5 Ways To Enroll One New Client This Week [LIVE REPLAY]
![5 Ways To Enroll One New Client This Week [LIVE REPLAY] 5 Ways To Enroll One New Client This Week [LIVE REPLAY]](https://getpodpage.com/image_transform_gate_v3/u8_JdLnjK52dUL8aZ9hzCDJlhYL67YteWOJE0sB_S-I=/?image_url=https%3A%2F%2Fartwork.captivate.fm%2F08596b12-0cdd-4ee8-b378-eb914c494a41%2FKN5nNRadMYke4yhrCfzxtyuh.jpg&w=1200&h=630&fill=blur)
Getting clients online is easy when you allow it to be.
Today, I reveal five simple strategies to consistently enroll clients every week without the need for complex sales funnels or live launching.
You'll learn how to avoid common pitfalls and stay focused on effective, straightforward techniques. These methods have helped many of our clients achieve remarkable growth, and they can do the same for you.
Tune in and discover how you can simplify your client acquisition process and enjoy a smoother, more rewarding journey in your business.
Key Takeaways:
- Understand the importance of maintaining simplicity in your client acquisition strategy.
- Learn five straightforward methods to attract clients consistently without the need for elaborate sales funnels.
- Discover the benefits of sticking to tried-and-true tactics that have been proven to work in the growing and scaling phase of business.
- Gain confidence and clarity in your approach to client acquisition.
Connect With Kinsey Machos:
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About the Host
Kinsey Machos is the host and founder of The Category Queen, a podcast and community for coaches, consultants, practitioners, and professionals who desire to help more people with their unique expertise.
Kinsey's mission is to help women transform their unique brilliance into a profitable coaching business where they can experience true time and financial freedom while changing the world one human at a time.
Kinsey Machos:
I'm Kinsey Machos, your host and founder of the category Queen. Welcome to the podcast for coaches, consultants, and course creators who don't just want to dominate their niche, but they desire to play in their own league. My mission is to help you unlock the power of your unique brilliance and use it as a vehicle to gain recognition, reach more people, and make more money. Not too long ago, I took a bold leap, leaving behind a six figure corporate salary with nothing more than a used MacBook and a burning desire for more freedom. Today, our brand has become globally recognized, helping thousands of female founders to become industry leading experts. Join us each week as we go on a journey together to discuss mindset, marketing and money, and more importantly, the real life discussions about balancing success with motherhood and marriage.
Kinsey Machos:
Because we're a community of women who build and scale impact driven businesses, but do it without sacrificing the things that matter most to us. Welcome to the category queen show. Hello my fellow category queens. Today I have a recording of a live masterclass that I did that went over five ways to get a client this week and every week after without launching or creating a really fancy sales funnel. These are really simple ways to get clients consistently without anything being complicated. I was actually listening to this masterclass when I was looking for something in our files and I was like, oh my gosh, this was such a good masterclass. And so I wanted to bring it all to you. But what I also wanted to demonstrate is how simple it is to get clients.
Kinsey Machos:
And this is for you, especially if you're in that growing and scaling phase, because as you start to reach new dimensions of success and growth, your brain is going to want to complicate things. It's sort of like, well, now that I am reaching for bigger goals, then things need to be more complicated. Or what I see the most is when women actually stop doing what works. Now, there is something to be said.
Kinsey Machos:
About what gets you here, won't get.
Kinsey Machos:
You there, but in the context of this conversation, it's really just about knowing the simple foundations of marketing and selling and doing these things consistently in your business. But what you're going to hear in this masterclass training is five simple ways to get clients, and things that you can add to your tool belt, if you will, to consistently try on these different methods, pull different levers, whatever you decide to do.
Kinsey Machos:
But all in all, really what I.
Kinsey Machos:
Want you to walk away with is that confidence and clarity, and also the reminder that getting clients is simple. All right, my friend, I hope you enjoy good morning.
Kinsey Machos:
Good morning, my friends. Happy Thursday. I'm sorry. I was, you guys, you know, I was on the wrong link. This is a problem of mine. I don't know why. I still have issues with all of my links and it's not even all of my links. It's just crazy. Anyway, so we're going to get started. I'm so excited to be here with you guys. For those of you that are coming from brilliant coach bootcamp, it's so good to see you again. For those of you that are new to us, hello. Hello and welcome. This is a bonus training that we added to our brilliant coach bootcamp, which we've been running for the last week and have been really just getting into positioning and messaging and all the things. And it's been such an incredible week.
Kinsey Machos:
But like I said, if you're just joining us, don't worry, we'll get you up to speed and really just giving you what you came for, which is the five strategies to enroll in client role a a client this week and every week after. So as you guys are joining us, say hey in the chat, let me make sure that. I just want to make sure, you know, we got to test our chat feature here. We were having issues with it earlier this week. Oh, there we go. Hi, Jenny. Good to see you. I'm so glad you are so ready. Hello, Vanessa. Good to see you again. Hi, Kathy. Good to see you. Good to see you. Good morning. Good morning. Okay. I'm really excited to dive in this morning. I was really just, I've been feeling really high energy. Again.
Kinsey Machos:
Those of you that have been with me in brilliant coach bootcamp, you've just given me so much life and it's been really fun. So what we're doing today is putting it all together into five ways you can get a client. Now, what I want to share with you is that I do want this to be interactive and also fun. Okay. Like, this is not like a recorded, like, webinar. Like, this is not just me as a talking head. I will find ways to make it super interactive and engagement. So. Or engaged. So that might mean coaching you a little bit, just pausing to answer questions. That's how I prefer. I mean, I'm a coach. I love to coach. So I don't want to just sit up here and deliver a training.
Kinsey Machos:
I really want to get to know your hearts and minds and get you unstuck. So as I uncover these strategies today, I will likely get a little informal and I might, again, pause, take questions. Coach, you and answer your questions so you can make it super applicable to you. So if that's okay, just give me an okay in the chat. Say I'm ready, I'm excited, give me some love in the chat, if that's totally cool. I'm going to break all the rules like I always do, and that's what I encourage you all to do. Awesome. Good. I'm so glad you guys are ready. I'm ready.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
We got lots of ready's coming in hot. Good. Love it. Love it. Okay, so let me, per usual, I always have a little bit of issues here, sharing my screen, but I'm going to get. I'm going to get this pulled up. So for those of you in brilliant coach bootcamp, would you mind just sharing even a win that you've had since yesterday or even just a breakthrough since yesterday's training, which was really crafting your positioning statement? I'm going to go over that today. So if you're just joining us, don't worry, you're not missing anything. But let's create some momentum collectively in the chat just by sharing some wins or some breakthroughs that you've had over the last 24 hours. That would be incredible. Oh, yes, Vanessa, I saw that. That's so funny. Okay, so it's like, okay, you put your stuff out there.
Kinsey Machos:
It's like the universe is testing you. It's like, oh, restricted. I'm curious. That's so weird that LinkedIn. I've never heard of anybody getting restricted on LinkedIn, but I know it happens all the time, I'm sure. Perfect. You got reinstated. That's a win. We're celebrating you. What else can we celebrate with you? Even if it was just a personal aha moment or like a personal transformation that you experienced, you guys, these are when you focus on the gains, what happens? You gain more.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
If you've ever read the gap in the gain, that is. That is the core principle. And it's so funny because I actually had always heard about that book and knew the principle, and I never figured I needed to read it because I understood the whole gist of it, but I actually ended up getting it because I've been really loving Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy's work. And so I ended up reading it, and it is so good. I strongly recommend it. If you haven't read it yet, I've been reaching out to get on some podcasts. Ooh, amazing. Kathy and I think that you have our podcast pitch template. Let us know if you don't, we can hand it to you. Oh, awesome. You're binging our podcast. Oh, I love that. I love it. Oh, Jenny, that's so good.
Kinsey Machos:
I'm not making any offers because I'm focusing on automated funnels. Ooh. Okay. Love that. We're going to talk a little bit about that today, but that's a really amazing chair. So thank you for that, Jenny. Okay, so I'm going to go ahead and get started because we have a lot to cover. So we're going to get in there and get going. So, quick caveat. I went in here and changed a couple of slides, but anytime I do that without my team reviewing it, you guys, because I always. You guys, I break my own rules. What can I say? We have a whole editing process, and this has happened. We have had issues with when we have maybe too many hands in the pot or we quickly want to deliver a resource or whatever.
Kinsey Machos:
As I've been growing as a CEO, I have been learning that I cannot just do it all myself and nor we have to have processes. And something that we've been really narrowing in is just that QC check. Anyway, I broke my own rule this morning because I went in and changed some slides. But, you guys, I am a walking typo. It is just. It's my add brain. I'll see something one way and then, and literally, we'll look right over it. So just a heads up. I'm sorry. It just is what it is. So what can I say? I know you guys can see past it and love me for the brilliance that I bring to you as I love the brilliance that you're bringing here. So welcome to this training.
