A Sneak Peek at Our New Consulting Offer: Luxe Leverage

Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed by the complexities of scaling your business while maintaining quality and alignment? It’s a challenge many experts face.
In this episode, I reveal the Luxe Leverage experience, a unique consulting offer designed to help you create scalable, high-end solutions that don't compromise on quality or personal alignment.
Discover how I moved away from traditional, cookie-cutter business models to craft bespoke solutions that elevate both client results and profit margins.
Join me as I share the transformative journey of aligning your highest zone of genius with a business model that truly reflects your brilliance.
Key Takeaways:
- The importance of aligning your business model with your unique zone of genius.
- How to create scalable offers that maintain high quality and client satisfaction.
- Strategies for achieving substantial business growth while working part-time.
- The pitfalls of traditional volume-based business models and how to avoid them.
- Steps to architect a bespoke consulting service that maximizes profit margins without sacrificing results.
Work With Kinsey Machos
Ready to launch and evergreen a high-end, scalable offer and grow to 50-100K months? Apply Now For The Luxe Leverage Experience.
Watching My Free On-Demand Training: 5 Shifts To Scale: Reaching 50-100K Months With A Fully Aligned Scalable Offer
Connect With Kinsey Machos
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About the Host
Kinsey Machos is the host and founder of The Category Queen, a podcast and community for coaches, consultants, practitioners, and professionals who desire to help more people with their unique expertise.
Kinsey's mission is to help women transform their unique brilliance into a profitable coaching business where they can experience true time and financial freedom while changing the world one human at a time.
Kinsey Machos:
I'm Kinsey Machos, your host and founder of the category Queen. Welcome to the podcast for coaches, consultants, and course creators who don't just want to dominate their niche, but they desire to play in their own league. My mission is to help you unlock the power of your unique brilliance and use it as a vehicle to gain recognition, reach more people, and make more money. Not too long ago, I took a bold leap, leaving behind a six figure corporate salary with nothing more than a used MacBook and a burning desire for more freedom. Today, our brand has become globally recognized, helping thousands of female founders to become industry leading experts. Join us each week as we go on a journey together to discuss mindset, marketing and money, and more importantly, the real life discussions about balancing success with motherhood and marriage.
Kinsey Machos:
Because we're a community of women who build and scale impact driven businesses, but do it without sacrificing the things that matter most to us. Welcome to the category queen show. Hello, my fellow category queens. I hope you're having an amazing day so far. I am in between some travel and really wrapping up summer with our final hurrah, which is crazy summer flu, but the kids go back to school in like less than two weeks. It's literally insane. But I am ready to sprint. Fall is like a sprint season for me. It's a little bit slower. We haven't quite gotten into chilling cheer season yet, so we're not traveling as much for cheer. And basketball is also just starting to amp up a little bit. So it's a little bit more spacious from a scheduling perspective.
Kinsey Machos:
And also, it's just when it comes to energetically, it's when I have just, you know, I'm feeling rejuvenated from the summer playfulness and restfulness, and I'm ready to hit the ground running with our routines and all the things. And so part of that is really coming to you with the introduction of our brand new experience, lux leverage. And I want to talk to you about what this new offer means to me, what it means to you, and what this actually looks like when we install it in your business. I have been sitting on this for a while, if we're being honest, and I want to give you a little bit of backstory here because I think that you can really resonate with this. And there's some lessons to be learned within this overall journey that I have experienced.
Kinsey Machos:
And so, again, I just really want you to learn from my mission mistakes and hopefully shortcut your own pathway towards success. Now, if you have been around for a while, you'll know that we've always had a core offering around getting you to six figures as a coach. And all of my back end offerings, whether that was masterminding or private clients, have been to scale to months. And I've never had a, my core signature offer be at that, at my highest zone of brilliance. Right. When I talk to you about you operating at your highest and your fullest zone of genius, I also realize that I may have been out of integrity with myself in this regard. And it really has been around maybe some insecurities or fear or doubt.
