Feb. 15, 2022

How To Become A Proficient Coach: Private vs. Group Coaching

How To Become A Proficient Coach: Private vs. Group Coaching

Are you a new coach and have been wondering if you should be doing private coaching or group coaching, to begin with? Or are you thinking about making the shift from one to another?

In this episode, Kinsey talks about her philosophy that one should start private coaching before doing group. Some will agree and some will not but stop and listen as she shares the reasons why she thinks this way and just maybe it will help you choose the path that is best for you. 

Do not miss these highlights:

04:34 - An exploration of starting out as a course creator. 

05:39 - The myth about passive income

07:00 - Courses are really hard to sell. Most people don’t search for a course, they find it through marketing.

07:56 - In course creation, you don't have the feedback loop, because you are not actively working with clients. It will be hard to understand what's working and not working

09:52 - Private coaching gives you the ability to become proficient in understanding yourself, your unique thoughts, and your unique methods.

11:58 - Your past experiences outside of coaching will not necessarily make you proficient in understanding your clients

13:03 - Once you become proficient in understanding your client then you can begin to become proficient in getting people bigger, better, faster results

16:00 - Once you have mastered those proficiencies then that allows you to create more time leveraged programs and products

19:34 - People want social proof. They want to see your methods working for others before signing on with you. 

21:08 - You will by far have a huge advantage over most of the people that are still trying to fumble their way through group coaching or selling courses without having those proficiencies

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen and heard online. 

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women -- because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that. 

As a wife and a mom of three, family takes priority. And having a business that’s ran AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers. 


Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos

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Kinsey Machos:

Welcome to Captivate and Close. I'm Kinsey Machos, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high paying clients using my break through online marketing strategies, all without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait, or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in.

Kinsey Machos:

Welcome back to another episode of Captivate and Close. Oh, my goodness, you guys, I am so, so excited to be here. And I I genuinely, I always genuinely mean that. But today, I am feeling so good. So for context, I got really sick in January. And then I got well enough to go on vacation, but I definitely was not well. And then we were on vacation for a full Gosh, seven days, and then came back. And the last week or so it's been this crazy blend of recovering from vacation because I'm like a crazy introvert. And I get overstimulated so easy. And I'm a creature of habit. I love my routine. So I usually have to decompress for a couple days after vacation. But then I still didn't completely feel myself from being so sick earlier. And it has been such a struggle to show up in the way that I want to my brain hasn't been operating the way that I that I desire it to. And I've finally after the last three to four weeks finally feel like myself today, and it feels so incredible. So I just want to offer that to you,

Kinsey Machos:

I want to talk to you about one of my favorite favorite topics today, which is private coaching versus group coaching, okay, and this can also apply to you if you have been selling a course or you're thinking about selling a course, this message is is 100% for you, too, as well. So here's the thing I have a big one of our philosophies, especially inside 10k content collective, is that you start with private coaching, okay, now I get a lot of pushback from people on this. And there's definitely people that refuse to take up. Take me up on that, on that suggestion, but I want to use this space to really give you some context as to why I recommend doing private coaching first, before you move into group coaching, or something like a course or a program. And I want to give you some give you some things to chew on as far as like, what I'm seeing it, what I'm seeing in the industry, and why this is so important and how it can benefit you as an online entrepreneur. So I feel very strongly about this. Particularly because of my personal experience. And then right then I have immersed myself in so many other of my claims businesses, I've also seen them I've seen them also struggle with this as well. And then of course, largely, I have seen this with my peers and in the industry. It's a huge, huge gap of understanding and it's causing a lot of pain, a lot of heartache, a lot of stalling out. And there is so much opportunity here.

