver deliver results that resonate. Good. These sort of

Jenny Beecher:

misses why you guys when we people are like 10k content Collective is free. months to get through it. But why we want to work with you guys for a year because these things are going to come up for you, you're gonna want to add these things, you're gonna have questions about what's right for you and your business. And we want to be able to help you steer and build that in the right way. And so like a lot of what we're talking about today is so exciting. But I do like making sure that everything we talked about you guys have locked in. And so I think like, these conversations are great, really checking in to where you feel like you want to be headed. And then making sure you have those foundations along the way.

Kinsey Machos:

Chris, your questions, and yeah, Chris, it was that helpful for you?


That was helpful. And I just one more quick question to finish. It was very helpful. So with the content lab, I mean, honestly, do you think that even though my other two coaches aren't with me doing this, do you think this is going to be able to take the business to the next level? Like? Yes, like just Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah.

Kinsey Machos:

100%. Girl with value. Yeah. And what's cool is for you, Krista, because you guys are in a similar industries, you also get to experience what a scalable offer looks like, because I think you guys aren't too far from that, based on your expertise, and you are very clear on the vision. And so the biggest thing for me, you guys, and why Jenny and I and especially Ayelet have been able to create success so fast is because we also like we immerse ourselves in premium products, we're around mentors, we're understanding you like, you have to experience what that type of offer feels looks like for yourself as a client, right? Even if you're not really there to consume, like the result I have. We have invested in so many different offers and programs and products to determine for one where do we want to niche down? What is it look like for a high quality premium, you know, program product or service, and really observe and watch other coaches and mentors deliver and how they deliver so it'd be I think so multifaceted for you, Krista? But yeah, I can take him do what you want.




I'm okay. I am jaded from I'm sure you guys had a lot of women on here who can relate but I invested a lot of money in a program a lot. And I was just not aligned with it. Yeah, at all. Like there was no fire. So I'm a little jaded. But I realized through that I've learned like, it was a sales program. I don't want to be I want to be able to create copy and content. That's where my creativity lies. That's what I truly want. The sales. Yeah, I got some goods, and I'll become better. But that's what I really, really want. So even though I invested a lot, it wasn't really what I wanted. I did

Kinsey Machos:

learn a little bit. Yeah, you can definitely extract like, Oh, we've had our fair share of really janky investments, trust us. But then it's like thinking about, okay, like, that got us to something, right. It was like, either learning, like, how we didn't want to be as mentors, what we didn't want to deliver the reiteration of like, okay, we will not be people that sell crappy products, programs, right. So it's like extracting what you can from that and learning from it, obviously, and not judging yourself or others too much. But yeah, it sounds like we're definitely in alignment with what you want.

Jenny Beecher:

Yeah, we would love to have you. And I think to just like to put it in a little bit of a metaphor, it's the same thing as when you did go and crusade and you're, you're building out your team, right? If you hire somebody and they don't work out, you have to let go. Or there's some like something that you wish didn't happen that did. You don't not hire for that position anymore. You don't stop building a team, right? It's the end that's going to happen, right? That's part of business as part of life. And so we have these things where it's like Kinsey said, sometimes you come in and it's like, okay, that was a great lesson. Planning I want to do and then kind of looking back at like, it sounds like it was a high ticket investment that that possibly burnt you. And so it's like, what was that? Great, you get to learn from what that was that they did to help you come to that decision to hire them. There's a lot of gold there that you can pick apart. But what we saw, so like, even if it wasn't the content that did what it said it was going to do, you get to be like, dang, that was so cool, how I invested that and ended up not being what I wanted now, why Kinzie said we're different, we just we are really, really committed to you hitting your goals, not only as a company and as a team, and I love that you are specifically in HERSA and doing the building women's team empowerment and doing things together realizing your power together. And that's what really our core mission as a company is is to really rise together and so I think that's why it aside from everything else, the content, the portal, all the things that yes, the tactical how tos are there but I think it's just that place of being at a home so to say where you have that example. And you have that thing to draw on to as you're building that out along with the content. So I'm not like trying to talk you into by just things like As you're kind of looking at your options and deciding if this is for you, or not really looking at the full scope of things, and not just like, you know, like not getting too stuck on, on one bet or the other. So anyway, I don't know if that's helpful, but we would love to have all of you of course, but making sure it's making sure it's right for you at work. That's why, you know, Kinsey said on Thursday, like it's all about either full yes or full No, but just give yourself the grace of knowing, so that you can make a decision because I think where we see a lot of people waver sometimes is like, in that. I'm going to think about it. I'm gonna get like two more clients on my own. And then it's like, well, yeah, which is not what you're saying at all, but just as a general message to you guys. So,

Kinsey Machos:

so good. Love it. Yeah. So Chris, let us know if you have any other questions, but we would love to welcome you in 10k. So fun. Um, okay, so and also your you need a fight for sure, at least a 5k offer. And that's something we would coach you on. So Jenny has actually a Monday call today later with 10k. And then I do one call a week also. And that's something that we could coach on is like, how, what would that look like to have at least a 5k offer? Maybe, you know, 678 Because of your brilliance and because you guys have to profit share, right? So like, you guys want to maximize that by bringing your full brilliance and charging that full price. So we would love to coach you on that. So good. Okay, so keep continuing your questions. Let me know if you guys have any questions about your unique process, your intellectual property, if you're just getting started, don't necessarily worry about this right now. But it is important nobody told me or taught me this getting started and so I wasn't really keen to it right. It was like I wasn't aware of it. And so I lost a lot of opportunities to learn. And so as you guys are working with clients, this is something you want to pay attention to, and start documenting your unique process and and those that like what how clients are moving through your program or product and what's cool is you can design your offer design your program, even if it's just one to one a lot of you and when I say program I don't mean like videos and members area and things like that that leaves your unique offer, right even if it means you just showing up on Zoom and coaching people, right that's how we that's how we started. But when you guys are doing that, right, just pulling up even a Google Doc and start noting right the things that you're seeing the questions that the things that keep coming up, it's going to really give you a competitive edge Jack is this is actually for Jacqueline and wonder J A C? I think so. I don't know. Um, so let me know in the chat but she asked have you worked with and seen results with wellness, mobility chronic illness coaches, yeah, we have tons of people in the wellness space. And we need to specifically to we work with to their doctorates of physical therapy, who work with chronic illness chronic pain, they come from the PT background, so your traditional clinic setting where you don't get paid jack, and you get worked like a workhorse, right, I come from the health system as well. More in obviously the corporate the leadership side, where like even doctors, you guys, nurses, you guys know, like pay our worked like horses. And you know, it's so funny when you come we talked about this a bit when for levels of value, when you come out of when you get into that traditional system. It's like doctors, they make so much money, because when, at the end of the day, like the doctors that I've worked with, you know, they were sitting between, I don't know, 150 and 400k depending on their specialty, right, which is something to consider. So general physicians made significantly less than the specialists. So if you were a general physician, meaning you were just like basically, where are you going sorry, 20 somewhere here, okay, love you. So if you're a general physician, and you this means that you kind of can cover anything right in the ER if somebody comes through and they don't really have any specific pain or whatever, they're just checking on you also a general even like pediatrician or your your GP if you just go for annual checkups. These people made significantly less you're looking at 150 to 200k specialists way high, especially those that were high demand right your call the cardiologists, your your nephrologist, like anybody within right, if you think about neurologists, like you go down the lines of specialties, and this is a good reminder for you guys. Because the more specialized you become in your niche, right, your micro message, the more money you can demand has nothing to do with right again, how many years of experience or whatever it's like really the level of specificity in your the problem that you solve, right. And you've been able to say how you solve it. That's it. So I was going on tangent but doctors don't really don't make that much money because they're working literally 80 to 100 hours a week. And so Jacqueline in short, yes, we do. We I've had is that we have several people in the wellness space in general we do have somebody we have several even coaches that work within the chronic illness chronic pain chronic even PT world because especially there they were maxed in their clinical setting is that resonating with you guys? I just totally due to squirrel