Kinsey Machos:
But I know that this was a primary cause of me really finding myself in a misalignment business model. I've talked a little bit about this and like, really this journey of pivoting, adjusting, tweaking the business to make sure that is in full alignment, not with just my full brilliance, but also my lifestyle and also making sure that I'm not playing small. There's been a lot of indicators around like, fear. And again, the insecurities of like, am I good enough to do this? That have come around this offering, and it has caused me to keep it a little bit more private. And I had this recollection or I guess I had this reflection. I've had it for, you know, a while now, and I thought I had sort of resolved it, but I had this sort of aha.
Kinsey Machos:
Moment of like, I have been playing small in this regard. And if I am going to tell you to make sure to align your fullest brilliance to the industry and stay in your highest level of brilliance working with your best clients, I better make sure that I'm doing the same thing. And this really is where it's at. It's about creating leverage in your business by operating at your highest zone of genius and also making sure that it's scalable and in full alignment to you. I have been doing this work, again, more privately, and I've never sold like this offer to the masses because it has been more of that back end ascension in our overall funnel strategy. But no more, my friends, no more. And we're really making the adjustments in the business to ensure that this is our signature thing.
Kinsey Machos:
Because when it comes to my highest zone of genius, this is where it's at. It's creating scalable offers, it's creating scalable systems, it's working part time so that you can have a life, and it's about finding your highest end leverage. When I was thinking about this concept, really it came through years of being out of alignment with my own business, but also kind of conforming to the traditional cookie cutter, scalable offers. I've been there, I've done that. And time and time again I find myself completely out of alignment, and I could not figure out why until recently, really learning that for myself, especially as a projector, I desire to go deeper with my clients.
Kinsey Machos:
And so I really moved away for a while in creating more depth with my clients because again, I was told that in order to scale, I needed to create low end offers, low ticket offers, and go to the masses, go for volume. But like I said, I've been there, done that, and that is not the model for me. Not only does that create a lot of it creates the need for a bigger team, more systems, more headaches, but it just really, again, is out of alignment with how I desire to serve my clients. And also I know a lot of the women that I serve have the same thought and the same feeling. And so I've been really working amongst these high end women and creating their leveraged offers that are in true alignment to them.
Kinsey Machos:
And what this means is creating bespoke solutions for your best match clients, but it's not at the sacrifice of their results and it's not at the sacrifice of your time. So this isn't about adding more coaching calls to your calendar. It's not about working 30 to 40 plus hours a week, and it's also not about sacrificing your profit margins. Okay, so when it comes to volume based business models, what happens is the profit margin shrinks, but when you look at more agency style services, you also have a scenario where you can charge more, but again, you have to have the team to deliver it on. And so again, you're dealing with smaller profit margins.
Kinsey Machos:
And so I really asked myself, what would that look like to come to the middle of this, where we have a bespoke consulting service that doesn't require a huge team, but it also allows us to go deeper with our clients and also maintain a healthy profit margin and really create a transformative experience. Without adding more hours to my calendar, I really am sticking to that 25 hours week work schedule because that's what works for me and it works for my family, especially in this season that I'm at where, gosh, as the kids get older, they definitely require more of you. But also it's teaching me how to create those constraints in my schedule because more does not equal more. And we have for a long time worn this badge of honor around being busy.
Kinsey Machos:
And I did get into that trap of just doing all the things right. It's like, well, so and so is doing her podcast this way, so I need to do it that way or I have to have more offers because so and so, it's just like constantly looking at other people or other business models and thinking, you need to do that too. So I'm just speaking to myself here also and just reminding ourselves that we don't have to do more to create a phenomenal high end coaching business. And in fact, what we want to do is we want to do less and do it better, do it exceptionally well. And when it comes to becoming a category queen in your industry, this is how it's done. You know, category leaders don't create great products. Great products create category leaders.