Kinsey Machos:
This is, again, a bonus training and showing you how to enroll one new client this week and every week after that. Okay, so this is really. Yes. You're going to get some. You're going to get some really quick hits here. You're going to get strategies that you can use right away.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
But what I really just want to preface is that these are strategies that will also get you in the. These are long term strategies as well. Okay. So I wanted to talk a little bit about that and long term versus short term, but real quick, tell me where you're at in your journey. Okay, so maybe you're just dreaming right now. You have been dreaming about turning your expertise into a coaching business because you're maybe seeking, you know, financial or time freedom. Maybe you're just getting started.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
You have your coaching business going and you're seeing a little bit of progress, but you want a little bit of guidance to grow faster.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
Or maybe you are at a season where you're just feeling stuck. Maybe you consider yourself a full time or even part time coach, but you hit a block in growth and monetization and you want to get stuck. So tell me in the chat, which one are you? One, two or three? And let me know where we can meet you today. Love that, Tina. Good. Oh, Tina, you are chatting with just hosts and panelists, so only I can see your messages if and for anybody. Some of you, I think all of you are on everyone, but if you need to just change your. To everyone? Yeah, between one and two. Awesome, Heather, thank you for sharing, too. Awesome. Santana, thank you for sharing. Okay, so that gives us a good insight.
Kinsey Machos:
We always get a mix of people, but I just want you to know, wherever you are in this season right now, this is absolutely for you. Just like Jenny, I think you were the one that said, like I've been doing, I'm a little bit more seasoned. I've been focusing on automated bundles, but maybe you're not hitting your goals. And so that's what I want to share with you, is just short term and long term strategies that can really help you grow the foundations for your coaching business. Okay, so real quick, a little bit about me. I'm just going to give you the quick before and after.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
This was me in 2019, shortly after we had our third baby, and also about the time that I had to go back to work after maternity leave. Okay? I was at the height of my career and technically had checked, quote unquote, all the boxes, okay? I had done all the things that society teaches to do. I had gone to school. I'd gotten my undergrad, my graduate degree. I had all the credentials you could even think of, and I was making a healthy six figure salary before I was even 30. But what was happening was I was also having these really heavy feelings of guilt and shame because I, from the outside looking in, had everything that I had ever asked for, but yet I was feeling so unfulfilled and empty inside. How many of you guys can resonate with that?
Kinsey Machos:
Okay, that was really the pivot for me. And there will always be those moments that you remember in your life that created or activated a turning point for you. And 2019 was it for me. So not too long after that, because of the strategies that I'm going to share with you here today, I packaged my expertise into one simple coaching offer and made my 1st $7,000 you guys, I was blown away, okay? Literally blown away when I sold that 1st $7,000. By the way, I didn't have funnels, I wasn't running ads, I didn't have a members portal. I had one simple offer and I delivered that offer via Zoom on coaching calls. I just use Zoom for my coaching calls and Google Drive to share documents from there.
Kinsey Machos:
What was happening is I was consistently showing up, making offers and I was created this ripple effect. I was getting referred by other people that I hadn't even met. I was getting clients through my, just my organic content and that was really what catapulted me. And not too long after I hit that six figures in my first year as a coach and said goodbye to the corporate gun, the corporate grind. Okay, how many of you guys are. Yes, Tina, back to the office. Wow. That's literally what I share usually with my story. Every time is like literally after I dropped my baby off, I would cry on my way into work and I had about a 45 minutes commute, so I cried a lot. So it wasn't just like smeary mascara, it was like the red nose, red face.
Kinsey Machos:
So I would have to reapply my makeup. So I would get into the habit of bringing my makeup with me every day to work. So, Tina, I can totally resonate with you. So how many of you guys are working in a job right now? Just give me a job in the chat type job in the chat. I'm just curious where you're at in your journey. I find that we have a lot of people that are in a job they want to get out of or are starting to see something bigger for their life.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
So I can totally resonate with you in that regard. For sure. Cathy says, yeah. Ready to change. And there will come a time, there will absolutely come a time where you decide that you are ready to take that leap of faith. So I just want to know, what are you most excited about when you think about building a successful coaching business? I want to know just your heart. This helps me understand who you are individually. So just think about that for a second and tell me in the chat what are you most excited about when you think about the strategies that you're going to hear today and actually getting clients, what excites you the most? Heather says, impact on others. So good, Heather. Vanessa. Helping people. Yes. Helping other women change their legacies. Yes. So good, you guys. What else?
Kinsey Machos:
I remember, just a sec. I needed to turn that off for a second. I thought I had my do not disturb on my brain, you guys, the little smallest things distract me. What you need to know is that whatever your why is unique to you. And whatever it is, make sure that it is the fuel that you need to keep you going. I remember when I was just trying to get out of my corporate job. I like, all I had my eyes on was just helping myself. And I was like, I want to in order to help myself, I know I can just help other people. And so it was very short sighted, but I also didn't know what was on the other side of that yet. So I just let that lead me and guide me.
Kinsey Machos:
And then when I started helping people, I was like, oh, my gosh, there's a dopamine in that. Started to see such a grander vision of my business and a grander vision of my purpose. And then that was the thing that really led me into that next season of growth. So wherever you're at, whatever your why is, make sure that is authentic to you. Okay, so good. Kathy, letting women nurse know they have a choice in their career. Absolutely. That is so powerful. So when you guys actually check in with yourselves and you say that, make sure you feel that in your body, if you don't actually have an emotion, a positive emotion, right. It may be that it's not true for you.
Kinsey Machos:
So let's get honest with ourselves and think about what is true for us, what is going to allow me to really navigate the ebbs and flows, because entrepreneurship is not all unicorns and rainbows, and you're going to need something to anchor you. Okay, so prep work. Now here's the thing, is that these five strategies, I'm not talking about your offer. I'm not talking about how to craft your offer. I'm not talking about what your offer should be. And so really the prep work here is just a little bit of preaching. Okay, I'm going to preach a little bit. How many of you guys feel solid in your offer? Give me a scale of one to five. Five being like, I like, I know my offer, it's selling. I just want to sell more of it.
Kinsey Machos:
One being like, I don't even know what my offer is. Where are you on that range between one and five, so that I can just understand where you're at. And I'm going to give you some tangibility here before we move into the strategies, because obviously these strategies will only work if you have something to sell.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
But if you don't know what your offer is yet, that is. Okay. I'm going to really help you simplify it here. Okay, again, I'm not, I don't have a ton of time to talk about it, but I hope that I can at least offer you some nuggets that kind of eliminate a lot of the drama around offers. Okay, awesome. So we've got threes, fours, twos. Good, good. So here's the thing we want to talk about. We want to really think about high quality offers versus low quality offers. What a high quality offer is not is a baked out program.
Kinsey Machos:
Curriculum members portal all the bells and whistles like I shared with you before my first coaching offer for the first, I don't know, three to four months of my coaching business until I started to invest in other tools to help me were was Google and Zoom.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
Your offer is not the delivery of the thing. So many of you are focused on the delivery, like the mechanics of what you're going to do, how you're going to build out your curriculum. Most of you aren't even ready for that yet.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
To build out curriculum you have to know how to get people results and you only know how to get people results when you work with them.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
It is so fascinating how many people want to skip this step, but I'm telling you, this is the fastest path to six, seven figures. I didn't scale my offer until it was way further down the road. I would say peaking after 100k is when we started to really create scalable offers. So your offer is not the features of the thing you sell. Your offer is the results that you help people provide. So you don't need a sales page, okay? You don't need to send people to a fancy brochure. You just need to know the how you can help. You just need to know the result that you can offer and be able to communicate that. Okay? And I'm going to give you some more pointers within these strategies that will help bring that to life.
Kinsey Machos:
But a high quality offer is clear and compelling, okay? It's clear in that it fully, clearly and specifically addresses the problem that you're solving and the solution that you provide. And it's compelling because you're using the language that your audience uses so you're not saying weird things that they don't say themselves about their problems and their desired solutions. Are you with me on this? Give me a yes in the chat. Again, I don't want to spend all the time talking about offers because I want to get into strategies, but that is where I really want you guys to start to move the needle in is stressing less about the mechanics of funnels, programs, offers, et cetera. And worrying more, not worrying, really focusing your energy and time on communicating the value of how you can help people and helping people. Boom.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
All right, so we got some yeses. So I'm going to move on. So let's talk about these five strategies. Okay, so let's talk about a disclaimer real fast. So none of these are strategies that I haven't used for our. My company. What I will not do is teach something that I don't fully feel in alignment with.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
So this is what I want to offer you is if any of these that they don't either kind of like, don't feel aligned with you. Perfect. You can take some and leave some. Okay, well, I had to kind of learn this the hard way. I was taught a lot of different methods. Right. So just like probably many of you, I invest. I invest in my business. I invest in my knowledge. I invest in my skills. And when I do that, I learn additional ways. I learn from people. I get mentorship and coaching. And so there has been times in the past, and I've learned now how to build the self trust and the mechanics to really know, like, what's in alignment to me versus what is not. But there's been times where I've done things where people's like, this is. This works.
