How to Prepare for Your One-to-Many Offer Before You Feel Ready

Ever wonder why your one-to-one client work feels overwhelming? It might be time to prepare for a scalable offer. Many coaches and consultants rush into launching without proper prep work, making the process much more challenging.
In this episode, I’ll share insights on how to effectively prepare for your scalable offer, ensuring a successful launch and continued sustainable growth. Drawing from personal experience and working with clients, I reveal the key steps to transition from one-to-one to a one-to-many model. You'll learn about mindset shifts, strategic planning, and aligning your offers with your unique vision.
Whether you're just considering a scalable offer or looking to optimize an existing one, this episode is packed with actionable advice.
Key Takeaways:
- Understand the importance of mindset shifts for scalable offers.
- Learn the essential prep work needed before launching a scalable offer.
- Discover how to align your offers with your unique client journey.
- Identify common challenges and how to overcome them.
- Explore the financial aspects and projections for your scalable offer.
Resources Mentioned:
Work With Kinsey Machos
Ready to launch and evergreen a high-end, scalable offer and grow to 50-100K months? Apply Now For The Luxe Leverage Experience.
Watching My Free On-Demand Training: 5 Shifts To Scale: Reaching 50-100K Months With A Fully Aligned Scalable Offer
Connect With Kinsey Machos
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About the Host
Kinsey Machos is the host and founder of The Category Queen, a podcast and community for coaches, consultants, practitioners, and professionals who desire to help more people with their unique expertise.
Kinsey's mission is to help women transform their unique brilliance into a profitable coaching business where they can experience true time and financial freedom while changing the world one human at a time.
Kinsey Machos:
I'm Kinsey Machos, your host and founder of the category Queen. Welcome to the podcast for coaches, consultants and course creators who don't just want to dominate their niche, but they desire to play in their own league. My mission is to help you unlock the power of your unique brilliance and use it as a vehicle to gain recognition, reach more people, and make more money. Not too long ago, I took a bold leap, leaving behind a six figure corporate salary with nothing more than a used MacBook and a burning desire for more freedom. Today, our brand has become globally recognized, helping thousands of female founders to become industry leading experts. Join us each week as we go on a journey together to discuss mindset, marketing and money, and more importantly, the real life discussions about balancing success with motherhood and marriage.
Kinsey Machos:
Because we're a community of women who build and scale impact driven businesses, but do it without sacrificing the things that matter most to us. Welcome to the category queen show. Hello hello my fellow category queens. I hope you are having such an amazing day. I am ready to dive into this topic, but there is a fly in my office and I cannot see it right now. But I can hear it and it is so annoying. So I hope you can't hear that. I doubt that you can hear it, but I'm sure you can understand how annoying that is. But let's dive in. Let's not talk about flies. It's definitely that time of year, but I want to have this conversation with you around preparation for your scalable offer. So this conversation is really for you.
Kinsey Machos:
If you are feeling like you are maxed out with your one to one client work and or maybe you already have a scalable offer but you feel like you need to reset a little bit. But what I find is a lot of people, a lot of coaches and consultants specifically don't put in the prep work needed in order to launch their scalable offer. And so it is really difficult to launch something that isn't fully baked. This is the work that we do together inside of my program and how I help you really take your business to that next level to 50 to 100k months with a scalable service. And sometimes this means doing that prep work. But hopefully you can get a leg up by really starting to prepare effectively for an amazing launch of your scalable offer.
Kinsey Machos:
Now, if you already have a scalable offer, I think you'll find some gold in here. So definitely stay tuned. But also really, if you are really inspired by the idea of having a one to many offer, this also will give you some insight into what to look for. Now, I did do an episode on signs that you're ready to scale, so I'll link that up to the show notes. I go a little bit deeper into what you should be paying attention to as far as like are you ready to move from, say, a one to one coaching offer to a one to many coaching offer? Because that's important too, right? I see a lot of coaches and consultants prematurely launch a scalable offer and again, it just makes everything so much more complicated. I know it's not sexy to wait.
Kinsey Machos:
I know it's not sexy to really hold out on launching the next best thing, but I promise it'll be worth it. And so go back to that episode when this is over. But also you'll find some gold in this conversation around what to prepare for and how you can start doing these little things each day to really set yourself up for success in your scalable offer. Now, one of the biggest components that you'll really want to start wrapping your mind around, pun intended, is your mindset around scalable offers. I know this sounds maybe cliche or potentially too basic, but I promise you that scaling a coaching offer requires a completely different set of beliefs and mindset than everything leading up to that.
Kinsey Machos:
Selling one to one coaching services, or selling low ticket services, or selling something that is really easy to sell like a done for you. Whether that is a service based experience or like I said, a one to one coaching offer, those are really easy to sell. And just generally one to one marketing. And selling is very much more simple than getting into scalable marketing and sell systems. And so it starts with how you think about these things. Now, I do have a free masterclass that offers the five biggest shifts that you should make in order to scale to 50 to 100k months. So I'll link that up into the show notes as well.
