June 7, 2022

How These Coaches Are Overcoming Fear, Taking Messy Action And Hitting Big Goals

How These Coaches Are Overcoming Fear, Taking Messy Action And Hitting Big Goals

Kinsey and Jenny interview Megan McCaleb, Daria Tavana and Jen Oknin. These woman entrepreneurs are killing it and are letting you know how they do it. Using their voice and savvy business skills these ladies teach us what do to create success.

Do not miss these highlights:

0:44 The conversation that Jenny and I lead together is just so beautiful, I want you to really pay attention to the different niches that these women serve their stories. 

2:10 Super excited to bring them on and share with you a little bit about what changes when you really step into your messaging. 

4:20 Before I started working with both of you guys in your program, this question would have horrified me.

4:30 Explains Green Athlete Gameplan

7:03  I am an improv coach and award winning comedian and an award winning author 

11:19 I create results for professional women over 40 who are getting off the pill

14:33 It was hard because we know that there are not a lot of people that are specifically plant based

17:44 When you're that specific in your energy is there with in that space, that conviction draw is very magnetic

19:31 I've been teaching improv in some capacity, it's over a decade. And in all different capacities.

26:35 I don't always have to, nail it and nobody cares. Nobody’s watching

27:18  I tell my coach friends this all the time I tell them, your 80% is better than then the 100% of a lot of other people were trying to do what you're doing.

31:28  I feel like I have a little bit of an advantage in life is because in improv what I learned in performances that we play with no script there and life, newsflash is unscripted.

35:49 You can't fit into somebody else's idea of what success is.

40:50  I was that person. I didn't want to do this because I didn't have the certification yet.

45:30 You guys are creating really big things right now.

49:16  I am most excited about now this year is really cultivating a community.

52:54 I really love what I do.I love creating because I was in a role before where I was creative.

57:20 We've had these amazing women chiming in here and, it's seeing you guys being you is  making me emotional right now 

About our Guests:

Daria Tavana

Daria Tavana is a certified plant-based fitness coach who helps plant-based athletes gain physical and emotional strength through simplified training and nutrition strategies that give them a confident edge.She is the creator of the Green Athlete Game Plan and host of the Plant-Based Athletes Anonymous Podcast, available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts: www.powerbydaria.click/podcastConnect with Daria on Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/greenathletes

Megan McCaleb

Megan McCaleb is Serious About Comedy. She is a masterful improv trainer, and the creator of Improv Team Culture, with a specialty in coaching executive leadership and their teams to adopt the simple and effective principle of "Yes, And," the core rule derived from performance improvisation. She's an award-winning author of her autobiography, "Not My Plan - Sucking it in Until I had to Push it Out," an award-winning comedian, and a rabid Jeep enthusiast.

Jennifer Oknin

Jennifer Oknin, is a holistic health coach and lifestyle strategist, who is passionate about building a community of confident, healthy, strong, sexy women realizing their highest potential using her signature 90-day program, “Fatigued to Fabulous”. She specializes in creating results for professional women getting off “The Pill” or going into “The Change” so they lose weight, balance their hormones, and fix the "crazies" that are associated with hormonal shifts. Jennifer is a corporate veteran of 18 years who successfully transitioned into wellness entrepreneurship after her own health transformation, creating a successful network marketing organization while getting her Integrative Health Practitioner certification. She is a veteran coach, leader, and speaker. Jennifer is married to her dream man, travels extensively around the globe, and loves to be a walking billboard for second chances and living a life with purpose, fun, and freedom from the typical 9 to 5! She can be reached for a complimentary consultation via her website at www.jenoknin.com.

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen and heard online. 

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women -- because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that. 

As a wife and a mom of three, family takes priority. And having a business that’s ran AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers. 


Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos

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Kinsey Machos:

Welcome to captivate and close. I'm Kinsey Machos, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high paying claims, using my break through online marketing strategies, all without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait, or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in.

Kinsey Machos:

Hey, you, welcome back to another episode of captivating clothes, I have a really, really special audio for you today. And it is an interview with some of our current clients. All of them started inside of our 10k content collective program, some of them have evolved into our female founders board. But this conversation that Jenny and I lead together is just so beautiful, I want you to really pay attention to the different niches that these women serve their stories in relation to their journey, the fear that they've had to really lean into what they've had to overcome in order to create the results that they've created. And really the power of stepping into your true brilliance. It is just so amazing. It's hard to put into words how Jenny and I even felt after speaking with these women, it was a huge reminder of why we do what we do. And I think you're going to be able to get so much from this, you're gonna feel so empowered, by listening to these stories. And I know that there's so much that you're going to be able to relate to and also really see what's possible for you. And what what you what happens when you step into, again, your greatest potential. So buckle up, because this is a good one.

Jenny Beecher:

Here we go. Happy Thursday, everybody can bring the money. We like, are we in the right, we are alive. And you guys were so excited for social hour today, because we have three awesome guests that we know you needed to hear their stories, they are crushing it in business, they are doing so many amazing things and they're just awesome women. So we're super excited to bring them on and share with you a little bit about what changes when you really step into your messaging, a really great offer and having the confidence to move forward with your business as an expert.

Kinsey Machos:

Boom. Okay, let's go. Let's let's see if you guys are just joining us live say hey below if you are catching the replay comment replay below. I'm gonna warn you my friends. Hey, Jen. Hey, Darius. Good to see you. Sorry for the delay. You guys. We were why? Why is tech not my friend still after all these years? I just don't understand. Why. Why can't tech and IV friends okay. Anyway, good morning. Good morning.


