Jan. 10, 2023

Build Your Coaching Business Around Your Perfect Client

Build Your Coaching Business Around Your Perfect Client

Building a thriving coaching business requires you to also love your business. It’s difficult to grow something you’re not fully aligned with. In order to do this, you’ll want to design your entire model around ONE THING: your perfect person. 

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Do not miss these highlights: 

01:32 New chapter, new vibes, New Year, and while that's all fun and nice, the energy and the emotion that comes with the actual transitional period is the most enlightening, and also the most frightening. 

02:11 When you are evolving into a bigger and bolder version of yourself, you're also shedding old habits, old behaviors, or old thought patterns, which is not a clean process.

03:42 Here we are, we're showing up and we are going to roll into the New Year with excitement.

03:56 Designing your business for your perfect client.

04:36 How designing your perfect client or perfect business connects to discipline, focus, patience, and delayed gratification. 

05:16 We waste a lot of time, energy, and effort, chasing something that doesn't needed to be chased. 

05:36 In this episode, Kinsey offers the concept of designing your perfect business or client, that can save you wasted time, energy, and money. 

06:13 Going through all the painful lessons that she has to learn is how she gets the right to share this.

06:34 After listening, she wants you to walk away with curiosity and a fresh set of eyes, looking at your business model and making sure that you are working smarter and not harder. 

07:22 Let us go back to that eighty-twenty theory. 

07:35 Eighty percent of your revenue is generated from twenty percent of your best clients. 

08:01 Put ourselves at risk by doing things or spending time on things that may produce some result, but it's not a multiplied result.

08:30 One offer, one message, one platform. You do not need hardly anything to get to a 100K. 

08:55 You don't need a lot. You just need a good offer. Meaning you are serving a client that wants what you possess, and that you serve them well.

09:29 As you're starting to grow up in revenue, what tends to happen is you will layer on more complexity within marketing, sales, and operations.

09:47 You're moving away from the core central point of what your business is meant for, which is a perfect offer for a perfect client. 

10:05 Master your one offer to make it better for that one perfect client. 

10:20 Consider how you can serve less at a higher quality. 

10:46 The constraints within that mean that you're saying “no” more often than you are saying “yes”. That can be very, very scary for an entrepreneur. 

11:38 The person that will get results. The person that you want to help more. 

12:07 Help a version of your client that isn't as far along in their journey as they need to be in order for you to get the maximum results.  

13:03 Your business is not meant to serve everybody. 

13:29 Think about the highest value that you can bring out, that will drive your marketing, your selling, and your offers. 

13:53 Meet the people that are ready and going to buy, and they're going to pay the right price for it. 

14:05 You're naturally going to grow because you're getting better and bigger results for the right people. You're going to be attracting more of those people. 

14:14 You're going to have incredible social proof. Your brilliance is spent and being transferred to your best people.

14:26 When you work with unfit clients, it will not feel fun for you. That means you may be getting paid but your energy is depleting.

14:42 You might be falling out of love with your business a little bit like this. These are the things that are at risk for you.

15:21 Highly consider the idea of value over volume. 

16:05 When you don't have a match there, this is where that burnout occurs.

16:24 The need for more will not improve unless you discover the root of that problem.

16:38 Do you love yourself enough to put the boundaries and the constraints around you? 

17:01 You are more at risk as you grow as a leader online, and a leader in your community. People are going to want more of you.  

17:24 If you're not prioritizing your needs and your desires over the needs and desires of other people, you will burn out.

17:44 When you protect your energy, you're able to show up in your full brilliance all the time, which will magnetize the right people for you. 

18:00 So don't try to build a business that can meet the needs and desires of more than several types of people. Focus on one, just one. 

19:40 Think about your favorite clients. They paid you the price without any fuss. You loved working with them, and they got results. 

20:15 This requires so much discipline and constraint, probably so much so that you're not even going to see it when you're straying away from that core model. 

21:35 Having those boundaries around you, your energy, your time, your access, is going to be super important. 

22:14 Just stay in your lane and your zone of genius. Build a better, faster, and amazing business that doesn't kill you energetically, emotionally, and physically.

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, a Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen, and heard online.

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women — because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that.

As a wife and a mom of three, the family takes priority. And having a business that’s run AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers.


Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos 

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Kinsey Machos:

Welcome to captivate and close. I'm Kinsey Machos, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high-paying clients using my breakthrough online marketing strategies, all without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait, or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in. Hey, you welcome back to another episode of Captivate Close. I am so excited to be here with you. Per usual, I feel like I started my episodes, but all the same thing. But that's okay, maybe I need to come up with a new phrase for twenty-twenty-three. But at the time of this recording, it is finally twenty-twenty-three. I feel like I just hindered the longest winter break in history. And it's probably for several reasons. I think I shared probably in the last episode that it was just a lot. It's been a lot of emotions that have come up over the last couple of months and just kind of turning a new chapter. I think we all make a huge sort of fuss around New Chapter, new vibes, New Year, etc. And while that's all fun in a nice, the energy and the emotion that comes with the actual transitional period is the most enlightening, and also the most frightening. I tried to figure out why this is frightening if I had to really just say but it is sort of, you know, the identity crisis, I talk a lot about this experience. When you are evolving into a bigger, more bolder version of yourself. You're also shedding old habits, old behaviors or old thought patterns, which is not a clean process. It's a very messy, interesting journey. And it's not something that happens overnight. I think this is something that we are always sort of enduring moment by moment, but when you think holistically, you will notice seasons in your life where this is much more prevalent than others. So I am definitely sort of just coming out on the other side of that anything to this time of year, winter time is just always so much harder for me. I love the sunshine, I love the warm weather. I also feel like the older I get the colder I get. I feel like are that are my state is getting colder, I don't know maybe it's both. I think I spent I spent half my life this winter break in a hot tub or a bathtub. It's sort of like I cannot get warm. But that is what it is. And I'm just learning to really embrace who I am in this season. And it's radical self acceptance, which is, again, so messy, and not exactly as easy as it sounds. So if you're on that journey with me, I invite you to walk alongside of me. Here we are, we're showing up and we are going to roll into to the New Year with excitement. And with that I have been on this huge cake about designing your business for your perfect client. So there's some things that have been unraveling, in my own business that this is initiating these thoughts and this message that I'm about to share with you. But also there's been some outside input coming in right, some mentors that I have, and that I listened to, that all sort of triggered this movement or rather, a deeper belief and conviction in this concept. And it all goes back to the discipline, the focus, the patience, the delayed gratification, and how that connects to designing your perfect client or designing your perfect business around your perfect client is because what I want to cover today will require or that, and I think that more people, including myself, at times, think that more is more, more is better. And so we let go of either basic fundamentals, or just mastery within itself to chase something that doesn't really need to be chased. And we waste a lot of time and energy and effort, just kind of like shuffling around things, chasing our tail, in hopes that there will be a better solution on the other side of that. And so I want to offer this concept around designing your business around your perfect client, because I can resonate with it. And also, it's going to save you so much of that wasted time, energy and money. And I would imagine that even though you will probably resonate with this message, or you'll probably understand it, only a small percentage of you will actually take action on it, only a small percentage of you will actually follow this direction. And I'm saying this because somebody, I've heard this in different ways, throughout my entrepreneurial journey, but I think going through the painful lessons that I've had to learn. And really, that might contradict some of that is, is how I get to share this right. And so some some of you may just have to endure your own painful lessons and, and come back and say, oh, man, Kinsey, you are right. But either way, what I do want you to walk away with is just curiosity and a fresh set of eyes, looking at your business model and making sure that you are working smarter and not harder. So Alex from Mozi, did this podcast episode that was titled 80% of your customers will bankrupt you. And if you haven't checked it out, this will be I think this will benefit you just sort of an extension of that thought he obviously is very masculine and goes deeper on, you know, his methods and concepts to business. But it's definitely worth a listen. And it got me really thinking about this for myself and my own business. But it goes back to that eighty-twenty theory, right? If you think about eighty% of your results are coming from twenty% of your effort. deeper than that, when you think about your business and your clients eighty% of your revenue is generated from twenty% of your best clients. And all outside of that, right? What then we have this like layer that is wasted. And what happens is, when we try to apply this volume method to our business, we really, really put ourselves at risk at doing things or spending time on things that may produce some result, but it's not a multiplied result. And when you think about even going to your first Hundred K, I continuously say over and over again, everywhere I speak, right? Whether it's here on the podcast, or within my clients or on my on social platforms, I'm always like one offer one message one platform, you literally do not need hardly anything to get a hundred to hundred k, whatever you believe about six figures, I really want you to wipe it clean and just know that it's simple. I think there's a lot of people out there that are like that's not that's not what you really want. It's too hard focus on smaller goals. No, no, no, no, I want you to believe in instead that it's simple. And you don't need a lot you need a really good offer, meaning you are serving a client that wants what you have. And you serve them well. And you talk about how you help people. Okay, then right as we grow, what happens is once you get confidence in the marketing and selling and you are delivering results, we have all these, these online business strategies that are marketed to us of like do this, do that grow, grow, grow, scale, scale scale, and as you're starting to grow up in revenue. What tends to happen and I know this because I personally experienced it is you will layer on more complexity within marketing, sales and operations. And a lot of times you're moving away from the core central point of what your business is meant for, which is a perfect offer for a perfect client

