Jan. 24, 2023

3 Questions To Ask Yourself To Attract High-Caliber Clients

3 Questions To Ask Yourself To Attract High-Caliber Clients

Knowing your ideal client isn’t necessarily going to increase your revenue, increase your profit or grow your business. In this episode, Kinsey shows you how to identify a higher caliber client that’s actually ready to invest in themselves and invest in your solution (and make a change). 

Do not miss these highlights: 

01:40 In your season of rest, recovery, and reflection, give yourself permission to be there. 

01:54 Knowing when it is time to sprint or when to start to pick up the pace in your stride or your jog. 

02:07 We just wrapped up Wealthy Coach Week 2023, and it was so good!

02:17 One of the things that we went deep into is identifying who are your wealthy clients. 

02:24 Build a high-revenue, high-impact, profitable coaching business, without burning yourself out. 

03:00 When it comes to your paid programs and services, make sure that you are targeting somebody that has the extra funds to invest in you and in themselves. 

03:27 It's also about people that are ready and willing to do the work they need to do to get the result that you can help them get. 

03:51 These are really important to consider when you are narrowing in on the premium version of your client and putting your time, your energy, and your resources into it. 

04:11 There are three questions that I want you to ask yourself in order to really think about who your premium client is.

04:43 To help you accelerate your results by zoning in on where the opportunity is.  

05:21 First question is how far along in their own journey my client needs to be in order for them to be a good fit for my offer. 

05:53 What we want to do is really understand where our clients are, and where ideally we want them to be in their transformative journey with us.  

07:07 I want you to ask yourself, where is my best brilliant utilized? 

07:38 When you're marketing and selling your offer as a coach, you will serve differently. 

08:32 Helping them to get to that next level, versus somebody that has just had the awareness.  

09:17 Second question that you can ask yourself is, what are they already investing in order to solve the problem that you can help them solve?

10:01 There is a difference between somebody that says they want results, but they're not willing to put the work in. Versus somebody that says yes, they want results, and they're willing to invest time, willing to invest energy, and effort, in order to get results.

10:31 It's super exhausting to work with people blaming you as the coach for their lack of results. 

10:44 It gives you clarity and it gives you lots of angles to draw from, in order to really think about that type of person as your perfect client. 

10:56 You can leverage those things to show them why my solution is better, more, a better fit for them, etc.

11:30 It really helps you to think creatively out of the box. Show and demonstrate more value to your ideal clients, specifically, that higher caliber client. 

11:53 Now number three, how are they demonstrating whether or not they have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset? 

12:07 People that say they want something, but they're actually not willing to go after it. 

12:22 What qualifies a client as somebody that has a growth mindset?  

12:52 If you can think about the things that those people value that have a growth mindset. 

13:28 If you can really zoned in on that variation of your client. What they're doing and the values they hold. Show them that you match a lot of those values. 

13:56 Come to the space and say, “I'm going to help you get to a million without sacrificing the life that you have with your family and really unleashing your fullest brilliance.” This carries over into all areas of life.

14:23 Those are theories you can ask yourself before you write and create new offers. 

04:47 If you could just journal on this for a little bit and bring more of this into all areas of your marketing and selling, you will find that you are going to start becoming a match for your best type of clients.

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, a Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen, and heard online.

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women — because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that.

As a wife and a mom of three, the family takes priority. And having a business that’s run AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers.


Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos 

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Kinsey Machos:

Welcome to captivate and close. I'm Kinsey Machos, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high-paying clients using my breakthrough online marketing strategies, all without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait, or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in. Hey, you welcome back to another episode, it is so good to be here with you today, I hope you are having such a good week, we are just coming into the weeds of momentum of twenty twenty three I finally feel like I'm getting back into flow back into rhythm. And it's been so nice. You know, sometimes, even though I've been through this, so many times, there are, there's still those moments where I kind of have to trick myself into believing that like this, it's going to be this way forever, right? Like if you're in a creative rut, or you're feeling like you've lost a little bit of that steam and, and you're wondering if it's going to come back and I've been through it enough to know that it always does. And yet, there's still periods of time where I do still doubt I have a little bit of that doubt, but always good. And I just want to encourage you if you are sort of in this season of hibernation or kind of stillness season of like rest and recovery and reflection, that's okay, give yourself permission to be there. And also really leaning into your non negotiables. Right, really continuing to move the needle forward in your business. And knowing when it is time to sprint right or really start to pick up the pace in your stride or your jog. So, but I really want to dive into this conversation today, we just wrapped up wealthy coach week twenty twenty three. And it was so good. We talked a lot about building a wealthy coaching business. And one of the things that we really went deep on is identifying your wealthy clients. Right, it's really hard to build a high revenue, high impact, profitable coaching business without burning yourself out. If you don't have or have identified the premium version of your client, now you can go out and you can try to make things work by marketing and trying to help people that do not have the money or that have tight budgets. But that's not what I want for you, you can really allow your free content to help as many people as you want. But when it comes to your paid programs and services, really making sure that you are targeting somebody that has the extra funds to invest in you and in themselves, but most importantly is at a stage where they are ready to change that that's something that's often overlooked. When we think about marketing and selling to people, it's not always just about the financial budget, right? It's also about people that are ready and willing to do the work they need to do to get the result that you can help them get. Now this is tricky, because if you don't work with people that are ready to change, you're going to be working harder than they are. And you're not going to have that social proof that really helps you scale your coaching programs and services. And so these are really important to consider when you are really narrowing in on the premium version of your client and putting your time and energy and your resources into those people rather than trying to be somebody for everybody or be everything to everybody. And so there's three questions that I want to offer you that you can ask yourself in order to really think about who your premium client is. And this is going to get your brain really starting to initiate some some thoughts and get your creative juices flowing as you start to really specify your specific target audience and also specify your specific offer for that perfect target audience. And this is going to help you really accelerate your results. This is how I've been able to grow so fast is because I really zoned in on the where the opportunity is right. You can spend a lot of time trying to market to For people that say they want to change, but they're not actually ready to change, whether that's, you know, making the time financial investment or not, we really want to get more out of our own time and effort. Okay, so three questions. First question is how far along in the journey does my client need to be? In order for them to be a good fit for my offer? Okay. I'll repeat that. How far along in their own journey does my client need to be in order for them to be ready for my offer? What does this mean? Well, it's really going to depend on your specific niche and what you help people do. But likely, what we want to do is really understand where they're at in their transformative journey. And where, ideally, we want them to be where we meet them.

Kinsey Machos:

So for instance, I'll give you an example. I work with women that already are coaches, and they're already getting clients, right? I want them to be a little bit further down the road, when they come to me. And that is the best place for them to be in order for me to best help them. Now, do I attract new coaches? Yes, sometimes we have to turn them away just again, based on sort of the perfect match of us versus them. But also, sometimes there's just a culture fit or an energy match that bear that tells us that, okay, there may be a newer coach, right, but they have that character fit that's going to help them or that's going to support them in getting the best results. They can. But I can help, right, I can help all coaches at all stages, but my zone of genius, my brilliance is best utilized. For somebody that is a little bit further along in their journey. I want you to ask, where is my best brilliants utilize? Again, you can probably help a lot of people I hear this all the time from coaches, right? Well, I can help everybody. Well, there's a lot of different variation of the types of clients that come to me, some of them are just getting started. Some of them are, you know, already doing the thing, etc, etc. Yes, yes. And as visionaries as creators, I think you are always finding solutions to people's problems. And that's one of your biggest advantages. But this does not serve you well, when you're really marketing and selling, write a high end offer to somebody that is ready for right now, for you to really grow to profitability, those high income, high revenue, high impact months. So how far along in our journey now, again, this, I'll apply this to the health space, right? If you are a health coach, and your vast brilliance is utilized, when somebody has already tried many diets, they're focused on losing weight, they read the books, and so they have a general understanding of health, right? They understand the calories, they understand macros, whatever that looks like. So they're starting to get context, or they have a general context. But they haven't quite figured out what their perfect solution is. And that's where you can come in, right and helping kind of get to that next level, versus somebody that has just had the awareness that they want to lose weight, and they haven't really started to explore what that looks like for them yet, right. So that's a difference of somebody that's a little bit further along versus somebody that is not, it's also just dependent on where your brilliance is best utilized. But I will say that if you can really target somebody that is further along in their journey, right, we can meet them there. And it can be a better energetic match. Okay. Second question that you can ask yourself in order to really attract, right, that higher quality lead for your offer? Is this. What are they already investing in, in order to solve the problem that you can help them solve right question like this? Who is already investing? And what are they investing in? So going back to the example of the health coach, working with somebody a little bit further along, if we already know right there, maybe they invested in a program around the Atkins diet or maybe they're already investing in some sort of trainer at the gym. We know that they are already trying to solve the problem that you help them solve. There are already investing time, money, energy to get results. This is the difference between somebody that says they want results, but they're not willing to put the work in, versus somebody that yes, they want results in. Also, they're willing to invest time willing to invest energy and effort in order to get results. A lot of times you're targeting people that again, say they want something, but aren't actually willing to go the distance. And so this may even show up, maybe you do get people to buy something from you, but they're not showing up for coaching calls are not really doing the work. They're blaming you, as the coach for their lack of results. That's super exhausting to work with people like that. And so if you can really think about who is already investing in what they're investing in, this gives you clarity on that type of person. But it also gives you lots of angles to draw from, in order to really think about, okay, there, if I know that they're already trying these certain things, I can leverage those things to show them why my solution is better, more, a better fit for them, etc. And you get to really leverage your, the offer of your value, or sorry, the, the value of your offer, in order to do so. And this is really, really advantageous for you, because it's not that you're like shaming people or shaming other solutions, but rather thinking about how can I show knowing that this is what they're trying already? How can I show why my thing is going to help them. And it really helps you start to think creatively out of the box, and really show more value demonstrate more value to your ideal clients, specifically, that higher caliber client. Now, number three, and I think this really ties everything together. But the last question you can really ask yourself in order to really think about who your premium client is the one that's going to invest is this. How are they demonstrating whether or not they have a growth mindset versus a fixed mindset, right? This goes along the lines of somebody that is willing to do the work versus somebody that is not people that say they want something, but they're actually not willing to go after it. And really thinking about in regards to your specific ideal client, what are things that they're doing, that qualifies them, right, quote, unquote, qualifies them as somebody that has a growth mindset. And this is kind of going to, it's going to help you like zoom out a little bit, right, it's more than just your specific problem or solution. It's more about who they are, what they value in life, what they want, it's somebody that is like going for big in their life, right, whether that means wanting more time with their family cutting back at work, they don't want to just lose weight, but they just want to feel good in their body, they want more energy to keep up with their kids. If you think about the things that those people value, right, that's a growth mindset, versus somebody that's fixed, it's really, really linear, they only see right, the problems that are right in front of them, and really don't have more of that bigger picture view of who they want to become or what they want for their lives. Again, this isn't to shame anyone, or to say, one is necessarily better than the other. But when it comes to you, right and you selling and marketing to somebody that is ready for your offer, this is a huge thing. And when you can really zone in on that variation of your client, what they're doing the the values they hold, and you speak to them and also right show them that you match a lot of those values. This is going to attract such a higher caliber lead write for me to say just I'm going to get you to a million dollars and help you you know, sell out your offer etc, etc. Might be compelling to a lot of people that just like are so fantasize by 1 million. But when I can come to the space and say I'm going to help you get to a million without sacrificing the life that you have with your family and really unleashing right your fullest brilliance, so that this really carries over into all areas of your life. So you can thrive and show up as a prison mom and really give back to your marriage, that is going to be a more compelling message, right than just sort of this flat linear thing. That doesn't really go the distance. So those are really theory like I love asking myself I continuously always asking myself before I write copy before I create new offers. Anytime I'm coming to this podcast, right? I'm thinking about who needs to hear this and where are they at in their journey? What qualifies them as sort of a growth minded person and how are they already trying to solve this problem? This is like so good. If you could just journal on this for a little bit and bring more of this into your all areas of your marketing and selling you will find that you are going to start like becoming a match for the best best type of clients. So I hope you enjoyed this message. I will see you next week. Hey you, thank you so much for listening. It's an honor to be able to pour into the hearts and minds of like minded entrepreneurs all over the world. But my most favorite part is being able to connect with you in real life. 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