Sept. 19, 2023

3 Ways To Add More Leverage In Your Coaching Offer So You Can Grow Faster Without Burning Out

3 Ways To Add More Leverage In Your Coaching Offer So You Can Grow Faster Without Burning Out

When you know how to create leverage in your coaching programs you’ll be able to serve more clients, amplify your impact, and multiply your monthly earnings without adding to your workload or burning yourself to the ground. 

This is the secret weapon of successful coaches who manage to grow to multiple six figures while delivering impeccable value to their clients. 

Tune into this episode to learn how you can get out of the time-for-money cycle and optimize your offers and maximize your impact. 

Key Highlights:

  • The phases of leverage for every season of growth and what to do first (and what to do last). 
  • The mistakes to avoid that many coaches are making when trying to scale their coaching offers. 
  • The importance of value-driven frameworks that will get your clients better results (faster). 
  • How your team plays into optimization and when it’s time to consider delegating.

Past Episodes:

Episode 111: How To Scale Your Signature Offer (without sacrificing your client’s Results) 

Episode 119: The Evolution of Your Signature Program

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Do not miss these highlights: 

01:34 Today's topic is about Leverage in relation to your business and where you can find more points in your current delivery so that you can grow faster without burning out. 

03:25 Let's explore where you can increase leverage and identify the strategies to enhance your coaching services. 

05:25 Within our program, Launch Like A Queen, we conduct a comprehensive assessment of your business's current status and its stage of development.

05:50 There are three key methods to enhance leverage in your current coaching offering. The first method involves refining and streamlining your processes.

06:43 The initial approach involves optimizing your processes, eliminating the need to reinvent the wheel for repetitive tasks, and saving valuable time, effort, and resources. 

08:15 It's essential to give yourself the time and space to recognize the potential for streamlining  

08:30 One of the elements that you can overlook is the contract process. 

11:50 The mistakes that you need to avoid within this segment, one is setting and then forgetting. 

13:05 Another mistake in this area is overcomplicating or excessively systematizing, particularly if you have perfectionist tendencies.

14:25 The second approach to increase leverage in your coaching offers is by creating a structured framework or a step-by-step system that enables your clients to achieve tangible results.

16:00 The quality of the framework can significantly impact the marketability of your coaching offer.

18:05 Clients in our programs, including the flagship Launch Like A Queen, receive valuable roadmaps.

18:40 It's crucial to strike the right balance and avoid making the roadmap overly broad. 

19:32 In our Launch Like A Queen, we are currently developing various iterations to accommodate individuals at different levels. 

20:43 Additionally, refrain from attempting to develop the pathway prematurely.  

22:23 Evolution should be an ongoing process for your offer as your business grows.  

23:00 The final approach to enhance leverage in your coaching offers is by having a team that can support the growth but from the delivery perspective.  

27:27 As your business expands, it's crucial to bring in individuals with complementary expertise rather than attempting to replicate yourself.

28:08 Ensuring alignment of values among your team members and anyone you bring into your program is essential. 

29:48 As the CEO of your company and your offerings, maintaining a strong understanding of all aspects is vital. 

33:20 These are all factors we carefully consider within programs like Launch Like A Queen and our Higher Level Mastermind when you join us.

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, a Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen, and heard online.

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women — because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that.

As a wife and a mom of three, the family takes priority. And having a business that’s run AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers.

Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos 

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Kinsey Machos:

Welcome to Captivate and Close. I'm Kinsey Machos, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high-paying clients using my break through online marketing strategies, all without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait, or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in. Right there. Welcome back to another episode, I'm so happy to be here with you today. Oh, my goodness, it has been such an incredible week already. It's actually Tuesday. But at the time of this recording, was Labor Day yesterday. So we had the day off. So it's a shorter week, and I am headed out of town tomorrow, actually going to an experience to hang out with the co-founder of Boss Babe with some friends of mine. And it's going to be so amazing. I'm excited to just get into a physical room. Again, I definitely spend more time traveling with, you know, my family, and just for personal reasons. And I'm excited to travel for work again, and to be around people that are doing incredible things in their business. So speaking of today's topic around leverage one of my favorite topics in your coaching offer, I want to talk about where you can find more points in your current delivery, so that you can grow faster without burning out. Now, in essence of making sure that we are speaking the same language, I want to talk about what leverage is in relation to your business. And when we think about leverage, it really is about having a greater output for the same input. We talk a lot about this right with scale, scale and leverage are very obviously related. Leverage is kind of like the lever points that will create that scalability. But it's all under the same theme when we think about doing something one time and getting a greater effort. And or being able to create a bigger result without trying harder, or without working harder. And so one of the things that we know and if you've been following us for a while, there's been a lot of talk about scalable offers, and really what it looks like to grow to that next level of success. And I do mention a lot about increasing your output without feeling like you need to increase your input, right. So if you think that you need to create more content to get more clients, that is not leverage, right, you're just adding more and you may get a bump in your result, but you're not going to see sort of that quote unquote, quantum leap. And ultimately, you're just working harder if you think you need to have, let's say, more one to one clients to grow your revenue. That may be true, but at some point, when you think about that you only have a limited amount of time to deliver to One to One clients. And so all of what we're going to talk about today is where you can add more lever, leverage what levers to pull to add more leverage in your coaching offer, so that you can grow in scale without burning out, this is one of my core values, and really what I stand for when it comes to building a business around your lifestyle, so that you can be more present for your family, for your own well being right and to really truly experience that freedom. So we define sort of what this means like what leverage means. And when it comes down to it. I want you to think about this. If you are in these types of scenarios, either you are delivering a one to one coaching offer maybe your private coaching, maybe you have a done for you service, maybe you're building websites for people you're writing copy for people, maybe your health coach doing one to one personal training, when I think of done for you, it really is that like service based work. You may also already have a scalable offer like a group coaching program, or a mastermind or a course or a membership. And so all of what we're going to talk about today will apply to these scenarios. And it's really, really great because when I think about even a scalable offer, there's phases of it and there's elements of that, that can give you more out of what you're getting more out of what you're doing, and kind of phase this out when you think about going to that next level. Especially if you're transitioning from one to one to more of a group coaching format, or mastermind or If you're done for you trying to transition to that group format, it's going to give you a little bit more clarity of like, what can I do first, so that that leap doesn't feel so big. In fact, you don't have to rip the band aid off, you don't have to burn the boats when it comes to this transition. And to do it more strategically, is obviously going to benefit you. And this is what we do with you inside of launch, like a clean really assess what those points are, and what your season looks like whether you are already growing and scaling, that scalable offer, or you're gearing up for it. And so you're not too far or too behind, you'll find so much contacts within this conversation. So in addition to that, also giving you some mistakes to avoid within each of these. So let's get to it. There are three ways to add more leverage in your current coaching offer or whether maybe it's even a done for you offer. The first way is by adding processes came processes. So when you think of processes, this is about systems structure, rhythm automations, around the elements of your delivery, that is going to help you literally save time and money. This is really, really overlooked. A lot of times, and when you think about your processes for, you know, onboarding claims, and delivering to them, whether it is a scalable offer, or one to one, and you think about all that goes into that delivery, if you're having to reinvent the wheel, every single time you do a same task, you are wasting so much time, especially if it is just you and or you know, a VA and some contractors, you are going to be spending more time in the business than on the business. And we really want to pull you out of the weeds. And so this is my favorite and most easiest way to add more leverage in your current offer, so that you can just get back more time so that you can spend time growing, right, getting more clients and really looking at the vision of your company and helping just like steering the ship forward instead of getting so buried in the day to day weeds that you can't even see what's what. So when you think about some examples of this, right, when you think about even onboarding a client, I think I referenced this even in evolution of your signature program, this is something that you are doing every single time with the same client. So I want you to think about all the tasks that you do

Kinsey Machos:

with each client that are the same, right, you're onboarding them, maybe you're doing intake paperwork, perhaps you're even doing you have a communication plan, right. So maybe it's like you have follow up reminders, or you have coaching call reminders, or you have announcements, or there are certain times within their experience that they have to check in. Right? When you think about all these things. Again, you may not even have an you may not even have given yourself that time and space to think about this. But when you do, you're going to realize there's so much opportunity to streamline. So, for example, one of the things that we actually found in just to even let you know that you're not alone in this, right, if you don't give yourself time and space, you're going to overlook a lot. And one of the elements that we actually overlooked or that I specifically overlooked was our contract process. So every time a client comes on, we have systems that get triggered, right? When we enroll climate, it's like they get there. As soon as they sign a contract, then it triggers the payment link, which then once they pay, it triggers the welcome email and a series of emails from there. And there's links within that that have, you know, certain paperwork and things that are necessary for their onboarding experience if you don't have that automated and in that way, that's the easiest thing to automate. Just think about what this looks like what emails and communications they're getting, what are the first few things they need to do if you don't get them right after they buy. So I think I saw a stat that buyer's remorse happens most often in that 24 to 40 hour window. And so if you're not immediately activating them, and enrolling them into something into next steps, you're going to lose that. And this can be easily done with automations, whether that's nurture sequences, or even just things that they're getting in their email. Now going back to this contract piece, what I didn't know, again, this is just really fun dynamics within a team when you are separated from the process a little bit. I just learned that every time we initiate a contract, there's manual effort that goes into assigning different slots within the The contract system. And so it's a manual effort. By this whole time, I'm thinking it's automated, right when something is triggered like that contract because the contract doesn't change. But what I learned was there was a manual effort being placed into the delivery of the contract itself. And all we needed to do was just upgrade our contract account so that we could automate the elements within that. But again, if because we haven't just paused until now, to really see that it was a completely oversight on my end. And so we removed the manual component within that, which again, it's only five to 10 minutes, but that adds up. And every time you have to think about doing something, whether it's sending an email or selecting something, anything that's manual, a, you open yourself up to error, and B, you're losing time, you're losing efficiency. And so when you think about processes within your offering, this is what's so great is you can start adding leverage in your business, before you're even doing a group coaching program or doing these really intense volume. When you think about even bringing on volume of clients. If you don't have these processes, things will break. And so this is your way to really ease into that level of growth in scale. And make sure that you are prepared for it for one. And also think at that higher level. So the first way to add leverage is by looking at the delivery portion of your offer and asking yourself, where can you build a process, a system or an automation around these components of the delivery, that can help me really create more of that rhythm. Now, the mistakes that I want you to avoid within this segment is a setting and forgetting. Okay, so again, learning from my own mistakes, if you think about even that contract piece, that example that I gave you, one of the mistakes that I made is just kind of assuming it was being done a certain way and not having visibility into that process to make sure it's running smoothly. Okay. So when you have processes you cannot do is just not set it and forget it. Yes, it's there. So that you can create more rhythm and you're not always thinking about it. But there should be some sort of evaluation process or marker, where you're pulling up consistently to look at the effectiveness of these things that are happening in your business. Is it working? Where is it breaking? Do we need a tool to support us here? Are there any misses, right? We're constantly evaluating that. And so I really want you to not get in the habit of just setting and forgetting, I think