July 12, 2022

Design A Lead Generation Strategy That Feeds You Clients On Demand

Design A Lead Generation Strategy That Feeds You Clients On Demand

Join Kinsey Machos and Jenny Beecher to learn the most simple, uncomplicated strategy for lead generation. This is one of the core concepts of converting high-end clients with your social media content. If you’ve been confused about what lead generation is, how to implement it, and how to get it to work for you so you can effortlessly enroll clients on a consistent basis, you’re going to get a lot out of this episode. 

Do not miss these highlights:

11:14 Lead Generation Strategy is an idea of generating interest for a product or service, but removing the pressure to feel like you have to make sales today. It's just fun. 

13:00 Start making sure that your current assets, your storefront, is going to be that first  

step in generating interest. 

17:23 Remove barriers and just start building relationships. 

19:32 Just being very clear. This is who I helped, and this is what I helped them with. 

24:56 Important, your energy, your rhythm. you being present in the process is the deal maker, or the absence of that is the deal-breaker. 

28:55 Different pathway formulas to grow your business. 

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen and heard online. 

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women — because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that. 

As a wife and a mom of three, family takes priority. And having a business that’s ran AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers. 


Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos 

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Kinsey Machos 0:07

Welcome to captivate and close. I'm Kinsey Machos, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high paying clients, using my break through online marketing strategies, all without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in.

Jenny Beecher 0:43

Hello, everybody. Happy Thursday. Happy social hour last day of June last day of the second quarter. Are you all crushing fools? I know actually, I just had that realization is that was coming out of my mouth and like, Oh, crap.

Kinsey Machos 0:59

Well, planning for like 2023 already. I feel like sometimes like when you go that far. Sometimes I'm like, Oh, wait, what day is it today? It's so hard to keep track of everything. So good. If you guys are just joining us, let's say hello, let us know where you're joining us from. And if you're catching the replay, comment replay below. Real quickly, you guys, what we're talking about today is how to design a lead generation strategy that feeds you five to 10 potential clients a day, okay. But if you stick around, we love to do a social media audit at the end. So we'll choose one of you to do that. And I think people love these. It's just kind of like our gift for you. Because we also teach our principles. So if you're not converting clients directly from your social media content, you'll learn a lot during these. So if you're just joining us say hey below are so excited to be here with you. The concept of social hour is truly the unscripted version of building a high-end coaching business online. Because Jenny and I are actually real humans. And we love to really intertwine right the court like the masculine strategies that work paired with, right, the more feminine approach to building that dream business that gives you life and also allows you to do things you love, like be at the pool and be with your kids and spend time with your husband or whatever that looks like. And so it's really important to have some of those more raw conversations as well.

Jenny Beecher 2:29

Oh, yes, the raw conversations. That's, that's where it's at. And I think as women as mothers, as all the hats that we wear, we including you guys that are watching this, it's it's so important to remember, we don't always have to be like, This is my plan. This is what I'm doing. And I will hit these goals like, Whoa, it's such a constipated way to go to relax, like, let's just let it be and let it flow, but also make massive progress at the same time. So I'm gonna drop an F-bomb. Yeah, we're doing it on there. We're going there. So like Kinsey said, you guys, engage. Let us know that your hair say, Hey, tell us where you're tuning in from what your summer plans are? What are you guys doing for the Fourth of July? How about that? thing are you just going to eat a lot of things on the grill at home.

Kinsey Machos 3:19

And my work is that we train better when you're in it with us when you're engaging with us. And if any of you have been to any of our experiences, whether it's in person, or our free trainings online, or workshops or challenges, like you know that we are in our best energy when you're in it with us. And so don't hide behind the computer say Hey, say ask your questions. Let us know your hair. Like that's really important to us because we just don't We don't want to be talking heads. I spent almost an entire decade working in the corporate environment where it was just a bunch of talking heads. And I promised myself I would never be that person. So show up for us in the way that you want us to show up for you. So if you're down for that, you know there's some emojis below if you're ready to dive in and let us know Yeah, what do you guys doing for John What are you doing Jenny are Fourth of July.

Jenny Beecher 4:09

We have is my father in law he will be 70 this year so we are having a big all the family all over coming in barbecues, all the things we're taking our camper over to their house and a lot of food and family so ask me how I feel on Tuesday.

