Dec. 6, 2022

How To Coach Inside Your Group Programs

How To Coach Inside Your Group Programs

Coaching clients in a group container is different from coaching clients in a one-to-one experience, but building the proficiency of both is important if you plan to create global impact and generate high-revenue months. Tune in to learn how you can master this skill as an expert so you can amplify your income and your impact.  

Past Episode References: 

How To Design Your Curriculum For Your Group Coaching Program

Mistakes To Avoid When Growing A Community As Part of Your Paid Program

Female Founder's Board Waitlist:

Do not miss these highlights:

01:25 The three core elements of a scalable offer. 

01:31 A scalable offer is a container where you can serve one to many clients. This would be different from you in a one-to-one coaching client relationship. 

02:36 A scalable offer allows you to bring volumes of people through an experience at once and get them results, or get them what they need.

03:11 The coaching element of your scalable offer, likely your group coaching offer, is one of the most common in our industry.  

04:42 Remember that people want their problems solved. That's it. They have found you or they're attracted to you in order to solve that.

05:17 A lot of you understand the nuances of the different types of offers in coaching. But most people don't really have that understanding.

05:37 The best offer is your unique framework, and your unique experience that you're going to take them through. 

05:59 How will you coach one person in a group setting? Or what does that look like?

06:08 If you haven't experienced a scalable offer, as a client or as a consumer, come see our group coaching program on how we do it in the 10k Content Collective group.  

06:46 People with the best and most reputable programs, are people that have been in several different masterminds or experiences for themselves.  

07:05 A lot of coaches and consultants are trying to create something without investing in their business. Or even trying to create something without having done it themselves.  

07:23 In our 10k Content Collective, we do really well in our offering of the infrastructure that is meant to support volumes of clients. Also the three elements, curriculum, coaching, and the community, ours is solid. 

07:48 Coaching somebody in a group experience, you need to learn how to hold space for one person while other people are there.

08:12 Most people will learn more by hearing others get coached than they will from getting coached themselves.

08:42 Just by hearing other people experience similar challenges will allow them to feel so much lighter.

09:04 Having that group dynamic creates this camaraderie, and this commonality that we're all in this together.

09:17 As a client you will get so much. But this is your responsibility as the leader to set up expectations ahead of time,

09:55 This goes back to when we're talking about the Community. It is telling people how you expect them to behave. Or what are the parameters within that.   

10:16 Tell them ahead of time that they will get results just by being there. 

10:49 The coaching element of your skill of offer is the catch all. Your curriculum that you've designed, which is the framework.

11:05 If designed well, it's the only thing they need. Nothing more, nothing less.   

11:21 Everybody has their own filters when it comes to learning or absorbing something. 

11:45 It's that space to get that individual coaching in that group dynamic which again, serves other people too.

12:20 Be encouraged to think about how this could be an added benefit to your offer.

12:41 When you start forming that connection between those people and they're showing up on group calls together, it will feed into the community culture.

13:07 It becomes this beautiful trifecta of enhancing the overall experience of your clients so they can get results faster and better.

13:38 Intentionally design scalable offer and coaching element around where you feel like people are going to get the most hung up.  

14:03 If you don't have boundaries in place, people won't respect that time. 

14:20 Bi-directional experience is that expectation that is going to completely change how people are experiencing those coaching calls.

14:46 When we look at the curriculum of our clients programs, you can usually spot or understand where coaching calls should be added and how.

15:32 You can do this however you want. Keeping the experience in mind, keeping that journey in mind, and how are people coming in. 

15:56 When they run into a challenge, because they will, they have somebody to go to. 

16:10 Yes we want to think of the curriculum, as mentioned last episode, as standalone. 

16:22 But when it comes to actually designing that experience around it, it's just not reasonable to think that people won't get stuck. 

16:38 Depending on your specific promise pathway and things like that, how frequent the coaching calls really play into.  

17:04 Really think about where people are going to have the most challenges, and how you can support them at a deeper level with your coaching calls.

17:31 Sometimes it might require some testing and adjusting and pivoting. 

17:42 Step back and think about your clients experience and what's best for them. 

17:57 This is what we do with you inside our Female Founders Board. It's the most rewarding experience, although also the most challenging.    

