Nov. 1, 2022

How To Turn Your Low-Ticket Course Into A High-End Coaching Program

How To Turn Your Low-Ticket Course Into A High-End Coaching Program

One of the fastest ways to accelerate your income and impact is by having a high-ticket coaching program in your offer suite. In this episode, Kinsey explains why this is the case and shows you how you can turn your current low-ticket offer into a high-end experience for your perfect dream clients. 

Past Episode References: 

Your Scalable Offer (Part I)

Your Scalable Offer (Part II)

If you want more info send as an email at 

Do not miss this highlights:

03:51 Let us talk about turning your low-ticket course into a high-end coaching program. 

04:27 We will talk a lot about the two tiers of women that we serve in the 10K Content Collective. This is where you master your skills in marketing and selling and coaching clients.

04:43 We will teach you a very unique organic content method system, which is the fastest path to claims. 

04:54 It's about maximizing your claims journey and knowing where to meet your clients. 

05:13 Now, once you start getting rhythm in there, what happens is, you’ll get fully booked. 

05:22 Then you’ll find yourself out of capacity. Back in the spot where you’re trading time for money. 

05:52 The next thing you need is that scalable offer, it should be a result driven offer. 

06:08 What we have is a very unique design and methodology that can help you not sacrifice your clients' results in order to prioritize your own time.  

06:37 We will help you flush out the one-on-one coaching program to get people's results. 

07:02 You get to grow your revenue without increasing your input. This is truly what scaling means. 

07:41 What we see a lot in leaders in our specific industries, they're pushing the idea that you just have to sell your course. 

07:59 But what we really see and understand is, nobody wants courses. 

09:04 What we really want to help you with is, positioning, packaging, and pricing. 

09:24 There's a lot of nuances out there. But we want you to focus more on what we call a low ticket offer. 

09:52 What do people do when they see a price? There's immediately an attachment or connection to the amount of value that people will get. 

10:23 You have to have that base curriculum in there in this coaching experience.

10:39 There's three things that we really focus on when designing your scalable offer or your group coaching program. 

10:49 How do you get somebody from point A to point B? 

11:04 We want the curriculum to be able to stand on its own if it could, so people can get results on their own. 

11:10 The second piece to that is the coaching. This is where you get to come in and still have customization to meet everybody's personal needs, or desires, or unique challenges. 

11:57 The coaching aspect is designed to be a high end group coaching program. It adds that layer where people know that they can still have that support, that mentorship. 

12:25 Then the third piece is the community. 

13:02 It is a bunch of people that have commonalities, that is how to create a really strong community.

13:25 Potentially the biggest asset that your group coaching program can have is the community of like-minded people, all trying to achieve a like goal. 

13:51 We have a whole client fulfillment team that has processes in. We have cracked the code on how do you create a community that people feel safe. 

14:33 When you think of that curriculum, the coaching, the community, you have a powerful experience that you get to create for your ideal client. 

15:13 With your innovation and thinking about, how do I take this curriculum, or this thing that I've already created, and enhanced it?

15:49 One of the biggest things that we've noticed is they come in, and they immediately experience that momentum from the culture that we've created in our communities.

16:09 You can transform them, just through that initial transactional process of “coming in” becoming a client, and indoctrinating them in your process, and your journey, then you will gain clients for life.

16:40 This is definitely something we specialize in, especially from a client fulfillment perspective.

16:54 Biggest takeaway for you here, is to look at your current program or product suite. Take a look at your client journey. 

17:33 It's about learning your person, what they want, what they want to feel, and where they're going to get the most hung up. 

17:48 That's where we start to build around. Really create that journey, rather than just a product that you push or buy with curriculum.

18:17 It is not how you can demand higher prices. It is how to create bigger results not just for you but for your ideal clients as well. 

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen and heard online.

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women — because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that.

As a wife and a mom of three, family takes priority. And having a business that’s run AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers.

Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos 

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Kinsey Machos 0:07

Welcome to captivate and close. I'm Kinsey Machos, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high-paying clients using my breakthrough online marketing strategies, all without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait, or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in. Hey, you, welcome back to another episode of Captivate and close, it is so good to be here. Excuse me with you today. I hope you're having such an incredible week. At the time this recording, I am coming off of like a literal surreal

Kinsey Machos 1:03

dream. I think those go hand in hand, we just got back from Texas less than 48 hours ago. And as you probably have seen or noticed we had an in-person event for our clients in Texas. And it was the most incredible, incredible experience. To date, it was probably one of the most transformational experiences I've had in my coaching career. And I think that the feedback we've gotten I know others could resonate with sort of this feeling of a very pivotal, transformational space. Everybody walked away, transformed. And I'm still sort of sitting on cloud nine. And I'm still processing everything. But my husband met me there on Friday. So we had the event Wednesday through let's see Wednesday and Thursday. And then Friday was our female founders board day. So it was just our High-Level Mastermind women that are growing from six to seven figures. We call it the boardroom. We're really just strategizing and updating their 12-month plan. And then my husband came and met me that night and then stayed through Monday, we went to the Dallas Cowboys game. And I just loved having him meet me there and just spending that time with him. And for him it was a bucket list weekend because he hasn't been he's, you know, he's been in Cowboys fan for literally his entire life. And so he finally got to go to a game. So I am just sort of like feeling, you know, my heart's feeling full, going so much gratitude, and definitely a little foggy in the brain area. But if you follow me on Instagram, you know that I definitely have challenges with sensory overload and definitely need a little bit more time than average to recoup. I don't know if you can resonate with that. But I am here coming in hot with you. And I think I'll probably do an episode about events and what we learn from hosting them. This is not our first, first ride with those. And we, we agreed as a team, that we would commit to doing them more often because of how important it is not to just like our people, but to us as a team and people that you know, it's like getting really anchored into your mission and your vision. So it's just really incredible. So I'm sure you'll see a podcast coming out on that soon. But today I want to talk about turning your low-ticket cores into a high-end coaching program. This is actually coming off of inspiration from a conversation I was having somebody that just joined our High-Level Mastermind female founders board and has been in the industry, not just her own niche, she has a very specialized niche. But as she was starting to grow in her business in her one to one business, she was feeling at capacity fully booked. Right. So you'll hear us talk a lot about the two tiers of women that we serve right in Ten k content collective. This is where you master your skills in marketing and selling and coaching clients. You really want to build your proficiency as a coach, how do you do that? You coach clients, how do you get clients? You we teach you a very unique organic content method system, which is the fastest path to claims. You don't need to build out tech. You don't need to do a bunch of webinars. You don't need a website. It's really about maximizing your claims journey and knowing where to Meet them, a lot of you are making it so hard for your potential clients to hire you. And so we simplify that pathway. And we show you how to attract and enroll claims every day with your organic content. That is the first here. Now, once you start getting rhythm in there, right, a lot of our clients, what happens is, they get fully booked, right? That's the purpose, you get fully booked, or you find yourself out capacity. And so it's sort of like, I'm kind of back in the spot where I'm trading time for money, right, I'm not able to increase my revenue without increasing my time we're taking on a new client. And that is where we want to meet you in that next season, which is really growing from, you know, fifty ish, hundred k a year to those big five hundred k million dollar years and beyond. And what you need is that scalable offer, it is a results driven offer, okay? In most cases, it's your coaching program that can serve one to many, right, in most cases is a group coaching program. But we have a very unique design and methodology that can help you do this, so that you're not sacrificing your clients results in order to prioritize your own time, right. So what we hear a lot is coaches are like, well, I don't know how I'm supposed to get my clients results, if I'm not working with them all the way through, or they don't have you know, a certain amount of access to me, or I'm not able to meet with them every week, or whatever that looks like. And so it can feel like the vision isn't quite there of well, how do I get people results if I'm not working with them on one to one. And we help you really flush out that design in what a coaching program could and would look like for your particular business for your particular niche.