Kinsey Machos 4:28

Like Well we always so for the last six to seven years we have a group of friends we go to it's about five hours out side of town this little tiny town called Yellow Pine we go camping out they have a river they have a crate it's it's they have a golf tournament like it's been tradition but this year is our first year not going just because everybody's kind of traveling doing other things. So we're actually going to be home and I'm actually excited about that because the kids like Quinten he's for all he knows is yellow like Fourth of July and yellow pine. And so he's never actually been the lake If he's ever done fireworks in the driveway or anything like that, so I'm looking forward to that. So well that's fine. All right, great. Are you ready? Who's here?

Jenny Beecher 5:10

Hey, Karissa at Chris is here and Megan's here. All ladies both. Oh, are you guys? So excited? You guys are on?

Kinsey Machos 5:17

So good. Okay, let's talk about. Let's talk about lead gen. And if you guys don't want to share your Fourth of July, friends, fine. Don't turn this cool. We'll just jump right in. How many of you guys want to how many of you would love to have five to 10 potential clients coming to you every day? Comment? Yes, yes. Give me all the yeses below. Are you? Are you experiencing that right now? Maybe not. That's probably why you're here. But also, I would love to know, like, what's your biggest challenges with for your current lead generation strategy, if you want to share that below? And we could definitely make sure that this training is designed specifically to you. But what we find is there is just a general misconception about lead generation altogether. I think we hear it right comment lead generation below. We hear it. And we think we know we need it. Right? Well, like what is it? And this is real love to really start here. Because anything that we do you guys all any program, any time we're coaching you we always really want to operate from principles, right. The last thing I want to do is like, just give you a random tactical approach to something without you understanding the core principles behind it, because what happens is tactics come and go. Okay, just like Tic tock. It's the big thing right now. Right? But will it be one or two years from now apparently, like America's like trying to ban Tiktok? Who knows anyway, but if you don't understand the principles behind, right, what tick tock is for or how to use it, and being able to carry those same principles, data platforms, then it's really hard to build longevity universities range any,

Jenny Beecher 6:55

that's really I think, what you're saying there's key that's so important, because what what we'll see is a lot of people being like, well, I'm starting over on Instagram, I don't know if Facebook kind of weird. And then I'm going to do if you don't know how to leverage one platform, please don't think that the next one is going to have some algorithm or some different audience or whatever, like you're on all of them. So as everybody else, how you show up is all that matters. So giving yourself the kind of rip that band aid off. All right, there's a problem here, and it's how I'm showing up. What do I need to do differently?

Kinsey Machos 7:25

Yeah, so good. So good. So if we start with really the principle of lead generation, you guys, what is it? Have you ever asked yourself? What lead generation is? Comment below? What is lead generation? I would love to know. And this is where we can start the conversation. But what is your perspective? Um, hey, Trisha, good to see you. Okay, Janelle. Good to see you. Um, and I know, Trisha, you are definitely somebody that is immersed in the online business, I would love to know, like, what do you think lead generation is? Or what does it mean to you? And, and this is important, right? And I think anytime, actually, Jenny and I were just recording an episode on the self coaching protocol, which is the protocol that we use inside of our course signature program 10k, to help you really self coach. And we talked about this idea of being able to ask ourselves, or being able to have the tools to navigate problems to navigate or even like being able to problem solve for yourself. And like, and most of time, you're making sure that you're solving for the right problems. And I think what happens is when we even start and ask ourselves questions, we can actually eliminate like, 90% of the drama. So we started with what is lead generation, right? It's a good place to even start to understand what is like, what do we need to do in order to get there? Yeah, and this is where I think people love to jump into like, well,

Jenny Beecher 8:53

let me tell you about the automated sequence I'm working on. I've been working on it for three months have zero leads yet, but it's going to be amazing when I do because, you know, and there's 100 pieces to it. You know, where we love to overcomplicate lead generation, but if you guys were to peel it back at the end of it all, what is it? Why are you doing it?

Kinsey Machos 9:11

Yes, so good. Um, Beth says, getting contacts into your network, and a way to follow up with them. Okay, cool. So, Beth, thank you for that. That's really good. And hi, good to see you. This is I think that is is really like a tactic that is that could be associated with lead generation for sure. And I think too, there is when we think of lead generation, I think where people get overwhelmed is this idea of like following up and sometimes we can misconstrue is like spamming people and like selling people, something that they don't want, which you should never worry about. Because guess what people can say no to you and also selling isn't about convincing people, right? We believe selling is serving, selling is serving comment below selling is serving and so Even from that perspective, it really aligns you to like how you want to show up in lead generation. So lead generation, you guys. And even if you were to look it up as a definition I had looked about earlier, because I wanted to make sure even how I saw it was like, Oh, is this textbook right? But it is a sort of this idea of generating interest for a product or service. And if you look at it, one of the definitions says same thing is the process of generating consumer interest for a product or service with a goal of turning that interest into a sale. But even if remove that last part is like, lead generation is just about generating interest about your program or service. Okay, comment below generating interest. And I think even that, like, I don't know, when I say that, like, it feels good in my body.