14:39 If you want us to help you with this, our Female Founders Board is our mastermind for coaches. The consultants that are scaling their income and impact with their scalable offers.

19:05 By now we hope you have clarity and at least a deeper surface level understanding of those three core elements, coaching, curriculum, community, and how to really think about your scalable offer in a way that just blows your clients minds. 

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen and heard online.

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women — because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that.

As a wife and a mom of three, family takes priority. And having a business that’s run AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers.

Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos 

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Kinsey Machos:

Welcome to captivate and close. I'm Kinsey Machos, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high paying clients using my break through online marketing strategies, all without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait, or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in. Hey, you welcome back to another episode of captivate and close. So good to be here. Awesome. That was me snapping in the background, if you couldn't hear. I hope you're having such a good day, such a good week, as we wrap up twenty twenty-three We're definitely nearing the end. Whenever this podcast episode is released, I know it's definitely towards the end of the year. But that's for another episode. What I want to talk about today is coaching. Not just coaching though, we're talking about coaching in a scalable offer. So in the last few episodes, I've really talked about the three core elements of a scalable offer, right, just to refresh your memory scalable offer is a container where you can serve one to many clients, right, this would be different than you in a one to one coaching client relationship. Or even in sort of more of the traditional clinician practice base, right, we get a lot of experts that come from that regard, when they're like fully booked, they want to increase their income and impact. But it's like, I can only see so many, you know, patients or clients during the week. This also applies to you if you're in the service industry, right? If you're creating websites, writing content for somebody or doing something that involves only you, right, and there's only so much of your time that you can give when you find yourself in this space, right, it can feel like you're just back into trading time for money. Maybe if you were in the corporate, if you have a corporate background, or like a job it's sort of like I'm just here, kind of like in a cap. And so a scalable offer allows you to bring volumes of people through an experience at once and get them results right or get them what they need. A lot of times the most common container is obviously like some sort of group coaching offer. But there are additional episodes that support scalable offers. And so we'll link those up here in the show notes. I last episode, I talked about the curriculum k and then episode before that we talked about community. So the three elements of a scalable offer our coaching community and curriculum. And so today, I want to focus on the coaching element of your scalable offer, likely your group coaching offer, this is one of the most common in our industry. When we think about coaching, you know, there's going to be a lot of different variety, depending on how you've built your business up till this point what you're used to, not even from a coach or consultant perspective, but from a client perspective, right? What other experiences have you been in that have influenced how you want your group coaching offer to be or how you want to coach your clients in your scalable offer. But one of the things that I know to be true is group coaching is very, very different than one to one coaching, obviously. And in previous episodes related to scalable offers, I have talked about the fact that it is going to require a level of proficiency of you to be able to coach in a group dynamic. A lot of times what we see is people are really, really afraid to start to make the transition from one to one two group, because they're afraid that people will have a certain perception of that and have the belief that they're not getting a high quality service or experience. In fact, I have somebody that just was recently read through this. I'm going to bring her on the podcast next week. But when we think about that, first of all, we have to know that there we have to remember that people want their problems solved. That's it. They have a pain, they have a problem. And they have found you or they're attracted to you in order to solve that. How you get them there is your responsibility to tell them that this is the best way. Most people don't really know, what's what they don't understand sort of the nuances unless you're coaching coaches like we are right, a lot of you understand the nuances of sort of the different types of offers in coaching, right group coaching, mastermind, private, etc. But outside of that niche, right, most people don't really have that understanding. And again, they just have a problem that they want solved. And it's your responsibility to tell them that this is the best way to solve that, which includes, right your unique framework, and your unique experience that you're going to take them through. And if that involves group coaching, then you have the responsibility, right to create that space for them to show up and get coached. If you're having sort of a block of like wool, how do I coach one person in a group setting? Or what does that look like, you may want to consider getting experience like join somebody else's group coaching program come see how we do in 10k, if you haven't experienced a scalable offer, as a client or as a consumer, right, or have been in one that was good, it's gonna be really hard for you to create that. And so sometimes being in bad ones can obviously inform like what we don't want. But sometimes if you don't know what you don't know, it's really hard to recreate that experience, I find that people with the best, most reputable programs are people that have been in several different masterminds or experiences for themselves, and have really taken bits and pieces from these different experiences and created their own based on what's best for their client. But I see a lot of coaches and consultants trying to create something without investing in their business or trying to create something without having, you know, done it themselves, truly. And so that's one of my biggest pieces of advice for you is go out and experience it firsthand for yourself. We do this really well in 10k content collective this offer, the infrastructure that's there is meant to support volumes of clients. And all three of those elements, curriculum coaching and community are solid. And so being able to experience that firsthand so that you can see what this looks like is, by far the best thing you can do for yourself. But all that being said, when you think about coaching somebody in a group experience, you do have to learn how to hold space for one person, right, while other people are there. But group coaching is really, really valuable. If you can effectively group coach, when you think about if you've never been on group coaching call, which I would be super surprised if you haven't been. But most people will learn more by hearing others get coached than they will from getting coached themselves. And first of all, there's a certain level of validation or affirmation that goes into being in the thick of something with other people, it is most likely that the pain or the challenges that your clients are experiencing, are not sort of like an anomaly. They're not an anomaly for what they're going through. And just by hearing other people experience similar challenges will like allow them to feel so much lighter. But oftentimes, what I find is like, when somebody gets caught on something, right, it's very similar to somebody else's question or problem or challenge. And like they don't even have to end up being coached. But having that group dynamic creates this camaraderie, and sort of this commonality of kind of we're all in this together. But when you are fully present to those group calls, right, as a client, you will get so much but this is your responsibility as the leader to set up expectations ahead of time, right? How do you want them showing up on coaching calls? What should they do to prepare, right? And what is the expectation of them?

