Dec. 20, 2022

Leveraged Marketing

Leveraged Marketing

When you’ve got your offer dialed in and you’re feeling more rhythm in your marketing, the next step is for you to create more leverage with what’s already working. 

In today’s podcast episode, I talk about a concept called Leverage Marketing. This will be the one core element to your growth to 200K+ (with less effort).

When you implement Leveraged Marketing well, you will be able to:

  • Consistently fill your cohorts with clients with one core client acquisition method. 
  • Get known for your brilliance in a much more expansive way. 
  • Build your pipeline full of high-quality leads so you’ll never run out of clients. 
  • Create more control in your revenue (like flipping a “switch” and being able to predict your monthly revenue).

At this point in your business, as you reach 200K, 500K or even 1M, your biggest discipline will be built within the constraints of doing LESS (but better). 

Female Founder's Board Waitlist: 

Do not miss these highlights: 

03:06 Let's talk about Leverage Marketing. This is a really fun concept that Kinsey has adopted.  

03:07 She wanted to bring more of this in the industry because for her, this is ultimately the key to success when you're starting to grow your business. 

03:45 In the 10k Content Collective, you'll be learning how to get clients by mastering the fundamentals of online business. 

03:59 If you don't have those fundamentals, you can't pull a lever, or create leverage in anything.

04:12 People try to bypass a lot of the basics, and a lot of these key critical steps. 

04:26 People are selling them the strategies and the super advanced things without really having the fundamentals in place in their business. 

04:49 You just need to know how to master getting clients with your organic content, or your organic conversation, and that's the fastest path to clients now. 

05:02 In the 10k Content Collective, part of the method that we teach you is leveraging the easiest points, in what you already have, to get clients. 

05:21 You just have to grow your proficiency as a coach, and learn what your people need. And the only way you can do that is to coach clients and get paid coaching clients.

05:43 You do all those things, or you create all those things through the journey of coaching clients. 

06:00 The basic business practice is, you just need to know how to market to somebody and sell them something they want, period.

06:18 In the 10k Content Collective, we teach you these fundamentals in the most basic way.

06:26 First clear the clutter of what you think you need in order to grow faster. 

06:34 Second, get coached so that you work through the mindset piece, which is huge in our program.

06:38 Third, we teach you how to create content in a way that converts followers faster, without you needing to work harder, or add bells and whistles to your website. 

07:02 In our 10k Content Collective community, they're getting clients right away just with these super small shifts. 

07:15 Then you're starting to really see the potential. Your belief and your competence is getting bigger. You're starting to work with clients to get them results.

07:39 Having a proven and tested offer. Something that somebody wants, and also is proven to get results is another thing.

07:58 This isn't by putting them through a curriculum, or modules, or anything like that. 

08:01 This is the first phase of business, where we highly recommend you work with people intimately, and get them the result they came for. It's the easiest thing to sell. 

09:50 The bridge is from solopreneur, getting clients consistently here and there. Now to this entrepreneur slash CEO ready to really step up the game. 

10:11 This is where we meet our clients in the Female Founders Board, where we work with them personally in tandem to expose them to the next level of women that are growing to 200k or 500k million-dollar businesses.

10:28 Part of that piece is Leverage Marketing. It's a machine that we build together that allows you to market, and sell, and enroll, groups of people at a time to create that stream of revenue and reach. 

11:05 So you create interest, and you build that awareness. Likely it's going to create action on behalf of an ideal client or somebody in your audience that then leads them to enroll into your program, product, or service. 

11:24 How do you bring volumes of people into your programs, products, and services at a time, is what we refer to as Leverage Marketing.

11:56 To be able to acquire clients at volume, you have to have a machine that enables you to do that.

12:34 Every client is different. We build that model together with your offerings. 

13:33 What we call Leverage Marketing, is when you take a marketing asset and it turns into something that produces for you over and over and over again.  

13:50 This is how we really start to dip into new territory in serving more people, and growing your income, but also protecting your own time and energy.  

14:10 You have to have more control over your client acquisition processes.  

14:27 And so we create these lever points in your business that create more of that predictability for you. 