Kinsey Machos:
And so if you want to be a category queen of your industry, you have to be not just great at what you do, but you have to have an offer that aligns to that. And so when I created this concept of luxury leverage, it's about creating leverage in your business at scale, but maintaining quality, maintaining that bespoke experience and you don't have to let go of quality to scale. And I think this is a huge misconception. I speak about this in the five shifts to scale and one of those being this idea that I have to sacrifice my clients results or I can't provide my clients a really high end experience if I want to scale or serve more people. But I'm here to tell you, that is so far from the truth.
Kinsey Machos:
And I invite you to really consider this a new idea of scaling with more luxury, really becoming that luxury brand in your industry by having a really great product, product being your signature offer that creates again, a really high end experience that you can scale. Okay, so remember, we're not talking about growing. This isn't about doing more, doing more. We're talking about scaling, which is doing less and greeting, creating bigger results from the work that you do. It's about ten xing your results without having to do more. And so I brought together this concept of luxury leverage and started to really define what this looks like in terms of a semi automated business.
Kinsey Machos:
A high end, bespoke, scalable offer that is in full alignment to your goals, your unique lifestyle, your niche, and really what that looks like to take your business to 50 to 100k months, working part time hours. And so I'm so excited to roll out this brand new experience again. It really is more of that consulting type of service. This isn't a group coaching program. This isn't a mastermind. This is you working with my team and I to create a really amazing, fully aligned, scalable offer that gets you known in your industry, but that also creates rhythm and more of that well oiled machine so you can step away from your business, so you don't have to be a martyr to your business so that you can get leads and clients without having to think about it every single day.
Kinsey Machos:
So what I want to talk about is the process that we use in this experience and what it looks like to install this system. So we start with phase one, which is align, and this is really installing the authentic foundations by understanding who you are, what you want, where you're going, and really the space that we're carving out for you. This is defining your category or a niche. When I see people or a lot of women actually come to me and they express that they're out of alignment with their business. They've tried the cookie cutter group coaching programs. They've tried, you know, the low end memberships or whatever that looks like. And they feel so unfulfilled. You know, they've had success and yet they're feeling so, you know, like you've lost that spark a little bit.
Kinsey Machos:
And it's feeling like a disconnect from their clients, from their offers. But also, a lot of women come to me. They're at capacity with their one to one services, but there's so much resistance and hesitancy to scale because they want to maintain that quality of that service. And so if you're in either one of those camps, then this offer is for you, this experience is for you. But either way, what we're doing is we're trying to make sure that you are being true to your most authentic self. Sometimes this means really understanding what that is, which I hope you do, because we're so busy in the doing that we forget who we are and who we're becoming and designing the business around that future version of you versus the current version of yourself today.
Kinsey Machos:
If we keep building on the past version of ourselves or who we are today versus who you're becoming and where you're going, that's where we create misalignment. And so the first phase is really thinking about what is your goal? What are your goals? What is your three year vision? How do we align to that and how do we get there? But most importantly, what do you want to be known for? What is your category niche? How do we create that blue ocean for you so you can blow it up? This is the most fun part, because again, this is setting that foundation of growing a really aligned authentic business. Most people aren't able to do this because they don't have that starting foundation. So again, you could try all the strategies.
Kinsey Machos:
You could grow and scale really fast like I do, but you'll get to a certain point where you're sort of like, well, what is all this for if I don't really even like the business that I built? So that first phase is most important. The second phase we get into is the architect. We start to architect what your luxury leverage solution is and how this looks for your particular audience, for your particular clients, your best match clients. We take into consideration the results you deliver, what your client needs. Again, we're looking at your category niche. We use something called the congruence code, which also creates more of those guardrails for you as far as like, what are non negotiables and what are the things that we are not willing to sacrifice, what are we saying yes to? What are we saying no to?
Kinsey Machos:
And part of architecting your lux leverage solution is first getting clear on that, but then understanding what is going to create a really high end, transformative experience for your best match clients. A lot of people think that this just means having more access to you as a coach or more access to coaching. But that's like one element to five of the core elements of a scalable offer. We need to look at all elements. We also need to think about where your people are getting stuck. What do they need in order to create bigger, better, faster results? And so this is really about client success. Most people aren't teaching you how to actually get your clients results, they're just teaching you how to market and sell.
