Marketing Checklist: How To Optimize Your Online Presence for Daily Leads & Clients

Imagine if your online presence could consistently attract and convert prospects into paying clients **every day**.
In this episode, I walk you through a practical checklist to ensure that your business is fully optimized to do just that.
We’ll break down the essential components of a successful digital storefront, discuss how to maintain consistent messaging across your platforms, and reveal how small tweaks in your online strategy can lead to big gains in client acquisition.
Use this tactical episode to reference any time you need to audit your business to ensure every part of your online presence is working to bring in leads and clients daily.
Key Takeaways:
- Learn how to set up and optimize your online presence to attract the right audience.
- Discover the importance of consistent messaging across your digital assets.
- Understand the strategies to effectively convert followers into leads and clients daily.
- Get actionable steps to audit your current online presence and identify areas for improvement.
- Explore how to use data to make informed decisions about optimizing your marketing efforts.
Resources Mentioned:
Work With Kinsey Machos
Ready to launch and evergreen a high-end, scalable offer and grow to 50-100K months? Apply Now For The Luxe Leverage Experience.
Watching My Free On-Demand Training: 5 Shifts To Scale: Reaching 50-100K Months With A Fully Aligned Scalable Offer
Connect With Kinsey Machos
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About the Host
Kinsey Machos is the host and founder of The Category Queen, a podcast and community for coaches, consultants, practitioners, and professionals who desire to help more people with their unique expertise.
Kinsey's mission is to help women transform their unique brilliance into a profitable coaching business where they can experience true time and financial freedom while changing the world one human at a time.
Kinsey Machos:
I'm Kinsey Machos, your host and founder of the category Queen. Welcome to the podcast for coaches, consultants, and course creators who don't just want to dominate their niche, but they desire to play in their own league. My mission is to help you unlock the power of your unique brilliance and use it as a vehicle to gain recognition, reach more people, and make more money. Not too long ago, I took a bold leap, leaving behind a six figure corporate salary with nothing more than a used MacBook and a burning desire for more freedom. Today, our brand has become globally recognized, helping thousands of female founders to become industry leading experts. Join us each week as we go on a journey together to discuss mindset, marketing and money, and more importantly, the real life discussions about balancing success with motherhood and marriage.
Kinsey Machos:
Because we're a community of women who build and scale impact driven businesses, but do it without sacrificing the things that matter most to us. Welcome to the category queen show. Hello my fellow category queens. I hope you're having an amazing week. OMG, this is a big day. Big week. Kids are back to school and summer is officially over. My oldest doesn't go back for another few days, but we are definitely wrapping this baby up and just heading into a new season. It feels like a really big season, big growth season for our family. But so much. I just have so much joy and gratitude for where we're at, and I'm excited to really watch the kids just blossom over this next year. So let's talk about this idea of always open.
Kinsey Machos:
I talk about this in the always selling episode that I'll link into the show notes and really this principle of the fact that like, as a business owner, your responsibility is to always be making offers. We're always open. And I like to think of this also as like the open door policy, right? Many times, because we have sort of shifted the idea of building a business online. It has really moved a lot of people away from just basic common principles of business. So I think it's easy to get caught up into the social media algorithm and the trap of online marketing and sort of this like funnels and launches and all the things. But if you sort of clear the clutter, the core purpose of a business is to serve its customers right.
Kinsey Machos:
And part of that, obviously, is the fact that you have to have customers and really making sure that people know about you. You're putting your business in front of new eyeballs and that they know how to find you and also come into your quote unquote store. I make this reference of like a boutique or like a store front. And we're going to talk about that a little bit more. But I want you to in some sense, think of your business as a brick and mortar and this idea of really growing your visibility, understanding like foot traffic, and also moving people from not knowing about you to then becoming a client or customer. So I'm going to go through this list of items. Think of this is sort of like a checklist or a self audit.
Kinsey Machos:
So you can really make sure that your business, your marketing, your sales systems are fully optimized for leads and clients every day. Right? This isn't a sometimes things. This isn't like when I feel like it. It's about making sure that you have the proper setup for people that are ready to buy now and, or are like always looking for you and are able to actually find you. Okay? So the first thing that we want to think about is setting up that digital storefront. So again, I referenced this a lot in other episodes, and I talk about this consistently in that we have to make sure that you sort of move away from this idea of thinking about your businesses, like just sort of this ambiguous thing. Because again, it's easier to do if you don't have a brick and mortar, right?