14:53 Challenge our Leverage Marketing through our unique challenge method. 

15:26 It's the things afterward that also create that holistic process for your client to speed up that sales cycle. 

16:11 We have stats that we've pulled within our business that shows the average length of our sales cycle from, when they come to know us or come into our ecosystem, to becoming a client.

16:50 But again, it's not just about the challenge, it's that complete process. 

17:11 You put in the same amount of effort to create, the one asset, the one content. And then that effort is amplified. 

17:30 This is why it's so powerful to have these machines in your business. Once you start to grow out of the basics, you don't grow out of them.  

18:10 You have to be very intentional with what you want your Leverage Marketing to look and feel like.   

18:21 When you really think about why you do what you do, it's for the client. 

18:53 It's not about just leveraging your time. You want to protect the integrity of your brand. 

19:25 There's a lot of fear there. There's a lot of misconceptions. There's a lot of wrong ways to do it. 

20:05 It really is personalized to your own desires and how you serve your clients.

20:35 Talk about the advancement of Leverage Marketing, and how to take a super cold lead into a hot buyer as quickly as possible without sacrificing their results. 

21:00 If Leverage Marketing is the epitome of your time, money, energy leverage, then you're delivering a 90-minute masterclass, 

21:25 There's an art and science to it. Kinsey confidently feels that the team has mastered this and has cracked the code.

22:13 We want to invite you, this is the work we do together personally, inside Female Founders Board. We will be opening doors soon and so definitely get on the waitlist. 

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen and heard online.

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women — because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that.

As a wife and a mom of three, family takes priority. And having a business that’s run AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers.

Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos 

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Kinsey Machos:

Welcome to captivate and close. I'm Kinsey Machos, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high-paying clients using my breakthrough online marketing strategies, all without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait, or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in.

Hey, you, welcome back to another episode of captivate & close. So good to be here with you all. Today. Tonight, this morning, at whatever time you're tuning in, I am actually recording this episode at night, which doesn't happen very often anymore. You know, I'll share my story a lot at the beginning of my business right after I left corporate and launched into my business full time, the pandemic hit. And so we had three kids home, I'm like, in sort of this, my business is growing, you know, faster than I can handle, but I was just trying to, you know, do all the things in the pockets of time that I could create. And so I did record a lot of episodes, you know, in the closet or late at night after the kids went to bed early in the morning before everybody woke up. And so it's super nostalgic when I do things like this, you know, I don't obviously have, or my schedule is very much more consistent these days than it used to be. But there's always sort of things that come up and adjustments that have to be made, you know, we've had some illness in the family, and, you know, the holiday season, it's all the things right now. And so just kind of catching up getting ahead and sitting here in the dark, quiet office, which is so amazing. You know, as a mom, that alone time is gold. And anymore, I need more of that space in the quietness. I was blessed with a very loud family, loud personalities, all the things and I am so sensitive to noise. You know, I've talked many times on several episodes about my sensitivity to stimulus. And it's so ironic how I was given a family that is very, very stimulating, but I love them dearly. And I think that I have learned so much about myself and my needs through the vehicle of my family and and like learning what I need in order to show up in a bigger way. So it's it's so interesting. But I digress. That was a squirrel moment,