You been good at so many things. So no,

Kinsey Machos:

I know. It's like, okay, I can't be perfect at everything. Okay, guys. All right, let's fit Megan in here. Good morning. I think you're here with us. So we're actually streaming in the Facebook group right now. And also we're Hi Megan, we're recording this. We're doing like all the things look at me managing multifaceted here. So. Um, oh, good. Everybody's faces are showing. This is great. All right. Welcome. Jenny. Do you want to kick us off?

Jenny Beecher:

Yeah. Alright, so you guys were thank you all for coming on. We're so excited. You guys are all doing such amazing things. But we just, we love you guys. We wanted you to come on and share a little bit about your stories. And how you what you do number one, and how you're doing it in a way that producing amazing results for your business but also your clients and yourselves and your lives. So if let's just roundhouse Derya will you go first and tell us a little bit about you and what you do.


Alright, yeah, thank you so much. I should say that before I started working with both of you guys in your program, this question would have horrified me. I love being able to answer this Derek. So what I do is I help plant based athletes gain physical and emotional strength through super simplified training and nutrition strategies that give them a more confident edge and I do that through my group coaching program called the Green athlete gameplan. And the the work that we do is actually really really exciting because the everyday plant based athletes I work With, they end up going through this program and learning how to create their own meal plans, their own three month workout program. And then on top of that, they're able to move through a lot of the limited beliefs and a lot of the emotional obstacles that so often hold athletes back, I found that a lot of them know what to do, they just don't really trust themselves to be able to move forward and do it. And they're getting triggered so often. So. So a bulk of my program is, is, you know, the purpose of it is to help them navigate through that. And then to answer the last part of your question, how does that help me in my own life, you can only imagine how that helps me in my own life. Because I think all of us here, as entrepreneurs, we also kind of know what to do. But the real growth comes from learning how to trust that we know what to do, move forward, boldly, stop listening to other people, and stop, you know, letting outside sources affect our performance as coaches. So just being able to move other people through that process has made me able to move through that process a little faster, and a little more simpler as well.

Jenny Beecher:

Oh, my gosh, thank you so much for sharing all that. And I love that that last piece that you said too, about like, knowing what to do, but it's like kind of having all these things and trying to make them work. And so when you kind of unlock that process, which is different for all of us, right, but it's having those steps and knowing how to take them in that order that you had. What I love too, is that you have a really unique and mich down person that you're working with, which is so awesome. And you guys can just hear her fire for it like, like the energy for it is so incredible. And I think that is what that's such a big piece of falling into what you're really called to do. So it's it's awesome. Thank you for sharing that. Okay, Megan, let's go to you next. Will you share about you?


Yes. Hello. My name is Megan. I am an improv coach and award winning comedian and an award winning author. I help organizations and individuals turn their Yeah, but problems into Yes, and solutions through the use of improv and humor, particularly in the workplace and with personal development. And I don't know, I'm like, I'm usually like, Oh, I could tell like a bazillion gazillion things about it. Because it's been a very long journey to refine the messaging and to define particular niches because this really applies to so many things. But at the end of the day, what always comes back to is like two little words. It's a mindset thing. It's an action item. It is a way of living life in a forward manner. So yeah, it's basically my whole 15 plus year career of performance and comedy, and how it relates to our human connection and having a lot more effective strategy with just two simple words. Yeah,

Jenny Beecher:

I love that. And bringing in that humor component is one of my favorite things that you do too, and how that it every single person's industry that translates in its own way. And so you're bringing that to people too. So tell us a little bit about how, yes, and has helped you, in the last couple of months in your business, really take it to that next level.


It's been really amazing in the past few months to finally like, just lean all the way in because honestly, one of my biggest hurdles in building a business is that it was very much on the side for a long time. When I started doing improv as a hobby, I was a branch manager for a bank. And so I was managing people and money all day, and also really angry customers. And that was my role. And so all of those rules and tools that I learned to kind of balance out all these, like really perfect takeaways for how I actually was able to use them is finally now coming into fruition, even though it's challenging as a business owner, sometimes we can talk about what we're passionate about, but it's hard to really articulate it. So someone knows how we can serve them. And as much as I can, like, tell people with passion and what I do. Just in these past few months, it's been really nice to hear outside perspective from women who are I can trust and who are in the thick of it, to help point out and refine what that messaging is to just be even more effective. Like all these different things I've dabbled in are just finally so much more streamlined. And I only do this I don't have a day job that I fall back on anymore. And it's not a dabbling thing. It's a this this is what I'm doing until the day I die. So hopefully that answered your question number.

Jenny Beecher:

Yes, a day. That's so great. And I think that that speaks to so many women too, who like are there right? Like I don't want this to be my side thing. I mean, there's so many women to even in our programs, right that you guys have talked to the week Talk to the week coach that it's like, so many people think, oh, sweet, you have a little business. So tell me about, you know, like, oh, but tell me about your job because obviously that's more important. And it's like, how do you step into that? So I love that you're such a beautiful example of how how that can really work out for a person when you go for it when you say yes, and for yourself. So awesome. Thank you, I


want to share one, I was gonna share one little quick thing. I had a Facebook memory the other day, because I actually have been self employed for the most part for the last six plus years, with just a little kind of project. That was a day job for a bit. But one of my Facebook memories came up that said, like three different conversations in a row that I had, where I told people, I'm a comedian, and an improv coach. And they're like, cool, and they're like, so what do you do for work? And that was when I was in. I'm like, that is what I do for work. And so I was realizing even back then, and just that reminder that I'm like, man, like, we have to really take our business seriously, I take comedy very seriously. And then when people really start, like, we need to also treat it like this is the business. And then that starts to just kind of help it translate more to the people that are listening instead of being like, oh, that sounds like a fun hobby. Like, no, this is. This is what I do


at chicken point. Such a good point. Yeah, awesome. Dan,

Jenny Beecher:

will you share about what you do? Who you help? Hi,


I will do that I will come off mute. So thanks to ALS, and Kinsey and Jenny, I know that I create results for professional women over 40 who are getting off the pill or going into the change, I help them lose weight and balance their hormones and fix the crazies and just really help them feel healthy, sexy, strong and confident using a program that I have christened fatigue to fabulous. Oh, wow. Yeah, and I really relate to what Megan was saying earlier about how she felt like her space was very broad. One of the things that has helped me so much in this program so far, is really dialing into my niche and really understanding who I want to serve. Because using nutrition and detoxing and stress protocols, everybody eats but not everybody is the right client for me. And so I had tried that since who I started my entrepreneurial journey in 2014. And I was trying to serve everybody. And that just led to a lot of problems and a lot of disappointments and a lot of wasted time, I think. So really understanding that key principle that, you know, dialing down, right, go small, and go deep, is really the best way to go fast. So it's you know, people say sometimes you have to slow down to speed up. That's what I had to do. I had to take that step back, I really had to dial into my ICA because I had thought I had done it a few years back. Because I thought my ICA my ideal client is me, right woman over 40 wants to lose some weight. But my story changed. And I hadn't really been focused on my ICA before, even though I thought I knew who she was. Now I feel like I have a more coherent strategy and message and then I'm really learning the principles of how to take my message in find the right people and serve them competently. Like I know I can versus before just worrying about I don't know can see I think you mentioned on a podcast a few weeks ago, you know, learning tick tock and learning reels and learning this. That is a distraction. You have to learn who you're talking to and what you need to say and how you can attract them and serve them and then you can decide wherever you want to be. So that that's really been such an eye opener for me as I've gone through this. And I feel like I'm just going to I'm just going to rocketship.

Jenny Beecher:

Yeah oh my gosh, so many good points in there so many good points in there. And I the whole like I thought I had it dialed in but like I think a lot of people are there well you guys speak to and go ahead and unmute yourselves and you guys I kind of want to just round how some questions with you guys if you if you're open to it is what was it like to go from feeling either too broad or the fear of narrowing down too much because I think what a lot of women are like, I don't want to get too specific. What if I leave out somebody? Or what if nobody wants this? Or you know what fears if any, did you guys have that you had to work through in order to be able to dial in like you all mentioned


I'm happy to go ahead and just jump on if that's okay. Yeah. So so it's so funny because I always joke that I used to try and talk to you know, right now I work with plant based athletes like I was trying to talk to anybody that had ever like eaten a carrot or looked at a dumbbell like it was and um you know, and and I was trying to speak to people of all different ages and and For me, it was hard because like, we know that there are not a lot of people that are specifically plant based. And then we also know that the number of people who consider that consider themselves to be athletes just even smaller than that. So I was really, really worried that I was going to be leaving people out. And that I wasn't actually that I wasn't going to be able to have as big of an impact as I wanted to have like, Forget money, I was all about helping as many people as possible. But then I kind of realized that the more and more I was able to talk to one person. Well, actually, let me say that something that Kinsey helped me with was, was finding this premium version of my client. And I realized that the premium version of my client was not somebody that had looked at a dumbbell or eating a carrot, it was somebody that actually had had been, you know, training already, not necessarily somebody that struggled to get motivated, but somebody that struggled to kind of figure out exactly what the what the right kind of exercises were for them, and someone that was trying to really fine tune their nutrition. So in accepting that, and accepting the fact that I needed to speak to somebody that was a little bit more, a little bit further along in their journey, that really helped me gain the confidence in getting more specific, because if you're a little bit further along, in your journey of working out, you probably call yourself an everyday athlete. And if you're a little bit further along in your nutrition journey, then you're probably you know, somewhere along the plant base spectrum. So just accepting that and hearing Kinsey's coaching, you know, week in and week out about this, this premium version of your client, someone that's actually going to spend money on what you provide, really helped me get over that fear, and really helped me dial in into my message and talk to one person in particular. So now, not only am I actually appealing to plant based athletes, but I'm appealing to people that that really want to be plant based athletes. So it doesn't even matter that they're not necessarily plant based athletes yet, but they're just so moved by my ability to be very specific and very targeted that they're like, maybe I do want to be a plant based

Jenny Beecher:

athlete. So I That's so good. And I think the one thing that you that is really sticking out to me from that is how it's like because you narrow down, and you're very specific about who you're talking to, you're actually attracting people that might not be in that realm. Because not because they're a perfect fit, but because they want to be in there. So I think that's a really important nugget, thank you for sharing it up.

Kinsey Machos:

This is so good. I think there's something that you said there is like it when you're that when you're that specific in your energy is there with in that space, that conviction draw is very magnetic. And so rather than sort of broad, the vagueness sort of like the vanilla, this is what I like when I think of, you know, mainstream marketing, it's just kind of like, same same, but when you like, get so deep, like you said, John, like you go deep, and you have that depth in your messaging, it truly is magnetic. So you're gonna attract even people that, oh, I wouldn't really consider this, but maybe I am now. And also I just want to be in various worlds. She's freaking amazing.


Fun to talk to that person to literally all that I had. Because I have a goal about how many offers I'm putting out this week. I'm halfway there to 3000. So the person I talked to right before I got on here, she was literally perfection. If I could have sprinkled fairy dust on my desk and said, This is the person I want to talk to. It was her. And I think you're going to alleviate so many problems. Like I don't want to talk to a plant based athlete. If I give somebody like that I'm gonna send them to Dario, right? Because that's her expertise. If she gets a hormone, a woman who's feeling crazy, hopefully she sent her to me, right? So that person that experience because that's when you can lean into your expertise. That's when you know, the person really wants to hear it. And the whole you all the other problems, all the other issues, they really just kind of don't even surface if you're talking to the right person.