this is often a misconception about life, this idea of like, quote, unquote, passive income, nothing is ever passive, because you still have to put in the work to create that rhythm. And you have to also create those systems where you're constantly monitoring them. The other thing is overcomplicating or over Systemising. So it'd be like the extreme, if you're trying to really, if you're type A also perfectionist to this is you're probably more prone to this, where you're thinking more about the processes themselves, and you're spending more time developing the processes than you are actually executing against them. I think this is just in line even with thinking more than doing. And again, I want you to have a good balance of thinking and doing. But if you're over Systemising, what you have to know is that you grow out of your processes and systems really fast. So we don't want to over complicate them or over systemize them, we do want to have them noted somewhere, we want to have, you know, eyes on them consistently. And we want to know that they're working. But don't spend all this time over documenting or overcomplicating because it will all change six months from now. So that's what I want you to avoid within processes when you think about adding more leverage in your coaching offer. And this can apply even in your business in general, right processes are something that give you that rhythm and give you more time because you're not reinventing the wheel every time you go to complete a task. Now the second way to add more leverage in your coaching offers specifically is the pathway of having a framework or a step by step system that allows your clients to get results. Now this is something that I reference all the time when it comes to scalable offers. We talked about it in the evolution of your signature program. It's one of the core elements of a scalable offer when you think about the pathway or the framework Okay, these two words are interchangeable. You'll hear me say these often framework or pathway. It is the step by step I guess process right? If you think about how you get your Planning from point A to point B and getting them from where they are now to where they want to be with the results you help them get. There is that framework, that method that process that pathway. And this is one of the hardest things sometimes to grasp. I noticed when starting to grow and scale your coaching offers, oftentimes people prematurely create these or tried to replicate these without not having without putting in the reps. But some of you it comes really, really easily because you have done that reps, you've done what you've done the one to one work, the one to one coaching, or even you've spent a lot of time, you know, I have claims in brick and mortar like the clinics are practicing. They're literally living and breathing their expertise in working with our clients. And so they're seeing the themes, they're seeing the general framework for what consistently gets people results. And this is one of the biggest, biggest things that makes or breaks a saleable offer, also the most complex, but for today's purposes, I really just want you to think in this way that when you think about your core pathway in your either one, one coaching or scalable offer just asking yourself questions, right? What are some themes that I'm seeing here? What is that consistent path forward that people take that they find success? What do they absolutely need to know do and achieve in order to get to that end result, and what are they absolutely not need? What is kind of the fluff. And as you fine tune your offers, you'll notice that it's not necessarily about adding more, but it's removing less or sorry, it's removing more, it's about having less steps. If you think about the bare bones of helping somebody get results, oftentimes, it's not as much or as complicated as you think it is, or even as complicated as your client might think it is. And you'll notice these themes, the more that you work with clients. And so when you think about the leverage in your coaching offer, whether it is done for you, or one to one, or already a group coaching program, or mastermind, you will really want to get solid here, or else it will feel like you're always reinventing the wheel or having to one to one coach these people or they're not getting the results. This is one of the most important elements of a scalable offer. But it's also, again, sometimes the most complex item within this concept. And so I don't want you to overthink this, it'll come pretty natural. If you are actually doing the work with your clients, I find that again, it comes really easily when you have those solid reps in. And I talk a little bit about like the overall evolution of this in your signature offer.