Kinsey Machos:
But I cannot underscore the importance of your mindset any more than really just reiterating that how you believe success is created in your coaching business really needs to shift at this level. When you are taking a coaching business to say one hundred k to, you know, 500k or seven figures, it is a completely different skill set, it's a completely different mindset. And it, when it comes to your scalable offer, starting to wrap your head around this idea that you can provide immense value in a scalable offer. A lot of time I hear my clients say I'm afraid I can't get them results if I'm not always coaching them or I'm afraid that I'm going to dilute the quality of my services if I move this into a one to many model.
Kinsey Machos:
There's a lot of internal beliefs and a lot of them very common, that it is important to just become aware of and start to shift. So how to prep for this is really just paying more attention to what you believe about that next level of growth and more specifically what you believe around impact in say a scalable offer where you are serving one to many and you're unlocking your potential for not just impact but also income. You likely have some sort of like financial thermostat that is set right and you have sort of that ceiling of what you believe is possible for you. But in this next level of growth and scale, we'll really want to unlock that.
Kinsey Machos:
And how we do that is to really start to notice what our beliefs and thoughts are about success in that multiple six or multiple seven figure range, and also what you believe to be true about your value. And so just noticing the things that come up and building that self awareness around these thoughts and beliefs is going to be so powerful. Do you believe that you can work less and make more money? Do you believe that you can provide incredible results and not have a coaching calendar that's booked out from nine to five every day? Do you believe that you can create wonderful transformations in say a 25 hours workweek and coaching only 2 hours a week?
Kinsey Machos:
I mean, again, I just want to offer more specific examples and even as I'm saying these, notice what comes up in your body like, oh, there's just no way that's a really good red flag for you. Or not a red flag, but more of a key to go deeper? Why do I believe that to be true? What's really, is this true or is this just my experience thus far? And am I willing to believe something different to really expand my income and impact? And so really this is about becoming aware of what you believe and what you're thinking about scale and scalable offers and taking note of them, because that is going to be hands down the most important piece to move the needle.
Kinsey Machos:
And especially, you know, we're going to talk about some strategic things, but strategy won't work if you don't have the mind that is primed for scalable offers. So after you build some more awareness around how you think about scaling and how you think about impact, how you think about results to your clients and how you deliver them, then it's time to look at your current offering or offerings. So some of you may have several different offers, and when you come to work with me, we're really looking at your full product suite and making sure that they do align with your client journey in a way that makes sense. For instance, you should not have more than one offer for one client avatar. If you can sell two offers to the same person, it means that you have misalignment.
Kinsey Machos:
So we look at the full client journey and make sure that you have the right product suite for that journey and that we're not overdoing it or spreading you too thin because every offer is its own business. I talk about this in an episode I just did around really shifting your thoughts around your offer, and I've gotten such incredible feedback on it. It was so amazing. I strongly recommend listening to that after this episode. I'll link that up as well. But what we want to do is start looking at what are the most impactful offers. If you have more than one, do they belong on certain parts of the journey? Are you noticing different patterns in your client results and really starting to note what the common challenges are and the questions along the way?
Kinsey Machos:
So it's likely that you're sort of collecting this just in your brain, but you're not really taking the time to document this. And what I find when clients come to me and start to do this work, they believe that they don't really have say like a unique framework, or they don't have a lot of themes, or they're not ready yet to move to a scalable offer. But then when we start to unpack what they are doing with their private clients and how they're getting them results, it becomes so clear once we actually start to get that on paper. So give yourself some space at least every week to really think about, okay, this is where my clients are at. This is where they're getting stuck. These are the questions that are consistently coming up.
Kinsey Machos:
This is what I hear myself starting to repeat over and over again. This is where they're getting the best results, right, just noticing what those patterns and those themes are, because that is what's going to generate your scalable offer. A lot of people make the mistake of creating their scalable offer completely separate of, say, their private coaching offer or like their super high end service based offer. And it's not meant to be that way. It's actually meant to come off of what happens in those containers. And it's going to be such an incredible launchpad when you actually start to recognize what that full framework is in your one to one coaching offer or your service offer and start to really put some context and some containers around that framework. But what happens is we just kind of like move through the day really fast.
Kinsey Machos:
We're doing our work with our clients and we're not really thoughtfully thinking about where the dots are connecting. So one of the things that you can do for yourself outside of even just this conversation is giving yourself more think time and space. This is where wealth is created. It is not created by staying in the doing all the time. If you are not proactively pulling yourself out of the weeds consistently every single day, zooming out, aligning to that big picture vision, and also giving yourself that time to really think at the highest level that you can think, that's where the magic is. We got to get you out of the weeds. So whether it's once a week or a little bit every day, just give yourself that time to think about what you're creating with your one to one clients.