Kinsey Machos:

We will say to our clients, you should come to these even if you don't have a question, right? Come to these listen to people get coached walk away with breakthroughs. We set that expectation ahead of time and so you better believe it right? Only handful people actually submit questions or ask questions. The rest are they're just to observe, but we had to tell them that right. This goes back to even when we're talking about community is telling people how you expect them to behave. or community? Or what the parameters are within that, what's the culture? Right? Same goes for group coaching? How should they be leveraging these coaching calls? Right? What do you expect of them? And how should they be treating them? If you tell them ahead of time, you will get results just by being there. Even if you don't have a question, you better believe they're going to come. But if you don't say that, they're going to assume that those calls are only meant for people that have questions. So that's one of the biggest things you can do. Right? Is set the expectation ahead of time? Why should they come? What does it mean? And how do they prepare. But when you think about people having that experience and getting coached, it's really about, like, it's kind of I like to think of the coaching element of your skill of offer is sort of the catch. All right, so you have your curriculum that you've designed, which is the framework, which is the very things that your people need to learn or do or gain knowledge around in order to get results. And hopefully, if designed, well, it's the only thing they need nothing more, nothing less, right. And that might require a few iterations. But the coaching then, is designed to kind of be that catch all, where it's like, well, they're gonna learn something, right? Everybody has their own filters when it comes to learning or absorbing something. And of course, everybody, even if you are super, super niche, everybody's gonna have a unique scenario or situation that they're in. And so it's sort of that catch all the calm of like, I, you know, I'm learning this thing, I'm implementing this thing, here's the challenge I'm having with that. And it's that space for them to get that sort of individual coaching, right in that group dynamic, which, again, serves other people too. I don't want you to forget that I think there's sort of this like belief that it's a disservice if you can't coach one to one. But I'm telling you, people have incredible, incredible experiences in our group coaching calls, in both of our programs, and I to, within the masterminds that I've been in, sometimes don't even come up questions I come just to learn, and I walk away with notes upon notes upon notes. So I just really want to encourage you to think about how this could be an added benefit to your offer. If you're sort of feeling that hesitation around? Well, I want to coach them individually, or what will they think about this experience if they're in a group with other people. The other thing too, is like when you can start forming that connection between those people, and they're showing up on group calls together, it will feed into the community culture. And so this is where all things tie together, right? The curriculum teaches them, what they need to know the coaching helps them implement and overcome the challenges and what they're learning and doing right in the community supports them as they're doing it. And it becomes this beautiful trifecta of enhancing the overall experience of your clients so they can get results faster and better. Right, which then, obviously ties back to your brand and your reputation. And you create clients for life. And so when you think about your scalable offer, and that coaching element, don't just throw up coaching calls, right and, and use them for this sort of desire of feeling like you need to over coach, right, really intentionally design them around, where you feel like people are going to get the most hung up, right how you want people to show up to them, and how you want people to treat them. What I noticed from my beginning, as a beginning coach as I was growing scalable offers is I was allowing for too much. And if you don't have boundaries in place, people won't respect that time. And so really making sure the boundaries are there to protect both you and the client, right? Because if if people don't respect that time, they're not going to get as much out of it. So this is a really, really bidirectional experience. And it's that expectation that is going to completely change how people are experiencing those coaching calls. When you think about like how frequent to me, this is a question we get a lot right like, well, how often should I put coaching calls on the calendar? Should I divide them up? It's all going to be based around the nuances