Jan. 3, 2023

How To Have A Record-Breaking Revenue Year

How To Have A Record-Breaking Revenue Year

How would it feel if you arrived at the end of 2023 and smashed your most audacious revenue goals? More importantly, what would it feel if you were OBSESSED with the journey that got you there?

This is what it’s about. There’s no point in making a lot of money if you don’t enjoy doing it. 

Tune in to discover the moves you can make in order to create your record-breaking revenue year in 2023. 

Join us for our most popular annual event, Wealthy Coach Week: https://kinseymachos.com/wealthycoach

Do not miss these highlights: 

02:57 Did you start your new year planning earlier this year? 

03:44 It’s okay not to be okay sometimes. Be encouraged, you're not alone, even in your close circle, women feel similar feelings.

04:20 We are coming into the new year with the fresh energy of a fresh new year. 

05:22 Something to pay attention to is how you follow the seasonal cycles of your business matching the true seasons.

05:52 January is when you get back in the swing of things. Finding your rhythm again. 

06:18 In Project Management, you'll be hearing the sprint cycles. It's sort of the rapid-fire of initiatives. 

07:28 Backed by popular demand, we're kicking off a new year. We want to invite you to the “Wealthy Coach Week”. 

07:56 We will help you unlock and design your record-breaking revenue year.

08:24 It's not always about strategy. It's also about the intangible relation to your money. 

08:39 Compilation of training and coaching, and it's for five days. Each day is designed to go deeper into the core element of helping you design your road map,

09:04 Day one, engage the “mind” to help you identify yourself as a wealthy coach. 

09:22 On day two, we're going to talk about “designing a map.”

09:47 Choosing a method and designing a map. It's hard to get somewhere if you don't know where you're going. 

10:24 This is where people start to get confused or overwhelmed. And generally, more often than not, you don't hit your goals. 

10:52 You have to have a plan, and if you stick to that plan, you will more likely to succeed.

11:48 We're going to go deep there on days one and two, of wealthy coach week. We're going to design the map game.

12:07 Most people don't even set goals, they don't have a revenue target. 

12:47 The new year energy that initially drives you forward quickly fizzles out. And more often than not, quarter one never goes as planned. 

13:05 It's really hard to stay as planned if you can not self-coach yourself or have somebody guide you through to stay on track.

13:19 If you don't have a sustainable map to get you through the entire year as your compass, you will fizzle out, and it will be so hard to stay the course. 

13:32 On Day three, we're going to talk about the “method”. There are so many different ways to grow your coaching business. 

13:58 The method that you will need to choose is the method that is aligned with your personal goals, your personality, and what you desire to have in your business. 

14:09 We will introduce particular methods to you, but more importantly, package them in a way to give you the three core pillars of a sustainable business.

14:37 Stay in the method which again goes back to the map and not get distracted.

14:46 Day four is about your “message.”

14:53 We call this “the million dollar message” because one message can take you to millions.  

15:24 That one message is going to inform if people buy from you or not. It's going to impact your whole marketing.  

15:33 On day five, we are going to talk about the “moves.” We're gonna talk about what's next for you going from here to there. 

15:54 We're gonna talk about what levers to pull next, what that looks like for your. 

15:56 On first quarter, you want to do some hot seat coaching to make sure that you feel super clear on how to move the needle forward in your business and in your life.

16:08 This is a five-day workshop of “wealthy coach week.” We're going to help you design your record-breaking revenue year. And you guys, literally, it's dirt cheap.  

16:41 You get the full workshop, you get hot seat coaching, you get an action guide that can literally be your compass for the rest of the year, you get a pop up group, and you get women to connect with and collaborate with. 

17:09 We know that this is going to really elevate all of us together as women. So that we can kick off the year with so much potency, and power, and just that magnetism that's within us all. 

17:58 Year 2023 is going to be so good, you guys. So the link is in the in the show notes, get in, get that early bird discount. 

18:19 We will have this is in a live workshop. We will package the replays into your members portal. So once you sign up, you'll get to log into your portal, you'll have some extra goodies in there. 

18:40 So wealthy coach week, it's coming in strong, and it's going to be a really good year guys. So I'll see you there.  

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen and heard online.

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women — because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that.