Jenny Beecher:

Yeah, I love that. snaps. I

Kinsey Machos:

think for me, it's been everything here. Oh, go ahead. And again,


I was just gonna say for me, it's been an interesting journey of like, a combination of FOMO and also like, not really having made the decision myself because over the span of how long I've been teaching improv in some capacity, it's over a decade. And in all different capacities. Like people are always like, oh, you should do this, or you should do this, or could you come to this? So I have tried it in all ways, shapes and forms, with youth groups, to church groups to leadership retreats to whatever like All these different years of things, and had successes to varying degrees. And so I kept being like, well, if I don't say yes to this thing, what if that's the magic bullet that makes it be like, This is my clear vision. And so it's been very difficult. That but inspiring for me to go, oh, because when I'm in my flow, then I'm like, Ooh, I want to stay in my flow. So like, I was a couple minutes late jumping on here, because I just got off of a client call. And I was like, Oh, crap, we're running over, I gotta go. But it was with one where I love public speaking, being on stage as a performer is my favorite thing. And of course, that has people asking me about helping them with their public speaking, which honestly didn't even dawn on me until fairly recently that I could help people with their stuff. And so now I'm three weeks away from finishing with my 12 week accelerator with my current client, and her speech is coming together so magically, and the branding emphasis and like, what swag is she going to have that people are going to do you know, like, all those components, which I'm just like, I'm so good at seeing like someone's vision and going, here's how we get all those pieces. And with all the performance experience, like just seeing how these improv lessons apply in this space is just like, oh, so it's hard to like pry your white knuckling you know, to have like, okay, because I know, I still know I can do these other things. But I need that consistency of this. I know, this is something I can just 100% bank on every time and then when you're in that flow, then you can just gather some other things as you go. And then you know reincorporate some of the other things that are very much passion projects for me. But yeah, that's just like, it's like a opposing forces almost, it's like, because we don't want to miss out and yet, we're holding ourselves back when we keep being like, okay, yeah, I can do that.

Kinsey Machos:

It's the squirrel brain. Yeah, have you guys, I'm sure anybody here can 100% resonate with like, the shiny object or the squirrel. And I think we talk about this a lot. Like, it's those things that will stall out that momentum. And while like, as creatives like we want to be able to create, and we want to be able to experiment, experiment with new things, but at the end of the day, like, you have to go back to the roadmap that you know, will lead you to where you want to go. And I think you guys are all like perfect examples of women who are committed to the destination. And I think where, what I love about you guys, is, it's not about taking perfect action. And I would love for you guys to explain. I think it's a lot of messy action, right? It's like, I can make a new set of beautifully. I was like, I know, I need to go back to this. But even within that a lot of us have been stretched, right? Your identity is growing, evolving. You guys are evolving into, you know, newer, bigger versions of yourselves and really like claiming your brilliance very, very boldly. And if you guys don't see that we're just like watching this, like rule was just like really fun to watch. But I think it's not because you guys are like, perfect, like doing like taking these perfect steps that are super fun and safe. And I think I would love for you guys to talk about what messy action looks like, what it's felt like, and maybe even the evolution or like what the journeys felt like and sort of starting to evolve into that bigger version of yourselves.


Can I take that one first? Because Jenny helped me out about three weeks ago on a mindset Monday call where I had breakdown slash breakthrough. Where I used 20 years in corporate America, you know, top company, very tough, very male dominated industrial industry. That's my background. So I was very much type a very driven, not a lot of soft fluffiness. I mean, I was schooled from the time I was 21 by men who are very domineering over me, that was my personality. And I have been struggling in my entrepreneurial journey before this, because I think all the personal development, and all the well roundedness and being I say this even like a kinder, gentler, more competent version of myself, allowing myself to have fun allowing myself to have pink in my branding colors because I like pink, darn it. And so I'm going to, but I think what Jenny helped me uncover is that I was holding myself back and feeling less competent, because I didn't feel like I could succeed in this new identity to the level that I had before. Because I'm a, I'm a very different person now. Very different. married when I was single, you know, I was Catholic. Now I'm Jewish, you know, I'm professional. Now I'm an entrepreneur. I'm this totally different person. So how do you how do you wrap yourself all around that and still have competence because I firmly believe that my competence which some people, I tell them this and they're like, are you crazy? You see what you're talking about, you're so confident train wreck in here. So understanding that I can take these steps and embrace every piece of this journey that I'm on to be successful as my new person with my new targeted client with my new messaging with all the expertise I know that I have, I can do this. But I needed so much this group. And not just y'all as as our as our, you know, instructors and mentors and guides and coaches, but I need Daria, and I need Megan and I need Kristin and I need all the other people in this group. Because I finally feel like I'm in the right place where I can have these messy conversations out loud and get some really good feedback, because this is not easy. But like somebody said yesterday, Kinsey in the last part of that call yesterday, you have to love this journey. And I sat back and I listened to you coach, somebody else. I said, Yes. Because if you don't, what the heck are you doing here? Because it gets ugly and messy and terrifying. But it's also wonderful and exhilarating. And and I know all of us can get there. If we just truly embrace the change. Who are you looking at let's sales script. Are you willing to change who you are to get the results that you want to have? Boom, you have to be and I'm telling you, Jenny since that call, it's been a totally different person on my on my sales calls I'm getting so I haven't signed any more clients yet. But someone amazing prospecting sessions, and I'm really getting the message out there. So thank you so much amazing,

Jenny Beecher:

amazing testimony. Well, and I think too, like you're saying like, that translates into that messy I don't have to every post doesn't have to be perfect. Every I don't always have to, like nail it and nobody cares. And nobody's watching. Nobody's like, Oh, she put the apostrophe at the wrong spot, or the, that message didn't totally look right. Or she only got 15. Like, like nothing. Like when you can drop that, like you're saying, and you step into, like, I love this journey. I'm permitting myself to be good at this the way that I want to be like, I can feel your fire with that. And we can write like you're saying, it's like you ripples out. So thank you for sharing that energy. I'm like, Jack now,


but Darien and I still love to have our posts reviewed.


