June 20, 2023

Content That Converts: 3 Things That Are Working Right Now

Content That Converts: 3 Things That Are Working Right Now

What happens when you combine a rapidly evolving industry with an economic downturn? A mighty explosion of confusion, overwhelm, and frustration for online business owners. 

If you’re feeling like you’re having a hard time keeping up with the algorithm, aren’t sure which strategy to leverage to get clients online, and are tired of hearing price objections, this podcast episode is for you. 

My responsibility as your business mentor is to ensure you’re always up to date with the latest online marketing strategies that are working right now. 

Tune in to this episode to gain valuable insights and practical advice for leveraging online marketing strategies to attract high-paying clients and achieve long-term success.


Ways we can support you: 

>> [FREE] Download: The Revolutionary Content Kit: A 7-pillar method to creating unique content that sells + connects at the same time: https://kinseymachos.com/contentkit

>> If you’re ready to get fully booked with a message that aligns with premium clients and organic content that attracts and enrolls clients consistently, enroll in 10K Content Collective and get instant access to the live coaching, curriculum, and community.

>> If you’re ready to pivot to group coaching and want to consistently fill your group programs with a marketing machine that creates rhythm and cadence in your business (so you can experience true freedom in your life), get on the waitlist for Launch Like A Queen

Past Episode:

Episode 100: Why Email Marketing Should Be Your Top Priority over Social Media 

Do not miss these highlights: 

00:51 We are gearing up to kick off our Poolside Profit Plan Workshop.    

01:38 I'm in another round of Andy Priscilla’s 75 Hard Challenge, where you have to work out twice a day with some specific instructions. 

02:06 It was transformational so I told myself I need to do this at least once a year because it's a good reset. 

02:45 I think as a high performer, I'm always looking to optimize and improve. 

03:13 Oftentimes I find myself in my seasonal transitions so I needed that reset. 

03:37 Now it's summer and we go to bed late but I still have these waves of creativity come through me at night and so I leverage on that. 

04:04 So much for that life-slash-business update. Now I want to talk about content that converts. 

04:28 I've been in the general digital space for a long time just from an observer’s perspective.   

05:14 One of our core programs the 10K Content Collective is focused specifically on building your online presence and converting clients with your organic content. 

05:32 I'm always paying attention to what's working, what's not working sort of what happening in the overall industry. 

05:44 While I see even some of the most subtle changes, there isn't necessarily a requirement to respond to everything. 

06:13 I find that in trying to keep up with the “trends,” what happens is people just end up chasing and that is not what I want for you. 

06:43 The truth is, there isn't a very large significant change at this point that's going to tell you or that's going to require you to do a massive strategy change. 

07:23 Three things that will help you really stay focused and pay attention to what will work better.

08:06 This means the idea of demonstrating who you are, what you do, and how you help people. The difference between demonstrating versus telling people is very different. 

10:10 Demonstration is letting people know that you are legit. But we can't just say I'm legit, we have to show them.  

10:42 A lot of it is just related to, How can you share that? How can you really paint the picture of your credibility and what can you do to share those stories? 

11:21 Whether you're on Facebook or Instagram or LinkedIn, the front door is your profile pic and your bio. 

12:42 People are gonna make a decision right away based on that first impression on this demonstration element.  

13:38 You have to do your due diligence, and truly stand in your truth. Be committed to demonstrating your expertise is one of the biggest things right now. 

14:40 We do this in 10K Content Collective with you so you can become a master in this because this will lead to Ultimate Sales 100%. 

15:10 When you're consistent and you're repeatedly building in this demonstration and sharing value, you're going to completely elevate your brand presence. 

15:33 The second thing is this idea of the teasers. You can call this, lead magnets and this can be little and low-ticket products that people can buy from you. 

16:10 If you need help in packaging your expertise into a higher-end offer, that's something that we do with you in 10K Content Collective.  

16:41 What happens is people believe that if I just lower my price, or I offer something super low, it's going to be easy to sell but it's actually not. 

17:34 Because of buyer hesitation being up, people want to take you for a test drive. 

