Oct. 10, 2023

How To Scale Your Signature Offer To 100K Months With Callan Faulkner

How To Scale Your Signature Offer To 100K Months With Callan Faulkner

In this interview, Callan shares how she achieved her first 100K/month by streamlining and fine-tuning her signature offer. She speaks to the components of her program that help her clients create results without them relying solely on her. 

Callan’s success is deeply rooted in her motivation to see her clients thrive, her willingness to do things that feel scary, and her discipline scaling one offer at a time.

Key Highlights

  • How Callan resisted the urge to expand her niche and stayed hyper-focused on her narrow specialty. 
  • The mindset shifts Callan made that contributed to her record-breaking success. 
  • The sustainable approach to consistent value and growth for both the business and its clients. 

You can follow Callan Faulkner on her Instagram @callanfaulkner.

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Ready to discover your unique category, streamline your services, and organically launch your scalable offer to 20K+ months with more harmony and rhythm? Don’t sacrifice the quality of your services as you scale. See if you’re a good fit for our signature experience, Launch Like A Queen: www.kinseymachos.com/launchqueen

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Past Episode:

Episode 65:Overcoming Your Fear of Group Coaching & Scaling Your High-Ticket Offer with Callan Faulkner

Do not miss these highlights: 

03:46 In this episode of our podcast, we have Callan Faulkner as our guest. She shares insights into her career path and journey over the past few years.

06:36 The importance of the profitability aspect.

07:43 How did Callan streamlined her signature offer into different phases.  

11:54 Thanks to Kinsey's assistance, Callan’s team successfully transitioned, and now they have a fully recorded Thinkific program. All the videos are well-organized and working well.  

12:55 A brief summary of what Callan's team does to help and assist their clients.

14:38 Staying within a niche and understanding that there is more potential within that specific niche has greatly benefited Callan. This serves as a reminder for those who are hesitant on niching down.

15:57 Callan has upheld the high-touch, high-service, high-end approach. She incorporated the curriculum and the sniff test, allowing clients to achieve results independently. She introduced these additional components to ensure they receive the support they require.

17:43 Callan talked about the mindset from charging $1,000 for 10 sessions, to selling a 10k program. The journey and the things that she considered in making that transition. 

19:37 She articulated and listed her expectations to her clients within the money-back offer.

25:34 She discusses how people come to know about her, how she acquires clients and leads, and also provides a description of what her first masterclass was like.

26:33 She shared how Kinsey helped her with her masterclass program. 

30:31 Callan is highly motivated for the success of her company and equally driven by the results her clients achieve. Everything she does is guided by this principle.

31:32 She shares how she embodies the way she purchases and invests. Her approach to valuing things aligns closely with how she prices, packages, and positions her offers. 

37:38 Callan with Kinsey explaining the evergreen mentality, the evergreen philosophy.

42:18 What is now the vision, and what comes next for Callan Faulkner in her business?

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, a Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen, and heard online.

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women — because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that.

As a wife and a mom of three, the family takes priority. And having a business that’s run AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers.


Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos 

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Kinsey Machos:

Welcome to Captivate and Close. I'm Kinsey Machos, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high-paying clients using my break through online marketing strategies, all without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait, or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in. This episode is a replay of an interview we did for the evergreen launch experience. And it really acts is a part two of an interview I did a couple months back with Callan Faulkner. And on that initial interview, which if you haven't listened to it, I would strongly recommend listening to that after this particular interview. But that was the start of a conversation around what it was like to start scaling her done for you slash one to one offering. And some things that she really shifted in order to start to scale her offer and help more people. And so that gives some more context about the journey she's been on to reach this first 100k month with this offer. And she talks more about more of the things that she's implemented in working with me to really streamline her service without sacrificing the quality of her offer. And I really just want to offer that this is a reminder that growing and scaling your programs, products and services, it's an iterative process. And it's not going to be sort of this overnight thing where you nail it right out of the gate. And also, the more that you learn about your clients and what they need, and start to implement those things. And then you learn more, it's really just an evolution. I don't think this process ever, ever stops. I think about even Amy Porterfield, she's been selling the same things for over a decade, I think up to like, maybe 15 years even. And, yes, she's been so consistent in the type of offerings she brings to the market. But if you look and listen to the things, she's really shifted within the delivery of her products, you know, she's constantly transforming that experience, little shifts here and there to really make sure that it is what people are wanting. And also it's bringing them results. And so I just want to offer that, again, when you think about really scaling your impact and your income, just know that it's not sort of this one stop destination and colonists such a good example of this. And she's been on the journey of really starting to streamline this and look at the data and pay attention to what's working, what's not working and giving herself permission to adjust, tweak and move towards more of that ideal state for both her and her clients. So I'm excited for you to listen to this, you'll hear about some of the shifts she's made to have her first 100k month and some of the things to really pay attention to when you're starting to scale your offer, which means bringing more people in right without adding more one to one calls on your calendar. So this is a true scalable offer that's going to grow with you. So I hope you enjoy Callan Introduce yourself. Give us give us your amazing,