Kinsey Machos:

Okay. And so first of all, I'm going to give you some different scenarios here to start to really give you some tangibility around this concept, why private coaching? Why should you be coaching people one to one before you move into any other sort of vehicle for coaching, consulting, or even a course creator, right? A content creator, that's just putting content, just selling your content? Okay, and I'll talk a lot about I'll talk a little bit about that here in a minute. But there's a variation of people that I see. So I see a large, a large amount of people come into the online space with the notion that they want to create and sell a course and this is because there's some big influencers in our space that this is their core conviction. It's the best way to build a business and to come in and create this course. Now of course in this regard is something that you create. So you create content. It's like an info product, right? You teach somebody how to do something, through recorded trainings through content that you sell, but there's no other coaching component. Okay? So I really want to make sure that we have common names here. But when I say a course, I'm talking about the traditional, do it yourself course, okay? You record modules, you, you know, record, you know, teaching, and then you sell it. And it's, there's no coaching involved came and, and most commonly these are sold, or less than $1,000. Okay. Now, a couple things here is that people I've seen will like this idea because it creates some passive income. And this is true, right? Because you don't have like, once it's created, the idea is I just put it out there and people will buy it. Well, first of all, this is a huge misconception, because there's a lot that goes into marketing and selling, even if you're not actively coaching in the thing, itself. And you have to be constantly watching metrics and making sure you're putting out new new creatives for your ads are building your audience and making sure that your brand recognition is growing. And so I don't love this idea of passive income, I think it's really just a crock. And people buy into it, though, this idea of like, I just going to create something, I'm going to put it out there, and I'm going to sit on the beach and drink mimosas or cocktails or Pinnacle Latos whatever. And the stripe notifications are just going to come in. Now I understand why a lot of people believe this because I see it being sold, I see this idea being sold so frequently. And it makes me so mad, like it's such a lie. So I want to put that out there. First of all is like that I see a large portion of people come into this space with this idea of creating a course, especially from a passive income perspective. But the thing is, courses are really hard to sell you guys not only have we had a huge influx of info products coming in, but a lot of people don't go looking for a course. And you have to become proficient in marketing, again, marketing and selling in order to gain that attention and convert that attention into sales. And you have to become proficient in your skill. Okay. And if you have never actually gotten somebody of result, right teaching, it is going to be really hard. Now there's, it's one thing to be really good at something is another thing to be able to teach it in a way that other people can a understand it, and then be implemented and get results for themselves. And that I'm going to circle back to that thought but of course, right? If you just teach somebody to do something, when we don't have the feedback loop, and we're not actually actively working with clients, right, it's really hard to understand what's working and what's not working. Okay. So that's a big portion of the industry that I see is this idea of selling a course came, the other larger portion of people that come into the online space have been sold the idea of time leveraged coaching programs, meaning group coaching, quote, coaching, one to many, okay, and this is this may be you, but you have probably been sold this idea of why would you coach one to one when you can coach one to many and, and make more money in less time. Okay. Now, yes, this is true. When you have a group coaching program, you remove that cap, right, because if you are doing one to one coaching, there's only a certain amount of claims that you can fit in a day. And group coaching allows you to remove that, and it's very time leveraged, we love group coaching. But a lot of people come into that space skip right to group coaching. Without some of the fundamental skills, they need to have to create the leverage of scalability. Okay, and so those are the two really I just want to set the stage there. Those are the two.

Kinsey Machos:

The two most common type of people we see it's the people that are coming in to create a course and then see the people that are coming into go right to group coaching. Now, what I want to talk about is why private coaching? Why do I recommend one to one coaching before moving into things like a group coaching our course. Okay? And there's really three reasons. The first reason is that private coaching gives you the ability to become proficient in Understanding yourself, understanding your unique thoughts and your unique methods, okay? When it comes to private coaching guys, it gives you proficiencies, and all these different areas that other things can't. Okay? And that first thing is the proficiency in yourself, do you understand your coaching style? Do you understand your unique ideas, your unique methods, your unique concepts, because that is going to be the thing that ultimately skills you in the long term, what makes you different as a business coach than your neighbor, who's also a business coach. And if you don't have this space, to really discover those, and you are not actively working with, with clients in that private capacity, it's going to be really, really hard to gain that insight about yourself. A lot of people will say that they want to learn their coaching style, and they want to, you know, start to niche down in these certain areas without actually doing the work of figuring people out. Okay, which brings me to my next piece to this is that you have to not just be proficient, become proficient in knowing yourself and your unique methods, which ultimately is your intellectual property, guys, that's the thing that's going to scale and having your intellectual property will be the thing that allows you to build a business bigger than yourself, right? Because if you're always having to be the one that coaches, right, it's really hard to sell a business or grow a business, that will have to involve you all the time. And so when we can pull out that intellectual property, that's what we scale, okay. But again, that that the container for private coaching allows you to become very, very clear and gain those insights in that regard. Now, the second thing is becoming proficient and understanding your clients. And like to go to pull back even a little bit more is to understand people. Now, if you're like me, and you think you have like, coming into the coaching space, I've been 10 years working in corporate, I thought I knew everything there was to understanding personalities working on teams, right, I was a project manager, I lead large scale initiatives, with multifaceted teams, multifaceted leadership roles. And I believed I had, I knew as much as I possibly could know about personalities, and being able to ebb and flow with different types of people. But I'm telling you, there's nothing like coaching people, and being able to gain that insight into how to really work with people in a capacity that allows you to get people results. Which brings me to my third proficiency is you have to become proficient at getting people bigger, better, faster results. Okay, so I want to talk about those two things, okay. So becoming proficient in understanding people, understanding your clients, and then under becoming proficient in getting people bigger, better, faster results. Now, if you think that you know, exactly what you want to do, or who you want to work with.

Kinsey Machos:

That's great, right. And a lot of people, we see a mix here, a lot of people do come into the space, I'm already having good insight into who they want to work with. But a lot of people don't. But regardless, you don't actually know until you get in the weeds with them. Right? I thought I wanted to be a life coach, I thought I wanted to work with moms, and help them create freedom in their life and start to, you know, heal their marriages. And then I got into it. And I was like, Whoa, like, this is not what I want to be doing. And so it's important, but but gaining that insight only came from me taking that action, and getting in the weeds with them. Right, as opposed to just like creating something, putting it out there and hoping that sells. The other thing is really understanding how you want to work with people. Right? I think it's important to really start to understand like, not just your coaching style, right, which is the first proficiency but also learning like how do you want to engage with people what type of

Kinsey Machos:

what type of leader do you want to be in that coaching partnership? How do you want to interact with people? What is that exchange of information look like? How often are you meeting with people there's so much to gain in that capacity of private coaching that cannot be gained when for sure you're selling a course. right with no coaching involved, but also in a group coaching experience, when you're having to work with one too many guys, that in itself is a skill. Okay? What makes you believe that you could get many people a result at a time, if you can't get one person a result. And the the last piece to this in becoming proficient and getting people bigger, better, faster results, is one of the most important because you do not have a sustainable business. If you have shitty coaching products, okay, you could sit out, you could create coaching programs, and you know, courses all day long, but if they don't get people the result that you promised, then you will have to close up shop, or you can continue to sell janky products, right, but you will stall out at some point. Because if it doesn't work, it's hard to grow it. And so if you don't learn all these things together, right, like understanding your IP, your self as a coach, understanding how to work with people, and then how to get people results, all those things, really create a mastery a proficiency in you as a coach. And that's going to allow you to then incorporate other elements of your business, or other elements, other products in your business that allow you to scale that allow you to create more time leveraged programs and products should take you out of the picture. So you're not in it all the time.