19:23 Most people create like super random lead magnets that are out of alignment with that higher tier client and so what happens is we attract the wrong type of client. 

19:58 We need to get people that opportunity to test you. Let them come a little bit closer without making a full commitment. 

21:15 Whether you are just beginning or you're a little bit seasoned, there's a lot of optionality here for free versus paid. 

22:08 My hesitation is that people are spending their dollars differently. They're being a little bit more thoughtful about where their money goes.

22:38 Now the last thing when it comes to content that converts and things that are working right now is this idea of consistency but with quality. 

23:22 What's happening is that people are getting lazier with their marketing and so we're just putting out content that has no relevance to who you are and what you do. 

25:09 So I want your content consistency and your frequency to be aligned not just with your people or your audience but also your revenue goals. 

25:47 It's thoughtful, it's consistent, it's demonstrating your expertise and serving your audience.

26:09 If you don't know how to gain attention, you will lose in the industry, period. It's so morbid but it is the truth. 

26:50 Every day you're building in those reps to have a compelling message. Articulate your Thought for the Day in a way that is resonating with your audience and making offers. 

28:10 These are the three things and if you can become a master at these, you will win, you will win faster, and you will out beat the majority of your industry, 

28:50 This is everything you need to create traction in this industry. It's just there and nothing else like it. 

29:08 I hope to see you in 10K and we'll include the link here. Get in now at this time of this release, we probably have some summer savings going on. 

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, a Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen, and heard online.

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women — because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that.

As a wife and a mom of three, the family takes priority. And having a business that’s run AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers.


Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos 

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Kinsey Machos:

Welcome to Captivate and Close. I'm Kinsey Machos, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high paying clients using my break through online marketing strategies, all without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait, or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in.

Kinsey Machos:

Hey, welcome back to another episode, I hope you're having such an amazing day, we are gearing up to kick off our poolside profit plan workshop. And I had a some time just carved out to record this episode. And so I'm just feeling so excited to serve my people. And I'm feeling just so energized. I am in the middle of Well, I'm not technically in the middle, but I'm in another round of 75 hard. And if you haven't heard of this, maybe you have been living under a rock. I'm just kidding. But this is something that Andy Priscilla designed or you know, created. And it's a, it's a challenge 75 days where you have to work out twice a day, each of them have to be 45 minutes, one of them has to be outside, no alcohol, you have to pick a diet, read 10 pages in a personal development book, every day, drink a gallon of water and take a picture of yourself every day. And the first time I did it, my husband and I did it together. And it was two years ago. And it was just really transformational. And I had told myself like I need to do this at least once a year, it's a really good reset. But I didn't do it last year. And it was like it's really easy to fall into just little habits. And if you were to, you know, look at me, and look at my life and even like hear me coach, I am a very disciplined person. And I take care of my body and my mind and

Kinsey Machos:

very highly productive and successful, probably more so than, you know, 99% of people, but I'm always looking to optimize. And I think that as a high performer. This is just a natural tendency is like where can I optimize? Where can I improve. And even the smallest little habits that creep in that are not serving a purpose or that are actually distracting you from your end goal can have a significant impact. And it's so slow sometimes that you don't notice it until you do. And that's oftentimes where I find myself as I have, you know, seasonal transitions. And I'm like, you know, I was just there's some things that I was like, I need to just reset. So I've also been I'm tired, there's this piece of me that feels very tired. Because there's some nights that I've had to stay up later to get my last workout. And because we have a full day, or just generally it's summer, right, we do go to bed later. And actually I have these waves of creativity come through me a night. So I leverage that. And so I definitely don't sleep as much in the summertime. And I'm kind of like, that's okay. And when I feel tired, I'll sleep more. But right now I am riding the waves of this just like really high octane energy. And I'm excited about where we're going. So that's sort of a life slash business update. But I want to talk about content that converts and what's working right now specifically in regards to these three things. There is no doubt that the industry has shifted so much, I have noticed a very significant change even in the last six to 12 months. So I've been in the sort of general digital space for a long time, just from an observer perspective. Even within my corporate career, when we had initiatives around digital marketing, I had to learn a lot about the trends and what's working, what's not working. And so this was even before my time as you know a coach consultant, but I have been deeply immersed in this space. For the last four years as I have been a consultant for, you know, large scale corporations for digital marketing and obviously coaching you and consulting you, within our programs, one of our core programs 10k Content Collective is focused specifically on building your online presence and converting clients with your organic content. So it's my responsibility, it's our responsibility as a company to stay ahead of the trends and then to, you know, pass them down to you. And so I'm always paying attention to what's working, what's not working sort of what happening in the overall industry. Now, one of the things that I want to preface this with is that, while I see even some of the most subtle changes, there isn't necessarily a requirement to respond to everything. So what I find is, in this regard, people will hear that Facebook is dying. And so we have to, like, you know, drop Facebook and go to Instagram, or, you know, now you see a new ad that's like, you know, AI is everything and drop this or that and do this. And so, I find that in trying to keep up with the quote, unquote, trends, what happens is people just end up chasing, you know, the shiny object. And that is not what I want for you. And by bringing these three elements, it's not something that you're going to, you know, drop everything and then move into a brand new strategy. These are just subtle elements, to increase your awareness around and things that you can add into what you're already doing. The truth is, there isn't a very large significant change, that's anything at this point, that's going to tell you or that's going to require you to do a massive strategy change. I mean, of course, the outlier here is if you aren't getting any results, and you're not getting any clients, then you know, perhaps we do, you need to completely overhaul your strategy. But again, this is a case by case basis, but I'm speaking to you, if you have been, you know, consistently showing up online, you're getting, you know, clients here and there, but you're noticing that things just are not working as well or as well as you would like them to. And so these three things will help you really stay focused and pay attention to what will work better. But the truth is, if you don't just continue to show up in your business in the way that you should be right in alignment to where you're going, none of this will actually matter. And so it's still making strategic decisions, you know, really aligning your mindset to what you want, and continuing to pave the way forward. So let's talk about the three things that are working right now and content that converts and the first thing is really in regards to demonstration, demonstration. So what does this mean? This really means the idea of demonstrating who you are, what you do, and how you help people, the difference between demonstrating versus telling people is very different. Now, if I take a step back, a lot of what we're going to unpack in this episode, is in context to how people are consuming social media, and also the economic changes with where we're at, right, we have inflation, we have people that are spending their money differently. Buyer hesitation has gone up and attention span is shorter. And so even if you think about your specific niche, or your specific industry, I would imagine you're also feeling like ooh, this feels like there's a lot of people here, there is just a lot of noise online, everybody's flooding, to digital marketing for one, and then even a layer deeper there. You know, coaching and consulting is a very lucrative market. And so you're going to see, obviously, an influx of people coming into this space, whether or not they're experts, that's, you know, questionable, but anybody can basically throw up a sign call themselves a coach, and especially if they're marketing savvy, they can get clients even if they don't have, you know, a proven offer or aren't even really good at what they do. But that's besides the point. The point here is that there is just so much more noise than there used to be. And there is just because of that we have increased hesitation by or hesitation and decreased attention span. And so when you think of