Callan Faulkner:

the lowdown. So I am I how do I explain my I graduated school and I immediately went to go work in kind of technology automation, CRM implementation. So for those of you that know, HubSpot, or Salesforce, I was doing that on a big scale with big fortune 5000 companies. I like anyone, you know, corporate, I was dragging and I had some saved up some money and I knew I wanted to get into real estate. So I got into land flipping land investing. I started a business about three years ago with my former financial adviser. So we own that business 5050. And then I brought all of my systems and automation energy into that business. And then there were other real estate investors. You know, most of the real estate investors are kind of 4050 year old men. You know, obviously they're there. Some of them are using paper for contracts, and they're kind of a little more antiquated in their systems. So it opened up kind of that sweet spot opportunity for me to start helping them get their systems in order. So it started with the classic one to one. My first client was Sunday mornings at nine am for an hour I charged him $1,000 For 10 sessions. And it was the worst decision I've ever made in my life to do Sunday than I am never do that. And worked our way all the way up to now we have a two Group offers and a mastermind. And yeah, hit our first six figure month in July 105,000 in revenue, which was absolutely wild and profit was 62,000. So I like to say that because, yeah, we had to spend money on people and things. And I built this new office out. So that was kind of hard to bear into the profits. But I'm great. I love it.

Kinsey Machos:

So much there and I want to unpack everything there. The one thing we do in our first inner first interview together, we talk a lot about that first season of coaching and consulting where it's kind of it's janky. You're just figuring it out doing Sunday morning calls. You know, for me, it was eight o'clock weeknight calls after the kids went to bed because I was working full time. And I do think yeah, like those decisions are like to ever do that. And also, it was just kind of like that stepping stone to the next level. I think it's the most janky that season of growth, I think is the most janky because you don't really know what you don't know. But I think there's so much glory to that too. There's this like naivety or, or what is it that sort of like you don't you you don't leave it like there's not a lot to worry about. So you're just like new thing. And I think that that's such an important piece. And I think a lot of people want to skip that. And so we talk a lot about that in the first part of that interview. So we won't go too much there. But I want to talk about first of all, the profitability piece is so huge. I think this is something that I realized I didn't know is that a lot of people have really flashy, top line numbers. And that's what you see on the surface, right? And yes, like marketing, it's really great marketing, you know, to demonstrate how much people are making if you are in the business space. But what I learned after kind of peeking behind the curtain of a lot of these high level leaders is that their profit margins were so tiny. So they had huge top line. But they were spending so much on ads so much on team and they had these like beastly machines. So when you think of 100k month, what it's what I love that you did this without any prompting, know that there's also expenses that come with that, which is normal. But 50, like you said, 62 Wait, so

Callan Faulkner:

on five, it's around a 60% profit margin increase. And

Kinsey Machos:

that's insane, right? That's really, really good. Um, you didn't spend money on ads, but like you said it was team. So I love that you shared that. So let's talk about first of all, when you kind of going back, you have streamline this signature offer in phases. And I think that this conversation is going to be helpful for you, if you are just getting started, just so you can see kind of what lays ahead. But it's also going to be helpful for for those of you that feel like a, you can't get out of the weeds with your clients. I think it's really, really normal to think like, Well, my clients need me to get results, right? Or it's like, why oh, wait, I need to be coaching them or I need to be doing I need to be doing one on ones for them to get results. I think there's also this conception that like if it's not access to me, it doesn't mean it's high quality or a title not worth the money that we're the same amount. Yeah, yeah. So we'll talk about that. And I And for those of you that have that belief or thought this will help really navigate that. And also, I think this is going to be so inspiring for people that want more simplicity and ease with less and like really seen that you can create big results. With very little right, I think there's a lot of push of like, you need more followers, you need more email subscribers, you need to do more ads, you need to have a bigger team. And what Collins demonstrated is that actually don't meet all those things. So we'll unpack all of that. But I think where this started, this conversation started when you had the realization about five or six months ago, or maybe it was longer. I don't know, I've lost sense of time. Oh, yeah, I would say six months is like the idea that actually your clients because you were doing one to one, but then you were like, what? You implemented the group. And then it was like, well, would people want that when people want to be on a group call? The first step, can you talk a little bit about that?