Jenny Beecher:

right there in the health space is a lot of fun to Jack to like dive into because we get to get really specific on exactly what that transformation means for your client. So which is really important.

Kinsey Machos:

Oh Bridget says okay, as a PTA was wondering this as well. Yeah, so Bridget, what do you are you currently marketing and online offer right now? Are you thinking about pivoting? We can definitely coach you through that if you want to unmute yourself. But are there questions you guys have? Don't be quiet on us. Take advantage of this. Denise. Belinda guys make it come on. Make us work for make us work for it today. Your hand perfect. And? Um, okay, hold on. Yes. Come on. I don't how do you just go. Except, you know, you're good to go.


I got my head is all over the place. First of all, this workshop has been amazing, because your micro messaging literally forced me to figure out what the FBI was doing. Right. And I, when I first the one that I posted was all about health. And I wasn't right. It wasn't sitting with me. I don't want to work just with weight loss. And then I knew what I really wanted to work with. And through my own personal journey is women who have lost their mojo, like their sex appeal, their confidence, their desire to have sex, their self esteem. And it's all due to midlife challenges, right? We go through these midlife challenges and your that right? There was just mind blowing. But now I'm like, Okay, now. Because I'm still in school, I literally just decided, probably in March and joined an actual school, I joined VHC coaching for the school. And I am in the program. And now I feel like I'm at the edge of the cliff. And I'm not sure when to jump off the cliff and go in. I'm a school counselor. So I have the summer off to definitely work on this and really hone into this. But I think there's a lot of fear right now, right? The fear that I want to take away from the women that I work with, I'm actually experiencing now because I'm like, Okay, I need to quit my job. If I really want to do this. I need to face that fear and quit my job and go all in. So what next steps

Jenny Beecher:

are you doing? Are you doing ACI? Is that what you're doing? Yeah, you said, Okay, I'm gonna. Yeah, yeah, yeah, become a health coach. And then you get the life coach start with that. Yeah, I've been there. All that. That's, that's awesome. I'm so excited for you with that journey. And so it sounds like you're deciding if you wait until the end of that, or if you just kind of leverage that. But it also sounds like you kind of know the answer to that.


Fear just holds me back.

Jenny Beecher:

Yeah. Firstly, that thank you for sharing. Yeah, so you have that that fear? I think what you're kind of waiting for is maybe like permission or a sign? Or is it more like you're just trying to make the right decision? Like, can you say a little bit more about what's maybe holding you back, I hear fear. But if you could kind of expand on that a little bit?


Well, I just don't know where to start, like to bring my high end clients and I don't know where to start I that I have a lot of value a lot of words that I can bring. And to like I'm I'm in midlife challenges, and I'm not gonna, you know, let that stop me. Like, I have a lot to give. I've been a school counselor for 20 years, I do a lot of CBT stuff that I know is effective, and it works. So I'm ready to design a program and to put it out there. I think my fear is, will I be able to market it and bring people in like Instagrams a little scary because, first of all, the only people that have responded to my Instagram posts are pervy Matt and not any women.

Kinsey Machos:

Go or it's normal.


That's what everyone kept telling me. I'm just like, What is going on? So I'm just, I'm just doing that stage where how do I market this? How do I move forward? How do I take that first step?

Kinsey Machos:

Well, Jenny's gonna speak to this because she's gonna Yeah, she'll tap into but I think it's not easy. I think for you, Denise, it's not like, I don't I think I'm hearing like fear of success. Like that's what I'm hearing is like, I'm afraid of what this is what It's either fear of success or on the other side of that fear of failure. But I would love Jenny, for you to touch on that.

Jenny Beecher:

Yeah. Do you feel like either one of those is resonating with you more? Denise?


It's probably fear of failure more. Yeah, leaving something that I've been doing for 20 years to step into something that I have. I'll be my boss like, I have to create.

Jenny Beecher:

Yeah, yeah. So then it does it. Is it like a fear of failure like it like you may not be able to, you may not have time to you may do it wrong, is there?


No, it's just not being able to support myself, like not being able to make the money that night. And just for the record, I make shit money as a school counselor. So you know, my goal of 100k A year is mind blowing. Right? But I'm, I'm manifesting it, I'm putting it out there. That's what I want to make. As soon as I get started, that's when my countdown begins.

Jenny Beecher:

Are you willing to discover what it would look like to step into creating that 100k year? Oh, yeah. Or even like, Could you imagine if you created 50k a year while you're still on the paycheck that you have now, just in the hours that you have? I mean, it's some level of success. Are you willing to do that? Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Is the desire to step into that greater than the fear of, or the or the needing to be more more ready?


Yeah, it is. For sure.

Jenny Beecher:

Yeah. Yeah. So what's the number one thing that you feel like is holding you back right now.


Um, so this is funny, because we get you as you know, in the school, and you get your your lab skills partner who becomes your life coach, and she keeps calling me out on it. She's like, why? And I think we nailed it down to you. It's not necessarily leaving my job. It's that I've worked with kids for 20 years. And I feel like I'm leaving these kids, right, these. And I am a social emotional counselor. I'm not an academic or Christ. I'm a crisis counselor, I deal with kids that are suicidal, have major depression and anxiety. And so here I am leaving them for my own selfish needs, right. So