Kinsey Machos:
But if we go back to this idea of category leaders don't create great products, but great products, great category leaders, we have to prioritize client results. Does this mean that you might need to slow down a little bit to ensure that you have a really quality program? Yes. But guess what? Every time I've slowed down to really just pause and prioritize quality, I've always sped up ten times faster without even trying. And so part of that phase two of architecting your lux leverage solution is really going into this idea of creating results at that next level for your clients. How do we design a solution that is going to enable your clients to create better results, but it doesn't require a lot of coaching from you. It's really a comprehensive system that your clients are going to thrive in.
Kinsey Machos:
We're also looking at the messaging strategy around your luxe leverage solution. Also the positioning, the packaging and the pricing. All of these are done with me and my team so that you can make sure that you are again staying in alignment with the phase one and what we decided there. And also we're nothing. Sacrificing your clients results and you're getting known in your industry, really that high end brand and starting to come to market with your messaging, your marketing and your sales strategy that is going to bring in the right leads, the right clients consistently like a well oiled machine, which leads me into phase three which is automate. This is when we start to really create that semi automated system where you have a cadence to everything that you do.
Kinsey Machos:
Now I say semi automated because this isn't a set it and forget it solution. This isn't like make money on the beach. Although while you're resting, while you're sleeping, you're bringing in leads, you're bringing in clients. I want it to feel like you don't have to be the one always marketing and selling, but rather your business is marketing and selling. You are bringing consistent leads and clients with the funnels that you have in place to allow you to take a little bit of a step back. Now, when we design your signature sales system, this is again in alignment to you. I am not going to tell you to do a webinar. I'm not going to tell you to do a challenge. I'm not going to tell you to do sales calls. I'm not going to tell you to do social selling.
Kinsey Machos:
I'm going to teach you everything you need to know and we're going to design an aligned business model. And then you get to decide what fits for you, right? What fits for your vision. I have been in so many programs, services, had so many different mentors that have given me this system to plug into without awareness of sort of like, well, what else sort of, if I'm doing this, what am I not doing? Or what are, is there even a better way to this? And because I asked better questions and allowed myself to really pull up and just see that big picture, I was able to work myself through that.
Kinsey Machos:
But I don't think for you guys, since most of you didn't, you know, don't love online marketing or, you know, business solutions as much as I do, most of you just are really good at your expertise and you want to help more people, right? And so your default way of being isn't necessarily from a business strategy perspective. And so it's hard to know sometimes. Well, what are other ways of doing this? So that you can decide, oh, this way is better than that way. But I equip you with everything you need to decide. Okay. This is the system we're going to use. This is your signature sales process. And here's how we do this.
Kinsey Machos:
From a rinse and repeat modality so that you have reliability in your business and you're not having to reinvent the wheel every time when it comes to putting automated systems in your business. This isn't just from a funnel perspective, although we do, evergreen, your funnel. But we also look at your deliveries, your delivery systems, right? Are you truly leveraging systems to allow you to create more space in your calendar, to allow you to help your clients to get better results? Right. So many people don't have the system type of mentality to think about what that leverage looks like in their business. And that's okay. That's why you have people like me. But the truth is this. Phase three of automating your funnels, automating your systems, doesn't mean that we're taking the human out of it.
Kinsey Machos:
It really just is turning your expertise into a well oiled machine. And this is the glory of all of it. Because you get to decide what you do want to play more around. Where do you want to spend your time? Do you love doing live trainings or do you love to create new offers? Like all of these things, all these questions that we go through are going to help you get more clear of what you do want to do in your business. And then how do we turn everything else into that semi automated system? Now, again, this isn't a set it and forget it, but this, I do teach you how to look at the stats.