As a wife and a mom of three, family takes priority. And having a business that’s run AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers.


Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos 

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Kinsey Machos:

Welcome to captivate and close. I'm Kinsey Machos, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high paying clients using my break through online marketing strategies, all without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait, or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in. Hey, you welcome back to another episode. So good to be here with you. I hope you have had such an incredible holiday season at the time of this recording. We are wrapping up the holidays and oh my gosh, I think this will actually be yes, this will be released in the new year, I always get so confused with the timing of recording versus release date. But this particular episode 100% is going to come out on the new year because we're talking about wealthy coach. But here's something also a little bit more on the personal side that I wanted to share with you. You know, this is generally such a harder time of the year for me, it's usually like our longest period of time being like out of our routine kids are home for a couple weeks, you know, other than summer where I think it's long enough for you find a new routine. It's short enough, where you don't really find that but it's long enough for you just kind of are in I don't know about you, but I just kind of feel like I'm sort of in this like, I'm in an interesting dynamic of like trying to maintain a routine but not and for me, routine is like really, really important. It keeps me emotionally and mentally more stable. I'm very vulnerable to depression around this time of year, I'm super vulnerable to just brain fog and more of the emotional ups and downs. It's short, short, they're short days here, I think we had, you know, the official Winter Solstice, which is what the shortest day of the year. And you can feel it, it's cold, it's dark, you know, the adrenaline of the holiday season is starting to dip and you're just kind of left with or for me, I feel like sometimes I'm left with just sort of this like tornado of, I mean, literally, you know, there's crap everywhere, you know, presents and holiday decor that you're putting away. And meanwhile, you're preparing for a new year. This is why I've learned to kind of start the new year planning a little bit earlier because I like more of that space. And around this time, right before the New Year, I don't really have capacity to take on a lot. And I really need to just like nurture my own body and my own mind and of course fully be present to the family. So I'm like in the thick of that right now. And I'm reminded every year that it's like this, and although I 100% enjoy this time of the year with the kids, and it's such a special time. You know, such a special season. I definitely have, you know, there's a darker side to that for me. So if this is something that you resonate with, I just, I think want to encourage you that you're not alone. And I know that they're even in my close circle. Women feeling similar feelings. And I think it's just okay not to be okay. And you know, let this season be what it needs to be. I think there's a lot of meaning that we make things right and noticing the patterns that you know happen and how to just kind of let it be what it is. So but that is sort of on a low note on a high note. We are coming into the new year and I will love the fresh energy of a fresh new year. And usually by the time kids go back to school after this after the holidays and I find my new rhythm. It is like go time January to Slyke Spring Break ish or Big Spring season for me I always find that I'm slowly gaining back my energy sort of on not uptick right if I think about it kind of like on the pendulum swing right when you come into the fall season. Things start to slow down after summer and You know, the winter is like hibernation and energetically, it's sort of just slower. And then as we come into January, February coming up back up, like energetically, right with this spring, and the longer days, and the warmer weather, my energy matches that. And I think something to pay attention to we talk a lot about this with our clients is how you follow even the season changes, right, the seasonal cycles of your business, matching the true seasons. And if you live somewhere where there aren't four seasons, I'm sure there's something that you will notice change right there, sort of like those four quarters. So I love sort of coming out of that. And January is kind of like, you know, you're just kind of like getting back in the swing of things. Finding your rhythm again, getting back into new routine, you're coming off that, you know, high energy of new goals. And then we're running, and we're sprinting. And if you've ever heard of sort of this idea of sprinting, versus sort of like the slower momentum months, or whatever that looks like I have a background in project management. And you'll hear often times the sprint cycles, and it's like these rapid fire sort of initiatives or, you know, open and close, you're just like moving quickly through things. And my energy matches that. And I'm so looking forward to in fact, I was just having a conversation with my mentor and I have kind of been in this really slow, just energetically not working as much as I normally do. I've taken a lot of time for myself or my family. It's which is cool, because you know, the revenue has grown, the business has grown, but I just am not sort of like in that high octane season. And there was I had a question, you know, I quote, even though I go through this every year, I still kind of, you know, wonder is, is it going to come back. But of course, every year it does, and my mentors, like, I think you're going to be surprised at actually how fast you go. Having taken the downtime that you have at the length that you have, because it has been a while since I've sort of had that longevity in sort of a slower season. So all that to say, We're kicking off a new year, and I want to invite you to wealthy coach week. This is backed by popular demand, we actually ran this at the beginning of this year, or sorry, of last year in Twenty Twenty two. And it was a fan favorite. While the coach week is when we really on lock, sort of your true potential when it comes to money success, more clients, but more specifically, we're going to help you design your record breaking a revenue year. So if you think about what you want to create for this year, usually it's higher revenue goals, right. And so tactically and strategically, we're going to help you design that and think about what that looks like. But we're also going to go on the woowoo side of it and talk about what is this actually require of you. And more often than not, it's really not always about strategy. It's always about some sort of tangible connection, or, I'm sorry, in tangible relation to your money, and money blocks that you have, we all have them. And so it's really this compilation of