Callan Faulkner:

Yeah, so the original offer, I mean, the original offer was me, just doing it one to one, they would share their screen and I would tell them what to do. And I did that with probably 10 clients and that was last summer and I almost died. But I learned how to do it. Then I was like I can't do this. I don't wonder one way like I can I can do one one to one meeting maybe to One to One meetings but I need to get a group so then or I need to help so that it kind of shifted to Ashley, who is my right hand, she is my integrator. I had been training her probably for the last year and a half, she's kind of been like, shadowing me troubleshooting things. So she kind of knew, but she was really nervous to take those calls from me, she's like, I won't ever do it as well as you. I don't know, we talk Enneagram is on here. But for those of you that know, the personality test, Enneagram, she's a one. So she that means that her biggest fear is not doing something, right. So her inner child is always saying, You're never going to do it, you're never going to do it great, you're never going to do it good. So I needed to really lean into her and be like, it might be a total bust. Who cares? Who cares, and I'll maybe I'll be there in the background. So she started taking some meetings, which was just huge for her confidence. Seeing some success, of course needed to come to me, like, I don't know how to handle this, that's totally fine. I'll toss a loom video there way we don't need to get on a call. So that was a big hump. So she would start taking some of those one, two ones. But it wasn't really solving the problem of scale, we're still just solving it with more hours and more pencils. And I needed her to be doing more high level things, you know, not just doing the one on one coaching. So then we switched to a model where we did a one to one meeting with the client, and then they all came in for three group sessions. So we did a kickoff with the group, we did an integration call with the group and a follow up call with the group. And we were doing that every month. So three big group calls. And that was a huge win. For me. I was like, oh my god, I just need to do these three big calls once a month. And we're good. Okay, well, then that got old. Yeah, really quickly, teaching the same thing. You know, three, you know, it goes 90 minutes. And when we're coaching, you guys know, it's like you give everything. So if I have one of these coaching calls on my books, I am not doing anything creative that day, like that takes so much for me, like I need to protect myself more. So then now we switch thanks for the help of Kinsey we have we have a fully recorded Thinkific program. So that's all recorded videos very organized. Everything's super detailed every resource and guide they could ever need. They could honestly take that and be successful on their own. And their team could be successful. But then we include now we have office hours every other Thursday. So it's kind of a rolling enrollment. They come in, they start the course I have an email sequence from the day they start the course they get an email, they one, day three, day seven, day, 14 day, 30 day, 60 day, 90 days, they're in for six months. So it's very regimented. And then every other Thursday at noon, we have office hours, they come in, they get their questions answered. And if they need us, our program is $10,000. If they need us, just ask, we'll jump in, we'll jump on a quick call, we'll do a loom video. Whatever they need in this has allowed us to scale. Basically, beyond our wildest dreams, we know we can take as many people as we want.

Kinsey Machos:

Yes. So a couple of things there. I know people already thinking, first of all, can you just give like a quick summary of what you're off? Like what you're helping them do? Yes.

Callan Faulkner:

So this specific program, so land investors, this specific neath niche is very old school with their marketing, most people are sending mailers or sending letters to people that own land, saying, Hey, I'd love to buy your property. I have now introduced this program where I teach them start to finish mostly their team, how do we start texting people to see if they're interested in selling their property, it's quicker, it's faster, it's cheaper, we can get a faster response it within an hour, I can pull a list, get their phone numbers and start texting. The big things though is now we have to manage data. Now we have to track who responded and who didn't. And who should I send my letters to, I have to train the VA. So this whole program is like you don't have to worry about anything white glove, right your templates for you, we get your systems totally set up to work with the texting tools. So when you have a hot lead, it goes right into your CRM. I talked about this a lot with land investors, most of those guys on the calls and girls could do this on their own, it would just take them a year or two to really dial in their full strategy, or they can pay me and within three to six months they're fully dialed in rocking and rolling. So good.

Kinsey Machos:

Yes. And so I love that and it's super niche and I think that is something I think a reminder to because a lot of and I think we all have this resistance you know I think we've even had this conversation with you. You could do what you're doing for a larger first contractor Yeah, chiropractors and I think there's been that desire there we you know, going back and forth but like really staying niche and knowing that you have you can get more out of your current niche has served you so well. And I think this is just a reminder for those people that are resisting niching down the callin is like such a good example of what you can do with that smaller niche. So I love that. I love that. The other thing is that I think there's this So this idea that I need to decrease my price, if I add in if it's not one to one, or if I'm not doing it for them. And what you've done is you kept the quality of your service there, you wanted it to remain the same, right? As if you were doing it for them by adding in these other elements so that you could scale. And I think that's what, that's what you guys are hearing in this phased approach. And like what she's added to that, and I love that you really went from it's like, I'm going to do it for you, I'm going to do it with you to then really adding in this curriculum piece. And I think that that is really like that is the ticket to scalability. And it's not about just giving people curriculum and having them figure it out on your own. This isn't creating a course and selling it for, you know, $1,000 and saying figure it out on your own. No, there's a time and a place for that. But in this instance, if you want to maintain that high touch high service, high end, what Callan has done is added the curriculum and the sniff test is there is today take this curriculum and get results on their own is this crickley a curriculum that good and then right, you add in these other components to make sure they're getting the support they need? They do have kids, if they're having issues with their tech, or uploading the things that they need to they can still ask those questions and get that support. Is that correct?