I am here to talk about leveraged marketing. This is a really fun concept that I've adopted. And I want to bring more into the industry because this is ultimately the key to success when you're starting to grow from, you know, 2040 50k year to 2040, you know, 50k months, and it's all about the lever points, right? It's about the leverage in in time. It's about the leverage in energy, it's about the leverage in marketing. And if you think about where you're starting now. So when we meet our clients, where they're at in 10k content collective, they're just learning how to get clients is it's mastering the fundamentals of online business. It's the marketing, it's the messaging, it's the selling, and of course, it's the mindset. And if you don't have those fundamentals, you can't pull a lever, or create leverage in anything. And this is why it's so important. And we're so adamant about sequence. Because people try to bypass a lot of the, of the basics and a lot of these key critical steps in business to you know, accelerate the results, or they're just hearing things in the industry. You know, people are selling them the strategies and the super advanced things without really having the fundamentals in place in their business. And so when you're just beginning and you're just you know, figuring out the online thing and it's like I just need to get clients, right, this is really important to consider in stay focused there. You just need to know how to master. Getting clients with your organic content, or your organic conversations is the fastest path to clients. We call this If the fastest path to clients in cash and 10k content collector, because part of that method that we teach you is leveraging the easiest points in in what you already have to get clients. Now, not after your audience is bigger not after your email list has grown not after you launch a webinar, none of those things, you just have to grow your proficiency as a coach, and learn what your people need. And the only way you can do that is to coach clients to get paid coaching clients. And a lot of people have this backwards, it's like, well, I need a bigger following. Before I can do that, I need to grow my email list before I can do that I need to be more of an expert and get testimonials before I can do that. But you do all those things, or you create all those things through the journey of coaching clients. So it's so important that you really just keep it simple when you're growing into those basics. And I call them basic just because it is best business practice, you just need to know how to market to somebody and sell them something they want. Period. Without that you don't have a business model. But once you find rhythm in that, and if you are not in 10k content collective, get your booty in there, we teach you that these fundamentals in the most basic way. And also really, really clear the clutter of what you think you need in order to grow faster. And it's super important that you get coached that you work through the mindset piece, which is huge in our program. And you learn how we create content in a way that converts followers faster, without you needing to work harder, or add bells and whistles to your website or whatever, you know, whatever thing that you think you need to just don't. But once you find rhythm in the marketing and selling and you're getting clients, right, a lot of our clients, sometimes when they come in 10k content collective, they're getting clients right away just with these super small shifts. And then over time, you start to build that demand, you build that desire. And so you have this stream of you know, some months, maybe you're at capacity, other months, it's you know, trickle here and there. But you're starting to really see the potential, your your belief is bigger, your competence is bigger, and you're starting to work with clients to get them results. And so you're proving your offer, this is another thing to really know is that it's really hard to grow or scale, a coaching business without a proven offer. Having an offer is one thing, right? It's something that people want. But then having a proven and tested offer something that somebody wants, and also is proven to get results is another thing. And again, you can only test your offer by putting clients through, right by like helping them get a result. That's what I mean, right? This isn't by like putting them through, you know, curriculum or modules or anything like that. This is the first phase of business where we highly recommend you work with people intimately and get them the result they came for, it's the easiest thing to sell. 0812 Now, once you have it proven, you've delivered results, you really feel confident in the simplicity of marketing and selling, you are going to start to notice or even have a desire to kind of accelerate that momentum. I remember when I was starting to hit, you know, even lift five, 6k months, and I had my first 10k month I was like Oh, okay. And then that's when I started to like, really grow into a bigger belief about where my business was headed. And I had the vision for a million, right. And then I was like, okay, but I had a really hard time understanding how to fill the gap. You know, there's only so much time that you can spend with one to one clients. And also, there's only so much you can do to sell to, you know, a group of people or masses of people to bring them in, and, and deliver it in a way right, that creates that mass desire and demand.0913 So you're going from, you know, a trickle here and a trickle trickle stream of clientele, to really having the desire like ooh, what would this look like to like really turn up the heat, and, you know, double down on revenue months, but also impact, right? Once you start getting clients results. It's kind of addicting. You're like, oh, this like you knew you were meant for impact. But then when you actually see that come into fruition, it's like oh, my gosh,