Jenny Beecher:

yeah, well, let me congratulate you on that inner work you did to even realize that right, that's a huge thing that you realized, and you guys made this fear of success for all you guys listening? Is it manifest is like, I also love what I'm doing now, though, like, I don't hate it. I want to serve these kids. And what does it mean, right? And like, I know, you're into the you understand this, but like, what meaning are you making that you are leaving, and it sounds like there's meaning that like for me to go do this, there is a selfish element, because I'm no longer serving this set. But there's two things that for you to consider. And I would just like think about journaling about it. And being really open is Who says you are done serving children. When you create your own income. That's, that's number one who says that you're done. Number two, understanding that you to step into the how, and to do things, right, also takes the faith and the belief that you don't have the end, totally designed, like whatever you guys are imagining your version of success, I promise you it is greater, more enriching, and will bring you more wealth, bring everybody around you more value than you can imagine right now. And sometimes that imagination will limit us because kind of where I hear your mind going to nice, it's like, but I feel like I'm giving this this means something about me that I'm like giving up on kids to dive into myself, but you are also serving women who are likely mothers as well, right? There are children involved in their lives. And even if not, they are we're all our own inner child. And so it's not a selfish move. In fact, I think, you know, to kind of flip that one of the most selfish things we can do is limit ourselves and stay in the lane, we think we should, because we think it identifies us as less, you know, or I'll say it's more acceptable. And so when you kind of realize that, you guys, all of you set the highest responsibility we all have as women very specifically as women, also mothers, spouses, friends, the roles that we serve within these bodies as women, the highest calling that we have is to move towards our dreams move towards that which is going to grow us the most and whatever that looks like for you do it and the faster you can take action contained, I say and I don't even think we've said this last week is fail faster. Are you willing to get out there and be like work that didn't work? Because the sooner you learn what's not gonna work and I don't mean fail, like you're going out and you're going bankrupt, right? It's feeling like I did a post and it didn't land with anybody. I did a conversion of that and nobody came I had a sales call and they said no, like, the sooner you guys are willing to step into those things was just exactly what we want to be with you for the sooner you guys can step into that the sooner you will create that 100k year and Denise Can you imagine what you get to create when you have that time freedom for women and kids, you're not giving up anything you're adding to it. And so kind of you know, not to like over linger on it. but just really diving into that. I don't Is that resonating for you? Banks? I feel like I've seen a couple of comments pop up, but how are you feeling?


Yeah, it does. It does and but that would bring me to my next question. Okay. So the micro message is very specific to midlife women, right menopausal women. But I also want to work with schools still and maybe do some consulting and work with kids. So how do you market both so it doesn't get messy that you're still able to give that unstoppable offer micro message, but then you bid bring people and you're like, but I still want to do this. So do you have two micro messages? Do you do two different Instagram accounts? Like? That was the other question Question Kinsey?

Kinsey Machos:

I do too. I was so beautiful. Jenny, thank you so much. And I think that we all need that reminder of like, we don't know yet what like we, we think we have the destination design. But like, it's literally you have no idea. And this is what's so fun for us is like you we are, you know, several steps ahead of you all the end. So we we actually see it greater than you do for yourselves. And so that's what we always say like, you have no idea what's possible for you. So it's so fun to live into that. But on the other side of that Denise, I think first of all, I want to mention, like releasing the pressure of like, you have to quit your job. Right? Yes, I think that's your that's your goal. But like kind of removing that pressure, like I had to quit my job right now go all in on in business, you know, the first 50k, maybe 60 70k that I earned, I lost track, I was still working full time and taking care of my three kids, right? Being a wife and all the things. And so I don't want you to feel like you have to like everybody's different do you need to burn the boats now, right or not like everybody operates different, but kind of just removing that pressure, then when it comes to your micro message is you would just have the one micro message. So it's I help women in midlife transition, you know, get their sexual appeal back or like create that sexual desire again, or whatever that looks like. That's what I want you to double down on. Now your extension of that the network you already have, right? The people that you're already serving in your community, like, you'll obviously still have that you'll still have the relationships you built in your career that you can continue to leverage when I was still transitioning, right. I had connections and I was like, hey, and I was starting to do corporate consulting for them, right in the marketing space while also building my coaching business. And so there, it's removing even the need to like know exactly how, and knowing that when you leverage your full capacity of your relationships, right? And you just a commit to the vision and commit to this thing. It is mind blowing, what unexpected opportunities are going to open up for you. Like Listen, I know that sounds so woowoo and like all the things you guys, but it happens to it happens to all of us all the time, it happens to our clients, like the consulting gigs that they get, like out of the blue, like it is phenomenal, right? Because they're just commitment to themselves and them showing up in their full power. It just attracts this new wave of opportunity in their life. So So Denise, think about doubling down on that core micro message, right and you pick one platform in 10k We tell you one offer one platform one message and you've just doubled down on that while also continuing to explore what could this look like in the next season for you in your career? Do you just want to do consulting Do you explore opportunities with your current school or other people in your network and just continuing to let those conversations unfold? Is that Is that helpful? I'm totally does that excite you? Oh totally. I think for you even pressure good moving the pressure on yourself to like I have to yes like I think the goal is like you want to quit that career quit the job in its current state but also doesn't have to be right now. It doesn't have to be tomorrow it doesn't have to be three months. Like just focus on what do you want to create this summer and then and see what unfolds for you. Okay, and here's what's really cool you guys summer is so for instance us summer we're not really creating new things right we're just printing new repeating a lot of our systems to grow the business and most people take summer off and so while we want you guys to have a good summer like you guys can actually really get ahead of the curve and really think about like getting a competitive edge while putting some things in play while everybody sort of like taking summer off don't wait until fall to like get the rubber hitting the road. Is that how the rubber hits the road? Is that what they say? I'm terrible Jetty on the other hand she's phenomenal item but that's So what could you guys summer it's like give yourself that competitive edge for fall because fall like everything explodes so like you guys getting like getting clients now like really building that momentum now and then when when September comes you guys it's gonna be like through the water. How's that sound?


Perfect. Thank you.

Kinsey Machos:

Okay, you guys give to me some love in the chat. We love you for really following your dreams and stepping into your brilliance. It's just so beautiful.

Jenny Beecher:

Yeah. Amazing. Denise, thank you so much for sharing. We're excited for you. We hope to see you inside pancakes and we can really like, dig into this with you because there's such great things. Tell me. All right, who else they see any other questions?

Kinsey Machos:

Okay. Um, Sharon says I do relationship coaching. Oh, okay. Oh, yes. Who has heard? Oh, yeah. Julie. Hi, you want to unmute yourself? Hello, hi. How are you? I'm good. How are you? Good.


Yeah, I was I know, I kind of chimed in a little bit late, but I heard you guys talking about the fear and the things that were kind of keeping you from moving forward. And I have a program and the micro messaging bit, I'm still working on it. But I haven't offered my program to anyone, which is really interesting. I've had a program for a very long time. And I've been doing coaching and nutrition coaching, and now adding the spiritual and the play piece to it. And I've not even offered it to anyone. Why is that? And I had to sit with that as like, why haven't I think part of it is because I'm afraid nobody's gonna buy it. There's that and I'm afraid nobody's gonna pay what I know that it's worth. There's also that and because I'm switching into a new space, you know, it feels a little like, oh, people, why are you doing the spiritual thing? Who are you? You know, not to say that I haven't been doing it. But now that that's, it's now out in the open, and it's so it's coming? It's coming around? I think that's a big part of it. And then I've had some past issues with clients that I think weren't the right fit for me. So then when I took them on as clients, it didn't work out. So I got a little gun shy. So those are there's there's a lot. I'm trying to just move forward.