Kinsey Machos 6:50

And how to really enhance that experience. So you're not sacrificing your clients results. And also you get time back right, you get to grow your revenue, without increasing your input. This is truly what scaling means. But we also find is there's a lot of you that already have a course and you're trying to make movement or trying to accelerate your results with a course. Now, in this instance, a course a traditional course, is something that you can buy on your own. And as a consumer you can purchase, right, you can watch modules do the work right and get results on your own. And what we see a lot because of a lot of you know experts and leaders in our specific industries, they're pushing this idea that you just have to sell your course. Right, it means you don't have to spend any time with clients, you got to grow super fast, and it's super easy to sell. But what we have to really understand is nobody wants courses. And now more than ever, you have to position whatever it is you're selling, whether it's a course a coaching program, or a product a lot more stronger, because of the noise and the saturation in the online space. If you haven't already noticed, right, it's becoming very, very noisy. Everybody's flooding into the online space, which is cool. We all know it's lucrative, but you do have to come in with more sophisticated messaging, marketing and selling techniques. And so when you think about selling a course, and a lot of this is Top of Mind, the most popular price point I see is 497. I also see a lot 997. But the easiest thing you can do is actually not sell a course and turn that into a high end coaching program. And you guys it is literally it's so simple. And it's it's not as simple, right? If you think about positioning and packaging and pricing, which is what we want to help you do. And it's definitely a much more nuanced to create a program that can get people results all at once, right? If you think about putting lots of people through your program, and making sure everybody gets results. How do you do that in a one to many situation. There's a lot of nuances there. But I want you to focus more on solving for that problem versus selling a 497 course this in this instance, right? We're calling it a low ticket offer. US low ticket offers are just in general, really, really hard to sell. And you have a couple of podcast episodes, I'll link up for reference in this idea of selling, you know high versus low or, or even the perception of value. Right. What do people do when they see price? There's immediately an attachment or connection to the amount of value that people will get and your expertise is not meant to be packaged up into a 497 course. And selling a course is, again, very difficult to do. And so a lot of our work together is to turn that into an experience that yes, they can get results on their own right? If you have that base curriculum in there in this coaching experience, what's so cool is they can go at their own pace in that regard, but the easiest thing you can do is to add a coaching element to it.

Kinsey Machos:

And then there's three things that we really focus on when designing your scalable offer or your group coaching program. It's the content, which is your curriculum, right how you get somebody from point A to point B. And the sniff test there is Can somebody get results, if they didn't get coached by you. Again, that's not what we want the program to be. But as you dial in that content, that curriculum, we really want it to be able to stand on its own if it could. So people can get results on their own, then the second piece to that is the coaching, right? This is where you get to come in and still have some sort of customization to meet everybody's personal needs or desires or unique challenges, right. So we know that people could get results on their own if they watched all the video or did all the content. But everybody has their unique challenges, their unique problems or pain points or questions. And so some sort of ability to do that, whether it's group coaching calls once a week, or once a month, or some sort of submission within the portal, there are so many different options, we have claims that have this structured in so many different ways. And the sky is truly the limit. But that coaching aspect to designing a high end group coaching program, adds that layer where people know that they can still they have that support, they have that mentorship, they have that guidance to meet their customized needs. Again, this does not have to be a one to one environment, although it could. It's just maybe less or not as available. But again, there's so many options. So we've got curriculum, we have coaching, and then third piece is community. You know, he's having this conversation with this high, high, highly high caliber woman who has been in her niche for over 20 plus years. And she's finally ready to come bring her business online. And she was saying it's hard for me to really envision my clients in a group with other people. But she because you have these niche, these pocket of people that you serve, especially in her industry, right, it's super sub specialized. When you bring a bunch of people that have commonalities in this regard, they have similar challenges, they have similar pain points, they have similar desires, you actually are creating a really, really strong community. And that, I think, if you do that well, which again, there's nuances there, that is actually the biggest asset, or potentially could be the biggest asset that your group coaching program can have is the community of like minded people, all trying to achieve a like goal. But again, there's nuances here and this doesn't mean just like throw up a Facebook group and have people you know, join a group, you have to curate that. And we have a whole client fulfillment team that has processes in and we have really, really cracked the code on how do you create a community that people feel safe, that they trust each other and themselves and feel like they belong? So that they can transform so that they do collaborate? So they do show up? Because if you aren't able to do this successfully, what happens is people come in, right, we sell this idea of a community, but they come in and it's crickets, right? We don't want to cricket a community. But if you do it well this can be one of the biggest assets to your high end group coaching program.