Callan Faulkner:

100%. Yeah, full support via Slack channel, I probably will move it to a different community at some point like a circle, or member up just doesn't give as much as I need. But yeah, giving them a place to put a loom video, I say record loom video to them. If you have any issues, any problems, including your VAs, a lot of these guys use VAs from overseas. And if they have problems, it doesn't need to come through the land investor, every single person on their team can be involved in this course and will support everybody

Kinsey Machos:

so good. And so now the course has actually been given more leverage for your clients. Yeah, that I might pass that on. Right? He's literally for

Callan Faulkner:

it's almost for the VA, because the realistically the land investor isn't going to be pulling the list and importing it and responding to the, to the seller leads. So I have broken it down. Just like I've trained my Filipino VA, I am training in that course so that the land investor doesn't have to. Yeah, so good.

Kinsey Machos:

So I already know that people are thinking like, Oh, I could never sell something that's $10,000. So I can't make it to 100 a month. So even if you don't have a $10,000 program, that's fine. That's not really the message here. I think the core message is that you have maintained the quality of your program kept that high in price. And now you have the infrastructure to scale you. But I would love for you to talk about the mindset from because you did use to charge $1,000 for 10 sessions, to selling a 10k program. So what was the journey there? Like? What was that? How did you have to think about how did you have to think differently? Or what are some things that you considered in making that transition? Knowing that obviously, it was a journey?

Callan Faulkner:

It was the simplest thing client results? Ooh, so good. So

Kinsey Machos:

it was a feeling they're making

Callan Faulkner:

a million dollars and make it even $100,000? Oh, I just did 100k deal. Like, Well, shit, I shouldn't be charging 20% of your profit that you're making in the next six months. 10k is a steal? Yes, deal. If you're making 50k Over the next six, even 50k. That's like barely making it in this world. If you're making 50k Over the next six months, you invested 10k To make 50k you bring that to any financial investor on Wall Street. Hey, should I invest 10k To make 50? I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Well, that's not even a question. Not even a question. And then I tell them if they don't make 20,000 in their first 12 months, I give them their money back. I've never had anyone come to me for a refund. But that offer stands. Now I have expectations you have to send 5000 texts a month you have to have a follow up sequence you have to maintain your CRM you have to have a VA working for you doing the texting, I have expectations around that. But of course if someone came and it was like this didn't work and they were doing all those things I'd probably sit down with them and work through a solution but be of course you know that that offer stands so I feel really comfortable but don't get me wrong. I we talked about this all the time I still get a pit in my stomach and tight chest when I have to tell them it's 10k 10k Of course I sit here all competent like it yeah, of course it's 10k But that's not the reality when I'm on a sales call with somebody. I still get really nervous about it. But I just have to remember deep down the results the clients are

Kinsey Machos:

getting. Yeah, and you what you just listed of like they have this they have that these are the expectations. How did you come to that? How, like that sounds like client filters to me like you know exactly who is best for your program, for sure. And how did you get to that

Callan Faulkner:

by having no not the right people doing things? Yes. Are you kidding? I can live So right now the three people that I should have never allowed to come in the program. But of course, when someone's telling you, they'll pay you $10,000. I'm the salesperson, which is a problem. I need to have a salesperson that's vetting for. Yes, next. But of course, I'm a sales girl. I'm like, yeah, we can help you. Of course we can. But that's they're not right, They've only done two deals. So what happens when 100 leads come into their inbox, you think they're they have the cash to buy the land, you think they know how to vet a piece of property? How to Convert? No, they have no idea what to do. So all the things I'm doing are, they just they aren't there yet. So a I've had to be picky about who I bring into the program. And honestly, on the sales call, like, say, I don't know, if you're ready for this, which is a very attractive thing for a client on a sales call for you to put up boundaries. I'm not just gonna take anyone in this program, like I have, I have boundaries. Second is expectations of activity. I can teach you all of this. But if you don't pull your weight, this is for nothing. And honestly, even me, even you can see, we talk about this all the time. We're about to hire a freaking accountability coach for 1000s and 1000s. of dollars. Why? Because I want to be told what to do. And I want someone to watch me. And that is 99% of my clients are just like, are you going to be like watching my system? Hell yeah, we logging into your environment, looking at what you're doing, making sure you're on track holding you accountable. As entrepreneurs, we don't have managers, we don't have anyone telling us what to do each day, monitoring our task list, make sure we're getting things done. So that's another reason why they're paying the money. Because they know they want to see the results. And they know they're gonna need eyes.

