June 6, 2023

How To Have A Profitable & Playful Summer As A Mom Growing A Business

How To Have A Profitable & Playful Summer As A Mom Growing A Business

If you’re a mom running a business during the summer months, you know that it can feel bittersweet. You want to spend time with your kids, but you also want to maintain momentum in your business. I believe you can (and should) have both.

In this episode, I talk about why it’s so important to lean into the seasons of the year and how to use them to your advantage. I share how you can continue to grow your coaching business during the summer months, even with increased distractions and disruptions. 

Summer is the season that we are being called to come alive! Use this time to create rhythm in your business so you can enjoy it. 

Want to go deeper on this topic? 

[LIMITED TIME ONLY] Register for the Poolside Profit Plan Workshop where I show you how to design an evergreen content machine that attracts clients on autopilot so you can make money while you play this summer: https://www.poolsideprofitplan.com/


Ways we can support you: 

>> [FREE] Download The Revolutionary Content Kit: A 7-pillar method to creating unique content that sells + connects at the same time: https://kinseymachos.com/contentkit

>> If you’re ready to get fully booked with a message that aligns with premium clients and organic content that attracts and enrolls clients consistently, enroll in 10K Content Collective and get instant access to the live coaching, curriculum, and community.

>> If you’re ready to pivot to group coaching and want to consistently fill your group programs with a marketing machine that creates rhythm and cadence in your business (so you can experience true freedom in your life), get on the waitlist for  Launch Like A Queen

Do not miss these highlights: 

01:10 We're going to be talking about summer in this episode because this is an important hot topic for a mom and an entrepreneur.  

01:55 More common than not in the entrepreneurship industry it is the business that runs you. 

02:32 There's a disproportion in the time that you put in versus what you're actually getting out of the business. 

03:23 I'll be honest, there have been seasons where I'm in ebbs and flows like I'm working way too hard.  

04:03 I do think it's important to be cognizant of the type of business you're setting up and how it's running with or without you.  

04:32 I want to talk about the seasons that you should be aware of because a lot of people come into entrepreneurship with this entitlement type of mentality.  

05:34 It's really meant to prepare you for a sustainable business that can provide you with incredible results in the long term. 

06:15There are times or seasons in your business, when you reach certain levels, that you will be able to step away for longer periods of time.  

06:58 If a piece of content did not work, it may actually be what you did 60 days ago, that's likely going to produce that result.  

07:34 When you became good like at content and produce that type of instantaneous result, think about how long it took you to master that craft. 

08:18 If you desire to grow to multiple six figures and beyond, then you will be required to show up as that multiple six-figures business CEO. Often times people aren't operating from that space. 

09:10 You do not desire to have a hobby as a business. You desire to have it full-time again and it should be a profit-generating business. 

09:55 I did work a good chunk of time to be able not just to produce results but also continue to accelerate that momentum. 

10:32 I do encourage you to prepare for summer in a way that's going to suit both your business and your family. 

11:10 You may have those choices, but it's just important to be truthful with ourselves about what those choices are going to lead us to. 

11:33 So when fall comes, you can continue the momentum and you can come back strong, and you're not rusty, that is one of my biggest fears. 

12:16 You have a responsibility to yourself to heal the wounds, but also because you signed up to be a business owner, you also have a responsibility as a CEO. 

12:38 You should be able to define first what does flexibility and freedom looks and feels like for you. 

13:33 You get to decide as a woman and as a mom, and what are some non-negotiables you want to put in place.  

14:16 This is something that you need to do before you even start putting parameters in place. 

16:10 It's important to narrow in on what you want your summer to look like and then be specific. 

17:36 The distractions are much higher and you are likely traveling a little bit more in the summer than you would other parts of the year.  

18:26 Going back to our ancestors and what they were doing during the summer, they are following the sun. 

19:13 I've gotten better and better at this each year where I know how I'm going to be and what I'm going to be wanting to do during each season of my business. 

19:36 I can teach you a lot in our upcoming workshop about Poolside Profit Workshop. 

20:52 So what's cool is you could align your business so that you take the bulk of your clients during the winter and spring months. Then you cut it off but then you start taking and accepting claims, but they don't start in the fall. 

22:12 Do not stop publishing because if you stop publishing during the summer, you will 100% fill those effects in the fall. 

22:50 If you're not constantly generating new ideas that are flowing in and out of you, your body won't be used to that. 