Kinsey Machos:

But when you think about the tangibility around this, so one of the things that our clients get when they come into our programs, our scalable programs, is a roadmap. And it's like these are the things you need to do, right? It's watched this lesson, it's do this thing it's show up to this coaching call submit this thing, right? So I'm literally telling them what their journey looks like or what to do. If you want optimal results. This is the best path forward. So it's the tangibility around even the roadmap that they get, but also bigger picture for you to really think about, like what is the fastest best way to get my clients results? How do I remove as many barriers as possible, and only give them what they need, because more does not equal more. The mistakes to avoid within this area is having too broad of a pathway. So if you are trying to solve a lot of different problems for your one person in the one offer, it will become really heavy, people will get lost, they'll get discouraged. If they're not getting wins, you see people lose that engagement, they're not going to be able to even get the small or even large wins. And too broad of a pathway also creates more confusion and overwhelm for your clients. And so the more narrow and specific, the better. Now, of course, as you layer in, there might be elements where people can come at different points and experience the offer in the way that they need to. But this would be a very a much more advanced way to take your people through the offer. So like with launch IQ queen, we're building out different iterations of a roadmap so that people can come in even earlier on because right now you we do expect you to be at a certain level in order for it to be applicable. But we are ready to start looking at different tiers of that roadmap so that you can get exactly what you need. Maybe if you're a little bit before that quote unquote initial step, or if you're a little bit more advanced, right, so really thinking about what is that journey meaning that someone would take if they're here versus here. And can we meet the needs of them in these two different ways. But don't start there, start with the one core pathway, the very specific avatar that solving a very specific problem, so that you can get them in and out and to the results that they want. And the more narrow and specific that you do that the more people you can take through that offer, and protect the integrity of that experience. When it's so broad, right, you're gonna have too many different variables, and different types of avatars and different types of roadmaps that create just a little bit of a cluster. The other mistake to avoid and we mentioned this earlier, is prematurely trying to create the pathway. So I see this a lot in the coaching industry where you know, scalable offers, they are so sexy, right group coaching programs, it's like all the rage is like launcher group coaching program and coach one hour a week. But a lot of times people haven't developed their coaching ability. And or really develop that expertise around that particular niche, to deliver it in a way that needs to be delivered in a scalable way, or in a pathway. And so we're playing the guessing game, we're kind of assuming that people want this when they actually need that. And then we get into volume issues and marketing and selling. And it really is, at that point, just trying to move a boulder up a hill and it is going to feel so frustrating, you're going to feel really defeated, because you're not meeting your revenue goals. And also, you're not going to have happy clients. And so if you prematurely try to do this, it will infuse into all other layers of the business. So wait until you really feel confident in that framework. And at least having some consistency with your claims and working with one to one or in a done for you component. And then you get to move into that framework that scalable offer and start to test and evolve. It's not even a one stop destination, when you're ready for that pathway to really test through a volume of people, right, when you move into group coaching program. And you test that core pathway, the first time, you'll notice, there's still tweaks that need to be made. And you should always be evolving your offer as you grow, you're going to learn so much just by doing it. And so it's not just like it's just this one thing. And we set it and forget it just like your processes. So give yourself that room to evolve. But prematurely putting yourself in that situation will really really hurt your revenue and your reach and just your overall confidence. So that's the second way to add more leverage. And again, it's a little bit more of the more complex, but really one of the most fundamental elements of a scalable offer is the pathway. Now the last way to add more leverage in your coaching offer is to bring on people okay, so we have processes, pathways, and now people and these are people that yes, they're a part of your team. But we're not really talking about you know, team in general, obviously, that's one of the core elements of growing and scaling is having a team that can support the growth, but from delivery perspective, so client delivery, fulfilling on your offer, whether it's your group coaching program, your mastermind, your done for you, your course your membership, having people that can fill the gaps in the delivery, where you're not the only expert, okay, so let's say you're a health coach, and you have a core pathway that helps women lose the last 10 pounds of their postpartum pregnancy weight. And you are really good, you've done this for yourself. And you have done it many times over for your clients and you're ready to have you know, the pathway, okay? And core elements of that are obviously nutrition, and exercise and mindset. Now, as you grow and scale this offer, you may notice that even though they have the curriculum that's addressing these core components of the offer, they're coming to coaching calls, maybe once a week with you to kind of fill the gaps of like, where their unique scenarios or nuances or challenges are. You're noticing that a big piece is mindset. And instead of you been also the mindset coach, maybe you add an element and bring on a mindset expert, right? Maybe you have a full coaching session once a week. That's just for mindset coaching. We've done this before it's so effective. And obviously with any niche honestly it's there's always going to be the biggest thing is mindset, but instead of adding more coaching calls to your calendar, right maybe you have a expert come on that is going to specifically help coach Which in the mindset component every week so that they can really stay out of their own way and losing those last 10 pounds? Now, this could be in all ways, right? When we think of people this could be when it comes to a delivery service. So maybe you're doing more website delivery or copy and you're building out meal plans or training plans. Maybe there's people that also help you deliver on that, right. So if I think about our agency clients, right, and how I'm delivering and doing their full scale, launch and scale their offer, right, I have a team to support that. So I'm not the only one doing that I think about even the agency that I work with for ads. Right? It is not her that is only doing the work that, you know, the founder of the agency, she has strategist under her. She has copywriters, right. So she is building a full infrastructure to support the delivery of my ads, so that she is not serving all of her clients and all the ways. Now when it comes to a coaching offer, right. So more in line with a group coaching program, or mastermind, or even a one to one, what I don't want you to necessarily do our what I wouldn't recommend is trying to duplicate you. Okay, I would say maybe this is longer down the road. And when I think of the vision of our programs, I will likely never fully remove me. But what I see people do, especially even in the multi millions is they try to put coaches in that can fully kind of allow them to be removed from the coaching for the most part. And so they just bring in these coaches as the core coaches of the program. But it's lacking a lot of the fundamentals of the brand of the framework, and they're just kind of a plugin. And so instead of trying to replicate you, I would really encourage you to look at expertise, different expertise, that can complement the pathway or the offer and complement the client, I don't want you to get in the business of like just adding more to add more it really is from a data perspective of noticing like this is where your clients are getting stuck, or this could completely like enhance the overall experience or offering giving more breadth and depth to the delivering. But overall, really thinking about different expertise that can complement yours instead of trying to replicate you.

