Nov. 8, 2022

My Healing Journey

My Healing Journey

As a heart-centered coach, you’re likely on a journey to help others heal but are noticing that you are on a healing journey yourself. There’s a lot to be aware of as you navigate the experiences you’ll have as things surface for you at each new level of growth. Kinsey shares a real and raw conversation around her personal journey of healing and how you might be able to lean into this next season of yours with an open heart and an open mind in order to prepare for greater experiences in your business and in your life. 

Do not miss this highlights:

03:29 A raw and real conversation around healing. What it means to me, my own journey, and what are some things that you could consider in your own healing journey.   

03:50 In growing a business, you should be willing to have a conversation about the emotional depth and journey that you are going to take.   

04:25 Create a space of honesty around your holistic journey as a coach, as a woman, as a wife, as a mother, and all the hats that you wear within this context.    

05:31 Healing helps create a lasting transformation within you that is going to propel you forward those $1 million plans.     

06:02 If you are not willing to take that journey, emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, business will feel hard and dry and empty and slow, if we think of it from a revenue perspective.

06:35 I believe that the primary purpose, in really stepping into your work as a mission field, is to go on that process of self-discovery. Becoming more of that version of who you are created to be.    

07:14 Getting significant results requires this journey of allowing yourself to heal.   

07:38 When I think of healing, it really is a journey about past, present and future.   

09:19 There are things and milestones that you have to navigate through in order to arrive at a certain destination which unlocks each step in your journey.   

09:33 It requires these pockets of awareness of where, and when, and how, you have developed the stories and the beliefs that you have now.   

09:58 It is actually creating this magnet-like force in opposition to where you're going.   

10:44 When it comes to healing, it is an Infinite journey.    

10:55 You're going to have things resurface in bigger, sometimes better ways. But a lot of times in more painful ways.   

11:10 Sometimes they might look or appear differently, or sometimes they just feel different.      

13:30 When you start to really understand that healing isn't a one and done. When you now notice the connection of your own depth of emotion, to the depth of entrepreneurship, then that is the point of your evolution.      

14:27 That is what will start to unlock the deeper layers of you as an entrepreneur.   

15:01 It can be very painful to go on this journey of deep emotional healing and understanding of yourself and unpacking.   

15:11 But the benefit of this is, it unlocks that whole new level of pleasure.   

15:55 The more that you can get to help your clients create that as well, because it's all connected now.    

16:22 It is connected to how you experience emotion, how you think, how you believe, how you operate, and where that's coming from.   

16:51 It's important to be open to potentially changing your perception to move into that next season of business.   

17:00 As you start to unpack it further, there will be much more there for you to learn about yourself.   

19:11 You have to be willing to go on that journey that is ultimately what entrepreneurship is about in life.   

19:20 The bigger the results that you want in your business, the deeper the healing that has to occur. The deeper the discovery work that has to be done, or you will always maintain at a surface level, and surface level does not produce quantum results.

19:48 There's always new things to be aware of, so new things to learn about yourself which is so fun. This is why you have to be okay with uncomfortable feelings. 

20:11 We go deep, which again produces those bigger results for you, your business, and your life.   

21:39 So when you allow yourself to feel the emotions more deeply, both negative and positive emotions, you open yourself up to so much more in life and in business.   

22:30 Being more curious in your journey and allowing yourself to experience the emotion.   

23:42 Permitting to sit in your emotions, what you'll find is on the other side of that, you'll experience a huge breakthrough.     

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen and heard online.

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women — because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that.

As a wife and a mom of three, family takes priority. And having a business that’s run AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers.

Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos 

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Kinsey Machos 0:07

Welcome to captivate and close. I'm Kinsey Machos, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high paying clients using my break through online marketing strategies, all without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait, or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in.

Kinsey Machos 0:43

Hey, welcome back to another episode of captivate and close. I'm so happy to be here with you this morning. It's actually not even morning, I'm transitioning into the afternoon. And it is a gloomy day here. I would imagine by now you don't really care to hear about how the weather is in this moment. But I can't help it. It just can impact my day so much. And also, my big old window is right next to me. So it's hard not to think about it. But it's kind of irrelevant. So I'm sorry, but

Kinsey Machos 1:19

I am feeling all the fields today. And when I was sitting down to record this podcast episode, you know, I have time blocked for recording. And sometimes I have ideas saved in my brain dump account or my

Kinsey Machos 1:38

brain dump account.