that, even in context to demonstrating what you do versus telling what you do, this is really how we build in that story. You're telling element and we're really thinking about your users, your potential clients and how they're experiencing your content. demonstration is letting people know that you are legit. But we can't just say I'm legit, we have to show them, we have to demonstrate this. And this is a lot of what we show you in 10k content collective in the way that we want you to be creating content. Because it's not about tooting your own horn, although a lot of it is and most people are so afraid to just claim themselves as an expert, and say that, but a lot of it is just related to how can you share that? How can you really paint the picture of your credibility and what you do by sharing those stories, by up leveling your storefront by really bringing people into your unique ways, your unique approach your unique message. And so the demonstration is going to start with sort of that front door, right? When you think about a store, and you have, you know, your typical window shoppers, what's going to be the thing that tells people they should come into your store or not. And oftentimes, whether you're on Facebook or Instagram or LinkedIn, that front door is your profile pic. And it's your bio, and most people are not using this space in the way that they should be. This is like prime real estate, this is what helps you will make the decision of whether or not they're going to a follow you and be stick around. And so when you think about even that demonstration, how do you demonstrate that you are an expert, and that you know how to help people, right? If you have things like, you know, giving women education and make their lives better. That's not really demonstrating a lot that tells me nothing about really truly what you know what you're good at, and how you can help me, that also gives no level of specificity to the type of industry that you want to really become a leader in. And so the demonstration starts right away. And I think this is true to when you think about even your picture, right? If you think about the professionalism of your picture, and the visuals that you have, whether that's your banner on Facebook, or you know, the first nine on Instagram, right away, people are going to make a first your that's going to give a first impression, and people are gonna make a decision right away based on that first impression. And so this demonstration element comes into really all of that, how are they seeing you? How are they experiencing you, and then what are going to be the words that tell somebody that you are somebody that they should follow, because it's going to add some sort of benefit to their life demonstration is so powerful, you cannot just post pictures anymore of you know, random, you know, family photos with no sort of context to them, and hope that people will, you know, pay attention or engage with it and assume that that's going to lead to right conversions and sales. And so with the industry being really, really flooded with a bunch of quote unquote, experts who may or may not actually be an expert, you have to do your due diligence, and really, truly stand in your truth and be committed to demonstrating your expertise. This is one of the biggest things right now. Because like I said, buyer hesitation is up. And so there's no way that any sort of exchange can occur between you and potential client, if there's no value in it happening within that demonstration. And so we're really highlighting, right, those educational pieces where you're teaching people something different, right about what you do, you're showing them your unique process and how you approach write this give any you know this specific result that you help them get, you're highlighting how you've done this for yourself how you've done it for other clients, you're teaching them something that they didn't know before you're helping them overcome an objection that they have that's standing in their way there's all the ways to do that and we do this in 10k content collective with you. So you can become a master this because this will lead to Ultimate Sales 100%. Now will it take longer? Absolutely. Right before you could, you know we could share a post a year or two ago is like share post and immediately get through to are clients from it now, because of that buyer hesitation. And there's so many other options, right, we might maybe see one or two. But either way, when you're consistent and you're repeatedly building in this demonstration and sharing value, right, you're going to completely elevate that your brand presence, your online presence and also elevate the experience that they have with you, because most people aren't doing this. And so you're naturally going to stand out as a leader. So that's the first thing. The second thing is this idea of the teasers. You can call this, you know, lead magnets, this can be little, you know, low ticket products that people can buy for you. But when I think of teasers, what's happening is, you know, there's this big surge of high ticket offers in our industry. And while I will 100% Standby high ticket offers anything above, you know, let's say 2k, I believe that this is where like, this is our bread and butter, right? Our core offerings, our signature programs will never be below that. And I don't think you're should either. And if you need help, you know, packaging your expertise into a higher end offer. That's something that we do with you in 10k. But what happens is, if we have nothing for people to sort of buy into, that's much lower cost and sort of that next step is that high ticket, I think we leave a lot of opportunity on the table. Now, I again, I want to preface this with the fact that like, I don't want you going out and creating a bunch of low ticket offers and selling your face off because they are actually hard to sell. What happens is people believe that if I just lower my price, or I offer something super low, it's going to be easy to sell. But it's actually not, right, we just sold Pulse, a profit