Jenny Beecher:

Like, what do you think, Jenny? Yeah, I agree. I think when you when you have that feel like oh, okay, that like simplifying, we've been saying the word simplify a lot. And that really simplifies the need for lead generation, the purpose of lead generation, what do you guys think? What do you guys think when you hear that, when you can you? Can you read that again?

Kinsey Machos:

Yes. So lead generation is really about generating interest for your program, product or service. Right. And, you know, definition that said, you know, in order to turn that interest into a sale, yes. But also, even if you remove that part, like remove the pressure to feel like you have to, like make sales today. And just think about this concept of generating interest. It's just fun. Like, to me, I'm like, hell yeah, let's go have some fun today. Let's do some lead generation,

Jenny Beecher:

there's so much pressure with that, too. You know, I think lead generation, we start to think like how many people are in my funnel? And how I needed to come up with a lead magnet? How many guys have lead magnets, but you're, you know, you're not really, you're not really sure why, like you haven't, because you want people on your email list. But like, there's this kind of like, era that what how do I turn them into clients? Right? When you translate it to just creating interest in you and what you do? It allows you a lot more fun in there.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah. So good. So and then it allows us to get curious, right? So if we, if we know that this is just about generating interest, it's like, Okay, today, if I want five issue new potential, or five to 10, five to to revert going backwards, five to 10 new potential clients every day, how can I generate interest about my program, product or service? Okay? And look, I just want you guys to pay attention, because the reason why our company grows, the reason that does and that's doing so well is because this is how we act like this is, these are the questions we ask ourselves. Okay, right. If I want to generate interest, what should I be doing today? What does that look like? And before we even start about, like activities or tactics, it goes, this allows you to even think about like, Okay, if I look at my friend and store, in my align, to even start that conversation, so what is your bio, say? Right? Is it clear in what you do so that people immediately nice people will go to our socials, and send us info just based on what we have there in our bio. So that's a good place to start is making sure that your current assets, your your storefront, is going to be that first sort of step in generating interest and generating interest can simply be mean, or simply mean, they decide to follow you or not, they decide to join your group or not, is your Facebook group name, right in line with how you want to generate interest? Is your bio in line with generating interest, right? Is this making sense for you guys? This

Jenny Beecher:

and this is so different when you think about lead generation, you guys when you're coming at your content production, your content sharing how you're showing up. And you think about it from that definition of lead generation and not from getting more followers being more liked. motivating people inspiring people having a you know, a real that goes viral, whatever those those goals are, you see how they don't serve at all, getting people interested in your program. And so if you're struggling to come up with content, if you're struggling to connect, listen to that, and really tap into Well, where am I sitting down to to create this from where am I sitting down to connect with people from if it's from a place of like, oh, I should have these cute like airy, you know, whatever, pictures, videos, bla bla bla memes, because that's what other people are doing. You see how that creates zero interest for you and why you're working your ass off to not have anybody dropping into your inbox. You just might

Kinsey Machos:

have dropped it down. So seriously. So this is like, again, I just want you guys to see the power. And when you come like this question, it really is going it should eliminate even a lot of the busy work that you're doing your guide what that you're keeping yourself set in to Jenny's point. And now you can align and go back to everything and ask yourself that question. Will this generate interest in what I do? Okay, so now you can Um, you're welcome, you can now get rid of like 90% of what you were doing to keep yourself busy busies the busyness and get into action doing things that actually create results. Okay, so that's your first step, comment below, comment below write checking assets, okay? Assets, meaning, your bio, your profile pic, your, your Facebook group name, and just doing an audit on yourself. So you guys, is it in line with what you how you help people and what you help them with? Yes or no. And it's very clear, right? It should be very clear. That's the first thing you can do, because that's the first step if you think about of how we'd like to call them pathway. So in 10k content Collective, we have a whole section around lead generation, and we call them Pathways because you have to think about it as a journey. What is that first step on that pathway? Right, the first step is that first impression of what they see from you. Okay. So that's the first step. Now, if we think about starting to build buzz, it's like thinking about what's the simplest way to do this? What's the simplest way to generate interest? Well, literally, it's asking people, are you interested in this thing?