Kinsey Machos:
You have to do it. And so I'll do it, and it never works because, first of all, I hated it. I hated doing it in the moment. And what do you think happens when you do strategies you hate? Okay. And there's a difference. There is a difference between doing something that you don't like versus doing something that makes you uncomfortable.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
I will say 100% if you do. If you're doing things you've never done before. Right. It will feel uncomfortable.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
But if you can check in with yourself and just ask, like, does this, if I were to create success in this, would this feel in alignment with me?
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
And the way that I desire to serve my clients, the other component that I really want to hit here is that, yes, these are 100%, all these strategies I'm going to share with you today, one of them is a little bit more advanced. Technically, you could roll it out in a week. But all of which I'm going to share are, again, shorter term hacks, but they're also foundational to your. To your success. So these are strategies that you will use over and over again. But if you are doing these with the thought that you need clients, okay. Or that you're desperate. So I just need a band aid solution. Right? We hear this all the time. I just need a quick one. I just need a band aid solution. Okay, here's what's going to happen.
Kinsey Machos:
It will not work when you do anything out of desperation. You'll never get the results you desire or it won't really serve you long term. Okay, so what happens when you do things out of desperation? What happens when you do things out of desperation? Have you guys ever done this in the past? Comment? Yes. And tell me what the outcome of that was. Low impact. Yeah. Crickets. Terrible relationship. I'm guy just telling my husband this is looking for a job. He's lost. So out on so many opportunities, more stuck. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so here's what I really want to share with you is that, again, I just want to reiterate, these are quick wins you can create for yourself, but also when you start to think more long game, you will 100% win more than you'll lose.
Kinsey Machos:
Okay, so this brings me to my strategy number one. Okay, change your thoughts. Now, for those of you that are like, oh, my God, she's going to talk about mindset like, this is so, okay, don't just hang with me for a second, okay? And I promise I'm going to prove to you this is literally going to change you. And for those of you that have been in brilliant cat goshen can speak, it's the caffeine brilliant coach bootcamp. You know the power of this already as we've been anchoring this into you. But you guys, I promise you, simply by just changing how you think is going to drastically change your results, not just for today, not just for this week, but for your life, okay?
Kinsey Machos:
And so if we think about even the thought of, like, I need clients, what do you think happens when you're thinking that, right? It creates a desperation feeling in your body, which then creates, which then sets into emotion a whole can of actions that you do not or will not feel proud of. Okay, so what, how does this actually look? Now, I'm not going to be all woo and abstract here. I'm actually going to give you a tool that you can use every day and continue to practice as you start thinking about getting clients, because a lot of you are actually just preventing, you're just in your own way, I would say 98% of that is you just being in your own way. Okay?
Kinsey Machos:
So those of you that have already seen this week, I want you to, again, just sync with it again, because the more that you can understand this and master it, the more that it's going to serve you in not just the short run, but the long run. Okay, so how do we actually create results? Okay, this is the cycle. These are your thought patterns. You have a circumstance that then starts a cycle of elements that are occurring either subconsciously or consciously. But as you know, we have about 60,000 thoughts, or maybe it's like 90,000 thoughts a day and 60% or 60,000 thoughts in a day. And I think the majority of those are actually happening subconsciously. I've seen lots of different stats, but just know that's to say that you are actually creating a lot of the results that you're creating in your life.
Kinsey Machos:
You're doing subconsciously to yourself, which is mind blowing. Okay, so we have a thought about something that then generates a feeling, right? That then require, like, moves us into a certain action, and that action creates a certain result, and then, of course, the cycle just perpetuates itself. Okay, so what are these elements? The circumstance is the fact, the circumstance is neutral. The circumstance is not how you feel. Right? I feel like my business is dying or nobody likes me.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
A circumstance is neutral. I have a business.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
Then the thought is what your brain decides to actually, like. Think about it, right? It generates an idea about that particular circumstance, which then creates a sensation in your body.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
And then the action is the steps you take as a result of feeling that way. And the result is a byproduct. Right? The thing that happens as a byproduct of the action you take. All right? So are you with me? Comment. Yes, in the chat. Are you with me? Comment. Yes in the chat. Good. Okay, so let's talk about what this actually looks like for you to change your results today, okay? Because again, I want you to note that the result line is the very last step in the results cycle.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
So if you only ever change, try to change your results, meaning you only ever try to change your actions, right? So again, the strategies that I'm going to offer you here today, if you only do those things and change nothing else, you will not get the results you desire because you're not changing any of the upstream impact, and you will continue to get the same results. So if you can become aware of the cycles that are creating your undesired results, then you will get your desired results faster. Comment in the chat. Faster if you're with me. Okay, faster. I'm telling you this is game changer.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
Game changer. Promise. Okay, hang with me.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
So we talk about these unintentional result cycles and intentional result cycles in the category queen school. We coach on these because it's sometimes as much as you become a master at it's sometimes you need somebody else to pull it out from you. So I've been doing these. I will. I have a whole journal full of my unintentional and my intentional result cycles and my thought protocols. I've been doing this for years and years, and I still need to get coached on them because we get so into our subconscious beliefs and we don't even know sometimes what is actually happening. Okay, so these are based on some real life results. Again, I want you guys to. I'm going to do a result one of you guys, or I'm going to do a cycle one of you guys. But here's just a simple example.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
So the circumstance here is that Suzy writes content to get clients, okay? But the thinking, the thought that she has is that she has no ideal clients in my audience. How many of you guys think that right now? Maybe? Again, these are based off real life examples about making this up, okay? Because I know my audience. I know you gals. The thought of, like, I have no ideal clients, right? Or maybe you think, gosh, nobody wants to hear what I have to say. I don't believe in my expertise. I mean, the thoughts related to this are infinite. But here's how this plays out. So what happens is if we think that way, then we have a feeling that's going to be associated with that. The sensation is doubt and insecurity. And so that feeling then generates an action.
Kinsey Machos:
And what she decides to do, again, this is a real life example, is that she delays writing content to work on other things because she's thinking, I have no ideal clients in my audience. But then comes back to it later, puts together a piece of content really quick and checks it off the box.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
How many of you guys are guilty of that? Okay, as a result of this, of believing her ideal clients are not in her audience, she doesn't take the actual time to write a really great piece of content. So guess what? She doesn't bring in any new clients. So she just affirmed to herself, just as she had thought, that she has no ideal clients in her audience.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
So what we want to do is we want to create an intentional result instead. Notice how the circumstance doesn't change. It's just how you think about that. What would happen if you thought about a circumstance differently? But, hey, what would even happen, you guys, if you actually understood what was a thought and what was a circumstance?
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
A lot of you guys are walking around with true stories that are actually not true. You've just decided to be for them to be true for you. Okay, how many of you guys are like, just like, maybe there's, I need more credentials, I need more experience. I'll never be successful. One of my biggest limiting beliefs that I still resurfaces is that I'm not worthy of the success that I desire. Okay. Yes. Or I need more experience to be successful.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
So what we do here is when we walked Suzy, her name wasn't really Susie, but when we walked her through this saw model, here's what we did and said. I asked her, what do you, what result do you desire? Right? Of course. She wants to create compelling content that creates demand for her offer. So she gets clients.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
So we know that's the result. Well, how do you need to feel in order to do that? Okay, well, she needs to feel excited and focused. Okay, but what is the thought that's going to generate that, those feelings? Right? So we have to create a new thought about that circumstance.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
I know there are people in my audience right now that need my help. So guess what? It completely changes how she prioritize content, writes content, and then therefore gets clients. And I'm going to talk about content in this, in one of the strategies. And so I want you guys to start thinking about what are the thoughts that you have about yourself, about these strategies, about your business, about your expertise that are not serving you? Okay, so I want to know for one, before I get into strategy number two, in general, I would love to know what is just something. What is a thought that you guys have about making money or getting clients online? Somebody pop it into the chat. What's a thought or even a feeling? Maybe it's a feeling that you've been having over the last few weeks, just sharing it.
Kinsey Machos:
This is where I really want to do a little bit of coaching. Nicole will really serve you well. People won't pay the high prices for my services. Awesome, Vanessa, that's such a good one. Okay, so overwhelmed by all the tactics. Cool. Okay, so the overwhelm. So Jenny, what would, when you think about it, what would, what's creating? What thought is creating the overwhelm? Is it the thought that I need when you have. Because you said by the tactics. So is it, is there a thought around, like, you needing something certain, like needing something specific. I won't be successful like other coaches. I have nobody in this space. Oh, Heather, that's so good. Thank you for being vulnerable. Yeah, I felt that way. I get that. Yes. It's hard. Yes, Colleen. So here's what we need to do.
