Sept. 6, 2022

Failing Ahead Of Time

Failing Ahead Of Time

What is it that is stopping you from stepping into your big vision? Is it the fear of failure? Is it the fear of rejection? Is it the fear of losing it all? Ultimately, these are the fears that are keeping you from getting what you want even though it might feel like you’re just avoiding failure itself. In this episode, learn how you can quickly identify and get past your biggest fears so you can move faster toward your dream business (and life).

To learn how to grow your business to 10K months by using the fastest path to clients, enroll in 10K Content Collective:

Past Episode: 

Episode 50: 30K In 30 Days

Do not miss these highlights:

02:08 The concept of failing ahead of time challenge. 

03:33 Do you still have a lack of belief in the 30K 30-days challenge program?

03:54 The core intention is to start helping you see where you're getting stuck in your own thoughts.

04:11 Doing 30K in 30-days is never about the strategy. 

05:00 Entrepreneurs don't understand how to think differently to create different results. 

05:24 We want to help you see how powerful it is in the simple shifts that you can create bigger results. 

05:40 The method of 10K Content Collective is getting clients online through your organic content, simply the fastest path to clients. 

06:10 Big element in the concept of failing ahead of time, to take a step back and think about what are the things that are keeping you stuck. 

07:04 The scenarios are very big and broad in variety. Your responsibility is to define it to yourself. 

07:26 This message truly is for you. If you're going for those big milestones, whether it's in your business or your life, you are stretching for extraordinary. 

08:08 The challenge is to create a space for ourselves to really think about, what is it that I am afraid of?

08:40 You’ll be able to unpack a lot of those unique and specific subconscious beliefs that you've been living under. 

09:28 Big or small, fear shows up in the body the same way. 

10:30 The first step to the exercise of thinking of failing ahead of time, you first have to understand in detail what you're most afraid of. 

11:22 We think that the attachment to the circumstances versus the results is tied to the fear you're experiencing. But that is not the case. 

13:25 Try to close your eyes and sit in those specific fears. What is coming up for you?

14:04 But could you trust yourself enough to figure it out? 

14:56 You will learn how to trust yourself, you will learn how to have your own back. That is ultimately what entrepreneurship is about. 

15:36 Now we get to see it head on, we get to address the worst case scenario and decide, it's not that bad.

15:50 In the 30K 30-days challenge, you go to work, you get to bring your full power, you are all in on that, because now that feeling of failure has left your body. 

16:05 This is not about suppressing your feelings, and definitely is not about ignoring. 

16:25 It is how to maintain that potency in your power so you can deliver to your audience and step into your best, most powerful self. 

17:41 Protect your level of thinking and you're showing up in your full power, you would be amazed at how fast you can create results for yourself.

18:03 We have several weekly coaching opportunities every week to get coached. We have plug-and-play copywriting formulas that you can use to convert clients directly from your organic content. 

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen and heard online. 

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women — because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that. 

As a wife and a mom of three, family takes priority. And having a business that’s run AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers.

Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos

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Kinsey Machos:

Welcome to captivate and close. I'm Kinsey Machos, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high paying clients using my break through online marketing strategies, all without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait, or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in.

Kinsey Machos:

Hey, you welcome back to another episode of captivate close. So good to be here with you. Today, I hope you are really enjoying the transition from summer to fall. I know we're not technically in the fall season at the time of this recording, but the kids are back in school. And to me that like totally kick starts the fall season. And also football is in full swing. My son who is going to be 13 this weekend, his heart and soul is in football and they just had their first game last weekend. And of course, NFL kicked off like, oh, man, all the vibes I am so excited for this season. Summer was an incredible, incredible experience for me, I don't think I've ever learned as much as I, as I have about myself that I did, like literally in that tiny window of three months. And I don't think I'm quite ready to talk about that, because I kind of think I'm still kind of in this season of breaks breakthrough. And about to come on the other side of that. So we'll have more clarity there. And when I do I want to share it as I always do. But wow, what a season. It's so beautiful. So, so messy and everything in between. But what I want to talk to you about today is this concept of failing ahead of time, in our client community, both Ten k content collective and female founders board, our top tier consultancy for women growing to seven figures, we are running a Thirty k in Thirty days challenge. Now we decided to do this in September, because just like you're probably feeling like I'm feeling it's like that transitional point where it's like kids are back in school, the rhythm, the market, everything's really starting to click again. And September is a is an incredible, incredible month to extract some momentum. And really just get refocused. And so we decided to do this specific challenge in September for that purpose. But where Thirty came three days comes from is really stretching possibility. Now, if you didn't hear our previous episode really dove into some details within not around what you believe is possible for Thirty k in Thirty days, because it's likely, you've already sort of checked it off as that's not possible for me. And so while you might kind of marinate in this idea of Ten k months or Hundred k year, because this is what we hear from our audience, there's still sort of lack of belief there. And so Thirty k in Thirty days is like, Oh, heck no, right. Like that is way out of my reach. And so the purpose of this challenge, yes, we give you the entire blueprint. This is how you create Thirty k inThirty days, organically, okay, we've done it, our clients have done it like this is a proven framework, we give you the strategy, but really the core intention is to start to help you see where you're getting stuck in your own thoughts. Right? We want to help you think like a high earning coach, we want to help you think like somebody that creates Thirty k in Thirty days, because it's never about the strategy. If you think about the difference between coaches that are making 3k months, 5k months and this the difference between a coach that's making, you know, Thirty k plus months. It's never about, you know, advanced marketing strategies or paid advertising or having a bigger audience. It's none of that. In fact, it's the things that you cannot see it what it's what goes on in between those ears, right? It's the thinking and if you're about to like click out of this episode and be like I've heard this I really just want to caution you because this is where the majority of coaches will get stuck somewhere majority of entrepreneurs or humans get stuck in their lives is because they don't understand and how to think differently to create different results. And so this is a big focus for our Thirty k in Thirty Days Challenge, again, it is for the entire month of September, we give you the strategy of what this looks like. But all month, we're really, really working on coaching you throughout that process and helping you see where you're getting stuck, we want to help you see how powerful it is in the simple shifts that you can make to create bigger results, because we want to get you out of this feeling that I need to do more, to create more, I need to work harder to create more and like really simplified. And ultimately, this is the method that we teach and Ten k content collective and getting clients online through your organic content, simply the fastest path to clients, because you just don't need a lot, you don't need a lot to create massive traction, especially up until that hundred k or multi six figure mark.