Oh, yeah. And you say that it's funny you say that, Jen, I want to like kind of marry what you were saying, Jenny. And what you're saying, Jen is that like, this idea of being like, perfect, doesn't exist. If you're an entrepreneur trying to be perfect, you're just going to be miserable, like, so once I think once you start to accept the fact that perfection is an illusion is a destination that you will never get to, that you shouldn't even be trying to get to. Because for I think, really what we're all trying to do is, you know, hone our message, really, you know, work on evolving as entrepreneurs as women as people and and once you let go that perfect or perfection is is even real. I think that that's when the magic starts to happen. And Jenny, that is something that you have taught me as well, you know, like, Okay, if things don't go according to plan, like, okay, like, are things still going? Okay, then they're still going. And I think you know, back to what Jen was saying about stepping outside of your comfort zone. At the end of the day, I tell my coach friends this all the time I tell them, like, your 80% is better than then the 100% of a lot of other people were trying to do what you're doing. And that's true. And you know, like, and it's all about what Kinsey has taught us in terms of like stepping into our unique brilliance, like, it's okay to give 80% Because chances are, you can still make a huge impact, you can still change someone's life with that post. Even if they don't click the Like button, you can still help people at 80% and I know all of us here are in the business of helping people and changing lives. So we're almost I think doing people a disservice. I believe in perfection exists, and believing that our 80% isn't good enough when our 80% is like, honestly the 200% of most people out there. So,

Jenny Beecher:

so good. So freaking good. Yeah, perfectionism is also the best way to procrastinate. Like, I'm getting so much ready over here. You guys just wait. It'll be amazing. It might take me five you know what I mean? And then that then that time comes when you step out


and you're like, oh, oh,

Jenny Beecher:

I have to do more of this. So I love everything you just said because it's like, yeah, it's about stepping out there and like Kinzie says like you were just saying like that unique brilliance needs you to not try and be perfect. It's not unique perfection for perfection. It's unique brilliance, right? It comes out and those like things that we that we might not even identify but like it makes us who we are. So I love that.

Kinsey Machos:

I want to also I just love I love this so much. And just like we're all like, I just want to keep I definitely resonate, John with your story and like I spent so long in the corporate field with the majority of men and being somebody that I wasn't. And I spent more I spent so much energy I wasted so much energy analyzing over analyzing everything I did and sad because I was measuring against a version of myself that did not exist. And so in you know, it's it's easy for me to look back and realize that was happening because now I you know, that hindsight. But I know a lot of women can't see that for themselves yet. And so what I would be Megan, I want you to definitely speak to Mercy action, but also like even what encouragement would you have for women that may be feeling like they need to be more right to pursue their dreams, they need to have more things to do the same. They need to be more experienced, have more education, have more yada yada yada, right, all the things I what, what would your what would your words of encouragement be for it for them? Because I think this I think we've all been here in some capacity. But I think you again, you guys have been such good examples of what that looks like. But I would love even for you Megan to round out on the the messy action too, and what that's been like for you.


So I'm gonna make a quick little note. So I will come back to your question that you also just teed up as far as that readiness but with messy action this might possibly be where I feel like I have a little bit of an advantage in life is because in improv what I learned in performances that we play with no script there and life, newsflash is unscripted. We just trust the process. So anytime I went in into a stage performance, we had a general framework of rules. And as long as every improviser is playing by the exact same rules, we don't need anything else, we grab a quick audience suggestion, oh, we're going to make a scene about stinky feet. Okay, like that's what we just were given by an audience. So then we step out on stage only with the confidence that we're both they're working together with the same general framework. And so I learned from that space of performance that like embracing the fact that it's unscripted. And having joy in that, like unlocking creativity comes so much more naturally, when you take out expectations and limitations, like asking more questions of what's possible. And in that performance realm, it's like, oh, well, if that idea was just suggested, and that's what's now true on stage, then what else is true, it could forever opens up innovation and ideas, sparking and just all sorts of really cool things to know that at the end of the scene, our goal was just to make people laugh. And we only got to the laugh, by listening to each other, meeting each other where we were at, right in that scene, adding what we knew to build with it was just this team effort. And as that connection happened, just like we do when we're coaching people, when we are connecting, and we're really listening, and then we're contributing with what we can contribute, we both win together. And it's not because we did this exact path. None of my coaching clients have been anywhere near even the same exact deliverable, which has been a little confusing for me to some degree in the marketing part. But it's also like no, like, this is my the chaos is actually kind of my sweet spot, just as long as I still follow my exact same 10 improv principles that are going to be in the 12 weeks, then I can kind of pull in all those other things, right. So just like Kinzie has said before, you know, I'm kind of relating several of the things I've been hearing here is choosing your heart. So I can relate to Kinsey with the whole corporate thing. While I was doing performance and comedy on the weekends, I was doing bank management, which was guess what led by stodgy white guys, then I went from that to FEMA grant management for FEMA stuffs nationwide. Also, though, lots of old white guys in our government, that were over those things. And so I was like, trying to fit myself into these things, which I could only do to a certain extent. So fitting in in that way, or being like, I'm gonna just uncomfortably try. Yes. And makes us go, I want to do that. And there's gotta be a way to do it. What is the option and to fail faster by Yes, sanding things as quick as you can. So you learn more pulling that'll kind of to the next layer, then what do people do need to do to be more ready? I don't know if any of us ever feel ready. I mean, to some degree I do. But I still like the excitement of what's possible. And so one of the things that I accepted a long time ago was I may not be the very best seasoned improviser in the world I have performed with and watch some like incredibly talented performers. And I also know I know way more than people who have only ever watched a show or haven't even I can't even believe it, but there's been times I've been like doing a speech and people have no Never heard of Yes. And and I'm like, Well, I know those two words. And what they mean to me that these people don't know yet. And so remembering that where you're at right now, you you've learned these things to this point. And some people have not learned that yet, just like you were already back here and you're moving forward. So that's just the most fun part of it is, like trying seeing where you're at. And then being very aware, like, I love self awareness to revisit and go, whereas the growth happened, and what is potentially the potential for the future and constantly like, reevaluating things, so that you can be really honest with yourself, continue to ask for help where you need it. And then really start to drill in, like what you are able to do for people, wherever that next step is that you just get to always be right where you're at. Oh,