Kinsey Machos 1:42

Does not sound right. But we have a whole project board for our podcast management process within that is just a brain dump of ideas for episodes, and then also just how do they crystallize into formal ideas. And sometimes I have a lot of ideas there. And sometimes I don't. And usually when I sit down, though, I have at least a good idea of what I'm going to talk about. But to be honest, I never sketch out a script for an episode. And most often, I generally don't even type out an outline. I don't know if this is particularly good or bad. Maybe

Kinsey Machos 2:26

I could deliver a more powerful message if I did come prepared. But I that's not the story that I really tell myself. In fact, I guess I've learned that when I'm in my zone of genius, I really just let it flow. And I have gotten really good at kind of outlining things in my brain.

Kinsey Machos 2:47

But I would imagine there's some darker sides to that. And I'm kind of revealing all my cards here. But you know, everybody's organization system is different. And I imagine eventually I'll grow out of that system. But what I want to say is for this particular episode, I am really coming with 00 sort of outline or even idea of how I want to take this conversations, I actually wanted it to just be free flow because of the nature of the topic, healing. And

Kinsey Machos 3:26

this is important to me to kind of like create more of this raw and real conversation around healing, what it means to me and my own journey. And what are some things that you could consider in your own healing journey or things that maybe you haven't considered yet, or, and or things to pay attention to? I think that we can not, and I am not willing to have a conversation about growing a business as a woman without having a conversation about the emotional depth and journey that you are going to take or are taking. This is why I know a lot of people don't make it as far as they do, or give up before they ever create, you know, the momentum they are seeking because of the pain that comes with it. I want to unpack that here in a minute. Because I am sure that sounds so morbid, but I really want to create a space where it's sort of this honesty around the holistic journey as a coach, as a woman, as a wife, as a mother, all the things all the hats that you wear within this context. And healing is just such a big piece to this journey. You know when I when we were in the room with all of our clients and guests at our event

Kinsey Machos 4:59

we had

Kinsey Machos 5:00

to so many tears, so many breakthroughs, and they all stemmed from the releasing or the awareness of a limiting belief that they had been carrying a story that they had been sort of adopting, really understanding, some trauma in their childhood that they didn't ever consider before the breakthroughs in the tears all these things, right. It's not like, oh, my gosh, I have my $1 million plan, right? It's not like, those are not the things that ever create sort of this, like lasting transformation within you that are going to propel you forward, that will actually create those $1 million plans, if you will, or six figure plans, whatever that looks like for you. And I will not ever be able to get you results or get you what you want, or help you get what you want, right as a client, or even as a listener, without having this side of the conversation as well. If you are not willing to take that journey, emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, business will feel hard and dry and empty and slow, if we think of it from sort of a revenue perspective. But ultimately, I believe that this is what we are being called to do as entrepreneurs, it's not about creating income. And in fact, it's not necessarily even about creating impact. Yes, those things are important. And yes, those are things that you're setting out to do. But ultimately, I believe that that primary purpose, in really stepping into your work as a mission field, is to go on that process of self discovery, and becoming more of that version of who you are created to be. And I know it sounds so woowoo, and I'm sorry, if you're already bored. But these are the conversations I'd love to have, of course, in tandem to, like high converting content, and high ticket offers that scale, and how to make a lot of money, I love talking about those things, and we will help you do those things. 100%. But again, getting those results does require this journey of allowing yourself to heal. And so when I think of healing, I think of a lot of and again, I don't have anything in writing right now, I'm really just kind of coming off the cuff in this way of, of how I want to have this conversation without putting too much filter around it. But when I think of healing, it really is sort of a journey about past, present and future. And we have to allow ourselves to revisit parts of our past that are holding us back from experiencing the fullness of this moment. But also being able to step into the future in the way that you desire. And going backwards can be pretty painful. And if you ask a lot of people, we hear this a lot before we kind of do some deep inner work. And both of our containers, both Ten k content collective and female founders board, we are doing this inner work, we have mindset calls every week, and female founders board we do this deeper, you'll get access to Jenny as a private mindset coach, and you're doing this deep work alongside of us because again,

Kinsey Machos 8:34

I believe that's our responsibility to provide that space for you outside of just giving you a step by step roadmap. But if we think about the people, you know, we hear a lot, oh, I, I grew up just fine. I had a really great childhood, everything's fine, right?

