Nov. 29, 2022

How To Design Your Curriculum For Your Group Coaching Program

How To Design Your Curriculum For Your Group Coaching Program

On today’s episode, Kinsey dives into one of the three core elements of scalable offers: curriculum. This is how your clients are learning what they need to learn in order to get the results they desire. If designed well, the curriculum can accelerate your clients’ results and take pressure off of you to coach on the same things over and over again. 

However, curriculum can be an art and a science. Tune into this episode so you can avoid the most common mistakes, create an exception experience for your group coaching clients, and scale your impact. 

Past Episode References: 

Mistakes To Avoid When Growing A Community As Part of Your Paid Program

Your Scalable Offer (Part I)

Your Scalable Offer (Part II)

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Do not miss these highlights:

01:57 A scalable offer is around this idea of being able to serve more than one person at a time.

02:06 It's different than a done-for-you service if you're an agency or service based entrepreneur.

02:13 It is also different from a one-to-one coaching or consulting, when you're just working with somebody individually. 

02:19 Moving into a scalable offer where you can serve more than one person at a time is really good for the business. 

02:50 What does it look like to serve more people? 

03:03 We love to talk to you about group coaching and scalable offers.

03:16 The most intricate processes when you're starting to scale your business.

03:22 You’re starting to think about amplifying your impact and income without sacrificing your client's results. 

03:32 In our Female Founders Board, this is our core focus alongside getting out of the weeds when you're starting to shift more from solopreneur to that CEO role. 

03:58 We have linked up some episodes that reference more depth about scalable offers.   

04:14 Three core elements of coaching. Previously it was about Community, and now, curriculum. 

04:23 It is really overlooked when it comes to creating some sort of experience where many people can get results without necessarily needing a lot of your time as the expert. 

04:38 Curriculum is the material that people are responsible for learning, and applying the meat of your offer.

05:07 If you don't have curriculum that can basically stand on its own and get somebody results, you will not be able to effectively move volumes of people through your scalable offer. 

05:23 The curriculum really creates that base learning. 

05:48 In our 10k content collective, the four core pillar curriculum in there is around irresistible offers, magnetic marketing, content that converts, and value based selling. 

07:39 But not having that solid framework to walk people through, you're gonna end up doing people a disservice

07:55 Curriculum becomes essentially the promise pathway. But when we start to build out the curriculum, as recommended, building as you go in most cases. 

08:36 In our Female Founders board, we help people design scalable offers, a container where coaches can help others build their six-figure speaking career, without focusing a lot on individualized coaching. 

08:50 Doing a lot of work behind the scenes to think about what that fulfillment structure looks like, what the design looks like, and then the marketing and selling around it.  

09:43 The last thing you need to do is to record a bunch of modules, and then go sell it as a start, thinking that that's what people want.

10:06 When you start to move into a framework where it's one to many, it just requires a slightly different delivery sometimes. This is why we really want to build as we go.

10:35 It will create a solid experience. But that requires you to really understand what is the curriculum that they need to know. 

10:47 Now the biggest mistake here is, shoving the whole enchilada in the offer. 

10:45 It is recommended to actually map out all the things right from point A to point B. We call this the promised pathway.  

11:32 As you think about that journey, what's going to come from it are these themes. The things that they need to learn, which will then inform your core curriculum.

11:42 But if you have more than four, at most five sort of core pillars of information, it's likely that you're trying to shove way too much into an offer.

12:00 If we try to give them all this information, they're going to be overwhelmed, and they won't be able to get results.

12:50 What's cool is when you have a coaching component to your scalable offer, it gives you more freedom to catch some of those things that you notice need to be coached, but maybe it's not necessarily a part of the core curriculum. 

13:18 You can start to organize it by pillar. From there, you'll start to think about what this looks like from a user experience as they log into the platform. 

13:52 We want to create that first “wow” impression. 

14:09 A lot of people's first impressions are with when joining a group coaching program. 

14:27 Part of the curriculum does need to include an element of getting started, or setting expectations before you ever teach them something. 

15:13 Always put yourself in the shoes of our clients because we're all in the same boat.  