23:44 It doesn't have to be every day, but in a rhythm that feels in alignment to how you want to show up for your audience.  

24:13 So are you building new relationships? Are you connecting with current relationships? Are you constantly building out your network?

24:40 Every week, that is a recommendation that I have to our clients and our students is to make new connections. 

25:00 If you think about the coaching, the content, and then the connections, think about how much time that would take you each day. 

25:47 But again, it depends on your niche, every niche is different. Maybe summer is your hot season.

26:15 Now, if you have a team, this is really great because you can start to delegate or even put things in an autopilot to create more of that rhythm while you take it slow down. 

27:05 The other things that I want you to consider are, what are things that you can do now that sets you up for success over the summertime? 

27:23 This is something that we’re teaching inside of our Poolside Profit Workshop, where we're calling it the evergreen content machine.

27:48 There are things that you can set up one time and have it humming along in the background while you're doing your non-negotiables every week. 

28:18 What that email sequence does is it takes your audience to lukewarm to really, really hot and ready to buy.

28:57 This is something that we're going to go deeper in the Poolside Profit Workshop. We are going to teach you what this would look like for you. 

29:17 It's always a good idea and a good practice that with every new season to update, refresh, and come with new angles as you're growing your business. 

30:30 What I've noticed about the industry is that, the people that are succeeding are those that are innovating. 

31:10 As for me, we have that foundation to stand on. It gives us the space and the capacity to experiment and freshen up anytime we plan to. 

32:05 In our Poolside Profit Workshop, I'm going to show you what this looks like and really help you brainstorm ways to create this evergreen content machine. 

32:33 To bring right resources, knowledge, and spaces, that allows them to get what they need throughout whatever season.

33:00 It's going to be a very powerful workshop. I'm going to be teaching and also giving time for you to workshop so we can also brainstorm with you so that you're walking away with tangibility.  

33:15 We're going to be dissecting things for you and helping you think in a way that totally elevates you for this season.

33:38 You do not have to pick or choose, do I choose my business or do I choose my family this summer? I do want you to be able to create more of that flexibility during the summer.  

33:57 But you have to do that intentionally, meaning create the business model around that. 

34:30 I personally love to align my business in the way that I can honor both my hats. The CEO hat and the woman hat which is also the mom hat, the wife hat, and all those things.

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, a Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen, and heard online.

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women — because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that.

As a wife and a mom of three, the family takes priority. And having a business that’s run AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers.


Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos 

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Kinsey Machos:

Welcome to Captivate and Close. I'm Kinsey Machos, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high-paying clients using my break through online marketing strategies, all without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait, or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in. Hey, welcome back to another episode, I hope you've had such an incredible weekend. Well, at the time of this recording, we're wrapping up actually a long weekend. And it felt really, really long, especially having Friday's off. And then having fun day off, I'm like, okay, like, I love you, my family. And also I'm ready to get back to work. And which is so timely, because we're going to be talking about summer on this episode. But I think it's really important. And whether you are just getting started, or you're seasoned in business, I think that summer is a hot topic as a mom. And I feel like this subject is definitely near and dear to my heart. Because from the get go, I walked away from the corporate grind to experience more freedom. And so it's always been really important to me to maintain a level of the flexibility in my life in my business, so that I don't just recreate what I had created in corporate. And that may sound ironic to you. And some of you may totally understand that. But what I know to be true about the entrepreneurship industry is that it's actually more common than not to have a business that runs you. So I see a lot of people working around the clock working really hard for very little results. And or having very little control over the results are producing. And so there's a huge disproportion between the input and the output, right. So if you are working at hundred %, all the time, many hours a week, but you're only experiencing maybe fifty % of those results. There's a disproportion in the time that you put in versus what you're actually getting out of the business. And this is, in my opinion, just a reinvention of the corporate industry, you work a ton, and you definitely are not paid in correlation to the value that you bring to the table. Because there's ultimately a cap, there's a ceiling. And it's the direct correlation between time and money. Right. So it's like you have to basically show up for work in order to get paid. No, of course, like, you know, if you were like me a salaried employee, you didn't technically, but basically, if you didn't show up to work, you get canned, right. Anyway, I have always had a very keen awareness to this, because of the sole reason that I that I started my business in the first place. Now, I'll be honest, it's definitely been ebbs and flows, like there have been seasons where I'm like, dang, like, I'm working way too hard, or I have really lost sight of the main priorities or not last sight. But there's definitely seasons where I learned more about myself as a woman, as a wife, as a mom and Discover more ways or more improvements or opportunities show up in my life better in those areas. So I don't think that there's always going to be this really strong balance between all the things I don't believe in that. But all that being said, I do think it's really important to be cognizant of the type of business you're setting up how it's running with or without you, and the type of flexibility you're creating within that. So specifically, I want to talk about summertime, and how to prepare for summer how to really balance. Balance isn't the right word, right, how to juggle your work life and your personal life while kids are home. And also, I want to talk about the seasons that you should be aware of, because I think a lot of people come into entrepreneurship with this entitlement type of mentality like I'm an entrepreneur, I should be able to do this. And that's just not true. And there's really going to be maybe some things that feel like they sting a little bit in this episode and I think but I've been really feeling This stronger voice come through me as of late and sort of this more honesty and realness. And I think that as an expert in my field, one of the things that I'm really trying to grow within myself is the willingness to say what needs to be said, even if it might hurt people's feelings. Or maybe, initially, it feels like it discourages you. But it's not meant for those things, it's really meant to prepare you for a sustainable business that can provide you incredible results in the long term. And also, that fits into your lifestyle, not the other way around. And so I just want to preface that this conversation with that no, in that, I cannot tell you that, you know, you can only work a couple hours a week and make you know, 10k months, or you can completely take off the summer, and expect to be where you were at when you come back. Now, there are times or seasons in your business, when you reach certain levels, that you will be able to step away for longer periods of time or create more rhythm in your business so that you can take more time off without it delaying your results. But most of you are in a season where everything that you do is directly going to be correlated to result you get, unfortunately, a lot of people are looking at this attribution model that doesn't necessarily tell the right story. So it's sort of like when I post one piece of content if nobody sent me a DM or nobody signed up, that means that this piece of content did not work. But it's actually what you did 60 days ago, that's likely going to produce that result. Today, whether it was that one piece of content that maybe triggered more of that action, but it wasn't that one piece of content. Right, it was a series of events that occurred before that. Now, of course, there's always going to be nuances and things within that. Like there are things that can like create that instantaneous type of results. But even if you think about it, right, when you become even a master of let's say, you get so good at content that it does produce that type of instantaneous result, think about how long it took you to master that craft. So either way, whatever you are doing, either today or tomorrow, know that the results of that are going to come down the road. And this is why it's so important to really look at this through the lens of your summer, because so many people believe that or come into entrepreneurship or come into the summer thinking, hey, I own my own business, this is my right, and I'm gonna take the summer off, or I'm gonna back up now. Again, it is your right. And if you're like me, you did create your business to be able to have more flexibility in the summer. But if you desire to grow to six figures, multiple six figures, seven figures and beyond, in perhaps a reasonable timeline, then you will be required to show up as that six, seven figure, business CEO. And often times people aren't operating from that space. It's more of just like this in and out type of mentality of like, whatever the season is, this is what I feel like or don't feel like and letting sort of the wind take them

Kinsey Machos:

out into whatever things happen. In a really unpredicted, uncontrolled, unreliable container. And I think most of you do not desire to have a hobby as a business. It really is something you desire to have as a full time again, profit generating business. And so we have to look at our time differently. And when I think of my first summer, as an entrepreneur, that first summer that I hit six figures, I was working in the summer, and in fact, the kids I always I lose track of time a little bit, but this might have been the first summer that after the pandemic happened. This was the summer so they had already been home for months on end. And we were all in summer so it was like extra chaotic. But guess what, we had a rhythm. We had a schedule. We had to have help. Right and I still put the time in now. I wasn't working 40 plus hours a week, but I did work a good chunk of time to be able to do Not just produce results, but to also continue to accelerate that momentum. Because if you remember, right, the results that you see today are a byproduct of what you did 60 to 90 days ago. And so what happens is, if you decide to take a step back during the summer, not only were you will you see a little bit of that result in a slower type of pace, right, so we're seeing slower revenue towards the end of summer, but it will definitely hit during the fall. And fall is one of our biggest seasons, or biggest revenue seasons. And so I really encourage you to prepare for summer in a way that's going to both suit you suit your business and suit your family. And I believe that you can have it all, we just have to be realistic about it right? And saying, if you do if you're like No, I like I'm taking the full summer off. Like awesome, it's just important to be aware and fully commit to the fact that that will also result in XYZ. And knowing the consequences of that or knowing the byproduct of that. And so again, you have those choices, but it's just important to be truthful with ourselves about what those choices are going to lead to. And so what I want to spend some time talking about is like what could a summer look like where you can maybe quote unquote, slow down in the in the sense of like, you're not putting more on your plate, or perhaps you're taking a little bit, a little bit off your plate, and also continue the momentum. So that fall, you can come back strong, and you're not rusty, that is one of my biggest fears. And I experienced it a little bit after the first quarter, you've heard me talk about it in and out, I haven't done like one, you know, specific episode on it. And it's still not quite ready. But I think I had gotten into this habit of like, thinking that I needed more time to quote unquote, heal my wounds, and I made it a reference an episode or two ago that was like, a definitely licked my wounds for far too long. And forgot about the responsibility I held as a CEO, right, as a woman, as a person in your life, where you have a responsibility to self you have a responsibility to heal the wounds, etc. But you also because you signed up to be a business owner, you also have a responsibility as a CEO. And those are two different hats, and you have to make sure you're taking care of all the hats. So if we look at it even from that perspective, I think that one of the things that people don't do is even define like what flexibility and freedom looks and feels like for you. And if we're on the terms or the subject of summer, what does that mean for your summer. And this is going to look and feel differently for everybody. Some people may want to just be able to take their two or three vacations and not have to work during the time that they're on vacation. Others might want to have a shorter work day so they can spend more time in the mornings and more time in the afternoon. And so it means having shorter workdays. Other people may want to condense their workweek, other women may want to just do less by means of taking less clients, right? So first, you have to decide like what is this beam view and some of you may be in the boat of like, I'm ready to rock and roll. Summer doesn't really mean a lot for me other than, you know, more time outside, a little bit more traveling. But you get to decide what freedom and flexibility looks and feels like to you as a woman as a mom? And what are some non negotiables that you want to put in place. It's fascinating to me that people will say things like, I don't feel like I have the flexibility in the business that I want. But when I asked them what is flexibility mean to you, they can even define it. And a lot of times, this is no fault of your own, right, we're just what happens is we just live under the rules that were defined by other people and just make them our own without even really understanding what they mean to us. And that is the biggest piece. And so when we think about preparing for summer, this is something that you need to do before you even start putting parameters in place. Because again, you could be operating under somebody else's rules, and that will be a cause for misalignment. It'll be hard to you know, cause for potential burnout because you'll be doing things you don't even like to do. And also you'll have nothing to measure it against. Right. So by the end of the summer, if I asked you do you feel like you had the flexibility and the freedom you desired the summer? Can you say yes or now in a way that makes sense. And if we don't have sort of those initial benchmarks, it's really hard to even say was I successful and send over or not. And so that's the first step is to say like, ask yourself, what do I desire this summer? What does it look like? What do I want, specifically get really specific, I gave you some examples of some earlier, but again, answer this for yourself, and then decide what your non negotiables are. I think that if you're like me, even if somebody said you would have the whole summer off, and nothing would change, or your business wouldn't, quote, unquote, suffer, you probably wouldn't even be able to take the whole summer off. Like, I love what I do, it gives me so much life, that it's just a part of who I am, like, I am going to always be coaching people, I'm always going to be publishing, I'm always going to be using my creative desires to create things like and shutting that part off, within me, is almost like, you know, killing a part of me or killing a part of my soul, right? Maybe that sounds a little bit dramatic. But if you are truly living out your purpose, your passion, right, then when you cut that part off, right, again, it's a part of you. So I think it's important to just really narrow in what you want summer to look like and then be specific. From there, I would imagine that if you are like me, you have kids at home, or you have perhaps different schedules, right. So even if you have kids that are out of school, but maybe they're even in part time childcare, or you have a nanny, right, there's still going to be some element of a schedule change, or even an increase of distractions. So as you know, I have three kiddos two are in school, and one is in preschool. And our two older kids, they have been home for a couple of summers in a row. And they do a good job, you know, keeping themselves busy, we have a monitor routine, we have them on a schedule. But there's no doubt that like, I am not getting as much done as I do during the school year. And they're even if I have the same hours in a workday that I would during the school year, like it's just not as productive. And so and I learned that pretty early on. And so I realized it's best to just cut down my work hours, because if I have less time to do it, but I'm just like producing what I mean, there's no sense to like draw that out. Because the distractions are just so much higher. Also, you are likely traveling a little bit more in the summer than you would other parts of the year. And so that's also going to be perhaps a adjustment that you want to work around.