Kinsey Machos 8:51

There's a lot to unpack there. And you have to be willing to understand that the stories that you have right now are likely holding you back from getting to that next level of life and business, and not in a negative way, necessarily, not really in a positive way, right, sort of like this neutral. And if you think about being able to go to that next level in a video game, there's things and milestones that you have to navigate through in order to sort of arrive at a certain destination which unlocks that next step. And going through those milestones and navigating that journey requires these pockets of awareness of where and when and how you have developed the stories and the beliefs that you have now. And most likely sort of unleashing these parts that you've suppressed for so long and subconsciously. You're wearing them in a way that sort of creating this like magnet Like force in opposition to where you're going. And so when I think of my own personal healing healing journey, you know, I've been in therapy for so long is ridiculous. And so when I came into about my second or third year business, and people were telling me that I needed more mindset, I was like, You're crazy. Not only have I spent years in therapy, but I have done the work with my mind, right. And you guys might have felt the same way. You kind of spend a whole year maybe journaling, understanding your thoughts, and kind of like studying personal development, and then you kind of just like, close up shop and decide that, okay, I'm good in that department, I'm ready to succeed. But let me tell you what, when it comes to healing, it is an Infinite Journey. And when you start to go forward, and experience new levels in your life and business, you're going to have things resurface in bigger, sometimes better ways. But a lot of times more painful ways. They resurface in, kind of like wearing different skin or different costume, if you will, sometimes they might look or appear differently, or sometimes they just feel different. An example of this would be if you had one particular Money Story growing up, you've identified it right? Maybe it was a money, a Money Story of lack, right, there was never enough in your family growing up, there was never enough money, you heard a lot about this story about money doesn't grow on trees. And it was sort of this scarce resource. And so you carry that in entrepreneurship, but you kind of perceivably quote, unquote, did the work and

Kinsey Machos:

identified the story and now are living in abundance. Well, let me tell you what that same story of lack is going to appear in some form of fashion down the road sooner or later, whenever. And it may look and feel a little bit different. I liken it to also the experience of my recent journey of writing a book. And I was unpacking all these stories from my past. And realizing that I had gone to therapy to quote unquote, heal these traumas, and realized I kind of put them in a box, put them up in my closet, right and just kind of like, let the dust collect. But thinking, right, that's done, I'm gonna put you in my closet, I never have to think of you again. And when I opened up the, when I started to write my book and re imagine those stories, I realized that those boxes started to reopen in such a bigger way, which initiated a lot of emotion. But I experienced it differently than I remember, navigated through it very differently than I remember. And if you think about the season, you're in now, versus the season you were in, when you experienced trauma, big or small, or even sort of these stories that you've adopted throughout your life that you thought you've let go of you are a new iteration of you. And so you're going to experience those things differently when they come up again. And so when I started to really understand that healing isn't a one and done, and it's the evolution, and what I started to notice was the connection of my own depth of emotion, to the depth of entrepreneurship. And again, the depth of life. But what I want to connect the dots here for you is this, the deeper you are willing to go on this journey with yourself. And that higher source, whatever that looks like for you, God, universe, Higher Self,

Kinsey Machos:

the depth of which you are willing to go on that journey to discover your purpose, right, your work as its mission field and start to really, really step into that version, that most potent version of you. That's what starts to unlock the more deeper layers of you as an entrepreneur. What I noticed in women that aren't willing to even experience a motion, or a dress sort of this holistic perspective of why they are who they are today and really unpack right the patterns and the thoughts and the beliefs. Then there's a level of plateau that you will reach. And so wow, it can be very painful. My friends, it can be very painful to go on this journey of deep emotional healing and understanding of yourself and unpacking while it can be so painful. Sometimes, the benefit of this is it unlocks that whole new level of pleasure. It's sort of like the lower the lows, the higher the highs, of course, we want to like manage sort of how we experience those lows and highs, but ultimately, the deeper you are willing to go, right, the more that you will notice your revenue, your reach, all the things in your life will completely expand. And I think ultimately, as a coach, that is our responsibility, the deeper we heal, the more that we experience, we get to share those experiences with our clients, the more that you have sort of that street cred. And the more that you get to help your clients create that as well, because it's all connected, right, you may not teach people how to heal. But if you're teaching them how to write a book, there is a healing process in there, if you're teaching them how to overcome cravings, there is a healing process in there, if you're teaching them how to lose weight, be a better parent, you know, grow a business, like all of it is connected to how you experience emotion, how you think how you believe how you operate, and where that's coming from, the small, the big traumas that you've experienced, and the stories that you've adopted across along the way. We all have sort of this filter, this lens, right that we've been wearing, that's really had changed or not changed, but it impacts the way that we perceive life. And it's important to be open to potentially changing those lands to move into that next season of business. But that does require you to go on that healing journey. And so for me, I when I realized that this is sort of an infinite thing, I was like, holy moly, right. And every deep season when I was feeling more pain, because it appeared to be a business thing.