Jenny Beecher:

Yeah, I hear that. And thank you for sharing I was trying to read over here. So you, your program is that you help women spiritually with nutrition and play and be themselves while Aging Gracefully and moving into their purpose. I love that. So what would you tell one of your clients, if she knew what she needed to do to get out there and live playfully and into her best self, but she was worried about other people kind of judging her for shifting her lifestyle? What would you tell her?


Well, I would tell her that's worried about that. I mean, we go through a process, I start with the light visioning process, and we do some forest bathing, I get out into nature with her and really work with her coming into herself, which is exactly what I did to pack up my life and put it all in storage and travel and do and really find out what it is. She wants to do. But from a heart space, not a mind space. And so it's really about Go ahead.

Jenny Beecher:

I was gonna say Do you feel like when you're talking about why you're not getting out there? Do you feel like those blocks are coming from a heart space or mind space?


They're coming from a mind space? I'm clear. So

Jenny Beecher:

what would it look like for you to drop into your heart space and just show up? Even if it's just for 15 minutes, right? Just long enough to create something and put it out there? What would that look like for you?


Like doing a video like doing alive, like doing

Jenny Beecher:

it, that's where your mind goes, whatever it is for you to be. See, as your full, beautiful, abundant self sharing completely unabashedly with the gifts that you have, regardless of if it's new to anybody, they think they know you, they whatever, what would that feel like? Let's go from look to see what would that feel like for you to do that knowing that there is at least one person out there whose life is going to change with that message,


right? And so and I, I do lie, I've been doing lives, and I've been doing videos, there is some resistance. It works. I do have a mastermind partner now. And honestly, she talked me into doing it, which we're going to do tomorrow is a live visioning process live on Facebook. And so we're going to do it. And I didn't put it out. I didn't necessarily give myself enough time again for the resistance to tell people I was doing it. I just put all that out today. And we're going to do it tomorrow. But I'm doing it. And so I think that's the part of just showing up and then we'll have the video and then I can use it and reuse it. And so part of it is really I think for me taking bits of my program and doing reels and showing people what it is because there's some new verbiage new language that people may not necessarily understand the words as as opposed to maybe understanding the benefit of what it would do for them.

Jenny Beecher:

But that's for First of all, congrats on taking action. Messy action is the only action that gets the works. If you wait till you feel like the action is perfect, and you're totally protected, and everybody's gonna get like, You've totally missed the boat. So that is 1,000% How you do that, right? You just keep doing that. But that was a very beautiful answer from your mind. I couldn't tell you where you were dropping into your heart, man. It's like, well, here's what I'm doing tactically. And also I can repurpose this. And so here's what I want to tell you. You are doing amazing Julie, there is nothing you need to grow become change shift into any more than what you are all you need to do is more of that. Being a coach, a successful coach is a marry that is is a is a marriage between your mind and your heart, right? You need your mind to be an entrepreneur, we need to think statistically, we need to think pragmatically, we need to realize that at the end of the day, we have to make profit to do the things to help more people, right, your heart will always be like, you know, having these feelings. So while the heart has no questions, the head has no answers, it's still that marriage between the two. And so what I hear is that already going on and you and not being don't be afraid to really just lead from here, and then let your head do the work to kind of catch up and finesse it. But don't start to like take action from like a perfectionism point or a point that's like, when you feel your mind going to those places. And this is for all of you, when you feel your mind go into those places of like, Well, nobody's really known me as this before, I've always been Evans mom, or, you know, Jenny, the fitness instructor, like when your mind goes there, you're gonna start creating content for everybody except that ideal client, okay? So allow those thoughts to be there. They're trying to protect you. And we love those parts of you. We're no longer leaning into them. We're not trying to cut them off your squash them. But stepping into who you felt yourself becoming like that, that version of yourself coming out stronger, you're not becoming anything but just that stronger version of yourself this last week, stepping into that taking those bold moves, right, as small, small, bold moves, you guys, you aren't trying to like beat down the doors of success, you're just stacking up those little hinges that are going to swing that big door. And so what you're talking about, I just thought I'm gonna do it. I'm going live, then I'm going to repurpose it. Fantastic. I don't I actually don't hear a problem, Julie.

Kinsey Machos:

I know I don't either. And, Julie, I just want to comment on when you were talking when Jenny asked you, what would you tell your client to do and when you were speaking, everybody's like, that's so beautiful. That's great like that your first of all, your voice, I'm like, tell me more like your energy is so good. And when you naturally are just speaking about what you do, it's very, very powerful. So like Jenny said, Just freaking lean into that. And try not to overthink it too much. And it's so funny, because when I when when Jenny asked me like, What, what's stopping you from? You know, making offers or you know, selling your program? I mean, it's the fear of nobody buying but nobody's buying right now either. So it's like, without you sharing it, nobody's buying so it's like no, nowhere but up from here, which is so fun. Check. Right? Nobody's buying now. But it may be somebody says no, but at least you know, like Jenny said, Your sacking the hinges in your favor and just like sharing your brilliance because I think everybody could agree here. Like when you speak about what you do, it is really, really magnetic. Yeah. And I'll dip into strategy here for a second because I think that's fun. Jamie and I are certainly jedes like, I know, sometimes I go to

Jenny Beecher:

don't That's why yes, don't I'm shutting up go.

Kinsey Machos:

No. So this is what you said Julie was super fun. And I think it's a good tactic for all of you. So in 10k, when we we have our entire sorry, we have the entire section where we teach you how to write content that converts and heading that is really when you think about your unique offer your unique process, even if you don't have it fully fleshed out what you described really was a process right? You would tell them to do this and then that and then this right? And just from you having that personal experience is enough. It's not about like you helping all these other people do that too. It's just you're speaking from that personal experience. But like you said, when you think about that a to be process and you said I just need to help them like extract pieces of that from my program and talk about you guys this is exactly how you demonstrate your offer and share your offer in in 1000 different ways. Right. So I always use the runners example. But like when I hired a coach, we had a running I had a running coach as a client and then I her turned around and hired her I hated running. But then COVID happened in my gym clothes and I was like I got to do something. And so I trained for a half marathon and hired her to help me but part of that is like from a right I'm here hate running literally die after running a mile to getting to point B which is running a half marathon. Part of that is I have to learn do it experienced certain things, right, I had to dial in my diet, or, you know, my nutrition, I had to have a running plan, because I can't just wake up and run 13 and a half miles, right. And I had to do some strength training. And so this is what it looks like to micro scope, your program these processes, right? Because it's not just about the end result, it's about how you're also helping them get there. So for you to really think about what are the sort of micro pieces or milestones within the big result that you can kind of draw from and speak to. And when you think about creating content that is desirable, or that creates demand for your offer, right? It's like, Hey, I know if you are wanting to learn how to be a better runner, but you don't want to cut calories, or you don't want to change your whole diet, right? I show you how to implement small tweaks into your diet, they're gonna allow you to, you know, eat more not bulk up and really love your diet or whatever, right inside this runners program. So it's, it's not just like speaking to them, but it's also talking about how you do it. Right, what they're missing, right? And what they want. Is that resonating with you, Julie?


