Dec. 3, 2007

EP016: Interviews with Google Engineer Matt Cutts, Link Building Expert Todd Malicoat & DMOZ Co-founder Chris Tolles

EP016: Interviews with Google Engineer Matt Cutts, Link Building Expert Todd Malicoat & DMOZ Co-founder Chris Tolles

Episode 16 Google Engineer Matt Cutts, Link building expert Todd Malicoat, DMOZ Co-founder Chris Tolles, The Top 10 New Product Launches of 2007, Podcast-of-the-week, please call our K7 line 206-888-6606



The Ten Golden Rules of Personal Branding by Jay Berkowitz, Special to Rohit Bhargava’s Influential Internet Marketing Blog

Ultimate Marketing BookStore

Featuring Live interviews from WebMasterWorld’s Pubcon 2007 in Las Vegas including:

  • Google’s Matt Cutts on Website hooks, subdirectories vs. subdomains, building links and link reputation, Defense of the Black Hat Arts, how to stay up on search engine marketing news
  • Linkbait expert Todd Malicoat on link building, link begging and link buying
  • Internet Hall of Famer Chris Tolles co-founder of The Open Directory Project and his new project

Schneider PR’s Top Ten Product Launches of 2007

Tips for creating Squidoo lenses

How you know if you’re a web old timer

The Beijing Olympics

Facebook Integration


Song-of-the-week PJ Develin Tears don’t last 4 eva

Please call in questions and comments to our K7 call-in line 206-888-6606.

Ten Golden Rules of Internet Marketing Podcast Call-Ins

Len Edgerly – Audio Podchronicals

Amanda Mooney and Amanda Gravel

The Top Ten Product Launches of 2007

Robin Heppell Funeral Home Management Consulting

Amazing Interviews on This Show!

Pubcon 2007 WebmasterWorld Recordings

Google Engineer Matt Cutts

Internet Hall of Famer – Chris Tolles Co-Founder The Open Directory Project / DMOZ


Website hooks, link reputation, Hidden Text Penalties, Gmail Videos, How can I rank number 1 on Google searches, Deep content, building links and reputation, sub domains vs. sub directories, optimizing press releases, acronym soup, drunk black hats, defense of the black hat arts, drinking contests, Google Reader, Drag and drop feeds, search feeds

Todd Malicoat

Link Baiting, Link Begging, Link Buying, Link Borrowing,

Free and paid Tools




spider simulation tool

Chris Tolles

Lookout on Outlook

Techmeme Gabe Rivera

John Battelle’s Searchblog

Dave Winer’s Blog

Live From the Blog

Susan’s Tips on Squidoo

Matt Cutts Video on Snippets

Podcast of the Week

Congratulations to Hugh McGuire and Librivox who just released their 1000th free public domain audio book recording. LibriVox volunteers record chapters of books in the public domain and release the audio files back onto the net. Our goal is to make all public domain books available as free audio books. Incidentally many of these books are available for reading online at

Live Q&A Session PubCon 2007 WebmasterWorld Podcasting and Podcast Optimization

Podsafe Music Network


Power Gramo

Song of The Week

PJ Devlin “Tears Don’t Last 4 eva”