Jenny Beecher:

Oh, my gosh, I just write and like sometimes I know, guys are like, what that's so lame. But it makes sense. And I this is my very favorite example, because I think about this, and this is how you and I actually first started working together because we were in the same mastermind. Together. We knew each other we liked each other. We had networked together, you guys, it's not all about building relationships with people to sell to right. Kinsey and I just connected, but we didn't really, you know, we were just knew each other. We were in each other sphere. And I had posted something on a Facebook group that we were both part of asking something about, I think it was content. I don't remember what it was. But Kinsey just dropped into my inbox. I was like, Hey, I saw that post. I think I can I think I have some resources for you was so basic. It wasn't due, oh, this is exactly what I do. And we just started talking and look at where we are. Like, it wasn't a direct line to where we are now. But what happened was, I hired her she helped me with my stuff, but it wasn't like, there was no salesy weirdness, it was like I was a lead because I knew her she was consistent in what she was posting. I knew what she was about. So when she just said, Hey, do you want some resources? It wasn't spammy? There was one sentence you guys. It was it made it easy. It made it easy. That's what that's what it is. remove those barriers,

Kinsey Machos:

barriers, movers. So generally, the most the most simple form is asking people if they're interested in something or service, right? And if you think about, okay, if I go back to this question of like, how do I generate interest about what I do, then? I think one of the the very, the, the easiest way is to just start building relationships, where you're put in, and where you're putting experiences where you get to share what you do. And I think everybody's so quick to get the sale. And I think, no, you don't have to spend a bunch of time nurturing relationships to make an offer, while your time spent should be in building relationships, regardless of how much money you're making, or not making. Like if you're not syncing relationships, and expanding your network and, and you're putting rooms where you share what you do, and you're not meeting other people like you will fizzle out, you will become irrelevant, really fast. And so how often? Go ahead?

Jenny Beecher:

Yeah, I was gonna say like a perfect example, we were just at when we were in Tennessee a couple months ago in the room with people, you guys who are earning 10s of millions of dollars, the entire conversation was focused around talking to people building connections, and yes, having that established self, you do what you do. And you're absolutely out there talking to people not in a sales capacity. And that type of just believes you guys become magnanimous because you're not trying to create them. They're happening because it's coming

Kinsey Machos:

from you. Yeah, yes. So you have a very simple way. Okay, so we're building relationships where we're having word beat, we're sharing what we do, right the and, and seeking that interest, but also you guys this to be simply, this could simply mean like, post on your social and be like, This is who I help. If you have this problem. Comment me below and let's have a conversation. Like, why like, like, our clients are getting larger clients are getting clients, despite all the time, do not feel like you have to spend all this time, right to Jenny's point of like, engage like, I need to, you know, get more likes more followers more engagement. No, it's about like really removing as many barriers as you can to help me people. And sometimes it means being very clear. This is who I helped. This is what I helped with. If you're interested, comment below. If you have this pain, comment below. If you're this person, comment below. Let's have a conversation. I mean, super simple. Like, could you learn that? Yeah. Could you do that today? Could you go out and post on your wall and say, Hey, this is what I do. This is the problem myself if you're this type of same comment yes below. Like,

Jenny Beecher:

I'm waiting for somebody to comment why they can't say yes, but I actually can't because I have these circumstances. I was like, no that doesn't it. You can? Are you willing to? Are you like, whoa, does that make you so uncomfortable? Good? Let's do it. Like, let's do it. And then let's talk about what happens after like, are you willing to do that? So?

Kinsey Machos:

Okay, so I'm curious if you would say, we need more than one platform to get locked out as in should long form content or other platform be part of my journey? No, you don't need more than one platform. And I, you know, I skill to, or I grew to 100k on one platform. And that's what we teach one platform, one message one offer. Now, here's another example. to dovetail off of that, if you want to think about, okay, I have a direct path to my clients, or potential clients, right, I'm just gonna offer I'm just gonna generate interest by asking people if they're interested, boom. Now, another secondary way of this is if you have a Facebook group, okay, this is a common way, how many of you guys have Facebook groups comment, Facebook group below. And this is sort of, but this is a part of the pathway, this isn't necessarily growing another platform, this just becomes a part of that lead generation pathway. But here's where people mix up, right? It's like they use it to, to lead, that's the only place they're sharing content, they're not sharing, they're not moving people to the group, they're not sharing that they have this group are not making it compelling enough. It's very confusing what the group is for. It's not searchable, so they're not getting cold leads. So the first, my first 100k buys, I got all like, I never paid for a lead, it all came from like new cold leads came from either me building relationships and getting known, or it finally through a Facebook group. So Facebook does help you grow your group, and they will feed you leads, literally for free. If you do it well. Okay. And so you have to be able to share about you have to be able to build that high engagement for this to work for you. And we have a very specific way of doing this. But a Facebook group isn't a platform, this becomes a part of your lead generation funnel. And so if you're doing it well, that alone uveitis gives you five to 10 leads a day. Easy. Okay? But again, you don't need it to grow to 100k and Caitlin to answer your question, no, you long form short, firm stories, video, whatever platform you choose, you guys, you have to maximize it, you have to get it like all like, do it all on that platform double down, get known, right, build those relationships and make offers.