It is. Yeah. So it's about taking the pieces again, focusing in on one issue that maybe that solves, and then talk about that, and then put that out, okay?

Kinsey Machos:

Because like you said, there's all these micro benefits, you guys, it's a ripple effect, right? You're not just helping them solve this one problem like it, there's micro benefits, there's micro results, right. And then outside of that there's the ripple effect of like, which is what I want you guys to also consider when you zoom, when your client zooms out, after they solve this problem, what else is that going to do for them? Right? When they've connected with their heart, right? They're getting out of the mind space are connecting, connecting with heart space, they're reconnecting with nature, right? Surely what else is happening in their life as a result of this and speak to that, right, really draw that picture for them paint the picture, because some people know they want it, and they're going to be drawn to that message. But some people don't know yet that they want it. And when they hear that that's possible for them and start to connect the dots are gonna be like, holy shitballs. Right. I want that. So again, I just dipped way deep into strategy. But if you reverse everything I just said, and you just speak from your heart, right. And I think that alone, and I think everybody could agree that you have a very compelling energy and message of just from you speaking from that space. So just really, really lean into that. Thank you. You're welcome. So good. Oh, Christmas has your voice and energy is totally calming. You were made for this. So good. Yeah. All right. I love it. Give Julie some love in the chat. So good. All right. We had a couple of do we have up your hands? I saw some hands go up. But we have some questions. Um,

Jenny Beecher:

I know you guys are so amazing. I love I just want to, like you guys are so great at just supporting each other and really creating that space and that container you guys are. So I just I'm so grateful because I think that this is what makes all the difference. You know, we kind of talked about like working with the private coach and things like that. And this is where change really happens. Because I can feel it. I can feel it. I can feel it for all of us. Just being together really elevates everybody. And I'm just reading these comments with so much gratitude for you guys.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah, and so many things in your like, what we see even in 10k is like other people seeing things in women that they don't see for themselves, right? It's not just Jenny and I and I yell at like coaching, right? It's like all these women coming together and really just elevating it. I love it. Okay, Jack says how do you overcome the voice in the back of your mind that reminds you that you don't have to succeed or make money. I'm an executive life and I don't need to work. But I have a passion in the ability to help others and I want to but the voice of doubt seems to drown out the confidence. You need. You want to speak to that?

Jenny Beecher:

I you know, Jack, I would be surprised if most people are here for the money. I think, you know, raise your hand or drop it in the comments if it resonates more with you guys to push to make an impact. If you're here, yes, you want to change your life? Yes, we want to make 100k Yes, we want to have those 10k You know, 10k after 10k till we get there, but for me and I know for Kinsey and I and Alicia to like we do what we do, because we freaking love to see you guys on fire. The result of that is that we're making a lot of money, right? Because we're helping people and we're of high value. So Jack, what would it look like for you to not to just have that be the measure? I know how much gases in my car because it's how I measure how far I can go. I don't have a car because I'm obsessed with gaps. You know, same thing there. So yeah, I but I so I don't but I also don't want to minimize what you're saying. Because I think what you're saying is that also allows for a great fear of like, it's okay if I don't really hard it's okay and when success is optional success doesn't show up. So I think for you jack and anybody that's feeling like that it's what is going to be the I think can you dive into your why behind the why behind? Why behind the why, and really dive into that thing that's gonna let you with it's gonna allow you to really push yourself forward because there will be times where it's like, Oh, this feels hard. I don't want to do it. I guess I don't have to do it. And like you're saying, I think what you're saying is that's going to trip you up. So figuring out what really your main motivator is, and going for it.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah. And I will say, I'll add Oh, who so who's speaking right now? Sorry, I just interrupted somebody, oh, who is abstract? I want to I want to real fast, I think it's important because like, my wife has evolved. And yes, now like, it's like Jenny said, all like, we live and breathe off of our clients and in the success they're creating. But at first, it wasn't really like that, because I didn't have that yet. And it was just, you know, my, my life was in this sort of weird place where it was like I was in this soul sucking career, I desire to have more time with my kids, right, you guys heard probably my my pumping story. I'm like, sitting in the janitor's closet pumping, working, you know, 40 5060 hours a week. And so at the time, I was like, all I did, all I had my eyes on was just getting myself out of that, getting myself like, literally running away from the massive pain I was experiencing. And so if obviously, my Y has evolved, but, but also I just want to encourage you, like, you don't don't have a y or your y shouldn't be something because you were told that should be something, right? Sometimes it's just to get yourself out of corporate maybe it's just to, you know, have sort of the the freedom and travel, maybe it is truly, truly impact. But think about for you, what does that do for your life, and know that it will evolve, but it does at the end of the day have to be the thing that is going to propel you because for me, I was not willing to go backward, right? Because I kept imagining myself another day in that career spending more and more time away from my family. And so that's what drove me forward at the time. Okay, yeah, go ahead.


I was just gonna say the other hard part for me. So we moved from Toronto area down to Northwest Arkansas, which I didn't know where Arkansas was in to Google it. But my husband, we moved for my husband's career, which is fantastic. He has an awesome career. He works for Walmart, corporate, and we love it here. But I did not work. When we moved down here. I sold the business I had in Canada, and I've just kind of been like a stay at home mom, executive wife for the past six years. So now stepping back into work is a thing. But then also my husband now being used to me being at home. And so the arguments and the thoughts of like, well, like you're spending so much time away from us, but you're not bringing in any income. And he is an accountant. So let's just like say his dreams, our money, my training to finish my master's, it was like I had to do a spreadsheet on an ROI and like paying back the money to our family and like all of that. So now it's like that internal debt. Plus trying to explain it to an accountant Sheldon Cooper asked me, Who is like, the bottom line is life, our budget is an extra book in the Bible to our family. So yes, how do I work through that and then start to explain it to him, where he doesn't always see. I mean, he didn't see what I did at home with the kids until COVID. So he doesn't always see the work that's going into it. How do I explain that when things are slower?

Kinsey Machos:

Hmm. Yeah, I think Jenny can speak to this. And I think I can relate to this, I can definitely relate this to this job. Because I think I think I you know, I told this story where my husband, same Master's in finance, very logic brain, like, everything has to line up, it's everything's linear. One thing adds, right. So um, but I do think like moving out of feeling like you have to explain, and what could we sort of use as proof of pudding? Like, how could we just create results so that there can be results that are seen? And then which goes which I go back to just the simple path, right? How do we create simplify your business so that you're not working as much, you're not making it harder for yourself? And we're kind of moving you out of the explanation phase of having to instead of just like, oh, look what I created today. I don't know. Jenny, do you have anything to add to that?

