Jan. 31, 2008

EP018: Interview with Google’s Avinash Kaushik

EP018: Interview with Google’s Avinash Kaushik

10 Golden Rules Internet Marketing Podcast Episode 18 Google’s Amazing Analytics Evangelist Avinash Kaushik Author of Analytics: An Hour A Day, Winner of the Blog or Podcast-of-the-Week Jaffe Juice Episode 100, from Jaffe Juice 88 e-Strategy’s David Erickson, Larry Port with the Joke-of-the-week, Song-of-the-Week Alice Cooper Live at Montreux ‘No More Mr. Nice Guy’.

Please call in our K7 call-in line 206-888-6606

Coming next week:

Interview with Craig’s List (http://www.CraigsList.com ) Founder Craig Newmark!

Call-Ins and emails: Craig Newmark (00:00) http://www.craigslist.com

Upcoming Speaking Events

Feb 12 – Ten Golden Rules of Internet Marketing – How To Use The Internet To Market to the World, Costa Rica

Feb 21 – FDMA – Internet Marketing: Returning the Most for You, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Feb 22 – SFIMA Search Engine Marketing Workshop, Miramar, FL

Feb 23 – Ten Golden Rules of Internet Marketing Boot Camp, Las Vegas

Joke of the Week Larry Port (05:37)

Lorna Paxson Happy Tails Spa Grooming Products (06:37)

Natalie Gelman Audio Bumper (10:20)

American Marketing Association Bootcamp Live Q & A (11:21)

Live-From-the-Blog: (21:53)

Blog or Podcast of the Week (31:00)

Congratulations to Jaffe Juice Podcast #100

Conversation with Avinah Kaushik Google’s Analytics Evangelist and Occam’s Razor Blog and Author of Analytics an Hour a Day. (35:23)

Song of The Week – Alice Cooper Live “No More Mr. Nice Guy”


Coming up next week:

Interview with CraigsList.com (http://www.CraigsList.com) Founder Craig Newmark!

Call-Ins and emails:

Craig Newmark (00:00)  http://www.craigslist.com

Joke of the Week Larry Port  (05:37)  http://rocketmatter.com

Lorna Paxson Happy Tails Spa Grooming Products (06:37)

Commission Junction


A Best Web

Affiliate Summit Trade Show

Natalie Gelman Audio Bumper (10:20)

American Marketing Association Bootcamp Live Q & A 11:21

American Marketing Association

Jon Gluck from Take 5 Solutions

Leslie DeCruise Stratiation Associates

Mark – 3DLearner.com

Guru – http://www.guru.com

eLance http://www.elance.com

Live-From-the-Blog: (21:53)

Michael – Cable Internet usage

Jeff – iPhone Google maps for Mobile location Google.com/gmm

Margie – Your Online Friends are your Reputation – Building Your Personal Brand Online

Kathryn – LinkedIn Thread is SEO an art or a science?

Anthony – M-Commerce Mobile Shopping Yahoo and T-Mobile Jupiter Research

Susan – Social Book Marking del.icio.us

Blog or Podcast of the Week (31:00)

Congratulations to Joseph Jaffe on Jaffe Juice Podcast #100 for being our Blog or Podcast of the Week! Audio from Show #88 featuring David Erickson from e-Strategy and the Minneapolis Bridge Collapse

Conversation with Avinah Kaushik Google’s Analytics Evangelist and Occam’s Razor Blog and Author of Analytics an Hour a Day. (35:23)

Google Analytics

Bounce Rate – What percent of people see only 1 page on your site and exit immediately ‘I came I puked I left’

90:10 Rule – If you have $1,000 to spend on analytics spend $100 on the tool and $900 on the people

The Trinity Model – Don’t just focus on the numbers focus on the business

1. Click stream Analysis

2. Outcome Metrics and Analysis

3. Experience Analysis (What are you thinking? what are trying to do?)

Survey Monkey (www.surveymonkey.com)

The Greatest Survey Questions

Why are you here  (on this website) – what was your primary purpose?

Were you able to complete your task?

If you were not able to complete your task – why not?

What Avinsash reads and tools he uses for productivity:

Guy Kawasaki ‘Don’t Worry be Crappy’

Ted Talks

Mitch Joel Blog

Seth Godin’s Blog


BlogDesk – Blog Writing tool

WordPress – ‘The greatest blog platform in the world’ pingbacks, trackbacks, open platform with plug ins for SEO internal search etc.

‘If you have a website it truly is a crime against humanity not to have an analytics tool, it is your duty to listen to your customers

Song of The Week (58:53)

Alice Cooper Live at Montreaux  “No More Mr. Nice Guy”

Please share Comments and call in at 206-888-6606 or email us at podcast@10goldenrules.com.