Kinsey Machos:
We need to do a couple thought models today.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
So for you, Jenny, I would love for you to do one around tactics. What tactics do you feel like you have to do? Or what is it that is creating? What are the thoughts that are creating that feeling of overwhelm. Right. And then let's create a new thought protocol.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
So if overwhelm is the undesired emotion and it's creating not the action you desire to take, then we need to create a new protocol. And if you guys. Here's a really good one. Thank you for sharing. Colleen, if you believe getting clients is hard, guess what? Guess what? Gonna always feel hard, I promise. So how do we, again, if we have the thought getting clients is hard, how do you think? What motions does that generate in your body? Okay, and then how does that play out? Just really observe yourself as an outsider looking in the. What do you do when you're thinking it's hard? And then you. What is the feeling that you're having? And then what actions are you taking?
Kinsey Machos:
I 100% guarantee you guys will find the errors in what you're doing just by discovering what you're thinking in relation to the emotions you're experiencing. Okay, so I want to offer you a couple new thoughts here.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
Making money is easy. Getting clients is easy. I have an amazing offer to share with people, and people are lucky for me to share it. Business is fun. I am so fortunate to be able to run a business where I get to impact people. Right. There are so many thoughts here that you could run through to really sink into, because, again, it's not a circumstance. You not getting clients right is not necessarily a circumstance. And even if it was true, if you've never had a client, well, then let's change how you think about it. So this is a really good one. If you guys have been in a rut and you keep. And you keep thinking, I'm in a rut, I'm never going to get out of this. This is hard. Guess what? You're going to stay in that rut, okay?
Kinsey Machos:
So change how you think about it. Now, what is one new thought that you want to adopt today? Share it in the chat. Share it in the chat. You're going to walk away with one new thought that's going to help you get a client today or this week. And I promise you guys, just by changing this, then you can have better aligned action which is going to be aligned with the results you desire. People need my services and their lives will change as a result of my sharing. I love it. Vanessa, that is so good. So good. Thank you for sharing. I am me in the space and other women need my voice that other coaches. Oh, that's so. They're coming in hot. Other coaches can't bring. I love it.
Kinsey Machos:
Kathy, I have an amazing offer that will help women have a life that they're in control of. Social media can be fun. I can help people today. Oh, my gosh. These are so good. There's always a good result when I connect with people. Yes. I am a thought leader that can provide impact to women coaches. Boom, you guys, so good. So kudos to you guys. And I want you guys to anchor that thought somewhere. So write it down, put it on your computer, and just notice how when you actually think that. Now, again, the point is, and we've coached you on this in mindset coaching, but the point here is that you don't just think it. Hey, you don't just look at it. You feel it. You feel it.
Kinsey Machos:
You have to take a moment to feel it in your body and generate that emotion. That is what we want to start to sit into because then you can actually take the action that's aligned. But the other component, which is a little bit deeper and more sciency is that your body remembers emotions first. Your body leads, mind follows. And so you are actually just recreating a lot of the results that you do not want just because you have a memorized pattern here. Your body just memorizes the emotions of lack and frustration and overwhelm. So we need to have it. Remember, new positive emotions. Now, this isn't about like high vibe all the time. This is changing your reprogramming at the core. I love this stuff so much. I would really just talk about this all day long.
Kinsey Machos:
But I know you guys come from strategies. Okay, now, but I'm telling you, just by really leveraging this piece, you guys, everything else will feel so much easier and simple and fun in not just your business, but your life, your relationships will change not just with other people, but with yourself. You're going to have such a bigger impact because your heart is wide open and you are going to be quantum leaping. Quantum leaping in your business. Okay? So you guys love that. You guys love that. I'll get. I'm going to move on to strategy number two and pick up the pace here. But give me just a quick, like. How does this make you feel? Just real quick. Give me a. Let's fucking go. Okay. Sorry, I should. I. Sometimes the f word slips out. I love you guys. LFG. I love it.
Kinsey Machos:
Heather, tell me, is this. Are you guys feeling the emotions in your body right now? I, like, love it so much. Tell me how your. Yes, no, it's so good. I want to know. Yes, and I want to jump out of my chair. I love that, Vanessa. I do, too. I'm like, dude, I should. I need to just pull up my desk and stand up. Here we go. All right. Oh, my gosh. I love this. Kathy. So good. May take a screenshot of that. I love, love. So amazing. You guys are awesome. Okay, so, let's. Oh, how can. There we go. Okay, so let's move on. I need to pick up the pace here. I'm always, you know, I'm always a little tracking behind. How much time do I have? Alicia, do we have this for 60 minutes or 90 minutes? See you guys.
Kinsey Machos:
You know, I'm just, like, your true visionary. I'm just like, just give me. Just give me a mic. Give me some people, and let's. Let's just. Let's change lives. Okay, so perfect. All right, let's. Oh, I have 90 minutes. That for real? That's amazing. Okay, so strategy number two, elevate your bio and share your origin story. Now, some of you have already, in brilliant coach bootcamp, have done a little bit of this work, or at least set the foundation for this work, okay? But this is your reminder to do it today or do it tomorrow or do it within the next seven days. Okay? Because the whole point of this is getting a client this week. This is so powerful. And again, this is another long term strategy that you should be rinsing and repeating. Okay? So let's talk about what this looks like.
Kinsey Machos:
So, first of all, what I want you to know about your social media page is it acts like your storefront. Okay? So we've talked about this, I think, yesterday. It's like when people are walking by, right, in the virtual world, so they come across your page or they go check you out. What is the message that you're putting out to them? Okay, if you were a brick and mortar and they were walking by and they're window shopping, right? What is that message that you're putting out to them? Is it. Are you creating a compelling reason for them to come in. Excuse me. Okay, so how do we get them to come in? Right. It's not by sharing all your amazing credentials. It's not by sharing pictures of your dog, unless you're a dog trainer.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
It's about really sharing how you help people and being very clear who that person is and what problem that you're solved. Problem that you're solving. Okay, so this is so important. If I went to your social media platform right now, would I know that you're open for business? Okay, have you ever actually considered that? Have you actually ever put on a sort of, quote unquote open sign on your social media platform? Okay, now, I don't mean, like, literally saying open for business, but is it really clear that you are an expert that helps people and is it really clear that you. The problem that you solve and how you solve it, right. And a lot of you have already done the work, but now it's time to really put your feet on the ground and walk. I don't know if that makes sense.
Kinsey Machos:
Boots on the ground. There we go. That's. Oh, my gosh. This is the. It goes something like where the rubber hits the road. There we go. That's what I meant to say. It works.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
So it's so important. So if I went to your platform, how many of you guys know? A lot of you have already committed to your social media platforms, which is really great. And just as a reminder, when we teach you inside the category queen school, it's one message, one offer, one platform. You don't need anything more than this. You don't need multiple offers. You don't need to be on multiple platforms. You don't need to be having all these different messages or avatars out there. If you're under six figures after you get rhythm, whether it's 50k or 100k, there's really no official mile marker.
Kinsey Machos:
But once you have rhythm in one offer, mean it's easy to sell, it's getting your clients results, and you are feeling compelled to have another offer because people are asking you about something, or it makes sense to have in your offer suite, then you can consider launching a new offer. If you master one platform and you're getting clients consistently from that platform, then, and you desire to experiment with another platform and continue doing what you're doing on this other one. Right? Great experiment, but one thing at a time. So many of you guys are trying to do a lot at a lot of times, okay? And it's yielding little to no results. Okay? So just a reminder that you don't need a lot, but you do need to just master the few things.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
So here's what I really want to sink into you as you think about the power of your positioning statement. Okay. As you guys all know, Chelsea for, she's been coaching you guys inside of category queen school and the bootcamp. But I want to share what she came with even before she came through the framework that you guys, some of you are going through.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
When she was exiting corporate, right, what was happening was she was having a hard time transferring her skills from corporate to coaching consulting space because she kept seeing herself as a beginner. Now, some of you might resonate with this. So she was starting to say things like, really general or vague because of the thought she was having member thought protocols. She kept thinking, this doesn't apply, or, I'm a beginner. I can't really share that part of my experience yet. I'm newbie. Right? And so she kept thinking about these thoughts that were not serving her. And so she was having a lot of these, making a lot of these, like, beginner decisions and, like, beginner marketing strategies, and while ignoring the decades worth of experience that she had in corporate.
Kinsey Machos:
Okay, so she was saying something like, helping business owners scale their business so they can become the CEO they're meant to be.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
But ultimately. Right, we know that's very vague. Nobody. I won't say nobody. It's really hard for any one person to really resonate with that. And also in today's industry, you guys, if you think about the blue ocean, red ocean strategy, right? That is a red ocean CEO, red ocean. That's big and broad scale. Red ocean, big and broad business. Red ocean, big and broad business owners, big and broad. Okay, so let's narrow it in.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
So after she went through the same process a lot of you guys went through, and even in brilliant coach bootcamp is really narrowing in on what was her zone of genius. Where could she help people make the most traction, and what was the highest level problem she could solve?