Jenny Beecher:

good. It's so good. I was looking in the Facebook feed while you were talking. And Watson, who's another one of our awesome TENCATE lions, she wrote ready as a lie, which is just exactly what you're saying, you know, it's like, we want to feel ready. But it's like, we you can't fit into somebody else's idea of what success is. And I think that this too, is where when you're setting out to be a coach in the entrepreneurial space, but you're, you know, Coach and an entrepreneur, not necessarily the same thing, you have to wear two different hats, and we talked about that, but, but a lot of times people look out and they're like, well, this person's doing it like that. So I need to be fill in the blank, this person is doing it like that. And there's a difference between inspiration and like picking ideas from places and trying to change who you are. And so what you were just saying, making us so powerful, because it's not about like, I gotta be like these old white guys smart, right? Even though there's that feeling there, when you're in corporate or like Kinzie was saying to. And so you have to have that freedom as an entrepreneur is fantastic. But it also could freak people out sometimes. And so it's about, you know, going back to what Dario was saying, like you just do it. You just go and Gentoo I was just like, You know what I'm going to be what I feel like it's coming out, and I'm not going to label it. I'm not going to make it be anything else. So Jen and dairy, what do you have?


What's coming up for you guys? I would love to chime in really quickly to say, I totally agree with everything that you're saying, Megan and Joanie, what you've really helped me with is this idea that oftentimes, we feel like, we're not ready and not being ready, is the problem. But in reality, I'm putting on my journey hat right now, in reality, not being ready isn't actually the problem. The problem is how we feel about not being ready. The problem, the anxiety really comes up, not as you know, really manifests itself in a way that forces us to try and take that feeling of not being ready and like hammer it away or hide it. When really, I think what we have to do is, is understand that not feeling ready isn't the problem. The problem is the anxiety that's created by wanting that feeling to go away, when in reality, what we should be doing is, is is identifying that feeling when it comes up, kind of naming it kind of laughing about it. This is something that someone has taught me like telling ourselves like, oh, isn't that isn't that cute? That's our little voice in the back of her head coming out and telling us we're not ready. So I actually think that if we change our relationship, to the way that we handle feelings of not being ready, instead of trying to be ready, and so trying for that, that readiness to exist, to me, that's something that has changed the way that I view everything. And it's allowed me to kind of just like ride the wave of not being ready and really not caring because my relationship to not being ready is is totally different. Now. I just look at it and laugh, like, oh, there's that limited belief coming up again. And, and I think there's also something to be said about the fact that what we're all doing is, is leading the way for our clients, our clients will never feel ready either. But what we're doing as entrepreneurs is, is kind of like, we're carrying the torch, and we're leading the way and we're moving forward, and we're taking the hard steps, and we're navigating feelings of not being ready, so that it's easier for us to coach our clients to them as well. So I wanted to bring that point to the table too.

Jenny Beecher:

So I'm like I don't I keep like jumping in.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah, and I think that gives us a really good visual, I think for everybody a reminder that the change you're creating for yourselves isn't just about you. It's like what you're modeling with your clients whether indirectly or directly. And I think as not just entrepreneurs but women in the entrepreneur space. There. We just have such a huge opportunity to model what's possible when you bust through the when you bust through those limiting beliefs when you just I bet you are ready right now, when you decide to clean your break brilliant, like, what happens like we believe the world shifts when a woman claims her when a woman claims her revenues like 100%. And we we, of course, want to spearhead that. And all of you have your own mission in which when, when this thing changes, right, there's this ripple effect in the world. And I think that alone can really pull you out of the weeds of like, oh my gosh, my reel is not getting enough views and like my emails, not getting enough open rates. And like, Girl, like you're a change agent, right? Like for change agents, like the who cares about the open rates or whatever, like, really gives you just that sense of like, wow, like, this is what I'm here to do. And I don't really want to worry about the little things.


As far as that I was that person that I didn't want to do this because I didn't have the certification yet.

Jenny Beecher:

Oh, speak to that sack girl.


I was that girl a lot. And I had the most difficult conversation in December. And so luckily, I pulled my head out of my butt. And in February I was here. But um, I had already planned to because I started my, all my nutrition information was self taught because of a health transformation I had at 40. And then I got into the entrepreneurial stage through network marketing with a company called Isagenix, which is great, and it's fine, and I knew a lot, but then thinking about charging $3,000 for a program that I did, and who am I to do that? I'm not a dietician, I'm not a nutritionist, oh, my gosh, no. Why would I do this? So I had already made the decision to enroll in a really great Holistic Health Program, and I'm in that now. But I wasn't going to join this until after I finished that. And then luckily, I smartened up and said, No, I can. So I'm doing both. And it's been time challenging, but that's okay. I love it. But here's the thing. Nobody's ever asked me what my certification was. Just like Lindsay said, Nobody asked her does she have a degree in that, you know, whatever. Nobody's ever asked me that. Nobody's ever asked me my background, my the information I'm putting out there, how I speak to my program, how I ask their questions, how I engage with them, and listen and help draw out hidden fears or challenges or goals that my people have. That's what they care about. So doing this program, for me now was about number one, learning, marketing and sales fundamentals that I never learned within my network marketing organization, which I love. I love the products, I still use them. But I never learned that fundamental sales and marketing. And so I adore getting out here. The other part that I absolutely love is the fact that, you know, to Megan and Darius point, so much about what I'm making light bulbs just go off in my clients mind, it's like, I think it's like the smallest thing, but to them, it's totally rocking their world. And it's making a huge difference on how they're going to achieve their goals. So don't be that person that thinks they have to wait, because you already know enough to make a difference in somebody's lives. And yes, dammit, you should be paid for it.

