Oct. 18, 2022

How To Run A Business Like A Woman (And Not Like A Man)

How To Run A Business Like A Woman (And Not Like A Man)

What if being a woman is your superpower as a business owner? What if you leaned way into your unique body, your unique mind, and your unique lifestyle -- as a woman -- and gave yourself permission to have it all (without having to sacrifice anything that’s important to you). 

It’s time to reject the hustle culture and build a business that allows you to have space for all of your desires. 

Do not miss this highlights:

01:52 Running a business as a woman, being a mom, and not running a business like a man. 

02:13 Femininity and masculinity, the hustle and flow, things that we hear in the industry. 

02:32 A great marketing and messaging is a telling a story in a way that your audience can see themselves in that story. 

02:42 The idea of running a business as a woman. Like the feminine flow or alignment.

03:03 It's really important to understand the advice you’re following. It may not align with your lifestyle, or your personality, or the way that your body is literally built. 

04:19 When we need time to recognize balancing the duty as a mother, as a wife, and as an entrepreneur, this is a lot. 

04:51 There are going to be seasons when you feel like you're not doing any of it very well.

05:20 I think that there's a lot to speak about, you can't have both, you can't have all of it. But that I believe is a lie. 

05:33 Now, there are, of course, times where you will have to make short term sacrifices for long term gratification. 

06:09 Hold a space for the vision that you can have at all. And this is really what we want for women, especially those that have big dreams in their heart. 

06:21 But there are always constant bumps and barriers along the way.

06:38 In the past, I noticed that a belief will trickle in from time to time, that success doesn't happen to people like me.   

07:07 Think about running a business as a woman, really honoring all elements of your life, and making sure that you're building in the time and the space to create that. 

07:23 Work harder to be successful, that is, I believe, a very masculine belief.  

07:30 There are some cases where if you just work harder, you'll be successful. But that is not going to create longevity. 

08:00 What are you living for? What is the life you want to create? It is not alive, being chained to your desk.

08:57 Why did I leave something not give me no time to trade it for something that also gives me no time?

09:12 If we have simple strategies, we can allow ourselves to create simple results that are also big results.

10:00 So really balancing out and ultimately, you have a responsibility to really break the belief that hard work equals success.

10:59 There's a difference between that masculine and feminine energy in really allowing more flow into your life and releasing this idea of hard work equals success.

11:10 The other idea here that I really want to introduce is having better thoughts about you. 

11:35 If you don't feel like you even have confidence in your offer, what's going to happen is you're going to overcompensate for that thought, by working harder.  

12:11 Women spend so much time worrying about other people's thoughts and feelings and carrying that around.

12:30 But if we can learn how to navigate our thoughts better about ourselves. 

12:43 Operating out of facts and not emotions, this is as a woman's emotions can serve you so well. 

13:18 Men tend to operate more from logic than women. 

14:00 That logical part of you needs to really start to awaken to insert a little bit more about masculinity into the business. 

14:36 When you add these elements you are now starting to feel a little bit more of that alignment. 

15:02 In running a business as a woman, are you taking care of your mind, of your body, of your spirit so that you are optimally well? 

15:50 Remember you are not your business, and your business is not you.

15:59 You have to really create that time and space to care for yourself, even when you have a bazillion other things to take care of. 

16:47 At the end of the day the key difference is, you have to prioritize yourself in your needs as a woman.

17:09 At times you're trying to sit down and focus but then you feel cluttered. 

17:32 We tend to like spirals a little bit. So this goes along again with infrastructure.

17:38 Are you creating infrastructure in your life to support all realms and layers of you and your family, and your business?

18:00 Making sure you have infrastructure, the right tools, and the resources to help you. 

18:43 Ultimately being aware of the fact that your body is different, even about women's cycles. 

19:04 Building some sort of routine that can also support your feminine body is going to be so important. You are not a man, you are a woman and you are built differently. 

19:37 You need to have a very simple business model that aligns with your revenue goals and can help you really stay focused and serve your clients at your highest level. 20:05 It's important to listen and honor those very unique needs, and give yourself space to take care of those elements of you. 

20:41 Through this discovery process, it's the little things. Also honoring the fact that my mentor is a man and his sprint seasons look very different from my sprint seasons. 

21:08 If you want it all, you just have to give yourself that space to figure out what that looks like for you. 

21:25 Yes you can. I believe in you. We have clients all over the world that are doing it as proof that you can too.

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen and heard online.

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women — because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that.

As a wife and a mom of three, family takes priority. And having a business that’s run AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers.


Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos 

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Kinsey Machos:

Welcome to captivate and close. I'm Kinsey Machos, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high paying clients using my break online marketing strategies, all without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait, or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in. Hi, Leo, welcome back to another episode of captivate and close. So good to be here with you. Today, it is such a beautiful Friday at the time of this recording, we're just having the most amazing weather this month, it's not usual that we're in eighty degree weather, you know, mid October, or I guess at the time of this recording, second, first week of October, I don't even know what day it is. But we are actually tomorrow, we're going to Arizona where it's really warm. And we're going to celebrate my daughter's Tenth birthday. We started this tradition with our oldest when he turned ten. And basically gave them the option to pick a trip. And it's just them. So it'll be some really good one on one time, this is something that we realized early on that we would really have to be more intentional about creating that one on one time with three kids. It is no joke. Sometimes they feel like, you know, you can get lost in the shuffle when you've got a whole crew. So I am so excited about that. But what I want to talk to you about is similar to that, that feeling of running a business as a woman, being a mom, and not running a business like a man, this has been really, really heavy on my heart. And over the year even we've been talking a little bit more about this because you know, you'll hear things in the industry about you know, your, your femininity, and you hear things about masculinity and Hustle and Flow and all the things. And I think sometimes it can lose its meaning we don't when we don't really apply it to our specific scenarios. And basically, when you think of really great marketing and messaging, that's what it is, right? It's telling a story in a way that your person, your audience can see themselves in that story. And this is how I want to present this idea of running a business as a woman. And what that might look like and call it whatever you want to call it. Right kind of like the feminine flow or alignment. You know, again, there's a lot of buzzwords out there today, but really removing the labels and talking about the differences because there are some and I think it's really important to understand what that is because you will find yourself following advice that may not align with your lifestyle or your personality or the way that your body is literally built. Okay. So when we think of building a business as a woman, first of all, understanding that as a woman, right, most likely, you are also a mom. And obviously in in my case, you know, we attract mostly moms anyway. But this is some this is one of the biggest elements. When you think of a woman who is running a business who has kids, it's a very different dynamic than a man. And I don't really want to, like use this, use this content to like, say mean things about men, because that is not what what this is for. And in fact, my husband is. So he probably does more than these things. I'm like, Man, you are so organized, you are so on it. But that is not the purpose of this message. The purpose is really making sure that you are staying in tune with your body, your desires, your needs, and how you want to show up in your life versus building a business that does not align with that. And so when we think of the duality of motherhood and marriage and entrepreneurship, there is a lot there. And if you haven't taken the time to recognize that, if you're balancing all those things, that's a lot.

Kinsey Machos:

Motherhood alone is a lot right? Then you layer in marriage, that's more than you layer in business ownership of that's even more and I think given the permission to give yourself grace around the fact that there are going to be seasons when you feel like you're not doing any of it very well. There are going to be seasons when you're totally crushing it in one maybe Another maybe all three. But the truth is, it is important to understand what that might look and feel like in your day to day and running a business that is designed for a woman who wants to also be present for her kids who also wants to show up fully in her marriage and also wants to build incredible wealth in her business, I think that there's a lot of speak about, you can't have both, you can't have all of it. But that I believe is a lie. And I want to talk about that here in a minute. But this sentiment of sacrifice. Now, there are of course, times where you will have to make short term sacrifices for long term gratification. But what I'm talking about here is feeling like you have to sacrifice time with your family in order to build a wildly successful business. Or you have to sacrifice your dream of having a wildly thriving profitable business, because you are a mom, or because you want to be fully present with your family, and really holding space for the vision that you can have at all. And this is really what we want for women, this is what we want for you, and especially those that have big dreams on their heart, but constantly are bumping up against barriers, whether that's perhaps a spouse that doesn't support you, perhaps it's time, right, we're all running against time, perhaps it's lack of confidence, perhaps it's really the idea that like, you know, success doesn't happen to people like me, this is something that I used to believe in like, really, really strongly. And I noticed that that belief will trickle in from time to time. But when you think about the things that you want, right, you get to create them in the way that you want to. And so when we think about running a business, as a woman, really honoring all elements of your life, and making sure that you're building in the time and the space to create that. So what might this look like? Well, first of all, this idea that you have to work harder to be successful, that is, I believe, a very masculine belief. Now, yeah, there are some cases where if you just work harder, you'll be successful, but that is not going to create longevity. And in regards to being a mom, being a wife, being a woman, right, who may not be able to hustle and grind, it will burn you out fast.