15:50 If they're not getting what they need through your curriculum, they're going to rely more on the coaching calls, which could be a little bit of a distraction. 

16:04 Or if they feel overwhelmed, or they're not getting results fast enough, they're going to check out. They're gonna ask for a refund. 

16:15 That is not what we want for people. So really take this component seriously. 

16:21 Think intentionally about what that curriculum looks like for you. This is going to come in iterations.   

16:29 But definitely don't rush it. If you have no idea what your curriculum is, it may mean that you're just not quite ready for a scalable offer.

16:41 You cannot rush this process, or else you might shortcut a few things for the short term. And that can surely slow you down in the long game.

16:59 If you are at a place where you are ready to design your scalable offer because you have really tested your offer with one to one claims, or you're at capacity in that regard. Whether it's in the traditional form in your clinic or your practice, or you're just ready to take the business to the next level and you want to add in another offer. That's what we do in the Female Founders Board.

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen and heard online.

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women — because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that.

As a wife and a mom of three, family takes priority. And having a business that’s run AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers.

Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos 

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Kinsey Machos 0:07

Welcome to captivate and close. I'm Kinsey Machos, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high-paying clients using my breakthrough online marketing strategies, all without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait, or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in. Hey, you welcome back to another episode of captivate and close, it's so good to be here with you. Today, we are currently on Thanksgiving break. So our older kiddos are out of school. And just preparing for Thanksgiving, it's pretty low key year, this year, I think it's going to be the same for Christmas, I haven't even started Christmas shopping. A I know I'll get in the spirit eventually. But I'm just sort of feeling the desire for just more peace and calm in this holiday season. And like giving myself permission not to do all the things. I don't know what that's gonna look like yet, but I'm flushing that out. So let's talk about curriculum in your group coaching program, or any sort of scalable offer that you might have. Now, when we think about the three core elements of a scalable offer, it's the coaching the curriculum and the community. Last episode, we talked about the community aspect, which is one of the most important pieces, I think, to a group coaching program or a scalable offer. But when we think about like a scalable offer, it is around this idea of being able to serve more than one person at a time. Right. So it's different than maybe a done for you service. If you're an agency or service based entrepreneur. It's also different than one to one coaching or consulting right when you're just working with somebody individually. But we're moving into more of a scalable offer where you can serve more than one person at a time. So these offers are really good for you. If you have a proven framework, you are starting to become at capacity, we find that a lot of people in sort of more of the traditional clinician setting or traditional like healthcare setting, moving online, this is the kind of like I can only take so many, you know, patients or clients or customers at a time. What does this look like to serve more people. And we see this a lot. Obviously, with coaching and consulting, when it's like, again, you only have a certain amount of hours in a week that you can coach one to one people. And so we love to talk about group coaching, and or some sort of scalable offer. So this would be this can look and feel a little bit different, and it is for everybody that we work with. But this is one of the most intricate processes, I believe when you're starting to scale your business. And you're starting to think about amplifying your impact and income without sacrificing your clients results. It's really, really important. And in female founders where this is really, really our core focus alongside of, you know, how do you get out of the weeds. When you're starting to shift more from solopreneur to that CEO role, right? You're You're onboarding team members. But you're also starting to think about like this desire to help more people. But it feels a little bit overwhelming when you're in the weeds of it so much. So just some context about scalable offer, which we talk about a lot