Kinsey Machos:

That's so good. And I think it can be so I think in the earlier part, in the earlier seasons of you know, being a coach or consultant, you don't know yet who your perfect client is. And you do have to learn those lessons the hardest, so painful, it is so painful. But if you don't learn from that, which is what I see people do is they keep it accepting. I'm fit clients, because they need the money, it actually hurts them in the longer run, right? Because you're spending you're they're spending more time with those clients. They don't want to

Callan Faulkner:

talk negatively about the program because it did work.

Kinsey Machos:

Yes. So really, and I tell I say this all the time, like accepting an unfit client can be a really huge detriment to your business. And so really, a lot of a lot of women here, even through evergreen launch experience, have clarity on who their perfect client is. It's not that it's more of the discipline of saying no to the person that isn't when they're literally ready to give you money. And that really is that when you think of like next level of growth, it's the discipline is saying no, because there's going to be lots of opportunities. You've had so many your clients are asking you literally telling you to create these other programs and products because they want this from you. And this there's so much opportunity. It's not about not having enough of it. It's actually about narrowing the discipline and the focus. Yeah. What does that been like for you? Oh, my God, this is this offer Callen has been your thing, like four years, how many years now? Two years? Yes. So you and you have been just, like, relentless with mastering it, perfecting it. And like, yes, it's probably your we get bored by it. And you've been, you know, you've you've you've been, you've been tempted to like, create other offers. But you've been so discipline in that. Tell, tell us about that.

Callan Faulkner:

I mean, part of it is I just I know how much it took for me to be so good at this. I'm like, Oh my God. You know, it's just it is a lot looking at this new thing. But I knew there was more juice to squeeze out of this, like I knew deep down. Yes, I'm teaching the same thing over and over again. But I am creating clients for life. With this program. They go through this program, anything in the future I put out I know they're gonna buy it because they trust me implicitly. I put my heart and soul into this Ashley's put her heart and soul into this. We will go above and beyond to make sure people are successful. So I know when I'm ready to turn that thing on, which I did turn on the ringless voicemail course, which is just another type of lead gen. Yeah, that a lot of my past launch control clients came in and I mean, I've told Ashley this a lot. I would rather have 200 clients that pay me $10,000 A year than 2000 clients that pay me $1,000 a year. Yeah, yes. Because I have 800 people in my CRM. Yeah. And I'll do 750,000 in revenue minimum this year. That's so

Kinsey Machos:

good. And you have an also you have I think, like less than I because I know that like followers and email subscribers are like all the rage right can give less than 1000 followers on Instagram. Um Oh yeah,

Callan Faulkner:

I barely I mean Yeah.

Kinsey Machos:

High School. Yeah. So you you've been a master at your trade you've been perfecting this one signature offer making it so good that people get results. And also now they're telling their friends let's talk about the marketing piece because this was something to that was a little bit of a sticking point for you. It was like you had the leads trickling in, but really wanted something a little bit more consistent for you or reliable and so this is when you started to implement the masterclass process. Can you talk about how people were hearing from you before how you're getting your clients your leads then and what that first masterclass was like, my

Callan Faulkner:

god lovers masterclass. I mean, going from not doing any marketing, I was getting all my leads from being featured on real estate investing podcasts. There's one major one called Ari tipster, Seth Williams, he's amazing. He featured me, just, I mean, just getting my name out there. That was an instant credibility for all these folks. So on that podcast, I said, I'm willing to anyone that wants to talk to me go to my website, and I'll give you 20 minutes of my time, 20 minute discovery meeting. I had so many meetings and you know, of course, someone be like, Oh my god, I can't believe you wasted all that time. But because it's me doing that consulting call, I was able to build so much trust with all these people. So they got into my marketing drips after that. I didn't want to rely on other people's audiences. So I came to Kinsey, I'm like, What do I do? So we talked about doing a I can't remember my first one was, I think it was the ringless voicemail mastering first one. Yeah. And creating basically, you know, webinar masterclass, however, you want to call it where I deliver value and bring the heat bring great information I had. So we built this sequence. So it's kind of you kind of have to build the sequence around marketing it. So why do people want to come getting people to RSVP on my CRM side, I'm using keep for all this marketing for the landing pages. I'm Megan asked the question in the chat. For the Text system I'm using for real estate investors. It's called Launch Control. But for most of you guys, I think like a keep or there's, there's, you know, even text add ons for ConvertKit, and things like that, that you could use for texting. So we started working on kind of the sequence of just getting people to come. So having people RSVP, and then my big thing was leading up to the event, they were getting emails and texts, reminding them of the event and little value add. So hey, if you come at the very end, I'm gonna give you XYZ thing, making sure they came. I had a I think it was a 72% show rate of the people that RSVP to actually showing up because of all those reminders five minutes before they got a text and an email with the link encouraging them to turn their video on all the things. So we had the masterclass. It was great. I think I had about 80 people there. And out of that, I had seven signups for my ringless voicemail course, which is basically a curriculum with six weeks of Live Office Hours, about 4500 bucks apiece. And then from there, we started doing a launch control masterclass, my first one was an absolute, it was fine. I had a lot of people there. I just the flow was not right. I didn't know exactly what the agenda should be. So now we're doing another one in October, where I'm redoing my flow more to like a VSL