Kinsey Machos:
You don't have a physical location, you don't have like a signage. Right. And so it's just a little bit more ambiguous when we are building online. But if we want to think about that digital storefront, I want you to really look at all your assets online. This is from your bio on your primary social media platform to your website and really anything else, right. And even within that, making sure there's some consistency between those digital storefront assets, most likely it's going to need some optimization, right? So if you really think about your online business and your social media platform and website are your core sort of like signage, similar to a brick and mortar and like their signage. And it's, you know, telling people who their store is for and why you should come in.
Kinsey Machos:
You have to make sure that this is properly being done with the copy that you put on that, the platform and the website. And also, I'm just going to make a note here that your website is actually less important than sort of your social media platform. Unless you are really leveraging SEO strategies at a really like, deep level, then it's likely that people are actually going to find you through social more than they will through your website. Now, at some point it is wise to really start leveraging an SEO strategy. But it is so much easier for people to find you on social than again, a website.
Kinsey Machos:
So while people kind of overly invest their time and energy and even money in developing, like, a really pretty website site, I actually don't think that's as important as really making sure that you're consistent with the messaging on your platforms and also the content that you're putting there. So going back to your digital storefront, it's just really making sure, like, okay, if I were to self audit this, if I'm an outsider looking into my business, is it clear who I help, the problem that I solve, and how I uniquely solve that problem so that instantly somebody can say, yes, this person is for me, or no, this person isn't for me. There should be no gray area. And so going through and just really looking at that and asking yourself if there's room for improvement.
Kinsey Machos:
Also within that, we want to make sure that there is a clear next steps for the people that are ready right away. Now you're going to have all different types of people visiting your platform and your website. You're going to find people that even already know about you. So, for instance, like, I had some friends at an event over the weekend in my name came up and so, you know, there was things they had just shared like, oh, this is her expertise, you should go, you know, you should reach out to her. So they come to me and they already sort of know about me. So they're a little bit warmer, even though I've never met them and, or we've never connected in person or online, but they're sort of like beyond sort of this idea of like, they're super cold.
Kinsey Machos:
But then there are going to be people that find you that have never heard about you. Perhaps you end up in the, in sort of the explore page on Instagram or on LinkedIn. There's a connection. And so people are like checking you out, right? And again, they're gonna, they know nothing about you yet, but something caught their eye, so they're gonna just go learn more about you. And so I want you to, through those lens, really think about what is that experience for somebody that's never even met you or had that connection? Is it going to be known that you are the perfect person for them and that they're going to get some value even just by sticking around and reading your content? But within that, we want to make sure that we are creating content for those people.
Kinsey Machos:
So what people will do is they'll maybe even update their bio call out what they help people do, but then their content is either completely disconnected or it's not very consistent. So I will tell you that when I go to check people out and they haven't posted since last month or a couple months prior, I'm kind of like, eh, not my person. And this is just personal thing because it's sort of like, if they're not actively creating content, I don't know, are they taking time off from their business? Are they switching? Are they pivoting? I don't know. But also, more importantly, is the content resonant to me? Right. Is this something that I can find value in and that I'm going to either enjoy reading or I'm going to in some way get betterment in my life or my business through that content?
Kinsey Machos:
And so it's really important. And this is why I talk about specificity in everything that I do, especially if you want to become category queen of your industry, that you are getting specific in your really dialed in niche and your content should follow that, your positioning statement. You know, the thing that goes in your bio is just one piece to the puzzle. That's sort of the signage that goes in front of the door. If we're going back to this brick and mortar connection, but that is just going to say, give people the yes or no, but your content is the extension of that. It's sort of the expanded message of like, let's go deeper here. Tell me if this resonates. Here's how I help you. And we're taking them more along that journey.
Kinsey Machos:
So a lot of people will like, put, will overly focus on their positioning statement, their signature message, but then their content is completely disconnected from that. So it creates this disjointed journey. So if people were like, oh, yes, I want to follow this person, it looks like she could help me, or it looks like there's some connection here, but then you're posting about your dogs and sort of like, you know, random vanilla content. It's a huge unfollow for me, right, as well as others. So we want to make sure that your content is directly aligned with that signage, with your positioning, who you help, how you help them, and the problem that you're solving for them, and that content is just expanding upon that. But the content is also going to continue to warm them up.