here on the podcast, but we'll link up some episodes that reference those in more depth. But when it comes to a scalable offer and or group coaching program, again, same thing, we think I like to break them up into three core elements coaching curriculum and community. And I want to talk about curriculum today. Because this is again, just so fun to design. And it is really, really overlooked when it comes to creating some sort of experience that many people can get results without necessarily needing a lot of your time as the expert. And so when you think about the curriculum, it's just that it is it is material that people are responsible for learning and applying right and it's sort of like the meat of your offer. A lot of people will start group coaching programs without clarity of what their curriculum is, and so they just find themselves in the same scenario of feeling like they need to coach people all the time. And so the scalable offer becomes a little bit irrelevant. If you don't have curriculum that can basically stand on its own and get somebody results, you will not be able to effectively move volumes of people through your scalable offer, like through that group coaching program. And so the curriculum really creates that base learning. And you'll only know this, if you have actually worked with clients, or customers or patients or whatever this looks like. What happens is if you prematurely move into a group coaching offer, and you don't know what that core curriculum is, or you think, you know, but you haven't bedded it yet, it's because you haven't worked enough in the weeds with people. Right? If you think about our 10k content collective, the core curriculum that's in there around irresistible offers magnetic marketing, content that converts and value based selling those four core pillars of getting your content that converts, right, and building that presence online, getting clients with your content. Those were built from me personally, working with coaches for many years. And what I found was these patterns, these themes, these, this is what people need to know, you'll notice, like you're just going to be repeating the same information, right. And if all they do is learn the fundamentals of these core pillars, right, they're set for life, they technically don't even need me to coach them, which is how we want to think about it. But again, I always strongly recommend adding some sort of coaching component to your scalable offer. Because A, you can increase the results of people, it enhances the experience. And also it impacts where we can drive it the price also have to offer but that's another conversation. But what we want to really think about is that curriculum like standing on its own, if somebody were to, like, take and consume the curriculum, could they go out and create those results on their own. But when we try to guess, without having that, like work under our belt, right, it gets really, really hairy. And so what I see a lot of coaches doing is launching these group coaching programs. Because, right, they're super sexy, and it's like, oh, I can just lower my price of my private coaching offer and put people through here. And but not having that solid framework to walk people through, you're gonna end up kind of like doing people a disservice. Right? What are they actually there to do? What is the promise? What is the result? And so that curriculum becomes essentially the promise pathway. But when we start to build out the curriculum, this is where I really, really strongly recommend building as you go in most cases. So I have a client, she helps people build six figure speaking careers. But she's done this in a very high, intense way. Right? It's very, the way that she's been able to build her own speaking career and even consults with others requires a lot of her individual time. And so as we've been designing her scalable offer, right, a container where she can help other people build their six figure speaking career, without feeling like she has to spend individual time with a bunch of people. We've been doing a lot of work behind the scenes to think about what that fulfillment structure looks like, what the design looks like, and then the marketing and selling around it, right. This is what we do with you and female founders born. But right now, right, she is bringing on her first cohort into this offer. And I have been coaching her around building the curriculum as you go. And so she'll teach it live, she'll have a general because she's been doing this again, because she has the experience. She has a general idea of what she wants her people to know and what she needs to teach her people in order to get them that end result. So she maps it out, and then she teaches it live, and then she's gonna bank it right in her content in her members area for future purposes, right for future people coming through.