Kinsey Machos:

And so what's important is to know that this will always be a season likely that you will need to adjust for and not need that you desire to adjust for. And so as we're talking about this upcoming summer, right at the time of this recording, we're at the end of May, heading into the summer, some of you may already have kids out of school. And this message really when I say summer, I mean like, as a mom, right? You've got kids out of school, and also right, it says the playful time of year when my functional practitioner, she really taught me this idea of like, if you go back to our ancestors and what they were doing during the summer, right, they're staying up later, they are following the sun, right Sun sets later at night. They're waking up earlier, but they're playing, they're playing hard during that season. And then you when you roll into fall, right, that's when we start to prepare for, you know, harvest and things like that when we're working a little bit harder than we are playing. And so even if you think about somewhere in that manner, it's just like we're all playing harder. And I expect that you would be playing harder unless for whatever reason, perhaps summers and that for you. But it should be it really should be. And so either way, is what I want you to think about is that every thing that you run into sort of as you enter this season is remember it for the next season, I've gotten better and better at this each year where I know how I'm going to be and what I'm going to be wanting to do during each season of my business. And so you can give more preparation. Right? So if you are just now heading in the summer, and you're like, Oh, I got a scramble, that's okay. Like, it's totally fine. And in fact, I can teach you a lot about that in our upcoming workshop poolside profit. But also I want you to make a mental note and perhaps even document somewhere. How can you better prepare for this next summer, where you can maybe even have more time off or work less or even increase your profits during summer? Like how cool would that be? And so this is how CEOs think Right, not everything last minute. But this may just be a newer concept for you, right? It's like, Oh, someone is going to look and feel different, I better prepare. So remember that everything you do for this summer, right will be great. But what you're learning is now how to give yourself more of that preparation for the next year. But one of the things that you have to do is decide like, what are my non negotiables? In the business? Like, what do I have to do no matter what, each week, or you know, each day, that are going to keep the business moving forward, no matter what. And, you know, we teach our students in 10k, it's coaching, right. So obviously, you have to keep coaching your clients, unless you have, again, strategically prepared to take the summer off. And so you cut off your supply, knowing that, right, there might be a little bit of deeper, perhaps you've even prepared. So what's cool is you could like align your business, so that you take the bulk of your clients during the winter, and spring months, and then you sort of cut it off, but then you start taking, right you accept claims, but they don't start in the fall. So they put a secure payment down. Right, perhaps there's things that they can do to prepare. But I know people that do that, if you're more of just like a, you know, lifestyle business owner, you only want to generate, you know, one 200k with like a really small clientele, that's something that you could do. But most likely, a lot of you will be, you know, heading in the summer with clients. So obviously, we're going to have time on our calendar for coaching coaching our clients, if you have a scalable offer, like our offers are right, you're not coaching one to one, but you're coaching one to many, which is great. That is one non negotiable, right? That you will not get rid of because you want to deliver to your clients. And so you'll build that in, right. But you'll also write non negotiables for me or its content. And this is what we teach our clients like we're I'm always going to be publishing, I know, this is one of the most important things, one of the things that I know for sure. We'll delay. It has a delayed sort of reaction, if you will, if you stop publishing during the summer, you will hundred % fill those effects in the fall. So do not stop publishing, right? So what does that look like? What does that schedule look like? And what are the non negotiables this should not be something that you feel like you have to do, right? This is you are a creator, you're you are a creative. And if you stop creating, if you stop publishing, you will essentially not grow like you will not grow at the pace of the industry. And a part of you will die. Like if you're not constantly generating new ideas that are flowing in and out of you like your body won't be used to that. And so slowly, but surely, you will get rusty and I experienced a little bit of this. I referenced that a little bit earlier. But I stopped creating as much as I used to thinking that I quote unquote, needed time. But coming back to that rhythm again was really, really hard. And so three months from now really ask yourself, Is this something that I want to like start back up again? Or is it something that I feel like I want to have to, you know, reinvent the wheel again, now you don't. And so really building in that, that creative work, right publishing, wherever you are, what your one primary platform, perhaps you also have a podcast, YouTube channel, whatever that looks like. But do not let that slide. And again, it doesn't have to be every day. But a rhythm that feels in alignment to how you want to show up for your audience, whether it's spring, summer, fall, winter, that really shouldn't go by the wayside. And a lot of people think it's like a nice to have, but it's actually like really should be a non negotiable in your business. So we have the coaching, we have content, right? So we're always publishing and then of course connecting. So are you building new relationships? are you connecting with current relationships? Are you constantly building out your network, if you're just getting going and you're under the multiple six figure mark, you have to focus on building your network if people aren't referring you, or you don't really have a large network of people outside of your small circle of, you know, close friends and family, it's gonna feel really hard to grow. And so every week, that is a recommendation that we have to our clients and our students is like making new connections. And this is kind of the grunt work, if you will, that people never want to do and then they wonder why their business isn't growing. But it is hundred % The thing that sets the foundation and guess what, it's so easy to do. So if you think about the coaching, the content, and then the connections, think about how much time that would take you each day. Like if you have a handful of clients or more, or you have even a full roster of claims, like you can get those things done in a handful of hours each day or work longer days over the course of smaller days, or sorry, a shorter workweek. This is what really allows you to get in and out, right? And then you from there, it's like, okay, what are sort of more be the things that can wait, that won't impact the business, right. So perhaps you want to delay any big launches, or launching something new, I wouldn't necessarily recommend doing them lean over the summer. But again, it depends on your niche, every niche is different. Maybe summer is your hot season. And so obviously, you have to prioritize around that that's something to consider too is like not just your own lifestyle, but also what is your avatars lifestyle, what are they doing during these different seasons. And so if you think about those non negotiables, that will help you also decide what can stay and what needs to go temporarily. Now, if you have a team, this is really great because you can start to delegate or even put things on sort of autopilot to create more of that rhythm while you take a step back, I don't really like taking a step back. But while you kind of