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
And instead of starting over, she found a way to actually transfer that expertise into the digital world.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
Because it wasn't. Just because she was new to entrepreneurship doesn't mean she was new to her expertise. And then she started to align her messaging and content to the top 1% of her market. Okay, this is what I want you guys to think about as you've developed now, your positioning statement, and you develop that content strategy around it. Okay, so what did she do. She updated her LinkedIn bio to align with, hey, this is my store signage. Hey, if this your. If this is the type of person you are, which she's calling them out right here, right? And you're struggling with this. Right? Your team, then I'm your gal. It's so clear.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
And guess what happens, right? She grows her business. Weird. She replaced her six figure income in less than one year and finally released herself with the golden handcuffs. And also, I love what she says here. She says, this is my life's work, and it wouldn't have been possible without this amazing team and community. So how many of you guys feel like this is your life's work? Like, oh, my gosh, I can totally resonate with that. Okay, so good, right? Yes. It's my vocation. Yes. You guys.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
But sometimes when we have. We're so in our heads and hearts about it, when we actually go out to share it with the world, it's not translating.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
So that's what we really want to help with. Okay, so then. Okay, so we have your positioning statement. Now what? Now, here's the cool thing, is, just by updating your position, your bio, with your positioning statement, you will. You will see traction.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
Also, does your bio or. Sorry. Yes. Does your social media platform, does it tell people where next steps are? Okay, so you should, in your bio, have a next step.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
Whether I would prefer it's not a lead magnet or a. Your website, ideally it's have. Let's have a conversation.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
And we'll talk a little bit about that later. Okay. So then what happens is, if we have our positioning statement now, it's updated. So anything we do from here is going to drastically be. Be more aligned with our results, because we're speaking to the people, they're coming to check us out, and we're getting more visibility and also converting people's attention. The right people's attention.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
Because now they know who we are and what we do. Okay, so now you're going to put. You're going to write your origin story. How many of you guys have written this? Okay, I know. Santana, I think you have in your PDF. For those of you in brilliant coach bootcamp. Right? We talked about this on day one, but I'm telling you, every time you tell your origin story, you shouldn't just do it one time, but you're doing it over and over again. Your origin story is why you do what you do and people buy not what you do, but why you do it. And your origin story will likely it should mirror your ideal client's journey. Okay, so let's go over quickly what this framework is as just a reminder, if you've already heard it. Right, we have the before.
Kinsey Machos:
This is what your life was like before you discovered your passion for coaching, right. And likely before you had that transformation that you experienced.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
There was feelings that you had, there was circumstances that you did not desire. You wanted to describe this. You want to describe this. And likely it's going to match where your ideal clients are now.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
Then you have the conflict. This is the really the main challenge that you encountered that propelled you towards coaching and or your niche. Now, notice how when you think about, well, I'll hold for a second and I'll go back to that as an example, but there was something that happened in your life or many moments that happened in your life. If you can just condense that into one and really share what that was, that led you to discovering that transformation, this is how we start to share our heart. Because then you had the epiphany. There was a moment that I realized enough was enough. If I go back to my own origin story, really, the conflict my before, I was in a career I didn't love, right. I birthed my third baby and also came out a new woman, right.
Kinsey Machos:
I was in an unfulfilled career. I desired more time with my family. I desired more financial freedom. And the conflict really was me not being able to have that. Right. I was working harder. I was spending more time away from home. And I realized that if I kept going this way, it was not going to be pretty. Right. And actually, you can start to narrow this in. There's maybe moments, right. I share about even the makeup act, how I cried every day to work and reapplied my makeup. And then I realized enough was enough. Okay, you have this epiphany where it's like, oh, my gosh, I have a set of skills that I know could help other people.
Kinsey Machos:
And I remember, and for those of you might have heard me share it like this, but I remember reading a quote by Ziglar and it said, in order to get what you want, help other people get what they want. And that was the epiphany I had. I realized I had a set of skills that I was getting paid for in corporate. Why not could, why not transfer those to my own business? Why not help other people get what they want while also helping myself get what I want? Okay. That was really the epiphany for me. But there was many epiphanies, right? And I talk about them in different ways every time I share my origin story. Because like I said, you guys should be consistently sharing your story. Your stories. Okay, so then what? So here's what it will sound like. Everything changed when.
Kinsey Machos:
Okay, everything changed when. Or that's when I finally realized that. That's when I was able to blank.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
That's when I realized I had a set of skills. So that's what it's going to sound, right? Sound like if you think about writing it out. Okay. And then you have your after. So you have this epiphany. Then. Then what happened?
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
And you heard even my after story, right? I shared my. I packaged my expertise into a coaching offer. I shared it. And then, you know, I hit six figures that first year. And now I get to have write a business that I love and also be more present as a mom and a wife and a woman. Right? So what does that look like for you? Okay, I'm telling you guys, this is 100% something you can do this week and you should. I don't say that very often, but I'm telling you, story sell my friends. And if you. Every time I write my story, it like, helps me re anchor to my mission, right. Because I remember what it feels like to be stuck in corporate. I remember to feel the shame and guilt of not loving my life and though I should, right.
Kinsey Machos:
And not feeling fulfilled and feeling empty inside. I remember those feelings and I know a lot of women feel that way. So when I share that story and I say there is a better way, I feel so inspired, right. I feel so excited to share my gifts. Okay. And so I want you to think about what does your origin story look like? Okay. So take a screenshot of this if you don't already have it in your action guide.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
And know that this is how you're going to move through any story.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
And it's, again, going to match your ideal client's journey. And it's so beautiful and it's the best way. And at the end of it, what do you do? You say if you are. If you are also struggling in corporate or you're also feeling unfulfilled and you desire to have more for your life and want to discover how to package your expertise into a profitable coaching business, I got you. Just send me a message and let's talk about what that looks like. That is the call to action.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
I'm going to talk more about calls to action. But guys, it's that simple. And like I said, anytime I share my story, it's always our highest converting content. Okay, so here's a couple little fun things. Again, just by updating your bio and sharing your origin story, you can get clients. It's my favorite way to get clients. Really.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
And here's proof. Okay, so how many of you guys feel excited about this? And you can be honest, I'm going to ask this question on all of them. Okay. How many guys feel excited about this strategy? Do you feel like you could leverage this one strategy this week? Yes or no? Just give me a chat. Oh, yes. Nervous. So, Vanessa, tell me what you're nervous about. I would love to know. Yes. Yes. We got some yeses. Good. Yeah. Tell me what you're nervous about. I would love to know. Okay, so here's some examples. I think we included these in your PDF's. We also have a lot of different swipe files of my other stories that I've shared in the category queen school. We have a whole playbook around just additional content, swipe files and stuff like that.
Kinsey Machos:
I just want you to see that it's not just about one way. Right. But I'm infusing my story all over the place in all different ways. Okay, let's see here. Not presenting the right thing to be able to help seems silly. No, it's not silly, actually, because this is really normal. And I think that as overachieving women, as perfectionists, that can. That's so common. And so run a thought protocol through that, Vanessa, so what do you want to think about instead? And it could even just be, there's no right or wrong way to do this.
Kinsey Machos:
And that can really soften your. Your energy. It can soften the nervous system and allow you to really just share your heart. So try that. And I'm sure that other women can resonate with that. So thank you for sharing. Okay, so here's some, just examples of what that looks like in your origin story. And you have those in your action guide. Okay, so strategy number three, conversational pre selling. We've talked a little bit about this, but I want to give you a little bit more nudge, more of a nudge to do this.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
And it's one, again, it's my favorite way to just test and see what people are doing.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
What is conversational pre selling? It's a direct question to your audience for people that are ready right now. Okay. It's also the best way, in my opinion, to test and tweak your messaging and figure out what's working, not working. And it's the most simple way to initiate conversations with people in your audience that are struggling and desire to get help. So it sounds a little bit like this. If I could help you blank, without blank, would you be interested? Okay, so let's talk about some examples. And again, if you guys, again, just like a pulse check, if this is not something that you are excited about, awesome. You don't have to do it. But also, I want to make sure it's because it's not because of fear.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
But here's what's really cool, is that these, I always and whenever I need to check in with myself, I just check in with my intent. What is my intention in this? Is it to get a client right now, or is it to, again, just share how I can help people and let people know that I am available. I am open for business, and I'm here to help them solve their problems. Okay, so if you tried this formula, if I could help you blanken, if I could help you blank, transformation result without blank, would you be interested? Okay, here's what this might sound like as an example. If I could help you balance your hormones so you don't have to rely on synthetic drugs, would you be interested? Now, this is really fun because you would post this. You could share this in your.