Kinsey Machos:

And it could come at the sacrifice of again, the time with your family and the time with your husband, the time with your friends, right? What are we living for? Right? What is the life you want to create, it is not alive, being chained to your desk. I think about this all the time, because I left corporate because it was the hustle and grind. It was the culture of you know, hard work equals success. The people that were there, the latest wore the badge of honor. They were the ones that got the promotions, they were the ones that were noticed. And so it quickly build the culture around if you don't stay late. If you don't come in first thing in the morning, if you don't skip out on your, you know, kids soccer game for a really important meeting, you will not be successful. And so when we think about walking outside of that, so a lot of you I know are like me who come from that background, or you're leaving a job or you left a job and you find yourself in entrepreneurship. And yet, you might be feeling like it's similar, like, Well, why did I leave something not give me no time, you know, to trade it for something that also gives me no time. And it's this feeling of working harder. And a lot of that's really just beliefs. And of course strategy, right? Because if we have simple strategies, we can allow ourselves to create simple results that are also big results. But we kind of get in that trap of the hustle and grind of entrepreneurship. You see memes all the time or little images floating around quote cards that are like, you know, work hard, play hard hustle and grind. Like it's kind of cool. Now. In my instance, there are again going to be seasons for you, especially if you're growing to multi six figure seven figures. There will be seasons for you that you will be working longer than maybe other seasons. And I think giving yourself permission that that's okay. What happens if you carry judgment or shame? Or you're trying to outpace your own crappy beliefs, that's when we start to burn out. And so really balancing that out But ultimately, you have a responsibility to really break the belief that probably is living within you, at least subconsciously, that hard work equals success. And when you think about a more masculine way of building yod is more about like hustle and grind. And, you know, I, I'm, like, gripping my hand right now, right? Because you're, I imagine you like, gripping a steering wheel so hard, right? You're just like white knuckling in for a woman who also needs to take breaks to go run to the school, to drop off the lunch that your child forgot, or to make sure you have time to run errands for birthday shenanigans or to take breaks and exercise and walk and feel into your heart and your mind and give yourself that space to just be right. This is like the flow, you cannot operate from a white knuckle perspective. And so there's a difference here between that masculine and feminine energy in really allowing more flow into your life and releasing this idea of hard work equals success. The other idea here that I really want to introduce is having better thoughts about you. You know, I think that we all as humans struggle with doubts and insecurities, and, you know, confidence and impostor syndrome, and all the things right, which are ultimately going to be the culprit to working harder, right? If you don't believe that you can get results simply or that you have confidence. If you don't feel like you even have confidence in your offer, right? What's going to happen is you're going to overcompensate for that thought, by working harder. But ultimately, I think this is where I see a difference even between my husband and I, right. And when we it's kind of like I watch him, he just does what he does, right? Of course, there's things that pop up maybe a little bit more quietly for him, but it's just like, you just do what you do. She's like,

Kinsey Machos:

I'm good at it. This is what we do, right? But I think for women, we just carry so much of that empathy, and we, we feel into other's emotions. And we spend so much time, right worrying about other people's thoughts and feelings and carrying that around. If you're like me, right, I have this, this way of just carrying other people's emotions with me. So I have to constantly navigate that. But if we can learn how to navigate our thoughts better about ourselves, about other people about our offers about our businesses, this is when we can get more into that flow, because then we are operating out of facts, and not emotions. And this is as a woman, emotions can serve you so well. The EQ for women in leadership, and even when you think of yourself as a coach, and that coach client partnership, what you what you create is literally insane. And a lot of that is that the emotion and the intuition. But that can be a danger zone when you're running a business. And this is where men, right? They tend to operate more from logic, right? And women tend to operate more again, I'm making a lot of generalizations I'm to be safe here, I'll definitely just compare my husband and I right. But as a woman, I think I have to work harder to build in that logic, and to really have the thought better thoughts that are from truth. And sometimes that means creating the truth that you want, right? It's irrelevant whether other people think your offer is great. Do you want the truth to be that your offer is great, but when it comes down to facts, and and, and math and numbers, right, that logical part of you needs to really start to awaken to insert a little bit more about masculinity into the business. And so this is something that is super helpful when you can really navigate the thoughts and the emotions and then we pair that with more of the, the logical side of us that it's there, right? It just needs to be awakened, we can have this really beautiful blend of balance. Not that balance is super, you know, something that I believe exists. But I think of a balanced scale, right? When you add these elements you at you are now starting to feel a little bit more of that alignment. But the truth is, you have a lot of emotions, and are you giving yourself space to navigate those emotions? Are you giving yourself space as a woman to work through those thoughts and emotions. And so when you think of running a business as a woman Right, are you taking care of your mind, of your body of your spirit so that you are optimally? Well, I think we, as women tend to, again, have juggle all the plates, right. And so it's like, especially if you're an entrepreneur, who's also managing, you know, schedules of kids and carpooling and teachers, and grocery shopping and all the things, what happens is we get to, we get busy doing the doing, and we forget to be the bee. And a lot of the bean means really, really nurturing the vessel. So when you have more on your plate, right, what happens is, you fall to the bottom of that you as the vessel, remember, you are not your business, and your business is not you. But if you don't take care of your mind, body and spirit, you will have no vessel for business. And so you have to really, really create that time and space to care for yourself, even when you have a bazillion other things to take care of. And I think as a woman we have to be or as women, we have to be more intentional in this department. So what does that look like for you is that exercising more is that nourishing your body with foods that make you feel good is that journaling is that Bible study is that more intimate, you know, friendships is that taking time to you know, get massages, or go shopping or whatever it is that we tend to kind of just like poopoo to the side because kids need to be taken care of husband needs to take care of the business needs to run, you know, but at the end of the day, you have to prioritize yourself in this as a woman, right? This is a really, really key difference.