Jenny Beecher:

So good. And so simple, simple, simple, simple. Everybody will tell you a way to overcomplicate things, because if they can tell you a way to overcomplicate things, then you have to buy their crap to figure it out, right? We're about simple. And it's not complicated. What makes it complicated as you get in your own way of why you think it needs to be complicated.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah, so good. I'm learning did that resonate? And feeling? Did that answer your question? Is this resonate? Good? Okay. She said, thanks. Do us a favor, just like this video. If you're loving this, like the video, give us some hearts in the comment below, we would love that. But that is so Facebook group, again is a really nother alternative way to get ongoing leads. Now. If you don't have a Facebook right now, and you have too much on your plate, don't go out and start one as if that's the success. Like that's the key to your success. That's not what I want for you. If you're doing long Instagram, keep going like do better over there. Right. And eventually, we do believe that a community you need my students they need I do believe that you can optimize your brand, your recognition, like your organic marketing strategy with a Facebook group, we do believe strongly believe that. But again, we're not going to tell you that you have to have it to create success. Yeah, cool. So lastly, the other way is how many of you guys have a lead magnet? Like Jenny said, so the Facebook group is sort of acts like a lead magnet, you guys, if you have a group and you're not sharing about it at least once or twice a week and you don't, you're not giving people a compelling reason to get in there, then you're wasting like it's a waste of resource saying those for a lead magnet, a lot of the advising know how to lead magnet but you're never sharing sharing it. Also what we see is like Oh, I'm going to build a lead magnet, then I'm going to create a nurture sequence. And then they're going to go through this nurture sequence and book a call and then they're going to land on my calendar and and I'm going to just set it and forget it. We see this a lot we have a lot of clients come to us. They built all these things out. They built their assets out they built their curriculum out, right they build these automations but you guys never ever first of all passive income online is a lie. And never ever especially as you're building will anything work for you without you creating the rhythm in it.

Jenny Beecher:

So important, your energy, your rhythm you Being present in that process is the dealmaker, or the absence of that is the deal breaker. Yeah.

Kinsey Machos:

So when you guys, if you have a lead magnet a share about it, it becomes a part of your, your content strategy every week, okay? Not only are you making offers directly to help people, right, but you're also in you're creating those high value promotional posts, which is we have a unique method for this. But you're also sharing, hey, I have this ligament lead magnet, I have this free resource. This is why you need to have it now you guys, just because it's free doesn't mean it's easy to sell, sell it as if it were paid. Okay? And it's just like you would sell an offer, right? Make sure that you again, give a compelling reason why people need to download this. But here's the key, right? It's not just waiting for somebody to download that. And then off they go. Right? If it acts as a lever for you to have a conversation with that. Weird. Wait, what conversation some people

Jenny Beecher:

do. And the sooner you do the better. The sooner you do it, the better.

Kinsey Machos:

So we're not waiting for them to like download their resource. And then like, I don't know, get a result or

Jenny Beecher:

they never emailed me back. Oh,

Kinsey Machos:

God. Yes. Like, no, they download like, you downloaded this thing. Sounds like you might be having challenges with XP. Tell me more about

Jenny Beecher:

that. I love it. Curiosity, curiosity, see ultimate service.

Kinsey Machos:

What like, it's so simple, you guys. And yet, this has become such a hot topic. And so many of you put an insane amount of barriers in between you and your client. Anyways, this isn't just hurting your business, this is hurting that we want make it easy for your potential clients to hire you make it really, really easy. In fact, we just came out in our 10k content collective we drop these monthly marketing kits every month. And the one we just dropped. I don't know, Jenny, was it announced yet? And 10k?

Jenny Beecher:

I don't even think we have yet. Well, no, I think we sent our email anyway.