Kinsey Machos:
If you have a Facebook group, you could share on your Facebook feed. If you're on Facebook, you would share it in your stories. Just getting the feel of, like, who's in your audience right now. What type of, what type of people are, like, raising their hand? You will get people to raise their hand. Okay, here's another example. Hold on, I lost my. There we go. If I could help you insert solution result timeframe by solution, would you be interested? So here's what that actually sounds like. If I could help you become a paid speaker in 90 days or less by mastering your signature talk, would you be interested? Now, notice how we're just playing around with the problem that we're addressing and the solution that we're addressing.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
And it's actually, again, this is why it's really cool to test, because what's going to happen is if nobody does raise their hand, I just want to remind you, and I say this at the end, but I always jump ahead of myself, is that nothing's wrong with you.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
It just means that there's a disconnect in your messaging. The way that you're saying it isn't resonating with your audience. So we need to just try again. And so, especially if you're still fine tuning, like your who, what, how in your positioning statement and even your offer, this helps you get immediate feedback. Right. If people are not answering, it's like, okay, something didn't connect here. I don't go to the thought that nobody's in, no, I don't have ideal clients in my audience. That just doesn't serve me. And I know that there are, again, we really want to lead with thoughts that are going to serve our results. Okay. And then here's another example. If you're someone who struggles to stay consistent with your exercise and want a more simple, doable way to meet your weight loss goals, would you be interested?
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
And so what's going to happen is people are going to say yes, right? Oh, my gosh, I want more information. Right? And now here's a huge caveat, too. Don't do this in communities where, like other people's Facebook groups or like, that's just so tacky. I'm just not a big fan of promoting in other people's Facebook groups. Even if it's like workarounds. Just respect other people's communities. And again, if we're doing, if we're really staying in authentic, like, staying in our authenticity and how, like, really align with, like, the intention of serving people, then we also want to just respect other people's spaces. So if I could help you get a job with a higher salary without applying to 50 plus jobs, would you be interested? So good, Vanessa, I love that.
Kinsey Machos:
If I could help you find a new job in less than 90 days without seeming desperate, would you be interested? Love that. So you could actually technically try, you could try the first one. See what, see what interest you generate. And even if you do generate interest, a couple weeks later, you could try that other one again. And now you're starting to really fine tune. Like, what are people wanting? What are they actually looking for? Again, it's not about the actual delivery of the offer. It's the messaging of the offer. It's the messaging of the problem and the solution and the people that are looking for that. Okay, does this resonate? Are you with me? Just give me a yes in the chat. I love that you shared that.
Kinsey Machos:
If you guys want include, if you guys have a thought about your conversational pre selling, just pop it in the chat. And if it, if you want feedback on it, we can do that too. Like I said, I want to really make sure you guys are getting your value out of this. Okay, so a couple things again, if you don't get immediate feedback, there's nothing wrong with you, okay? It's not a sign to quit. It's not a sign that you don't have ideal clients in your audience. It's just that there's a disconnect in your messaging.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
Now here's the key. When someone express interest, just have a genuine conversation with them. Don't try to go back and forth with them in the DM's, don't send them to a sales page or like a PDF. Just say, hey, do you have a few minutes to hop on the phone?
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
A phone conversation is going to be the best. And in the category queen school like we've shared, even in your market research that you guys have in your PDF's, the phone conversations are just going to give you the most yield. It's going to give you the most, the biggest opportunity to learn them, to hear them, to understand them. And you just can't replicate that through a DM or having them view a sales page that probably won't convert. Then again, this is just the best way to fine tune your messaging and also continuing to pull at the people that are just really warm. Really warm.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
Now throughout this, you should be still creating valuable content so you're just not hitting your audience. You don't want to hit your audience with this every day or maybe even every week, but consistently, we're always doing this.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
And I've shared this example, but I'll share it again because it's just so fascinating. This is the same masterclass that I'm promoting. So you can use conversational pre selling for anything. You can use it just to, again, initiate conversations with people about your offer or test an upcoming, like test a hook for an upcoming training. Right. I do this all the time. And you'll notice these two, right, same masterclass, say very similar wording, but one got way more feedback than the other. And so I'm learning, okay, between these two, I know what is going to resonate. Okay, so I want to know for those of you with, for conversational pre selling on a scale of one to five being like, oh, I want to try this weekend. One being like, there's no way in hell I want to do this.
Kinsey Machos:
Give me a sense of where you're at on there so I can get as good. Yeah, I love that. And again, I want it to feel like, exciting for you guys.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
It's just such a really simple, genuine way to reach out and so you're not even reaching out. Here's the other thing too, is one of the strategies you won't find here is cold DM's. That is not something I've ever been aligned to. I don't know. So follow that strategy. And really what I want you guys to think about is if you already are, if you are building a profitable in demand coaching business, you're having the thoughts that you're already in demand. You're not looking at circumstances to drive what you think about your demand. You're already thinking your demand. And so if you are in high demand and you're thinking that you don't need to be up in people's DM's all day, okay, because people are coming to you.
Kinsey Machos:
And that's really the whole strategy around the category queen school is we want you to have a marketing and selling strategy that have people coming to you.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
It shouldn't be forceful. It shouldn't be, it shouldn't be pushy. And again, let's respect people's spaces.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
So I love it. I've been hiding, but I'm ready to open up again. Amazing. Good. No more hiding. Now, strategy number four, make offers to help people in your content. This is my favorite, obviously, writing content. But let's talk about this. First of all, content is king. You can't ignore it. Bill Gates said it himself. But this is really important to understand because if you don't have a content strategy in 2023, then you will have a really hard time building a profitable business.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
Aberdeen Group says that companies with a content marketing strategy see conversion rates that are six times higher compared to companies without one. So if you're trying to get clients right now and you're not creating consistent content, then it might feel harder. That's probably why now consistency is going to look different for everybody. I'm not here to say you have to post every day or two times a day. But if you think about you, it's not just about posting on social media. It's about transforming people and impacting people with your voice. And if you only see it as a thing, you can check off your list that you're going to get similar results. But if you master this and you master your voice and you master communication, it's not even just about content. It's about speaking to sell.
Kinsey Machos:
It's about making an impact on people that you'll never even meet.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
We get messages all the time from people I don't know. And they're like, I listen to your podcast. I read your content and I have changed my life, and they've never even been through our programs.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
So I just want you to think bigger about your social media strategy. Because it's not about just posting social media posts. It's so much more than that. Okay, so couple little shifts here that I want you to just think about a pumping out as much content as possible to increase your visibility or go viral. That's not what we stand for. Instead, I want you to create content that connects and serves your audience. Also, don't worry about perfectly curated photos and news feeds. This is really, I think, more of the perfectionism, and I also see it as another buffer. It's easy to hide in canva instead of post your content with the thought that you need a better image. But I promise you don't. Even if you're on Instagram, you just don't. Okay? So instead, I want you to think about high quality content.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
Great. Content is going to matter way more than the visual that goes with it, okay? And then educational content that teaches people what to do over or, sorry, instead of or transforming what is wrong with me today? I feel like I missed a part of my brain and I really slept so well last night. Instead of educational content that teaches people what to do, I want you to think about transformational content that changes how people think. Okay? Now, how to content is cool and it's great, but if you're not also really transforming how they think at their core, if you're not transforming and really addressing objections, then you can just teach them how to do all day long.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
There are literally people that I follow on social that I get the best tips and tricks from. They give the best tips. I'm like, oh, heck yes. Right? And I will never, ever buy their programs or products. They give me everything they need, everything that I need on social. Okay, so now, again, how to demo. We have a whole strategy for you inside of the category queen school, like what this actually looks like. But I don't want you to get too much in your head about this and instead just asking yourself, what are my people thinking and feeling? And how can I shift that for them? What's one simple way today that I can shift that for them? Okay?
Kinsey Machos:
And then sharing content based only on the things that you sell versus using your unique brilliance to speak to people that want real life solutions. So this isn't just like buy my stuff, right? This is, again, transforming how they think and feel and using your unique voice to share how you can bring real life solutions.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
I think that there is so many annoying people, just a lot of annoying content strategies out there that's just like, buy this, buy that, whatever, okay? And it's like, unfollow, unfollow.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
There's no emotional connection and there's no uniqueness in it.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
So a couple shifts for you now. Here's just an overview of the content strategy that we teach you inside of the category queen school. We blend your pillars with your angles and then teach you how to put it all together in a way that makes sense in your content structure, how to pull it all together. Okay? So in the sense of time, what I actually want to go into is how to start thinking about the structure of your content. There's so many different ways and there's so many, even if you think about your pillars, those are going to be unique to you. We teach you how to identify them, but there's actually only six content angles that we teach you that are going to help you connect your unique brilliance with your audience, your premium audience, your buying audience, okay?
Kinsey Machos:
And we want you to just cycle through these six angles. But then even just the structure, how you put it all together in a way that's compelling and delivers that message effectively is going to be so powerful for you.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
So I want to dissect this piece of content for you so you can see how this works. Works.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
So content. This is Amy, our beloved Amy Porterfield. And what I'm going to share with you here is just even obviously, she, her core content pillar that she's hitting here is digital courses.