Kinsey Machos:

This is where it's so fascinating. At the time, it appeared to be something in my business that didn't seem to be working, or that felt hard or that I was frustrated by but when I started to unpack it further, there was more, there was so much more there for me to learn about myself, what I truly desire, and really the lens of which I was wearing in that current season. And the deeper I just go back to those more painful, quote unquote, painful seasons, right? I don't not like sitting. Although sometimes I you know, when you think of, you know, an adult in fetal position, right, crying. I'm not doing that. Although sometimes it might feel like I want to, but when I think of a painful season, it's more of like, Have you ever been in that stretch? Where it's like, nothing is working. I'm doing all the things I am showing up. And yet, I don't feel like my results are matching, right? Have you been in those seasons, it can be painful, right? But there's always those are the seasons where we learn the most, where you're being called to go in and figure out what is happening both subconsciously and consciously within you. And what is there to be discovered. That is ultimately the purpose. And when you learn that that is when we start to swing back up to write the most pleasurable seasons, I think about the highest highs coming off of the lowest lows, because of that journey that I was willing to take. A lot of people, a lot of people look at these seasons, as bad or wrong or it's not working, I'm going to give up. And they walk away from their desires, and they settle. But you have to be willing to go on that journey that is ultimately what entrepreneurship is about in life, obviously. But in this context, the bigger the results that you want in your business, the deeper the healing that has to occur, the deeper the discovery work that has to be done, or you will always maintain at a surface level and surface level does not produce quantum results. So my healing journey has been infinite. You know, like I said, I thought it was a one and done thing I'd been going to therapy for so long. But with each new level, there's new things to be addressed. There's new things to be aware of. And there's new things to learn about yourself, which is so fun. This is why you have to be you have to be okay with uncomfortable feelings, because it's not all about unicorns, and rainbows. And if you are seeking not feeling all the time, you're losing out on that opportunity.

Kinsey Machos:

We go deep, which again produces, right, those bigger results for you, your business and your life.

Kinsey Machos:

So I think what I want for you is to know that my personally, my healing journey is

Kinsey Machos:

so deep, and I think it's because for one, and I don't know, this is me just kind of jamming for a minute. I'm an empath. So I feel feelings very hard. And it's a lot of what other people are feeling. So I've had to use discernment to really kind of do a little separation parents. But also my sensory problems, right, I have I'm like a little bit sensory sensitive. And so I it goes along with, you know, the being an empath, you just feel things so differently, and a lot of cases more heavily. But also, I have gotten pretty comfortable with discomfort, I allow myself to sit in discomfort, I'm not good at it, or I'm not perfect at it. When I'm in it. I'm like, really early here again.

Kinsey Machos:

But I've learned to not resist it. Sometimes I still, I still try to resist it. But I noticed when I'm trying to resist it, and I release that resistance. And I asked myself, What is there to learn here? How do I want to navigate through this and most often than not, it requires that stillness in your life. And so when you're allowing to feel the emotions more deeply, both negative and positive emotions, I think that you open yourself up to so much more in life and in business. And I think that plays into and kind of is that fundamental piece to your healing journey. So asking yourself, what is there to unpack what are things that are left unresolved in my life? What are things that I'm that I'm resisting? What are things that are coming up in my life that appear to be a surface level issue, but there's a deeper seated issue? How can I go on this discovery, just to be curious, I'm not saying go dig up problems that are not problems, but really, really being more curious in your journey. And allowing yourself to experience the emotion. And in some cases, understanding where it might be coming from, but in a lot of cases, it's being in the emotion

Kinsey Machos:

and just letting it be. So I think that I would love to tell you that I am always happy and all things are always working for me. And I am just crushing it over here. 24/7. But that is absolutely not the case. And I'd be willing to bet that I actually, quote unquote, fail more than I succeed. I cry more than I smile. No, I don't think that's the case. But there is more sort of perceived losses

Kinsey Machos:

than wins. Because of the way that I just lean in the way that I sort of just move into that fear. I take bigger risks. I do things that are not traditional. And I embrace the journey. I embrace it so, so hard, because it is so beautiful. And although right that those painful feelings that you might be experiencing can feel uncomfortable, you given your permission to sit in them, what you'll find is on the other side of that your you'll experience a huge breakthrough. And you'll feel that others hide so much more deeply as well, which is so fun. So I hope this was helpful. This again, was a little bit of a riff. If you want to know more about my personal healing journey or have questions about this, feel free to shoot me a DM on Instagram, I would love to have that conversation or even just gauge if I need to share another episode about this. I love talking about this. And I'm again I'm not a clinical expert. I don't I don't have any sort of those types of credentials behind me name. But I'm really just speaking from from personal experience. So shoot me a DM on Instagram if you want to hear more. Until then I appreciate you listening and I will see you next week.

Kinsey Machos:

Hey, you, thank you so much for listening. It's an honor to be able to pour into the hearts and minds of like-minded entrepreneurs all over the world. But my most favorite part is being able to connect with you in real life. If you love what you heard here, head over to the community where thousands of female CEOs, just like you are changing the world one human at a time. We go deeper into the topics you discuss here and give away tangible

Kinsey Machos:

roadmaps help you crush your revenue goals to join this high-caliber free community head over to I’ll see you there