Jenny Beecher:

Yeah, I think this is so beautiful, because I actually see a connection between what you're saying Jack and your question that you type in her or the thing that was coming up for you because to me when you start a business you want to have that plan in mind, which is We we've talked you through like the rough foundation of it this week, obviously, we dive more into that in our program, but creating that foundation business. So yeah, you shouldn't have to explain yourself. But obviously, in a partnership, you want to be clear. So it's not about what it's costing, I think this is a really big thing for everybody to hear is, it's not about what it costs to start the business. It is about what it brings to your family's bottom line at the end of the day, time, energy and money wives, right? Who do you show up? As that's better? How does this affect your bottom line? What will your goals be? How are we going to get you there? How are we going to create an offer, it's actually not a lot of work to figure that out. It's the permission to say, I can do this, you sound like you've got an entrepreneurial background. So you're already well primed for the journey ahead, I can feel the energy for you like the excitement, but it's like, how will this you know, the most important person in my life, I don't want to have a riff there. While I'm going after this, it's just about having that clarity. Yeah, you know what, it's gonna cost me this much to start. But my goal is this, by the end of the year, I'm gonna be hitting this and by the end, you know, have that it's like anything else, you have a business plan going into it. And also being aware that like, especially because we're, we're like Kinzie said, it's not about going to work for 40 hours a week to build a business. We are moms as well, we, you know, my husband is hardly ever home, the majority of it is on me, I get to figure out how to build my business around that I'm already on social media. So why not leverage that time to build my business and add the clients and when I can, when it doesn't affect me and my family? If you're willing to go for that. It's about, you know, that also takes away the fear of I don't have to make money, because now you do. Because it's about that bottom line and meeting those business goals. And I think that that would actually be a great motivator right there, and an exciting way. So

Kinsey Machos:

I think we're all trained that building a business is hard. And the hardest part about it isn't the work that's required, like the physical work, it's, it's what you're experiencing jack of like, navigating the feelings of doubt, fear insecurity, that's the hard work the heart work, right? And so how can we navigate those emotions, we're just shifting your attention, but then also just keeping that simple path forward of, of creating profit, right to the bottom line, adding to the bottom line, so that you're not stuck in part of this too. And I think you guys could all resonate this when your business isn't going as planned, you're not getting the results you want. You're not getting the revenue you want. Right, you're stressful, you're probably showing up not the not the most best version of yourself. Right? Which then your husband's like, what the hell issue? Right? Your husbands are like, what? Who are you who is this crazy person, I don't want you to build the business if you're going to be stressed all the time. And so let's remove some of that. Think about the this the straightest, most simple path for results, and you guys under 100k, even under five like 500k, like, it's very, very simple. So don't overcomplicate the process. I think, to your point, the hardest part is just like, can you trust yourself enough to kind of remove right shift your focus? Instead of doubt? What could you believe instead? Right, instead of, you know, having to, you know, feel like you have to explain the thing, right? What could you what result? Could you create instead? Is that helpful? It was really good. Yeah, okay. Yeah, this is it's so fun. We all have our nuances, right? We kind of all have our perceived barriers and like, kind of like, get, for one, we're all in our own way. Right? Even Jack, you said like, how do I remove that self doubt, or, you know, like, focus on confidence instead. So we're all sort of in our own way. But after that, there's sort of these nuanced barriers, and they're all different for everybody. So it's really fun to be able to just coach you guys through those things. There's a couple questions up here. So hold on. I'm, I'm awesome at coaching. I'm afraid that I can't convince anyone of that fact. So you don't have to convince people is Kaya still on? Yes. Kya. So this was you, you guys, you don't have to convince people it's not about convincing people. Have you have your offer, right? It's remember your you have value to exchange, right? If all it is is an exchange of value, somebody has a pain, they have a problem. They have a challenge. They want something right. And now they're gonna exchange right their money for your value of helping them solve the problem, overcome the challenge, create the solution. It's not about harming people, convincing people proving people it's about you really getting clear what is right. What am I helping people do and who is that? Who is that who? And sharing it? There is no convincing as a last thing we want for you guys. I'm so good. And he see I think I saw who has a hand up Oh, Lutetia. Okay, we t shirt. Come on up. Come on up. Prices right now. What is that? What is that? Come on get what did they say on price? He says write down

Jenny Beecher:

prices right now.

Kinsey Machos:

Okay. Hi Lutetia. Good to see you.


Hello. I wanted to first thank you all for providing this opportunity to come together and gather and learn. I am completely new in the coaching space. And I feel its limiting beliefs that are holding me hesitant to move forward. Because I have no formal training, I come from a 20 year background in corrections. So I've been inside of prisons for 20 years, and the last eight of those years were in one of the largest female institutions in the nation. And it's through that space that I realized that we need a space to heal. Because when women are broken, families are broken. And if we can repair the brokenness and women to see that you are valuable, just as you are, that we can overcome a lot of things. And my feeling of having impostor syndrome kind of has me at a standstill, and who am I to step out in, in say, we need to do these things. So I'm just looking for guidance. And I'm a person that needs information to to overcome things, and it's just a huge thing for me.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah. Well, gosh, I just like can everybody give a can everybody give me some love? Because like, you just said, I think everybody felt like, holy moly. I'm like, What is even happening in my body right now. So I just want to honor you and like, really love on you right now. Because what I think you have a mission you're being called to serve right now. And with that, we'll come resistance, which is which is what so what's fun is notice this you guys the contrast of like, I believe this is possible. This is what I see for people. Right? This is and this is the this is the future, right? This is your mission. But on the contrast comes that resistance, but but how do I do that? But I don't feel called like I don't feel equipped or, you know, I feel sorry for him. So always notice you guys with these big responsibilities come? Right, the the resistance. And so that's so normal. Welcome to being an entrepreneur, human, a woman. Right. But Jenny, I would love for you to speak to this.

Jenny Beecher:

I'm curious, Leticia. Like, what do you feel like the first action steps need to take in order to move it with this fear, right? Not push past it or forget about it, but to embrace that, but also to embrace that greater calling, which is that heart and that power that I think we all just felt when you spoke so eloquently, just about your calling? What does that actually stuff look like


for you organization and just getting it all put on paper? And then the actual plan, I think would would help me as a person move forward,

Jenny Beecher:

like a plan, like a plan for how to have a business or a plan to how to help people or


the business part isn't the problem. It's the communicating the heart piece to people. I'm one of those background people. I do amazing in the background. So having to go in front? Is is where where I struggle.