Kinsey Machos:
What stats to look at in order to determine what you need to optimize, what you need to tweak, what you need to adjust to really get to those 50 to 100k months. So when you think about align architect and automate, we're really building that robust, scalable system that allows you to serve your clients at a very high end level and design a solution that doesn't sacrifice results, but it also doesn't sacrifice your time or your lifestyle. And we're starting to really get known in your industry because you're doubling down on your category, niche and your unique brilliance, your highest zone of brilliance. And that's what I want for you. You do not need to go for volume. You don't need to go for masses.
Kinsey Machos:
You really just need, you know, what they say a thousand true fan and I teach you what this looks like to create those evergreen funnels in your business, that scalable solution in more of a bespoke model and really staying true to who you are as a leader, as a woman and not being a martyr to your business. Right? We've all been there, we've done that and it's time to shift. The industry is changing. People want more of those solutions, customized solutions for them. They're looking for someone to really walk them through, guide them through their journey, to really see them and hear them.
Kinsey Machos:
And my invitation to you is to really ask yourself, what would that look like to maintain that quality of service without again adding more coaching calls to your schedule or feeling like you have to be constantly at the beckon call of your clients or even your team. So this is really about scaling with more of a lean machine to really seven or multiple seven figures. You don't need a lot to get there. I've seen it time and time again and I promise this is going to change your life. So when we think about scaling with luxury, I love to think about this not just for your clients, but for you really. More spaciousness in your calendar, more spaciousness in your business, more depth with your clients, more fun, more enjoyment.
Kinsey Machos:
This is just something that I'm so excited to bring more to the market and I'm just already loving the results that my clients are getting in this regard. And if you are somebody that is either maxed out with your one to one services or you're just feeling completely out of alignment with your scalable solution or your scalable business model, just shoot me a DM on Instagram or just drop in your application and see if you're a good fit for lux leverage. Of course you have to be good at what you do. There are certain qualifications that we look for because we want to make sure we're a good fit for you as well. And we have a guarantee on our system and so it works, but for the right person, obviously. But if you're there, just drop me a note, submit an application.
Kinsey Machos:
This is really, truly we're at the cutting edge of scalable solutions and we're rewriting the rules of scale. We are really, truly changing the name of the game and you get to be the first to really install this system, install this solution in your business, to be a category leader in your industry, and I want you to have that competitive edge. I want you to be at the cutting edge with us where we're just totally blowing it out of the water with this new way to scale, it's going to change the game, my friend. And I'm so excited. I'm literally, my blood is just like, it feels like if I could feel my blood throw, if I could feel my blood flowing through my veins right now, I feel like I could. It's just so potent.
Kinsey Machos:
I'm so in alignment with this mission and with this experience and with this offer and I'm so excited to really curate a community around this as well because I know that part of this experience is making sure that you are peer masterminding with people that are also being innovative and at the cutting edge of their industries. And this is really, truly the trifecta of a new way to scale. And so I want you to rethink everything that you've been taught about scalable business models in your coaching business and really think about how you desire to really get known and serve your clients. And know that you don't have to stray away from that to scale. You don't need to be somebody you're not. You don't have to grow something that you don't want to.
Kinsey Machos:
It really, truly is magical when you take a stance for who you are and what you want to be known for in the industry and you prioritize your clients results. As a reminder, category leaders don't create great products. Great products create category leaders. And my invitation to you is to create an exceptional experience, an exceptional product for your clients and your customers. And I would love to help you do that my friend. So I hope you enjoyed this. A little peek behind the scenes. You'll hear more about this offer obviously going forward. This is really our signature experience and I'm so excited. I'm so excited about where we're headed and what we're doing. I invite you to join us. So I will talk to you next time, my friend.
Kinsey Machos:
Hey, if you're ready to stand out online and get paying clients consistently without having to fumble your way through tech run ads or create complicated funnels, I want to invite you to join us in the category queen school where you're going to learn my simple, proven formula for getting clients online. It's risk free. You either make your money back or we'll give you a refund fund. Just head over to kinseymachos.com/theCQschool and join today to get instant access. We'll see you inside.