Kinsey Machos:

flow. And yeah, even better, I love it. That's the thing is I think Callan, you're so awesome. This, like, this is what I find in my best clients too, is you just do it, you just like it's never no matter how much I could prepare anybody, the first, second, even third times are just gonna feel janky it's doing something different. You're you're doing, you're just like multitasking, you're doing all these, you know, so but you just do it. And this is what you do after even like, all the little tweaks, even in adjusting the program and like the scalability around it, you're just so willing, you're just like, I don't know, if this like this, I don't know, this feels a little scary, but I'm going to try it and just do it and you learn from that. And that's really interesting that

Callan Faulkner:

you're feeling around it like originally, we pulled out the template writing, like the actual text templates, and we typically write about 20 templates custom for them and get all their templates in there. We pulled it out of the offer. And I came back we were talking with Ashley one of our values is it's me, Ashley and Maddie. And we want to bring a very feminine nurturing kind of a motherly energy to our clients because a lot of this real estate investors got a hard core and like very, you know, bro energy, which is great sometimes, but in this world, I just want to hold their hand and that template piece is holding their hand and I realized that I don't want to pull that out. I don't know what it's going to take. I gotta make the offer more expensive, I don't know. But we need that pay is just like a really a core value for us. But I didn't know how I would feel until we pulled it and realize that we're kind of leaving them hanging their own templates. And I would rather have a more expensive offer than an offer that doesn't fully give the white glove experience. Because yeah,

Kinsey Machos:

so you've been, it's just like testing and like really watching. And what I love most about you guys is that you're Yes, like you are very driven about the success of your company and where you're going. But you're also very driven by the results of your clients. And everything you do is with that thought, Okay, how do I scale my income and impact while also protecting right the quality of the services that I provide, and I and again, you're such a good example, like you can have both, you can have what you want, and your clients can have what they want. And it can be a really beautiful match. Can you and I want to circle back to about something you said, when I asked about? How do you justify how did you move into selling something that's 10k. And obviously the example of the results you provide for people. And I already know what some people are thinking is like, well, I don't have an art, like I can't give a money ROI. I'm not a business. I don't offer something that's in the business or money making space. And most of our clients actually don't it's either you know, health, we have a lot of health coaches, life coaches, relationship coaches, can you talk a little bit about that, because I you are, I think also what I love about you is you embody, the way that you purchase and how you place a value on things is also very in line with how you price and package and position your offers. When you have like so give, I would love for you to share an example of like some things that you you invest in, like, what do you spend top dollar for? Because I know you don't? It's not just, you know, making money? Yeah. What do you like? What do you spend top dollar for?

Callan Faulkner:

Yeah, well, we just spent, I don't know, how

Kinsey Machos:

much was it all in the go to LA for our master for our master? Like 6k? For knowledge? Knowledge? Yes. And also your you spend so much money, you invest in your health?

Callan Faulkner:

Oh, yeah, we can talk about that. I am a I don't know if you guys are familiar with Peter, a TIA E T, Peter. And then a T is a TT IA if you're not familiar with him, just look him up on YouTube. He's just really changed my outlook on the importance of health and the importance of maintaining muscle mass as we age and working as hard as we can right now, to not just live a long time. It's not just longevity. It's about health span, I want to be 80 years old, golfing, playing tennis, working out, running around with my grandkids. And that is so important to me. Also, I want to feel great, because I want to come and I want to deliver a message like this and feel 100% I don't want brain fog. I don't want to feel crappy, like I just don't want I don't want to. And yes, I know, I will every once in a while. And that's normal. And if I can mitigate against that, that's giving me more efficiency that's giving me more productivity, which is, you know, I guess you could say is not necessarily going to lead to more money. I think it will for me, but it's just going to live lead to more happiness and more joyful moments. So everything from Yeah, I spent $5,000 On a cold plunge. Yes. I agree to say that increases dopamine by 250%. If I told you that I would give you a pill that increases dopamine by 20 50%. Would you pay $5,000 for it and you just got a whole lifetime amount of those pills. You would do it in Ohio. Yes, being cold is very uncomfortable. I don't like it. I never want to do it. But I like the way that I feel and I'm addicted to the way that I feel and it's worth $5,000 I pay for strength training. I pay for my gym, I pay for a red light machine because that improves mitochondria, which is the powerhouse of the cells which increases your energy level

Kinsey Machos:

is that we'll look into Callen's other

Callan Faulkner:

webinars for that I'll probably be buying a T EMF mat for grounding to mimic being outside in the winter. I have no problem spending money on that. Because how long are we on this earth? I'm 32 Okay, I'm being lucky to live a next 60 years. That's not a long time. When I'm those next six years. I want to feel great not gonna feel great every day. But hopefully 95% of my days. I'm feeling amazing.