Jenny Beecher:

Yeah. Well, can I tell you what I'm hearing a little bit of his, as I'm hearing a little bit of wanting to be ready. Before you start. I'm hearing a little bit of needing to just have because then you also said earlier you said I'm an information person. So like when when my head tells me that I've had enough and I'm good, then I'll go. And and I'm sure like in your professional career. That is that's very reinforced, right? I have the information. I know protocols, I'm good to go. This is going to feel every little step of entrepreneurship is going to feel a little bit against that, right? Because you your heart has zero questions. It knows exactly what to do to help a woman. I bet there's somebody in here that has a question for you that you could coach them on right now without having one thing on paper. So the question more is, are you willing to and yes, there will be lots of times to get ready to make Google Docs and all that thing. But are you willing to just go for it? You know, are you in by go for it? I mean, being all in and saying I know this is what's my calling? I know that I have patent passed through the journey of life that I have because the lessons the things I've experienced who I am as a person, the people in my life have teed me up to be ready for this and there are women that I need to help and I just can only imagine then seeing the women working with the women that you have in the prison system, how that's just completely reinforced this message and I think the question is more like who's missing out? The longer that you wait? That's really the question to think about. And one of those people, one of those people is you. Wealth, you know, you don't even know yet, right people. So I would, I would challenge you to come up with more, right 1% shifts that you can make every single day, maybe a couple of times a day, to take those action steps, right. They don't have to, you don't have to go by a website, or do all the things that people want to do to feel ready, put a simple post out, take some of the pieces that we gave you from this last week, come into 10k. Let work with those little sequences and let things unfold so that your imposter syndrome doesn't even have a chance to realize what's going on. It's just part of who you become. But get those action steps. How does that feel? That feels good, I can do that. Yes, you can.

Kinsey Machos:

But anyways, just so you know, impostor syndrome never goes away. So don't feel like at each level, it's supposed to be something different, or I shouldn't be feeling this way. Or once I have these things, then I won't feel like an imposter syndrome. It actually gets bigger as your business gets bigger, or just shows up differently. So just kind of, I want to just because I think we could all I think everybody here probably struggled in some form or fashion with imposter syndrome of like, not feeling good enough to teach the thing feeling like a fraud. Oh, my gosh, somebody's gonna figure me out. I'm being exposed. Right? Some I'm a liar. This is normal. And so don't spend time solving for that problem, because it's not an actual problem. Just do exactly what Jenny just said. Like, Jenny just gave you the roadmap. So good. Heather says yeah, it never goes away. But Leticia, thank you so much for sharing your gifts today. Like so beautiful. Okay, this is so good. You guys are freaking amazing. Shannon. Shannon, you're up girl. How are you? Good. See, are you? Can I hear you?


Oh, can you hear me? Yes, I

Kinsey Machos:

can hear you. Yes, hi. Good to see you.


Thank you. So I have questions about micro messaging, I started my business in January, I've been working inside the Akashic records. And for people who don't know what that is, it's basically like energy intuitive work. So I go through a little process, and then I connect with my clients energy. And I'm kind of seeing them from like, a whole soul perspective. So all of their all of their lifetimes, all of their energetic experiences, sitting with them, and helping them kind of realign to their authentic self. And to share the some of the beliefs, some of the experiences that have kind of come in and have them shift away from themselves. That's kind of how I see it, it's like they just, you know, it's like a copy of them standing next to the the true them. And so we work to integrate those pieces, and to do a lot of healing work. So I work specifically with people who have trauma backgrounds, that could be childhood trauma, abuse, neglect, and even even things that are little T traumas, like the childhood emotional neglect, which most of us had, because our parents generation really didn't understand the importance of emotional safety inside of a household and like really, you know, being there for their children in that capacity, it was more just like, if there's a safe place for you to be you've done our job. Or at least a lot of the women that I work with, with like that. And so my question is about micro messaging, because I've attracted a few clients, but it's still just this tiny trickle. And I feel like there's just this thin veil of like messaging component, that I'm not quite nailing down. Okay.

Kinsey Machos:

What do you think if you had to guess what do you think it would be? Um,


I feel like it's because spirituality is very broad. And so, perhaps past, I've been shy about going too deep into the Akashic Records piece, because if someone doesn't know what that is, then that might be like a turn off. Or they might go like, Oh, I don't know what that is, you know, next, next keep scrolling kind of thing. And yeah, I really don't know. I mean, I, I've had a lot of success, like getting more views. I started doing reels about a month ago. And like, you know, I only have 150 followers or something like that. And, but getting like, you know, 1000s of views now like 3000 4000, but like not really, and some follows and things like that, but just kind of this really slow like, like something's missing in my messaging.

Kinsey Machos:

Something's not connecting my ideal avatar. And first of all, I want you this is a good reminder for all of you number of views, likes engagements, even number of followers doesn't equal, like success or money or claims so move that filter where I think will allow you guys a lot of like unneeded or it will kind of remove that pressure of like I need more views, I need more followers. And also like we get tons of like I get tons of views on some of my reels, but they don't equate to much. So that's something just a reminder, like that's a tactic that's a vanity we don't need to chase. So going back to your messaging, I think it's going to depend on how long have you been doing this


work? And so the records a little over a year.

Kinsey Machos:

Okay. So I think really defining like, well, if you are speaking about certain things that are a little bit more, either, like turn people off or not like, but if you're doing that in your coaching program or within your service, like, obviously, we want to bring that forward. And it may be just educating people about what it is. But I want you to think about if you were to think about even like where your client is now and where you're taking them, where have they already started on the journey of trying to solve the problem. And I think you probably could target a little bit more of a premium client if they are already trying to do certain things like how are ways like if that which means a they're problem aware, and they think they're solution aware, meaning they are trained, like chasing certain things, right? To fix this problem, but you can show them Hey, that's not what you actually need. So what are some solutions that they're chasing right now?


Yeah, so most of the people I work with, they've kind of started down the line of mindset work, maybe they've gotten a little into like law of attraction manifestation, that kind of thing. And some of the ways that I feel like I have connected with that ideal avatar is talking about how healing can prevent you. So you kind of get to a plateau where like, you've made some strides. And, you know, you've looked at like, what, how am I thinking? And how am I really being supportive and loving to myself? And how could I shift into that a little bit more. But until there's some, like, really deep healing that goes on, and that, that that like, big inner work, which people talk about inner work, but then when it's like, how do you do it, it's like, uh, I don't know. And, and when they, when they have, when we flip that switch, then we see like Lightspeed progress. So some of the women that I've worked with, you know, have have gotten to places where they didn't even think was possible for them, changes in their body changes in their career changes in their relationship with their kids, with their husband, with themselves, most importantly, you know, trusting themselves, trusting their intuition, following those inner desires, and like you guys are speaking about so wonderfully, you know, really owning that desire and going, like, I'm deserving of that I'm worthy of that. And the reason that I have it is because it's meant for me, and this is the path that I should be traveling down is trying to, like, get myself to my dream life, right? Live it now. And don't wait for the right time or the right moment to seize it. Yeah. So Sherry, I


think it's me,

Kinsey Machos:

I want you to hop in here. But I think for you, like, I think just you're very convicted in your messaging, and I would want to check, like, if you came in 10k, what we would do is just kind of go through your profile and figure out where are the gaps? But are you owning that same conviction in your content? And how often are you making offers? So when we say like, it's not resonating, or My offer is not selling? We have to go back to like, well, how many nose and yeses? Are you getting? Right? Are we are we actually in the place where we're making offers to people where we're getting feedback loops? Right? And so are you making offers consistently? Are people telling you no, also, because those are great noes are really, really great, because it gets us closer to a yes, not because it's like, go for all the nose. Yes, we love that. But also because it gives you feedback. Why did they say no? Right? What about this isn't resonating with them? Where can I demonstrate more value, not give more value? Demonstrate more value of the offer? So for you I would just is this translating into your content? Right? Is is your content creating that demand and desire for your offer? Do people are people clear of how you can help them specifically? And those are the things that that I would want you to look at, obviously, we can help you inside of 10k. But going back to just even do you do an audit on yourself and ask yourself those questions.