Kinsey Machos:

slow down or you know, kind of maintain over the summer for us, we rarely launch anything new. Although this summer, I have the capacity from a team perspective and a financial perspective, to launch little, you know, mini offers here and there to really get ourselves rubbed up for fall. And also, what we're doing is we're still serving an audience that is buying. But again, it's because I have the capacity across the board to be able to do this. And these are things that we thought ahead of in advance. Now the other thing that I want you to consider are what are things that you can do now that sort of set you up for success over the summer time. So are there things that you could install in your business or do in your business that will allow for more rhythm. So this is something that I'm teaching inside of our poolside profit workshop, where we're calling it the evergreen content machine. So there's things that you can create now, one time only, that will act as sort of that machine that is doing sort of that manual work for you. Now, it's not connecting with people. For you, it's, you know, again, you still have to be a human and connect with other humans. But there are things that you can set up one time and have it sort of humming along in the background, right while you're doing your non negotiables every week, and it just sort of elevates that process. And these are things like standard content pieces that go out. These are things like an email sequence that can support you throughout the summer that's consistently nurturing your new email subscribers, or a really great lead magnet that's going to get people on your list, right. And then what that email sequence does is, you know, takes them from, you know, lukewarm to really, really hot and ready to buy. And so, you know, they actually become a client before the summer's even over, or right, what it does is it gets them super warm. So that even by fall, right, you have this pocket of demand that's waiting for you. And so there's things that you can do actually, that install, again, not a heavy lift by any means, like you're not going through a whole live launch model, or setting up an entire new product or program, right but little things that you can do within your business within your marketing that allows you to create a one time, but it works for you over and over again, this is something that we're going to go deeper in poolside profit and really teaching you what this would look like for you, and what assets you can create easily, one time and set it up so that it can really work for you. Over the long run. Again, these are things that you should always have in your business no matter what season, but it's always really a good idea and a good practice that with every new season to update and refresh and really come with new angles or as you've grown right you can offer a new lens on something or there's a new topic, right? So I think that there's this huge sort of push on like this same message or like, you know that consistency around saying the same thing and getting the redundancy and those things are good, but you are an evolving entrepreneur, you're going to new levels and it's important to bring in that growth inside of your content inside of your marketing inside of your offers and talking about it. And me To ensure that your marketing is a reflection of your growth and your true brilliance, because if it's not, right, it's sort of again, it's not fully representative of what you can bring to the table. And so it's sort of copy me with the knees, right? If we just sort of say the same thing over the years, and we're not bringing in those new layers within ourselves, and really finding new ways and angles to bring to our audience, it's not really going to be as effective because what I've noticed about the industry is that the people that succeed are those that are innovating, and those that are constantly coming up with new fresh ideas. Now, again, underneath that we have foundations to stand on, right, I can bring a new offer to the market, or I can bring a new asset to the market, or I can come up with, you know, new series and things like that, you know, pretty quickly because I have the team and the financial resources to kind of support those initiatives. But mostly because I have right beings that are proven already, right, we have signature offers that we can market and sell like that. And so we have that foundation to stand on. But then that gives us sort of the space and the capacity to experiment and freshen up if you will, and really give our audience new flavors and new tastes. And so as we roll into summer, it's really important that you use this as an opportunity to serve your audience in this season, right? How is your avatar experiencing summer? And what is something that you could do to serve them? Now, because if you're still talking about the same thing that you did six