Kinsey Machos:

Yes. And so it's just I just want to like reiterate the fact that even if you're not in the money making space, there are people paying for things to better their life. And this is the importance of really dialing in that premium client of yours. And if I hear lot well like I could, I could never charge that because I can't give an ROI. Well, you're looking at the wrong ROI like cow Can you demonstrate the ROI right in the health and the life and the relationships of your premium client. And again, Kalin is a great example of somebody who invest not just in things that make her money, but things that make her feel good in her body, in her health in the longevity of her life, your relationships, like this is so important and when you anchor to that and you're convicted in that, hi know that I can help somebody feel better and it's worth way more than 10,000 or way more than 5000 people feel that from you, and they're convicted to about it and that's when they start investing so I'm so glad we went on that little tangent because they already know people have that objection of like, Why can't charge premium price because I'm not in the money making space but I'm telling you there are people spending so much money on everything else from you know, travel to relationships to the things they put in their body to cool pictures like yeah, and beyond experiences.

Callan Faulkner:

Think about like if a client's having a hard time too it's like what would you pay? If you were woke up where if you were waking up every day not feeling well? If you did not have vitality didn't have energy? Maybe your relationship is suffering your marriage is suffering because you aren't you don't have that energy level that you used to what would you pay to get out of that? Yeah, if you're in that there's not really even a price what is you know that's that's priceless it's just it's hard when you know someone's when someone's in that type of pain bringing that idea of like hey I can I can improve your mental well being your physical well being like you have to trust me and there's gonna be work to be done. It's not even about price at that point. Yeah,

Kinsey Machos:

no, so good. Okay, so let's that was a little tangent, but that was so important. Also, I want to circle back to your the last masterclass you did so you had noted and if you guys have questions what we can wrap up you can pop your questions below if you have anything to ask Kalin while we have her amazing brain on with us. One of the things you said the second masterclass you did was super janky you're gonna do it again. But I loved what happened just about a month or no. a day ago a month ago I don't know it all feels the same. When so you had the you did the masterclass live but I think what happened is you sent out the replay and then somebody like watch the replay and joined without or enrolled with oh my god, let's call

Callan Faulkner:

you guys. This was life changing. So Kinsey and I spent a weekend together in LA about three weeks ago. And Kinsey was really explaining this evergreen mentality evergreen philosophy. I've never even heard of that like evergreen Christmas trees. That is all I know about evergreen this trend the little tree that goes in the car air freshener that I hate. So this idea at least that people will buy something from you without ever having a sales call is completely foreign to me because I have been in sales my whole life. So she started explaining like hey you know you dial in this masterclass you get this masterclass behind usually a form right they give me their first name their last name they download something or they I give them something and then they get to watch the masterclass that's that's their reward. Okay, they watch the masterclass they learn all about the program why I'm great why our clients have seen so much success all the things and then they can they can just buy it without meeting with me. I'm like, that seems unbelievably not possible. Well, the last night of our trip to LA after talking about all this and learning about it and setting talking about how this is possible. I had my first one ever Tom shout out to you Tom changed my life. Love you Tom. I'm in bed and I look at my email and it's like Tom go Tom. Tom just paid you $10,000 I've never met him my life don't know who he is. He I sent him the replay he watched the masterclass he did a bunch of research I have two testimonial videos on my landing page. He watched both of those and then he just bought it I'm like oh what God so good. And once you feel it you're like holy crap like this is what it's all about. Like I could have all this amazing content recorded, capturing people's information giving them this amazing training it to in the morning, whatever, I don't care what time it is you whatever you want doesn't have to be me live coaching it. That was a huge game changer. And I'm not expecting people to not want to meet but maybe it's a 1015 minute call versus an hour long call where I'm explaining everything to them so exhausting. It's more of a What questions do you have? Or maybe it's a loom video that I could respond with?