Kinsey Machos:
It's obvious because it's all over. And so I think the first thing for you to check into is like, am I being consistent with one core idea here in this piece of content?
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
And then the angle she's hitting, again, there's six that we teach you. I pulled out three here. Now, again, I didn't ask her. I didn't call her up and ask her, although I met her a couple of years ago. It was so great. I have a whole story around Amy. But anyway, I didn't call her up and say, hey, what ankles did you use? But I can pull them out really easily. There's actually a blend of three here that she's using. She's hitting some misconceptions, hitting some core beliefs of her audience, and then she's also sharing a personal story. Her personal story is, here's how I didn't. Here's what I didn't do. To make 15 million in my business last year.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
And she's going into, and that's actually a video and she's talking about what that is.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
But if you look at the main piece of content and the structure of it, this is going to help you really elevate how you write. Okay, first of all, we have the hook.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
Now I'll just say this. The hook story offer framework is something I learned from Russell Brunson. And it's something that, again, you don't. It's. We have a lot of different writing formulas and prompts that you can use in the category queen school. We also have co writing clinics every week that help you really master your communication. But just by going through hook story offer just real quickly, you can really find quick like opportunities to make your content better. It's not about like, oh, I'm going to say this here and that here, but just a general framework to run yourself through. Okay, so the hook is the first sign of the sentence. Eugene Schwartz said that the people read people or 87%, I think it's 87% of people only ever read the headline of content because it's bad. Right?
Kinsey Machos:
And if they're only ever reading the content or the headline, then that means that what your hook is the most important piece. It's the first line of your social media post, it's the subject line on your email, it's the hook on your reel, it's the headline on your opt in page, etcetera. So if we just amplify that hook, that first sentence to quickly grab attention, then you instantly improve your content conversions. Because now you have to hold attention. Because we have to grab attention. Hold attention and then convert it. We need to grab it first. And that's what that hook is doing. Then we want to hold their attention through the story.
Kinsey Machos:
Now you may not be telling a literal story like we talked about in your origin story, but what I want you to think about and knowing that I've literally reviewed hundreds and hundreds of pieces of content in the category of means where you can submit content to get reviewed and audits and things like that, and companies hire me to write their content and do these really fancy marketing strategies for a lot, a lot of money. And I'm telling you that 90% of people miss this piece. And it's really about full completing your full idea, right? It's like not one word, two words, three sentences, four sentences just isn't enough. And if we just give them a little piece, there's no emotional descriptors. We're not taking them on a journey. We just miss. We're going to lose people's attention.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
So if you think about what a story does, it really encapsulates them into something else other than their current reality.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
And we take them on a journey, we can do that by, again, using more descriptors. We can complete the idea, show them how we're helping them, and really know, like, let them feel that we see them and we hear them. Okay? And that's really important. When I go back and review a lot of content, again, it's sort of like this. It's just, it's emotionless. Right? And it's like, I want to know more. Like you're leaving me out here. Like you're leaving me at the edge of my seat.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
And then lastly, your offer now. So this is the call to action offer. This is like, what next steps are.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
Now notice here how Amy's also using her hook as our offer. And with Manychat, this works really well. We actually just did a poll in the CQ insiders. I think I'm going to roll out, like, a manychat training because I've been loving Manychat. But gosh, that's besides the point. Your call to action is so important, you guys. And if you guys think that you are being spammy or salty with your calls to action, I'm telling you, if you look at any high power, like, really trusted, successful leader online right now, they have calls to action in all of their content and the majority of it anyway. And so here's what I like to think about with your hook and your offer. If you isolate those, could they stand on their own? Okay.
Kinsey Machos:
Are they powerful enough that without any other context, could they stand on their own? And a call to action. We have call to action formulas in your plug and play toolkit in the category queen school. All the different ways that you can say call, like call to actions differently, even if it's the same offer, and you should same offer. You just say it different ways if you are ready to. So, like, even if you think about your conversational pre selling, if I go back up to Vanessa and yours. Oh, Jenny. Yeah. So if you're somebody who is working really hard but don't feel like you're actually taking home the money would. Right. And you want to know how you can pay yourself more? By implementing my simple money system in 90 days or less. Let's book a call with the link in bio.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
So we're using, like, we can use those same messaging and concept frameworks and pull them into your calls to action.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
Oh. Oh, shoot. Hold on. There was a question here. Jenny asks, what questions do you ask when they book a call? Very easy entry. How long for the call? Okay, I'll answer that here in a little bit. Good question, Jenny. So with your, here's the other thing that a call to action does, you guys, is that it's continuing to anchor in your audience what you do and who you are. The more that you say, again, it's re anchoring. I'm open for business. I'm an expert. This is how I help people. And so we're just consistently building that momentum. Okay, so hopefully with the hook story offer, you guys could at least, especially in just the clarity you've been, you got with your conversational pre selling, you guys can write a piece of content this week that will generate.
Kinsey Machos:
And if you're not writing content consistently, why not, right? Content is our primary generator for business, our organic content. And this truly, when my first six figures was only from my Facebook content only. That's all, I promise. It's so simple. So how many of you, on a scale of one to five, feel like you could go implement a piece of content within the next few days and feel really excited about what that piece of content looks like? Yes. Five. It being like, heck yeah, this is it. One being like, oh, hell no. Oh, I love it, Heather. I do it today. I love it. How much content should be in this format.
Kinsey Machos:
So, so, Tina, like I said, hook story offer is just like a general framework you can do a quick check on to say, like, does, is it going to grab my attention? Am I actually completing the full idea here? Taking them on the journey? And does it have a really powerful call to action? That's just a general, again, framework as like, guiding principles. Anytime you write a piece of content, but within that, how you structure it and what you say, right, there's all these different ways and things that you can build into that.
Kinsey Machos:
In the category queen school, we have so many other, like, formulas and fun things you can try and prompts to get your juices flowing, but you'll get the hang of it again at the end of the day, hook story offer gives you that bulletproof filter to say, like, is this clear? Is it going to grab their attention? And is it really doing the job that it needs to do? Okay, how much content should have a CTA? Oh, thank you, Tina. So I'm always going to say all of it. Like, there's, if your content is valuable, you guys, it won't matter. Like, why not? Like, so if you're, if all you ever say is, if you're this person, book a call. That's all you're ever saying, and you're not actually writing valuable content, that's a no. But, yeah. Like, every time you write. Right.
Kinsey Machos:
Like, absolutely have a call to action again, people will be ready for that. And they may not be ready the first time they read your content, but they'll be ready the fifth time or the 6th time. Right. I always tell, I always share this concept around invisible clients, your people. I would say 90% of people that join our programs never, actually, 90% is pretty high. I would say maybe a little bit lower now, but when I was just getting started, I would say a big majority of people that came into my coaching offers never engaged in my content until they became a client. I actually just heard somebody, I think Alex Ramoszi actually said this, that, like, your clients are going to be the best consumers of your free content after they become clients.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
Invisible clients. That is why you do not want to go off of circumstantial data. Right. Vanity metrics to determine who's watching. That's why we don't have you track engagement, because it does not correlate necessarily to anything. Now, as you grow, like, now I have a bigger audience, and again, I'm starting to see. You just are able to quickly see, like, what's resonating a little bit more. But if you have a really small audience, there's not enough data there to tell you that. Okay, so this is Tracy. She's a clinician, and she came into our program because she says that before, my people were confused about what I was doing.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
She says having my framework and messaging piece solidified and getting clarity behind what I was saying to my clients was so important. Without that piece, I would have continued spinning and producing random content without a strategy. She says, I have an effective strategy now, and I'm so grateful I was throwing things out and hoping it would stick. Okay, how many of you guys resonate with that? So good. So again, when you think about that content and that messaging strategy, don't wing it.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
But don't overthink it.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
Again, what is the thought that you're having when you're right, when you write? Okay, think of Suzy. Okay, now let's talk about the last strategy, and then I want to share more about the category queen school. But this is a little bit more advanced.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
Now, again, you could, technically, I only wanted to include things that a I did and do right. And then I fully vet and that work and also things that you could leverage in a week.
Kinsey Machos:
And technically, this does squeeze in there. If I think about even the first time I did this, I did it in a week. It was pretty janky. But I want you to just kind of noodle on this as a way to actually start to amplify your message. And it's hosting a webinar just like this. Okay. Comment webinar. If you want to learn what this looks like, I'm going to share a quick, just a quick step by step of what this looks like and how you can use it this week to get a client. Awesome. Webinar. Webinar. How many of you guys maybe have done one in the past? Let me know in the chat. Yes. Yes. Okay, cool. Yeah, so here's what's really cool. I'm going to share you like some do's and don'ts and attempted. Yeah.
