Myrony Musings with Saylor Cooper and how he is bringing “Hope Without Sight” as a Podcaster, Writer and Speaker

As you will hear, Alysha met Saylor Cooper thanks to a last-minute invite to Puerto Vallarta for a podcasting retreat was how they met in November 2022. Alysha knew Saylor was meant to share his amazing and also quite divinely myronic story through both her compilation book “Got Myrony? Life is Good Book 1” coming out next year and podcast. However, this episode is also extremely special because this is the first “Myrony Musings” since Alysha became the incredible nonprofit, SHARING’s first Brand Ambassador. So, in the series “Myrony Musings” she also has SHARING as a guest co-host and this time, the Founder, Dr. Theodis Gamet of SHARING (which stands for Sending Hope And Rebuilding Into National Goals) joins her with Saylor and wow do they have a lot of myronies they all share together!! They also explain to Saylor how to make passive income with the help of SHARING to help fulfill his God-given purpose of bringing hope and bliss to the world as a motivational speaker/author which Alysha and Theodis both agreed Saylor is meant to be one of the next SHARING Brand Ambassadors as another platform for Saylor to share his message and can’t wait for that to come to fruition!!
Alysha now has her weekly workshop, “Myrony Money with SHARING” every Wednesday at 12pm PST and the Zoom Link is You can also join a live SHARING overview event with Dr. Gamet and his wife and Managing Director, Dr. Amy, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5pm PST on the same Zoom Link to learn how to make multiple passive income streams as a SHARING Advocate/Ambassador also.
About the Guests: (bio, personal links, resource links)
Please add the shorter bio Saylor uses when he is a Podcast Guest
Dr Theodis Gamet’s background spans includes expertise in such areas as communications, marketing, business and finance. A veteran of both Gulf Wars, Dr Gamet served as a Marine specializing in Logistics and Communications. Dr Gamet also received his doctorate in Ministry and Divinity. His commitment to serving all people culminated in the creation of his nonprofit, SHARING, a 508 (c)(1)(a) spiritual and humanitarian organization. SHARING provides free education in financial literacy, business creation, technology, health, and humanitarianism.
To connect with Dr. Gamet please visit
About the Host:
Alysha Myronuk is the creator of the concept myrony (my+irony) which are the crazy coincidences that happen in life we can’t explain…it’s also another word for sign/synchronicity. Myrony is slightly different because it’s synchronicity in motion since it’s up to us to pay attention to the coincidences or signs but also “listen” to the intuitive pull we all get which Alysha believe is our greatest superpower!
Alysha’s strong spiritual connection and tenacity is what helped her through some very dark days. However, it’s actually thanks to those days that allowed her to connect to her superpower that she calls her “Spiritual Spidey Sense”. She now shares her new concept hosting “That’s Myrony” Podcast.
To learn more about “That’s Myrony” Podcast or to follow on Social Media:
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