Sept. 27, 2022

How To Know When To Switch Social Media Platforms

How To Know When To Switch Social Media Platforms

If you feel like you’re not getting traction on your current social media platform, this episode will help you determine what to do next. 

Past Episode: 

Episode 52: MVP: Speaking To The Top 1% of Your Market

Do not miss these highlights: 

01:15 We truly are on a mission to show how simple business can be. 

01:51 We're talking about how to use content that sells for you and how to get fully booked with high-end clients.

02:13 Generally there is a theme of concern or even just a general challenge. It's this idea of social media algorithm.  

02:23 What if it's not working? When should I switch platforms? Do I need to consider switching platforms over things? 

02:38 Stop reading stats or future casting on where all these social media platforms are going to be in three to five years, or even a year from now. 

02:57 That's just a distraction and in your season of business, it doesn't matter. It just does not matter. 

03:08 In growing an audience and attracting enrolling clients, the core platforms that we have, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok, are all working really well. 

03:51 Do not get too hung up thinking that, if you pick the right social media platform, then you will be successful.  

03:59 Make sure that you understand that your success is not going to be found in a certain social media platform. It is not about the platform you choose.  

04:25 Most people start to skip over to other platforms thinking that they'll have better success there. But they just carry the same thoughts in the same crappy content. 

05:04 Be better aligned with your version of your premium client. If you don't know who your premium clients are, definitely go back to a couple of episodes.  

05:21 But unless you have an obvious one, everybody is everywhere. 

05:34 There's always exceptions to every rule, for instance, if you are speaking to corporate executives, you are more likely to reach them over at LinkedIn. 

05:46 This shows you the thought error in believing that your success is determined by the platform you choose. 

07:09 So you switch over platforms, you have to start all over. You waste time and energy.

07:32 If you can pick one platform, and master that platform, and get to know its algorithm, and really just go all in on that until you get to 100K and more, you will grow faster. 

07:46 The problem is you're giving up too soon, You're already deciding it's not working before you've even given it a chance. 

07:54 Sometimes it takes time, the market is so saturated. 

08:26 Now, when you come into the 10K Content Collective, we teach you how to create content that's super intentional and attracting enrolling clients.  

08:36 You're building that momentum. You're attracting and enrolling clients more efficiently. 

08:52 If you give up, you've just lost all that momentum. 

08:59 Your success on the platform is not determined by your level of engagement. 

09:16 Now beyond that, you can definitely start to figure out your audience and what they are most likely to engage on. 

09:34 You're over analyzation in to your insights and lack of engagement is crushing your creativity. 

09:52 You're not able to access your purest form of brilliance, which is the very thing you need to create that content that is going to pull in those high-end clients. 

10:21 It is really important that you stop spending time and energy worrying about the platform working. 

10:41 It's not about if it's working for you. It's about you working for it, and you decide it's going to work, and then you go to work.

10:49 The other thing that this does, it closes the loop in your brain.  

10:56 Experimenting just expending energy instead of just getting clients. 

11:19 You are showing up in your full brilliance. And you keep showing up with that power on that one platform, 

11:34 You can't let the external circumstances drive how you show up, that's when you get into trouble. 

11:54 Reaching your ideal clients requires you're focused on them and not on random things that doesn't matter.

12:08 10K Content Collective, we again encourage you to pick one platform. We show you how to show up on that one platform with profitable content that pulls in clients simply and help you package that offer. 

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen and heard online.

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women — because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that.

As a wife and a mom of three, family takes priority. And having a business that’s run AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers.

Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos 

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Kinsey Machos:

Welcome to captivate and close. I'm Kinsey Machos, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high-paying clients using my break through online marketing strategies, all without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait, or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in. Hey, you, welcome back to another episode of captivate close. It's so, so good to be here with you today. At the time of this recording, we're in the middle of our five-day workshop overlooked to fully booked, it is so good, I can't even handle it. I love, love delivering these experiences to you to our audience to our, you know, to the people that need it. And we truly are on a mission to show how simple business can be. And the framework that we leverage to grow faster in the framework that our clients are now leveraging to grow faster and to attract and enroll clients every day without complicated marketing and selling systems. If you missed this week's five day experience, you'll definitely have another opportunity, we have one coming up here soon, just check the link in the shownotes. And join us totally for free. We're talking about how to use content that sells for you. And how to get fully booked with high end clients. Like what without working harder. So all that to say I want to drop in with a message that comes up quite a bit. In our audience and our clients. This is something that I think generally is a theme of concern or even just a general challenge. And it's this idea of social media algorithm and what if it's not working? When should I switch platforms do I need to consider switching platforms over things. And I'm gonna offer some food for thought on this, I feel pretty strongly about my stance on this. And I'm not reading stats or future casting on where all these social media platforms are going to be in three to five years, or even a year from now. And frankly, you shouldn't be either, that's Well, that might feel like you're preparing yourself. That's just a distraction and in your season of business. It doesn't matter, it just does not matter. What we know is that the core platforms are all working really well. In growing an audience and and attracting enrolling clients, the core platforms, right we have LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and in Tik Tok. And so anything outside of that I'm not super familiar with

Kinsey Machos:

when it comes to kind of like the core social media platforms. And so but out of those, it is known by many, many people that they all are working in this regard. They're all they're all working really well in being able to attract and enroll clients came. So we don't need to argue that. But I think where we get hung up is like thinking that if I pick the right social media platform, then I will be successful. And that's the first thing I really want to make sure that you understand is that your success is not going to be found in a certain social media platform. It is not the platform you choose. This is not. And so if we clear that and say I can be successful anywhere. What would that look like for you? Now here's the thing, this is where we kind of get caught and where people start to skip over to other platforms thinking that they'll have better success there. But they just carry the fate the same thoughts in the in the same crappy content. And so they find right that it doesn't, it still doesn't work, surprise. I mean not to be super direct, but I love you and I want you to grow faster and serve more people and this is what you need to know. Now, of course there's exceptions to every rule and one of them being that there are going to be certain Plot forms that are going to be better aligned with your version of your premium client. If you don't know who your premium client is definitely go back to the last episode a couple maybe a couple times ago, speaking of the top 1% of your market, you'll definitely want to plug in there. But unless you have an obvious one, everybody is everywhere, everybody's everywhere. But like I said, there are going to be nuances and obvious niches that will pick one platform over the other, right. So for instance, if you are speaking to corporate executives, you are more likely to reach them over at LinkedIn. However, they're also on Instagram, they're also on Facebook, and they're also on Tik Tok. So again, I just want to show you that there's a, I just want to show you the thought error in believing that your success is, is determined by the platform you choose. And that's just not the case. And you can create success in whichever platform you decide if this is the second thing, if you are willing to make it work. So what I see all the time is like two months. And so you get really serious about attracting enrolling clients online, right? And you're like, okay, and you get serious about your content, and, and you're you're sharing your offer, and you're making offers, and you're consistent and two months, and you haven't gotten the results you're getting. And so I hear this, well, what do I do, if it's not working? Should I switch platforms? Here's the thing, you guys, first of all, who's built a legacy in two months, who's built a very, very successful business in two months. And I know that that's a small example to a big sort of thing. But it's sort of still comparing apples to apples, the belief that I should be finding success in a shorter period of time. And if I'm not, then it means that it's not working will, will sabotage you. So you get two months, and you're like, oh, shoot, this isn't working. So you switch over platforms, you have to start all over. Because each platform, each platform is slightly different in the way that the audience consumes content on that platform is slightly different. The algorithms are different. And this is why we're so such a firm believer in Ten k, content collective when you're growing to hundred k, maybe two hundred k, even one message, one platform one offer. If you can pick one platform, and master that platform, get to know its algorithm and really just go all in on that until you get to hundred k, you will grow faster, you will get there faster. The problem is you're giving up too soon, you're already deciding it's not working, before you've even given it a chance.