Kinsey Machos:

So instead of trying to create offers that can serve more types of people, it's rather you master your one offer to make it better for that one perfect client. Instead of thinking about how you can serve more volume of client, I want you to consider how you can serve less at a higher quality. When you try to design your offers or your business model to meet the needs of more types of people, you're going to run the risk of burnout, you're also going to run the risk of low profit margins. And you will be working so freaking hard to please so many different types of people. Now, the constraints within that mean that you're saying no more often than they are saying yes. And that can be very, very scary for an entrepreneur, especially if you're in a position where you feel like you need the money. And so when you're taking on clients that aren't really a good fit for you, just because you need the money, what happens is you spend time and energy helping people that aren't actually really a good fit, and they may or may not get results. But they're not going to be multiplied in regards to the types of people that you actually want to serve, they're going to bring in more types of people that you don't want to serve, right, whether they get results and you share their offer, but where your time and energy is flowing is not towards the person that you can guarantee results, the person that will get results, the person that also is like the other types of people that you want to help more of, when you stray too far away from that perfect claim and their profile what they want, what they will pay a premium price for, you're going to just multiply that result, right. If you think about helping more lower quality people or trying to help a version of your client that isn't further along, then help a version of your client that isn't as far along in their journey that they need to be in order for you to get the maximum results, you're going to ultimately attract more of those types of people. So what that means is really thinking about couple things, what is the biggest problem you can solve for somebody so differently, what is the highest value that you can bring to somebody, and usually that somebody is someone that will pay a lot of money to get what they want. And I know this sounds so like, Oh, but I want to help everybody and but people can't afford that. Again, this is not meant your business is not meant to serve everybody your free content can help more people. And that can drive impact. But what happens is if you try to help all the people, whether they have money or don't have money, and you're trying to create offers that fit into the budget of people, you will be the one to pay hundred%. And so think of somebody that pays a premium price, and think about the highest value that you can bring. And that will drive your marketing, your selling and your offers. Do not try to create offers with people in mind that have told you they can't afford you, or they're not ready for you because they're not quite within that journey yet, right? We're not going to meet them there. People that are ready, are going to buy, and they're going to pay the right price for it. And the more that you say yes to those people. And the more that you say no to the people outside of that, you're naturally going to grow because you're getting better and bigger results for the right people. And you're going to be attracting more of those people. And you're going to have incredible, incredible social proof. Not only that, but your brilliance is spent and being transferred to your best people. When you work with unfit clients. It will not feel fun for you. That means you may be getting paid but your energy is depleting. You find yourself at the end of the day are really tired, you're drained, you might be falling out of love with your business a little bit like these. These are the things that are at risk for you. And I don't think enough people are talking about this because it's like grow, grow, grow, make more money, and yes, those things will happen. But how do you want them to happen? Do you want to burn out? And do you want to work with a ton of people that don't really value you or want to like pay You match? Or do you want to spend your time with your best clients? Do you want to spend time in your highest zone of genius where you're like practically buzzing, right after you meet with them. And so I really want to encourage you to consider this idea of value over volume. What I've had to learn this last year is that volume more of anything, is not necessarily the solution. I would rather have fewer higher quality clients, then spend my time working with more quality, less quality clients that aren't right for me, right? It's not about like, character traits, or, you know, this is not to say, certain people are bad or good. It's more on the lines of your particular avatar, and where your brilliance fits with the problem that they're looking to get solved. When you don't have a match there, this is where that burnout occurs. And you will find yourself chasing right the next client, because you need money, or because you're in desperation. And if you're ever in that spot, you're just going to again, perpetuate that cycle. Because the need for more won't get better, unless you really, really discover the root of that problem. And usually guys, it always goes back to money. And whether or not you value you. Do you love yourself enough to put the boundaries and the constraints around you and your timing your access. And say no. This is like so big. I feel like I have to learn this lesson over and over and over again in bigger and bigger ways. And it's not a fun lesson to learn. And I continue to think that I have reestablished boundaries or I've let go of those people pleasing mentalities. But you are more at risk for this. As you grow as a leader online, a leader in your community, people are going to want more of you, they're gonna want more access to you, they're gonna sit tell you that it's not fair that they want this and that you need to give them that and it is so exhausting, it's so tiring. And if you're not prioritizing your needs, and your desires, over the needs and desires of other people, you will burn out. And this is so awful to say, or maybe here because it can be construed as you know, you don't care about other people. But you know, I've said before setting boundaries does not mean you're bitchy. And when you protect your energy, you're able to show up in your full brilliance all the time, which will magnetize the right people to you. And again, people can get value from you just even through your free content or being in your presence. So don't try to build a business that can meet the needs and desires of more than several types of people focus on one, just one. And if you're under a 300k Maybe even under a million, I would focus on just one. Now of course, there's going to be several tiers of your type of Avatar, that might ascend in your value ladder. But if you try to wrap in different messages within your marketing, it's just going to be confusing. And this is when we start splitting hairs. And people will come to me and say things like, Well, I'm just going to do this as a down sell, or I'm just going to upsell them here, or I'm just going to give it to people that say they can't afford me, that is still an offer. And that still requires operations, it still requires you it still requires you to spend time away from the people and the business model that you were meant to create and serve. I always look at it as a capped amount of energy. Even if it's one hour a week, or one hour a day or whatever, right, that means you get less energy for the things that actually freaking light you up. And so just to come full circle when we think about designing your business for your perfect client, really, really thinking about well, who is that perfect client?