Kinsey Machos:

The other thing is that I think as you do, you know, along the lines of carrying all the things juggling all the plates. You can feel cluttered, can feel really cluttered. And it's sort of like you're trying to sit down and focus and you know, write content or write your next master class or whatever that looks like. And yet you have these reminders keep popping up into your head, right? Oh, shoot, I gotta sign up for dance. Oh, my goodness, I have to I can't remember or I can't forget to the state night tonight. And we tend to like spiral a little bit. So this goes along again, with infrastructure. Are you creating infrastructure in your life to support all realms and layers of you and your family and your business? I think that, you know, again, it goes back to that intentionality, it doesn't feel as clean cut, right? It's not like I go, I start work at night, and I end it three, right? There's all these different nuances within you because of the different hats you wear. And so really making sure you have infrastructure to support you, right help to support you, and the tools and the resources to allow you to really have a full picture of what's going on and move through the day feeling like you're in a rhythm, even though you have a bazillion things going around you. Like I totally get that feeling. Right. It's just like you, you're feeling like you're being pulled in several different directions. And you are writing this way, as a woman, we have to create different infrastructures, different rhythms, different routines to really support us. And I think ultimately, really just being aware of the fact that your body is different, I think about even our cycles, right? If you don't already know that your cycle impacts your creativity, how you feel right, your doubts, your insecurities, right? This is a huge, huge opportunity for you to really dial that in came. building some sort of routine that can also support your feminine body is going to be so important. You are not a man, you are a woman you are built differently. And this is why we are such huge supporters of a very, very simple business model. Because you don't have time to screw around. You don't have time to go out and build a bunch of funnels, and a bunch of courses are low tech, like whatever that looks like. It's I just want you to have a very simple business model that aligns with your revenue goals that can help you really stay focused serve your clients at your highest level and also build wealth. Wow. Being an amazing mom and wife you can have it all requires that focus, the intentionality right the discipline but most people horridly the awareness that your body, your mind, your spirit has very unique needs. And it's important to listen to those, it's important to honor those and give yourself space to care for it to care for those elements of you. Right? Otherwise, like I said, there's just gonna be no opportunity for business at all. I feel like I could jam out on this for so long, because there's so many layers within this. And perhaps we do a little bit more on this topic. But this is I think one of the biggest challenges I've come across over the years is really how do I do it all. And through this discovery process, it is it's the little things, and then also honoring the fact you know, my, my mentor is a man. And his sprint seasons look very different than my sprint seasons. And the fact is, right, I can't leave my family, right, from seven to seven, I don't desire to, and it's just, again, a little bit different. And that's okay. The point here is, you can't have it all. If you want it all, you just have to give yourself that space to figure out what that looks like for you. And I just want to encourage you, again, if you have those big hearts on your or you have those big dreams on your heart, right, but that doubt around, can I do it all? Can I juggle it all? And yes, you can. I believe in you. We have clients all over the world that are doing it is proof that you can too. So I hope this message really, really hit you where it needed to in the heart and the mind. And I will see you next week.

Kinsey Machos:

Hey, you, thank you so much for listening. It's an honor to be able to pour into the hearts and minds of like minded entrepreneurs all over the world. But my most favorite part is being able to connect with you in real life. If you love what you heard here, head over to the community where thousands of female CEOs, just like you are changing the world one human at a time. We go deeper into the topics we discuss here and give away tangible roadmaps to help you crush your revenue goals. To join this high caliber free community head over to https://kinseymachos.com/community. I'll see you there