Kinsey Machos:
Or again, if you already have a scalable offer and it's not really working for you can still do the same here. What's not working about this? What are you consistently challenged around where your clients getting dissatisfied or getting stuck? There's so many things that you can learn by just looking at what's in front of you right now. If you give yourself that time and space, the other component around this is really asking yourself honest questions about like, what do I love about the service that I provided? What do I not love about the service I provide? I think it's really easy to get caught into this idea of like, I have to do it this one way or they've asked for it. So I have to deliver this way.
Kinsey Machos:
There's a lot of shoulding when I hear clients really speak about, you know, what they want and what they don't want. And this is your permission to first of all, like, just being honest with yourself and admitting what you love and what you don't love within your business and your offers and then making sure that we obviously apply that to your next offer, to your scalable offer. I think, again, this is something that sounds so basic, but you'd be surprised how many people create offers that are out of alignment with themselves because they believe that's the way it, quote unquote has to be. Right? A lot of copy and paste scalable offer systems are out there and it's really easy to get caught into. Okay, well, she does it this way. I need to do it this way.
Kinsey Machos:
Or if you're like me and you love to study offers, maybe you don't. But I've seen all the different ways that you can provide a really great service and, or deliver a course, et cetera. So I know a lot of different components and nuances of all the different offers out there, and it can be easy to be like, well, she's this person, and so I should probably do it like her. But nobody is like you. Nobody has your unique brilliance, and you know what's best for your clients. So don't forget that you are the creator of your offer, and you get to say what goes, you get to say what doesn't. And you really get to use your creative problem solving skills here and start to design something that's really uniquely aligned to you and your best clients.
Kinsey Machos:
So while you're taking the time and space to think about what you love about what you're doing, what you don't love about what you're doing, themes, the challenges, all these things that you're doing with your clients, you know, day in and day out, then we want to start actually doing some market research. So it is likely that you have not done market research since maybe the inception of your business and, or it's just been a really long time. And we do market research pretty consistently. But it is easy to get out of touch with your audience, especially if you've evolved as a coach or consultant, which I know you are.
Kinsey Machos:
And I know you're likely evolving much faster than most humans on the planet because you're a student of life and you love to learn, and you are somebody that desires to really make big, you know, big quantum leaps in your business and your life. And so you're evolving very fast. And when this happens, what I find with my own personal experience is sometimes I can get out of touch with my audience what, you know, my top tier clients really want and love. And so it's always just best practice to make sure that you are doing the appropriate market research consistently. But hands down, always, always do one before you launch a new offer. So this can look like just having, you know, conversations with current clients, past clients, sending out a survey to your email list.
Kinsey Machos:
There's so many other ways, you know, putting polls on your IG stories. Just, again, having conversations with your audience. I can't stress this enough. I know that most people aren't doing this enough and you just can't do it too much. I think it's so fascinating. I've been doing this for over four years now. And I feel like I do know you guys. I know my ideal client like almost better than they know themselves. But also sometimes when I sit down to write or develop a sales page or a masterclass, again, I kind of get into my own head and I forget that actually it's not me that's receiving the message, it's you that's receiving the message. And so I have to be reminded of the language that you use and desires that you have and the problems and the challenges.
Kinsey Machos:
And so we always need that reminder, right? Your messaging, your marketing, your selling, the anchor point to all of that is your ideal client. So don't get out of touch with them and always build in some consistent systems and routine to do market research. But this is a perfect time as you prepare for the launch of your scalable offer to really start having those conversations well ahead of time so that you can start to craft something that people actually want. And then this is the fun part, after you've started to really have those conversations with people, understand what people want. Assess your current offer. Assess your current clients. You get to start to really ideate around your dream offer.
Kinsey Machos:
This goes back to giving yourself that time and space to just think, I always give my clients this homework around and just get out a whiteboard, get out your notepad, whatever that looks like, something that just allows you to flow and just start crafting your dream experience. Don't look at other people's offers. Don't look at, you know, the guidebook, don't look at anything. Just give your, just sink into that dreaming and scheming phase and allow your brain to take you where you've never been before. It is crazy the answers that you find within yourself before you ever do anything else, right? I have curriculum that goes over scalable service design and the logistics and all the different options and ways you can put this together to create a really bespoke scalable offer.
Kinsey Machos:
But none of that matters if you are completely out of alignment with your offer. And also, you don't exercise your own creativity and so give yourself that time to just have fun with it. This is my favorite part of the whole process and this is why I love doing this work so much with you guys, because it is fun to get into that creativity and that dream state and just think, what do I want to deliver? What sounds amazing, what sounds fun, what sounds exciting, and how do I want to deliver results to my clients in this new container? And it doesn't have to come look any certain way just see where your brain takes you when you ask yourself the right questions. And for me, I need time. I need this time over a longer period of time.