months ago, when it was, you know, cold and winter, or maybe it's not cold where you are, but it was definitely cold where I am and I'm having you know, I'm having different challenges, right? Maybe your health coach having during the wintertime very different challenges than the summertime. So how can you come with new angles and uses the opportunity to serve your audience is slightly different. And so in pulsate profit, I'm going to show you what this looks like and really help you brainstorm ways to create this evergreen content machine. This serves your audience in a new way. So you can really elevate your own message yourself in the market stand out and serve your audience now, right not six months ago, or like what you know, what they might need then, but like what they want right now, so that you can be the category leader, right? And really bring right resources and knowledge and spaces, that allows them to get what they need, right throughout the summer. And also it serves you right, what this is doing is it's creating that feedback loop, it's creating that cycle, it's creating that like flow in your business as well as you lean into this season in regards to your avatar. So I'll include the link in the show notes, but it's going to be a very powerful workshop, I'm going to be teaching and also giving time for you to workshop so we can also brainstorm with you so that you're walking away with tangibility around what is this summer look like? What are non negotiables for you? What is your evergreen content machine look like? So we're going to be dissecting that for you and helping you think in a way that totally elevates you for this season. So that you're then prepared for the next season. And this cycle you can apply for every season, which is so great, but what I want and really hold space for you. And your own vision is that you can have what you desire, right? You do not have to pick or choose like, do I choose my business? Or do I choose my family this summer, but I do want you to be able to create more of that flexibility during the summer, you know, maybe it means working one less day, maybe it means having shorter work days. But you have to do that intentionally meaning create the business model around that right, don't just do it and then expect for everything to hum along as it normally does. Make sure you have the system and the structure supporting that overall intention. So I hope this episode was helpful for you and just kind of getting the juices flowing is it's not just about this upcoming summer, right. It's also getting a leg up for the next summer. And every season that comes right I love to run business along the seasons, because it also matches me energetically. Right? And like I really love to align my business in that way so that I can honor both hats, right? The CEO hat and the woman hat, which is also right, the mom hat, the wife hat and all those things. And it just gets you it gives you that ability to have it all right, but we just have to be truthful with ourselves. We have to really understand that there are consequences could be positive, but could be negative, you know, in relation to the decisions that we make in our business and Though if you decide to step away completely for your summer, just knowing what that might look like for you and accepting it again, maybe that just is all is accepting it. But it also could mean that you're just tweaking, right, you're suggesting a little bit. And that means that we just need to put some systems in place to allow you to do that without it impacting your business because there's a lot you could do without doing a lot like it allow you to, again, continue that momentum that you desire to continue. So if you love this episode, if you wouldn't mind just taking a snapshot tagging me on Instagram stories, I would totally love that. And we'll include the link in the show notes to sign up for our poolside profit. This would be a really incredible experience. And we're going to workshop together it's going to be like get we're gonna get dirty with you. We're gonna get our on a roll up our sleeves, we're going to be doing again, a blending of teaching and workshopping with you so you can walk away with a full plan and feel really good about what's to come for your summer. Alright, girl, I'll see you next time.

Kinsey Machos:

Hey, you, thank you so much for listening. It's an honor to be able to pour into the hearts and minds of like-minded entrepreneurs all over the world. But my most favorite part is being able to connect with you in real life. If you love what you heard here, head over to the community where thousands of female CEOs, just like you are changing the world one human at a time. We go deeper into the topics we discuss here. And giveaway tangible roadmaps help you crush your revenue goals to join this high-caliber free community head over to kinseymachos.com/community. I'll see you there