Kinsey Machos:

And so when it comes to people, you might feel this pretty heavily when you have not just volume, but also you want to go deeper with your claims. Again, you're noticing that, yeah, a lot of your clients are getting results. But there's this one component that if you had or that they had, right, it would kind of really, really round out that offer to create more 100% result for your clients that come in. And so one of the things that I really want you to avoid, aside from just duplicating yourself, is not having frameworks in place are really teaching these people how you coach or how your frameworks are specifically and or your values. So when you have misalignment of values, and you have this is like team, right? If if the team isn't alignment to the values and the mission of the company, you're gonna have a really, really janky foundation of a company. It's no different with the coaches or supporting experts that you bring in to deliver to your clients. If there's a misalignment in values, and they're not really bought into the mission, it just won't work. So don't do this just by nature of saying, Oh, I have a friend that said they could support it this way. Maybe, okay, maybe they are a friend. And maybe that could be a good fit. But make sure you do your due diligence, just like you would be hiring a new team member. The other thing to avoid is having too much of a hands off approach to the experts or coaches that are supporting your clients. So you really want to make sure you have insights and visibility into how that's humming along. I remember a while ago when I brought in a copy coach probably I don't know two years ago, I kind of just like cool, like my clients are getting supported while I'm like working on the business right, which is so awesome. They're getting supported without me specifically. But over time, what I learned was like there was some things happening behind the scenes that I wasn't privy to. This is just goes back to everything else your processes that you need visibility, right pathways that need constant monitoring, nothing here is a set it and forget it. You have to be the CEO of your company, you have to be the CEO of your offers and make sure you have a pulse on everything that's moving. You don't always have to be the one delivering the thing. But you do have to know With the effectiveness of the delivery itself, and so when it comes to people, especially really making sure you have processes around that, that are monitoring the effectiveness of that particular person. And perhaps it's, you know, some random surveys and things like that, that are sent out to clients, but also just getting in alignment to does this really, is this a good fit? Is this a good culture fit, right? And also, is it truly providing more value to your clients? Or is it just noise and some of this, you might learn through that trial and error, but I would encourage you to experiment with that if you are really resonating with that, and you're ready for that. So those are the three ways to add more leverage in your coaching offer, which again, is really just so applicable to any area of your life really, or any area of your company, but specifically your to your coaching offer, if you want to take more of a phased approach to you know, growing and scaling your offers. And or you really just want to have more harmony in your business, this is really what you have to look at when you're starting to make that leap. And a lot of people wait too long. And so they lose out on the opportunity, or they're prematurely doing these things without any guidance. And so it's just creating more work, without really the result on the other side of that you should be seen a larger output, okay, so a larger result in proportion to your input. So if you're not seeing that, we want to figure out what's happening in the offer itself. And where we can create that leverage, to really, really Quantum Leap, so that you see that on your end, right, your revenue, your lifestyle, your flexibility in your business, the harmony, the less stress. And also we want your clients to experience that as well. We want your clients to be getting better results, faster results, while you're evolving your offers. If we're out of step there, that's when we're at risk for our reputation. And also potentially, like regression, if we're not getting our clients the results they came for. I also gave you those in the order of which I would look at them. Okay, so the first thing, absolutely processes, you can do that now, no matter where you are in your business. Now some of you may not have enough even volume right now to even know what to put processes around, just get the reps in, and really fine tune your marketing and selling skills. But either way, really, really look at where are my opportunity for processes, okay, and then pathways in really not maybe implementing it yet, but really, really paying attention, I find that people have the biggest results in this area, when they are really leaning into it. And they're seeing those themes. And they're seeing those patterns, and they're studying them. And they're documenting them gearing up for that. And then lastly, the people I would not bring on people to support your offer until very last of all three of these until you have processes around it, you have that proven framework or that proven pathway, then when you have the resources to support it like the financial means. And it makes sense to elevate and enhance the offer, then I would bring in the people. So I hope this was helpful. These are all things that we really look at when you come into launch like a queen, and or really our Higher Level Mastermind in looking at where's your lever for scale? Where do we need to start? Where can we put some rhythm around and really see those movements in both your life and your clients lives. So if you want more information on that, definitely click on the link in the show notes, and book a call with our team. But until then, I hope this was really value packed? Well, I know it was really value-packed. But I hope that you really walk away with it, at least something you can do right now. Because again, wherever you are in your business, there's definitely something here, especially if you want to have more harmony in your life in your business. These are the things that we want to look at. All right, my friend. See you next time. Hey, you, thank you so much for listening. It's an honor to be able to pour into the hearts and minds of like-minded entrepreneurs all over the world. But my most favorite part is being able to connect with you in real life. 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