Kinsey Machos:

trainings and coaching to help you release those really see your bad true potential, and then design the roadmap to your record breaking, record breaking revenue year, it's gonna be five days. And each day is designed to really go deeper into a core element in helping you design about roadmap, day one, we're going to talk about the mind. If you don't identify as a wealthy coach, this is why you haven't created a wealthy business. This is why you haven't created high revenue mines because you don't have the self concept of somebody that does that. So we're going to help you create that for you. On day two, we're going to talk about the method. Okay, the method. There are tons of different coaching models you could leverage. There's a ton of different strategies you could leverage to grow your business, but what model are you going to choose? And how are you going to choose it? When you have clarity on where you're going and how you're going to get there? This is the map okay? So we're going to choose the method for which you are growing your coaching business, then we're going to design the map. It's really, really hard to get somewhere. If you don't know where you're going. Be you're not got inspired by it and see you don't have a plan to get there, I find that a lot of women come into the new year. And they're leveraging that initial adrenaline that comes from the inspiration of a new year, right, that new energy, the New Year, the inspiration of the new goals, but that fizzles out really fast. And this is where people start to get confused or overwhelmed. And generally, more often than not me included, you don't hit your goals, or the year doesn't go or it doesn't kick off the way that you ever think it's going to January, February, quarter one, you're like holy heck, what is going on. And that's where people will lose steam, they'll lose momentum, and they will let self doubt really creep in and consume and sabotage the entire rest of the year. And so you have to have a plan. And when you stick to that plan, you're more likely to succeed. So we designed the map came, and then we talk about your message. Okay, so we have high level, what you need to be thinking, right what how to identify yourself how to have that self concept, we have the method of which you're going to grow your business. So that's day one. And that is the most fun part. And a lot of people might say they don't even need this. But if you're growing 200k, there's going to be a lot like your first 100k There's like so much drama, but after 100k, there's even more and it's deeper, it's almost more hidden. And the more women that I work with beyond 100k, the more that I noticed, and again, this is something that I experienced myself is that they're self sabotaging. And they're not even realizing it's all starting in the mind and their self concept. So we're going to go deep there on day one, day two, of wealthy coach week, we're going to design the map game. So it's really hard to get to the end of the year and have accomplished what you set out to accomplish. If a, you don't know where you're going, right. Most people don't even set goals, they don't hit, they don't have a revenue target. But be if you're not even inspired by that destination, right? A lot of times we hear like, Oh, I'm gonna hit a 250k this year, and I'm like, where's that number even coming from? And there's no sort of anchor or why, you know, kind of like tied into that, but also sort of that step by step plan. So what happens is, I see a lot of women come into the new year, and that adrenaline of the new goals and the big, the big, audacious, you know, dream, and that new inspo kind of like drives you forward initially, but that quickly fizzles out. And more often than not quarter one never goes as planned. Well, I don't know, I've never, this has always been my case. And this is definitely been the case of a lot of women that I coach. And it a lot of people make it mean something. And it's really hard to stay the course if you can not self coach yourself or have somebody kind of guide you through what is going on and how to stay on track because that is where self sabotage comes in. And so if you don't have a sustainable map to get you through the entire year as your compass and where you're going, you will fizzle out, and it will be so hard to stay the course. So we're going to design that together on day two, day three, we're talking about the method. There are so many different ways to grow your coaching business, there's different strategies, there's different platforms to grow your audience. There's different offers that you might have to help your clients. There's different vehicles of your offers. There's courses, there's group programs, there's, you know, private coaching, there's masterminds, there's all of these different levers that you can pull. But the method that you will need to choose is the method that is aligned to your personal goals and your personality and what you desire to have in your business. And so I'm going to introduce these particular methods to you but more importantly, package it in a way to give you the three core pillars to a sustainable business. And then we can decide what that looks like for you so you can choose your method. This is so important, because once you kind of just like fully embraced the method that you choose, you can really drown out the noise of people saying, you know, do it this way or do it that way and stay the course which again goes back to the map and not getting distracted. Okay, so day three, it's all about the method. Day four is about your message. Right? This is your offer. This is how you help people this is who you help. We call this the million dollar message because one message can take you to millions it can have literally global impact on Never forget when my brand like, had that global reach. And knowing that I'm helping people literally around the world, it's sort of it's a very surreal feeling. But what that requires is a very clear and compelling message, it's going to inform how you show up, it's going to inform how people perceive you, it's going to inform if people buy from you or not, it's going to impact your marketing, all starts with your message. So we're gonna get super clear there. And then day five, are talking about the moves, we're gonna talk about what's next for you going from here, it's not about, you know, having this plan of action, and then walking away. And, you know, coming into your office and being like, right, that feeling of like, okay, so I got really inspired, I got really clear, and now I'm totally stuck, I don't know what to do. Next, we're gonna talk about what levers to pull next, what that looks like for your you and your first quarter want to do some hot seat coaching to make sure that you feel super clear on how to move the needle forward in your business and in your life. So you freaking love your business. So that's day five, this is a five day workshop, wealthy coach week, we're going to help you design your record breaking revenue year. And you guys, literally, it's dirt cheap, we're, we're not doing it for free, because it's almost, we really wanted to create a more intimate experience where we can coach you along the way more of that group coaching style workshop. And so we're really putting a cap on it and putting a low low price on it early bird is $95. And you'll see that price go up to 181 95. So you get the full workshop, you get hot seat coaching, you get an action guide that can literally be your compass for the rest of the year, you get a pop up group, you get women to connect with and collaborate with, it's just going to be a really incredible experience. We have totally blown it up from even the first time that we rolled it out. And even then people were like, blown away. And I'm so excited to offer this to you. This is like the best way even for me to roll into the new year

