“Behind the Mic” with fellow Podcaster, Dan McPherson of “Dreams Are Real” and hear how he wants to impact 1M Women and Creatives achieve their dreams as a Calm and Clarity Coach

Alysha is so excited to have her new series Myrony “Behind the Mic” where she brings back past podcast guests so to have her dear friend and fellow Podcaster, Dan McPherson be her second in this series is such a treat because they haven’t recorded anything together since 2020!! Alysha felt Dan’s incredible interview from Ep. 24 really needed to be shared again but with a twist so after Alysha became the incredible nonprofit, SHARING’s first Brand Ambassador, she also has SHARING as a guest co-host and this time, the Founder, Dr. Theodis Gamet of SHARING (which stands for Sending Hope And Rebuilding Into National Goals) joins her with Dan to hear Dan’s incredible past episode and what’s happened in the past almost 3 years in his life and wow what is shared is just chock full with myronies!! One of this biggest changes is how Dan has moved into being a Calm and Clarity Coach which Alysha cannot agree more is the best title for him!! So what is that exactly? Well check out this episode to find out and also check out Dan’s incredible Podcast “Dreams Are Real” :)
Alysha now has her weekly workshop, “Myrony Money with SHARING” every Wednesday at 12pm PST and the Zoom Link is www.shareconomy.info. You can also join a live SHARING overview event with Dr. Gamet and his wife and Managing Director, Dr. Amy, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5pm PST on the same Zoom Link www.shareconomy.info to learn how to make multiple passive income streams as a SHARING Advocate/Ambassador also.
About the Guest: (bio, personal links, resource links)
Dan McPherson is a Calm and Clarity Coach, Professional Speaker and Podcast Host, World-Class Trainer, and the CEO of Leaders must Lead. He’s on a mission to help Creatives and Entrepreneurs build profit and believe Dream ARE Real. With 25+ years in corporate roles responsible for up to 2k people and more than $150M in revenue, Dan is a recognized expert in leadership, sales and business strategy.
To connect with Dan McPherson and also hear his podcast “Dreams Are Real” check out www.linktr.ee/LeadersMustLead
About the Guest Co-Host:
Dr Theodis Gamet’s background spans includes expertise in such areas as communications, marketing, business and finance. A veteran of both Gulf Wars, Dr Gamet served as a Marine specializing in Logistics and Communications. Dr Gamet also received his doctorate in Ministry and Divinity. His commitment to serving all people culminated in the creation of his nonprofit, SHARING, a 508 (c)(1)(a) spiritual and humanitarian organization. SHARING provides free education in financial literacy, business creation, technology, health, and humanitarianism.
To connect with Dr. Gamet please visit www.GodGoesWithYou.com
About the Host:
Alysha Myronuk is the creator of the concept myrony (my+irony) which are the crazy coincidences that happen in life we can’t explain…it’s also another word for sign/synchronicity. Myrony is slightly different because it’s synchronicity in motion since it’s up to us to pay attention to the coincidences or signs but also “listen” to the intuitive pull we all get which Alysha believe is our greatest superpower!
Alysha’s strong spiritual connection and tenacity is what helped her through some very dark days. However, it’s actually thanks to those days that allowed her to connect to her superpower that she calls her “Spiritual Spidey Sense”. She now shares her new concept hosting “That’s Myrony” Podcast.
To learn more about “That’s Myrony” Podcast or to follow on Social Media:
Website: www.ThatsMyrony.com
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