Kinsey Machos:

Yes. Unbelievable. Yes. And that because this one has been big for you is just like Gabby Ain't oh yes ally will include the her socials in the chat. Because you really desire to have more of that creative space. Also just space to like, do fun things like sauna and cold plunge. And the sales calls were the next thing to evaluate because it was, you know, first all the one one calls and like all the consulting and things like that, and then starting to look at how do I get more of that a reliability and predictability in leads and clients also not do so many sales calls. And so that's the I think what happened for you is just having those assets in place that were converting, but you had to do it live first. And also noting that you have done your fair share of sales calls. So you know, your person want you know, who you don't want. And that is reflected in those assets you created in the in the masterclass you run in the in the promo sequences you run, like that's reflected there. And I think that has served you well, because Tom probably felt like you were talking right to him. And he was like, this is exactly what I need. And he didn't need to get on the phone with you. It was like, why, and which is great. Some people don't, they're like, I know, I want this, they just are ready to pay. So why make them wait. And I think that's what that demonstrated for you. And I'm so glad that happened. Because I think it is harder to believe, especially for even a $10,000 offer, like, well, what like that can't happen. And

Callan Faulkner:

I do think you kind of just said it, there's not really a shortcut to this. Just start a consulting company and immediately turn an evergreen for this. You really do need at least five clients where, yeah, it sucks. It's a Friday afternoon and you're meeting with your client at three o'clock and your kids are outside playing and you can see him through the window. You have to do that in the beginning or else you don't know what the masterclass should even say. Yeah, so exactly what this masterclass should say, I don't know what it should say, for my new offers. Because I have to keep going with meeting with people and figure out what worked and get their, you know, opinions and surveys back on what you like, what you like, What didn't you like, what was missing? But now that I've gotten to this point, I am really excited. Oh, good. Potential.

Kinsey Machos:

Oh my gosh, okay, we're gonna wrap up just in real quickly give us like, What is the vision you have for your business?

Callan Faulkner:

What's next for you, I want to help my clients beyond just lead generation, that's what I have been doing, I want to further the journey of helping them with their mindset. And you can already probably tell how passionate I am about optimizing your health and your schedules and time management, and just your mental well being. Cuz if you're not healthy and fully available mentally, what does it matter if I generate 100 leads for your business starts with the foundation. So I'm doing a little bit more foundational coaching and then lead nurturing kind of bleeding more into setting your systems up? Right, cool, we got to lead. Now how do we nurture them for five years, so that when they want to sell their land three years from now, we are still in their network? So kind of expanding my, my horizon a little bit on the deliverables. And like I said, you know, getting those 200 people that want to pay 10k a year to be in and around my circle. That's that $2 million business. So we're all right, we're on our way. So good.

Kinsey Machos:

Callan, you're amazing. Thank you so much for being amazing. This was such a fun combo. And I think there's so many things that people can glean from this from, you know, the consistency and relentless focus that you put into your signature offer the phases, right, I think it's really hard, it's really easy to get in the mindset of like, well, everything has to be perfect right now, which can also stall people and delay people. So the phases of how you really started to scale this, how you've allowed yourself to cut back on some of that time. And also what's possible when you have these assets in place that are nurturing and warming your people up and also giving people what they need when they're ready to buy.

Callan Faulkner:

And one more thing that I wasn't expecting that you have helped me through is my team was not happy. Yeah, plus, lots of resistance, lots of resistance. A lot of the fear that I had they had to who's going to pay $10,000 to meet with us who's going to pay $10,000 to get supported by us, they paid $10,000 Because they're supported by you, all these false narratives, these limiting beliefs that we had, they had even stronger because they were so scared. And it took a lot it took it. It was really difficult. There was so many very stressful strenuous moments. So just be aware that if you have a team and you're changing this fully around, they will put resistance because integrators especially are scared to change they in they're also very tired. We put so much work around this offer. It's very emotional for them to like rip and offer fully apart. So just be really cognizant us visionaries coming in like ripping things apart, and having these ideas about efficiency are very jarring for our team. So we took it really slowly. I was very patient, you know, didn't happen all right away. And I didn't expect it. But honestly, it's no, that's the part of their personality that is hard for me. But it is the reason why they're in their seats. Yes.

Kinsey Machos:

So good. Russell Brunson talks about a client of his Pedro, IDEO, who he's the challenge guy. And Russell had made a recommendation in his business model to add continuity, but his team wouldn't do it. And so Pedro paid for Russell to come and convince his team that this was the best way. So that's what

Callan Faulkner:

I did with you. UK and you're like, look, look ladies. So good. Kinsey's experts? Tell us what to do. Yes. You so much

Callan Faulkner:

safer than party.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah, yeah. And that's the the team's job is they're looking out for the customer. And again, it's that change management, it can be really hard and I've spent over a decade in change management so I get it but thank you for putting that in there. I think that's really important. And also such a good sign that you have a good team that they're they are creating a little bit resistance for you so Kalin, you're such a beautiful human, thank you so much for being here. I there's again, so many things from this conversation. Very, very potent. So I love you so much. Thank you for being here.

Callan Faulkner:

Thanks for having me. See you guys. Bye. Hey, you,

Kinsey Machos:

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