Kinsey Machos:

You have one, I mean, unless you're brand new, which you might be you can think about yourself, you can think about a prior version of yourself and where you were at before you experienced transformation. But I want you if you've had clients think about your most favorite client, they paid you the price that that without any fuss, you loved working with them, they got results. They showed up, personality wise it was an energetic match. And you're obsessed with them, right? That's the type of person I want you to consider. I don't want you to consider well what about the people that aren't ready yet? Or what about the people that are here are there out those questions are not helpful, continue to multiply the type of results you want to create for other people by multiplying the type of people that you want to work with. This requires so much discipline and constraint, probably so much so that you're not even going to see it, when you do it when you're straying away from that core model. So really, really watch yourself. And this could even mean that a client's about to give you money, but you are literally everything inside of you is like, I don't want to work with this person. Or maybe you don't even know it yet. And they're showing up on calls. And you feel so depleted afterwards, and it's not working right. It can also mean that you're about to launch a new offer, because you've had all these people tell you that can't afford you. And so you think you need to create a new offer to fit into their budget. Don't do that. continue to grow and scale a business model that is designed for your perfect client. Keep the constraints within there. And I'm telling you, that alone will multiply you, you won't have to work harder, you're just going to work smarter, and your clients as a result will get bigger and better. Amazing results. It's a win win. But right, it's easier said than done. Right? Saying no is can be really, really hard to do. And really having those boundaries around you your energy, your time your access is going to be super, super important. So if you love this episode, I would love for you to just leave a review. Let me know if you've been listening for a while or what you love most about this show. And if you could just take a snapshot, share it on Instagram and tag me I love to see who's listening. And I hope this resonates with you. I think this is a lesson again that I've continued to learn over and over again and I if anything, want to share the mistakes that I've made with you. So you can either avoid them altogether, or get yourself out of them before you go deeper into them. And really, really just stay in your lane and your zone of genius and build faster, build a better, faster, amazing business. That doesn't kill you energetically, emotionally physically. Okay, so I hope you have a great, great week. See you next week.

Kinsey Machos:

Hey, you, thank you so much for listening. It's an honor to be able to pour into the hearts and minds of like-minded entrepreneurs all over the world. But my most favorite part is being able to connect with you in real life. If you love what you heard here, head over to the community where thousands of female CEOs just like you are changing the world one human at a time. We go deeper into the topics we discuss here and give us a tangible roadmaps to help you crush your revenue goals to join this high-caliber free community head over to kinseymachos.com/community. I’ll see you there