Kinsey Machos:
I can't just give myself an afternoon to do this work and then be done with it, because what happens is once I initiate those questions to myself or I initiate this process, then I get downloads around this ongoing. So I'll be doing something random, you know, a week later and I'll instantly get this download around something that I had never thought about before, but it had never come into my ecosystem before because I, again, I hadn't initiated that process, hadn't initiated that, you know, that planning or that ideating around this offer. And so you'd be surprised, once you kind of initiate it, how it slowly drips in over time and bringing yourself to the place where it's like, okay, I feel like I have my arms around this. I feel like I'm starting to really sink into what I want this to look like.
Kinsey Machos:
Now. A lot of women don't know really what the possibility is, especially from a logistic perspective, in a scalable offer. That's why I give you all of that and we craft your offer together. But this could mean that you at least know what you absolutely want, what you absolutely don't want, what you want. What's the vibe? Right. Sometimes I see women just describe even an energy around their offer, and that is so powerful. Don't underestimate the vibe, the energy that you want an offer to experience and what that gives you is guardrails to operate under. It's like if you want an accountable, responsible, high vibe, you know, community within your scalable offer, well, that's going to really inform some of the systems or the logistics within that.
Kinsey Machos:
And it also bumps up against, again, anytime you make a decision, it's kind of bumping up against. Is this going to create accountability in my offer? Is this going to create, you know, a high caliber experience in my offer? And sometimes if it means just describing what it feels like, sometimes it means even making decisions around, I want to do an accelerated version of what I'm doing. I want it, you know, it's like fast and short and powerful. Maybe it's long and deep and immersive, right? Just allow yourself to go there, that's all I'm saying. And don't judge yourself for what comes up, because there's no right or wrong way to do this.
Kinsey Machos:
And then when it comes to really setting that foundation and preparing for the design and launch of your scalable offer starting to really think about what does this look like from a financial perspective? This will come into play because a, I really want to make sure that you have a nice cash flow injection or at least a cash cushion before you launch your saleable offer, just depending on the rest of your business. But also I want you to start noodling on really the numbers around this. A lot of people underestimate the lift in their skeletal offer and kind of create these willy nilly numbers, but then when it comes down to it's actually like it doesn't really make sense with the logistics of your offer.
Kinsey Machos:
And so just putting some financial projections, if you want to hit seven figures in two years or seven figures in the next year, but your scalable offer is going to be a low ticket membership and you have a small audience that's not really going to match, that's not going to work out. The economics of that just don't pan out. So it's important to make sure that the scalable offer and the design of it is aligned with your financial desires. You do not have to sacrifice yourself or even your financial comfortability to create a scalable offer or to start to scale your offer. Okay. And so just really starting to get into okay, what does this look like? And playing around with numbers, because that's also going to help you with the pricing strategy. So there you have it.
Kinsey Machos:
I've given you some really great tactical level things you can do to start really preparing effectively and efficiently for the design, launch and or relaunch of your scalable offer. And hopefully this gives you a really nice clear roadmap to what that looks like. Now of course I want to help you do this. I want to help you prepare for it and really make this scalable offer yours. I want it to be aligned with your unique lifestyle, your unique vision, your unique niche, because that's where the magic really happens. And so if that really is something that you want to do, obviously I'll link up in the show notes what that looks like for you to apply to work with us. But just know that the more planning the better.
Kinsey Machos:
Now I'm not telling you to stay in the planning phase forever, but there needs to be a planning phase. You cannot skip this. Don't take this as sort of like a shiny object syndrome and get really, you know, see that shiny ball in there? Be like, oh, yep, I'm doing this tomorrow, right, for this to really, truly work, because I believe your signature scalable offer is the thing that really helps you stand out, become that category leader of your industry and so really take this seriously and give yourself that time and space to effectively plan for it. So my friends, I hope you enjoyed this.
Kinsey Machos:
If you would do me a favor and just share this with somebody that you feel could really use this message today, and if you could take just a minute to give me a rating in the podcast app that you're listening to and just let me know what you love about this podcast episode. This will help us really grow our podcast and get us in front of more people that really want to unlock their unique brilliance and create wealth around it for the better, make the world a better place, and also live out their best life. So I hope you enjoy this and I'll see you next time.
Kinsey Machos:
Hey, if you're ready to stand out online and get paying clients consistently without having to fumble your way through tech run ads or create complicated funnels, I want to invite you to join us in the Category Queen school, where you're going to learn my simple, proven formula for getting clients online. It's risk free. You either make your money back or we'll give you a refund. Just head over to, and join today to get instant access. We'll see you inside.