Kinsey Machos:
So the people that are a little bit colder to you, they're just coming to know you. That content is going to do its job if you're doing it well in moving them further down the pipeline to really not just know you, but to like and trust you. So we have sort of an optimized digital storefront, making sure that our signage is aligned with our premium avatars and that it's telling them, yes, we can help you, or no, we can't. Right? Attracting and repelling those are two very powerful things. Then we have our content that's just expanding upon that further building that know like and trust. But then we want to make sure that we have a mechanism to move them off the platform. This is when we turn a follower into a lead.
Kinsey Machos:
So if I have to go looking all the places to kind of get value from sort of the next steps, or figure out like what does it look like to work with you or go next steps with you, then again, I'm kind of like already on to the next thing. So we want to make sure that it's really clear in your link and bio what those next steps might look like. This could be a free resource, this could be a low ticket offer. There's a lot of different things here. And depending on sort of your scalable offer archetype or just like your unique offer suite, this is going to vary. I will have recommendations for you when you work with us. This is something that really comes in that align phase to figure out like where is your best brilliance leveraged?
Kinsey Machos:
And then what does that look like along the client journey, not just in your signature offer, but really figuring out how do we give people a taste of our coaching methods, our frameworks, etcetera, without having to really have them make this really large commitment. Now this can be as simple as even a discovery call or some sort of growth audit. There's a lot of different things you could do here, but the point here is that we're moving them off the platform and we're moving them further down the pipeline to a deeper sense of trust before they ultimately become a client. And also just strategically, we have to be focused on growing our email list and not just growing our social media following at any day or any time. Your social media account can be literally turned off.
Kinsey Machos:
And I'm actually, I never was afraid of that again because I do have a really great email list and you just kind of assume that doesn't happen to you. But there has been too many people close to me that this is happening to. And so if you think that can't happen to you, I'm just really urging you to reconsider the fact that literally by tomorrow it could be gone. And so asking yourself, do you still have a direct connection to your audience without social media? If you don't, that's okay. And the last thing I'm going to tell you is that you need a large email list to be successful, but you have to be consistently growing your email as part of your core marketing strategy, not just focused on putting content out on social.
Kinsey Machos:
And I think this is, again, where this idea of online business has sort of been taking away people from just basic common principles, foundational principles of business growth. Right? So if you're like overly focused on creating content and getting social media following, I just want you to know that's actually not a good strategy. Okay. We have to be focused on moving people from finding us on social. Yes, but then getting them on our email list and then further nurturing them on your email list. So on your bio, on your platform, wherever you are, on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, everywhere, this gives you the ability to do this even if it's just your podcast making sure there's some way that people can kind of move further down your pipeline. Get on your email list and we're giving them value in exchange for that. Right?
Kinsey Machos:
Just to reiterate, it could be a case study, it could be a free resource like a checklist, could be a low ticket product just to get them into your ecosystem. There's a lot of different options here. This is really just dependent on your unique niche and really just your unique brilliance. So now that we have made sure that we have mechanisms to capture leads, obviously we want to make sure we're actually nurturing those leads consistently. This isn't just posting content on social, right? This is also nurturing your leads. It is crazy how many people are, again, they get leads even, but then they're not nurturing their email list, they're overly focused on putting content on social and forgetting about the fact that there's actually a subset of those people that already raised their hands and were like, I'm actually your ideal client.
Kinsey Machos:
If somebody is willing to put in there. If you have an aligned sort of lead magnet or low ticket offer, then if people are putting their info in or giving you a little bit of money for that, they're saying, I am your perfect client. Now, this won't work if you have a disconnected lead mechanism. That's for another conversation. But do not forget about these people. These are actually warmer, this is a warmer audience than your general social media following. So you want to make sure that you have systems and the structure in place to continue to nurture those leads, consistent emails to them, campaigns, potentially a nurture sequence and even personalized follow ups. So do not let this audience go cold, okay? And if you think that it's overdoing it by communicating them a couple times a week.
Kinsey Machos:
I just want you to know that it's okay if people unsubscribe, it just means that they're not ready for that right now. And again, repelling is just as powerful as attracting, if not even more powerful. So we're nurturing those leads consistently, but then we have to make sure that we're actually then moving them from becoming, or moving them from a lead to becoming a client or customer. So this is probably besides sort of like the lead capture. I think that this is where people struggle with the most because I think there's a lot of misconceptions about this piece around selling or making offers. There's a lot of sort of like, rejection fear, which is totally normal, but also the fear of not wanting to be salesy or spammy. But again, I don't want to go too deep here because you already know, right?
