
April 6, 2023

Bringing Board Games Back To Family Time with Steven Lentz

Are board games too old to play? Board games are not just for post-thanksgiving, reunions or just for occasions, it is a game for families to play. Why is it important to take back board games to our family time? How can fami...
March 30, 2023

Krushing It In Youth Leadership with Kathy Farley

We often see our kids with these devices in front of their faces all the time. We are worried that they might lose interest in a lot of other important things because of this. Parents, it is now more vital than ever to get ou...
March 23, 2023

Bullying Stops Here with Suzanne Jean

Bullying is very rampant in our society. Unfortunately, it has been part of schools for many years. Getting our kids bullied is something that we are really worried about. We all know its danger - it can tear our kids apart. ...
March 16, 2023

Courageous Conversations with Elizabeth Bennett

There’s a lot of things going on with the lives of our teenagers - physically, emotionally, socially and psychologically. This is a crucial time to have a conversation with them, and know what’s going on with their lives. How...
March 9, 2023

Parents Make the Best Advocates with Dr Rolanda Fabien

Parents who have children with special needs, oftentimes don't know where to go when they need support. Where can parents of children with special needs find support for their child and for themselves? Why is it important to ...
Feb. 23, 2023

Three Ultimate Strategies to Calm the Stress Storm in Your Home with Dr. Anne Katona Linn

There's a lot of judgement when kids have behavioral problems. We can’t always expect kids to respond in a senseful way. Most of the time, a kid's initial reaction is crying, freaking out or panicking, especially when they’re...
Feb. 16, 2023

Peace of Mind Blueprint with Susan Brown

Death is one of the big taboo things people never like to talk about, on the contrary, it is something that we SHOULD be talking about! We’re not here forever. Just like how we should be prepared for the birth of our child, w...
Jan. 26, 2023

How Parents With Different Cultures And Values Can Learn To Work Together with Figs O’Sullivan

Every parent grew up in a different family culture. We have different opinions and values on how we will raise our kids. Our parenting style may differ from our spouse. So, how can parents with different values and styles lea...
Jan. 19, 2023

Getting Your Kids To Talk To You with Jackie Bailey

A lot of kids felt like they were being silenced and they’re unheard - making them feel unimportant. These are just some of the reasons why parents are struggling about getting their kids to talk to them. We want to feel conn...
Jan. 12, 2023

Help for Grieving Parents and Children with Angela Alexander

Are you grieving over the death of your child? No parent in this world is prepared for their child’s death. They never expect to outlive their children. They’re looking forward to those days when their children reach their dr...
Jan. 2, 2023

Modern Dadhood with Adam Flaherty and Marc Checket

There’s a sea of mom’s podcasts out there, but just a handful for dads. Our dads also need support. They need a place where they can celebrate the exciting and rewarding things about having kids and about being dads. They als...
Dec. 29, 2022

Stressless Education with Russ Hanush

Supporting the kids in getting to school is one of the parents’ struggles. “How am I going to support my kids, when I am not very good at it myself?” - some parents ask. Are you having a hard time teaching your kids? You may ...
Dec. 26, 2022

Helping Kids Navigate Divorce: Control Your Ego with Monica Ramirez

Destroying the other one is a big mistake many parents make when they divorce. Talking negatively about someone whom your kids love, will cause them a lot of confusion, and will affect their future relationships. So, how can ...
Dec. 22, 2022

Transforming Tension To Connection with Klara Sedlacek

Kids most of the time are messy, loud and obnoxious, but that's just who they are. We want to stay positive and be gentle, but our expectations on our children as well as on ourselves, becomes our biggest clash. How can we no...
Dec. 19, 2022

Protecting Your Children Before ,During & Long After Divorce with Rosalind Sedacca

A lot of marriages have fallen apart, leading to separation and divorce. Divorce is always tough. It dramatically affects everyone in the family, especially the children. Co-parenting doesn't end when the divorce ends, it jus...
Dec. 15, 2022

Be A Legendary Dad with Kevin Williams

It is so important to recognize the impact husbands and fathers have on their wives and on their children. There's a lot of pressure on Dads, considering the weight of their responsibilities in the family. Dads deserve a comm...
Dec. 12, 2022

Raising Kids Without Raising your Voice with Rachel Duffy

Every parent wants a deep connection with their children while guiding them through life. But sometimes we felt like we can’t get that connection, it seems like kids aren’t listening. We try to bottle up everything, then sudd...
Dec. 8, 2022

Healthy Habits At Home Through Behavior Change with Sartre Jean-Gilles

Sometimes our fitness gets left behind because of those crazy busy days. The thought of going to the gym on certain days a week is very overwhelming. But healthy habits and fitness should not be the last on our list. It is so...
Dec. 5, 2022

Getting Your Kids College Ready with Shellee Howard

Parents, college planning is not just about picking a good school, choosing a course and then forcing your child into it. It's about helping your child figure out their core values, their gifts and their talents. That is the ...
Dec. 1, 2022

Why Must You Teach Your Child About Grief And Loss with Shirley Thiessen

Death and loss is inevitable. As soon as our kids are old enough to love, to have an attachment to something or someone, they will grieve and mourn for those losses. When is the best time to talk about grief and loss to our k...
Nov. 28, 2022

Teaching Self-Esteem and Confidence To Kids Through Martial Arts with Raja Vaidya

Because of the negativities that are happening in our society including bullying, raising a kid with confidence and self-esteem is very challenging, but it shouldn’t be overlooked - it’s where our kids start to explode their ...
Nov. 24, 2022

Helping Children Discover Their Gifts: Their Inner Wisdom and Personal Power with Eva Goulette

Kids are such spiritual beings. They have the gifts within that may not yet be discovered. How can we help our kids discover their gifts, connect to their inner wisdom and master their personal power within? Why is it importa...
Nov. 21, 2022

Stop Being The Last One On Your List Moms with Tiffiny Roper

Moms usually make themselves last, and sometimes take off themselves from their to-do list. How can you give your kids your all, if you don’t have the energy, if you always make yourself last? Moms, it is taking off your suns...
Nov. 17, 2022

How to Heal the Trauma Beneath Your Anxiety, Depression and Chronic Pain with Greg Wieting

Is it possible for us to raise healthy kids, but we haven't dealt with our own trauma yet? Does this make us bad? No. We all have wounds, and we’re all doing our best to regulate ourselves so we could not impart the trauma to...