Kinsey Machos:

And sometimes it takes time, the market is so saturated, people's attention span is going down. They've done some studies about like the decrease in attention span online. So it used to be what like eight seconds. Now it's for something I don't know, I have no idea. But if there's, it's like from short attention span to like, even shorter attention span, we're talking like seconds. And so your expectations for making something work in those parameters faster. It's just not reasonable. Now, when you come into ten k, we teach you how to create content that's super intentional and attracting enrolling clients. So you don't have to fumble around. But when you do it this way, you're building that momentum, you're yes, you're attracting and enrolling clients more efficiently. But every time you put content out on that platform, you are building the momentum, people are watching you, they're not ready to buy, but they're watching you. And so if you give up, you've just lost all that momentum. Here's the other thing to consider is that your

Kinsey Machos:

success on the platform is not determined by your level of engagement. Now, this is for you guys, as you're growing and getting known, the engagement does not equal success. Now beyond that, you can definitely start to figure out your audience and what they are most likely to engage on what they're most likely to take action on what they're most likely to share with their audience. Yes, you will get to know that. But right now, it doesn't matter. And you're over analyzation in to your insights and lack of engagement is crushing your creativity. It's crushing it, because you're so focused on what's going to get engagement or you're letting the engagement drive your energy down. And so you're not able to access your purest form of brilliance, which is the very thing you need to create that content that is going to pull in And those high end clients. So when you're constantly looking outside, right of like, this platform isn't working, I'm not getting an engagement, those thoughts are going to drive different types of action, which are going to create different results. So it's really, really important that you stop spending time and energy worrying about the platform working. Because the truth is, again, unless you have a super, super obvious niche, the truth is you can find success in any one platform, you just have to a, decide what it's going to be and ride that pony. And then be, you have to commit to making it work. It's not about it working for you, it's about you working for it, you decide it's going to work, and then you go to work. The other thing that this does, it closes the loop in your brain, if you're constantly open that loop of like, oh, I should switch, this isn't working, I should probably go experiment over here over there. You're just expending energy instead of just getting clients. This is truly the difference in people that stay stuck to those people that create quantum leaps in their business, they just think differently, they're not worried about little small minut, things like this, it's not a matter of is this working or not in social media algorithm or engagement. It's just like, I'm showing up in my full brilliance. And if you people want this, come and get it, and you keep you keep showing up with that power on that one platform, it doesn't matter what the algorithm is doing. It doesn't matter what the engagement is, it doesn't matter. That is when you're going to see success. But you can't let the external circumstances drive how you show up, that's when we get into trouble. And the more time you spend fixing a problem, that's not a problem, like your social media platform, the further away you're going to get from your revenue goals. And the further away you are from reaching your ideal clients, because you're not focused on them, you're focused on on random things that don't matter. So I hope this message was super clear. And and I hope it gives you encouragement to really focus on the right things when you come into Ten k content Collective, we, again encourage you to pick one platform, we show you how to show up on that one platform with profitable content that pulls in clients simply and and help you package that offer what does that offer? When it comes to Salin something that's irresistible? What does that look like? And that's what we hope you do. But at the end of the day, don't get lost in the algorithms don't get lost in the little tactical things. Because it changes more often than we can even keep up and ultimately it just doesn't matter. So this is your encouragement to go out and just show up and commit to making it work for you. And you will be so surprised you will not even believe right when you have that mindset and just go all in like you will be so surprised with the results you get from that space. All right. Well, I hope you love this episode. And I will see you next week. Hey, you, thank you so much for listening. It's an honor to be able to pour into the hearts and minds of like minded entrepreneurs all over the world. But my most favorite part is being able to connect with you in real life. If you love what you heard here, head over to the community where thousands of female CEOs, just like you are changing the world one human at a time. We go deeper into the topics you discuss here and give away tangible roadmaps to help you crush your revenue goals to join this high-caliber free community head over to I'll see you there