Kinsey Machos:

it's serving at this caliber. And I know that this is going to really elevate all of us together as women so that we can kick off the year with so much potency and power and just that magnetism that's, uh, you know, within us all, because it's going to be such a good year, it's gonna be such a good year. And I'm even saying that in the space that I'm feeling right now, which is sort of like, you know, that hibernation, like, I don't really want to do anything I don't want to, I don't really feel like you know, doing business or, you know, putting on my CEO hat right now I'm just kind of, you know, couch on my couch, you know, with a fireplace, watching movies, and binging Netflix right now, which is so unlikely. But in this space that I'm in, I'm even feeling that awaken within me right by Twenty Twenty three plan. We're wrapping up our own sort of details with what Twenty Twenty three will look like for us and what our plans are, but it's going to be so good, you guys. So the link is in the in the show notes, get in, get that early bird discount. If you are listening to this, and it's already past the time, we'll likely keep that link up where you can purchase the replays. But we will have this is again a live workshop, we will package the replays into your members portal. So once you sign up, you'll get to log into your portal, you'll have some extra goodies in there. And then we'll also store the replays in there as well. But this will be recorded, or we'll host these on Zoom. And then you can catch the recordings in the Facebook group and also when your portal is going to be so good. So wealthy coach week, it's coming in strong, and it's going to be a really good year guys. So I'll see you there. Hey, you, thank you so much for listening. It's an honor to be able to pour into the hearts and minds of like minded entrepreneurs all over the world. But my most favorite part is being able to connect with you in real life. If you love what you heard here, head over to the community where thousands of female CEOs just like you are changing the world one human at a time. We go deeper into the topics you discuss here and giveaway tangible roadmaps to help you crush your revenue goals to join this high caliber free community head over to kinseymachos.com/community. I'll see you there