workshop for $127. And oh my gosh, that was way harder to sell than, you know, a 2k or 3k offer. And so there's just a value association with price. And so you have to kind of sell it harder. But either way, what I find is people just because it's a lower price they're not. They're kind of being lazy with the marketing and the selling of it. And so it's something for you to keep in mind. And again, I don't want your signature offer or your signature offers to be low ticket. However, I think it's really important. And what I'm seeing in sort of the trends today is people because of buyer hesitation being up. People want to test they want to take you for a test drive, right. And if you think about even going back to this store front type of analogy, and you have a sign right on the front door that basically says like this store is for you or this store is not for you, you make a decision to walk in. But you can't really like when you see the clothes, let's go with a clothing boutique, when you're starting to see the clothes, it's like, Ooh, you're liking the way they look, you're liking the way that they're feeling. But you want to try it on before you make a final decision. And so I think about this in the same regard to your potential clients, they want to try you on, they want to get a little bit more intimate with you before making a full blown high ticket purchase. And when you have something that's a little bit lower ticket, right, maybe it's a paid workshop, or it's just a $27 really amazing training or PDF, I don't want you to skimp out here. And I don't want you to feel like you have to create something new. But regarding the trends and sort of this idea of allowing people to test you first, I do think it's important to have something that is something they can purchase. Now, what's the difference between free and paid? Not a lot, but a little bit. And so it leads to for sure having a free resource that people can opt into, and it's visible to your audience. So if you're on Instagram, you're sharing it consistently within your content, or and or you put it in the Lincoln bio, and you're constantly talking about it. And it's a really, really powerful lead gen or lead magnet that's aligned with your premium client or premium offer, right? We talked about this in 10k. Most people create like super random lead magnets that are out of alignment with that higher tier client. And so what happens is we attract the wrong type of client. And then we have disconnect from the offer and the types of leads you bring in. And so that's a huge thing to pay attention to. But either way, we have a really powerful lead magnet, we're sharing it and people are now becoming they're moving from like just, you know, hanging out on the storefront to actually starting to become a serious lead in your ecosystem. And so we need to get people that opportunity to test you. And also for them to come a little bit closer without making a full commitment. Now with paid something like a $27, you know, workbook or $100, masterclass or whatever, with paid, what happens is, you now that we have sort of a more of a barrier, you're going to get potentially a higher quality lead, but what we know is a buyer is a buyer is a buyer. And so when we can just get somebody to make that small commitment, first, we're more likely to get them to make that bigger commitment down the road. And so I do think eventually, if you're at a place where you have capacity, you will know, you know, your messaging really well, you have your, your signature offers converting really well, you can add something in there like this, that allows people to purchase something, but not at a full high ticket price. If you're just getting started, and you're still finding rhythm and your offer, then stick with the free resource. And also, obviously, your free launch events, this is the best way to give people that test drive. And I don't recommend doing you know, large scale paid launch events, they're really, really hard to sell. And with launch events, we're going for volume. So again, that's sort of a side note, but whether you are just beginning or you're a little bit seasoned, there's a lot of optionality here for free versus paid. But the point here is to give people a little bit more of a taste of who you are, as a coach, what your philosophy is, how you coach, what you do how you do it, and there, we're getting moving them a little bit closer, something more than just them reading your content online, right, and giving them an opportunity to amplify that know, like and trust. And so this is a huge trend that we're seeing in that it's almost like a full circle in that several years ago, probably four or five years ago was always about just build your list, build your list, build your lists. And now it we're kind of going back to that, but it's from the context of, you know, people are hesitate, or, you know, my hesitation is that people are spending their dollars differently, they're being a little bit more, you know, thoughtful about where their money goes. And so we want to give people that test run. And that is why and yes, of course, we do want to build your email list. And in the previous episode, we talked about that importance. And so this all supports that overall strategy in such a beautiful way. Now, the last thing when it comes to content that converts and things that are working right now is this idea of the consistency, but with quality. So we've seen some sort of trends come through, in and out and in regards to quantity versus quality. And so at first it was like we just want to get visible. I don't know if you guys were ever taught this, but I was and it was like, it doesn't matter what you share, we just want to stay top of mind, just keep posting, just keep creating, right, just get better. And while some of that is still true, and a lot of you need to do consistent content, just to build those reps. What's happening is that people are kind of getting lazier with their marketing. And so we're just putting out content that has no relevancy to who you are what you do, right? It's not, it