of your program. It's going to be based on the niche right the results. When we look at the curriculum of our clients programs, I can usually spot or understand like where coaching calls should be added and how some aims, it's as simple as a once a week coaching call, it can be not simple. But in other cases, similar to our 10k content, collective structure, we divide it out in topic, and really around the core pillars of where people become masters of have in there as they're building their coaching business. And so it becomes a little bit more sectioned as far as the topics. But again, you can do this however you want, but keeping the experience in mind keeping that journey in mind, how are people coming in? Like, what is the journey that they're taking? And how are they learning? How are they implementing, and those coaching calls are meant to support that overall experience? So they don't get stuck, right? So that when they do run into a challenge, because they will write they have somebody go to? And this is why I've never loved the traditional course model where people just buy content, and are responsible to get results on their own. Right? Because, yes, that we want to think of the curriculum, as mentioned last episode, we want to think of it as like standalone. If all they had was this curriculum, could they get results, right? That's how I like to think of it. But when it comes to actually designing that experience around it, it's just not reasonable to think that people won't get stuck, or they won't have questions and or need that accountability, right to follow through. And so depending on your niche, depending on your specific promise pathway and things like that, it really plays into how frequent the coaching calls are, what the design looks like of those coaching calls, and how to build them around to be that support infrastructure. But it's not meant to be there just because, right? You you've saw it this way and another program, like really think about that, that experience, and where people are going to have the most challenges and how you can support them at a higher deeper level with your coaching calls. There's a lot of fun things to do. And this is why I love designing offers so much. And thinking about client fulfillment, is because there's so many ways to do this. And sometimes it might require some testing and adjusting and pivoting. But I find that people really get stuck in in the like in the box thinking and we really want to take a step back and think about your clients experience what's best for them, right? What's going to serve you also as the business owner, right as you're scaling your income and impact. And like blend those two together and start to fill in the pieces. This is what we do with you inside a female founders board. And it's the most rewarding experience, although also the most challenging, right when you start thinking about an offer that can serve one to many, and really, really protecting your claims results. In their experience. It really is an art and a science and too many people are winging their group coaching programs are winging these types of offers, because it's just heard, like, oh, it's time leveraged, right, I can serve one too many. But truly, this can make or break your brand. And so it's really, really important to do this right. And really, really consider that overall experience of your claim. So if you want us to help you with this, and female founders where it's our, it's our mastermind for coaches, the consultants that are scaling their income and impact with their scalable offers. This is what we do we have a waitlist. So I'll link up the in the show notes of how to get on that waitlist we only take, we only open certain times and we only take a handful of clients at a time. It's a very intimate experience. But I'll link that up. And I hope though, I hope that you walk away with clarity, I hope that by now you have a really good at least a surface level understanding although I've definitely gone deeper than the surface of those three core elements coaching curriculum community, and how to really think about your scalable offer in a way that just blows your clients minds. So I hope you loved it as much as I loved it. And I will talk to you next week.

Kinsey Machos:

Hey, you, thank you so much for listening. It's an honor to be able to pour into the hearts and minds of like minded entrepreneurs all over the world. But my most favorite part is being able to connect with you in real life. If you love what you heard here, head over to the community where thousands of female CEOs, just like you are changing the world one human at a time. We go deeper into the topics you discuss here and give away tangible real roadmaps to help you crush your revenue goals to join this high caliber free community head over to I'll see you there