Kinsey Machos:

And so when you think of that curriculum, the coaching the community, you have a really really powerful experience that you get to create for your ideal client so much more valuable than a four nice seven course that is just filled with modules. And and maybe even you have you know, Facebook group element. Great, the times are changing, right people are your sophisticated buyers, the buyers that will buy They've already been buying, right? They're already been sold to. And so really coming in, right with your innovation and thinking about how do I take, right, this curriculum or this thing that I've already created and, and enhance it. So it is truly a one of a kind experience. You know, we have clients that come in, and they get results within, you know, 12 hours of joining, not because not because they binge all the curriculum in less than 12 hours, per se, although people will take one module and go get a client, right, though, they'll listen to one, you know, replay of a coaching call and implement what they heard and go get clients like that, yes, happens. But one of the biggest things that we've noticed is they come in, and they immediately experience that momentum from the culture that we've created in our communities. And it's like instant you absorb it, you become it, you go create what you want. And when you can create that for your own clients, whatever niche you're in, right, and you can transform them, just through that initial transactional process of coming in becoming a client and indoctrinating them right in in your process and your journey, you will gain clients for life. Again, very challenging to do when you're just trying to sell them a product or a curriculum. Anyways, it's so easy to do to take something that you've already built, and turn that into really special curated experience. For your ideal clients. This is definitely something we specialize in, especially from a client fulfillment perspective. And we definitely do not want you to do this alone. So we'll have a link here in the show notes if you want to contact us and help you design that. But I hope the biggest takeaway for you here is to look at the current at your current program or product suite, whatever it is you're selling, even if you are just selling one to one coaching, which is so valuable, right? Really taking a look at that claim journey, and making sure from the moment they come in or even before, right, people are deciding whether we're going to be clients for life before they ever become a client. And looking at that step by step process and thinking about where can I elevate this experience? Right? It's not going to be more information, it's also not necessarily going to be more coaching, right? It's about learning your person, what they want, what they want to feel, and where they're going to get the most hung up, right? Where are they going to have the challenges? Where are they going to? Where are they most vulnerable to fail or give up. And that's where we start to build around, and really create that journey, rather than just a product that you push or buy with curriculum. So I hope this is helpful for you. And I hope you feel encouraged by just taking a look, again, a quick glance at your coaching offers and thinking about how can I create an experience out of this, rather than just something that people are buying? And from they're really thinking about how can I be different than what they're used to experiencing? Or what they're used to seeing? Right? And not is how we demand higher prices, which then create bigger results for not just you but your ideal clients. So powerful. All right. I hope this resonate with you and I will see you next week. Hey, you, and thank you so much for listening. It's an honor to be able to pour into the hearts and minds of like minded entrepreneurs all over the world. But my most favorite part is being able to connect with you in real life. If you love what you heard here, head over to the community where thousands of female CEOs, just like you are changing the world one human at a time. We go deeper into the topics you discuss here and giveaway tangible roadmaps to help you crush your revenue goals to join this high caliber free community head over to Kinsey forward slash community. I'll see you there