Thank you so much. I haven't Yeah, I haven't offered it very much. So that's one of the things I mean, not that I have it. But I also feel like the you know, I'm a mute on Instagram. And that's the platform that I chose, just like you guys have said it was like just focus on one if I opened it up to you and I and I'm lost in the weeds as a solopreneur I haven't hired a virtual assistant or anything like that yet. And so yeah, I feel like I need to offer it more. But mostly I'm like, Who am I offering it to? Right? Like, I've got 30 people on my email list, and 150 of Instagram crowd, but I feel like most of those guys are like coaches and other people that like the content but not might not be my ideal client.

Jenny Beecher:

Well and this is exact like Kinsey said that. So in our portal and 10k. And we have so much like the exact how to walk through that is there so you don't wanna like dive into too much here. But it's really about one thing that I just wanted to pull out is earlier, when you started speaking, you said something like, Well, I don't want to, there was a little fear there of like, I don't want to turn people off of Agha. That's exactly what you need to do. And that's what we would, you know, we will really help you finesse that out, if we have more time together to really like, what is that? Because oftentimes, it's the thing we're afraid of saying that something that we like, you feel that power. And to me, I think the thing that women are the most afraid of is our own power, right? We're afraid of success. What if I do change my life? You know, so understanding that when we feel that fear like that, sometimes it's because it's exactly what we need to do. And so it's really about walking through those specific steps. And being able to put those in order so that you're like, Yeah, okay, I can clearly see and then when we're talking about who to reach out to, who to talk to who is going to be who is going to tell me no, like I how do I get to that point, right? That because I hear that, like, I'm on Instagram, but like, but like, I would love to make an offer but like to, you know, so we will get you there. But it's about putting those steps in order and really having that message clarity that that micro messaging that that's really going to be freeing for you. I think so I'm excited for you. And I love I love like I can feel it.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah, that conviction is strong. You guys have a very all of you have a very strong conviction. You just seem to translate that right into your offer your content, your that that presents virtually right, because that's where that's where the magic happens. So good. It's so nice to meet you, Shannon. Okay, let's hit Share. Let's hit your question real fast. And then we'll wrap up Sharon, are you able to come up? Are you able to unmute yourself? Guys give Shannon some love to give her some love in the chat? Just being here and sharing her gifts with us all? That is truly so amazing. Okay, share it. If you can't unmute yourself, maybe pop your question below. And as we Yes, fire. Okay, so we're coming up at 1030, which is fun. We I would literally spend all day with you guys if we could. But here's the thing, we're closing up the price, the 3k offer by tonight, okay, we want you guys in 10k. This is what we're going to help you do, we're going to help you really dial in that micro message really created that power offer and get you the results right faster. Because it's not about complexity. It's not about doing all the things. It's not about being everywhere. So we're about working harder or more. It's really that simple path, right rinse and repeat. That's the system we help you implement, repeat, follow blow up in such a good way through the coaching the content in the in the community inside 10k. And we also added a couple other bonuses that will go be going out to today. So if you joined by tonight, you're getting the $500 off, you're also getting the energetic codes of abundance, which is our money mindset training, don't do anything different and just attract more money in your life. Okay, and also a surprise bonus, we are giving away two free tickets to our in person fall event in Texas. And if you've never been to our in person immersive experiences, like you're in for a real treat my friends, it's so good. So this is a 397 value, we'll give you one ticket for free and a free ticket for you to bring a friend if you joined by tonight, and then we're bringing back the promotional campaign. So the fast action bonus on Thursday. Everybody's like, can I still get that? Like, of course you can. So this is the Rolling Stone campaign. This is the campaign that brought in, you know, 21k when I was still just doing organic marketing 21k In a day just by leveraging a series of social media posts. And and we want to give that to you all today as well. If you joined by tonight, Sharon, go ahead. Looks like you're you've unmuted.


Okay, um, I have a question. I do life and relationship coaching. So, as then I work with people with disabilities. So I find myself coaching the people with disabilities, more than the clientele that I'm focusing on where I'm going to make the money. So I'm wondering, how do I fit I have a nonprofit that helps people when I help low income families, and then I work with people with disabilities. How do I kind of like slide a high in ticket coaching in there somewhere where I can make money because I work two full time jobs. And I want to be I want to eliminate one. But you know, they bring in the money.

Kinsey Machos:

So this is a good this is such a good question. Sharon, I'm going to give you to this in a minute or less. And this is a really good reminder for all of you. So if anybody is like I don't have a high ticket offer in me or whatever like and a lot of people would be like what's so easy for you guys to sell high ticket because you sell business opportunities like I can't even tell you guys the amount of people that have spent have tons and tons of money on everything outside of making money. And so everybody has a high ticket offer in them. And when I say high ticket, it can be anywhere from 2k to 20k to 40k. But what I want you to think about Sharon is where can you bring the highest level of value for somebody that's ready for it. So it might be somebody in a relationship, a broken relationship, a broken marriage, and might be somebody that's struggling in their life, that can't discover their purpose, and they want to elevate in their career, right? Really think about what is the highest level of value that I can bring to somebody and what somebody is that and so get out a journal write on it, you know, think about it. Don't try to get into the How are like, Oh, this isn't possible for me, or impostor syndrome, because all that's going to show up. But like, ask yourself those questions anyway. So the more that you can train yourself, and to ask your brain these types of questions, you're going to come up with really incredible solutions, right? So instead of, like, Why is this hard? Or what do I need to do? Ask yourself? What is the highest level of value that I can provide somebody? And the second question is, who is that somebody? Is that helpful, so, so? So good, you guys, thank you so much for being here. We love you so much. It was so good to experience your energy here virtually like I can't even handle it. And we hope to see you in 10k. I joined by tonight to get all those fun bonuses. And we just really again, honor you for showing up here showing up for yourself showing up for each other. Because when when women rise to their brilliance, the world changes and when we do that together, like literally just blowing it up over here. So, so good. It's so good to see you guys. Have a wonderful Monday. We'll see you guys. Thank you.