Kinsey Machos 9:44

but the bridge is where you know the bridge from sort of this this you know, solopreneur getting clients consistently here and there to this you know, entrepreneur slash CEO ready to really step up the game. aim and serve more people with how having to spend a lot of time in the one to one weeds, right? That's a huge gap to bridge. And this is where we meet our clients for in female founders board where we I work with you personally in, in tandem to really exposing you to, you know, the next level of, of women that are growing to, you know, 200k 500k million dollar businesses. And part of that piece is leveraged marketing. And it's a machine that we build together that allows you have to market and sell and enroll to a group of people at a time to create that stream of revenue and reach. Right. So if you think about one piece of content, right, when you post on social media, we teach you how to create content on social that attracts and enrolls clients every day, you take that one piece of content, you generally how you know, you create interest, you build that awareness, likely it's going to create action on behalf of an ideal client or somebody in your audience that then leads them to enroll into your program, product or service. But how do you scale that, right? It's like, well, how do I bring volumes of people into my programs, products and services at a time and this is what we, we refer to as leveraged marketing. When we think of a machine, it's more of that predictability, you create control around the client acquisition process. Now I know I'm talking a little bit advanced, but it's really important to start leveling up your sophistication, not just in your marketing and selling, but also you as a business owner and really stepping into the seat of a CEO. And to be able to acquire clients at volume, you have to have a machine that enables you to do that. And it does not just include having an offer that can serve one to many right up until now we've been talking a lot about a group coaching program or a scalable offer that allows many people to come in at once. So that you can pivot from you know, or pivot out of one to one, whichever you desire. Some clients will still offer one to one. But once you launch and create your scalable offer, you can increase your 120 If you still have the desire to do that, it's totally up to you. Every client is different. We build that model together and your offerings, to think about what makes sense for your lifestyle, your personality. And also what makes sense for your clients. What does that ascension look like? So, back to leveraged marketing, what happens is this is when we start to take assets like a webinar, like a challenge, like a event, right? Where we bring volumes of people in, we teach them right we give some value, we overcome beliefs, we over serve. And we have processes that allow us to really take those people from cold, you know, really not even knowing much about you to a hot client, like a loyal, eager AF client that's ready to pay. And this is what we call leveraged marketing, right when you take a marketing asset, and it really turns into something that produces for you over and over and over again, right with the same amount of effort on your end. This is how we really start to dip into new territory in serving more people and growing your income but also protecting your own time and energy. This is really important. Can you imagine, right not having we believe organic content is the best way to get rhythm in your marketing and selling but after that point, you have to have more control over your your client acquisition processes. Because as you grow, your revenue grows, your expenses grow and you don't want to have to stress about money coming in and and worrying about you know how to pay your team and things like that. And so we create these lever points in your business that create more of that predictability for you. And also allow you to build more recognition in the industry more awareness and really, really elevate your own expertise through these particular vehicles of marketing. You know, one of our favorites. One of our favorite ways to leverage this piece are you know, leverage Leverage Marketing are through challenges our unique challenge method has is like crazy pants good. And we have it dialed In so much that we know about what to expect from a conversion perspective, but it starts well beyond the challenge. And this is why it's really important. We're not calling this launching, although there's a piece of this that is launching, we teach you how to launch, it's much bigger than that. It's the process leading up to your challenge webinar. You know, event, and, and it's much, it's the things afterward to that also create that holistic process for your client to really speed up that sales cycle, right, we did a study, or I guess, a study, or we pulled some stats on our cell cycle, and one of the most common recurring, if you will. So when you think about the complete cycle from somebody just learning about you through Instagram, right, they find you on Instagram, they decide to follow you, maybe they find you on an ad, they decide to opt in, they find your Facebook group, they decide to join and check you out. Like that's sort of you think about top of funnel, they're they're just coming into your ecosystem. But what then, and we have stats that we've pulled within our business that show the average length of our sales cycle from when they come to know us or come into our ecosystem to becoming a client. And the most it was so fascinating. Because the average, I would say, when you look at average from, you know, low to high was about 60 days, but the are most reoccurring cycle was actually less than 10 days, which is crazy unheard of, in this industry, when you take a cold lead to a hot buyer in less than 10 days, in some cases, less than five, right using that challenge model. But again, it's not just about the challenge, it's that complete process. How are you indoctrinating them from the beginning, before they even come into your experience or your conversion event all the way to the end? What does that enrollment process look like? And when you can leverage your marketing to do all these pieces for you, right, you put in the same amount of effort to create, you know, the one asset, the one content, but then that effort is then amplified, right and accelerated and, you know, compounded into real results after results after results. So this is why it's so powerful to really have these machines in your business, once you start to grow out of the basics. Of course, you don't grow out of them, but you will find that you are ready for something a little bit, you know, new and fresh or exciting or something that challenges you a little bit. And again, you're sort of feeling that desire to have a bigger impact, and you are understanding how it works. And so you can you really have capacity for these more advanced strategies. But it's important not to get super bought into, you know, I'm just throwing up a launch, or I'm just gonna run a masterclass and really, really being intentional with what you want your Leverage Marketing to look and feel like because it's a really important piece to the overall puzzle of your brand of your business of your processes. And when we really think about why we do what we do, right, it's for the client. And so everything that we do, as a business always points to is this in line with how we want to serve our client and or does it sacrifice their results. This is really, really big when you're creating, you know, group programs, or masterminds or courses, things that can scale beyond your one to one time, because it's not about just leveraging your time, right, we still want to protect the integrity of your brand. And also make sure that your clients are still getting results without you having to coach them every single moment of the experience. And so it is important to prioritize your own needs and your desires and really, really lean into that season when you're really starting to feel ready pay attention to those feelings or those thoughts that you're having about taking your business to the next level. There's a lot of fear there.