Kinsey Machos:
Selling is serving. If you've been around for a while, I cannot stress enough that this is the core responsibility of your business. And if you are not making more offers than you are doing anything else, then you have a disproportion of your business priorities. And we need to make sure to flip that a little bit. Your offer is the transformative vehicle for helping people. And if you're not offering that, then you're not giving people an opportunity to actually experience the transformation. But also, we cannot assume that one time a week or here and there is enough. Only a subset of people are actually seeing your content. Maybe even a subset of people, right? 20 to 40, 50% depending on your email open rates are actually seeing your emails.
Kinsey Machos:
And even within that, people might not be at a place in that moment to take you up on your offer when they're reading your email. And so we want to make sure that consistently throughout our content, we're always using calls to actions, whether that's to point them toward your lead mechanism, lead capture mechanism, or your core offer. There is no such thing as selling too much when you are leading with value. And this is what you would be doing if you're consistently nurturing your list, creating valuable content on social and you're just rinsing and repeating. But you have to be making offers in all ways of your content. And this is also to say that we're again going back to specificity we're being really specific in regards to the types offers that they are and who they are for.
Kinsey Machos:
This is not about like a group coaching program or one one service. This is what problem do you solve and how are you helping them solve that? What is that unique value proposition within the offer itself? A lot of people get hung up on logistics and what am I selling and all the things. And while that does matter, the more important piece is really establishing what your offer promise is and weaving that in consistently throughout all of your content. Not once in a while, not once a week, not even every so often. It's really consistent in every day. This could even just be in the p's of your content. Whether that's email or social could be the main headline. I don't care, as long as you are doing it consistently.
Kinsey Machos:
And then we're just making sure again, that as we're sitting down to create our funnels and optimize our funnels, we're really paying attention to that data. Okay, if something isn't working, the core sort of thought is like this big thing isn't working right. But actually there's one component maybe of the thing that's not working, and we need to have the data tell us what that is. So, for example, if you create a really amazing lead magnet and people are not downloading it, people are going to assume they need a new lead magnet. That's like usually 99% of the time. That's not even the case.
Kinsey Machos:
The case is either the headline on the page isn't aligned with what they actually want the content that you're creating to point them towards that lead Magnet isn't quite leveraging the messaging that's needed to get them to go there. There's a lot of other elements that we need to look at. If you are doing a webinar funnel for your signature offer and it doesn't do as well, again, most people are going to ditch the entire thing and move on to the next, but that is the last thing I want you to do. In fact, there's likely just a few things we would tweak within that overall funnel to decide what needs to be optimized in order to make that even better. So do you have the systems in your business to track that data?
Kinsey Machos:
And do you know what data to look for in order to decide what you actually need to tweak, adjust, or pivot? If you're constantly throwing the baby out with the bathwater, this means that you're not leveraging data to help you make better decisions. And that has to be your core thing as a CEO, right? You can't go off of feelings, has to be the data that tells that story. But then also behind that, we have to make sure that it's set up to do that. So just to recap, right, we want to make sure that your digital storefront is set up to really attract and repel your perfect people and not your perfect people. Creating evergreen content to make sure that it is aligned and with your perfect people, and then expanding upon your signature message, your signature positioning.
Kinsey Machos:
You have the mechanism in those social media platforms, in your emails, on your website to move people from just following you to actually leads, right? Followers to leads which are just a warmer subset of your audience. We're nurturing those leads consistently, whether that's through continued content and or nurture sequences and personalized follow ups. And then we're making sure that we're constantly making offers in all of our content, whether that's just a quick little p's or it's more often driven content. And then we're leveraging the data to really help us decide what we need to optimize to make things better. All right, my friends, this was a shorty but a goodie. And again, reference this as many times as you need to, I encourage you to go do a self audit right now.
Kinsey Machos:
This is really simple, but sometimes I even need the reminder of like going back to basics and giving myself that outsider look to make sure that things are really aligned with what I want them to be. But really putting myself in the shoes of my ideal clients and making sure that I have that processes and those systems dialed in to really match the journey that I want them to really go on and finding the holes within that. So I will talk to you next time, my friend. Hey, if you're ready to stand out online and get paying clients consistently without having to fumble your way through tech run ads or create complicated funnels, I want to invite you to join us in the category Queen school, where you're going to learn my simple, proven formula for getting clients online. It's risk free.
Kinsey Machos:
You either make your money back or we'll give you a refund fund. Just head over to and join today to get instant access. We'll see you inside.