Kinsey Machos 9:35

That's how I want you to think about it as far as like building it out. The last thing I want you to do is go record a bunch of modules, and then go sell it thinking that that's what people want. You'll actually find that what you thought was going to be the core framework or that core curriculum will probably Shift as you start teaching it more and more even if you have those gained hours or the gained experience with working with a lot of clans, when you start to move into a framework where it's one to many, it just requires a slightly different delivery sometimes. And this is why we really want to build as we go. But as you really solidify that framework, what's cool is people can come into that program, right? They have their core curriculum, they can go binge, it, they can take it as slow or as fast as they want. And then you just add in that additional coaching for them, right, however, that looks like for you. And it creates a really, really solid experience. But that requires you to really understand what is the curriculum that they need to know. Now one of the biggest mistakes that I also see is like shoving the whole enchilada in the offer. So what I would recommend doing is actually mapping out all the things right from point A to point B. So we call this the pathway, right? The promise pathway. They're here now they're at point B, they're sorry, they're at point A, this is where they're at. Now, point B is where they want to be that is the end result that you offer. But how they get from A to B is on you. What is that journey look like? For them? What do they need to know? What do they need to implement? What do they need to experience? What do they need to do, etc. And as you think about that journey, what's going to come from it are these themes, right, the things that they need to learn, which will then inform your core curriculum. But if you're finding that you have more than four, at most five sort of core pillars of information, it's likely that you're trying to shove way too much into an offer. Remember, people are simple humans, if we try to give like, hose them with all this information, they're going to be overwhelmed, and they won't be able to get results. And so this is a part of the process too, as you become a more proficient coach, and you will learn when people actually need to get results, you're gonna find that it's actually less and less and less. In fact, even with our core, front end offer 10k content collective, that is a framework that was designed from years of experience, and I'm all ready for sort of the 2.0 version thinking, I already have an idea of like, all the things that are going to shift, and the majority of it is just taking things out. What is the waste, right? What sort of more of a distraction to just getting people to results the fastest. What's cool is when you have a coaching component to your scalable offer, it gives you more freedom to catch some of those ad hoc items or coach to some things that you notice need to be coached you but maybe it's not necessarily a part of the core curriculum. But if you start to map this out, right, you take somebody from point A to point B, and you think about what are the things they need to learn, you're gonna have your core pathway curriculum, and start to really organize it by pillar. And from there, right, you'll really start to think about what does this look like from a user experience as they log into the platform. Again, I'm getting like super techy, but these are just things that people don't teach you or talk about when it comes to creating that really, really enhanced experience to allow people to get results fastest. What you need to know is people will have buyer's remorse. And that usually happens, you know, 24 to 48 hours after purchase, especially if you're selling something that's super high ticket, we want to create that first Wow. impression. And a lot of times, it's not meeting with you. It's not a welcome email, right. It's usually it is a welcome email, but it's some logging into the members area. That is what a lot of people's first impressions are. When joining some sort of, you know, group coaching program. If you think about anything that you've sold, what sort of that first or second step, so we really want to wow them with that experience. Now part of the curriculum does need to include some sort of element of getting started or setting expectations before you ever teach something. Or teach them something. Really, really set the floor with them and set the stage right, what is to be expected of them. What is to be expected of you what's coming, how should they start to prepare themselves for success? What is that success look like? Is there anything that they should be prepared for? Or do they need to carve out additional time for really, really figured about if you were to come into an experience Right, and really, really maximize your success. What does that look like for you? When you do those things? Right, I always put myself in the shoes of our clans, because we're all sort of in the same boat, right? When you opt into some sort of experience, what do you expect? Or what do you desire as that consumer as that client, and so really putting yourself in the shoes of them. And thinking about that full experience. This is, again, something that's just not talked about enough, because it's not super sexy, it's not super fun to talk about. But I love designing curriculum. And when we think about curriculum, it really can make or break the experience, right, just like community, if they're not getting what they need through that curriculum, a they're going to rely more on the coaching calls, right, which a could be a little bit of a distraction, if you're trying to keep those coaching calls a little bit more streamlined. But it also if they feel overwhelmed, or they're not getting results fast enough, or they're watching the videos, and they don't understand it, they're going to check out, right, they're gonna ask for refund, they're just going to give up, they're not going to show up. And that is not what we want for people. So really take this component seriously. And think about intentionally think about what that curriculum looks like for you. And this is going to come in iterations, this is going to come in phases. But definitely don't rush it. If you have no idea what your curriculum is, it may mean that you're just not quite ready for a scalable offer. And that is okay. Right, you cannot rush this process, or else you might shortcut a few things for the short term, but it will 100% I promise to slow you down in the long game. So I hope this was helpful if you guys wouldn't mind. Taking a snapshot sharing on Instagram tagging me, that'd be so amazing. If you are at a place where you are ready to design your scalable offer, because you have really, really tested your your offer with one to one claims or you're at capacity in that regard, whether it's in the traditional form in your clinic or your practice, or you're just like really ready to take the business to the next level and you want to add in another offer. That's what we do in female founders. But we're on a waitlist now, but definitely get on there now. We only take a handful of clients at a time. And it is so robust what we do with you there. It's just like literally insane. So we'll include the details in the show notes. But I hope you always have such a good week. I will see you next time. Hey, you, thank you so much for listening. It's an honor to be able to pour into the hearts and minds of like minded entrepreneurs all over the world. But my most favorite part is being able to connect with you in real life. If you love what you heard here, head over to the community where thousands of female CEOs, just like you are changing the world one human at a time. We go deeper into the topics you discuss here and give away tangible roadmaps to help you crush your revenue goals to join this high caliber free community head over to Kinsey forward slash community. I'll see you there