Kinsey Machos:

You guys will know. Yes. But this month, we did every iteration. I mean, the whole premise of 10k is to get clients simply right and to remove the barriers, but we did a whole hit on the fastest path to clients. How many of you guys have heard us talk about the fastest path to claim support? I mean, it's kind of like become, I don't know what we're known for. But I want to show you guys what this does is and for so if you guys haven't gotten it yet, you will. So this basically again, it asked the question, how can I make it easier for my potential clients to hire me? Okay, and what we're doing is we're showing you the barriers that you put in between your client and then we give you alternatives, right? So instead of having like, this is the one we see a lot, right? Oh, follow me on social download the email or download the lead magnet, email nurture sequence of the call show up on the call make and replace every time that you put a barrier in there, your your potential client has to make a decision, whether subconsciously or not, right? If you think about fault, like follow like them following you on so so they're deciding do I follow this person or not? Every decision point, every pathway is a decision point. And so the more decisions they have to make you guys, the more complex you have to to the more sophisticated you have to be in your marketing and messaging. Now you can work up to that, like we have more advanced pathways, right, and we're able to really sell more and, and, and sell to the masses. But we have things dialed in, we have processes, we have structure, right? We have the messaging, we have the stats, we have the data, but right now utilize it to get to 100k Faster, you just need the simplest path. So we break out three different pathways for you guys to consider. And really think about and give you the formulas, the content creation formulas, that's just like boom, right? Get clients in your DMS symbol, long form short term. So before we do an Instagram audit bias, if you want to get in 10k with us, like come in comic 10k below if you want more info, we're actually doubling the price in a couple of weeks. And so we want you to get in now while you can because you'll you'll eventually come in you know, well, but this is like the whole like our this is our signature coaching program. Right so you get the curriculum on how to build a high end coaching business that attracts clients consistently using our unique content creation method. You get the coaching see the coaching every week with us and you get the community which is a high dollar high caliber to me of other female coaches you guys if you're not in there already, why not? We have a money back guarantee like this is if you're not getting clients simply then you need to be in there.

Jenny Beecher:

And what I love about this, you guys You're loving this conversation actually, next week, that marketing kit, you just got a sneak peek out, we are going over that at Zoom Room, like you're in the Zoom Room with us going over that in detail for an hour and getting a specific advice to you if you want. And if you show up with your questions on that call, which is what we love, we want to be in the room with you and help you as much as we love to be, you know, the two heads here. And that's what it's all about. So if you guys join us, you do get to be part of that next week, which is really powerful.

Kinsey Machos:

Okay, hello, if you want more info. Um, go ahead, Jenny, what were you gonna say? Oh,

Jenny Beecher:

I was just gonna say the same thing. Like, let us know. Comment below if you guys really, if you're curious about more info, we do have more info that you can check that out.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah. So to wrap up, Legion, I hope that this like for one may give you some tactics to do right now. Right? Put yourselves in action, like information alone does not create results action does comment action below. If you're willing to take action today, hey, we gave you some really key tactics to leverage to really build that momentum and getting potential clients five to 10 everyday. Now this, again, isn't about just spreadsheets and following up with people every day like this is about generating new interest, generating new conversations generating new relationships every single day. That is that is the core objective of your business. So make it simple for yourself and lead with that curiosity. Are you guys willing to do that? I don't know. I am.

Jenny Beecher:

Are you willing? Right? I am willing in the comments if you guys want an Instagram audit, or a Facebook audit or LinkedIn audit, whatever your one platform is, drop that link below right now. So we can we can pull one of you out. There was one comment that I have to address that I love Janelle she says Do y'all realize that you could be sisters? Yes. All the time. It's like the best compliment ever. And I think the funniest thing to me as they continued, I have this weird thing where I think 95% of the time we go on, we were just on Zoom earlier today, we're like, oh, we kind of like not match. But we go together even aren't we we got the straight hair today. It's very interesting. I think in another world, maybe we're like,

Kinsey Machos:

like a bit twinsies probably 20 is such a compliment thing. Jen says exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you for keeping it simple and sharing your strategy. So good. Okay, so dry. If you guys want an audit on your honest social profile, drop your handle below. And we'll do that real quick for you. This is really good. And I know a lot of you could benefit from this because you can see what to stop for if you think about even the assets or like lead generation, right? Think about us, like as an outsider coming in as a potential client and just sort of like giving you the outsider perspective of what people are seeing. Oh, good. Jen says actually really good. I think there's a delay in my

Jenny Beecher:

mind, too. Sometimes the Facebook stream is slower than it can't keep up with us.