Kinsey Machos:

There's a lot of misconceptions. There's a lot of wrong ways to do it. If you want to burn yourself out or you know, work harder or spend, you know, 60 plus hours a week working. Trust me, right? I've learned from all of those mistakes, but there is this is a really really fun time. It's a little bit more strategic. There's a little bit more math involved, right we look at at the numbers of that journey we look at, you know goal at launch goals and what you want. How many numbers do you need in order to fill your program? What does that look like from a quarter perspective or mastermind, it really is personalized to your own desires and how you serve your clients. And so making sure you're really keeping that in mind as you start to take your business to the next level, if you're really starting to feel called to grow into that next level, but leveraged marketing is one of my favorite things to implement with our clients. And it's something that you will have to master in that next season, right, we talk about mastering the basics of marketing and selling. And now we start to talk about that advancement of leveraged marketing and how to take a super cold lead into a hot buyer as quick as possible without sacrificing their results or the experience they have with your brand. And your programs and services, you know, we've taken leads from cold to, you know, 21k offers in less than 90 minutes. And if you think about Leverage Marketing that is the epitome of you know, time money, energy leverage, you're delivering a 90 minute masterclass, right, same effort to sell one to many, but you're, you're really really, you know, amplifying that effort through this mode of marketing. And it's so much fun. It's so much fun. But of course, there's, it's an art and a science. And I really confidently feel like we've mastered this and have cracked the code here. And it's been so fun to watch our clients really step into that too. So I hope that this was helpful for you as you start to think about more than just sort of bits and pieces of the next level of your business. But in a more holistic way. When you think about really taking your expertise, and accelerating rate, how many people get to experience that. And also really accelerating how much money you make without having to work harder, this is just such a fun time. And I just I just love it so much. But I want to invite you, this is the work we do together, you and I personally inside a female founders board, and we will be opening doors soon. And so definitely get on the waitlist. So that you can be first to know when enrollment opens. We're not taking a lot of clients. This is a super intimate experience. But we build this machine together and we test it and we run it and we look at numbers and we test it and we run it and it's so fun to watch that evolution as you're testing and tweaking, right, you're making more money, you're making a bigger impact all the while really learning what is working for your business and your audience. Right. Every niche is different. And so it's really important to lean into those nuances and pay attention. If anything, this is really the time where it's starting to just pay attention to the details and and have fun, always have fun. So I hope that was helpful for you today. Tonight, whenever you are listening to this if you want to get on that waitlist will include the link in the show notes. And I will see you next week.

Kinsey Machos:

Hey, you, thank you so much for listening. It's an honor to be able to pour into the hearts and minds of like-minded entrepreneurs all over the world. But my most favorite part is being able to connect with you in real life. If you love what you heard here, head over to the community where thousands of female CEOs just like you are changing the world one human at a time. We go deeper into the topics you discuss here and give away tangible roadmaps to help you crush your revenue goals to join this high-caliber free community head over to I'll see you there