Jenny Beecher:

And that goes right with like, you are ready. And I think you should be paid for it. And like, the more you get paid, the bigger the value of this person, the more they're getting out of it like that is that is just like the law of how it goes. And I love that too. Because it's like, it's you're ready now. And yes, go get the training, I will always be learning and acquiring but not because I need it to be good enough. And so I love that distinction that you made there. And I think it just elevates everybody and everything when it's like, I'm here and I want to help you be here too. And I love that too. Because like Kinsey has our MBA. And we talked about it but like, asked and like but I I think I brag on anything else because I'm like, it's so awesome. I kind of wish I had one. But like at the end of the day, it's not. You know those things that make us how you know how we are like i It's all whatever certifications I've gotten through like, I used to list them all the time, but nobody cares. And to your point, too. I think a lot of people think but yeah, but it'll be easier to sell when I have this little thing. No, it's not. In fact, this is a bigger letdown because you're like, oh, gosh, now I know. Go through all that again. But it's like, like the mindset work of it. So I love that you just you share that we are good enough. And I think as women it's so easy. It goes back to just like wanting to be a little bit safe and wanting to make sure that we're not at risk of anybody being like, well are you allowed to. And it's that permission that we're kind of putting out there in these different ways. But you have permission now to just go for it in whatever that looks like and that's why you know We'd love we wanted to have you guys on today because it's so important to see that there you you have to be different you have to be outside the box, you have to be like going and doing your thing. And yes, we need, you need the strategies, the steps the community to walk you through it to help you embrace you, when you're like, oh my gosh, what did I just like blow something up or did it just get really great. Like that's, that's the container that serving you. But the most important piece of that is you, the most important piece of that is your permission to let that out. And that's, that's why you know, I'm just so grateful that you guys are to even be in community with you, and that you've come on here today to share this with everybody. Because there's so empowering and motivating. So

Kinsey Machos:

oh, I just I just I love the energy in this space here. And I think it's so needed in our industry. And so again, I want to just emulate what Jenny just said, I would love and I feel like we could be here for hours. And there's so much that women can learn from you and your journeys. And I just really want to express that gratitude. But I would love to wrap up in even if we if you guys share, you guys are creating really big things right now. And I know a lot, you're in the weeds also just like you're just going you're really immersing yourself in your journeys. And I love that. But I would love for you guys to just share like, what are you most excited about this year? And what is the vision for your business? And we'll we'll end on that high note of of that big vision. Not everybody at first, okay, Jen, or Megan, go ahead.


I was like, we're usually I'll jump in on it right away. And then I'm like, um, I feel like I'm in this really lovely season of life where it's like time to actually explode. And it's been challenging for me to finally get like some really specific direction as you're learning Kinsey was some of the things that were helping me fine tune. But I remember even when I started a long time ago, I was 29. When I started doing stand up, I'd already been doing improv for a few years, I still have three more kids to have, I was not in a very healthy marriage, there was a lot of challenges that I was dealing with. And I even back then I had this vision of what I what I wanted to see myself doing and like a really big way with using this tool that I learned in performance and how it has been life changing for me, especially when things were hard. And so I remember as I was like, okay, I can only do what I can do. And I just kept trial and error and gathering information. That's all I kept doing over the years, heading towards that goal. And I knew even way back then I was like if I keep just doing what I can today, and keeping that vision alive, I'm setting myself up for some day exploding in my 40s was what I legit planned on because I knew that I just was in a season of life where I couldn't do it the path that I thought was the right way in building a career like this. So that's what I'm most excited about right now there's just something magical about it, because my birthday is to 22 and this year is 2022. And so I just have always felt that, like it's it's time to finally refine the things that I've already tried, trust myself in and knowing that it works, because I'm living testimony that these rules are life changing and foundational in having a really healthy, happy, humorous, productive life. So yeah, I mean, I know not everybody's at that place, but just trust the process. And when it's your season, you can feel it. And I just am really excited, I still believe I'm going to have my biggest financial year ever. And it's only going to be with doing the stuff that I love, it's not going to be in conjunction with a bank manager paycheck and these on the side. So it just, you know, it's nice to see the vision coming into focus when I could see it all the way down there and knew it was going to be a really long journey to get there. But being true to the fact that I wasn't gonna, I wasn't gonna give up, I would die trying that's so amazing.

Jenny Beecher:

Thank you for sharing that in that fire. And that that trust and faith and permission is so so beautiful and moving forward and setting those big goals and hitting them and knowing right, knowing we're going to reach up. So you either really does want to chime in with what's next for you where you're headed.