Kinsey Machos:

Oh my gosh, it's amazing. Like talking so fast. I have to like catch frequent grass. Maybe I should slow down a little bit just so that I don't no, no.

Jenny Beecher:

Yeah, I know. I'm like, that feels like a lot of work to try and, like

Kinsey Machos:

a lot of work. Yes. Okay. Well, wait, I know that will near man. And, um, if there's gotta be a huge delay.

Jenny Beecher:

Oh, yeah, who already make sure you guys are dropping? The

Kinsey Machos:

we're all gonna come at once daily.

Jenny Beecher:

Oh, everybody's like shy about it. But here's the thing. We're not here to be like, Oh, your Instagram is terrible. Your Instagram is amazing. We just want to give you wherever it's at. Right? Where your Instagram is that just like you is exactly where it needs to be. Do you want some free next steps? Direct from us? We'd love to help you guys out.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah, so we do. So every week you guys inside 10k content, collective we do content reviews. So sometimes they're audits like this. Sometimes people will submit like their opt in pages, social media posts that are promoting their offer. Sometimes it's an email that's promoting their offer. And it's really fun because we get you get expert eyes on your content, right to really optimize your conversions and making sure that every piece of content that you put out there, like really serves your business, because we don't want you to just like create content to create content. It's not it doesn't work anymore to just like show up and give a lot of value and like assume people will just hire you. It also doesn't work to like just chase followers and hope that once you have a bigger audience, then you can pull more clients from there that none of those work. Maybe they before I don't know, but people still teach it but it's really about like you leveraging your social media to get clients in a way that is service and showing up in your protect in like your fullest power. Right because like I don't know if I'd be on social media if I didn't have a business like I don't want to just like play around

Jenny Beecher:

you know I think about that too. I actually feel really good when I'm not on site. But you guys have to understand that's probably how a lot of people are feeling. And so if they're going to be following you, if they're going to be engaging, you better be bringing your A game and I don't mean that from a trying super hard to do or government trying super hard to allow yourself to express what you really want to say. Because you know what they need?

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah, okay. Um, Jen dropped her Facebook profile. So Jen, let's review yours. And hold on a sec. Ah, kind of sound. And Jen is I'm assuming then that Facebook is your is your is your platform of choice? I'm assuming. Let me pull you up here. Okay. So, Jen, this is really cool. Oh, I love this. So the million Wait, what is the say? The million nerd but love them? But I don't think

Jenny Beecher:

it's millionaire. Fine. Has the eyes in the house? Okay. Yes, but 8 million mirror? Is it?

Kinsey Machos:

Missing the eye? I don't know. So good life changing for women like you would you ask? What would you ask for? If you knew the answer would be yes. Okay. So first things first you guys for Facebook posts personal profile. I love what you did here. Jenny's, like, leverage that as an asset to highlight what you do. But I do think it could be a little bit more clear. Like, if you go back to your core offer, what is the problem you solve? And who is it for? And so I imagine that, that and like, we're always going to push you guys to my screen. So overwhelming. I wish we didn't have everything open. We're always going to push you guys to meet like, get more specific, because specificity drives demand. And it drives price. And so for you, Jan is think about what type of woman do you serve? And again, what problem are you solving? Are you helping her build wealth? And how are you helping them build wealth? Are you helping her and go through? Like, it's unclear, right? Because you have life change, you have I think, I think millionaire concept. But this is an opportunity for you to get more clear on the problem you solve and who it's for. Okay, so what type of woman is it for, and then specificity in the problem you solve? So that's one place where you could definitely optimize? Because again, that's one asset that somebody's gonna see and decide, do I continue to follow her or not? Do I continue to trust her or not? The other thing here, do you have anything to add there, Jenny?

Jenny Beecher:

No, I think like you said, this is a really beautiful start. I think it's just really lasering in on instead of women like you, women, like who? You know, what's she doing?

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah. And then the intro here, same thing. So it's like, I help women do this thing in this way. Right. So like, it's really intention, like, make it clear of so somebody looks at that. And they're immediately saying, Yes, I'm that person. Yes, I have that problem, or no, I'm not that person. No, I don't have that problem. You don't want to leave any room for ambiguity. The more vague the more broad the more open. Right, the more vulnerable you are to. People. Yeah. Because when confused audience doesn't buy. And so that's yeah,

Jenny Beecher:

two, totally just a follow up on that point is, there are times when you do want to inspire and really be like, you know, be powerful, be compassionate. But in your intro, that's where we just need to be super like that is if they're walking by your store, and they see that are they going to come in to see what you've got? And I think that like, that's beautiful and awesome. But really, can you really be fed up? Say I help so and so do this, or I am this? And here's where you go for more info. Yeah, I like a link there, too.