Kinsey Machos:

But back to this idea of failing ahead of time. This is another component when you think about how to think like a high earning coach, this is a big element in this concept of failing ahead of time. And this is when you really get to pull back here to take a step back and think about what are the things that are keeping you stuck? And again, it's not about the strategy, but in most scenarios, it is the fear of failure. what this might look like is right, what if I make an offer? And they say no? What if I put myself out there and somebody says something mean? What if people unfollow me? What if I go for this? And it doesn't work? What if I leave my corporate job, and I can't make up that income? What if money changes my relationship with my husband, I mean, the scenarios within this are very, very big and broad in variety. And your responsibility is to define that for you. Because those are the things that are keeping you stuck and or playing a small game. And again, this isn't for somebody that does continue to want to, you know, dabble in their business or just kind of like Shuffle Along. And this is, this message truly is for you. If you're going for those big milestones, whether it's in your business or your life, you are stretching for extraordinary. You're stretching for the big vision that you have on your heart and yeah, does it feel out of reach hundred%, but it still is sitting on your heart? And what's keeping you from taking the steps to get there, right is most likely all the feelings that come up of failure? What if what if what if? And so this exercise, and this is something that we're doing with our clients right now for in preparation of this Thirty k in Thirty days challenge is we get to look at that we get to create space for ourselves to really think about what is it that I am afraid of? What is it? Have you ever asked yourself this question? What is it that I'm afraid of? I think subconsciously, we have the feeling that comes up in the body when we're about to do something that scares us. And so that's a really good indicator. But ultimately, if you sat down and you gave yourself enough space, and you asked yourself this question, you would be able to unpack a lot of some of those subconscious beliefs that you've been living under. And so it starts by really seeing and understanding those fears that you have in specificity, right? No longer are we taking this macro fear or this feeling of unworthiness or lack and we're really getting specific. And you get to see these fears head on. And it can be small, it can be big, right? It could be as small or quote unquote, small right? Because when you're afraid of it, it's going to come up in the body similar Lee, whether it's big or small, right? Fear shows up in the body the same way. But when you get to see these from macro versus micro, right, it could look as as micro as you're afraid of triggering people. You're afraid of saying the wrong thing. You're afraid of success because of what it might do for your family. You're afraid of success because of what your extended family might think of you. Will you leave them behind?

Kinsey Machos:

Will they judge you Do I mean, we hear and see all the things within our audience and our clients, the fear and, and ultimately, the scenarios that come up, we're going to be very, very specific and unique to you. But it's your responsibility to identify those. And so if you give yourself enough space, this will come up really quickly. And once you start letting it flow out, you would surprise yourself of all the things that come when you ask yourself, What am I most afraid of. And so this is the first step to the exercise, when we think of failing ahead of time, you first have to understand in detail what you're most afraid of. And now you get to see those are essentially hurdles or barriers that you get to overcome. Now, unfortunately, what people think is that fear, or overcoming fear is a byproduct of something extraordinary happening first, right? It's like, if this, then that, if I have more experience, then I won't feel as afraid. Once I have more money, then I'll feel more secure. Once I have a bigger audience, then I'll feel more confident, right? We think about the attachment to the circumstances versus the results, that's tied to the fear you're experiencing. That is what we call it being from outside in, right. And so most people think that something needs to happen first, in order to be able to overcome those fears. But that, that is not the case, the only thing that needs to happen, is to move through that fear, period. And it's not longevity, it's not time, it's not feeling more whatever, it's just deciding that you're afraid, and you're going to move anyway. And when we can identify those fears, and decide that we're going to do it anyway, that's when we have the most power. But here is really the most most important part of this exercise. Now that you have your fears listed out, now we get to visit visit each of them in the future. And I want you to sit with that fear, right. So let's say you are afraid of having a lot of clients and not being able to deliver to all of them. You're afraid of failing as a coach once you have too many clients. And so you have really held back on your you know, marketing and you're selling and you're you're kind of like sitting in this crippling feeling of like, well, I don't want to get too many clients because I don't feel confident as coach. And I'm afraid I can't deliver quality results. And I'm using this example because we hear this all the time. But let's say that's one of your biggest fears, understandably. So, I want you to sit with that I want you to close your eyes. And I want you to visit that scenario in the future. And feel it. What would it feel like? You have a full client load, right? You're fully booked with your favorite clients, and you don't deliver what they want, and they're mad. And I want you to sit in that feeling. What is coming up for you? What's in your body? How is that feeling for you? What are the circumstances around that? And then you get to open your eyes. And you get to say that's worst case scenario. I just felt the feeling of failure ahead of time. And I'm willing to trust that in that feeling of worst case scenario, I will still be okay. You feel it ahead of time. You see that? It's, it's it's not fun. But could you trust yourself enough to figure it out? Could you trust yourself enough to figure it out? If you have a fully booked calendar of your most favorite clients, and you are loving what you're doing? Could you trust yourself to figure it out?

Kinsey Machos:

If someone isn't happy, if somebody complains, if you feel maxed out on time, could you figure it? Could you trust yourself enough to figure out a way to adjust your calendar or make a pivot or adjust your schedule to allow for those fully booked clients? And so when we sit in that feeling of failure, so we're there, right worst case scenario, but then we go to Okay, could I figure this out? What you've done is you felt that ahead of time so you don't have to be afraid of it anymore. And you learn how to trust your self you learn how to have your own back. That is ultimately it what entrepreneurship is about, that's what life is about. If you don't trust yourself enough to make decisions to move forward, despite the frustration, the discouragement, the overwhelm, trusting your intuition to build the business that you want, I'll be at EMI will some of it be painful? Will some of it be frustrating? hundred% Whatever and Jay, do you have your own back. And so this feeling I had a time exercise is so powerful, because what it does is now we get to see it head on, we get to address worst case scenario and decide, it's not that bad. And also Am I willing to trust that I will figure it out, and you get it out of the way. And so now, when you go to work on that strategy, right that that step by step strategy that we give you for Thirty k, in Thirty days, and you go to work, you get to bring your full power, you are all in on that, because now that feeling of failure has left your body and it's like you have seen it head on. And now you're just moving right through it. This is not about suppressing your feelings. This is not about ignoring, you know, some of those thoughts that come into your head of you're not good enough, you're not worthy enough, who are you to teach us these are things that are normal, and they will never go away at any level of business, but you have to learn how to move through them anyway. But also how to maintain that potency in your power. So you can deliver to your audience so you can step into your best most powerful self. So you can elevate yourself as a leader as the expert coach that you already are. And produce those highest level results from your highest level of thinking. If your thoughts are muddied with fear, and you're always always looking through the lens of I will fail that will have you burned out because you are not taking that full powered action. And so I just encourage you to do this exercise failing ahead of time really see your fears head on, really sit in that worst case scenario, feel it had a time. Ask yourself am I willing to figure it out if this were true, am I willing to figure it out. And now that you felt it ahead of time and and you see that you have your own back, you get it, you get to go all in girlfriend. And that's ultimately what's stopping you from creating high revenue, big, big business stuff. This is so powerful. And if you are willing to do this work time and time again, to really make sure you protect your level of thinking and you're showing up in your full power, you would be amazed at how fast you can create results for yourself. That's incredible. So it's not too late if you want to join us inside of Ten k content collective in order to really maximize this opportunity for Thirty k. In Thirty days, we teach you how to do it. You also get the community of our incredible clients, you get the weekly coaching we have several weekly coaching opportunities every week to get coached. And you get the copy formulas right we have plug and play copywriting formulas that you can use to convert clients directly from your organic content so powerful. We'll drop the link in the show notes below. But either way, I just hope that you will feel encouraged to really sit down with yourself and ask yourself these questions and take time to really see what is it that stopping you from stepping into your vision. So I hope you enjoyed this message. If you feel compelled, please take a snapshot of this as you're listening and share it on Instagram. Tag me I would love to know you're listening. And really just it helps me share my message to the world and really reach more women just like you that are destined for greatness and really just need a little bit of a nudge. So I love you and I honor you and I can't wait until next week.

Kinsey Machos:

Hey, you, thank you so much for listening. It's an honor to be able to pour into the hearts and minds of like minded entrepreneurs all over the world. But my most favorite part is being able to connect with you in real life. If you love what you heard here, head over to the community where thousands of female CEOs, just like you are changing the world one human at a time. We go deeper into the topics you discuss here and giveaway tangible roadmaps to help you crush your revenue goals to join this high caliber free community head over to I'll see you there