doesn't have any of that demonstration. And so we're actually losing eyeballs. When that used to work, because what would happen is there was less people to pay attention to, you could catch somebody's eye right away, bring them in, and then feed them maybe a really powerful promotional post, that's going to convert them. But what happens is, again, quality of audiences are becoming harder and harder to curate, because of decreased attention and increased buyer hesitation. And so we want to make sure that we're always prioritizing our quality of audience. And we do this through really good content, but content that's consistent. I think that on the other side of this, you have the people that are saying just do it a couple times a week, if it's really good, it's going to be it's going to yield its its ROI. But the truth is, at the end of the day, if your revenue is directly related to how many offers you make, and so if you think about this, even from a form of content, it's a really good piece of content. It has a call to action, you know, for people to you know, sign up and roll now or DM you or whatever. And if we're only doing that once or twice a week and only, you know 10 to 12% of your audience is seeing this you're going to massively decrease your likelihood of like hitting those high revenue months. You In the timeline that you want. And so I want your content, consistency and your frequency to be aligned not just with what people like your audience, but also your revenue goals. And so I want you to prioritize quality content, but do it consistently. So don't sit down and just say I have to post today. So I'm just going to put something out, I want you to sit down every day, and to yourself, say, I'm going to produce my boss quality content today. And each day, you're going to notice that you're going to keep getting better and better and better. And we're not just throwing spaghetti at the wall. We're not just, you know, sharing random things so that we can get in the algorithm that day. It's thoughtful, it's consistent, it's demonstrating your expertise serving your audience. And we're doing it so much so that we're really allowing people to see us more. And more importantly, you're building that skill of masterful content. This is I cannot stress this enough. And the truth is, this is the skill that will serve you for the life of your business. Content is the commodity attention is the commodity. If you don't know how to gain attention, you will lose in the industry, period. And it's so morbid, but it is the truth. And if you think about even large scale businesses that are, you know, million multi-million billion dollar corporations that are now starting to build online brands, it's because they know that attention is the new commodity, it is not product. And so you have to learn how to capture it, you have to learn how to pull people in, you have to become a master at content, whether you're on Instagram, whether you're on Facebook, whether you're doing videos, or reels are long form, it doesn't matter. That is less important. What matters is that every day you're building in those reps, to have a compelling message, articulate your your Thought for the Day in a way that is resonating with your audience and make offers. Period. It is really that simple. And most people want to create all this drama around it. And it's like, well, I need to know the algorithm which hashtags do I use? Do I? What if I'm, you know, do I use a call to action every day like, don't even get Yes, use a call to action every day PS. But outside of that do not get pulled into the drama of social media of the algorithm rules or hacks or whatever, just show up every day, write your boss content, through the demonstration of who you are, what you do, and how you help people, and you will win, you have to do it consistently. Again, what used to work is like this accelerated speed, yes, you can still have really fast results, I do think it will take longer to build that rapport than it used to because of do I say it again, buyer hesitation and decreased attention span. But I know you're committed for the long haul. And so these are the things that you have to do consistently day in and day out, to build what you want to build, right and grow what you want to grow. So those are the three things. And I believe that if you can become a master at these three things, you will win, you will win faster, you will out beat the majority of your industry, most people are going to be falling out, right they come in and come out like a hot potato in the coaching industry. And I don't want that to be you. And all of what we discussed today we do with you inside of 10k content collective you have you know access to live coaching every week to us content reviews, we have weekly co writing clinics where we're giving you prompts that are working, we're giving you our highest converting content, like we're helping you position yourself uniquely in the market and also having an aligned offer. This is everything you need to really create traction in this industry. And it's just there's just nothing else like it. But more importantly, like these are the things that are the most important right now, if you want to really see your desires through. So I hope you enjoyed this. And I hope to see you in 10k We'll include the link here, get in now we've got we've probably at this time of this release, we probably have some summer savings going on. So I hope to see you there. Until

Kinsey Machos:

next time. Hey, you, thank you so much for listening. It's an honor to be able to pour into the hearts and minds of like-minded entrepreneurs all over the world. But my most favorite part is being able to connect with you in real life. If you love what you heard here, head over to the community where thousands of female CEOs, just like you are changing the world one human at a time. We go deeper into the topics we discuss here and giveaway tangible roadmaps to help you crush your revenue goals to join this high-caliber free community head over to https://kinseymachos.com/community. I'll see you there