Kinsey Machos:

Yes, yeah. 100%, you guys have a link here. So Jen, if you I don't know, if you have a Facebook group, or this could be an opportunity for a lead magnet, it can also if you have a call. But again, if you use a book, a lot of you I know use like a book call strategy. You have to use it as if you have to sell them on a call getting people on the phone with you or for people to decide that they're getting on the phone with you, right is a big decision. So you have to sell it for them. So if it's a book that's linked to a book Call, write consistently build that into your content strategy to show like, Hey, this is what you get when you book a call with me right? It's not about selling them on the offer and the bulk of call as next steps. It's like selling them on the book call. So then, so definitely leverage this to its fullest. And then then we get into like going like scrolling through your content. So Jen for you, I would love for you to really like there's fun things here but I'm not seeing Anything yet that's directly related to who you help and how you help them. And if you want, and I think Facebook is like, I use Facebook, my personal profile, my firt, like I said, my first 100 km and personal profile on Facebook, and then I send people to my Facebook group. And that's where I'm built. But it was for what I did was speak to the audience that I serve, right? It's not for fan friends and family, although you don't have friends and family there. But it was curating the audience of all my ideal clients. So make sure you create content for them.

Jenny Beecher:

Is this making sense? Awesome. Did I miss anything? Any? No, no, I think that's all I'll beautiful and Facebook can get like to simplify the mindset around Facebook, it can get really foggy with like, Yeah, but like these people from my, my real life, you know, that you know, are not going to be your, your ideal client, you know, they're following, they're engaging. And so you can start to feel like, oh, maybe I need to, like, get to, like, I'm just gonna post this stuff for them. And then I'm and then I'm like, ancillary are really I don't know if I can say that word that way. But is the ancillary move, posting about your business really shifted the other way. Talk about what you do, talk about what you do, talk about what you do share something personal. And this is how it ties into what I do. And not saying you can't just like, you know, post the personal life stuff, too. But really making sure that when they come to your page, it's very clear, because as we talk a lot about being in that expert, versus, you know, being in that expert state versus somebody that's an aspiring, you know, professional to be in that expert state takes that confidence and consistency in those posts of confidence about what you do and who you help. And so just allowing yourself that permission to really have fun with it, because that's an amazing start. I think somebody commented, um, yeah, Kat said that she loved your branding and your colors. I do, too. I think it's awesome. And so it's just there, allow yourself to really dive in and be like, This is what I do. This is how I help women.

Kinsey Machos:

So great. So Jen, I hope that was helpful. I felt like we gave you sort of macro, like, where to go with it, but also some micro things that you can do. So I hope that's helpful. We would love obviously, to invite you into 10k. If you want more info there, just come in 10k. below. You guys, you should be like your marketing should be generating clients every day. And that's what we want for you. Right? And really being strategic in that and knowing that like getting clients online is very, very simple. Of course, there's all the other things behind that, right. It's the mind drama, it's the insecurity. It's the fear, it's the doubt, it's the judgment, it's the rejection, and we want to help coach you through that, right because we blend a lot of the inner work with the outer work. But also we want you to be making money and getting clients while you navigate that inner work, right. It's not like I need to figure myself out first before I go make a shit ton of money. It's both it's a it's a beautiful journey where you get to do both in tandem. Like what? So then,

Jenny Beecher:

no, I love that. So much business there. All right.

Kinsey Machos:

Did I like that? We just we just crushed it today, Jenny, we just crushed it today. You guys did you love today's social hour? comment, give us some fire emojis, give us some love and in in the chat below. And thank you for letting us serve you is obviously our joy. It's our gift. We obviously want to see you in 10k. So comment template below if you want more info there. But until then, we'll see you next Thursday at 11 o'clock Mountain Time. So good. Bye girls. Have a good week. Hey, you, thank you so much for listening. It's an honor to be able to pour into the hearts and minds of like minded entrepreneurs all over the world. But my most favorite part is being able to connect with you in real life. If you love what you heard here, head over to the community where thousands of female CEOs, just like you are changing the world one human at a time. We go deeper into the topics we discuss here and give away tangible roadmaps to help you crush your revenue goals to join this high-caliber free community head over to https://kinseymachos.com/community. See you there