Kinsey Machos:
Never terrifies me to think of what I need to be successful. Oh, yeah, Heather. Yeah. So there are so many levers you could pull in this type of strategy, and I think that's why I hesitate to even share in this context. But here's what I want to offer, is that it should and needs to start out simple. So anything that you're leveraging beyond just that simple, fastest path to clients, which is share your share, your right, compelling content and have conversations with your best clients, that's the fastest path. That's how I got to six figures. Anything beyond that? Again, as you start to add in layers, you don't need to go from floor to moon. Okay. And I think this is what people try to do, and this is legit. What I tried to do, I'll never forget.
Kinsey Machos:
I worked with James Wedmore, and he's the one that taught me initially how to do a webinar. And he has this full blown strategy. And guess what? As a new coach, I tried to do that strategy, and I was literally pulling all nighters, and I even took a picture of my closet because I was, like, living in tech hell, and like, these advanced strategies were, like, blowing me away in the worst way possible. I love James, but it was not, I wasn't able to apply it in my now. And that's what I really want to offer you, is the most simplified version of this. Once you master it, then you can start to add layers. So let's talk about this what is the webinar?
Kinsey Machos:
Just real quickly, for those of you that don't know what it is, again, it could be a 60 to 90 ish. 90 ish minute training. Maybe it's a few hours, but generally you want to keep it to under 90 minutes. 60 minutes is ideal. It's free, so you can do paid, but paid is hard, you guys, paid. Small events are just hard ish, harder to sell.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
And free is just giving you an opportunity to build your email list, which is on here. Gives you a chance to educate them, demonstrate your expertise. You're doing it live. And also, you guys do not. I see this so many times. People will record it. They won't even do it live. And then they think that they can turn that into an evergreen funnel right off the bat. I'm telling you, it is a lot of work to go evergreen. And you can't do it without a strategy that has already converted for you live. Okay? So those are just a quick couple pieces. And then again, you can call it a masterclass conversion event, whatever. But I think that you guys are all with me. Santana. Evergreen would mean, like, on demand. And it. It pushes people into a funnel.
Kinsey Machos:
So somebody could opt in, watch the training right away, versus, like, live here with me. They could watch it right away. And then typically, I know that this is what people are teaching is like, you build out your funnel, you build out your email sequences, et cetera. But evergreen funnels convert way low just because the nature of them. And they require a lot of adjusting and monitoring in order to ensure that they work.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
So, Santana, I hope that answered your question. So, here's, like, a gist of step by step.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
This is, like, again, this is how simple it can look and feel.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
You're gonna pick a topic.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
What did. What do you want to train people on? Obviously, it's gonna be in alignment to how you can help them. Okay? If your biggest problem that you can solve is helping somebody advance in their career in the next 90 days, don't teach them how to write a resume.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
Unless you have amazing, the most juiciest tips ever. But again, make sure that it's aligned with the highest value problem you can solve so you can attract premium clients. Okay? It goes back to, like, don't. Don't just host something just to get people, because now you're intent. You're unintentionally growing an audience of people that are not your ideal audience.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
Then you're going to test that topic. And here's what's cool. You can use the strategies, just like I shared with you, to test a topic before you host it. And I do this all the time before we train. And you guys probably, I did it on this exact training. I did it in my Facebook group to get an idea of what people wanted. Okay, but here's some other examples of me doing this in the past of, hey, I've been thinking about doing this. Would this be helpful for you? Or, hey, I prefer this one for you guys on the left here, because this allows you to test a couple different iterations. And you're just saying, hey, I have a couple ideas on some pre trainings that I want to give. Here they are. Okay, ABC, tell me which one resonates with you the most.
Kinsey Machos:
It is, again, the most genuine way to a. Now, you're. You get to have conversations with people, but now you're only doing things. You're only delivering things that your audience actually wants.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
So you need to test it with your audience before. And even my mastermind clients, they still come to me and they're like, hey, what do you think about this? I'm like, did you ask your audience? It doesn't matter what I think. Now, I'll help you, like, judge up the headline in the hook. But as far as picking the topic, your audience needs to love it. Okay, do you usually do this in your stories or post? So it depends. But, yeah, you. I typically do it in stories. Yeah, you could write a piece of content and also at the end, ask them, like, hey, I've been thinking about doing this. So Facebook would also work for that, too. It depends your platform. Okay, so you test your audience or you test your topic, and then you choose a date. What? Okay, so choose a date.
Kinsey Machos:
So if you plan on doing this, commit to a date. What I find is that people will like, just like the idea of doing one, but then the fear just consumes them so much so they just start working on something without actually committing to it. Okay, so while this sounds so simple, this is going to actually hold you accountable. Okay, so you got to choose a date when that happens. Now, ideally, I want you guys to give you some prep time and lead times for preparing that. But again, like I said, I wanted to give you some things you could do this week, but it can be very simple. Now, here's the other piece. You create a landing page. This is where we get a little bit more advanced, but you want to create a quote unquote wall for people.
Kinsey Machos:
To come into or like give you their information and so that you have like, so now they're on your email list.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
And now you get to email them the details of the masterclass and things like that.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
Here are some examples of opt in pages. We have tons of them and literally so many, we actually just share a lot of our opt in pages with you. So you can just create your own. But it can be very simple. Again, you just put your headline here, maybe you have a name for it and it's just like who this is for opt in here. Put your name in your email and it can be very simple. Then you're going to share it. So you're going to talk about it. Now, how do you fill it? You talk about it. It. You have to be sharing about it in your content. You have to be talking to people that might want to join it.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
Now don't do cold DM's, but if you have a network of people or you already have like a Facebook group that you could just say, hey, I'm hosting this thing. Do you want, do you want to join me?
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
And you start sending people that link to join in your opt in page. Okay. Now just as a reminder, just because it's free doesn't mean you don't have to sell it. Meaning, I think there's this idea that it's a free training. I'll just get a bunch of people to join by sharing it one time. You have to consistently share it, just like you would your offer, and share it with your full heart, just like you would with your offer.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
You have to make a compelling reason for people to be there, especially because it's free, because people value their time over money. It's not really about the money. It's about the time you're taking up.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
So I want you to really, oh, so I have some samples here of promotional content in that we have all of these, I just save all of our content that we use as promotional content. And you can see all, there's all these different ways that you can share your upcoming webinar in different ways and very powerful. You would do it again, just like your webinar. So I'm going to share, I'm going to tell you how you can get your hands on this. But again, it can be very simple if you just have a little bit more of a framework to plug into. But don't overthink it. Don't overthink it. Okay, now how do I get into, hold on guys, I just want to get back into. There we go. I don't like that.
Kinsey Machos:
So, don't feel like you have to start, like, do this whole, like, upsell, downsell funnel. None of that. It's a landing page. You're sharing about it. Right. And you're choosing a date to deliver the masterclass.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
Deliver it. Oh, hey. You share. You show up and share your brilliance.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
Now a couple just do's and don'ts. Don't focus on vanity. So there's a lot of thoughts around, like, well, I don't have a big audience or only five people signed up. Oh, my gosh. You have no idea, you guys, what if you had five people sign up and you had two people convert into a $2,000 offer? That's a $4,000 class.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
And you're doing it in 1 hour, and you also are creating an asset that you can rinse and repeat. So don't feel like you have to have all of these people joining you.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
It's actually very powerful when you have small. Don't over teach.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
So we have different frameworks and stuff that you can leverage, but don't just vomit a bunch of information. Also, be cognizant of what their beliefs are, what their objections are. Notice how even in this training, I'm constantly going back to, you don't need this. This is where I want you to shift your thinking. Here's how to think about this instead. And I'm just constantly helping you see the bigger picture and also showing you some tangible nuggets. Don't water down your messaging with broad or vague topics. Get specific and think of one problem you can solve for a short period of time because you only have 69 minutes. And then lastly, don't skip over your offer. This happens all the time. Don't put on this amazing webinar and then not share your offer at the end.
Kinsey Machos:
Kinsey Machos:
Give yourself ten to 15 minutes to share more about how you help people. And the call to action, again, is just book a call. So I didn't. I will share a little bit about what my theory is on, like booking a call, but real quick. This is Lynn. She just crushed her webinar. She said I was worried about finding someone who understood me, who valued what I did, and who could see what I envisioned for my groups. She has seen the most growth in her confidence. Nothing. Now, knowing that her online program will actually be a future, repeatable, sustainable business model that will allow her more time and geographic freedom since she runs a full time clinic, she said.
Kinsey Machos:
I rocked my first webinar with Kinsey's help and allowed me to serve so many clients in life changing transformations that have seen a ripple effect in their friends and family. Don't forget the ripple effects of your master classes, your webinars, and your paid programs.
Kinsey Machos:
Hey, if you're ready to stand out online and get pain clients consistently without having to fumble your way through tech, run ads or create complicated funnels, I want to invite you to join us in the category queen school, where you're going to learn my simple, proven formula for getting clients online.
Kinsey Machos:
It's risk free.
Kinsey Machos:
You either make your money back or we'll give you a refund. Just head over to kinseymachos.com/theCQschool, and join today to get instant access. We'll see you inside.