Sure, sure, I can chime in to kind of piggyback off of that what I think what I am most excited about now this year is really cultivating a community I have been I have been a member of this community of brilliant women which has been amazing of other communities and in his group coaching program that I've built now that it's really starting to create traction. I'm really excited about building this community and and I want I wanted to say this because you know for a while and like my coaching program, there weren't a lot of people and I started to doubt like um, you know, especially Kinsey you're so good at at talking about the benefits of like one on one coaching and there was a there's a I was very torn For a while, like isn't this really what I want is a group coaching program, right for me. And the more and more I thought about it, the more and more I felt really committed to this, this concept of community almost blindly committed. But I felt like it was really for all the right reasons, especially because now that I have this reach of plant based athletes now that we've talked about how few and far between these individuals are, how great would it be to have a place where we could all communicate and connect to so really cultivating that community. After debating whether or not it was even worth having isn't now something I'm really excited about. on a professional level, and, and from a personal level, what I'm so excited about is this idea of I have this mentor who describes it so beautifully. She She describes it as as expanding inwards. So what I'm really most excited about doing and I think this is something that a lot of women struggle to do is stripping away all of the, I should be able to do this or someone else is doing this. And I really want to do that just all the like external influences, and all of the different journey. I think you've described this as like he sweaters that we put on to like fit in and look good in that picture and be that person that just isn't us. And it's funny, because my background is actually in theater, like my degree is in playwriting. It's nothing to do with with athletes has nothing to do with nutrition. I've since been certified and all those good things. But there was a while where I thought like, Okay, that was in my past. And now I'm a nutritionist. Now, I'm a trainer, and none of that really matters. And honestly, I have like, never used my theater degree as much as I'm using it. Now when it comes to like making content, connecting with people listening to what they have to say all the amazing things that Megan has been talking about. But I had to be comfortable leaning into that part of myself that already existed. And stripping away all the things that I feel like a nutrition coach or a trainer should be and just kind of like expanding inwards and having this like this, like homecoming, if you will, of who I am and what my identity is. So I'm really excited to build this community where I'm also inviting other people to do the same thing to build that self trust and to look inward instead of like looking outward for all this validation. That's just never, never going to satisfy you as much. Anyway,

Jenny Beecher:

amazing. I love the community piece. I'm so excited to see you grow that and just live into that. I can I can feel that. Watch out. Any any vegan apps out there's a minute. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Yeah. What's next for you?


Um, this is my year. I think I think 40s are a magical time for women, I totally can identify with everything Megan and Daria are saying about being in the right place at the right time. Being that type A x perfectionist and perfectionist, I finally feel like I'm in the right place with the right leaders in the right community, too, to give me the tools that I need to take it to the next level, because I am very hard on myself. And the fact that I have not achieved the success that I had wanted for so long. I think a lot of people, you know, some people if they knew they would think I'm completely crazy for still doing this. But I really love what I do. And I love. I love creating because I was in a role before where I was creative. But with rules. I don't have any rules now, except the rules that I set. And I struggled for such a long time. Even my husband and I talked about it, we look at all these other women and we see why are they so successful. And you're not having that success. And he would ask me that in a very genuine and loving way and I just want to clap them over the head with a pot. You know what I mean? Like, I don't know, I think I'm doing all the things. But for whatever reason, it wasn't jiving for me until now. But I think one of the things as a woman in my 40s you X you, you do grow into yourself. And you find your confidence and you find your place and things that before were important to you are just not important now. And so you do get distilled down to your core essence and you just say you know what, this is what makes me happy. This is what I'm gonna go do. Here's what I need. So just go freakin do it. You know, and I feel like I'm there now and I'm the type of person I like to have things organized. I like to have a business process I liked I like flexibility yet at the same time. I want to know that on Mondays I do this and on Tuesday. As I do this, but I never really thought that I was able successfully as an X operations manager for a billion dollar company. So I was able to do that for myself. And now it's all it's all coalescing together. And I feel like the beauty of this community that you ladies are putting together for us is that we are, you're truly giving us the framework, the base that we need to grow, because I feel like I knew all this stuff, but I didn't know any of this stuff. And so I was building a house of cards that just kept collapsing on me and collapsing on me, it was so frustrating. And I don't feel that way anymore. And luckily, I've had some great personal growth in my in my relationships, and my family with my stepkids and things. Everything just seems to be coming together. But I think that is a reflection of the thoughts and the personal development work and the people you surround yourself with and how you focus. So if anyone's in this group, and they're not yet in this group, what are you waiting for? Because this is the place to be if you're ready for that change. And I you know, I've never been happier with an investment. And hey, I made it back within what, two months, so totally worth it. Right?

Kinsey Machos:

Oh, my gosh, I feel like I have to say I promised we didn't pay these people. But I just love you treat you guys truly are just a testimony of like, why we do what we do. And like, I think Jenny could attest it. Like we we our business is growing so fast that it's become a little complicated. We were just talking about this morning about the operational nightmares. And it's just like the part that you don't really love. But then you sit here in, you know, around this virtual table with incredible women like you. And we're like, this is why we do what we do. Right? This is why we have to build out the operational backend bullshit head. Because this is right. Like, this is why we do what we do. It's just so incredible. So thank you for that reminder. And like being able to be a part of your journeys, is just so it really, it just gives me so much life. And I just am so so grateful for you guys, and the chances you took on yourselves. And of course on 10k, and just really being open to what's possible for you. And just like so amazed by you.

Jenny Beecher:

I'm Terry, when you said that. It's true, you guys, this is when this is why we are here. This is our dream come true as is being in community with women like you on the Facebook group. We've had these amazing women chiming in here and our whole, it's seeing you guys being you is like it's making me emotional right now. So thank you guys. Thank you all so much for your time. And again, I just hope that for our listeners, this is sort of the sign of like, take the chance on you. And really to claim your claim your brilliance step into the boldness and stop living under those perceived limitations like that is what we stand for. That is the that is what you all are emulating. That's what you're modeling. And I hope that that really, that really resonates with with the women that are just there, right? It's just like that decision. So thank you again for being here. And we love you so much. And we'll see you see you. We'll see you soon. Snaps snaps bye. Bye, guys. Thank you. Thank you.