Kinsey Machos:

But I'll tell you a story, because I think this could resonate. And it kind of ties this all together. But when I first came into the coaching space, I was probably just like you I was sold the idea of a group coaching program. I was like, Cool, that's easy, like, and I did it and I was very successful at first I, I sold, I sold my first group coaching program, I sold seven seats, and I was like, boom, it's on. But what happened was first I was confused about cohorts, like how how often can I enroll people? Like do I have to wait another three months to get another client? How do I take people through this content? It's really, really confusing. And this is another complexity around group coaching that you will have to come into as you get there and understanding. Okay, again, how do people get the fastest results? And is my program designed for that? Especially if you have open enrollment? Or if you have closed cohorts, right, you're coming up against revenue issues? Do you have to wait another three months to bring in more revenue, right once you bring in a new cohort? So that's a whole other topic, which I want to talk about soon. But it I was confused. I was like, Okay, well, I wanted more clients, I was trying to get out of my corporate job. And so I created this open enrollment environment. But what happened was I exhausted my warm market. And so I went from selling a group coaching program, to I'm still selling the group coaching program, but I was only trickling in a couple people at a time. So I was I decreased. So I was selling at a group coaching rate. But I was practically giving private coaching. And it was so bizarre, it felt so weird. Not only did people expect that community and that group, right, and it was only one or two people at a time. But it felt so clunky to me, because I didn't understand how to move people through that content to get them the result they wanted, but also how to create the revenue that I was looking for. And so I ended up going back to private coaching. And that's when I started to have all these discoveries of who am I as a coach, what do I really want to do? What do I really want to teach? And most importantly, what are my unique processes to get people bigger, better, faster results. And to be honest, you guys, if I could do it all over again, I would have stayed in private coaching longer. But again, the industry is pushes group and time leverage and passive income so much, then nobody's talking about the proficiency you need to gain in order to build sustainability in your business. If you have broken processes, if you aren't getting people results, you will die out. And any more with the industry and the influx of everybody coming to our space, it's really hard to gain that attention. And people want social proof. People want to see that your methods, your processes are working on other people. And so I'm feel so strongly about this. And it mostly just comes back to you. I mean, having that integrity with yourself as a coach and also what's best for your client, and so on. So many just like I can even tell you so many people want to skip this step right, they want to go straight to, they think that group coaching is easier to sell. They think that a low ticket courses easier to sell. But that's not the case, when people buy is problems being solved for them and they want a result. And the the most the quickest way you can give this and learn more about this is delivering that in a private container. First of all, you can charge more, you're going to learn faster, you're going to learn people faster, and you're gonna learn more about yourself and your, your intellectual property. And so I beg of you do not skip this do not skip the clocking you have to be clocking your coaching hours. And you can skip it right. And a lot of people are I won't say a lot of people, I think some people will have success going straight to group coaching or courses, right. The other thing to consider is volume, you're going to need volume when it comes to selling lower ticket. Which then means like, how are you growing your warm market? Or do you know how to convert a cold lead, you know, running ads and things like that. There's just so many other complexities that you run into when it comes to these other types of vehicles. private coaching is so easy, it's so easy to solve. It's so easy to scale. And why rush it? Why rush it right, this is how you become a proficient coach. So I hope this was helpful, I hope that if you were on the fence, or you feel like you need to rush to a group coaching program, or create a course or whatever that looks like, I just hope that you feel encouraged to really stay where you're at, and really gain those proficiencies in yourself and in your clients and how to get people results. Because I'm telling you it will pay off, it will 100% pay off. And you will by far have a huge advantage to most of these people that are still trying to fumble their way through group coaching or selling courses without having those proficiencies. So I hope this is helpful inside of 10k content collective we teach you how to create that offer, right create that coaching service and package it in a way that sells easily Right. Like I said, this is one of our core 10k philosophies because I believe up until 100k You should be selling write your private coaching and potentially you have a back end offer which is totally fine. But we teach you how to package up that coaching program and market it in a way that feels authentic to you and attract those high paying customers. So make sure if you haven't already joined head there now to check it out. It's Kinsey mcis.com, forward slash 10k. Or hop over to our free group you guys join us in our free community marketing and launch strategies for coaches and consultants. So fine, and I can't wait to see you or pour into you next time.